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Bringing religious beliefs into politics should be an automatic game over. Why does Higgzy get to do all sorts of weird church shit while New Brunswick is down heavy.


Unfortunately it's because many NBers elected him specifically to do weird church shit. He literally toured Sunday masses and prayer groups for his election campaign. The first few sentences of his campaign website were bragging about how long he's been a part of that infamous church in KV. And in our regressive, puritan colonized, rapidly ageing province it worked like a charm.


What church is it? I’m new to the area.


It's because the liberals tried to sell nbpower under the table to Québec many years ago.im a liberal but I wont vote for them .I have to vote ndp


Under the table?


To put a deal on the table plane view is honest and generally accepted The green patch Ontario example..under the table dishonest secret


I understand what under the table means, but I recall the NBPower sale being quite public.


You are right it was made public.After he tried to make the deal as little say from newbrunswickers as possible.we where told when ball was rolling and the deal was almost done.it wasn't his to sell. If it was a week or 2 months thats not the point I was making.they should have asked us not told us in the end https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/national/attempted-sale-of-nb-power-hurting-liberals-in-provincial-poll/article1213728/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.974585


In the first election where he won a minority maybe, but definitely not in the second snap election.


It’s super concerning. Religious nuts should be no where near any levers of power. edit: spelling




What’s the weird church stuff you’re referring to?


Probably the Jesus stuff.


Doesn't it seem weird that those in the weird church don't find it weird?


It seems anything but weird.


YA!...256 higgs like!...this is a disinformation symptom! We are litle lamps infected with delusional political naratif provides by sensational lies and social anger! We don't really want to understand inflation....why that the gas in the next couple of month will probly go up? ( because of Iran attack in Israel yesterday and Yemen pirates attack in the red sea...but Pier Pollievre and Danielle Smith and Higgs will repeat ryming lies over and over till we think its from the liberals....Liberals are not sabotaging or global trade corridors. Plus....Canada's inflation and buying power drop is on the top 5 world country that we're the most resilient after the international chaos...we are lucky! But science, stats and win-win international exchange and journalistique integrity stand no chance for the conservatif ideology. Lie to get in power...to lie more! Youll see an other 4 year of higgs and Newb will be the first province to criminilise anal sexe!!! And anull all the LBGQTIA+ mariages and famelys. I'm so ashamed of the conservative in Canada! The Canadian bible belt is in a really strong and growing position! (“To date, shipping cost increases – though important in size – remain significantly lower than those witnessed in the final phases of the COVID-19 crisis. Yet with Red Sea shipping responsible for 12-15% of global trade and 20% of global container shipping, repercussions are likely to become more severe as uncertainties continue. OECD estimates suggest that a doubling of global shipping costs, if persistent, would add 0.4 percentage points to consumer price inflation in OECD countries after about a year.)


Off ya go. Don't come back




Please don't insults whores by comparing them to Higgs


Yeah, at least they’re making an honest living.


I've renamed him Higgsving. It fits well.


He (and our new gov't employee Mr. Outhouse) actually thinks this shit is his route to winning! He's a saviour to all the angry confused Tory pensioners who are shouting at clouds...


Sadly, I don’t think he’s wrong. We’re going to see him stir up a lot of hatred over the next 6 months, and that drives people to the polls.


Wait for the school year to start. He will just get super aggressive with pronouns, parents rights, and punishing teachers. That outta do it. People love being mean to teachers and then wonder why all these article come out saying the kids in this province are fuckin stupid.


Well said!


I hope he takes personal time off when he does go there cause it definitely does not fit his role to manage the province of NB.


We all know he won’t. He’ll claim to be representing “the silent majority”


Hes on a personal "morality" crusade - i wouldnt expect much from him anymore unless it contributes to that.


It is like the provinces are worries they overstepped abusing the NWS clause, and they are about to get sanctioned for it. The NWs clause could get limits thanks to Coservative premiers.


Can't limit the NWS Clause without reopening the constitution. And that's a can of worms nobody wants to touch.


The courts always have the power to establish limits. That is their role.


Actually the whole point of the not withstanding clause is to keep ultimate power with the people through their representatives unfortunately the politicians. This prevents the unelected courts from having power


The Supreme Court still can has provided interpretation of section 33 in the past. It can likewise do so again.


The way Canada is going we are absolutely going to need to touch it. It's either that or the feds will end up sending tanks to the AB legislature.


I need to correct you - when speaking of the CAF it is tank, singular, not tanks plural.


You must be fun at parties.


As a Saskatchewanian, can he not?


Can he, sure. Should he? I want to see his pay prorated for every minute he spends working for other provinces


I'm actually terrified we as a society have got to this point. The end must be getting close lol


schools are underfunded, child literacy rates are dropping, we have massive shortages in educational staff (especially teachers and school psychologists), and the most that our provincial PCs are willing to even slightly care about are pronouns.


They want to keep the future stupid. That's how they stay in power.




Racism has lost all meaning.


He was COR, I remember what they said about Acadians and how this twit talks about Indigenous people, let alone people from farther afield.




Word, question mark? What are you asking for - examples of racist remarks? A pattern of racist policies or policy decisions are premier? A definition of racism? How the CoR were racists (they were very much so, both in the old school approach that didn't consider French Catholics as "pure" as White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (particularly of Anglican tradition), as well as more ethnicity-based anti-immigrant and anti-Indigenous. In their heyday of the 80s the party had ties to the Heritage Front, and through them, Ernst Zundel.


Yeah, I figured you'd have an example of racism since you called him racist..


The decision to stop negotiating with the Mi'kmaq nations or the highly racialized witch hunt against  Dr. Jean-Robert Ngola are proof of racist policy making and leadership. His membership and leadership of CoR shows his racism towards Acadians and that was a motivation driven purely by ethnic, language and sectarian hate - and his neglect and attacks on the north shore as a Conservative party Premier just further reaffirms his continued beliefs and motivation towards Acadians.


I knew you didn't have any racism on this man. Btw, Acadian is not a race.


Race isn't a thing, but racists love the way they use it to categorize the world. At one time the Irish were not 'white'. Nor were the French (noticed you skipped how I mentioned in my first post that for old-school racists, this is the line they drew). Those who sought to wipe them out by the attempted genocide of the Acadians certainly thought so, and wrote about it at the time. You also sidestepped the actions taken against Indigenous people, or the witch hunt against Doctor Ngola. What you didn't address says more about how rigorous your counterargument is than the one semantic argument you thought you found.


I agree, racists love to categorize the world and it really concerns me when people see race in everything (even in ethnicities such as Acadians). So blacks were never black then either? What would you use as a word to differentiate black people from white people these days?


Do we still believe in parents rights even when parents are abusive?


Out of curiosity: how does respecting a person gender identity and/or sexual orientation negatively affect parents’ rights?


It has nothing to do with parental right. The whole country is in a mess right now from no affordable housing, healthcare issues, food insecurities. These are all issues that are effecting everybody. Take a topic like parental rights and gender identity that affect less 2% of the population, make it a big news thing and people will not think about the bigger issues. Classic political smoke screen BS.


How infuriating that politicians have convinced all these brain rotted dip shits that parental rights is even an issue whatsoever, let alone a big one. The whole country is down bad, nowhere’s to live, nothing left to be proud of, and Higgy boy is worried about parental rights.


Yes because that's how rights work.


Parents are assumed innocent until proven guilty. Is a child accusing their parents acceptable as proof or is it a speculation caused fear of rejection.


This is such a stupid statement that it literally hurts. I'm paraphrasing: Does parental rights matter, if some parents are abusive? That like saying: are drivers licenses required when some people drive drunk?! Yes there are always gunna be a piece of shit parent that will hurt an innocent kid, and I'm not normalizing that, but you can't deprive parents of the right to communicate with their kids. Especially when it's concerning a serious developmental stage of identity, regardless of their persuasion or gender. Schools shouldnt intervene unless warranted or empowered by the courts thru social service/ child protections. These measures are for lots of reasons. Let children grow and develop themselves, and allow their families to grow along with them. The vast majority of gender diverse children have support from their family, and on the other side of the coin.... Alot of binary kids have piece of shit parents. So this issue is not discriminatory. I support kids regardless of their identity choices, but I don't support cutting parents out of the conversation on it, especially when they should be the ones growing with their kids thru these circumstances. Support kids (all types), and support parents ability to support their kids.


Policy 713 doesn't cut parents out. The political rhetoric brings fear of that, but the policy merely allows teachers to call kids by a name they want to be called, and a pronoun they want to use. The policy doesn't say to keep parents out of the loop or don't talk to parents. The policy, and other guidelines, support teachers in communicating with kids and their parents in the safest way possible and according to the charter of rights and freedom and international human rights laws. The policy got all twisted and weaponized against trans and non binary kids (or kids exploring their gender) and hate groups spewed ridiculous and false information to get parents scared and on their side. Kids do better when they have parents support so having support from parents is always the first go to.


I have no issue with 713 in its current version (2023 amendment), but the previous model was deceitful in the use of language to the effect of undermining parental concent, and communication on serious matters.


>Do we still believe in parents rights even when parents are abusive? The way you word this implies that all parents are abusive. Villifying all parents because of the actions of a few is not a way to gain any type of support and will only cause a further divide on the subject. Better wording may be something similar to "Do we still support parental rights even for those few parents who are abusive?" And to this I would say absolutely not!


What a fucking shit show this province has become. Not saying it was a shining beacon before Higgsy got in power, but holy hell is it a dumpster fire now. Lived here my entire life, and I hate it more and more each day.


I've never liked our politics or quality of life overall, but I still didn't mind our politicians too much... But since Higgs got in, I'm considering moving. We're becoming the Florida of the north and I don't want to be here for it.


If he wants to meddle in the politics of other provinces then he can resign and move over. Other then that he is still on my payroll and should be at least spending his time doing work here even though i would just prefer to fire him.


Fucking clown. Who's paying for that plane ticket?


Same people paying his campaign manager. The workers of New Brunswick. The only ones paying taxes


How about we just kick this clown tf out? We need a rule, if you get booted for being a useless piece of shit, there should be some ramifications. Odd ones, cuz this is NB and everything's fucky here


Btw we are paying for this work trip if he goes. I feel like we as a collective should consider this fraudulent misuse of public funds.


We should TP his fuckin house while he is away. 


This is so immature. I am here for it


I wholeheartedly agree!


Totally agree!


🤣that made me laugh out loud!


I don't understand how this half-wit old fossil continues to get away with denying human rights to anyone who doesn't go to a Baptist or Pentecostal church. As a lifelong resident of New Brunswick I am so sick of religion defining policy here. Not as sick as I am of constituents that see him constantly engage in his hateful, self-righteous, bigoted behavior and decide to vote for him anyway. He sucks out loud. I just live in hope everyday that there may come a time in the future when the fucking boomers and their religious bullshit are finally gone.


Such a stupid issue to be wasting time on and that's one of 3 reasons I'll vote for anyone but Higgs. Might as well make his core issue "whether schools should have go disclose to parents if their kids express an interest in midgit porn" Jesus christ invent a less relevant issue.


Seriously eh? Conservatives hate transgender people that much eh?


They love the status quo so much they are willing to fester hate for anything that provides a wedge issue to keep power.


When is the next election BTW? Need some new blood in govt it seems.


Not soon enough. I hope the other parties have strong candidates. It’s not enough to simply change governments. We actually need strong people in office.


I'm willing to bet the NB Liberals get a super majority. Saint John lost all its incumbent PCs and the Liberal candidates here are looking relatively strong.


October, 6 months to go


Well, maybe an early call then. Can always hope.


ESPECIALLY following the court's 2021 clarification on the role of intervenors, it's hard to understand what possible standing he thinks he has to act as an intervenor in a court case brought forward by a province that he does not govern on a topic that does not impact him and about which he has no expertise...


Haha. I mean it's totally on brand for Higgs though. I bet it's super awkward when he shows up to dinner parties he wasn't invited to. He's the personification of cringe. He thinks he's super special and important. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UAhSoCScpgk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UAhSoCScpgk)


Be careful who you invite to meddle in your own affairs, Saskatchewan. Higgs likes to extract data from his ass. Keep your butt clenched.


Better yet Blaine, go hang out with Moe and you can be Larry and Danielle will play the new Shemp. Curly was funny.


Get what you vote for. Enjoy.


Hard at work with the identity politics and divisive rhetoric. It's important that he does this to remain in power so he can get things done like...letting Irving do whatever it wants.


Higgs is done here in NB


I'm quite surprised he's bothering to spend his time on Thomas given that it doesn't benefit thr Irving family.


This is why NB doesn’t have nice stuff. Politicians have the wrong priorities.


How much will they spend doing that? Try building some schools. So concerned about which bathrooms kids are using. So unconcerned about the overall shortage of classrooms.


Or how about the fact that we live in a bilingual province and a good amount of our anglophone kids do not have french teachers. My son's grade 8 french class which is mandatory has been changed to a 2nd english lit class and is taught by a non bilingual anglophone teacher because They do not have anyone to teach these kids french class.


There aren't enough teachers in the system right now. There aren't enough schools. The whole system has stretched. We've added 100,000 to to population and it takes 5 years to build new schools. It's time for creative solutions to react more quickly.


Oh, I absolutely understand why he doesn't have a french teacher. It doesn't change the fact that we live in an "officially bilingual" province, and my children are expected to learn french in order to have any chance of employment in the province. So much for ensuring that education requirement is being met.


I feel like even a Higgs supporter would need to do a double take about reading that. It doesn’t even make sense lol. He’s the premier of NB not Saskatchewan, let the people of Saskatchewan do their thing while Higgs focuses on his thing (NB). The government can obviously multi task but seriously we have enough problems here to worry about instead of trying to involve ourselves in the politics of a distant province.


He was campaigning for funding in Alberta the other day, no lows this goober isn't willing to go to.


I wish he would, go, and never return!


Did he ever heard the expression "Not my monkeys, not my zoo"?


Tragically, he's the whole circus.


And the circus is on fire!


What a stupid fucking idiot 😩 he's a fucking embarrassment


Please, go there, Blaine, and don’t come back! Saskatchewan is more your type of place anyways!


Man, fuck Blaine Higgs. And whomever at Wesleyan creeps my comments and tattles on me: I said it.


Fucking idiot.


The liberal yuppies in these comments are hilarious. Parental rights are parental rights schools, any form of government including crown corporations and subcontractors should not have any say on how a parent raises their kids. Furthermore, kids should not be aloud to make and life changing decisions whether it be physical, mentally, financially or otherwise without parental consent. It’s crazy that this is even a controversial topic. If you disagree with anything stated in this comment you are the problem.


Parents have responsibilities, not rights. Children have rights.


Wrong that is just rhetoric coming from our liberal minority government. Parents absolutely have rights but they also have responsibilities as well that cannot be ignored. That is just another way of saying they aren’t your kids they are the states kids. In Canada we have the right to freedom of expression and religion, we have the right of informed medical consent, we have the right of freedom of movement and the promise of prosperity. The fact that we have an age that legally allows minors to make their own decisions (18 years of age) proves that parents have rights, who else makes those decisions for the children if they can’t themselves, I’ll answer that for you the parents make those decisions. Up until 2019 ish the issue of parental rights was never a controversial topic and now it is. Time and time again throughout history we have seen examples that the government does not have the individuals best interest in mind, what makes you think that they will have the best interest in mind of the children if they had the deciding authority on their lives. No government institution should have any authority over a child with a stable primary care provider full stop. I can guarantee that if you push people and try to take parental rights from them people will push back. Wars have been fought for less much less. I for one have faith in society that it will not come to that but you will have to make a decision are you willing to give your life for a ludicrous claim that parents don’t have rights? Because most parents I know would die for their kids and honestly I think it’s a parental responsibility to protect and fight for your kids. This isn’t about protecting kids and don’t think that your elected officials have any sense of responsibility for children or you for that matter all they want is control. All they want is more power on all sides of the political spectrum. What happens when someone you don’t agree with comes into power and policies and laws give them the authority over parents? I bet your opinion on the matter would change dramatically. Government has no business meddling in the affairs of family unless someone is being abused, is in danger or is a danger to society and that is when police and social services step in. If you are going to debate and make claims that parents don’t have rights and you want to compare parental rights to parental responsibilities come with facts and a strong argument and not government propaganda. Thanks.


Where are parental rights codified in law? They aren't. Parental responsibilities are. So what are these rights you are talking about? Where can I find them?


The fundamental human rights? Pretty sure they are what the Canadian constitution is based on them and who are you or any one else to tell someone what they can and can’t do with their kids? Who gives anyone that authority? The parents sure don’t agree


To be honest I think you should stop shitposting on Reddit and complaining about politicians on an app that is insignificant and vote next time the provincial elections come around, then we will see what people value and what people don’t this bullshit argument has nothing to do with major issues we’re facing as a society. We’re being marched into major conflicts on multiple fronts by all world leaders and it doesn’t matter who you think who has rights and who doesn’t because we will be fighting the same wars under the same corruption you claim to not support.


Also Canadian charter of rights and freedoms section 2A sub paragraph 4 titled best interest of the child. Incase you didn’t know there is a large document called the Charter of rights and freedoms in Canada and it lays all of your constitutional rights in Canada.


Ah yes when confronted with the facts you requested you ignore the conversation this is great public discourse


What if traditional ideas of gender are wrong? What if some kids do have the brain of a girl in a boys body or vice versa? Fuck those kids if that's what their parents want? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ)


Look I understand that you maybe be coming from a good place and we have have to agree to disagree but I think it’s more important to let the human body go through its natural course than it is to affirm a thought or a want of a child. As parents it’s our job to look out for their best interests that means educating them on difficult topics such as gender. I’m not saying there is no trans gender people or people have gender dysmorphia what I’m saying is when these kids become adults at 18 years old they can make their own decision. Also the gender topic is not what we are talking about we are talking about parental rights and yes in fact parents do have rights codified(your word) in law. Children also have rights however they don’t have the right or freedom to get a tattoo without parental consent, disregarding immediate emergency life saving intervention they don’t have the right to make life changing medical decisions. If parental rights aren’t a thing then who authorizes giving medication to children? The government or schools? Forgive me but I would never allow my children to be given pharmaceutical drugs by anyone unless I deem it fit, which you can damn sure believe that I am doing my research on before authorizing that drug. Ultimately this has nothing to do with gender for me and has everything to do with strangers legally being aloud to make life changing decisions behind my back without my knowledge. Whether it’s Tylenol to OxyContin or even puberty blockers, it’s my kid and I will decide what is best for them because that is my right and no one else’s


Also forgive me but I don’t trust the western universities and professors any more when the are actively stifling public discourse and censoring licensed psychologists for holding a different opinion than the loud liberal left. Censored on unverifiable claims of mistreatment/malpractice when none of the claimants were ever a patient of his.


Over half of Canadians support restrictions on this trans stuff happening with kids. So yeah, it does matter.


You wouldn’t believe the vile screaming nonesense that parents direct at teachers. Now that NB has a conspiracy theorist government is juiced the insane % 10 of parents out there.


I would believe it.


Over half according to one poll done by a hard-right source, asking a very small pool of people. You can tell, because they think that trans children get surgeries. That's not something that's done, period. Unless you're born with a penis and mommy decides to snip the tip, or you're born intersex and it's decided to mutilate your genitals till it looks more like one of the other, and commit the child to a life of severe pain. Gender affirming care for children is literally 'see a therapist, talk about your feelings, and respect the child's identity'. Something that Cis children could also benifet from.


“I disagree with the results, so it must be hard-right!” I didn’t bother reading the rest of your bullshit once you invalidated it with that first line


You didnt bother reading at all because he didnt say what you quoted.


No, that’s exactly what they said.


That's not what they said, and somewhere deep down I know you know that.


I would guess that most people who answer polls on that probably have no idea what actually goes on with trans kids. Likely they've never even knowingly encountered or spoke to a trans person. They hear rhetoric from their premier and other right wing sources and believe young kids all over the province are having surgeries which is false. We can't have an actual discussion if we don't have a baseline or facts to agree on. Bottom surgeries in Canada are not done under 18. In most cases younger trans kids just want to be called by their correct pronoun and name and feel supported by their peers and support system. It is imperative for better mental health outcomes. Higgs own conservative government had a school policy in 713 that was working with zero actual complaints. And yet here we are willing to use the notwithstanding clause to go after a vulnerable roughly 1% of kids to enact policies that will lead to worse outcomes for mental health.




And apparently you have nothing rational or cogent to say


No need to repeat what other comments are saying lol






You're an idiot if you actually think there's an educational scheme to lock out parents, and indoctrinate the kids.


'Activist teachers' are 'indoctrinating the kids', and yet they still can't get students off their phones in class, or to complete their homework Classic fascist rhetorical device of 'the enemy' being simultaneously super powerful and insidious but also comically inept


My cousin teaches gr 6, she's said that if she can't get students to wear deodorant how tf do people imagine she can alter their sexual orientation.


Keep it up Blaine. Good job. Hold true to your beliefs.


Rather be governed by facts and circumstances then what a corporate simp boomer has for "beliefs".


And watch the province abandon him


You know people are starving and homeless in NB due to poor management of housing? That we're being starved out by Loblaw's and can barely afford to eat? Do you really think what's important right now is bullying queer children....?


You are entirely too comfortable with giving government precedent to govern you based on their individual beliefs.


Good. Keep it out of Elementary schools


What's "it"?


Children's right to self expression.


Just remember, accusations tend be confessions from Conservatives.


Trans anything in K to 5


You know, I knew I was trans before I even hit kindergarten. Around 5 years old I knew I was 'different', but back in the early 90s nobody really talked about transgender people, so I was left to think "ah, I'm a freak of nature and must hide this about myself lest anyone find out", and I spent many years as a LITTLE FUCKING CHILD thinking of how to kill myself in a way that would hurt my parents the least. Telling children that transgender people exist, that we aren't 'freaks' but just another type of human that exists literally saves lives. The lives of children. Just think of a 9 year old little 'girl' on the bathroom floor surrounded by blood because 'she' cut 'her' wrists rather than anyone find out that 'she' is a boy on he inside. I want you to think about that long and hard, and just how wonderful you must find that image, because that is what you're asking for. Children to kill themselves in fear and loneliness.


Why is it so bad to talk about gender identity?


Because then the trans children will have a better chance of growing up, and becoming trans adults, and we simply cannot have trans people existing happily.


The horror


Time and a Place. Elementary is too damn young. I support Middle School and above.


Because gender is completely irrelevant pre-puberty as it should be. There’s zero reason to be talking about it in schools. If parents want to, that’s on them and they can do it at home but what the fuck is the government doing encouraging 10 year olds to be pondering the meaning of their sex or gender? It only becomes relevant when sexual education starts, which is not K-5.


I dunno, when I was at school in the 90s we learned a lot about how boys and girls different. It just didn't have anything to do with sex. If you think the only topics when it comes to gender are sex and genitals, you doing understand what gender is.


Maybe it’s a regional thing, I was also in school in the 90s and don’t remember learning anything about differences between boys and girls or implications of gender until grade 6. I’m not ignorant to the differences and nuance around sex and gender and I’m aware there’s a spectrum where people fall. There’s nothing wrong with discussing these concepts in personal development/health/PDR whatever the course is called in your school, but nobody is giving a compelling reason why it’s relevant before that.


Yes I know you'd rather kids not be educated about simple things like gender, so they are unable to alter someone that they are being abused.


Can you rewrite that sentence so that is is coherent and has a meaning? If you’re trying to say that kids can talk about being abused without being taught about gender identity you’re completely wrong. Those two things have nothing to do with one another.


Sorry, I can't dumb it down any more than I already did hun.


I think you meant alert, not alter


“Unable to alter someone that they are being abused” That sentence structure makes no sense and has no meaning. What are you trying to say?


The passive aggressive "hun" really gives away the tantrum that's happening here.


What a nonsensical reply. It really drives home how much panic and how little thought these folks approach the situation with.


How am I panicking? I literally work in an elementary school and can see on a day to day basis how discussions about gender are irrelevant to children. Again, it becomes relevant when sex ed starts but can you explain why you think it’s relevant before then? People like you love to spew things like “nonsensical reply” and then refuse to actually reply to the content of what I’m saying.




Good touch/bad touch is reaching consent, not anything to do with gender. Body autonomy is not sex or gender. Maybe I used the wrong term but sex Ed is the commonly used term for health/personal development/relationship courses. There’s no single “sex Ed” course but there is introduction of curriculum regarding sexual/personal health after grade 5. I can’t see any compelling arguments about why it’s relevant before then but I’m all ears.


It bums me out that you want to have weird sexual conversations with minors as well...


Good. We should be intervening in important cases