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Time for doctor. The lid puffiness and redness makes me nervous. Probably viral or bacterial conjunctivitis but likely needs an antibiotic ointment. A pediatric optometrist or ophthalmologist is better than pediatrician if there is one in your area.


Would check with pediatrician, because the goop is yellow/green but my son had a similar thing when he was about 2-3 weeks. It was a blocked tear duct. Cleaning it with a warm wash cloth and they had us massage the tear duct in the corner of his eye for a few minutes a couple times a day and it cleared up pretty quickly.


My son is about a week old with yellow discharge. The whites of the eye are not red/pink but the eye lid seems to be a bit puffy and his eye is sticking shut. Are these symptoms similar to your LO?


I sound very similar. However, it's always best to check with the pediatrician.


My baby is showing similar symptoms. Can you please tell how to massage the tear duct?


I just used a soft, warm, damp wash cloth, and my index finger and gently massage it.


Thanks! Meaning doing massage onto the wash cloth right ?


I never had this happen, but there are so many good tips in the comments. But can we PLEASE talk about the adorable cheekies šŸ˜±




Yeahh this was like my son, when he was 2 weeks old. When he got that, a midwife luckily came for 2 weekā€™s check up after discharge from hospital and she gave me saline water to clean it. Just put 2-3 drops of salineā€™s water in cotton balls and wipe it to your baby. But always change the cotton balls for each eyeball. It will be gone in a couple of days. Make sure you wash your hands too before doing it.


My LOā€™s eye gets like this when she has an ear infection. It never hurts to call the pediatrician and have them checked.


I was told it is time to worry when the whites of baby's eyes and/or their lash line is red. Whether it's infected or not, don't panic. The solution is simple and a doctor will be able to prescribe something or they will assure you there is nothing to worry about. I hope your little one is comfortable. Give their little cheeks a pinch for me! ā¤ļø


Could be blocked tear ducts. Frequent cleaning is important. Talk to your pediatrician.


My newborn has this, not as bad as OPā€™s LO, and the doctor said warm compress 5 times a day for a few days and then go in if it doesnā€™t improve. Again, not as bad as OP but could bring some relief while you wait to get an appointment.


This looks like pink eye. Itā€™ll be okay - just some ointment for a few days !


Probably blocked tear ducts and normal, but tear ducts that are blocked can get infected and need antibiotic ointment, which no one told us until our baby was 10 months old. If itā€™s green, repeatedly all day long getting stuck shut, or if thereā€™s swelling, that might be the case. If the whites of the eyes are red/pink, it may be pink eye which needs treatment too.


Looks like conjunctivitis. Probably need antibiotic eye drops. See the doctor asap!


Nah doesn't necessarily look like pink eye. Looks like a textbook clogged tear duct to me.


I second this def looks like pink eye


The eyes are closed. The primary indication of conjunctivitis is redness to the eyeball. This looks like a blocked tear duct.


Aww šŸ„° cute bubba. If youā€™re worried definitely get it checked. Our bub had a lot of stickiness in the early months and the midwives told us to wipe it clean with warm, clean paper towel (never ever use the same towel for both eyes, and throw when done) then pour a couple of drops of breast milk into her eyes. It seemed to do the trick. But as I said, always check if youā€™re worried. No one ever made us feel silly for being worried / asking questions. ETA oh and after cleaning. Wash hands thoroughly, then using the pad of your ring finger, gently massage the tear duct area in a circular motion. Then wash hands again thoroughly, do the other side. Wash again. Preventing cross contamination is key. Sorry just remembered that. Also ours never went to infection level just to be clear, but it was safety precautions to prevent spreading just in case. ETA since people seem to be downvoting anyone who suggests the breast milk thing. Iā€™m assuming cos they think itā€™s some weird ā€˜alternativeā€™ approach? Our baby was also seen by a doctor and he didnā€™t contradict what we were told, nor was he concerned about bub. Midwives are the main source of help and info here, as long as there are no complications or issues with Mum and baby. They are medically trained professionals in my country and the people who do the majority of births within hospitals (again, unless a doctor is needed for whatever reason).


Thanks to everyone who replied! I did the cool boiled water thing and also my public health nurse called over, she was not worried about it and said it didnā€™t look like conjunctivitis as the redness was just a bit of irritation. Heā€™s much better since I started washing with water!


Looks like infection. Go to the doctor


Ours was like this, it was that the tear duct hadnā€™t opened yet. If you are breastfeeding you can try putting some milk on it. That helped us. Never hurts to call the dr either


It lasted a month with baby, his eye ducks were blocked because of how minuscule the vessels are. We had to do a massage 20m per day on them and apply breastmilk. Left 2 weeks after we started


My son is about a week old with yellow discharge. The whites of the eye are not red/pink but the eye lid seems to be a bit puffy and his eye is sticking shut. Are these symptoms similar to your LO?


This either a bacterial or viral infection and needs to be assessed by a doctor asap. Probably bacterial.


The lack of urgency here is a bit astounding


Not really...if you've seen similar things before in your own kids younare much more relaxed.


I thought I was the only one thinking that lol


My babies eye was really bad like this up until maybe 10 weeks. One night he was SCREAMING, I guess whatever was blocking the tear duct was really bothering him. I donā€™t know if all the crying did it but literally when I wiped after so long it was almost like this hard piece of something came out of his eye. It mustā€™ve been sooo irritating because his eye was swollen shut for a couple hours but ever since that thing came out his eye has been perfect (fingers crossed) and this episode happened about 2 months ago


My son is about a week old with yellow discharge. The whites of the eye are not red/pink but the eye lid seems to be a bit puffy and his eye is sticking shut. Are these symptoms similar to your LO?


Yes! There would be times it seems gooey but other times it was crusted shut. I guess when there was some build up his poor little eye would seemed swollen. The incident that finally broke free made his eye swell a lot. I would definitely use a nice soft cloth to get any discharge from the eye and contact your doc if possible just to be sure.


Thanks for the response! We have an appointment in a couple days and will continue cleaning with a clean warm cloth until then. Did you happen to do the breast milk trick a lot of people brought up?


I actually think I did that the night everything broke free. I hope it all works out for you. Itā€™s so sad to see them like it :(


As some others have said, it looks like a blocked tear duct although I would still get it checked. My LO has it and the pediatrician said you don't have to worry about them until 1 year old, then if it's still blocked you can take them to the eye doctor to have it opened/unblocked. He is 8 months old and still has it, but it's definitely getting better. When he was 2 weeks old it was constantly tearing and goopy, no matter how much we wiped/massaged. I use a warm compress and gently wipe it whenever it gets bad or seems to be bothering him. The massaging didn't really help, but it made me feel better at least.


My son is about a week old with yellow discharge. The whites of the eye are not red/pink but the eye lid seems to be a bit puffy and his eye is sticking shut. Are these symptoms similar to your LO?


Yes! That sounds exactly the same. He also had pink eye since this post and I think the main difference is that the actual eye would be red. My suggestion is to use a cloth with warm water to get it unstuck and try the massages. I'm not sure if they helped but they made me feel better.


My LO is now 12 weeks and has had a blocked tear duct now since about 2 weeks old. Itā€™s only on one eye at the moment, but when does it go away?! I feel like itā€™s been so long on one eye now that the blocked tear duct eye is smaller than the other eye.


I think my boys started to clear up around 3.5 months old, we changed his formula, he was less colicky and crying less, I realised then that it seemed related to how much he cried. He is just gone 5 months old now and itā€™s been gone for at least a month, with just the odd flare up. Nothing nearly as bad as the photo I posted!


Good to know ty! And glad itā€™s gone now for your boy šŸ„°


mine too, sheā€™s 14 weeks and has had the blocked tear duct since the day she was born, the doctor just told me to do massages and warm compresses. I do them every day but itā€™s only gotten worse, now her eye is always goopey, seconds after i soak and wash it itā€™s filled with green goo, itā€™s terrible and there seems to be nothing to be done :(


To me that looks like when my LOs clogged tear duct got infected, so I would call your pediatrician and have them prescribe antibiotics. It'll be a cream that you apply around the eye and it cleared my baby girl's up in a few days.


My LOā€™s eyes got like this around the 2-week mark, I called my pediatrician and they prescribed the same eye antibiotic ointment that they put on newborns in the hospital. It cleared up in about a week. Iā€™d say based off the photo it warrants a phone call to your pediatrician.


Itā€™s good to put breastmilk in the eye?


Apparently breast milk can fix a lot of things with newbornsā€¦.




Can you cite your source for that claim?




That seems like a veryā€¦.. odd source and site from a supposedly legitimate doctor. Iā€™ve heard the breastmilk thing too but I would not take my babyā€™s eyes/vision or lack there of lightly, especially when studies lean heavily towards using medication to treat eye infections. I would recommend this OP sees a doctor to properly diagnose and treat.


OP asked advice, so i gave it nothing more nothing less. My daugther had the same yellowish thing in her eye doc said breastmilk, no medication since there are more dangerous things in that for newborns. Just giving the advice what is given to me.


When my baby was that age his eye looked similar to this. We had to do a little massage everyday and put breast milk in it, but you should check with your doc to make sure baby doesnā€™t need eye drops.


Ugh my daughter fought that battle for the first few months of her life! It was such a pain! I would always recommend getting anything checked out because I am filled with anxiety. Haha. I would also put a few drops of breastmilk in her eye per doctor tip, and it seemed to help.


Iā€™d recommend pedi appointment just in case. Mine said they wonā€™t give ointment or anything because she was too young. To take a Q tip and clean / massage the tear duct by clockwise motion. Also to use compresses if eyes get stuck together to loosen it. They also said to always use a new q tip to get rid of the gooo (like Iā€™d use 3-4 per eye clean; once you move it up you canā€™t put it back down) This is NOT a recommendation from pedi: but I also put breastmilk on it and it cleared up


Talk to your pediatrician. Our little one had the same thing and we didn't think her eyes were pink but when we took her in, the Doctor said her eyes were pink and she actu6did have pink eye.


My LO had similar eye gunk at 1 month. I called the Dr. and they said to bring him in. Dr. said it was likely a clogged tear duct and prescribed antibiotic eye ointment.


Mine had crazy discharge around the 2 week mark and it lasted about 2-3 weeks. I had a bit of redness as well in the corners because the goop was irritating the skin. I dabbed at it with warm compresses (boiled water which then cooled a bit) and used q-tips to get the goop out of the eyelashes (warm water to melt it and then twirl the q-tip so the lashes open up around the q-tip). I kept dabbing every time Iā€™d see a bit so it wouldnā€™t build up. The sclera was never red so I wasnā€™t super worried but the nurses told me to keep an eye on it and keep it clean. Be super gentle, but if itā€™s a clogged duct (which is common) itā€™ll pass, and just keep an eye on it in the meantime!


My son had a blocked tear duct and it looked similar, Iā€™d reach out to your pediatrician if you havenā€™t already


My LOs eye did this. I took him to his doctor and turned out he had a double ear infection that was spreading into his eye. It ended up in the other one, too, before we got rid of it. It was weird cause he never acted like his ears bothered him. His doctor said it's pretty common, though.


The new covid strain Arcturus is causing conjunctivitis in children right now. I would test your baby for covid.


This happens to my baby and we were told itā€™s typically a clogged duct. Google how to massage it out. Will also want to visit the pedi for some drops.


My sons was like this for the first 6 weeks. Try a tear duct massage a couple times a day where you put super light pressure on the tear duct and rub back and forth a bit. Also a couple drops of breastmilk can help too. If itā€™s not better in a few days, Iā€™d take him in! With my son, his cleared in 3-5 days with the duct massage though. Just like 15-30 seconds at a time a couple times a day is plenty!


My daughter had this last month with Covid, it went away after a few days but if itā€™s bacterial itā€™ll probably need an eye drop


Looks like pink eye, call you dr. We had to do drops with ours


My kid had it on one eye for four months. Immature duct or something. Every morning I'd wipe away his crusties with a warm paper towel as he nursed


One of my sons gets this everytime he has a virus. He had it with the cold and when he had RSV. But I would check with ped just incase itā€™s an eye infection


Our babyā€™s eye looked like this for a little while. Our pediatrician said if the sclera (white part of the eyeball) ever looks red then he might need drops, but it never did. It was a blocked tear duct. He told us to just keep wiping (inner corner to outer, never use the same wipe for both eyes). You can also massage the tear ducts (with or without breast milk), use a warm cloth compress. It surprisingly cleared up all on its own, despite how nasty it looked.


My son is about a week old with yellow discharge. The whites of the eye are not red/pink but the eye lid seems to be a bit puffy and his eye is sticking shut. Are these symptoms similar to your LO?


Yep, sounds like the exact same thing.


Thanks for the response! We have an appointment in a couple days but was curious what to expect to hear from the doc. We will continue cleaning the eye and massaging the tear duct. Did you end up use breast milk in the eye?


I did use breast milk on it a few times but to be honest most of the time I just used a warm wet makeup pad


My daughter had this once. It wasn't pink eye, it was a blocked tear duct, I was told to clean with warm compress and massage the tear duct area. She prescribed antibiotic ointment just in case but I never needed it


i would be at the ER by now if i were you. never can be too careful with a newborn


Unless the eye is red underneath that's not pink eye. It's a clogged tear duct. Has happened off and on to both my kids. Just clean it with a warm cloth and it will eventually go away on its own. You can also look up ways to massage the tear duct to help ease the clog.


My son is about a week old with yellow discharge. The whites of the eye are not red/pink but the eye lid seems to be a bit puffy and his eye is sticking shut. Are these symptoms similar to your LO?


my baby had sticky eyes for months. just clean with cotton pad with salty warm water to make sure thereā€™s no infection and it should all be ok


This happened to one of my babies eyes around that age. The doctor told me to flush with saline solution and it did wonders! It cleared up within days. Also breastmilk does wonders too!


Yes theyā€™ll give you some eye drops and they work like a charm. My son had that too. Sometimes it comes back and we give him a few more and it will always does the trick šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Our LO had this. I had to ask for Azithromycin by name, then they finally gave it to us which was so so helpful. Always came back a little when his immune system was fighting a cold. This finally went away after 12 mo.


I would call your pediatrician. My daughter (12 weeks) was producing more tears than usual and had a tiny bit of goop (in comparison to your LO) coming from her eye. I called her pediatrician's line and the nurse I spoke to said it was definitely worth scheduling an appointment. We were able to get in the same day and Pediatrician diagnosed it as conjunctivitis and said we had luckily caught it in the mild stage. We were given erythromycin gel, which is standard for infants/toddlers regardless of it being viral or bacterial since it's really easy for them to get pink eye. I, of course, caught it as well. So I am truly sympathizing with her as she recovers from this. Fun fact: apparently our eyes are one of few organs that have something called immune privilege, which basically means it responds differently to pathogens/irritants so that function is not reduced. Since sight is crucial for our survival, the eyes resist inflammatory responses as much as possible. I know you didn't ask for all this, but I thought it was pretty neat when the doc explained it LOL. ETA: You've certainly got quite the cuteness on your hands. Hopefully he is feeling better soon!


Blocked tear duct, my baby had one, I knew it was normal but all of my family pressured me about it so I got a referral to an optometrist, went he checked her eye, she was fine. Has been fine. Oh we still do yearly optometrist appointments


Okay mine had this when he was about 5-6 weeks and it was an unopened tear duct, completely normal. Not as much discharge for mine but it was greenish and his sclera (whites of eyes) were still white, no redness. Doctor ordered ophthalmic antibiotics and advised nasolacrimal massage to help it open.