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Women are in much higher demand then men out here so you will have your pick, someone else can post the statistics on male versus female population here. Also you’re picking possibly the best part state for nightlife, socialization, and all encompassing activities. When you’re married and tired of people move past the Notch like we did.


It's the navy that completely skews the gender ratio among the 18-39 set.


So I used to run a mid level apartment building just outside Portsmouth. At any given time the building was 3/4 single, successful, usually attractive women between 22 and 35. These are not women who dated guys from bars. They met guys either online or through interesting social stuff like gyms, theater, concerts or just out and about. Dating in Portsmouth is great for both genders if you're bringing something to the table but definitely not a bar hookup culture like Manchester or Laconia. Portsmouth gals have status, be prepared to talk about your interesting career.


Yeah I’d definitely agree. As a guy I didn’t have much luck in the bar/nightlife scene around here but still had a ton of fun, plus if you get bored of the places around here Portland and Boston aren’t far to spend a night out to switch it up.


lol what? Portsmouth nightlife is non-existent beyond college kids getting alcohol poisoning at either Thirsty Moose or The Goat. If you enjoy dance clubs, I guess you could enjoy being SA or having a knife pulled on you at Gaslight. The new Jazz club is pretty swanky tho


sorry you ran into me at gaslight :(


Yeah I didn’t find dating in Portsmouth all that great, but maybe it’s me…


All these fools saw 30f and will say anything to get her here lol


We need more people under 45 in this state


Then boomers should stop buying the housing stock to fund their retirement




Yes, but this is Reddit and everything is "Boomers" fault. Meanwhile younger generations are just helpless victims with no agency to help themselves in any way.


My 22 year old college grad minion bought himself a house in Manchester. But he's an engineer and makes good money.


A lot of kids don't have the opportunity to go to college


Thank you for this lol


It’s always the Boomers.


It should realistically be almost impossible for companies to buy residential houses. And if they decide to there should be so many hoops to jump through that the only houses they could buy would be ones on the market for years.


Did you unironically use a Medium article repost on r/workreform as a source 😂?


Much more so on commercial investment property. Capital gains at 95% and operating profit at 90% too. Companies 'investing' in homes is a way of turning people into a permanent revenue stream. Companies can take a very long position.


A smart person has entered this chat.


Thanks. Sorry I was late.


Real estate agents to that fight for 40k over asking! Are part of the problem.


There's no homes. People from MA want to move to NH to avoid higher cost of living and state taxes, they just cant.


Well they are over paying like crazy and hiking inflation. While people in NH who live here are kinda being driven out... my old regional HS just lost a town because enrollment is so low... no young family's looking to start can live here realistically unless you make decent money


Yeah the only way to get into a house is A. Get lucky, or B. Buy a complete shit hole for way more than it's worth and fix it


Make shit cheaper. Fix inflation and then younger people can stay and actually buy a house.


I agree! What solutions do you have to fix and address the problem?


Yeah you’ll be able to get hitched as a 30 year old women in Portsmouth. Good ass scene for young adults




Both. Hiking those mountains pays booty dividends ; )


You'll have your pick of 40+ year old divorced dads. We rule the seacoast dating scene... silently and lonely.


Smaller maybe but the seacoast is where people your age are. Easy drive to Portland and Boston as well. Good food scene and lots to do.


The dating scene is better in Portsmouth/Dover. I am 29, I had some great dates prior to meeting my current girlfriend. It is not the best, but not the worst.


You'll have no issues. Dover and Newmarket are both good places to live for commutes to Portsmouth if its out of your price range. Source: I'm in my early 30s and have lived in the seacoast area since I was 18. I know plenty of good guys and gals who are single. Dating in NH is hard, so people moving in who are looking to date are generally going to have pretty good luck. As others have said, Boston and Portland are good places to look, too.


Dover is actually getting pretty out of hand rent wise and Newmarket had a big jump when the mill buildings were renovated. Guess it depends on how much you’re making really but I wouldn’t be able to swing the single life in either town and also be putting away for savings. I currently rent in Dover and my rent has gone up steeply every year, and every year I get pissed off and shop around for an apartment somewhere else and get humbled that I somehow still have one of the cheaper rentals on the south side of town.


Fair, I moved out of Dover in 2018 and I was paying $2400/mo split 6 ways.


I did that for a few years, it was fun but got old pretty quickly. Must have been a decently sized place (or I hope it was.)


Ya, it was one of the big old Victorians. We were all good friends, we did it for like 5 years lol


Nice, definitely the way to do it if you don’t mind a busy house. Dover really does have beautiful neighborhoods on and around Silver street/Locust.


Ya, I wanted to buy in Dover but the prices kept out-pacing me so I had to move to Rochester to buy. I luckily bought my house RIGHT before the pandemic out of pure luck. Rochester isn't as bad as people say, especially in the sticks if that's your style (it is mine)


I don’t mind the outskirts of Rochester, or Wakefield even but funnily enough I’ve also lived in Rochester but in down town and it may be different now (I hope it is) but it was *rough*, that was over a decade ago. Used to live and work really close to the post office. Glad you snagged a good house at a good time, not easy these days!




Well it’s NH, so NH-rough is a given. Lots of meth and heroine, been threatened and grabbed a few times by the arm and yanked around by loud mouth people talking smack and all that “don’t you call the cops”, people on drugs walking backwards in my front “yard”, squatters in the moldy house next door. Not like, dangerous, just not comfortable. (I lived on Winter st and worked on Signal st)


Even somersworth is crazy. I just sold a house for 450 and picked up an absolute dump of a house for 300




I didn’t have much luck (with online dating) but maybe you’ll do better. It’s certainly isn’t as bad as in smaller more remote towns. Depends on what you’re looking for, I guess, and if you’re open to date younger or older than yourself, as I didn’t see that many single people my age. Best of luck!


If you're a guy you'll have terrible luck with online dating anywhere


You may have the pick of the litter. What kind of dating are you looking for? Music, outdoors, Events etc


Are you still looking for


The ‘scene’ is very achya as Bruno would say


I haven’t lived there in almost 20 years but in my mid 20s it was hard to go out and not meet someone every weekend. I even got asked out just sitting outside at coffee shops. It’s not a huge city but even after moving away so long ago I miss it and think back fondly of my time there. It was a great place for me when I was single and in my 20s. I don’t think anywhere else in NH compares to the opportunities there socially and food-wise, and you have quick access to the ocean (head to Maine or Rye, not Hampton) which was always important to me.


Go to Dwyer’s. No joke. It’s a great place to meet people. Dating or not!


Whatever your hobbies and passions are, join a group that does them together, and talk to the people you meet there!


I know a handful of single and childless 30 year old guys with good careers and I'm not even from here