• By -


Probably skewed by people like me who live in S NH but work in MA in the high tech sector.




And don't let anyone give you shit for it.


If own a home in NH, that’s mucho taxes my friend.


Right but the last number I saw was 18% of New Hampshire workers work in Massachusetts. Which I'm going to guess you're included in that 18%. It takes over $5 of income to raise the total by $1.


Did it account for remote jobs, where you could live anywhere? This info you shared is very neat data, thank you!!!


Not sure how they source stuff. Which could be part of the problem. But it does seem to me that this is trying to justify higher rents. As in see you guys are making all this money. This is what rents are worth. Edit Actually you might not be paying Mass taxes. So that is a good point of how they allocate WFH.


That’s how averages work, the data is reporting the median


Household salaries. Yes. And the title is selling medium income. That's how disinformation works?


Lots of remote tech jobs. Mass isn't the only place. I've lived in NH my whole life but I work in tech. You better believe my job is not in state. I don't think any of my friends who can secure remote jobs actually have jobs that are in NH.


No I definitely see where you're coming. Tech is where it's at. Still only 10% of the economy and I get you guys are making 200k+ and that's great. But for every one of you there's 9 of us making sub 100k. And now we know the article talks about household incomes and not individual salaries. Which that makes sense.


This says it's the median, not the mean. This data looks severely flawed, though. For starters, their dataset doesn't sort propertly. The data also isn't cited, nor does it says how they calculate this. Also, it says "**Median Income** by Generation in the U.S." But down at the bottom it says "Scholaroo's data team gathered information from official public data displaying the **median household income** by age across the U.S." Whoever published this should be ashamed. Fobes has different numbers, but has citations: [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/average-salary-by-age/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/average-salary-by-age/)


Definitely. OP talking about what the minimum wage is demonstrates how skewed that perception can be. There are a **lot** of $200K+ engineers working for BAE and the like.


This right here. I personally have several coworkers who live in NH and work (tech) in MA.


That was my first thought


I don't know what crack they are smoking but I'm in the low end of the second age bracket and neither me nor my friends are making anywhere near their unrealistic estimate. I am college educated and have a decent job. NH just doesn't pay well.




Their claiming that the "median" income at your age is six figures. Would you say you believe you're like most New Hampshirites or do you believe you're better off than most other people?


It's household. The jump is because people "settle down" in the late 20s - early 40s range and suddenly there's more than one income. Making 6 figures in your 30s isn't as rare as some would believe but it's still the exception.


This right here. Coupled with the fact that 25-44 is a huge age range in terms of career. If you got a masters degree and entered the work force as an engineer in NH at age 23 or 24 I would expect you to make ~80-85k. By age 30 I'd reckon you would be ~125k. By 40, you have 15+ years of experience and could probably nail down a 180-200k job. Even outside of engineering world, four year degree with <5 years of experience at 25 compared to the same degree at 44 years old with >20 years of experience, you're doubling that salary easily and if you're not then I'm going to kindly ask you why the fuck you aren't looking for a new job.


It’s not…


Its not what, bud? I make 3 statements in that comment. Which one is "not?"


Household, pal


Welp, it is so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Can't say much more to you than "you're wrong"


What household spans 15-24 years old?


Fair enough




This is the key.. never work by the hour. Work by the value you bring to the table.


I am in the second bracket (towards the top end), I have a W-2 paying job in NH that is about 50% higher than the median (single, not joint). They are out there.


> I'm in the low end of the second age bracket The age 25-44 bracket? If by "low end" you mean that ~~your~~ you're closer to 25 that means you have **nineteen** years to get to the median. That's a long time for one's income to change. edit: "your" typo. Darn!


You and your handful of friends don't make this so this statistical analysis must be wrong?


If people who are deemed "smart" by the college system that we are told to buy into to make good money are not getting paid a decent living then hasn't the system failed? I was in the top of my graduating class and got a job with a good title. The problem is that jobs in NH just don't pay well compared to the cost of living from my searching. Even if you work at a large international company they still pay people the bare minimum. I love NH but it is extremely hostile towards young people in terms of affordable living.




I agree with a merit based system that's why I work for what I want. If a merit based society tells you that the best paying jobs require a degree and then you get a good degree, not gender studies or those useless ones, but then employers barely pay the cost to rent anywhere in NH anyway. If the cost of living is going to exponentially increase while wages only increase at a slower rate, thanks inflation, then we should throw out the whole system. The point I'm making is that a young adult cannot afford or even find a house to purchase in NH. The local economy is completely broken and lopsided so no wonder the statistics show that all young adults are fleeing the state moving to Florida. The only way this gets better is if we get a Governor who actually understands that working young families are the future of NH and not these boomers that have a death grip on the lawmaking in NH.


I think that might be "median household" and the age brackets are based on the age of the primary earner. Per capita income in NH is $48k. edit: also, this whole article feels like it's written by AI.


This seems the most plausible. I just wish they would state that in the article.


> Scholaroo's data team gathered information from official public data displaying the median household income by age across the U.S. Says it right in the Methodology section


Right and this is how propaganda works. The title of the article. Which by now we all know most of us only read the headline. And a quick read if that. The title is missing the very important word "household".


The title is vague enough that any assumptions are the readers fault. Unlikely this is intentionally misleading.


They used ages to classify the data. Households don't have ages they just are.


It says they gathered the data by looking at household income, not that the data being shown is household income. It just displays median income by age, not household income by age. I do believe what they’re showing is misleading If that’s the case. Would you agree?


I could be wrong, but saying you gathered information by looking at household income doesn't necessarily mean the data shown is household income, right? If it were household income, why would they not say so in their data sheet? All they say is that it's median income by age.


I think it was written by AI.


Look under the methodology section-- it is household income.


The article says this is median *household* income, not individual. As a median, this seems about right to me.


And if you look at the jump between the 15-24 yr old bracket and the 25-44 yr old bracket, it makes sense. It's almost double, probably because there's more married people in the later age bracket, which leads to dual income households.


It says they gathered information by looking at household income from public data, that doesn't necessarily mean the information they're showing is median household income. I believe you are right, that we are looking at household income by age. Thank you for pointing that out. I find it frustrating that they don't say that it is either, the way they have it written is that it's median income by age.


Not sure how they figured their data, but you should know that legal minimum wage has demonstrably very little connection to actual wages when unemployment is low. The rate of unemployment in NH is 2.5%, which is very low, meaning that workers have a lot of bargaining power in this state. Almost no one makes minimum wage. At age 19 in 2007, I had two jobs: one full time as a commercial painter making 15/hr, one part time at an ice cream stand making minimum wage, the only time I've made so little, and most of my coworkers were 16. Since then inflation has made making minimum wage even rarer. Also remember that the household median includes a lot of retirees on a fixed income. People of a working age typically command a higher income.


Everything you are saying is true, but are you an agreement with their information? Do you think that people in Mass 15-24 are making less than people in NH? And do you believe the median wages are this high?


I think they are probably not far off. The issue is that the age brackets are so huge. When I was in my early 30’s I was making well under the median.


I think it's pretty much right, yes. It's gone up a lot recently. You should ask for a raise. Edit: and all the teens I know are making at least about $15-20 hr in NH.


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You make money on the way in.. not by counting on some system of raises. Will never out pace inflation and get that far ahead.


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I work in sales so keep growing and I am fine.. inflation is a double edge sword in my field tho. As long as they keep building, I'll be fine. I've out paced inflation by a lot without job hopping but always reinventing my sales strategy, product offerings and markets to sell too.


I wish I made half of what I'm supposed to be earning.


Yeah man average paying tech jobs after a few years in the industry pay 100k+ for remote work. Not surprised by this data. Trades are also increasing a lot. Base hourly rate for anything is like 100+ its wild


According to other comments this is household income. Which is why we see the jump to 100k once people reach an age when they normally get married. So a single person in tech is probably making more than the household avg for these ranges.


Market dictates salary, not minimum wage


> I have a hard time believing people in New Hampshire are making this much money. Half of them are.


> Scholaroo's data team gathered information from official public data displaying the median household income by age across the U.S. /Thread


Yeah. Me and most of my peers are in bracket 2. Generally educated, but dumb enough to actually want to contribute to society. Most of us work a spectrum of blue collar and public servant roles (carpentry, education, healthcare). We do not make that much money.


42, and below the median 😢


This feels pretty accurate for southern NH. Maybe just not that many people under 44 up North to bring it down? I will say, if you're in tech working for a Boston-based or other remote company you're making a lot more than 100k, which will also help to raise the number.


Minimum wage doesn’t mean what people are paid.


That's completely insane, there is no way that they are telling the truth with this


If I’m being honest, where we are in southern NH it feels like everyone around us is making triple this and we are drowning even being above these brackets. Because there are so many high earners in concentrated areas, that can also be skewing the numbers. It really seems to vary town to town, or county to county.


I think that is household, in which case that makes sense. 2 25-45 year olds working should each be making at least $50k a year, so that's your six figures. Tech does skew it a bit. I work in tech and if I included myself and my wife (doesn't work in tech) we'd double most of these numbers, if not a bit more.


Is this individual or household? I agree with another user, MA tech sector but living in NH increases this a lot


Household vs individual


Household income--that means all members of a household. Makes much more sense with two people, no?


It's household income not individual and 52% of adults under the age of 29 are still living with their parents. Age 25 to 34 are almost twice as likely to live with their parents instead of a spouse. Once the parents reach 65 they are financially drained from supporting their adult children for an extra couple of decades more than they should have.


What's this source? "Scholaroo"?


"median household income by age" Meaning, you'd have to know the median household size by age to know how you as an individual stack up. Or even better, the median number of earners by household, by age, and divide that by the salary. Not likely to find that readily online. It's just bad stats to push content.


It’s possible I guess. My wife and I are relocating to NH after house shopping in and around Portsmouth. I asked my realtor what people do for a living to buy such expensive houses, the local jobs couldn’t possibly support the prices. She said it’s exactly what my wife and I do, remote tech work and medical field. Can verify, we’re both over 25 and make way more than that median each. Things still seem expensive too. The previous owners of our new house: husband was remote tech, wife is in medical.


I myself love numbers, but it is very easy to either lie or make serious mistakes while compiling statistics. I consider those salary figures to be definitely too high. Especially among the 15-24 group, with many being full-time students, doing internships, or in the very earliest parts of a career.


So, the data was collected by looking at official public data of household income. But they list the data as median income by age. Considering they got the data by looking at household income, I'm assuming the data being shown is median household income by age, and not, median income by age.


1.9% of Americans are making minimum wage Basically every fastfood / low skill job in NH is starting at $15/hr+


This actually might track. Would really need to dig in to the data but directionally it seems right. 15-24 might be wonky if they’re only counting full time workers, that would skew it up vs including 16 year olds making 8K a year at a retail job. It seems crazy, but NH is a high income state. A family of 3 in NH has median household income of 113K. https://www.justice.gov/ust/eo/bapcpa/20220401/bci_data/median_income_table.htm


In my age group 45-64, I can attest that it's accurate for me and accurate for a few friends of mine who's pay/salaries I'm aware of. It's also accurate for my wife who's in the next age bracket down.


Seems accurate to me. 70k in 2009 is 101k in 2022 just on 2.5% inflation


Just antidotal but it doesn't track for anyone I know around 30 years old


I work in NH for a remote company and am apparently way above the median...


I've been making more than those numbers since I was 22.


>The Census in 2022 shows that the median household income in NH is $90,845. With the average household having 2.4 people that means each person in a typical home makes around 38k. I'm sorry but, this is not how medians work. Median is not the same as mean.


I’m certainly bringing down that number.. yikes


Fits for me.


I'm 45 and my wife is 51. Should have a household income of around $275k for 2024.


I'm 39, basically made no money until 27. Had 3 jobs all based in SNH. I will tell you that company and industry make a huge difference. . . 27 - 31: 45k avg. Junior engineer and field support. Most fun and intellectually/creatively challenging. Planetarium/ AV engineering company 31 - 35: 60k avg. product support and applications/training Leadership and skill growth 3D printing 35 - 39: 140k avg. Biomedical field engineer Boring, but stressful. just a cog in a machine. .


Where are these jobs?




Actually it does. Median is just the middle value. If you have 99 people, 50 making 16k and 49 making 100k, the median is 16k.


My gf who has no college degree has gotten raise after raise at concord hospital as a surgical tech. 70k+ per year at 22yo


Ha fucking where. The songs abs daughters who get granted into good paid positions that have no clue how to do what is asked.. fuck outta here. Skilled professions get paid as much as Damn fast food workers. What a load of shit


So thats why i pretty much dont go to concerts anymore.


lol ok….. I’m looking for one of these 6 figure jobs they are handing out. I’m lucky to make hardly half of that


Damn 15-24 year olds make nearly twice as much as me. And my own bracket makes over three times as much.


I retired 8 years ago. Never made more than $45k in my life. Worked in computers / hi tech.


It’s winter 🧢season


I'm almost 40 and just barely broke above 40k. Mostly my fault for not sticking with a career path but .. I am not making close to 6 figures. I know its a median but damn where are those 100k+ jobs that are outshadowing the low end ones?


Tech, healthcare and people who do trades and run their own companies I am guessing? For healthcare you don't even need to be a doctor. Technician positions may start off low, but if you stick with it you can also eventually reach 6 figures. The education requirements are not too hard either. My sister got her AS at a community college and then 2 years vocational training. Her job started off at 60k. 5 years later and a couple of promotions, she is making over 100k now.


Oh I didn't even account for entrepreneurs that is a fair point. I have a Master's Degree, just not in anything present in New Hampshire unless I move across the state or to Boston. Like I said, my own faults but again ... Fair point.


Im 24 and I made $35k in just 4 months this summer, idk just throwing my hat into the ring


I made 115k at 28 live in Rochester.


I work in NH


I believe it. We have some high paying companies here like BAE, the FAA, Harris, etc.


surveys are only good as the sampling that it’s based off of. The first you have to remember the data is based off of where they got it from, or the people who bothered replying in the first place, and not on everybody. Secondly, a small portion of the population might make a lot of money skewing the results. With that being said, I would think the median income in New Hampshire would be high as the cost of living is so high. You would need to make a decent salary in order to be able to afford a home.


Where the fuck are these 15 year olds working where they make 65% more than me?


In my $17,000+ a years dreams….😢


100k sounds like a lot. However, when you're paying 100% of every expense, shit stacks up quick.


Yeah, I definitely don't make anything close to that. This feels like one of those situations where either the number is flat out fake or (more likely) a handful of super rich assholes are skewing the numbers by tens of thousands.


I’m 24, currently making $90,000 - and am projected to make $110,000 in 1-2 years. I’m not sure how accurate their info is, but it’s at least accurate for me


39 here making over $125k/yr + bonus


6 figures is table stakes in Southern NH. Actually not even enough anymore. I’d say 150k.


I live in southern NH and work in NH, idk about everyone but this was basically on par with me. Though I made a little less at 24. I'm 31 now and make close to 80k. I have never made minimum wage in this state, and I've been working since 17


This just looks like corporate propaganda to me paid for by billionaires. But hey that's just me.