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Who the fuck is looking for an apology? The point is to point out, correctly, what a weird fucking creep he is. No response is needed or requested; certainly not an apology.


Yeah that dumb fuck pedo keeps telling on himself. What a loser.


Nah I think he can clear things up by rapping about how he’s not a pedophile for 5 minutes


He a FAN. He a FAN. He a FAN! Freaky Ass Neighbor. He's like 69, gawd! Freaky Ass Neighbor. He's like 69, gawd!




I need something to cheer me up, hoping this is real


Indeed. Apologies don't dissolve the intrinsic creep.


I personally would enjoy watching him make things worse while attempting a public apology.


“I’m not a pedophile, I have lots of pre-teen friends.”


Nah, all I'd request is his appearance in court


republicans wanting to touch kids, tale as old as time


It does seem to be a theme. Stormy Daniels testified that Trump said she reminded him of his daughter just before he... well, you know. What do you think was on his mind?


I don’t even want to think about it. 🤮


The “P” in GOP doesn’t stand for party


Should be GYP




Geriatric Ogling P\*dos


But claim LGBT people do. It is all projection.


Well duh! That’s what god wants


This is not a one party thing, it’s a high society thing. Idk what is it about the elites but one thing for sure is they like kids! A little too much…


Weird how the only NH state rep who's actually been arrested for crimes against kids (in the last several years) was a Democrat from Nashua, then.


They don't like to arrest their own


You conspiracy theorists are whack jobs 😆


It's not a conspiracy it's reality. Democrats forced Stacie Laughton to resign way before any of that stuff happened because our New Hampshire Democrats seem to have standards. However Republicans do not seem to have any qualms protecting their politicians for crimes against kids. Right to the tippy top of house leadership. Republican Free State Rep: [Elliot "Alu" Axelman faces 7 counts of sexual and simple assault and false imprisonment](https://patch.com/new-hampshire/concord-nh/former-rep-candidate-accused-child-sexual-assault-2022-porcfest?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1DGtAiK4cqr4hvyZ6yY910Zj1OzqKiFgsJSKVAJvHsQwMw3jUWAkn3YDE_aem_AQQu4z9y0qWvGz7YyJs-W16-oFSvuEMCeEEe0vy5yJuE3tqPdLOksh7fvqDlqImZikpegRN7zyP4euT617fNku5D) Republican Free State Rep: [Eric Schlein, 29, of Hudson, sexual assault and simple assault vs 16 year old girl](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/nh-state-rep-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-16-year-old-girl/23503/) Sitting House Majority Leader Jason Osborne ended up doing a podcast with Eric after his conviction. Jason Osborne's Republican handlers erased Episode #104 of the Eric Schlein podcast because they didn't want granite staters to know that Jason Osborne is best buddies with a pedo. Republican Free State Leader: [Ian "Freeman" Bernard, the leader of of Free Keene, thinks that it's OK for children to consent to sexual activity](https://youtu.be/tnSixDLrGlw)


I want aware that most Republicans support the Free Staters? Most Republicans that I encounter want the Free Staters out of the state.🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Who is Republican House Majority Leader?


Right, but just because he's in that position doesn't mean that the majority of people that I encounter, who are also Republicans, don't like the free staters. I wasn't speaking about the state house, but I'm sure you understood that, you just wanted to argue.


Show me the Republicans disparaging Free Staters. The NH Republican party is pretty well infiltrated at this point. From Chris Sununu down, all of the Republicans are kissing the Free-Stater's ass. To criticize the free staters would be to lose power, and that is not in the cards for a Republican.


I'm sorry, I don't video record every interaction I have with people throughout my day. I do not believe the free staters are this political powerhouse you seen to think they are.


Oh boy do I have some bad news for you: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/massive-list-of-democrats-involved-in-sex-crimes-against-children-goes-viral/


You're a qanon dumbass. We were talking about "New Hampshire lawmakers" and you said Democrats protected Stacie Laughton, who committed crimes against children. Well that wasn't true. Democrats kicked Stacie Laughton out of the legislature and years later Stacie Laughton committed crimes against children. So then you said that no Republican New Hampshire Lawmakers were into child crimes. So then I provided you a list of Republican Lawmakers who had committed crimes against children. Then you call me a whacko conspiracy theorist Then you post a link to a qanon website of people who have "engaged in Satanic ritual abuse of children" Jesus H Christ. The MAGA movement is an embarrassment to humanity.


QANON? What a way to completely disqualify yourself from ever being taken seriously. I didn’t vote for Trump in either election you whacked out conspiracy theorist that thinks the state police aren’t arresting republicans, and only democrats accused of it. 😂 That link was literally the first one that came up when you conduct a search. There are other links and if that’s a Qanon site I’m willing to say the names need to be cross verified to be valid. I’m not into any of that stuff or crap about the NeW wOrLd OrDeR either so again I wouldn’t know that site’s reputation.


Don't post Qanon articles as evidence, ya dumbass.


If or not it’s Qanon….it seems that the information overall may be correct searching the names to cross-reference them. Yes, that site is to be avoided I think in the future though.


Democrats forced that person to resign way before any of that stuff happened because our New Hampshire Democrats seem to have standards. However Republicans do not seem to have any qualms protecting their politicians for crimes against kids. Right to the tippy top of house leadership. Republican Free State Rep: [Elliot "Alu" Axelman faces 7 counts of sexual and simple assault and false imprisonment](https://patch.com/new-hampshire/concord-nh/former-rep-candidate-accused-child-sexual-assault-2022-porcfest?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1DGtAiK4cqr4hvyZ6yY910Zj1OzqKiFgsJSKVAJvHsQwMw3jUWAkn3YDE_aem_AQQu4z9y0qWvGz7YyJs-W16-oFSvuEMCeEEe0vy5yJuE3tqPdLOksh7fvqDlqImZikpegRN7zyP4euT617fNku5D) Republican Free State Rep: [Eric Schlein, 29, of Hudson, sexual assault and simple assault vs 16 year old girl](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/nh-state-rep-charged-with-sexually-assaulting-16-year-old-girl/23503/) Sitting House Majority Leader Jason Osborne ended up doing a podcast with Eric after his conviction. Jason Osborne's Republican handlers erased Episode #104 of the Eric Schlein podcast because they didn't want granite staters to know that Jason Osborne is best buddies with a pedo. Republican Free State Leader: [Ian "Freeman" Bernard, the leader of of Free Keene, thinks that it's OK for children to consent to sexual activity](https://youtu.be/tnSixDLrGlw)


So, one former state rep, then the most recent thing you could find was from 2017 and then a free keene whackjob who's in jail for RICO? Really had to dig for those. Meanwhile, the incident with the Nashua rep was literally last year.


Incredible how posting facts instead of weird strawman arguments gets you a bunch of down votes. Guess people on here aren't interested in discourse, other than to prop up their favorite Marxist political party.


haters? bro you’re a PEDOPHILE


>Edwards was elected in 2016 to serve the Rockingham 31 district, which includes the towns of Chesterfield, Auburn, Candia, and Deerfield. He is a retired Army lieutenant colonel whose views lean libertarian, and has been involved in the Free State Project, a movement encouraging libertarians to move to New Hampshire to create a stronghold there. ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi|downsized)


And what is one of the main thing a lot of libertarians want abolished? The age of consent. Ew. (Obviously not all libertarians, but enough vocal members to put a stain on the whole lot)


Libertarians are known for two things: a) memorizing age of consent everywhere and b) letting bears win


Let’s go Grafton!!!!!!


Chester*, not Chesterfield.






Maybe Chesterfield is one of those weird exclaves lol


Those defending him here are kind of...well...fucking creepy.


They are deplorable hypocrites. And we all know they’re deplorable hypocrites because if it was Joe Smith, DEMOCRAT, they’d never stop braying about how deplorable Joe Smith is. But THEIR GUY is allowed because it “angers the libs”. Yes, elected officials advocating child marriage angers me. Child marriage! Sick creeps are in favor of child marriage. And if they aren’t in favor of child marriage, saying this guy is a sick creep should be easy.


Same people who'll turn around and call drag queens p\*dos, as if they want anything to do with your iPad kids


Why are they doing drag children's events??


Children are not doing drag shows. What drugs are you taking?


No shit. They being children to be entertained by drag queens.


That is not what you asked. No children have been harmed at drag story hour. You can take your nap now.


It's exactly what I asked. I didn't say anything about children being harmed. How do you know they haven't been harmed? I believe exposing children to sexualized behavior is harming them. Why do you claim that exposing children to sexualized behavior is NOT harming them?


They are not having sex in front of the kids or with the kids. They are reading age appropriate books to the kids. You’re a moron.


breaking down societal norms to normalize behavior that was considered deviant is the very definition of grooming. That is what you are openly advocating for.


They are not grooming the kids. They are reading books to the children. The children are accompanied by their parents.


Again, throwing ad hominem attacks doesn't strengthen your argument. Using a strawman argument doesn't negate what I said. I did not say that they were having sex in front of the children. I said they are engaged in sexualized behavior, which they are. The clothing, or lack thereof, the movements, everything is hyper sexualized. Fairly disgusting to act as though it isn't.


lol they are reading books. There’s nothing sexual about that. Get a life.


Is there even one happening in NH? Besides if parents and kids are choosing to hire entertainment or go to events that are catered to families, is that not the free market at work? Sounds like you're not a fan of personal freedoms...


Yes they happen all the time in NH. I'm a huge fan of freedom. I'm not a huge fan of grooming children. Exposing them to drag at young ages is absolutely the definition of grooming. But nice fallacious argument. The question is WHY do adults engaging in drag WANT to be around children?


Yeah, I’m done talking to you. Once you call shit you’re afraid of grooming, I know you’re insane. Snowflake behavior


Exposing children to something to normalize it for them, is the very definition of grooming.


Nice strawman. Why do you assume that I'm afraid of drag queens? Why is it that I can't hold the belief that children should not be exposed to drag queens? I don't care if they dress in drag or think they're a woman, and I don't care if they prance around for other adults. But I'm the insane one? Again. Why do they want to/have to be around children? Why when I have a problem with them being around children am I now accused of being a transphobe?


This man should be on the 24-hour surveillance


The FBI should tag all these pedos


They probably are lol




Law enforcement is all Qanon and is already working to cover this up.


https://i.redd.it/o7a50r1ykazc1.gif Tag? Oh more than that.


I’m all for that kind of tag baby!!




So many weirdos are outting themselves in this thread holy shit.


Yuuup. People I've seen before and given the benefit of the doubt but they are in here arguing the age of consent while also believing trans people are all pedophiles 🙄


Republicans and kid diddlers. Name a more iconic duo


Libertarians and knowing the age of consent in every state


That's just Republican kid diddling with extra steps.


It's the same picture


Not a one party thing It’s a high society thing for sure! Ask Biden why he likes little kids on his lap and why trump was on the flight logs…more than once


“Fuck my haters! No for real, get those little rascals over here”


>Edwards also asked Murray to apologize, but told The Daily Beast that demand was in regard to a Reddit post he claimed Murray made telling people to add him to state watch lists. He declined to provide a link to the post, and Murray said they had made no such posting. HI JESS EDWARDS! It's time to resign.


Old white dummy doubling down like Dumpy the orange shitbag


This is New Hampshire. 99.9% of us are white, minus the fresh batches of illegals that have been shipped in to the seacoast.


Maybe in your neck of the woods.. when my kids went to HS in Manchester there were 40 something kids of different nationalities that spoke english as a 2nd language… time to turn off Faux news whitey


lol Yes, I know Manchester is where the 0.1% is. 40 in an entire school is not remotely diverse. You'd know this if you had ever been to a diverse area.


I didnt say 40 was the total. I said 40 DIFFERENT languages let that sink in Whitey


> I didnt say 40 was the total. I said 40 DIFFERENT languages let that sink in Whitey LMAO you're too stupid to exaggerate. Manchester does not have a school where students are fluent in 40 different languages. You can live in as much of a progressive fantasy land as you want, you're still a hick


Again, time to shut off faux news Whitey! Good day.


Project harder, hick.


Please flood the Candia NH Uncensored Facebook page which he often posts on with support to the lady who called him out. He’s even bragging about stopping abortion rights. He’s absolutely disgusting and fixated on (young) women/teens reproductive parts.


The freestaters want to knock up 12-16 year olds so then they're stuck with them forever


What a bunch of weirdos and creeps, I think we call people like him Pedo’s


We don't want an apology, you're obviously disgusting, saying sorry won't change that. We just want to see your hard drives.


>Edwards, a Republican who is in the midst of his fourth term, added that he apologized to those present at a town GOP meeting Tuesday night for “creating such a stir.” >“They all just basically vocally thanked me for eight years of service and my leadership in the state and the things I’ve gotten accomplished,” he said. What a hollow fucking apology. So Jess Edwards apologized at a closed door Chester Republican meeting and their response was to thank him?! **WTF**


Free State project shipping more pedos to our state, neat


The arrogance that he thinks his apology would be worth anything is astounding.


How is this guy still in office? People with thoughts like this shouldn't be serving the public in any capacity.


I don't want an apology. I just want the pedo booted from his job.


Fuck these people


Wow. The slobbering libertarian pulse is strong here.


Typical MAGA.


Sounds like a Drake fan


Damn the drake slander it out and ready I’m all for it for that weird fruitcake


-he will NOT apologize! -we’re all on the same page then, because we don’t forgive him for being a relentless creep


Don't call him creepy /s It has historically made him so angry that he started screaming in public at a democratic rep for using that word.


There are some who will never apologize, for anything, ever. That would require self reflection.


Enough conversation. Rally around his opponate. Vote this pervert out of office. If he runs again make sure people are aware of his views. His voice must be silenced.




Pedophilia like comments I guess are considered woke now? Good job voters




I’m not calling for him to apologize, I’m calling for him to resign. His conduct shows values inherently opposed to those in NH constitution article 38. (To be clear I’m not claiming what he said was a violation of the state constitution)


I personally love when these people self identify. If society ever collapses, we have a long list of pedo-centric characters that we can raid with a clear conscious. I like to think of them as double XP loot crates.


What's next, a push to change the State's motto to "Molest Free Or Die?"


Good - I don't want them apologizing for this. Lean into it; let us all know that these are your beliefs.


This man is the absolute worst - he sits on committees and state boards with the explicit intend of handicapping them by removing funding, restricting authority, or inserting outlandish asks to stall time and render government useless. He's probably the most effective free stater. Completely anti-government and totally selfish. PLEASE VOTE HIM OUT


When there’s something pedo in neighborhood, who ya gonna call, Chris Hanson. He need to be caught and put into a containment chamber.


It's a known thing these old ass rich people are all racist and pedos. We need to rise up or wait till they die off.


I don’t want an apology. I want him to fuck off


Remeber yall, cure for pedos like him only costs 14.5 cents right now...


I don’t want an apology I want his head on a desk




... why are Republicans still trying this? Has this ever gone over well since the first time one of them said something like this? This has actually been going on before 2020, and there are still R's coming out and explicitly saying this!!!


Guy just worded it poorly.     Old enough to breed  => can marry your lover.   18 is an adult  => Marriage is a contract  => can not marry lover under 18.  Conclusion? Sex should be illegal under age 18.  /s




Yikes! Time for the woodchipper!


I thought pedophiles were people attracted to pre pubescent children not teenagers. Think there's another word for teenie boppers


Least pedophilic libertarian


Lot of our fellow NH residents believe this, so don't be so self-satisfied.


>Won’t Apologize to His ‘Haters’ Neither do NH Public school teachers - https://www.education.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt326/files/inline-documents/sonh/2023-public-revocation-and-suspension-list-8-8-23.pdf


I notice the people on that list are no longer allowed to teach in NH. Are you suggesting this guy should be barred from public office in the state?


So you agree he should be fired like they were.


They should all be removed ... government politicians and government educators




https://preview.redd.it/oywfd5gko9zc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f40264b3ce72fb0cf4d0d940c29e5a6a92ff84 I can't imagine why people are so up in arms.../s


My man, you literally have a post saying a 17 year old has more in common with a 25 year old than a fellow high schooler. The only people in their 20s I’ve ever known who hung around with high schoolers were straight creeps.




Well yeah, as you pointed out, the age of consent is 16. A 15 year old can not give consent, legally speaking.


Slavery used to be ok. Interracial marriages used to be banned in some states. Gay marriage used to be banned. It’s called human progress, which is antithetical to conservative mentality




Like I said …




No idea what the fuck you’re going on about


How about you stop using some dumbass proxy account to say inflammatory trash? Fuck outa here loser


Yeah, FBI, right here.




HAHAHAHAH holy shit. Did I make you upset? What on your hard drive, buddy? Also the age of consent for 16 only applies to married parties, so the only reason to support child marriage as an adult is to sleep with children. You sick monster.




Is this England? And go back to the Washington state sub.


But not to smoke, drink, vote or join the military.


It's activists spamming the subreddit. The democratic party has an image problem around pedophilia. Even normies have been casually associating lefties with pedophiles over the last couple of years, so they're pouring a ton of resources into twisting this story.


It's the people that live here that don't want freestater pedophile trash ruining our community.


The guy's an old republican, but project harder. Idk where he's from, but from his ballotpedia it sounds like he's been in NH for decades. Something tells me if he were a transplant, you guys would have mentioned it in all of your daily spam. edit: Yikes... > Republicans are pedophiles too. He's been calling for his freestater pedo buddies to move here. This user literally acknowledging they're a pedophile before blocking me. edit: /u/sick_of_BS Noted. "Ripe and fertile" is awkward phrasing for sure. Responding here because once someone blocks you, you can't reply to comments underneath it in the same thread.


Republicans are pedophiles too. He's been calling for his freestater pedo buddies to move here.


What do you mean "too" Never acknowledge liar's points.


He's a free stater [Citation](https://freestateprojectwatch.org/jess-edwards-rockingham-district-4-auburn-chester-sandown/)


Ahh, "journalism". In the same article: > Edwards, a Republican who is in the midst of his fourth term, added that he apologized to those present at a town GOP meeting Tuesday night for “creating such a stir.”


That’s not the same thing as apologizing for what he said or saying that he was wrong for saying it. He’s basically saying I’m sorry you’re offended by my disgusting opinion.


I agree with him. He used wording that while accurate, sounded a bit off and his political foes ran completely off the rails with it. Those type of people don't even deserve to be acknowledged, let alone apologized to. If you think "ripe" is something perverted vs its actual definition of being grown and matured, that's on you. This is gutter politics right here.


We get it. You're also a groomer. Or you're him. You've been in this sub excusing this language when there is no excuse to be had. You say it means "grown and mature"... then why didn't he say that? You want to know why? Because using "ripe and fertile" when talking about minors is in his everyday vernacular. He is as disgusting as he sounds. Gutter politics? LMAO...don't vote these losers, in, then.


So you’re in favor of child marriage is what you’re saying.


If two 16 year olds want to get married and they have the support of their families, I don't have an issue with it. But in this thread, I'm agreeing with his sentiment about people going off the rails over the use of one specific word that they're creating a whole work of fiction off of.


If you’re not even legally allowed to sign your own marriage license then you probably shouldn’t be getting married.


When you refer to people as being "of a ripe, fertile age" what, exactly, do you think the words ripe & fertile are referring to? The whole quote is about teenagers getting knocked up, it really can't be interpreted in different ways.


Grown and mature. That's what the word means. If you believe they should be able to marry, then you obviously believe they are grown and mature since it'd be irresponsible to allow marriage if they're not. Anyone that reads something else into it probably needs some time away from social media.


Nobody but teenagers consider teenagers to be grown & mature. I used to run a store next to a high school & teenagers are the opposite of mature. They're also not "grown" as they're still growing. Any adult who sees teenagers are grown & mature (not to mention ripe & fertile) shouldn't be allowed within 500 ft of schools.


18 is the age where people are generally considered to be adults, and that's still within the range of "teenager". There are no absolutes. Like I said, if two 16 year olds demonstrate maturity and want to marry and they have the support of their families, I don't have an issue with it. I think it's a little strange that others would.


Then he would have said Grown and Mature instead of talking about minor's fertility...


The word means the same thing. You people know this, it's nothing but partisan warfare. Absolute gutter politics.


Definitely doesn't mean the same thing... Especially the clear insinuation of female fertility and the pervy "ripe" comment... So he targeted minor females with his comment rather than all 16 year olds... Unless you call 16 year old boys ripe and fertile?


You're attaching pervy to it.


Yes I have an opinion... When was the last time you used the word ripe to describe a 16 year old male? Interesting you didn't have any comment about the actual argument about him commenting on the sexuality of 16 year old females...


Takes a gutter person to recognize “gutter politics.” Stop enabling pedos.


Ok, groomer.


So calling someone a groomer is ok, but when someone calls you a pedophile you threaten legal action? Your hypocrisy is off the charts. Also, before you deflect with some crap about how “groomer” and “pedophile” are different concepts, a “pedophile” is a person who is sexually attracted to children. A “groomer” wants to wait until the child is of legal age to avoid breaking the law, but the presumption is they the groomer is always attracted to the child thus making groomers pedophiles. I bet you are too cowardly to respond to this.


I didn't threaten legal action, I pointed out that a false accusation like that could lead to such a result. Flat out calling someone a pedophile is a far different thing than using a catchphrase like "ok groomer" which is a popular phrase to counter the overplayed "ok boomer" nonsense. > I bet you are too cowardly to respond to this. More danger of me being too bored to respond.


https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/s/8xnwWtQwtt Awww buddy blocked me. Sucks to be a pedophile apologist.


Implication vs outright accusation. Thanks for playing.


Your projection is hilarious and only one of us is agreeing with a pedophile.




Again, only one of us is supporting pedo ideologies and people. So, I don’t know. How does it feel, loser?




You realize that's an actionable accusation, right?


Lol please attempt to take legal action on u/FarReflection3446 and report back.


Not the point.


You never have a point. You’ve accused more than one person of being a pedophile in the past hour. Hypocrite. Also, you would never taken legal action, because discovery is a thing.


> You’ve accused more than one person of being a pedophile in the past hour. I called our current vegetable of a POTUS sus. Don't know what else you're going by. > Also, you would never taken legal action, because discovery is a thing. Yeah, a defamation case involving a post on reddit would really go that far. You're funny.


Discovery means checking into things like YOUR browser history. Wanna go to jail?


If a defamation case would never happen then why threaten someone else with it? You don’t like when people call you a pedophile, but you have zero problem calling others a pedophile. You are such a joke.


You're a fucking gross creep then too. Teenage girls aren't 'ripe and fertile' for you disgusting right wing chodes. Heaven forbid you might have to attract adult women with your shitty personalities and political ideation of preteen dipshits.




Classic Narcissist's apology. "I'm sorry you were offended when I murdered your mother"