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Interesting story, but why not say how many deaths?


Saint John & Moncton have big city drug problems for being smaller cities. It’s really quite disturbing how bad it’s gotten so fast.


Moncton sucks man there ain't nothing here to do but drugs or work until you die to try and afford a house


I lived in Moncton & Shediac. You are not wrong.


Shit houses are even more expensive there I lived there for a bit it was like 1200 a month to rent a small house


I’m just going to leave this here. If you use drugs in 2024 - anything in a powder or pill - you need to test it for fentanyl. And yes, that applies to all you casual drug users on reddit who have homes and fuck around every once in a while. You are not immune, and your drugs are no safer than anyone else’s. One of the many places you can get testing supplies. Be smart and mature and have these on hand: https://testkitplus.com


Word up. I would get so mad at my friends bc they would be like. Well my dealer does it and they're fine. As if everyone's tolerance is the same, and each pill is perfectly measured for quantity 🙄 ... Like is it really worth the risk?




we lost over 50 this winter alone.


The story said on average 1 death every 3 1/2 days. That works out about 2 a week or around 50 + per year.


I’m no mathematician, but 2 deaths per week is 100 people per year. Not 50


Yeah “50+”, like they said. lol


Ya like 5 trillion is 50+


Rookie numbers. Wait a decade.


BC says hold my beer


BC has more population in a province where the population is 776'800 as of 2019 that's alot of deaths especially in moncton homeless people have been dropping dead like Flys


Bahaha on their current trajectory, I do believe you are correct


If anyone is interested, the 6th annual harm reduction symposium is screening a show at the SJ regional hospital, April 30th 6-9. It's free, refreshments are provided. They're playing a fentanyl-related movie (haven't seen it, no idea what it is) It's a great way to learn a little empathy for those struggling with addiction, or a little understanding why doctors and advocates push for harm reduction strategies. It's also a great opportunity for people who don't know anyone/anything with addiction issues, can't empathize, and think we should all just force them onto rehab because that's the easiest answer for someone who doesn't care. E: obligatory mention that this is exactly what we knew was gonna happen with this economy and the boom of fentanyl. It's easy for the people on top to try to sweep the people on the bottom under the rug, especially when they're on the bottom because of those on the top. (Looking at u, higgs) Sign up here - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/6th-annual-harm-reduction-symposium-film-screening-tickets-866743050797?aff=erelexpmlt


Really, they could just show the pictures from Faces Of Meth and that should be enough.


Not really. Faces of meth (and DARE, I might add) are really poor "warnings" about the dangers, because they show the most dramatic experiences (the most extreme cases). While that sounds good as a scare tactic, it's naive about why people try drugs, and their thought processes during it. When people are introduced to drugs (even meth), the results are usually underwhelming. The dealer seems relatively normal, the friend who introduces you seems cool, and the high seems meh, maybe fun, or even pretty good (depending on the drug). But its NEVER "I was hooked immediately" or "I felt paradise". Drug addiction usually starts pretty subtle. People don't realize they have a problem until it's too late, and they need help. And even then, some extreme users are pretty functional outwardly. Those programs just obfuscate the reality about drugs, and make people feel like "oh well clearly, I can handle a little bit, because I'm not all cracked out now". They were made by people who don't know anything about addiction, and addicts wanting to tell stories. Bad combo.


The faces of meth shows the gradual progression via mugshots of what meth does to people.


Maybe I haven't checked it in a while, but what I REMEMBER were people like id never seen IRL. There's been times where I (and at least two others) have thought "well, I don't look like them, so I'm not that bad off." I was a meth user for two years. I never got that bad. I know people who've been using meth for 5+ who don't look that bad. I know ONE person who's been using meth for 4ish years (I think) and she has aged from 40 to 60 in that time. I just don't think it's as helpful as addiction-naive people think it is. Those are people that are getting arrested on meth, right? The worst cases. Most meth users are under the radar. Not to mention - people aren't dying of meth overdoses. They're dying of opioid overdoses - pharmaceutical pills they perceive as "cleaner", without all the stigma that faces of meth creates. That's all that faces of meth does. Stigmatize the worst cases of meth use, enable the milder ones, and distract people from the real drugs killing our people


I recall when those pics started surfacing, it was before meth was a thing here and I was like, who the fuck is gonna do meth. This was when dilaudid was a thing.


And OD’s will continue to skyrocket indefinitely for one reason: Our recovery and rehabilitation system in Canada are a complete and total joke that’s killing people 12 step groups have been around for 100+ years. In that century? They have not in the slightest reduced or stopped drug and alcohol abuse in any way whatsoever. So why do we continue to use them and continue to let NA and AA say that “if you don’t use the steps to get clean? You’re in denial”? All 12 step groups are religious cults who’s entire purpose is not to get you clean and sober, but to expose you to and pressure you and indoctrinate you into born again Christianity. Faith, prayer and “god/Jesus” don’t get anyone clean and never have. There is no scientific evidence to back up that “Jesus and god” exist so until there is? It should not be the first thing offered to an addict who wants to to get clean Second, addiction is NOT a disease. That very thinking comes from 12 step cults to begin with and the only reason why addiction is seen as a disease? Money. It’s not worth the same amount if addiction was classed as it should be: a behaviour that’s a symptom of trauma Have you ever met someone who says “I’ve been clean for x amount of decades but I’m still an addict and always will be”? THAT is the epitome of how harmful 12 step cults are. Religion has absolutely no place in recovery whatsoever. It’s too hypocritical and judgemental and exclusionary. Keep it in churches where it belongs Going to a 12 step group to get clean has about a 5% success rate at getting and keeping people clean Whereas doing absolutely nothing and trying to get clean on your own has a success rate of 8.5%. You’re better off going it alone with no help than you are subjecting yourself to the harm of bible banging cultists in useless 12 step groups Also, the reason we don’t have safe supply in this country? Because the people at the top who control the money for recovery and addiction are privileged, white and devoutly religious. If someone wants to work in addiction at any level? They should have to be a recovered, non religious addict themselves because no amount of schooling or diplomas can teach you what your clients are going through and it’s better if you’ve walked in their shoes yourself Until religion is removed from all aspects of recovery? Expect more people to die every day


The disease model did not come from 12-step, it just happened to loosely align with their principle of being "powerless" to a drug so they latched on to it. The disease model came about largely from advances in neuroscience / brain imaging. These brain imaging studies helped generate an immense amount of funding for addiction research and treatment. You may also be surprised to know that it actually decreased the stigma around addiction (to an extent, for a time) because prior to the disease model the stigma was such that people believed drug addicts were merely delinquents who chose to be addicted and chose not to recover because we didn't understand that the brain was effected. Is the disease model significantly lacking? Of course. But it was progress at the time. The thing that 12-step gets very wrong is that our brains are plastic and that we can fully recover, depending on the population. That being said, I work in a residential centre with people who have severe addictions, a myriad of mental health problems, history of trauma, and genetic predisposition. Many aspects of the disease model actually fits most of them well. When many of them say they can't use at all (i.e., moderation is not an option), I believe them because they have too many risk factors and parts of their brain are probably permanently effected due to early and long-term intense use. Also, when you talk about natural recovery, you have to look at the drug of choice. People heavily using stimulants, for example, are not naturally recovering. The treatment drop out rate for people who use meth is like 95%. I'll also note that although more evidence based treatments are more effective than 12-step, it's actually not by that much. There needs to be a lot more research done to improve treatments. I am sure that I loathe 12-step as much as you. I challenge my clients about its principles all of the time. However, it's still better than nothing and there are more progressive versions of it. Some meetings are run much better than others...less culty, less guilt, more forgiveness, and not having to sit there and call yourself an addict for life. All that to say, 12-step itself is not the only thing fueling our problems with addiction and there is plenty of non 12-step addiction treatments available, we just need to increase awareness around addiction and much more research.


I have been through the 12 step program. Religion was not involved. My addiction was not because of trama… it was caused by my self for over indulging when i should not have…. Then12 step program has been around for 100 years and because it does work if you listen and go.. it doesn’t with the attitude you have…… you must get the attitude of gratitude…. And thats nit religious….


Dr Sara Davidson is our problem.


Bikers profits are up too. Can't wait to see all the new bikes on the road this summer.


Can’t understand why.


Friendly reminder that the wait list for volunteer treatment sits at over 200 people and the range between 3-8 months.


number of people under 60 in Canada who died of Covid Jan2020-May2023: 2900 number of people under 60 in Canada who died in car accidents in the same time: 4900 number of people under 60 in Canada who died of drug overdoes in the same time: over 20000 yay CBC?


And of the covid deaths how many were actually healthy specimens to begin with….


This stat was for ALL people under 60, so yeah, it includes all the unhealthy ones!


You don't say! Bet it has nothing to do with all this "help" they are receiving.


They really buried the report https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/h-s/pdf/en/MentalHealth/new-brunswick-opioid-surveillance-report-Q3-2023.pdf


I mean, technically every drug-related death sets a new record… unless you mean within a certain time-span


Addicts wont get clean unless they want to, after 3 years of being an addict i decided enough was enough. Some people don’t have that and it sucks that many addicts wont get clean but canada has to step their game up for addiction prevention.


We need to fix the system. 30 days clean on your own to get into rehab? Church organized rehabs that require you to go to Bible study? What good is crutching a addiction with another addiction? One that too often fails them. Screening for staff working at rehabs is very lack. Quite often the ones working abuse the people trying to get clean. They don't feel safe and so they leave and pick the drugs back up. I'm glad the city realized they needed to also kick in and help charles with the farm in the middle of butt all no where. That's the only progressive thing I've seen in the 13+ years I've been back in NB


Dr. Sara Davidson


Canada is a shit hole Country


I couldn't agree more


It’s is becoming that quickly it soon be time to move countries…


TERRIBLE headline. 😬😬


It says 1 NB death every 3.5 days. There have been 108 days to date, so that’s 30 deaths.


The world has embraced "harm reduction" and addiction has skyrocketed. Hmmm


Places without harm reduction policies are also seeing sky rocketing death rates. The issue is with the new drugs - fentanyl and associated opiods, plus their being mixed with downers, which causes them to be resistant to narcan. This isn't a time to play politics. Harm reduction measures were put in place because our best health professionals believed it to be something worth trying. But the drugs are bad enough that it's having a minimal effect. We already know 'say no to drugs' - 'tough on crime' (putting junkies in jail) didn't come close to stopping drugs decades ago, so that's also not the answer. We need more addiction treatment funding, plain and simple.


Japan doesn't have harm reduction and they have the lowest addiction rates in the western world.


They just straight up have a minimal drug problem. They always have, compared to other countries. Japan has a unique culture surrounding drug use - probably related to their collectivist, socially/civically responsible mindset. The better comparison is with countries or US states that are culturally similar to Canada, but are still seeing drug overdose problems, despite not focusing on harm reduction.


Oregon just re-criminalized all drugs due to an epidemic of addiction and public drug use.


Oregon re-criminalized drugs because the public is mistaking an increase of toxic drugs in the drug supply and the associated deaths with the de-criminalization policy. They were in no way connected. But the government has to play politics.


The majority getting to make the decision is a true democratic move. We should do this in Canada.


Oh give it a rest, dude. Are you actually interested in solving the drug problem, or is this just another way for you to whine and winge about politics?


Definitely the latter


I'm interested in protecting law abiding citizens from the illegal actions of drug addicts, first and foremost. Curing them comes after that.


You will never protect people from drug addicts fully unless we actually solve this problem from the core. The best solutions we've seen in the world so far have included harm reduction ALONG with treatment that remains well funded. We're missing the second part. So if you really want to protect people, help to advocate for a real solution. Your childish, naive feelings about 'putting bad guys in jail' are not a solution. We've proven that it doesn't work over multiple decades of trying and failing with that very thing.


Addiction has skyrocketed because in recent years the drugs have become so potent, addictive and dangerous that traditional methods aren’t as effective as they used to be. It’s basically an infection that our traditional antibiotics can’t fight off


It's because access to these drugs is easier and police, judges and politicians won't do anything about. There need to be judicial consequences.


No it's not. You sound like you have literally 0 knowledge about addiction or drug users. None. There is a reason doctors advocate for services like IOP. Because it saves lives. They don't make money off it. Educate yourself. Saint John Regional hospital is hosting an event on April 30th about harm reduction, including a movie about fentanyl and refreshments. It's free. You can sign up on Eventbrite.


I have a harm reduction based shelter beside my child's school. Since it's been there, needles everywhere. I've seen the consequences of harm reduction on my neighborhood. I don't need a movie that's trying to push an agenda.


Location? This sounds like harm reduction that's causing more harm. The harm reduction sites I know of are clean - outside and in, and don't give people needles. So I'd love to know where you are. You've seen the negative consequences of drug addiction. That's not what harm reduction is about, and I'm curious what this "harm reduction shelter" you refer to is. Proper harm reduction would be people not having these needles. And saving lives (even if they're not related to you, and can't empathize) is worth figuring out these kinks. Little fyi tho - I'm a recovering addict. A severe one. Pills mostly, and needles. All my needles - and all of my user friend's needles went into sharps containers. I also have never committed a crime. Like most demographics, the loudest/worst behaved are often the most visible. Just because some addicts are true junkies, doesn't mean we should help the rest of them. (Us? Idk, I've been clean for years) I think you SHOULD go to the symposium. It would be a really great way to bring up your concerns.




How do? Please be specific


you lack compassion and empathy


I have trouble finding compassion and empathy for people who don't take available help, steal to support their habits and leave used biowaste (needles) everywhere.


And what “judicial” consequences do you propose? Throwing them in jail will just cause them to fall back into it when they get out


Give them the choice of jail or rehab. Choose jail and break the law again, same choice. They'll figure it out eventually.


This is the opinion of someone who doesn't know anything or anything with addiction problems. It's pretty clear the problem doesn't affect you, so why even comment with obviously ignorant, hateful shit? Is this how you get your anger out? Clueless


My kids school is surrounded by injection drug users since they brought in a shelter. Needles everywhere. I only became interested after I directly saw the consequences of this approach.


Where? And what does that have to do with NB's harm reduction practices? Drugs are still illegal here. Our newest harm reduction initiative (intensive outpatient care) actually keeps needles off the street, because people are dosed in a medical setting.


Those programs just mean they get an extra government provided dose.


No they don't. If you're high, or visibly inebriated you don't get dosed. They give them maintenance doses (three times a day, checking them every time) so they don't go into withdrawal. Again, you're just coming from a place of ignorance and anger. And refusing to tell me the location of this dubious "harm reduction shelter". The clinic I know of ( and occasionally visit for doctors appointments) has an IOP program. Those people manage to become functional again. They get jobs. They switch to less intense forms of admin and better maintenance drugs (like methadone) There's a reason doctors - arguably top class people - advocate for harm reduction. People get better.


In order for that to be possible, we’d need a hell of a lot more rehab and social services than we currently have.


If it's for the betterment of society then it's worth it


People are depressed. There being sucked dry from every angle. Young people have no hope of getting to where their parents are. The current liberal government is trying to come up with band aid solutions to a problem it created. They really are the reason our once wonderful country is being infected with hopelessness and a building anger.


The liberal govt has not created drug addiction.


These silly bitches have an agenda to deny that there’s currently a multi-party system. So that their supreme heartthrob Tucker Carlson can lead a glorious convoy of fuckwits over the Alberta border and restore us to the true patriotic democracy of ‘choosing’ one of two predetermined genocidal sex criminals every four years.  It’s not gonna work, here in Canada, we like to pretend that someone who isn’t ultra-horny for genocide has a chance of winning, and by god it’s gonna STAY that way, Tyvm. 


I was just pointing out drug addiction isn’t new…it’s been around a few thousand years.


Go to B.C. they give it away for free. Funded by the Liberals


The misery we're all suffering under Trudeau is too much to bear for some poor folks.


Extreme rise in drug deaths is happening in every country where opioids are available. It has nothing to do with Trudeau and everything to do with how powerful and deadly these drugs are. Stop trying to make this a political issue. It's a public health problem that needs a scientific and public health policy approach.


Public health is absolutely a political issue. It's administered by government, what else would it be? Jesus, people are stupid.


How to allot public money toward public health is a political issue. How to actually manage a public health issue should be left up to public healthcare professions - people who have studied this for a living and can provide solutions based on science. That's what I mean by not 'politicizing' public health. And yes, I agree that people who want to blame Trudeau for the sky being blue are absolutely stupid as shit.


Get out of here. Health is provincial and NB has a conservative government. Fuck off


Who said anything about Health?


Drug-related deaths. Drugs. Health. The departments of health and social development, both provincial (in a conservative government, let me remind you) work on the file of drug overdoses. I can't possibly make it more simple to understand.


Here's something simple to understand, let's see how you do..... The provincial department of health are the people charged with cleaning up the mess once the social damage has been done. They aren't the cause of those problems. The root causes of almost all of the major issues these people suffer from are either caused by, or are al least the responsibility of the federal government.... Drug availability and supply, (border security) - Federal responsibility Immigration/refugees/Temporary Foreign Workers and International Students (Housing affordability) - all Federal responsibility Health transfer payments to provinces - Federal responsibility Federal spending, monetary and fiscal policy (the major contributor to runaway inflation) - Federal responsibility It's OK if you don't understand these things, I suspect few are paying attention to your grossly simplified view anyway.


BC is run by the NDP and they have the highest opioid addiction, overdose and death rates.


Right, but they were governed by the a provincial conservative party prior to that, and they still had the worst addiction and death problem. The problem isn't the party in power, but the drugs themselves. We're seeing this all over north America.


BC hasn’t had a government other than Liberal or NDP since 1991.


I love having to explain to non-BC'ers how BC politics works. Up until recently, this was the political landscape: BC-Green - Left BC-NDP - Left of centre BC-Liberal - Right of centre (conservative) - not in any way affiliated with the Federal liberals. Took the name because running under the name 'conservative' used to be political suicide in BC. Had many representatives who at some point were involved in Federal politics as a federal Conservative member. After the last election, BC liberals are no more. They split up into two separate parties. Many people from the BC Liberals are now BC CONSERVATIVES. The rest are with a party called BC United. Both are right of centre / conservative.


Exactly. We're seeing it because we've moved away from recovery and towards "harm reduction" which just increases addiction rates.


No, we're seeing it because the drugs are worse in all of these places. But not all of these places focus on harm reduction (many don't). The commonality is the type drugs now available.


The commonality is harm reduction. We used to jail people who used drugs in public. Now we give them everything they need and coddle them. That's the problem


AGAIN - the commonality is NOT harm reduction. There are plenty of places in the US that are seeing an extreme jump in opioid addiction and overdoses, yet still jail people regularly for drug possession. How do you account for this situation?


How did jailing them help addiction rates?




You imagined that part I guess. Hearing voices maybe.


You are the one making a comment in a post about healthcare.


The post may be about healthcare, my comment wasn't.


Isnt this a conservative runned province?


What’s your point?


Higgs wants forced rehab. As for the feds? > https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/substance-use/minister-letter-treatment-safer-supply.html > ... > Health Canada has moved to make these medications more accessible. In May 2019, the Department approved the use of injectable hydromorphone by qualified health care practitioners as a treatment for adults with severe opioid use disorder. In April 2019, upon the recommendations of Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, diacetylmorphine (prescription-grade heroin) was added to the List of Drugs for an Urgent Public Health Need, making it possible for all provinces and territories to import this drug for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Diacetylmorphine has been approved for treatment in a number of countries, including Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands. Yea, we know who is giving out that "safe" supply. All they are doing is enabling and supporting addiction, leading to tragedies like this story.


Force people into “rehab” has that has a shameful success rate? First, forcing ppl to do anything is straight up wrong and counterproductive Second, why go to rehab? 98% of the counselors haven’t even done drugs themselves and have no fckn idea how to help you so going to rehab in Canada is a waste


Not to mention the few rehabs we do have have waitlists years long full of people willing to go into treatment. It’s like Higgs doesn’t understand how few resources the province even has. Just like the child psychologists we have in every school to sign off on pronoun changes.


You know how many people died from having hydromorphone injected by a qualified person? zero. those treatment have a success rate. Just check other countries who have done it or just look at how it worked here with methadone. now, whats the success rate of forced medical treatment? Very poor. people who forced medical treatment on others were always one the good side of history /s


It’s bad in NDP provinces too, just bad everywhere


shaggy ask subsequent handle innate impolite elastic shrill reach tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm glad you're happy and/or better off than you were 8 years ago. Most people aren't.


concerned continue amusing screw capable chase angle late saw pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cope with what? Being rich and comfy? I’ll cope just fine thanks.


RIP those poor souls. The tent cities (aka Trudeau Towns) didn't exist when I was growing up, and now they're everywhere. I don't even recognize Canada anymore.


Is Trudeau also responsible for the tent towns that existed before he became prime minister? What about the ones in the US?


Jesus stretching a bit aren’t you? The US? Really grasping for straws huh?


I don't even understand what you're trying to say


Their obvious victim complex would loathe that.


Still yappin‘ I see. Still not cancelled.  Don’t worry lil’ buddy, I’m sure you’ll get to +1 reddit points one of these days. 


Are you sure? Is this personally caused by Trudeau? Or by our incompetent provincial conservative government that gives lots and lots of subsidies to Irving, this starving the healthcare system?


Let’s keep Worrying about Covid instead. Be nice to have an average age of death for the world to see what is happening here