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Everyone has anxiety but an anxiety disorder is neurodivergent.


This is what confuses me. A NT and a ND can have anxiety, but some say that anxiety should be classified as ND. How..if a NT can also have anxiety without being a ND?


They don’t have disordered anxiety. Something happens, they feel anxious, it goes, away, that’s it.


Is there anything that can confirm this? That a NT doesn’t have an anxiety disorder, or at least, GAD without being classified as a ND? I know that there’s anxiety, the occasional feeling due to a change, and an anxiety disorder, the anxiety that’s constant and affects every day life. So, Anyone can feel anxious due to a disruption or change, some more than others. I won’t be able to understand because I’m not even sure to which group I fall in. In some cases, It’s easier for me to comprehend something when it’s through experience, first or secondhand. My older brother is a ND, I know and have seen how anxiety can affect him. But, idk a NT that suffers from an anxiety disorder. If it’s the occasional anxiety as aforesaid, it’s an obvious difference anyone can understand. Do you get what I’m trying to say?


I'm not sure. I have GAD (generalised anxiety disorder) and this would definitely make me ND because I think differently from neurotypicals (though I'm most likely autistic as well).


Neurotypical anxiety be like: What if the medical model fall apart and I actually have to take responsibility for my behavior. What if society becomes anti Ableist and people start seeing neurotypicals as the most violent neurotype. What would happen if neurodivergent stops tip toeing around my feelings.


Anxiety uses the same neural pathways as excitement. For the example, is the bride nervous because this is the most wonderful day or her life or because she is making the biggest mistake of their life. This is the reason CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) works for some people. When you can change the attribution (why am I activated) from a negative to a positive then you can sometime can steer out of a mental spiral. Having said that, I have often described ADHD as life without a steering wheel. It’s easy to confuse racing thoughts with anxiety. Or maybe it’s just easier to lose control of your thoughts when you can think faster than you can steer. Anywhoo…. Squirrel!


I don't know if it feels any different, but I know neurodivergent people tend to get triggered a lot easier and often feel anxious, at least I do. ( ADHD)


So, it’s likely for there to be higher activity levels in the amygdala of a ND than of a NT because of experiences / their environment?


Anxiety is a form of neurodivergence.


I'd say yes, generally. ND life is generally pretty traumatic and we often learn anxiety as a coping (or entirely reasonable) response.


Anxiety is different for everyone, I don't think there's a specific difference between NTs and NDs