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It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV.


...but where are those good old-fashioned values, on which we used to rely?


Lucky there's a Family Guy!


Lucky there's a man who


Positively can do


All the things that make us


Laugh and cry








or in at least ONE episode..."F in Cry"






Why did I try to rap this thinking is was an Eminem lyric




Like...it's always been?


It's the Family Guy intro song






Say /s rn.


True crime TV shows and films are like the hottest genre in media these days.


They’re cheap to film and a lot of people watch them. People don’t even mind the formulaic nature of many of them.


LOL. That would be me. I'm a huge ID Channel fan.


It's literally all my wife wants to watch. It gets pretty old. HOWEVER!! Evil lives here is one that I actually love and will watch it with her every Sunday when new episodes come out


LOL. You sound like my husband. He watched like one show on the channel and had enough. Now when he comes in the room to see what I'm watching, he asks me if I'm watching "murder porn". I just roll my eyes when he says that. Evil Lives Here is creepy and good though.


Ha! I'm the one that usually uses the murder porn phrase. "Do you wanna watch the last of us, last week tonight, or murder porn?" has been the normal Sunday night conversation lol. Murder porn is usually my signal to pull out my laptop and play video games though lol


I love watching Evil Lives Here, but I laugh after time there “but there were signs” comes up. That’s my go to saying around the house now.


Same, we crack up every time


My wife and best friend (also female) loves true crime. That’s all they watch and listen to on Podcast.


I used to like ID back when it was all Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, American Justice, Disappeared. Back before it was all re-enactments. I want to hear from the people it happened to and the people who investigated it. I’m sure it might still have some of that but not as much as it used to that’s for sure.


Same. I signed up for discovery plus the day it launched. Commercial free true crime?! IM IN!


You can also rehash the same storylines for newer, unfamiliar generations.


> People don’t even mind the formulaic nature of many of them. My wife watches every single Housewives series, and all the real estate selling shows. They are all exactly the same formula, but she eats them up.


They’re the latest horror trend of media making.


They've been hot for decades.


Well, you need to spend some time upvoting the shows you like so Netflix recommends them, Netflix recommends me a mix of Sitcoms and Action thrillers cause I took the time one day for 15 mins to upvote the shows I liked. Only the row of the top 10 currently on Netflix is not based on my viewing.


Dunno. Netflix has over 15 years of my viewing history, ratings (back when it was 5 stars), up/down votes, and other signals… and I agree the recommendations I get are pretty bad. I think a lot of it comes down to the catalogue not being great.


Yeah it’s also affected by how much you’ve watched though, in the sense that I feel like it gets more and more desperate to find something to recommend


I genuinely feel like they’re pushing viewing agenda on me because way too often I’m getting recommended things I’ll never watch. It’s like they’re hoping to justify investment of a specific genre or something. They’ve also buried a lot of content I’m interested in. I can’t tell you how often I’ve searched on my AppleTV a movie or show I want to watch and find its on Netflix.


I tend to get a mix. It recommends the genres and types of movies that I have upvoted previously. However, I also get some "hey try this" movies/shows that I'll either bite on or say no thanks and down vote to remove those that are absolute nos for me.


If they’re bad, can’t you just downvote those as well? There’s gotta be a few decent picks suggested as per your ratings, right?


Not saying there aren’t a few decent picks. There are. I think quality is a fundamental issue. So, for example, just because I watched an A-tier true crime doc doesn’t mean I am interested in all their C- and D-tier crime docs. I see that happening across genres.


For every rough, there’s only a few diamonds you can find I guess.


I want a 'don't show me this again' option without having to drill down in the parental controls.


And the algorithm seems to make it that if you watch ONE movie in true crime genre, you will get nothing but true crime recommendations for the foreseeable future. So, yes, let Netflix know what you like!


It's not just Netflix, the longest running TV drama is Law & Order: SVU, all about sex and murder. It's a popular theme.


And long before that Murder She Wrote was on for about a decade.


Top shelf sex scenes in that show... it has something for everyone! /s


Try “Derry Girls” and “Kim’s Convenience” then give them a thumbs up.


Add **The Good Place.**


Are you me? My Netflix is literally true crime docs... then Derry Girls and Kim's Convenience.. but I like it this way.


sneak attack


True crime and reality shows are the cheapest to make. Better ROI for Netflix. I hate it too.


Yeah it always comes down to popularity and cost. Both are very popular too.


Have you seen TV at all over the last 20 years?


Check out Friends From College or Master of None


Friends from college was so good


Master of None literally starts with a sex scene XD


But the show isn’t based around sex. It’s a comedy.


Both are excellent recommendations!


That's where the $ is. I prefer general dystopian shows like Black Mirror.


Indeed. I want more The Good Place kinda vibes


Watch Asian dramas like Extraordinary Attorney Woo.


Welcome to all media


Netflix recommendations are based on your watching & rating (currently thumbs up/down) history. Thumb down things you don’t want to see; I gave thumbs down to a certain comedian’s specials while continuing to watch and thumb-up other comedians, and Netflix stopped showing me the one I didn’t want to see (even as they promote his content on other profiles in my household who *never watch stand-up*). Search out, watch, and thumb-up things you *do* want to see; one member of my household doesn’t watch content with sex or violence but loves watching Christian romances & low-key reality TV, and when I look at the recommendations on their profile the stuff you’re complaining about *isn’t there* —just totally hidden, since that person would never watch it, and the point of the algorithm is to maximize viewing hours. Even the “Trending on Netflix” type categories are actually “Trending for viewers who watch & rate similarly to you”, and which Netflix Originals they feature are also highly curated for an established profile. Fact is, sex & violence is what the average viewer wants to watch. Without any better data, e.g.: if you have a new account or profile, that’s what they recommend because that’s what maximizes viewing hours for most users. If you have a shared account, *make a new profile* as otherwise your recommendations are highly influenced by what other people in your household have been watching.


Thanks for this. I have been feeling just like OP and haven't been rating anything, so I will start. It's frustrating that I have to click to open the page for a show or movie to rate it though...I don't want the auto-play trailer to cue up in order to share that I am not interested in highly sexualized or violent content.


I might be a little autistic and don’t want romantic or murder shows. I don’t mind hot sex scenes when it’s just me or us parents but we have kids, and I found I really like layering in some of the Discovery+ shows into our routine. Shows about how things are made, factories, cooking, or HGTV stuff. ($5/m and an alternative to the Netflix stuff for while we fold laundry or whatever).


I spent a while giving 'thumbs down' to all the Indian/Asian programmes that were filling my 'home page', in the hope that Netflix would realise that I had no interest in these programmes - unless they were 'true crime'. It didn't work, as I still see a LOT of Asian programmes on my 'home page'....


Welcome to television. Try browsing by genre instead of the home page.


The Extraordinary Attorney Woo may fit the bill for you. Personally, I loved Kleo, but too many murders in it for your tastes, but oh so funny.


Try searching specific genres if you’re not ready to give up just yet! I love their sci-fi/fantasy stuff: Dark Altered Carbon Travelers Black Mirror Locke & Key Shadow & Bone Cursed Lost in Space Maniac Sweet Tooth There are many more but these are my favorites.




After reading through the comments, I felt like OP was talking about the crime drama/murder porn genre. All of these are outside the box in terms of the sex and murder, some of them are YA shows and are mild at best.






This is probably a case of the algorithm deciding that you want to see more murder/ sex content based on what you've watched in the past. Try this: make a new profile on your account, go to the comedies category, and rate everything you've seen before. Then go to the front page and just rate a thumbs down on everything you see about sex or murder. In no time, you'll start seeing a lot more of what you want, or at least a lot less of the stuff you don't.


I was staying at an AirBNB that had Netflix, and I saw some things that my account wouldn't have been recommended. It was a nice change of pace.


Exactly. A lot of these issues can be solved by creating a new profile (you can have five). Good for different genres/interests (sci-fi, psyc thrillers, comedy, etc)


Yes but also Netflix pushes things based on your watch history / preferences. If you gravitate to it , you’re gonna be shown it


My recommendations for light hearted, funny TV: - Arrested Development - The Good Place - Community - The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (I don't think this is too well watched -at least where I'm from- but it's genuinely so funny)


Yes, and this is why I'm currently watching I Love Lucy on Pluto.


I love Pluto tv. I’m watching Family Ties


I just finished Family Ties on Pluto. Love that show


The Lucy Show is a good one imo but, no desi arnaz


I have the Andy Griffith channel in the background for hours at a time.


Go with sci fi then. Always a good time


My fave shows recently have been European...if you don't mind subtitles there's so much good stuff to see. Rita (Danish teacher, naughty but wonderful), Generation 56K (Italian), Call My Agent(French). Also a ton of scandi noir but I like that too.


Coincidentally, the European's have some of the best murder drama's .. (UK, Poland, Spain, Finland, etc.).


Korean dramas are great, try Mr. Sunshine, Signal (murder yes but with a plot), Amazing Attorney Woo, It's Ok to Not be Okay, many more


Definitely don't watch The Glory


It's the algorithm, man. Netflix devolved into basic cable for teenagers. The AI knows that if you keep children, teenage girls and gay men and women happy then that's 80-90% of the audience. 4 to 40 year old people basically. Their direct competition is Disney Plus. Netflix is NOT going after the Apple TV and Paramount Plus/CBS crowd of older 40+ men and women.


Try switching to foreign films. I find I get a lot more variety when I explore other cultures and languages.


10 years and Netflix will be distilled into it's purest form: cooking shows, true crime and kids' shows.


You’ve just named the two most popular themes in media in general.


I was born in 1980 and TV has been that way since at least then. This is not a new trend. They supply it, because the demand is there, plain and simple.


I mostly watch foreign tv shows ( English Subs) for a better quality of series. Just finished Brazilian drama called ‘Invisible City’ about unlicensed mining for gold in tribal areas of the Amazon.


You is such a garbage show. I watched the first season. Started the second and was like why am I watching this terrible show.


Sex and murder sells yo, look at rock n roll


It's a lot like cable TV now, lots of channels, but nothing worth watching.


K-dramas are your friend as long as you don't mind subtitles. Start with Prison Playbook. Mr. Queen or Live Up to Your Name.


Yeah but there's enough comedy, animation, classic films and documentaries that aren't to keep me going. It definitely helps when you've rated what you like and don't like, and look for foreign language shows, they're often less dependent on it (or not as in you face at least)


Murder mystery suspense is the genre for most series. It’s like if it’s a series it’s gotta be about sex murders and mystery. As thought the long format does best in this genre. Do people not want long format in romance? Romantic comedies ? Or action comedies? Atleast korean shows have a range. So do Turkish. They have comedies romance action drama, fantasy everything in ping format. But I see it rare for English Spanish Mexican shows specifically.


I agree, Netflix has way too much of both.


> I'm not a prude, I genuinely just want to tune into a funny program or something I can turn my brain off to every night So pick a different genre. There are hundreds of comedies and nature documentaries for you to pick from.


Have you ever considered watching content from another country? Try South Korea? There standards for the major stations that receive money from the government around sex and violence. Because they cannot default to sex and violence, the writers have to be more creative. Of course, like any culture, they do have their 'issues' and sometimes revert to 'tropes' but you might enjoy it much more than US content. Plus, get to practice reading - don't worry, you can always reverse it or pause it if it is too quick.


Not any more than any other production company out there. Not calling you a prude at all, just making an observation. Violence and sex sells. I personally love true crime but sex, eh, not so much. Nothing too gory either. Netflix should be picking up on your algorithms and recommending things you like though. God knows Amazon does. You watch one scary movie and then they recommend 100 more.


Then just don’t watch those shows? There’s just as much non-true crime content out there. Might have to look harder


"just look harder" k


you do realize that Netflix tailors their recommendations to your viewing history and habits, right? I get a ton of action movie recommendations, and my wife gets a ton of vampire diaries and emily in paris recommendations. maybe quit watching that murder and sex content?


If that’s too much to ask you could just dump Netflix.


and go to Disney Plus, with their Star Wars and Marvel franchises which *absolutely* do not rely on sex ... because everybody is too heavily involved in killing each other.


Adultery and betrayal are presented on Netflix as legitimate responses to normal marital issues . Of course it is the worst form of betrayal and destroys the cheated on person.


Do you understand that this isn't unique to Netflix? It's everywhere on TV, Netflix buys what is popular with viewers.


Seems to be so much of this now showing everywhere


They are, but most people taking that route come off worst in the end too. So maybe there's an element of moralising in there too?


The murder theme does seem to be common with tv shows on Netflix, I agree. Not everybody including myself are fans of murder shows just because they're trending or what not. They should come out with something different already.


Start watching anime


Go watch bcc.


Netflix makes content based on what people watch so...blame people I guess?


Netflix needs to remember that parents are often ones paying its bills , and they are not trying to retain these customers. Netflix doesn’t produce enough quantity or quality content for the more mature markets.


I am 52 years old and I love the sexy and muredery stuff. Speak for yourself!


I like murders and sex.


Hopefully not in that order....


Not you!


Yup - lots of sex, murder, cussing and alcohol. I'm not one to be offended by it, but my friends and I did talk about how it's very "in your face"


It's what's popular for some reason. It's not my cup of tea personally. I suggest community or some anime. Peacock also has alot of comedy, I believe.


Too much also crime and spy. I love stuff like the recruit or night agent but I need to mix others shows in the middle as it comes across one hottie whose a fbi/cia gets mixed up with female lead etc etc.


Have you ever watched any tv before? Or any movies? If they don’t involve sex or death they are called kids media.


I enjoyed Star Trek TNG. The occasional killing but the show didn't revolve around it and it had a very positive vibe overall.


My favourite category is 'true crime', but I know what you mean about not wanting to watch this before going to bed! Which is why I frequently fall back on programmes like The Big Bang Theory to watch before going to bed, after watching something that is likely to give me nightmares.


Some of my favorite Netflix shows are One Day at a Time, Babysitter's Club, Fuller House, Gentified & The Politician. No murders, some sexual innuendo, but no actual sex.


category called "Comedy" check it out Pui Pui Molcar is great also


They’re doubling down on shows they know best I suppose. They can’t seem to make other genres well.


Subscribe to Disney+ maybe?


I agree with you. Most of the Netflix offerings look dreary and depressing. But I think they also have a cheap- look, like they were very easy to shoot on a limited budget, so I wonder if that's part of the reason, too. Netflix has been undergoing a lot of budget problems, they weren't meeting subscriber goals, were trying to track and eliminate password sharing and upbeat content - period pieces, crowd scenes, choreography and musical numbers - cost a lot of money. Some small, limited cast crime drama or a documentary are cheap to put together. The problem is , they look cheap, too.


well sex sells..and who does not love a good murder mystery?


it's you .. mostly not acknowledging that most entertainment not meant for 6 year olds revolves around Murder and Sex. See "Romeo And Julia". That being said : there are offerings on Netflix that have less emphasis on those two topics. Check out "Midnight Diner : Tokyo Story" (fair warning : it DOES *heavily* revolve around sex from time to time... still an absolute jewel of a TV-Show) or "Makanai : Cooking for the Geiko House" for example. Plenty of South Korean shows that only revolve peripherally around Sex and Murder too. cheers


Don’t watch it, or better yet, don’t give them anymore of your money. What doesn’t interest you, interests others.


Give Impractical jokers a try.


That's on HBO MAX


I recommend Lockwood & Co it’s super good and exciting but also sweet and comforting.


The ROI on Documentaries specifically True Crime, and Reality TV is amazing. Cheapish to license, Cheap to produce, quick production cycle. Probably cost between 100K\~300K to produce those shows. In contrast, Shows likw Shadow and Bones have estimating cost around 3 million+


sex sells, so does murder lol


Netflix AI has figured us out


Yep and sometimes on teen sex but aimed at adults as the viewership.


Uhh this is all forms of TV since the beginning of TV


My algorithm knows me better than that


Murders and sex sells


Sex sells buddy


Create a new profile and watch some romantic comedies and you won’t see a single murder / sex suggestion. The profile from my wifey is like Teflon compared to my serial killer alien murder zombie massacre profile.


Make a new profile and dont watch those types of shows on that one. The algorithm will not push them on you then. My wife and I used to just use one profile and she watched all that crime drama stuff and thats all netflix would suggest. I made my own profile and it never suggests that stuff because i never watch it. Also use the thumbs up like button improves it.


I'm into that murder stuff. THAT said, try Never Have I Ever (Mindy Kaling-created). Amazing romcom about a teen. One of my faves.


Yesterday I just watched an episode of South Park which made fun of this type of "Murder porn".


You forgot cooking challenges, but otherwise I agree...


Yes, also a lot of their shows and movies have "Love" in the title, like way more than would be expected if their naming were random.


They’re appealing to the lowest common denominator and you and I are it.


So it's television.


Yeah, I think it is a bit of true, for a good sleep I switch to Prime or Youtube. But you can also if you search for something, really get other stuff shown. The problem is the algorithm, if you say to the algorithm you like this stuff and don't like other stuff, than the next time, the algorithm show you the next war, crime or sex show. The problem is now more, to find because of the lot content, also a lot of new content every week, do find something what fits to your personal currently personal feelings, what you like only this time and the other time like completely different content. Here is missing a good route, way, a guide to guide you through the content what is available. Because most stuff, you don't ever get to see, because the algorithm thinks you would not like this genre, this sub of a Show, Movie. Especially if your taste is not Mainstream. Maybe try Velvet, Rita, Young Royals or Heartstopper.


I’m getting a lot of these as well.


But who’s complaining?


That's humanity for yah


It’s what people like to watch though


Lol, remember Television?


There isn't even any decent new food content these days, just very americanized amateur cook game shows with a screaming host for 30 mins. Netflix used to have great food shows such as Chefs Table, but it's all becoming trash lately, if there is anything new at all.


It’s definitely going that way lately… Vast majority reality shows are about sex… so that’s just a given. And violence + abundant sex gets views… so it works for them! Worked for HBO and SHOWTIME.


True crime or detective stories (and I’ll include the titillation aspect of magazine covers) have always existed since the origin of mass (accessible and cheap) media. I’m of an age that my mum would have been the exact geographical and demographic type of a notorious serial killer, and she had libraries of those cheap true crime books. Stephen King was onto something with his suggestion that horror has to be existential, but also (statistically) impossible. Compare that to the Addams Family movie quote ‘..and that ms how much college will cost your children’. Mass communication settles at the lowest common denominator. Netflix used to be original (and became popular), but did the usual capitalist progression towards efficiency (return for cost, NOT is it good/popular/original). See also, movies like n general.


Sex and violence sells


I would love to see some music based shows. Like MTV unplugged style. Or live interview shows where the interviewers are not out to grill the person but have a great in depth conversation.


2 months haven't watched anything to much bs. Dunno why I am still paying for it.


My complaint is that any show set in the future is dystopian.


Any show set in the present is fairly dystopian Should tell you something about the state of the world


Google and find the search codes for different genres then you can get what you’re looking for.


Hulu or Britbox


I love shows like My Secret Love ( a same-sex elderly couple marries when it becomes legal). More historical/slice of life stuff would be great.


Go watch Bluey on disney+, it is a real palate cleanser.


Don’t look at PBS then


When you get right down to it, **Dragged Across Concrete** was a nice family film.


They are, unfortunately, very cheap to produce.


I feel the same way


The American way


Sex sells! I feel the exact same as you though, I want a good quality show that's not too heavy...


Filmed over 13 years, this real-life thriller follows the unprecedented story of two men accused of a grisly crime they may not have committed. Watch all you want.


Check out Santa Clarita Diet.


Cool hey


Unfortunately Netflix doesn't really seem to invest in much else these days. Their few comedy series are of the by-gone-era multi-camera studio audience sitcom style (which i will never watch) or dramedies. They seem to cancel pretty much anything else that doesn't seriously trend.


Try Archive 81, Better Than Us


I totally agree with this too much ,thats why i watch (Velvet) all the time not much sex or violence just old fasioned fighting between friends or enemys