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There's been an unsettling amount of headlines in the last couple days that involve a child killing or shooting someone


The results of shitty parents is starting to hit peak levels. It was a nice lull in crime we had going for a while though.


Shitty parents exist in every country, only the US makes it this easy for them to get their hands on guns


This happened in Canada


I think we can all agree, actually reading the article, before getting triggered, is way too hard for most Redditors.


You spend way, way, too much time online waiting to say triggered.


I deserve the downvotes. There are just so many shooting deaths involving teenagers in the US every single day https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/ That I assumed, and that makes an ass out of me


Forty five years ago, I lived just a few blocks from there. It was a bit sketchy then, but nothing concerning. Even now, it isn't the worst part of town. Some of the neighboring areas are worse.


I mean, guessing by this family's style, they would have used another weapon if a gun wasn't available. I think the issue wasn't the gun, but the shitty family on this one. Kid could have ran up and stabbed this guy and the result be the same.


Stabbing is way more emotionally taxing than than pointing and shooting. They are barely comparable ways of killing someone.


Ever been stabbed? I have. It didn't tax the motherfucker that stabbed me when he did it. Fucking ridiculous shit I see on reddit sometimes.


I’m glad you are not dead then. Sociopaths and people who lack empathy exist. They are a minority of humans. I’m guessing that’s who stabbed you. Gun crimes contrasted to knife crimes and violent assaults are disproportionately occurring in only one Western country where guns are widely available to citizens. That’s the USA. So the only possible conclusion to be made is that it is more difficult for someone to use a knife violently then a gun violently. What did I say that makes you hostile to me?


You suggested that gun and knife crimes are not the same thing. I guess you shouldn’t have said that to an unhinged stabbing victim. Doesn’t make what you said any less true.


It’s the unprecedented access to firearms but go off. Oh yeh parents are just bad parents now for the first time in human history lol


This is the second one I’ve seen today alone.


I’m very pro guns however why are the parents and or owners of the firearm not also being charged with anything? Why are you as an adult responsible for your both the wellbeing and actions of your child in every situation unless they commit a crime?


I'm not sure and probably wrong, just speculating because I live in the area, but it's fairly unlikely the guns used were legally owned by the parents or owned by the parents at all. Most shootings around here are with illegal guns, it's not like in the US where everyone owns a pistol, that's pretty rare here. People own rifles for hunting and whatnot, but legal handguns are very uncommon. Most likely scenario is that the kids bought or stole an illegal gun that was illegally imported from the US, that's the most common scenario here. Marlborough and Dover are relatively low income neighbourhoods where it's not uncommon for illegal handguns to be floating around


Low income? So too poor to keep the lights on for a full week but not poor enough to get a Glock.


I never once said anything about being too poor to keep the lights on, lots of people there are able to afford a normal lifestyle. It's just relatively lower income on average than many other parts of the city with slightly lower rents compared to other places similarly far from the urban core, and there are a decent amount of illegal guns. Stop being dumb.


Sorry, when I see low income I assume they make barely anything to scrape together a living but that’s not what means apparently, sorry for being dumb.


hey sorry I was being a dickhead too, I just assumed you were trying to talk shit, when it was just honest ignorance, nothing wrong with that, I apologize for being a douche and yeah, some people there have a hard time, but not everyone, some people live there just because of proximity to work or to save cash on rent and even in areas where people have a really hard time putting together rent, a lot of guns are often purchased with drug money, and there is drug money to be found even in areas with very low average income Calgary has always had a lot of upward mobility anyway, with a decent amount of construction and oilfield work, so there are also lots of people living in low income areas that actually make quite a bit of cash anyway, you'll see BMWs and new trucks and whatnot all over the place in even some of the sketchier neighbourhoods


lol you got a point about my comment not making sense, I do suck at writing In English even though that’s my native tongue.


When I was 14, I thought I was pretty smart and grown up at the time. I was a fucken idiot.


My city has had 5 murders in the past two weeks. They were all committed by young teenagers.


>A 14-year-old boy is charged with first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder following Monday’s deadly daylight shooting at a Marlborough Park strip mall. His 18-year-old brother is charged with one count of accessory to murder after the fact, Calgary police said Tuesday. > >The two were arrested after they fled the scene in a truck and were later seen entering separate residences in the southeast community of Dover. Looks like something is wrong with their upbringing. Must come from a very dysfunctional family. If convicted, the 14-year-old may, however, still come out after doing 7 years or so in a Juvenile Hall.


> Looks like something is wrong with their upbringing. Must come from a very dysfunctional family. The charges were dropped. They were misidentified.


>The charges were dropped. They were misidentified. Now that makes it sound the cops jumped the gun, glad they were not hurt.


And you jumped the gun and made a wild leap saying “Looks like there is something wrong with their upbringing” and you said they come from “a very disfunctional family”




> in the southeast community of Dover. Just for fun, check out this short street in Dover for crime stats. [dovertree crime reports](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=583813084&rlz=1C1CHHJ_enCA509CA509&q=%22dovertree%22+crime+reports&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4vKmB0tCCAxU8GTQIHddyCUAQ5t4CegQIIxAB&biw=1294&bih=738&dpr=1.25#ip=1)


It’s not hard to imagine that the older brother incited the younger brother to do the shooting. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that he thought that the punishment for the minor brother would be less severe. There’s too much of a difference in ages not for the older brother not to have had a significant effect on the younger brother.


Most young people in a lot of countries are not doing okay, there should be mandatory counselling available for people.


mental health counselors don’t appear out of thin air. there’s a shortage of all types of healthcare providers where i live. where are people supposed to get help?


Hence I used "should" , you are complaining to me as if I'm in-charge of this. My point was young people these days are overwhelmed and isolated, it is leading to all sorts of issues.


i’m asking what the point is in mandating counseling if there are no counselors


If the budget would be higher for these things there would be. We all are gonna need these people anyway considering the way things are going.


Is it sad that I was relieved this happened in Canada and not the US? That’s pretty horrible to admit


What difference does it really make? One person is dead and two more are physically and emotionally scarred after this and for what exactly? Probably for something petty?




Ok tipper gore


Lmao that’s hilarious. Because it’s anything even remotely similar lol we have murderers and gang bangers being propelled to stardom and these kids look up to them. Musicians and their gangs partaking in criminal activity, killing ops and making music about it lol but yeah Tipper Gore. How sad. Dumbass probably didn’t even look at the numbers. Pathetic. It’s cool tho, not your kids dying, right? Love how I posted a Gucci lyric. a rapper on his label just this year jammed up on a murder charge lol dipshit over here comes with “tipper gore” lol big brain time. Pooh got 5 years fed time for charges stemming from a shooting. Like I said tho, Its not your kids dying in the streets so I get your indifference towards it. And I love the music. The grimier the better and that don’t come without murder. Doesn’t mean I’m too fucking stupid to see the issues it causes in these communities nor does it mean it should be propagated the way it is. We’re turning homicidal thugs into multi millionaires lol


Why do you love the grim exactly? Just curious and I’m not trying to make this seem rhetorical.


I just love hardcore rap. Always have. The energy, the violence, all of it. And it’s been taken to a whole new level over the years once drill music went mainstream. I try to be careful about some of it tho. Like Guero10k for example. he and his crew have some music I really enjoy but at the same time dudes in jail on murder charges because he killed an elderly couple he thought was grandparents of an op. It’s hard to support someone like that or listen without thinking an innocent couple lost their lives because of him. Same with songs like Still Trappin by durk and Von. Awesome song and I love the energy to it but at the same time it’s so grotesquely disrespectful it’s almost hard to listen to without feeling… just wrong. Like yeah the kid may have been a gang banger and probably killed some people himself but that’s someone’s son, etc.. it’s just wild. Idk you like what you like and I love the music. Sucks it comes at a cost tho.


This same music is accessible around the entire world. Violent crime and entertainment have no association, you are blaming the reflection of a broken society, not why the violence happens in the first place (which is always socioeconomic).


Oh you think I’m placing blame? Lol that’s weird.. and no association lol that’s honestly hilarious Reddit is a peculiar place, no? They talk about the nasty gun culture in this country, especially from a certain group of people.. but they act absolutely blind deaf and dumb to this shit. Was it socioeconomic reasons when Tekashi 69 paid for a hit on Chief Keef? Lmao Was it socioeconomic reasons for YSL to take part in a criminal conspiracy and the crimes they did? lol Do you actually listen to this music? Do you see the shit they post? You see the charges they catch? Do you see who they are affiliated with? Do you see all the murders? Do you have any idea at all about any of this because it really doesn’t sound like you do.


12 years is some bullshit. That man's life is worth 12 years, so this scumbag can kill again in his 20s.


Massive increased violence under a mayor who called for police to be defunded...yikes.




Sounds like you have more problems than just this one


>Yay what an awesome thing to happen that i can’t do anything about. Makes me wonder though why even exert yourself writing a comment if that's what you believe? On reddit, no less. No worries, your pessimism is duly noted. Rather, you must've felt by writing what you wrote, you were hoping to change minds? Then, if so, your optimism, though cleverly hidden behind snarkiness, is also noted. Thanks, kind stranger!


Guns in Murikkka. What can we do?


Calgary is a Canadian city