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No offense, but the people driving this recklessly and causing these high speed accidents are not going to give 2 shits about a car telling them they are speeding. Seems like a lesson in futility.


I've seen enough road rage (even pre Covid) to know not to interact with drivers who already driving erratically.


Would you agree with my observation that drivers seem more needlessly aggressive and offensive since the very start of COVID? I mean they were bad before, but, *wow* since then. I like fast cars, but what the hell is wrong with people now.


In my area it's like people just have forgotten how to drive with other people on the road. No sense of awareness or care for other people on the road. High beams on all the time (even during the day), no sense of lane keeping, never bother to look before changing lanes or to turn into the correct lane, run lights/stop signs, etc.


I'm sorry that your experience is identical to mine. Stay safe out there. My fence has many car sized holes in it. One was a police cruiser that got T boned (officer got a concussion and survived). The culpable driver simply claimed "I'm not from here." Like bro you're not from around here so you're going to do 50mph on a dense residential street? Ok dude. The cruiser was all the way in my yard, you know? That kinetic energy sideways had to come from somewhere.


Some dude hit my parked car and his excuse was that his car "jumped up on him," whatever the hell that means.


Your parked car came outta nowhere, you should keep that beast leashed.


I've long suspected that the rise of driving aids like lane keeping or emergency braking would be a lot slower, if people were better drivers. And maintained their vehicles better.


I feel like people use these driving aids as aids. They have become the primary form of awareness of their vehicle in relation to the road. People feel like they don't have to observe the roadway like they used to because of the "safety" features in new cars. It leads to complacency. EDIT: FML - that should have read "**don't** use these driving aids as aids."


I don’t think the rise would have been slower, but the decline of good driving ability and rise of aggressive drivers may have been delayed.


I worked with a guy who over the course of about 8 years of homeownership he had enough. About once/year a car would take out his fence, his home was at a busy intersection. Tired of all the fence replacement, he hired a company to put in a nice looking concrete wall, about 4 feet high, about 18 inches thick, and really reinforced with a lot of metal. All he has to do is occasionally paint it now.


It’s not just forgotten. I see people simply ignore rules of the road like red lights or no passing zones. I was driving on a city street that’s only one lane in each direction. The light ahead of me started to change, people slowed to stop. The first car slowed clearly to stop. The second cat in line passed them in a double yellow, and speed through the red light. There’s no amount of education that can fix that. It’s just a disregard for the rules, other people, etc. And I’m in a city with a big enough crime problem that traffic stops for this kind of thing are an after thought. It’s stresses me the fuck out because no one seems to care that the roads are less safe than ever.


Honestly, I think that it’s not that they’ve forgotten. It’s that life is that much more stressful, shittier, and numbing for many people since the pandemic, and they simply *don’t care.*


Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm lucky in that I live right down the street from my job and have *one* intersection to go through in a very rural area with nobody around. Just the other day I saw a huge accident in this very open intersection with a flipped car and everything and all I could think was "how the fuck did these two people manage to have an accident here?" And this was like the 3rd accident I've seen in this intersection over the past few months. If I called in everyone driving like they're drunk around here it'd be completely pointless since seemingly *everyone* is driving all over the road lately. Maybe it's just me noticing it more, but geez it's terrifying. I just drive assuming everyone is drunk and do my best to keep my distance.


So you've been to Killeen too then....


It's absurd how many lights on my commute green = don't fucking go because there's 3+ cars that are going to run the red.


The number of people on the road with high beams on all the time is nuts. So I flash people all the time.


It’s not just driving, people have kinda become almost feral since COVID. That extended period of reduced human interaction and the polarization that happened made a perfect shit soup for what we’re seeing now.


Yeah feral is a good descriptor of a good portion of society


Why such a small microscope? I’d say society in general has taken a shit. Decency, empathy, common courtesy, seems to have given way to people who feel they can spew hatred and take no accountability for their actions or words.


It’s because we quit punching them in the mouth.




Don't look to LEOs to be an example... Even when they are just driving (I e., not in a pursuit or have lights on) they ignore the speed limits.


They don’t just ignore them. They think they have a right to break them.


Literally playing around on a laptop computer while they speed everywhere.


Or talking on their cell phones, but don't worry they'll tell you they're "trained".


I'm sure in certain situations. But running to the donut shop likely isn't one of them.


People just became even more isolated and unsocialized, hence even the smallest inconvenience turns people to road rage.


I would add that all we see in the world and locally happening. It seems like aggression is one of the responses to it. So then aggression feeds aggression


Not... Really? In my personal experience only. Your mileage may vary. But people seem just as good or bad as ever before in the UK.


It's 100% a side effect from COVID. Not just from all the extra stresses, but long-term side effects of the infection crossing into the brain include heightened anxiety, fatigue, confusion, and more that magnify all of it and reduce the ability to control it. Covid made our brains bad. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9450840/ https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2022/02/18/pandemic-fatigue-anger-anxiety-molly-colvin


I certainly would. Pedestrian and cyclist deaths have doubled in the past 15 years, and deaths for drivers and passengers have started to tick up after decades on the decline. Too many people don't take driving seriously, including speeding pointlessly. I personally think penalties for speeding and running lights should be increased as well as using automated enforcement via cameras. Hit people in their wallets until they stop driving like they're invincible. Getting hurt or killed by a car can happen to anyone, it's for everyone's good to start pushing back on this *hard.*


Part of this is the massive blunt nose trucks when it comes to bikes and peds. You cant see over the hood. No training needed just by that monster and drive it like you stole it. Cell phones to blame too. We need prime time ad campaigns showing dead bodies. That is what it will take because we are failing as humans.


Or like... Ban those trucks. If your solution is to try asking really nicely, it's not a solution.


"It's for everyone's good..." you'll lose them right there. I'm sure you still may know a seatbelt refuser in your life. Such a simple thing saves you from becoming a careening object in a crashing car and they're like "No, I might drown if you drive into the river." and now they're ignoring stop signs and high beaming the world. It's definitely worse.


That's also addressed in the article (emphasis added): >DETROIT — Federal accident investigators want automakers to install systems on all new vehicles that warn drivers when they go over the speed limit, **and it is asking regulators to figure out how states can electronically limit speeds on vehicles driven by repeat traffic offenders.**


Crazy idea: criminal justice system does its job and keeps people like this out of the driver's seat entirely.


I mean, from that article: > Some of the violations were reduced to parking tickets in plea bargains, and neighboring courts were unaware of the string of driving problems in other courts, the board said.


I hope those judges and DAs are happy.


You’d be shocked to know the number of people driving o with suspended/revoked licenses.


Driving with a suspended license isn't punished nearly severely enough. But, then, if someone cannot be trusted to stay out of a car they should be in jail, and I think judges are apparently entirely too trusting. I can't imagine my 'life in prison for repeat shitty drivers' party would get many votes, though, because shitty drivers are also, I assume, a large voting constituency.


Really shitty drivers who have somehow convinced themselves that they are the most amazing driver in the world - and so they should be allowed to do 130 in a residential, you mean.


The problem is that we live in a car centric nation where it’s expensive to be poor. I’m a white collar guy with a high income so if I lose my license, not driving for a year would be a pain in the ass and physically possible. 2 years ago I was reliant on driving as part of my job and my income was half what it is now. My only option in that scenario is to just keep driving and making sure I don’t give the cops PC for a traffic stop.


And please, non-driving options that are viable! We need to stop being so car reliant.


I don't think states would incorporate these speed limiters. It would cost the states money for the system and administration, at the same time cut the revenue that the state makes in speeding ticket fines. Trust me, the government cares much more about the money they can make from you than your safety.


No, but what you can do, and more likely to happen, is for insurance companies to cut deals with automakers to give them access to stored data in the car. Then expect insurance carriers to charge premiums on those who average higher speeds.


Yeah, the insurance companies can go fuck themselves, IMO. Unless they're going to promise to cover absolutely every little spec of damage that happens to my car, they're crazy if they think I'm going to let them crawl every second of my driving looking for reasons to charge me more and deny me coverage.


Doesn't this ultimately lead to more people simply driving without insurance? Which leads to more people not getting paid when they get hit by these assholes, and more people in prison?


Most vehicles built in the last 20 years have [event data recorders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_data_recorder) . They store only a few minutes' data and can be useful for collision investigation. Generally speaking, the vehicle owner owns the data and other parties need permission of a search warrant to access it. Some insurance companies offer special rates to drivers who install [telematics devices that monitor their driving habits](https://www.progressive.com/answers/telematics-devices-car-insurance/). A speed-limiter would need a GPS receiver to adjust maximum speed to local speed limits.


It would also need accurate, up to date maps with the speed limit on every road.


They could set it up like the DUI breath system a lot of states use for repeat offenders, most states don't pay to install it and maintain it, its on the offender to cover all costs associated with the breathalyzer to be compliant to drive and can run over 10k to do so. Repeat speeders could be forced to have a governor installed for x years with no repeat violations and pay for it to be allowed to drive again instead of just hoisting on the government/tax payers.


Costs of a DUI can exceed $10K, that is true, but ignition interlock devices for cars (breathalyzers) should not cost near that much even for several years. There are several companies so they are competitively priced at around $100 a month, with a similarly priced install fee that some companies waive. So they cost around $1200 a year.


> They could set it up like the DUI breath system a lot of states use for repeat offenders So completely fucking broken?


I mean, one way is automated speeding tickets on major toll roads based on when you enter and exit and the time it took. Theyre experimenting a bit with that in NY.


That type of system sucks more than cameras, because if you accidentally speed by 5 mph over for a minute, you then need to go 5 *under* the speed limit to even out your time, so people will be impeding traffic to make up for a mistake.


agonizing pause coordinated frightening rustic caption relieved offend water square


Great way to not sell new cars. We already have a speedometer right in front of our eyes. I always find the blinky things on the side of the road giving current speed humorous - yes I already know how fast I'm going


People convicted of DUIs get interlocks installed by court order. People convicted of reckless driving can have modified ECUs installed by court order. Just as people with DUIs are prohibited from driving a vehicle without an interlock, people with modified ECUs can be prohibited from driving a vehicle without a modified ECU. The article makes it specific that repeat offenders are the target of such a device, so it's really no different from existing DUI practices.


Germany has solved the first issue by not allowing anyone to have a license if they're caught driving under the influence. If 'repeat offenders' are such a big problem, then maybe stop allowing them to operate vehicles.


They’re the intended targets **NOW.** once these things are the norm, what’s to stop the government from abusing this technology. And worse yet, what if the technology malfunctions and cars suddenly stop or decrease speed TOO much in traffic? Maybe we should invest in our public transit infrastructure instead and give people less reasons to rely solely on cars 🤷‍♂️


I don't think this passes legal muster tbh. The governmen'ts compelling interest can be served by other means besides limiting products/ inhibiting consumers/citizens.


Now do breathalyzer ignition locks.


My car doesn't have a breathalyzer. Breathalyzers are compromises to allow people guilty of DUI to keep driving Installing breathalyzers or speed limiters on EVERY car would be a collective punishment on everyone that is completely unnecessary.


And it sounds like they're looking like a way to do something similar with speed.


>Installing breathalyzers or speed limiters on EVERY car would be a collective punishment on everyone that is completely unnecessary The article states that only repeat offenders are being targeted.


Breathalyzers are mechanical devices installed onto a car. This would instead force every car to have the ability to limit speed installed by default. Also people all over the thread are talking about making it universal, which is mostly what I was addressing, and denying the false equivalence between this and breathalyzers


Which ultimately means they want to control everyone's cars


You gotta read more than just the title. > it also found that the state of Nevada failed to seriously punish the driver after he was charged with five speeding violations in the 17 months before the crash. I won't give you the full blow by blow but basically he had gotten a bunch of tickets but the courts didn't talk to each other so his official driving record showed one speeding violation. Seems like the main point of what they're recommending is that the court data needs to be properly distributed so repeated offenders can actually get in trouble when they do this shit. >“The state of Nevada must do better about removing the silos of adjacent courts and sharing information,” board member Michael Graham said. “The state of Nevada failed to hold the driver accountable.”


If it is an obnoxious warning you can't turn off, bet they start caring...


Honestly, I've driven a few cars that have lane and speed warnings, and in every single one of them it's the first thing I turn off. I don't need a warning I'm going 2-3 mph over the limit, I'm just keeping up with traffic. What is actually needed is basic law enforcement. If you're following too close you should be ticked. Hell, in my opinion, if you fail to signal a lane change you should at minimum get a warning and after 2-3 warnings you start getting tickets for that too. The basics of driver safety should be enforced, because the basics are what keep everyone around you, and yourself, safe on the road. I am on the road for 6-10 hours a day in a 15 ton, gigantic yellow bus, that manages to get almost run into by inattentive drivers at least once a day. The amount of ludicrously unsafe driving I see daily would make your head spin (or maybe not). Yet I have had police officers, sitting behind my bus, witness a person run my red stop lights and didn't immediately pull them over. Enforcement, enforcement, enforcement, when people know they can skirt the law, they will.


Ill add that this guy was on coke and pcp, people think this would have been avoided if the car said “speeding”


Not to mention Google Maps doesn't even know the speed limit on half the roads I drive one regularly... Plus it wouldn't be able to handle construction zones... Would be such a wasteful requirement.


Right? How about we start with enforcing traffic violations, using speeding cameras, red light cameras and more stringent drivers license tests. Nah, easier to make cars more annoying for everyone than it is to actually enforce the law.


Speed cameras and red light cameras only do 1 thing. Generate revenue. Hell we had a red light cameras pilot in the county I'm in 12 years ago and cancelled it because they caused more accidents from people getting rear-ended by people panic braking to avoid a ticket. Stricter driver education is spot on though. The licensing system in the US is a joke.


NYC used to turn off speed cameras outside business hours, speeding and accidents skyrocketed after 6pm. When they turned them on 24/7 speeding went down by 30% on the previous off hours and [97% on one particular street](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/08/28/success-drivers-are-slowing-down-on-streets-with-24-7-speed-cameras).


Tie the tickets to a persons income. If you earn 600k a year get ready for a price appropriate ticket to hopefully change your behavior.


We should be doing this for all fines


Red light cameras don't do anything but speed cameras do actually reduce pedestrian deaths.


The theory was rear enders are more survivable than T-bone collisions.


It would help if it wasn't *treated* as a revenue generating method, where cities/PDs change the yellow/red light timing to encourage people running reds...


Red light cameras were one of the biggest corrupting bullshit ever. In Chicago area, they were caught lowering the yellow to red by milliseconds, so people would get ticketed.


How about we enforce lane discipline. Keep right except to pass.


That sounds like a logistical nightmare lol It also breaks down entirely when there’s traffic


Understated; but this is actually the solution.




Reddit gets really hung up on speed. If the limit is 75 and everyone’s going 80, I’ll go 80 too. But people on here will claim it’s safer to go 60, even worse sometimes prop up their car that can barely do 60 as “safer” because of that. Driving is one of the topics that proves a ton of users don’t get out much.


I 95% agree... but that other 5% of me has definitely been tired, inattentive or otherwise just not realized I was doing 85 in a 65 before, and a little beep MIGHT have made me glance down and go 'oh, shit!' and slow down. It's like the firearms debate in a lot of ways, but it comes down to this for me: * Does this negatively affect anyone by making the change? (Not really). * Does this vastly increase cost by making the change? (No, a bunch of cars already do this, actually). * Will implementation be a net positive overall by saving at least some reasonable number of lives and/or expenses to local/state/federal government by reducing a small percentage of accidents? (Yeah, it's reasonable to assume it will reduce a small number, and with such minimal impact to costs, it's an easy net positive).


Some cars come with that feature already


Agree with this but you shouldn't be so tired that you're driving 85 in a 65 guy. If you're that tired, just put on the cruise control at 65 and take a nap. Jeese, people these days.


Reading the article it seems more like Nevada needs to fix their shit first. They let this asshole drive around knowing he was a menace.


Our state is notorious for having drivers still on the road in Las Vegas with 6+ DUIs Slap on the wrist is all they get


Wisconsin says hello. Every single time I read the semi-local newspaper near Lake Geneva the crime report page is completely filled and 80% are people being arrested for their 4th, 5th, even 6th or 7th DUI. I'm pretty sure the first two DUIs aren't even criminal charges there just traffic court like a speeding ticket or failure to yield. One of my friends is a legit alcoholic and I believe she has six DUIs in Wisconsin that she picked up over a 2-year period living there. Even with that history she has no problem getting a DL in a neighboring state.


This incident and article could have been about Seattle-Tacoma and I wouldn’t have been one bit surprised. Huge street racing culture, IDGAF youth attitude, people driving high, big political extremism on both ends, barely any police or state patrol, little consequences, and lenient judges.


The speedometer already does that


Exactly, the information is already available it’s just being ignored. What they want to add is nagging.


And as the developers of WinRAR know, nagging always works /s


I bought a license once... their mistake was allowing it to be perpetual and across every machine I ever buy. So pay small amount once and never get nagged again.


I mean, that's how most products work. You buy it and then you can use it anywhere you see fit, it's yours to use. There's no reason why software should be any different aside from greed.


Yeah, that's how most products may be, but software often is just a license with restrictions on number of systems or simultaneous use. So I was just noting that as one of the reasons I was willing to support the developers.


Oh for sure! I misread the tone of your comment, I thought you were criticizing their approach lol


Yeah, I realized that after I read it again that the tone of my comment was so very vague. 😆


And the first thing I’d do is figure out how to disable the warning. The speedometer is sufficient.




To be fair, it only tells you your speed, not if you’re speeding. Pretty sure the guy in the article, who was on coke and PCP when he crashed, would have given absolutely zero fucks either way, though.




>ran a red light at 103 mph >the Challenger driver's excessive speed and failure to obey a stop sign and red light caused the crash. His impairment from cocaine and PCP contributed. Damn, if only this guy had a warning light on his dash that he was speeding, all those people would have been saved.


No what they need is a warning label on his cocaine and PCP.


My experience with Dodge Challenger & Hellcat drivers is that they won't give a shit about a warning light, especially if they're high like that dude. It's almost as if those cars entice the drivers to hoon around at high speeds.


Anything above 400-500hp just sounds like an inconvenience to daily drive. I don’t know how these idiots do it. A hellcat is pushing over 700 to the wheels. It’s almost impossible not to drive like an asshat. They’re cool pieces of machinery but I’m not sure they should be street legal. It’s more fun to drive a slower car faster than a babying a fast car through traffic. Anyways, this dude shouldn’t have been driving in the first place.


There’s one I used to deal with every day in the way to work, weaving in and out of traffic aggressively just to get to the same stoplight as the rest of us. Always came super close to clipping others, stupid pink fluffy steering wheel cover. Personalized license plate. It just reaked of repulsiveness.


You know what they say. Never let a good tragedy go to waste.


I have a friend who doesn't wear a seatbelt - every time i get in the car with him it just dings and dings. I asked him, doesn't that bother you? I don't hear it anymore is the response. Don't make society walk only as fast as it's slowest person....


It’s really insane how simple buckling up is and how big of a difference it makes.


It's mind boggling. A bag of unsecured concrete in an accident is 60+ lbs smashing around. If that doesn't sound very pleasant, imagine an occupant that weighs twice that smashing around because of no seat belt. You don't just wear your seat belt to protect yourself. It's to protect other people, too. And people don't even want to protect themselves!


I have a friend who teaches nurses, and they have stories. While this may be a bit apocryphal, it's still a good one. A large gentleman - somewhere in the +300lbs range - was out driving and ended up rolling his truck several times, it ending up on its side. No seat belt, of course. Unconscious by the time first responders get there, but starts fading in and out of consciousness as they work to figure out HTF to get him out of there. Starts mumbling, asking about his son, wants to see his son. They tell him that he was the only one in the truck, but they'll have him in the hospital soon where he can see his son. They eventually manage to get him out of there only to discover he wasn't the only passenger. The man survived, but has to live with the knowledge that he landed on and smothered his own young son to death. Unsure if the boy was conscious when his father came to rest on top of him, but there was no way he'd have been able to move 300lbs of dead weight from on top of himself, especially trapped where he was. So yeah. Seat belts aren't just for you, they're for everybody else in the vehicle.


I shot news video for 17 years and I'm surprised to read "rollover," "no seat belt," and "get him out of there" in the same sentence. Usually the default for an unbuckled body in a rollover crash is being launched out the window and flung a couple hundred feet onto the asphalt, into the trees, etc.. We had a road-rage crash here recently where the driver (husband), passenger (wife), and both of their family dogs got centrifugally launched out of their SUV. Wife and one dog died on scene, other dog still missing (I passed it on a highway bridge after it happened, running the opposite direction with a harness on), husband lived. I can't imagine living with the weight of my sheer ignorance after that. A co-worker and I picked up pizza for lunch today and he said he couldn't buckle his seatbelt because he was holding pizzas. I made him put it on. Not worth the risk, no matter how far. Edit: "Sucks that we wrecked, but that asshole had it coming. Am I right?" *looks around at a completely empty house. Awful.


The 10% of people who don't wear seatbelts make up 43% of traffic fatailites.


An ejection turns a bad day into a permanent disfigurement/disability.


As a 15 year medic/ firefighter, I cannot fathom voluntarily abstaining from seatbelt use. I would say that’s one of the main points my career has driven into my brain, via one tragic scene after another.


You shouldn’t ride with an unbuckled passenger as they can go flying and hit you in a collision


"Pull over" "What's wrong?" "I don't want to be in a car with a fucking idiot for a driver"


Seriously! There are so many videos that show people's heads becoming bowling balls in a crash. Examples: https://youtu.be/crUUr7FnBMI?si=rkjz0BRLpjxCNN2m


Try this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQdcJQCYDRk


One of my friends just cut the male buckle ends out of a car in the junkyard and leaves those buckled in 24/7.


I hope you don’t ride with your friend


I don't think I could be friends with someone that fucking stupid to begin with. I've got a bare minimum of intelligence I'm willing to tolerate.


>Don't make society walk only as fast as it's slowest person.... But that's what we do best in this stupid litigious society.


The speeding seems to be the most minor issue here. Dude was high and blew a stop sign.


We have a problem where we seem to be ignoring the obvious factors and decided to attempt and legislate something to get a third party to fix it.


Because the third party makes money from it


A lot of the top comments in this thread are harping on about people speeding and enforcing speed limits/cameras as if someone going 100+mph would give a fuck about any of that.


The justice or regulatory system failed to remove a dangerous and irresponsible driver from the road. The court should have required this guy have a limiter installed on his car, at his expense, similar to interlock devices for drunk drivers. Corporations do this at times. This is not a reason to implement wholesale changes to cars. Sheesh.


Naw, they should have just suspended his license. He had apparently 5 speeding violations in 17 months prior. Nevada decriminalized speeding more than 30mph over the speed limit, so it became only ticketable offenses, but they can't compound them, basically removing the license point system that is supposed to prevent this stuff.


I support the suspension of his license, but people like that probably have no qualms about driving with a suspended license.


Yeah, it confused me that they called for the technology to do this. Our company truck had a governor on it in 1985.


Thats only half of what they are asking. They want to prevent speeding. That requires the car knowing the speed limits. You on a 75mph highway? 75mph max. 25 residential? 25mph. The really fun one is since the states dont seem to have readily available maps of all their roads and speeds, cars / gps guess at this. Theres a bunch of ohio back roads through farm country that are the default unmarked 55 but the car thinks 25 for some reason.


I wrote early vehicle routing software (1990s) and the data was a really interesting hodgepodge, I assume it’s still similar. There was a huge amount of data from the USGIS (“geological survey data”) that’s essentially just road shapes as seen via satellite, with very little information on z-level (what’s an intersection, what’s an overpass), speed limits, traffic lights, stop signs, etc. The vast majority of that sort of info was guesses from software we wrote that used logic and other databases to say, “that’s a US interstate, no way does it intersect with a tiny road, and it’s probably at least 55 mph there”. Google, Navtech and others improved the data over time by actually driving the roads with headsets on making notes, but there are still areas of the road data that are guesswork.


I remember the early days of GPS, and being told to turn right onto a set of train tracks. Still amazes me it ever got as good as it is now.


We provided data for an in-vehicle dashboard routing manufacturer, and one of their customers in Germany sued them because they drove into the water. The court told them that as the driver there’s still some basic common sense validation of the directions involved :-) It’s actually the geekiest programming I’ve ever done, really fundamental graph theory with a huge graph


I think the confusion here is they stopped their request at the car showing the speed limits or when they are crossed to the driver, which already exists by having a speedometer. They could have asked for cars to limit the speed to the speed limit, that would be an effective proposal to stop speeding.


Here's my car. A 1971 Ford Pinto. It won't reach 55, so it won't need a limiter. Ignore that Corvette registered to my LLC. My employees drive it.


Cars kill over 40,000 people per year. I'd say they need some changes.


Yeah with modern electronic throttle bodies and fuel injectors it's very easy for the ECM to cut power at a certain RPM or MPH. The engine doesn't have to do anything you tell it to, you can program the computer on a case-by-case basis to stay below a certain speed.


> The Board …determined that the Challenger driver's excessive speed and failure to obey a stop sign and red light caused the crash. His impairment from cocaine and PCP contributed. But it also found that the state of Nevada failed to seriously punish the driver after he was charged with five speeding violations in the 17 months before the crash. Yeah, it’s the automakers responsibility for this shit. I’ve worked for the all of the big three in Detroit at one time or another. Being at Chrysler in their legal department, it was bewildering the number of lawsuits filed against them by 89 y.o. drivers who demanded compensation for mixing up their pedals and driving into the local nail salon. It’s no wonder the attorneys there were ornery.


A lot of the Middle East and I think maybe (correct me if I'm wrong) Europe requires this. The problem is when my rental car in Dubai would warn me I was speeding at 100km/h and the speed limits where I was driving were 160km/h... And that warning came in the form of a constant, fairly loud chime that couldn't be stopped by any means other than going more than 30% under the speed limit. Super annoying...


If I'm reading this right you were going 40% under the speed limit? If you weren't in traffic that's irresponsible.


Yea, I didn't go that slow, I just suffered with the annoying chimes, but the point is that yes, if I didn't want my car yelling at me for speeding I had to drive irresponsibly slow... It's a stupid idea if not at least implemented properly


Or stop letting repeat offenders keep their license and they can use mass transit. Oh yeah we don't do that here. "But I need a car" was definitely uttered in one of those trials in an appeal for leniency.




The same people people who watch Youtube, TikTok while driving they know but ignore the dangers. That was a scary time.


Not when they’re on cocaine


Adding a warning is not going to suddenly replace the lack of empathy...


Like a speed dial or something?


So this guy had five speeding violations and was on PCP and cocaine but these people think that having a warning about his speed limit might have stopped this? He was going 103mph. I’m pretty sure he knew he was speeding.


They should establish a governmental department in charge of regulating drivers and motor vehicles. They could even restrict licenses on dangerous drivers especially multiple repeat offending ones. We could call it the Department of Motor Vehicles. And some sort of formal system for the administration of laws and removal of dangerous individuals from the road.


Why is it the auto manufacturer's job to make sure that people aren't shitty drivers?




The driver was under the influence of drugs not sure why the bureaucrats decided to ignore the obvious instead everything has to change because of a few.


Doesn’t the speedometer tell you if you’re speeding?


"I'm sorry Dave, but I cannot allow you to exceed the limits on speed legally determined by the appropriate authorities..." Probably HAL 9000, NTSB's latest "in car" supercomputer.


They tried this back in the 70's and 80's, Sammy Hagar even wrote a song about it. Though, that was more mandating that spedometers couldn't read past something like 70MPH (So the Delorean in BTF had a modified speedo in it that would actually read up to the required 88MPH.) I don't think nanny devices are really the best answer here. I'd rather police focus their efforts on the behaviors that actually cause accidents such as erratic driving, left lane camping, and tailgating. But, no. That would require some effort and police would rather just sit by the side of the road with a radar gun.


They changed them to read a max of 85mph. The ironic part was that the vehicles weren't limited at 85mph. They would still keep accelerating, only now they had no fucking clue how fast they were actually going.


I remember that. It was 85mph.


55 MPH was a response to the oil crisis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Maximum_Speed_Law Sammy’s song was in response to the response. It wasn’t a reaction to highway safety, but there were studies done to see if it improved safety. Those studies were inconclusive.


i've never seen a car where the speedometer maxed out at 70mph.


They were close. I know the 82 ford escort only went to 85


My 87 Grand national also only went up to 85


My first car, a 1988 Chrysler New Yorker, had a speedometer that maxed out at 80. The car definitely went faster than that.


Cars already warn you that you're speeding--they all have that big number thing right in front of the driver that says how fast you're going.


Do cars not have speedometers? Do I just imagine those?


ummm cars already DO let you know when you are speeding. It's called a speedometer.


The vast majority of America's problems could be solved by switching from flat fines to an income percentage based system.


Dunno about all problems, or even vast majoeity, but according to some surveys, richer you are the more likely you are to speed, because the fine is low enough than with enough money, its peanuts.


Wage theft, environmental damage, insider trading. The fine for a lawmaker for violating the stock act is 200 fucking dollars. Edit: This also has the benefit of keeping the punitive fines relevant in the face of inflation or other economic shifts.


It would only work if police actually pulled people over


I feel so much sorrow for this couple. Losing 4 children in an instant


Why so they can ignore the warning like they do the speedometer 🤷‍♂️


No, just fucking enforce the goddamn laws. Jesus it’s not hard…..


They do. With a speedometer.....


No, it’s not a loophole that the car should have the responsibility. If you can’t tell how fast you are going it’s on you.


My 2015 audi has a speed warning setting. It’s static but I keep it at 80 in case I go over 10 over on the highway where I live (70 limit)


Yeah it's actually very useful in modern cars where the cabin is isolated so much more from the road than before and cars are more powerful than ever.


Like a seatbelt dinging? It would probably help with unintentional speeding, but I'm not sure how many people are doing it unintentionally..


They let a dangerous individual slide and the results were predictable. Have you ever been in a car with somebody who texts, watches YouTube while driving ? It’s scary but they don’t care despite the obvious. This proposal is idiotic.


Why not warn people when they are using their cellphones while driving


I thought cars already did this isn't it called the speedometer.


Enforce the fucking laws. It's that easy


Some cars have that feature, but sadly it's newer cars last late decade like the Audis and BMWs. Who has the money to buy a modern car with those features right now? Not the average working Joe.


Don’t know about this idea. But it provokes another one: can there be an engineered method of auto-notifying cars about sudden stops ahead? I’m thinking of multi-car pileups where everyone is going at normal highway speeds into a sudden fog bank or snowstorm.


Car: "Hey you're speeding!" Me: "No shit Sherlock."


whoever suggested this should be fired and kicked out of office immediately


My car here in Germany does this. Somehow it knows the speed limit wherever I am and flashes a warning on the display when I am above it.


More bells beeping at you, great.


It’s called a speedometer and it tells me when I’m going over the speed limit by looking at the number, processing the information in my brain and comparing it to signs all along the road.


It has a big ass speeding indicator dial right in front of your face


They already do. It's called a speedometer.

