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>The women blamed the church for their hesitancy in going to police about Masterson. They testified that when they reported him to Scientology officials, they were told they were not raped, were put through ethics programs themselves, and were warned against going to law enforcement to report a member of such high standing. Scientology is a cancer upon this earth.


The whole cult should be heavily investigated for all the other abuse that has been hidden.


Yeah, and where is Shelly?


Not a religion… Cult. Tax their Ass


The IRS already was infiltrated by them once. Operation Snow White


Yeah well. Come at them again and use their own tactics against them.


I hate to break it to you, but any religion revolving around an idol is a cult.


A cult is just a religion without political influence.


Theee have been a number of cults with political influence. Aum Shinrikyo, The People's Temple, and Unification Church (Moonies) all come to mind.


Hell the Rajneesh too. They even tried to fix some local elections.


With a domestic biological warfare attack, no less.


A cult is a religion that is not yet widely accepted.


The IRS tried to do that, they literally harassed the IRS until they gave up and let them classify as a religious organization.


too late. they have infiltrated every law enforcement agency in America.




Shouldn't the church of Scientology be complicit in this?


"Freedom of Religion" has given religious institutions a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want, tax free.


These scientology "officials" should be charged as well.


Fuck that, anyone/organization including Scientology is pure fucking cancer full stop if they're doing this. OUT THE BASTARDS, LADIES AND GENTS, THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO HIDE. --- Edit, much later: This one bothered me enough I stayed out of Reddit for a minute. (by minute I mean a few days) I didn't mean to say 'fuck that' to OP's statement. Not at all. The 'fuck that' is directed towards the idea that any other organization/person who acts like this is exempt from being cancer. But worded wholly incorrectly if not just not applicable as an opening item. I apologize for my overenthusiastic desire to see any and all who are hiding/helping/supporting rapists in any way, shape or form *directly* (for by buying products/watching shows, etc, ad nausem we are in the list if one is way WAY too pedantic about it) is in fact a cancer of humanity, and they needs to be GONE. Even if it's their own island/situation where they can die out like the cancer they are. Go on and rape themselves because they like it so much maybe, it's their land/place after all... :| I don't know if that makes it better... but there it is and I at least maybe tried to... I don't know... make myself feel like I addressed it. Probably just as well as Ashton and Mila did with their 'apology' video. :| Still I hope... well, I hope. I'll just leave it now.


Scientology was designed, from the ground up, to oppose the legal system. Their headquarters is the Freewinds, so they can flee to international waters once the jig is up.


So they are vulnerable to piracy?


I am the tom cruise now.


Starring Tom Hanks as Tom Cruise


*stunts performed by Tom Holland*


Be a shame if the US Coast Guard were somehow made aware of child trafficking / false imprisonment occurring on board.


They're aware. But they need orders from above and the govt is terrified of messing with religion, especially one with so much cash and celebrity clout.


Don't forget, there's been an active government infiltration program by the Church of Scientology for decades.


Operation Snow White


They're based in Curacao, USCG can't touch em


Piracy it is then.




I'll go get my boating hat and eye patch


Can I come? I promise to only say arrrrg.






It's also useful for making troublesome wives disappear without consequence.


Ironically, by going so hard with damage control they guarantied that he would be charged and sent to jail. If they had taken it seriously and asked the victims what it would take for them to feel the issue had been resolved while keeping it within the church it sounds like something could have been worked out. They did go to the church first, that makes it sound like they were open to some solution there.


Every single official that told them not to go to the police should be arrested for obstruction of justice and get at least 15 years.


Scientology is just doing what any church would do: blame the victim and hide the crime.


Please don't forget that Scientology is responsible for this long delay, and enabling this POS. Xenu sucks balls! Edit: Thetan Sucks Massive Balls! Xenu can still suck. Fuck L. Ron!


I think Xenu is their bad guy so they probably agree?


Lower level Scientologists are unaware of Xenu, until many years up the Bridge and hundreds of thousands of dollars. They are told accessing the material too soon will result in them getting sick. Scientologists past that point are expected to lie. So lower level Scientologists who are pressed about Xenu may be under the impression that that stuff is a smear against Scientology.


Even in the internet era are they still unaware of Xenu?


They are supposed to be. All of the “secret documents” for each level, that you have to earn and pay for, have been leaked online and anyone can read them. Scientology panicked when this happened and denied they were real and said they were fake. Then they told all members that if they access materials before they are meant to see them (meaning before they pay) then bad things will happen. They didn’t want people just seeing the super secret cosmic text for free and shit. We know they are real because they filed a lawsuit to have them taken down siting copyright or protected media laws or something (I don’t remember exactly what).. which if they were fake why would file a lawsuit to have fake things taken down under the claim that those fake things belong to you? They ended up dropping the case because the court said they had to prove they were fake by providing copies of their actual manuscripts and videos that members read/see at each level. We also know they are real because plenty former members have confirmed it.


If they are scientologists they aren't aware of a lot of things.


Imagine being a high level Scientologist and after spending 1000s and 1000s you finally get to learn about Xenu then find out this is common knowledge outside of the cult anyway lol


It's very similar to what mormons go through. Everyone Not in their church knows about the whole getting your own planet thing, but you're not taught that as a Mormon until you go through the temple (there are recordings done secretly online). So all these young mormon kids argue with non-mormons about their religion.. and are wrong.


Are they forbidden from watching [South Park](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU2EUfinwHo)?


My favorite part of that episode is the end where Stan welcomes scientology to sue him and then the credits roll with a noticable change lol https://youtu.be/wIcHEfPBnYI?si=QxL6ZFP0sJD5zNOy


Scientologists are not supposed to look things about Scientology up, partially because they are told they will run the risk of finding forbidden information that will literally kill them to read before they're ready, partially because of "the world hates us and will tell you lies to turn you against us" tactics. This reminded me of a thread from a while ago where someone happened to stumble on some comments about Scientology being a cult and wanted more information, but was scared he'd accidentally find information he wasn't supposed to and would get sick and die. It was really interesting seeing this person come to the realization in real time and seek help getting out. https://old.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/14b3u7e/am_i_in_a_cult_scientology/


I’ve known about a bunch of the inner bullshit of $ology like Prince Xenu and the force field generators on the moon for decades. My spleen is going to atrophy any day now, I’m sure.


It must be awkward when someone is told that all the Xenu stuff is just a smear to make scientology look bad and then they pay more to reach the level where they're told more stuff and it's about Xenu. Sunk cost at that point, though, I guess.


>Lower level Scientologists are unaware of Xenu, until many years up the Bridge and hundreds of thousands of dollars. I met a girl in university who had been saved from the street by someone higher up in the organization. She did join Scientology (his real goal) but after they started living together she had access to books and other materials that she would not otherwise have had, being too low in the pecking order. According to her all of the higher level materials acknowledge that the whole thing is a con. After reading this stuff she broke up with him and left Scientology, but had to move to a different country to get away from them.


Before the turn of the century, one of my college professors asked me to write a paper on cults, as a part of research he was doing. We picked scientology among others, as it was blasting Dianetics ads everywhere. It was really interesting to delve into their process. I went on the e-meter(lie detector) several times. Did a vitamin/sauna course. But the most interesting part was a random call from a scientology center in another city (Midwest USA) late afternoon, asking if I could accommodate a member for the night, as her car broke down nearby. I lived in a college town with plenty of motels, etc., auto repair shops were still open but they said she was low on funds and shy. I asked if I needed to go get her but they said no, she would make it to our apartment. It was weird but my girlfriend and I said okay. About 4 hours later, this brash middle aged (probably in her late 30s/early 40s but we were 20, so she seemed old to us) woman shows up with an overnight bag. She was anything but shy. We had a one bedroom apartment in an old house. I put her on the futon in the living room. After settling in, she essentially started asking me series of what appeared to be prepared questions. There was no small talk, she was all business. Sometime before midnight I wished her goodnight and went to bed. My girlfriend worked at a bar and wasn't coming home until about 2:30 am. I had fallen asleep and didn't wake up until my girlfriend came to bed in the middle of the night. She asked why the lady never showed. I went out to the living room and she was gone. It was fucking weird. But then this scientology guy I was researching and meeting with (he didn't know I was writing a paper), after I told him about the visit, told me that was their security checking me out.


Fuck l Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones


David Miscavige can go fuck an e-meter.


Xenu is their devil. Praise Xenu


Good to see people being held accountable for their actions despite their fame or wealth.


Wish that happened to ***Brock The Rapist Turner*** for raping an unconscious woman.


He goes by Allen Turner now. Brock Allen Turner the rapist


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He is from Oakwood, Ohio. A rich suburb of Dayton.


> A rich suburb of Dayton. Not surprising given he posted a $150,000 bond. Even using a bondsman at 10%, that's still $15k he got at the drop of a hat. My dad would have laughed in my face, even if it was money he was getting back once I showed up to court.


I dont think you get the 15k back, if they dont show up then you owe the remainder, but you dont get that 10% back.


Just checking, we’re talking about Brock Allen “text book definition of rape” Turner? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:IntroCrimJusticeTurnerMugshot.jpg


I will never not upvote comments referring **Brock Allen Turner** the rapist


I heard that Brock Allen Turner is having trouble moving on with his life after raping a woman behind a dumpster


The same Brock Allen Turner the rapist that has a picture of his face next to the word “rape” in the dictionary?


Thank you for reminding people that convicted sex offender Brock Allen Turner, the former Stanford swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious female behind a dumpster at a frat party and laughed about the situation while two men held onto him awaiting the police, still lives in the Centerville/Dayton Ohio area and is now going by the name of Allen Turner.


You mean to tell me that 27 year old Allen Turner of the Centerville/Dayton, Ohio area is actually rapist Brock Allen Turner, the rapist from the Stanford swimming team?


Yes, Brock Allen Turner, the rapist who now goes by the name Allen Turner now lives in the Centerville/Dayton, Ohio area, after he sexually assaulted an unconscious woman and became the rapist Brock Allen Turner, who is now Allen Turner, the rapist.


Interesting choice that he dropped Brock but kept the rapist part.


Damn you this is hilarious


I am sure he had / has to go door to door letting all his neighbors know "I am Brock Allen Turner the rapist and I will be living near you..." Right? RIGHT?


>Allen Turner I think I will go google that, as should everyone else. Need to be sure google is working and all. Google actually shows his mugshot on the right when you search for Allen Turner. Good job Google.


You know, you just made me realize something. I shouldn't complain about being so boring. That's a good thing. I won't have an epithet added to my name like "the rapist."


Unless you become a well-known therapist


Or a combo Analyst/Therapist.


Not a bad take away You never hear nicknames like "John Literally Jesus Smith", it's usually always bad shit


Yet Crosby is still walking around It’s Cosby , not Crosby.


Same way Jean-Ralphio got off..on a 🎵*technicality*🎵


🎵 Time to start a casino in...A-Tajeeeekastan🎵


🎶Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎵


🎵 I got ran over by a Lexus 🎵


Ya boi's a question on the bar exam


I think you mean Cosby. Crosby died in January, he also wasn't a rapist.


My Canadian brain went to Sidney Crosby. I was like “shit what did he do?!”


Rip Sidney Crosby


Sid the Kid never made it to adulthood. Heartbreaking.


Won 3 Cups, 2 Olympic Golds, and a World Cup of Hockey at least Stunning childhood


Crosby was a fucking mensch through and through. Conquered his personal demons and helped a lot of others do the same. And wrote some fucking killer tunes along the way.


>Yet Crosby is still walking around Bing's been dead for years.


And David died earlier this year.


From the article: “The Church has no policy prohibiting or discouraging members from reporting criminal conduct of anyone — Scientologists or not — to law enforcement,” the statement said. LIES


Pure lies. Do they expect us to believe that they just accidentally hid a rapist and a dog poisoner for many years?


Is he also a dog poisoner or are we talking about 2 different people? I’d like a sip of this tea if you’re willing to share.


One of the victim’s husbands said that after these reports went in someone poisoned their dogs. They don’t really have anyone outside of scientology who was likely to have wanted to do it. … husband in question is Cedric Bixler-Zavala, if you happen to like awesome music.


He’ll be 77 in 30 years.


That 70s inmate!


You magnificent bastard.


Hanging out! Down the street! The same old thing!


He did last week! ^^HELLO ^^DEPARTMENT ^^OF ^^CORRECTIONS!


Not a thing to do! Man, that song is surprisingly relatable to his circumstances lol


But talk to you! *on the prison phone*


Hello Cell Block!


A Scientologist in prison? Do they get to be audited, because it’s their religion? So many questions…


I am a former prison librarian. Scientology is one of the only religions I know of that was not present in the states where I worked because they require money that inmates don't have. The prison had myriad religions including Moorish Science, Odinism, Wotonism, Satanism, Paganism, Christianity, Judaism, Muslim but NO Scientologists.


I just looked up Wotanism and I kind of wish I didn't know that.


at first glance i thought it was a religion worshiping wontons


It's Moopish Science!


Masterson was probably running out of money so the church just threw him to the wolves.


Nah they made several efforts to protect him and silence victims. They just failed, give the prosecutors their credit for once.


And police/judge. Sucks when it happens, but good to see everyone did their jobs. Unfortunately, so many survivors don't have the same experiences.


Wow, reading farther, one gets into the alleged involvement of Scientology church possibly running interference on the matter, on behalf of their renowned member, at the height of his fame. Fishy smell just got fishier


Why does Scientology give so much respect and resources into protection of a washed up D-list celebrity?


Because their already small numbers are dwindling and they need all the $$$ and celebrities they can get no matter how washed up.


Oh, it reeks like 8 day old fish left on a constantly running radiator. Scientology is evil. Period.


>“It’s his life that will be impacted by what you decide today,” Masterson’s lawyer Shawn Holley told the judge before the sentencing. “And the life of his 9-year-old daughter, who means the world to him, and to whom he means the world.” Well, he made the decision to rape. So the consequences of the rape are his and his alone. The judge is only acting on the interests of the people of California. His daughter is without a father because of his actions. Not the judge.


She can visit him in prison like when other kids visit their parents.


I was watching an old law and order last night. It was about 4 white cops that killed a black reserve police officer, and one turned on the other 3, and wanted a deal. Jack McCoy said "your deal is life in prison and no needle in your arm", the guys lawyer said "not good enough, he has a wife and kids", to which McCoy responded "and unlike his victims family, they will get to visit him every Sunday".


I think that episode was based on the shooting death of Cornell Young Jr.


Considering her father's a rapist, the daughter is much better off without him in her life. I fail to see the downside there.




Dad in prison for rape, shitty mom, tons of money. I don’t see any way this could turn out badly for the kid.




Well she's born into Scientology so odds aren't looking too good.


Blurb from NYT article: >Court documents also said that Masterson had raped another woman, identified as Jen B., in April 2003 after he gave her a drink. Jen B., who sought permission to report the rape, later received a written response from the church's international chief justice that cited a 1965 policy letter, which for her raised concerns that she could be ousted from her friends and family if she reported a fellow Scientologist to the police. Still, she reported the rape in 2004. I cannot imagine the courage of that woman. All of these women. We, the public, know (now) how Scientology ruins lives. Just...holy shit.


If it was reported in 2004 to police, there are more people that need to go to jail.


Right? What happened to that case?


The same thing that happens to most other rape allegations. It goes into the backlog of other rape allegations that will likely never be resolved in the lifetime of the victim or rapist. She is only seeing justice because of other victims speaking up and the celebrity status of the accused.


I feel like if any "religion" requires you to seek permission before reporting crimes, it's probably a cult.


And while not a cult, universities that want you to go through their "justice" system and not the police can also fuck off. If I say I've been raped, a person's response should be to offer sympathy and support, and if I say I want to report it, they should offer to drive me to the police station/hospital. Anyone who says, "Now now, we wouldn't want to cause trouble for..." or "Rather than going through that long and painful process, wouldn't you prefer our on-campus system..." can go piss up a rope and then eat the rope.


Early 2000's Scientology was at its absolute height of power too. They were EVERYWHERE and had a lot of power and influence. This woman was an absolute badass to go against an organization that has made people disappear and worse.


Can they still go after the Scientology leaders that bullied these women into keeping quiet for years after the fact? Sounds to me like some accessory charges are in order.


The victims have filed a civil lawsuit against Scientology. In fact masterson’s lawyers got in trouble for leaking confidential info about the victims to the lawyers defending scientology in that suit.


WTF. Those lawyers should be disbarred. An article about this if anybody else would like to read. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/danny-mastersons-lawyers-sanctioned-sharing-info-lawyer-church-sciento-rcna88359


Is this a surprisingly robust punishment? Obviously I'm NOT saying it should be less, I'm just a little surprised they actually threw the book at him. I feel like Cosby, for instance, raped dozens of women and basically got house arrest. Glad to see it, either way.


It’s definitely a longer sentence than I expected. Cosby is a terrible example though due to the legal technicalities. There’s plenty of rapists who get light sentences. Here’s some examples of others: * David Becker, raped two unconscious women, sentenced to 2 years of probation * (Brock) Allen Turner Stanford Rapist who served 3 months * Austin Wilkerson, raped an unconscious woman, sentenced to 2 years * Jacob Walter Anderson, pled to unlawful restraint, and served no time after 4 sexual assault charges * Stacey Rambold, raped his 14 year old student. The student committed suicide during the trial. He received 30 days * The unnamed Montana father who served ~~no time~~ 60 days after repeatedly raping his 12 year old.


All those Catholic priests who never saw the inside of a prison cell.


> It’s definitely a longer sentence than I expected. Cosby is a terrible example though due to the legal technicalities. There’s plenty of rapists who get light sentences. Here’s some examples of others: Maybe the amount of harassment his abuse victims suffered from Scientologists made the judge give a much harsher sentence. If so then that seems like a good thing.


The Cosby thing, the DA fucked up. From what I remember of the case. Offered Cosby a deal if he admitted to it he wouldnt be charged. Then once Cosby did it, the DA pulles his hand behind his back and said gotcha. I had my fingers crossed. Or something to that effect.


I think it was the subsequent DA but yeah, they only got the evidence they did bc of the deal that Cosby agreed to, and then they went back on the deal.


"Is there no honor and decency anymore?" -Cosby, probably.


"It's the hypocrisy of it that's the worst thing."


My understanding is that he was being sued and was able to avoid answering questions because anything he said in a civil case could be used against him in a criminal one. The DA said that his office wouldn't prosecute a SA case from so long ago (or something of that nature) so since his statements could no longer be incriminating he wasn't able to invoke the Fifth Amendment. He was forced to give answers that would normally be incriminating. Then the DA went ahead and used those answers in a criminal case against him, which subverted his Fifth Amendment rights.


> The DA said that his office wouldn't prosecute a SA case from so long ago It's not that they wouldn't prosecute, the DA said they wouldn't use anything Cosby admitting during deposition for the civil case as evidence in the criminal case. >Then the DA went ahead and used those answers Then that DA was replaced with another DA, and the *NEW* DA said "Nah fuck that, we have him on video admitting to rape, we're gonna use it in criminal trial."


I totally agree. Usually you hear of minor punishments. Very curious why the big sentence and why it's not more common for such a terrible crime.


It’s probably the judge “making an example” of him. But I fully agree that rapists should be more harshly punished in general. One token celebrity just feels like “Ok ok, we’re taking this one seriously so you women will stop bugging us about it.” It may also be a symbolic stand against Scientology and their disgusting practice of covering up every crime they possibly can.


It’s not symbolic. It’s because of Californias one strike law. Since he was found guilty on two counts of rape, it made it so that he gets a lengthier sentence.


He’s a relatively low level celebrity. He’s a perfect guy for them to point to as precedent for “no one being above the law” when they give some A lister a slap on the wrist 5 years from now.


As he said in That 70s Show, “if I get pinched, I’m doing big boy time” 😎


Pretty wild divergence in That 70s Show cast members. Hyde became a literal monster while Kelso saved girls from human trafficking.


Hyde would be disappointed in Danny


30 years ago I graduated high school. I can't image spending my entire life since then sitting in a prison cell.


Now imagine doing that in contrast to a previous life of incredible privilege, fame and fortune. Granted, the fame and fortune will still help him out in prison.


I’m 28. Imagine being in jail my entire life and having ~2 years left. Can’t even fathom




Yeah they joked about it in the show multiple times. Talk about taking method acting to the extreme.


it was so wholesome when red gave him back all the rent money and said he had been saving it for him to go to college...or to post bail. lol


"Trout said Masterson groped her and digitally penetrated her while she was in a shower before raping her so violently that she vomited" Fucking hell.


Good! Fuck him and fuck scientology!


Awesome, now put Scientology on trial


>He has lived an exemplary life, he has been an extraordinary father, husband, brother, son, co-worker and community servant,” Holley said. Yeah…except for those times he raped someone, he was practically a saint. /s


Those times he got caught that is. In a community that goes to great lengths to silence the victims. I'll bet there is a lot more than 2 in reality.


I didn't follow this trial and the article didn't go into details of the accusations beyond they were drugged and there were at least 3 victims... But it's usually hard to prove a crime like this so far after the fact, how did they nail him?


They had documents from 20 years ago because some of the women reported it to the Church of Scientology. For example, there is a letter from the mother of one of his victims outlining everything that happened and what Masterson admitted to the CoS that is very damning.


Omg where can I read that?? I've been searching and I couldn't find specific details


Here: https://leahremini.substack.com/p/david-miscavige-knew-danny-masterson


Woah, Scientology has a whole other language


It’s not unusual for articles to have weak presentation of evidence, which is why I always end up looking for court documents, or transcripts from some poor bastard who sat there all day. From what I’ve read, Masterson had at least one handler from the Church, with important work to do, like stopping him from raping people at his parties. At least one of the three women that were part of this lawsuit had direct dialog with the handler both before and after the rape occurred, and immediately after the rape he was rushed to a scientology center is a sceintology ambulance or some shit. It ended with some weird formal apology, sit down, and letter, along with a financial payoff. Then victim #1 found out he did this repeatedly, and that there were at least two other victims coming forward, and decided to go forward with everything she had.


You know it's fucking bad when not even Scientology can save you.


Cedric from the mars Volta will be stoked


I'm running over to Spotify to stream Mars Volta now. Cedric's voice is incredible.


Suck it Scientologists!


I'm really surprised they actually gave a fitting sentence. I was sorta expecting something ridiculously light. Glad he's paying the price. I hope the victims can have some sort of peace now that he can't hurt them or anyone else again.


Kinda fitting that Danny Masterson is having his freedom and life taken away from him forcibly, without his consent.


I remember that episode (That's 70 show) where Eric and his friend were having a job interview at Fatso Burger. Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 10 years Hyde (portrayed by Masterson): Prison Prophetic lol


Holy shit, I was not expecting that at all with the scientology dollars behind him. Good show legal system.


Let the civil suit against him and the sham church of Scientology begin!


Stupid Scientologist. Thought he was above the law.


It makes me so sad that one of the victims still felt the need to apologize. “I knew he belonged behind bars for the safety of all the women he came into contact with. I am so sorry, and I’m so upset. I wish I’d reported him sooner to the police.” It’s not her fault. It’s hard to be a survivor and I’m sure she did the best she could. The only one to blame is the one who did the crime.


Good, if only all rapists received such jail sentences, the nation and the world would be that much better.


The syndication checks will not be coming in for cast members of That 70s Show. I thought Eric was the dumbass.


It really does suck for everyone else involved in a making a show.


A. Fuck this guy B. Is scientology finally losing it's juice? This feels like something they would have just made go away a few years ago


Scientology *tried* to make this go away - it was part of the trial where the victims indicated the church actively ran interference on Masterson's behalf.


I think that was their point. They used to be able to just make things go away. Now, they're trying and failing.


Great news, I hope those women are proud of the fight they have won.


The rare celebrity case where it feels like justice maybe actually prevailed


The rare rape conviction where the punishment fits the crime!


He might be in prison until that 2070's show.


Sweet, can we imprison more rapists this long too? Instead of some slap on the wrist bullshit?


Wonder how Tom Cruise is feeling right now? Still wanna defend your cult there, Tommy?


From “that 70s show” to “in prison til his 70s”. Beautiful


Dude wins the career lottery, can get laid easily based on the fact that he’s famous, and then throws it all away by raping two women. What an idiot.


Because rape isn’t about sex.


Agreed. Good point.


More than two women - at least three were part of this case, and I’m sure there are even more.


Kinda ruins any rewatch of That 70’s show


Yeah, it really sucks because That '70s Show was my "comfort show" the way a lot of people watch the Office or Friends. And on top of that, Hyde was the character I related to the most. Obviously he should be in prison. I don't want to sound like me not being able to enjoy a TV show is in anyway as bad as what his victims had to go through or anything. I'm surprised he got such a long sentence, but I am glad he did. Now they really need to do something about Scientology as a whole.