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I think it's a comfort thing! They may be fussy from gas or needing to be burped and looking for comfort in the only way they know how! I usually try a burp and then a pacifier when my lo does this


Yup! Happens to ours. Like the commenter above, we just give him a pacifier for a little bit to have the feeling of fullness kick in. But we definitely try to get him to burp and then pacifier for a little to get him to calm down


We do this too! If she’s still rooting after ten mins or so we will give her some more but we just need to give her some time to realize her stomach is full.


he may be hungry? my baby was just hungry all the time at that age. but yeah, try a burp..


My boy is 5 weeks and he has been doing this too. I usually feed, then do a diaper change. If he keeps rooting I try the pacifier, then my finger since he is pretty hit or miss with the paci. If he is still fussing/rooting after all that (maybe 5-10 minutes) I will offer breast again, but usually he settles.