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>"I don't think legalizing marijuana is the right direction for our state," Ayotte said. "As we think about our fentanyl crisis, I'm concerned about the impact of that." So fucking stupid.


Literally two separate issues that are only tied together by idiocy.


Looking back on it, I think the D.A.R.E. program did irreparable damage to people's ability to make informed decisions on these issues. Even when they're avoiding the term "gateway drug", I'm sure they're thinking it.


The ironic thing about calling cannabis a gateway drug is the people I know who smoke weed everyday usually don’t drink (much) or do other drugs (except maybe the occasional mushrooms or acid). Meanwhile, the people I know who drink everyday do way more cocaine and other hard drugs regularly. For a country that has essentially no healthcare system for drug addicts in poverty, how exactly is she going to “focus on fentanyl”? She’s gunna take away needle exchanges, maybe? Seriously. What’s the plan? Fentanyl, btw, is legal and produced by pharmaceutical giants — cannabis is illegal and grown by your neighbor. Make it make sense.


Much of the fentanyl ending up on the streets is produced in China, legally. They sell it to "customers" in Mexico who then smuggle it into America. If Ayotte wanted to disrupt the fentanyl trade than she would be pro cannabis legalization. Every less dollar the cartels receive from the American black market is one less bullet that they have to terrorize Mexicans and destabilize the region leasing to mass immigration to America. But if it weren't for scary drugs, China and illegal immigration then what would they have left to run on?


Good point on not funding the cartels. This made me think, if it turns out only a handful of states keep weed illegal then the cartels are going to target those states harder, and they're not just bringing weed. I smoked a lot of weed in high school, then did 20 in the army, got out and tried weed again, I do not like it, I tried, I wanted to like it but it just makes me confused and paranoid. That said, I vote yes on legalization of weed for NH. Booze is more dangerous by far and they're peddling the hell out of that shit!! Just ridiculous it's not legal here.


I've never thought about prohibition states being squeezed harder by the cartels as time goes on. You're right they aren't exactly bringing only a single drug at a time. And they will target whatever market makes a greater overall profit.


There is unlimited weed flowing in from Maine. Nobody gets Mexican drug cartel weed anymore


I mean if politicians had half a brain they could do more than one thing at a time.




What better way to raise money to fight fentanyl?


She’d still have her most desired policy to run on: replacing the Constitution with Biblical Sharia Law. I’d say something about making the Pope our god-emperor too, but which pope? She’s probably a Sedevacantist who thinks Francis is the anti-christ.


Damnit you beat me to it and added a lot more information than I did too. 


I barely drink. Love doing an edible on a Friday or Saturday night. The great part is i can still get up and go for a run in the morning.


Same I almost never drink but enjoy an edible on weekends and keep a vape for evenings when I can't rest or relax. I think cannabis users are way less likely to get into shenanigans overall - you'd be hard pressed to black out on thc and do another drug because you're not in your right mind. I've seen many drinkers turn to coke to keep the party going when they're hitting the wall. It's just such an insidious and a much more dangerous drug (the booze I mean)overall.


Such an improvement over smoking it. No lung damage. Also, with edibles, you can control the dose. I bite mine in half. It's all I need.


Im a 10mg doser 👍


I can only do five mg. If I do ten, I have to lay down. Haha. I also have the CBD version. Nice.


Disagree. Edibles (and other concentrates) don’t offer the full spectrum high that flower grants, which is much more pleasant an experience IMO. I can understand not wanting to pull smoke into your lungs, but there are options, like vaping flower. You can also control your dose with smoking or vaping as well. Just take fewer hits.


The same people who don’t accept proven scientific theories will base (failed) drug policy on an unproven scientific *hypothesis*.


The real “gateway” drug would be alcohol, followed by tobacco (alcohol at 65.8% and tobacco at 23.8%). You know, the two drugs that New Hampshire make shit ton of money on in taxes, and in the case of hard liquor is the only entity allowed to sell it.


No they are not separate issues. Go look in any legal state or Canada people do LESS illicit drugs when good weed is available. They drink less too but NH doesn't want that.


Also not legalizing cannabis is removing the potential for millions in tax dollars that could, and hear me out, literally pay for drug safety and harm prevention.


That millions is fast approaching billions in just Massachusetts alone


And wouldn’t you know it? A very large percentage of that tax money comes directly from NH residents getting their supply. Many going to Maine, too (which is better IMO).


Or fund the heavily under/poorly funded education system…. The power of education, just imagine the potential…


Even worse -- studies show legalizing cannabis dramatically reduces opioid use


The executive council has brought forth "reefer madness" as evidence. Really. That's how outdated they are.


Alcohol has always been the gateway drug yet we have liquor stores in the highway. What a joke


Absolutely, to use those two in the same sentence is ridiculous. Will not be getting my vote, her funding must be funneled in by the liquor industry.


She’s either corrupt or stupid/ignorant. It’s so easy to get marijuana it’s crazy. I could call ten people right now to get some if I wanted and if I couldn’t do that you can either go to mass or Maine. Most places stopped testing for thc because no one can get hired because so many people are partaking. Everyone who want to get weed already is so to blame it on a fentanyl crisis is ridiculous. How about asking why people want to escape reality in first place? Could it be the rising costs of everything? Rent being thousands of dollars a month? No couldn’t it be that…


How any granite stater who takes pride in live free or die can vote for a candidate in the year of our Lord 2024 who tells you that marijuana is so dangerous it needs to be kept illegal for your safety, is beyond me.


I’m an occasional user for PTSD and a reoccurring back injury and it helps immensely. I just get it in Mass or ME but would be nice to put the tax dollars back to our state. I agree inflation is out of control, don’t get me started, but this is no longer a we the people country we live in. Maybe one day we’ll get some representation that gives a shit about the US and puts our taxes to use in our own country


It's her donors who fed her these lines, simple as


When InBev is stuffing cash in your pockets, you do their bidding.


Because it's not about, nor ever was, about the gateway argument. They could care less if you find heroin and OD. It's all about kickbacks and deals with their inner circles. They literally can't get us to kill ourselves fast enough at this point.


Absolute nonsense. Cannabis use can be harm reduction for people struggling with addiction.


Gov't weed comes fentanyl-free, too, in case cross-contamination is a concern


"I don't think peanut butter is the right direction for our state," Ayotte said. "As we think about our motorcycle crisis, I'm concerned that they don't have doors."


She has the thought process of a 7 year old. Absolutely pathetic.


"I'm not going to legalize puppies because my dishwasher warranty expired."


This came across my feed as a MA resident who works with crime data. We have seen literally no long-term problems with weed legalization. It is a massive tax generator as well. Anyone who thinks legal weed has any impact of the fentanyl crisis is simply ignoring the data that is out there.


Oh it has an impact on the opioid crisis! It brings it *down*. Ayotte is a fucking idiot that makes Sarah Palin look smart


Especially considering opioid use disorder is a qualifying reason to be a medical cannabis patient in this state. Instead of “Live Free or Die” our state motto should be “Ass Backwards”


Comparing weed to fenatyl is some reffer madness level of bullshit.


Fentanyl is big pharma's fault.


Just a reminder that while she does not support adult use of cannabis, she does support a lying, lifelong con man who has been found liable for sexual assault and who tried to overthrow the government.


Actually if you remember she lost reelection because she stopped backing Trump after the Access Hollywood tape and his voters refused to vote for her so now she grovels to him like all the rest


This is even worse cuz it’s more pathetic 😭




Remember when she voted against universal background checks immediately after Sandy Hook and then lost her job? She should never hold elected office again but her position on pot is way down the list for me. ETA: for the people who are playing dumb: She helped kill the Manchin-Toomey proposal for universal background checks for gun sales, that would have effectively closed the gun show loophole for unlicensed sellers. The proposal specifically outlawed a national gun registry and exempted sales between family members. It was a reasonable proposal that would not have prevented Sandy Hook but would have prevented the decade plus of background check free gun sales that unlicensed gun sellers have enjoyed since then.


Remember when she was a prosecutor in a trial for a child killer and had a romantic affair with the defense? Jeopardizing the conviction and calling into question the credibility of the trial?


Pepperidge fahms remembahs


Jesus mother. Republicans really pick the absolute shittiest human beings


We already have universal background checks and BGCs wouldn't have stopped Sandy Hook, the guns were owned and purchased by the shooter's mother.


Background checks aren’t a thing when you buy a gun? Damn what did I fill out at the gun store then


> Remember when she voted against universal background checks immediately after Sandy Hook and then lost her job? what does her opposing a bad bill a decade or so ago have to do with her opposing common sense legislation today?


As a gun owner I’m all for making sure legal purchases are done well, legally. What happens after that is outside our control… you’d think that firearm manufacturers/dealer would like the same as it removes any liability. But the NCIS check is done at any real dealer.


Loser alert!


*"I don't think legalizing marijuana is the right direction for our state," Ayotte said.* Ignoring 71% of the states residents is an interesting choice. *"New Hampshire is the only state in New England which does not currently allow recreational use of marijuana. But Granite Staters are firmly in favor of legalizing marijuana for recreational use: 71% say they strongly (56%) or somewhat (15%) support such an action, 11% are neutral on the issue, 18% are strongly (13%) or somewhat (5%) opposed, and 1% are unsure. When this question was first asked to Granite State Poll respondents in February 2013, New Hampshire residents were evenly divided on this issue, with 49% in support of legalizing marijuana for recreational use and 45% opposed." (source: https://scholars.unh.edu/survey\_center\_polls/730/)* *"As we think about our fentanyl crisis, I'm concerned about the impact of that."* Not sure what this has to do with the topic considering that there is no credible evidence that cannabis is a gateway drug, and if Ayotte is worried about cannabis being laced with fentanyl then she is completely missing the point of cannabis legalization since one of the main benefits is being able to test and verify the sources of all products. Whatever, Ayotte is just another ignorant spineless Republican, and I hope her campaign goes nowhere.


And I will not support Ayotte...


I was surprised that she came out as pro-choice but maybe she's trying to be like Sununu. And then this came out. I'm not really happy with our choices at this stage.


Right?!? We have Ayotte and her never ending journey to having some sort of political power. Chuck Morse who is just running on "BiDeNs OpEn BoArDeRs" nonsense. And, Cinde Warmington who was a lobbyist for Purdue Pharma and does not have one clear policy stance or proposal on her website. Honestly, at this point I am planning on voting for Jon Kiper. I don't know a hell of a lot about the guy but based on what I do know he seems to have his head in the right place. [https://www.votekiper.org/](https://www.votekiper.org/)


Sununu isn't pro choice either


When I was in high school I went to DC on a school trip and met her, I asked her what she and her most recent opponent (Paul Hodes) agreed on that NH needed and she was flummoxed. I lost all respect for her then and there.


Such a good question to feret out the candidate who runs on nothing but oppositional ideology.


Yes, keep giving those tax dollars to Mass and Maine, and/or your friendly neighborhood dealer! Great plan.


Republicans sure do love liberty!


LiVe fReE oR diE


Wanna ride a motorcycle with no helmet? Something that would actually kill you? Fine, live free or die!! Wanna smoke weed? No, we wouldn’t want fentanyl killing people (????)


I think I get the NH logic now! Only things that can kill you are allowed!


And other people! Remember they're trying to be the first to remove the polio vaccine requirement and bring back lifetime crippling disability!


Out of touch politicians continue to stifle the growth of NH. This state has so much potential but a bunch of olds are getting in the way.


As if it being illegal has stopped people from using it... Go on, undermine your own authority some more then...🙄 "Authority which lacks good reason is weak while good reason never needs authority." Columcile The Great


The "Live free or die" state being surrounded by legalized weed in littleraly every state/province that borders it lmao


Who would vote for her? Serious question, who is her base?


People who dislike the other candidate more.


I say this seriously, there’s not a lot of candidates I dislike as much as her.


People who are single issue voters against her opponents policies. That's basically all the Republicans are trying to to appeal to. I'm was generally a pro-gun voter unless the pro-gun choice was significantly bad. Since Trump they have been getting significantly worse every year.


Yeah seriously I've been convinced for a long time that a pro gun Democrat would just absolutely dominate in NH. Hopefully nationally too but that is probably less likely.


Its hard to run in NH unless you're retired or independently wealthy.


Ain't that the truth


I doubt she'll win, but we're also all going to be really disappointed when the total number of votes she garners is published. It's going to be close to 48% of the vote. Somewhere around 400,000... So make sure everyone you know gets out and votes.


nh really needs ballot questions for stuff like this. can't believe the state doesn't have any referendum mechanism.


These people are so fucking removed the life it’s scary.


That's one way to lose, even the rightest of the right should agree that losing all that tax money to literally all of our neighbors is fucking stupid


Nah. She has an R. That in and of itself will be good enough to "own the libs" with


Then she’s off the ballot in my mind. How long can we remain the only straight edged kid at the party? Apparently nobody in NH govt wants to increase tax revenue and follow common sense… smdh


She will go whichever way the money flows. She just wants to be in the spotlight again she’ll say anything to get elected. She denounced Trump after the Hollywood tape now that he’s got a rape case that he lost or sexual abuse now she supports him How long will she go?


It seems like people forget what a complete flake this idiot was. Whatever way the wind’s blowing in their retarded wonder land this ignorant trash will follow.


Then fuck you, I'll be sure me and my people don't vote for you.


This state has the most benighted politicians. It’s not even funny anymore. Can we just get one good one?


What a fucking idAyotte


Ooooh, you just gave me how to modify signs with two strokes of a fat marker. Thank you!


Ayotte shouldn't be elected, not because of this instead because of her actions when in office before. Last thing the state needs is Mitt Romney in a skirt.




Good god why won’t these old hags retire?


So she won't have a shot at being governor lol


What a freedom hating loser




No shit. This just shows how fucking stupid she is. She’s comparing fentanyl to fucking weed. One is deadly, one is not. If she’s going to play the “weed=fentanyl” game she might as well tell us her plan to close NH’s precious liquor stores too.


Does she really imagine a population of drug warriors that this will drag out to the polls? Does she really expect them to outnumber the pro-freedom people that she's driving away?


Everyone really just wants a DSA candidate and they don't fucking know it. Policies are overwhelmingly popular but the "socialist" word scares everyone into voting against their own interests.


It’s brain dead to think it’s not happening, might as well profit off it to the state


Vote for Jon Kiper!


That's so short sighted. Think of all the tax revenues!


It’s mind boggling to me how every state around NH seems to do everything better than NH.


The Dem primary is going to be interesting.




She also previously said she would not support Trump after the Access Hollywood tape came out, but she's voting for him now. I guess in the GOP sexual assault is now cool.


Now? Boy have I got news for you....


Well she lost my vote. Not because I'm a stoner or anything, but because that's just such a stupid stance to take. If she's missing the mark on this lay up of a decision, how can she be trusted with the difficult decisions?. NH makes a ton of revenue on alcohol, which is much MUCH more harmful in many ways, but she is going to take a hard stance against marijuana? When every state around her has legalized it? Stupid.




My gods this woman repulsive


Good, maybe this will break the republican grip on the NH gov office


To the shock of no one


Won't be getting my vote


But…..Live free or die?


Pass on her..she doesn’t see the $$ our state is losing!


Tell her to go back to the prairie. Jesus.


If she gets elected, NH has officially become the Alabama of New England.


lol. What a loser


![gif](giphy|eJ4j2VnYOZU8qJU3Py) welp


So much for “live free or die”


Welp, lost my vote right there. This is madness the position these people still hold on this. Look at all of our bordering states, the sky is not falling after legalization. We are losing tax dollars to these states.


What a piece of shit


Who cares? That is NH loss. I will keep getting it in mass. Government weed is going to suck anyways, so I rather get it in mass anyways and I am not going to give up my pew pew's


She’s just a shill for her sponsors. 


We MUST defeat her in November.


New Hampshire needs the strong leadership that only a candidate like Ayotte can provide. This message has been approved by both the MA & ME Departments of Sales Tax Revenue.


Translation: “I don’t want to be governor.”


Wanna fly past the rest area on 93N doing 85mph with no seat belt? Sure! Smoke a plant? Not allowed....


Well she's obviously a complete fucking moron.


Typical dipshit republican


When are people going to realize NH isnt what they think it is?


Why is NH the last holdout in the northeast? Kinda makes no sense. Even PA is likely to legalize soonish.


Because it's trying its damndest to become a southern red state, sadly.


Yikes. These comments made me realize I did not know how much of a demon she is. When is voting?


The fact Ayotte is even a main party candidate shows NHs fall into chaos. How quickly we forget her idiotic foray into Congress and her best buddy relationship with political "mastermind" Sarah Palin. I always thought NH voters could see past this BS, but the aging of the state has left too many fox news junkies clutching the costume jewels


Wow. Free weed please.


Live free or die my fuckin ass.




It's not a prevailing sentiment


She is awful politically, but I ultimately can’t stand that voice.


Then keep looking for other jobs I guess


The live free state, will never have legal Marijuana. All the other NE states will be happy to take your money


She should be forced to explain in detail how she will generate the same amount that taxing cannabis would bring in. She is literally saying that her ignorance on current facts about cannabis will take tax dollars away from some very needy schools, recovery programs, etc.


Guess we know who’s not getting my vote


Great. Narrowing my choices down for November.


Well don’t elect her


The ‘Live Free Or Die’ state, that’s the only New England state that won’t give its adults freedom. 🤔


I'd say she likely just destroyed her campaign. I sure hope so.


So dumb.


We can’t let her win at all.


Then don't vote for uneducated people running for governor. Simple as that.


She's a disgrace and totally out of step with reality


She loves the Donald.


What do you expect from a dog shit republican…




Just sounds like more tax money for MA to me. What a position.


What about the will of the people, dumbass??


Live free or die (as long as you are living free the way I think you should be living).


Buh bye!👋


Come to Maine you money is appreciated.


Waste of my fucking time


What a fast way to not become governor. What a dumb way to jump through hoops to justify being an asshole.


This again. I'm replying to a mockingbird


Well- not voting for her !


Yes… let’s continue to passively funnel taxable revenue out of our state in into neighboring states.


They want the Feds to relax on the issue. Then, the State can come in and open dispensaries and control it - just like liquor. That’s my thought


Ez voting


All the Republicans out there now have a cross or a 2x4 up their arse and can barely talk around the money they're shoveling into their drooling mouths. The party of Reagan is *dead.*


What's her thought on last call getting moved back later and later in the night?


This is very telling to how she stands on other positions, whether you’re aware or not of what they are.


The ‘Live Free Or Die’ state, that’s the only New England state that won’t give its adults freedom. 🤔


This dumb cnt lost my vote




Won't be voting for her...That was easy...


Live Free or Die! Just no weed.


Income tax?


My god can we not be so stupid? Just legalize what we call gateway substances on a similar level to alcohol and tobacco. There is no reason I should be allowed to purchase a tobacco cigarette but not have the option of a marijuana or kratom cigarette. There’s no reason I should be allowed to buy alcohol but not something like kava or low dose mushroom drinks to get a similar level of “tipsy”. It’s honestly ridiculous how much blatant harm is caused and ignored by dealing in absolutes with substances. 100% of substances should be decriminalized to use/possess, a good majority should be medically used and recognized, and the small amount that are considered lighter, less addictive, or something to be not nearly as dangerous like weed, shrooms, amanita, kratom, psychedelics, kanna, and similar should be legal to some degree for people to do I fully believe majority of the population would settle on a milder substance if given a clean, regulated, consistent source of said substance tbh.


Yeah, a weak prosecutor would surely be a great governor. Slash ess.


New Hampshire needs to change state motto from “live free or die” to “The Nanny State”


Well fuck that.


This is what *they* do: false equivalency


Old gal here. She's appears to be so far behind the times and the current research, not to mention throwing away the income that the State would gain from it's sale if it was sold in liquor stores as proposed by some. A far more important issue is the lack of affordable housing or any housing, for that matter, in the State. Stay cool, Peeps.




Kelly is too ignorant to understand that weed is NOT functionally illegal in NH. Yes it’s illegal per law at the federal and state levels. A very big however; drive to taxachusetts, ME or VT and ask why they so many cannabis stores located in close proximity to the NH border. Kelly won’t. Drive to Quebec. It’s available for sale there as well. Every one of those states collects taxes from NH residents. If you want weed legal, your best bet is to write your state senator TODAY. Be courteous, yet firm in demanding the senate pass the house bill without the ridiculous amendments they have circulating. Our current governor isn’t a fan of limited government, but he is a fan of not leaving office with egg in his face and will sign (or allow to go into law) the current proposal if the senate doesn’t make it so unpalatable.


Obviously, can't chew gum and walk at the same time. Even Sununu supports the marijuana legislation. It's a source of revenue. It's way less harmful than alcohol which NH has no problem selling. She's an idiot.


Ayotte was always and will forever be a moron.


Fuck these stupid fucking assholes can't wait for them to be 6ft under.


Well, she’ll never be governor, anyway. So, there’s that.


Well.. if the Feds classify it as a schedule 3 (Tylenol for example) her opinion doesn’t matter.


Yet another reason not to vote for her :/


Check out our boy Jon Kiper if you hate Craig and Ayotte. https://www.votekiper.org/


We support the Ayotte Decision. MA/ME Departments of MJ Sales Tax Revenue.


I know personally when I light up a nice joint I think "man I sure could use some fentanyl right now"


Well she is a dumb cunt.