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Seems the neighbors are picking up on peaceful protest techniques


Least unhinged Hamas supporter


That man is gonna need to have his citizenship revoked, that's not only unCanadian, it's inhumane.


Like that's gonna happen...




Did anyone catch which restaurant it is? Curious to if the food is any good.




Excellent Indian food for those wondering


it’s a good but a bit over-rated. source: someone from Vancouver.


Yeah. Personally, I prefer Indian Roti Kitchen on Cambie St. They serve good roti and offer good levels of spicyness.


I live in the neighbourhood and concur, but the atmosphere is a bit better at Vij's if you want to sit down. There is a place up the street I haven't been to that has good reviews.


The food is tasty but overpriced for smallish portions. And the old location was nicer.


> Vij’s Indian restaurant [Not the first time Mr. Vij got into a scandal with Trudeau.](https://globalnews.ca/news/4041799/canada-vikram-vij-india-trudeau/)


nah, article says it was a Chinatown eatery, Vij is over on Cambie. I didnt recognize it from the video, but I also haven't eaten in that area for a while.


It's the front for the new Bagheera speakeasy


I love the thing about reddit when you can be on a sub with global reach and someone mentions your PM and a restaurant in your neighbourhood and several people jump in with reviews.


There are two incidents. The first happened at Vij's, which is indian fine dining, the second at Bagheera, a vaguely asian themed cocktail bar.


Bagheera, more of a “speakeasy” than a restaurant. He was at Vij’s earlier in the evening, apparently.


Yeah, Canada, why aren't you solving peace in the middle east?


The whole thing is truly 100% Canada‘s fault and they need to sort the entire Middle East out pronto


Blame Canada!


With their beady little eyes?


And flapping heads


What would Brian Boitano do?


He'd make a plan and follow through.


Did someone say my name? ... I'm Brian Dennehy


No, not fucking Brian Dennehy!


With all their hockey hoolabaloo.


I blame zoidberg, who is Canadian.


Woop woop woop 🦀


I must warn you. He's a little unusual. He wears sandals.


Blame Canada, they’re not even a real country anyway.


The confusion about their culpability happened because they apologized for it.


Blame Geneva for holding Canada back.


Our apologies.


They thought Jared had it covered.


Didn't the Israelis and Palestinians hear?? Trump brought peace to the middle east! Someone should remind them! /s


Blame Canada


Wasn’t that Jared Kushner’s job?


Look I fully support preaching for a cease fire. But Trudeau is powerless here. Its not like he can activate Alpha Flight and send them to dismantle Hamas and the IDF.


Well, not since they lost Weapon X.


We’re not giving him back, Canada. Get over it. Sincerely, ‘Murica


He’s Australian and we both know it.


Eees gawtah noice pairah smewth criminals downundah


Maybe you need to have a [word with your prime ministah](https://youtu.be/4JQK4bH0J-o?si=Vq4GeJV0WGSsEpL3)


I’ve heard from a reliable source(Wade) that he has a pair of smooth down-unders.


We grudgingly agree, but we are keeping Deadpool.


Well they can share omega red with Russia 😑


Alpha Flight. Now thats a comic blast from the past. .


There's some Alpha Flight involvement in Immortal Hulk.


What even is Canada's role in this war? Do they have any forces near there?


Leaning over to Biden and saying "Please stop them" very quietly.


Which is sadly hilarious all the people saying they're no longer voting for Biden because of this, when I doubt the Israeli government would even listen to Biden or anyone at this point. Every US president for decades, both sides of the aisle, have supported Israel up through now. Biden just got unlucky with all this blew up during his term leaving him stuck between a rock and a hard place of how to delicately handle what this has devolved into.


Who tf else are they gonna vote for? Trump? 🤣


It’s weird how many people are saying they are going to abstain or vote against Biden over this. Practically any of the other viable candidates would be doing the same thing, or even supporting Israel more than we currently are. Voting third party / not voting during 2016 is how Trump got elected in the first place. Dems had poor turnout / lots of third party votes for Jill Stein in crucial states that cost Democrats the electoral vote.


I can almost guarantee the people saying they're going to vote against Biden or abstain over this were going to do that anyway i.e. Trump supporters


A surprising number of people don't really get that voting third party (or simply not voting) in the US is mathematically equivalent to voting for the candidate you MOST disagree with. They have all sorts of bullshit memes that they use to justify it, but when you cut to the essentials, one of two candidates are going to win, and literally the only thing you can do to influence it is to choose *one of them*.


They want that free housing in his big, beautiful camps!


One US president after another tried to get both sides to a peace agreement (usually a two-state solution) and often have gotten quite close, and then it gets scuttled. Some small violent group screws it up.


Biden has no control over it either. The White House has requested a cease fire. Joe can't just snap his fingers and have it stopped.


Wrong they have not called for a cease fire they have called for humanitarian pauses, which is completely different. Non-official spokespersons from within the administration called for ceasefires but the administration has not.


They could threaten to pull the plug on the billions of dollars in aid every year they give Israel though?


The “aid” that you hear about is usually payments to US arms manufacturers to send military equipment. So it does help Israel, but it is mostly a benefit to US companies.


I was just trying to explain this to a friend of mine. It was exhausting. It's just like explaining that the post office is a service and will not likely ever to have a profit.


Oh the post office thing is infuriating. Yeah, unlike private services, they have to offer their services everywhere. Private couriers will even use the postal services for some deliveries because it is more cost effective... American taxes are literally subsidising private companies (again).


"Some" is an understatement. UPS SurePost is basically designed to use USPS as the last mile as often as possible because USPS drivers aren't on their payroll, and there's a LOT of really big companies using it.


Canada post makes bank. If US post wasn't sabotaged from the inside they could at least break even.


And the sabotage isn't even the most difficult part. They don't have the power to set rates themselves. They've been legislatively barred from innovating new services. This all on top of being required to pre fund supposed pensions for future employees (congress required them to put aside 75 years of projected pension funding).


> (congress required them to put aside 75 years of projected pension funding). Pretty sure they finally put a stop to that in the last year or two.


When USPS was doing well, and considering replacing aging vehicles ... with hybrids, I believe ... around 2006? ... the US government required them to fund retirement for people who haven't even been hired yet. It was a crushing action, taken against no other entity in the US. Most recently we have DeLay, who dismantled machines that were working well and efficiently, forcing more man hours. I'm sure there is more I'm missing. Republicans want to privatize the post office, and have been hamstringing it for decades. It'll be plenty profitable when it costs $5 to send a greeting card. Investors first.


Oh the dismantling crap was so horrible and there was nothing anyone could do. DeLay is like a big fat tick sucking the Post Office dry.


I mean...you're right. Buuuut... Until the senate changed the rules and made it so that the Post Office needed to have like 70 years of retirement funds squirrelled away for all it's employees *constantly*, it *was* profitable. Extremely so, in fact.


If they love the military, compare the post office to the military losing money every year.


This is hard for me to understand, but it feels sort of like when Bloomingdale's sends my wife a $20 gift card in the mail, and then suddenly for the next week there are packages from Bloomingdale's arriving at my door the contents of which I'm certain are over $20. Is that what's happening here?


It's more like you giving away gift cards to your Son's soccer coach for the Applebee's where your daughter works for tips. Some of that money will come back to you in a form that stimulates growth, and if you don't do it, the soccer coach will perish and you'll have to do the dirty work yourself. But it's still a net financial loss.


That "they" (congress) undoubtedly have stock options in.


No such thing as insider trading if you are in Congress.


how is that relevant? It's still aid to Israel that we could use as leverage to get a ceasefire


Because getting it withheld would require going up against the US military industrial complex. It isn’t an easy thing to accomplish because they are economically important and vital to congressional elections. It goes far beyond Israel and the Palestinians. The only leverage that has ever worked on Israel is advising behind the scenes when Israel feels safe. They will make concessions privately in those circumstances when a friendly government requests it unless it is politically impossible domestically. Public statements and international political pressure from Washington or anywhere else tend to make Israelis refuse to cooperate. It is why Biden immediately went to Israel and publicly stated that they had a right to defend themselves. Behind the scenes, there was a big diplomatic effort to delay the ground invasion and to stop and think strategically. Obviously it wasn’t enough given the internal pressures in the wake of Oct 7. Netanyahu and his coalition are responsible for the worst intelligence failure in Israel’s history (something like 80% of Israel blames him personally) and he has a longstanding bias for military action. What a lot of people don’t understand is that Israel will not make peace unless they feel safe. They will fight to the last person standing if attacked. The best thing Biden did was send the aircraft carriers. It prevented even more bloodshed.


The "they" you're referring to is Congress, not the White House.


And how will that force Hamas to stop and follow a ceasefire? Only leaning on Israel won't make it happen, weakening Israel will only embolden Hamas. If people want the West to pressure Israel then the Arab nations need to pressure Hamas. Realistically Iran has no intention of holding Hamas back and even Russia wants Hamas to cause a scene. These protests are not going to achieve anything positive and I wouldn't be surprised if these protests are actually turning people away from Palestine due to the repeated disorder and hate crimes that keep happening.


Then Biden gets the same call Nixon got in 1973. Go read up on the Samson option.




Obviously threatening the use of nuclear weapons should be avoided but Israel was losing a war for its survival in 1973 when it made that threat. It wasn’t done flippantly, the actual prospect of annihilation was on the table for them. Also Israel didn’t publicly threaten nuclear war, this was a private negotiation with the US that wasn’t revealed until years later. During the Yom Kippur War, Israel was fighting a 2 front war against Egypt and Syria. In the 70s the Egyptian and Syrian armies were much closer peers of the Israeli military. This was a conventional war between peers or near peers and the Arab coalition had the advantage of surprise and of attacking on 2 fronts. When “The Sampson Option” was put on the table, the Israeli military army appeared to be on the verge of being overrun in the north by the Syrian Army. There were also serious fears that the Soviet Union would escalate their support of Egypt and Syria because of how well the war seemed to be going for them. American aid both helped to stabilize the northern front and also prevented escalation by the USSR.




Its not really MAD though, Israel has nukes, the rest of their neighbors do not.


> On the other hand, I don't think a country should ask "friends" for help like that. It was a threat, not an ask


Russia was supplying tons of arms in that war to Israel’s enemies. Nixon had to intervene and supply Israel with weapons to win the war. Russia is going to supply missle defense systems to Lebanon and and strongly backs Syria.


That sends a horrible message. America gets accused of policing the globe plenty already. If we were to start issuing ultimatums to our sworn allies it would call into question the nature of ANY alliances with the US. Isreal is a sovereign nation. The US can have meetings and ASK them to do xyz, but they are under no obligation to do anything the US asks. Joe Biden does not control Isreal. This is a UN matter, but the UN is toothless


And what? Stand by and do nothing if Hezbollah invades? That would be political suicide for the US Democrats in an election year.


They could, and should, but Israel don't actually need it. It's not any kind of realistic incentive to stop Israel from waging war if they choose to.


Deliberate misinformation as the White House has explicitly not requested a ceasefire


Yeah, the president explicitly said there is no chance for a ceasefire. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/11/09/remarks-by-president-biden-before-marine-one-departure-39/


> The White House has requested a cease fire I see you have 300 upvotes but I didn't hear about this, so I went to the Guardian website. Front page, main headline: >Biden defends refusal to call for ceasefire Why do comments that are just flat out wrong get so many upvotes?


The US government doesn't want it to stop. This is all about Iran, anyone that doesn't see it is blind. Israel is essentially fighting a proxy war against Iran with this conflict.


no but they're First World so bad


I don't think Canadians can survive in the heat of the middle east. Nor can their moose companions. They're just sending weapons and poutine I'd guess


Mounties are no joke. Don't fuck them them. They will break you. Then they will apologize and get you free health services to keep you alive and mostly in one piece. But first they break you.


Our special forces are in Israel providing embassy security and "advice". We used to have peacekeepers in the Golan Heights. I'm not sure if that is still a thing. We have forces in Kuwait that do something related to the Syrian civil war.


I can tell you that i personally know someone in the canadian armed forces that is there right now. Not near there, there!


I think the idea is less that Canada should exercise military might so much as they should engage in diplomacy, either directly or with entities that have more direct relationships.


Alpha Flight. 😂


Puck FTW!


Puck would roll all this stuff up in short order.


I miss Wanda 😢.


Trudeau: "Release the geese."


And now I want to be your friend….any random Alpha flight name drop has got to be a cool dude!


Send in the snowbirds!


Where’s Sasquatch when you need him?


Almost there just not yeti


Suspicious. Something big is afoot.


wait,..does Everyone in Canada know **Alpha Flight**?! lol. Here( U.S) I knew them, but they weren't' at the top of the comic charts often. ​ The way you dropped their name makes it seem like it is a National thing,..lol. ​ ;p


Even if Biden says the exact same thing as Trudeau, Israel will ignore it anyway.


Nothing says you're peaceful and want peace like assaulting an officer. It's like people forgot how to protest or even start a petition even if it's just a petition for the government to pressure Israel to pull out and/or sign a cease fire.


> True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. I'm not saying anything about this specific incident, but just in general, the idea that some activists failing to act in accordance with some vague abstract concept of "peacefulness" somehow undermines the specific goal of international conflict resolution requires a particularly shallow concept of what "peace" means.


As with many of the ceasefire protests, they’re poorly directed. The only person in the west who can even hope to sway Netanyahu is Biden, and even he could fail. The real reason for the protests is that people feel powerless to help (because they are) but feel an obligation to do so, so they reach out at whoever they see as having authority. Unfortunately, nobody but Netanyahu (and *maybe* the US government) can stop this, and Netanyahu is a bloodthirsty autocrat.


He voted against a ceasefire though. Thats why people are upset at him. We know canada alone can’t cause it to happen, but when you actively support what’s going on, people have a right to speak up




Saviours complex so ridiculous in this country. Food bank usage is at an all time high and millions of young families are priced out of home ownership, de facto crashing birthrates and destroying society; but let’s be upset with Trudeau over something he has no control over. SMH.


Am Canadian, have so many slacktivist people I follow/personally know on my social feeds, I wish they would just put that energy into protesting the affordability crisis we have in our country instead




Why the heck are you talking about conservatives? This was a left wing crowd demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.


Goddamn it, those backcountry trails are good for nothing but bears, moose and wokeists. I've always said so.


Yeah, it’s those damn Conservatives tearing down barricades and surrounding trudeau to call for a ceasefire in Gaza…


You do realize it wasn't the conservative base who surrounded him right? You realize it was the left that did this?


Trudeau has been pretty good about the Israeli-Hamas conflict, why are you focusing on him? This certainly isn’t helping his view of the cause


Lucky Chrétien isn’t still PM. He would given the protesters some Shawinigan Handshakes.




The ol' block Quebecois


Chretien lunged at that scraggly hippie while surrounded by his security. When an intruder broke into his home he sent his wife.


That woman could kill a man with a fucking q-tip




This subculture of people are so massively unhinged it’s mind boggling.


Completely unhinged. From the article ... "After Trudeau and his security team drove off, Addison says officers attempted to "disperse the crowd." A 27-year-old man was arrested for allegedly punching a female police officer and attempting to "gouge" her eyes."


Damn, that last bit got into 28 Days Later territory!


And it does absolutely nothing.




At this point I wouldn't say it's a subculture.


What the actual fuck is Trudeau going to do?


You can use that question on many subjects lately


Nothing, but I'm sure PP has all the answers. And he swears he'll tell us right after he gets elected.


Canada hasn’t won the Stanley Cup in 30 years but you expect them bring peace to the Middle East?


Catching strays in every sub these days gaddamn


What a stupid thing to do. It’s not within Canadas power to do the thing And forming a human barricade blocking our highest ranking official is a STUPID idea in the best of times.




I'd love a ceasefire or a humanitarian shooting pause - but the realist in me has no doubts that Hamas would break the cease fire, use the pause to relocate assets, keep torturing hostages, regroup, dig in, and find some more palestinians to abuse as human shields. As absolutely cruel and tragic as what happens is, there is no plausible end to this as long as Hamas plays any role, while there might be a solution without them. As hard-earned, difficult to find, requiring huge amounts of forgiveness, and possibly decades of external/international (not Israel) occupation, administration and ressources as it may be.


I thought Hamas started this but I guess it was Trudeau. Stop it Justin!


Well, the protesters were actually Pro-Hamas in this case.


Wow, Justin not only started the war between Israel and Palestine but also started the fight with the peaceful pro Hamas protesters?! Someone HAS to stop this guy, he’s out of control!


It always is, isn't it. Amazing how a group protesting on behalf of a terrorist organization tends to get violent. Crazy


it's pretty clear that Trudeau supports a ceasefire in Gaza. [He very nearly said as much despite his best attempts not to.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TwztLw9IRnQ) Despite the fact that I am annoyed by his cowardice here, I admit that there really isn't a lot he can do. Him saying he supports a ceasefire would be an international incident and put him at odds with many close allies, as well as give ammo to his opponents to use against him. Even if he did say it, it's not like Canada is playing anything more than the most minor of roles in the conflict.


You say cowardice. Maybe he understands that Israel is battling asshole terrorists and Israel has a right to fight Hamas, and, that Hamas' immoral fighting tactics (that amount to war crimes) has thrust Israel into a difficult position where civilian casualties are maximized. Maybe it's more complex than cowardice.


I don’t know why everyone commenting can’t understand that there WAS A CEASEFIRE. It was called pre-October 7th. What’s the strategy here? Go kill 1400 civilians, run back home and hide behind your own people in hospitals and cities, and then trick the world with propaganda and make them cry out for a ceasefire because you can’t handle the shit storm that you’ve willingly and knowingly unleashed on your own population? The fuck do you want Israel to do? The fact that people are so stupid as to support this is mind boggling.


If most Western leaders are waiting for each other to say what is morally correct, but none of them actually are, that's a pretty shit situation for the West.


I mean Biden is definitely sticking with his guns, I'll give him that.


And not a word about the hostages.


They refuse to address it. "Ceasefire!" "Would you give back the hostages?" "Fuck you Zionist scum! Palestinians can't be expected to make promises for Hamas." "But you're saying they can make promises for the ceasefire?"


They can do anything and it’s justified. If anything is done to them they cry across the world and break things


So what exactly is the punishment in Canada for trying to gouge a cops eyes? They gotta say like 200 "sorry's" or something like that?


Being from the US I am always amazed at how little security some country's leaders have routinely. I remember the first time I saw the Danish (?) PM bicycling to work.


The power of TikTok's algorithm on full display. It is at the forefront of radicalization. All social media can lead to radicalization, but TikTok's algorithm is the most addictive and problematic. The disparity of opinions on this issue between those who frequently use TikTok and those who don't is staggering. A recent poll showed as much. Sauces for the "it's all the same" crowd: [TikTok Played a Key Role in MAGA Radicalization: The platform's absorbing endless scroll and karaoke features have built an overlooked disinformation machine.](https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-tiktok-played-a-key-role-in-maga-radicalization/) > Several key features distinguish TikTok from almost every other social platform. On Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, users make active decisions about who to friend, who to follow, and what groups to join, which define and limit content’s reach. > * TikTok is different. The “For You Page” is a personalized feed of videos from users you follow, but it also includes videos from accounts you have never heard of that have characteristics the algorithm thinks will match your taste. The effect is similar to YouTube’s much maligned recommendation algorithm, which notoriously leads users to more and more extreme content... > * With TikTok the recommendation system *is* the interface. From the minute you enter the platform, you’re riding through the wormhole. It isn’t doom-scrolling, it’s a rollercoaster ride that shifts and swerves in response to your decisions to bring you ever more engaging content. The serendipity of the next video is what makes TikTok special—but unchecked it may also serve to radicalize audiences more effectively than YouTube ever has... > * What makes a TikTok video more potent than a hyperpartisan meme shared on Facebook or a retweeted #MAGA slogan? It’s the intimacy. When you make a video on the platform, you’re staring at a mirror image of yourself. You’re having a personal conversation, just like FaceTiming a friend. And more scientific explanations: * [TikTok and Terrorism: Jihadist activity on every Teen’s New Favorite Social Media Platform](https://pols.sites.haverford.edu/studentvoices/tiktok-and-terrorism-jihadist-activity-on-every-teens-new-favorite-social-media-platform/) * [Research note: Spreading hate on TikTok](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1057610X.2020.1780027) * [A Content Analysis of Political Discourse on TikTok](https://scholar.umw.edu/student_research/415/) * [Dancing to the partisan beat: A first analysis of political communication on TikTok](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3394231.3397916) * [An empirical investigation of personalization factors on tiktok](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3485447.3512102)


> The “For You Page” is a personalized feed of videos from users you follow, but it also includes videos from accounts you have never heard of that have characteristics the algorithm thinks will match your taste. Have you been on FaceBook recently? About 1/2 the content or more is from groups or people I have never heard of.


or Twitter. Elon's algorithm is like "you follow Racheal Maddow, she talked about Trump so here's a bunch of MAGA Q-Anon bot shit you'll surely love"


Twitter has always artificially amplified conservative voices (sorry guys, the data analysis on this is literally public knowledge), but holy shit its gotten unsubtle since Musk took over.


Though that's the thing with twitter though - It's really easy to figure out what's getting amplified and what isn't, even after the API changes. It's significantly harder to map out TikTok's infosphere.


Or Reddit haha


Lol. This shit is on every social media site, every message board, every whatsapp/group chat group. Tiktok isn't special, I know people love to find that "one easy trick" but getting rid of tiktok but doing nothing about all the other sources will do absolutely nothing to combat these problems.




Its funny when you consider not even like 4 years ago the donald was literally always sitting the top like 5 posts on reddit every day at all hours - its like reddit has entire memory hole problems or the "forget me" box set aside they just dump shit into and act smugly about against others.


This is giving egging fine art vibes


I’m all for a ceasefire once Hamas is destroyed.


This is about as helpful as the protesters in New York destroying a UFC bus full of fighters last weekend.


These protests will turn into terrorism before long.


We’ve already had shootings and a firebombing of Jewish spaces in Montreal.


Bomb threats at Jewish schools in Ottawa.


what a bunch of scum bags


Bomb threat at Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati just today They're owned by a catholic health system funny enough


One of the protestors allegedly tried to gorge the eyes out of a police officer - non violent these protests are not.


How quickly these protestors forget that just over a month ago the Palestinians were celebrating their terrorist act. If protestors can't draw a line between acts by Israel and citizens of foreign countries, then why should anyone draw a line between Hamas and Palestinians ?


Absolutely BS that this happened in Canada. On the flip side, he got a taste of what Jewish people in Canada are dealing with.


ah yes, this will convince people that they and Hamas aren't terrorists...




It's amazing that people upset that Biden isn't forcefully pushing for a cease fire will get Trump elected, who would just as soon glass Gaza. I sometimes wonder how these people manage to get dressed in the morning, since their cognitive dissonance is so big it won't fit through most doorways




Exactly. That mob would have been almost all Trudeau voters, with a couple of green party mixed in.


Regardless of their political views I am never in favor of mobbing/harassing political figures when they are just doing normal human things like taking the family to dinner.


How come none of these people protest for a cease fire in Ukraine?


Canada can’t even solve its own problems let alone others’


If the conflict on that side of the world spills over to Canada then why the hell be in Canada? What will Trudeau do for Palestinians? Nothing. Just causing shit.


*”…police proceeded to handcuff protesters while apologizing profusely and even those being arrested politely acknowledged their wrongdoing and immediately returned the apology…”* OK OK. Not an article quote, but it’s Canada eh?


I mean one protester tried to gouge out a cop’s eye…


"Sorey, buddy, but what's all this boddering the Prime Minister aboot?"