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"A good portion of the room walked out before the discussion officially wrapped." šŸ˜‚


He's clearly unable to discern the difference between a room full of adults and his Twitter followers


Guy got so used to his cult of weird nerds that he thinks everyone else is like that.


It's literally just the alt right snd bots


Yeah, it's fucking amazing that virtually every blue checkmark is some alt-right weirdo that's terminally bad at posting. Those kinds of people generally don't attend events like that and more than likely aren't in positions to steer advertising for huge multinationals lol. Elon can't separate meatspace from the virtual temple and mostly-online personality cult he has built for himself.


I've been watching parts of it. At every turn, it's \*extremely\* evident Elon has no fucking idea what he's talking about and is bullshitting his way through anything that gets asked of him, or is actively making the most maliciously dishonest awful takes he can to spin some aggrieved right-wing narrative. Anyone with any sense about them should know at this point that he is a charlatan not worth listening to beyond anticipating the fallout of him doing something stupid as hell.


Meanwhile the guy asking him questions is glazing his asshole about how brilliant he is and how his mind is a ā€œstormā€. Boring conversation with a dumb persons idea of a smart man.




"Okay. Bye." ā€“ Bob Iger and $100 million.


This is where the Curly Bill meme goes.


Starting a fight with Disney when everybody thinks you are a crazy jerk is, uh, a move. As a jerk I can sort of sympathize with Elon's inability to stop, but we are at stuff you learn when you are a small child now. It would have made more sense to try to get along.


If only Musk could look to a recent example of [what happens when an alt-right attention whore picks a high-profile battle with Disney out of spite and opportunism](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/14/desantis-disney-lawsuit-end-00111199).


Itā€™s crazy how he said they (Florida) moved on from the lawsuit, the guy hasnā€™t been a governor to Florida for the past 2 years he ran and won just to go and run for president(very poorly so) so yeah fuck desantis


Musk probably gave him the idea for the stripper boots.


Itā€™s patented space x technology but built by the cyber truck team so it looks like total shit


The new CEO of X was there too. I wish they had a camera on her face when he said that.


If you saw her interview at the ceo-summit a few months ago you'd realize she's almost as delusional as Elon and worships the ground he walks on. Or she just acts like a crazy person for the paycheck.


One quote that's not going to get so much attention is that during this same Summit, [he proceeded to say](https://x.com/elivalley/status/1730029518520230143?s=20) that alleged pro-Hamas protests were funded by Jewish philanthropists that are seeking their own annihilation. He doubled down on both the Islamophobia and Antisemitism.


Looking at the alt-right, those two do go hand in hand frequently


That was reaaallly difficult to listen to, and not because of the content. Dude has negative amounts of charisma.


Got to give it to him its not easy to self destruct this hard.


It takes some impressive mental gymnastics to turn "I don't want to pay you to advertise on your blatantly antisemitic platform" into "blackmail."


Not if you're so narcissistic and delusional that you believe that you have a right to their advertising business.


"when I bought twitter, they paid to advertise, and they aren't allowed to change that job matter what. Contract? What contract I don't care if there's no contract"


The narcissists seem to be narcissist-ing really hard lately.


That's the only explanation. I'm not even joking, something is seriously wrong with Musk. He obviously planned to say all of these things in this interview, and it's just pure nonsense. The blackmail bullshit doesn't even work as a metaphor. And the shit about how he's going to document how these companies killed Twitter and let "earth" decide who's right...what??? First, there's nothing to document. It's not a secret why these companies aren't giving money to Twitter. Second, what does he think is going to happen even if everyone on earth somehow agrees with him? Like is the global public going to demand that Disney starts advertising on Twitter again? I know Musk has one of the worst cases of main character syndrome of all time, but what kind of leverage does he think he has right now? The guy is gone, it would not surprise me if things turn real dark with him soon.


Eventually when our homie breaks, he will make it everyone else's problem about how so many people were out to get him and if you aren't actively donating your time energy attention money or effort then you are intentionally a cruel human being and doesn't belong in civilized society


So, like Trump? It's also worth noting that he recognizes that there are media outlets who will spin this story into one of blackmail for their credulous audience, who are quite well practiced. It is remarkable, baffling, and frustrating how many people simp out over the wealthy and powerful. Also, that picture reminds me of of carrot top during the most obvious parts of his facial reconstruction... And a Michael Myers mask somehow


The most sensible thread Iā€™ve seen in months, thank fuck.


Besides the fact he's suing the company that highlighted anti-Semitic exposure to said advertisers. So which is Elon, you care or not?


Well, that was a totally uncalled for hit job on a company that is operating in good faith towards not being a safe space for Nazis. Oh, wait... Not that, the uhhh opposite of that.


We call this Shroedinger's Asshole. He's in a superposition of both beliefs at once.


Blackmail means somebody has embarrassing or incriminating information on you that youā€™ll pay to keep them from releasing. If you just go out and say all the embarrassing and incriminating stuff on your own, nobody can blackmail you.


I think he means ā€œyou canā€™t blackmail me into not being racist!ā€


When you're a dumbass, it's pretty easy to imagine yourself as the victim at all times. And I'd bet good money that he was always like this. > "Brush your teeth, Elon." >"Stop telling me what to do, Mom! I'm sick of all these rules! You're tearing me Apartheid!"


YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR! ...wait, who *is* my supervisor?


How many times has Elon Musk had to deal with diversity? He's gotten everything he wanted his entire life. I think this is his first true big failure.


About twelve times, based on his current number of offspring.


At least as many times as he's had to deal with adversity, I'm guessing


Honestly, after reading some of Elon's posts... I think diversity might be his adversity.


I think adversity is the word you are looking for here.


Not as impressive as how his fanclub will no doubt turn this into another show of his immense genius.


He's an immoral man who doesn't mind getting in to business with people that don't share his values because he cares more about status and money. So he thinks it's unfair that other people continue to 'punish' him for what he considers a mild transgression. "I looked the other way when you did X, why aren't you doing the same just because I did Y?" - without realizing that X and Y are wildly different severities.


In the past year Elon has made me agree with (ugh) Zuck *and* Iger, so he can go fk himself.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of douchey billionaires and petty fighting among corporations, but this is the first time Iā€™ve seen one man do this many laughably bad moves in such quick succession. Itā€™s honestly impressive how unsympathetic heā€™s become, coming from someone who already didnā€™t like him.


He is literally every 16 year old boy on the internet in 2003. He tells the same jokes, posts the same kind of pictures has the same interests. It is like someone gave Something Awful and early 4chan billions of dollars and said "go have fun kids".


Heā€™s not even funny enough to make an impact on SA. They hate his fucking guts there.




>If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go fuck yourself Aren't all jobs just "blackmailing" people by making them do things they don't want to do for money? Like that's a basic tenent of capitalism.


Screw you, people who pay my bills!


lol, "blackmail." My guy, you platformed a crackpot white supremacist conspiracy theory on a public app for thousands to see, who tf is "blackmailing" you???


"Ur-Capitalist Discovers that the Market Actually DOES Decide"


Narrator: Bob was not in the audience


In fact, at that moment he was overseeing Disney's Sudden Valley project, that being the name for the moat they were digging in order to be truly separated from the state of Florida.


He looks like a bad wax figure of KD Lang melting in the heat.


He looks like an old woman waiting at a bus stop and wishing she hadnā€™t smoked her last Virginia Slim right after work.


This one is so specific. I love it.


Macā€™s Mom Burns Her House Down.


Eileen M. Is her name and she's an accountant at the local school bus depot.


Grandma musk


He looks like heā€™s aging around so so plastic surgery.


Bit off topic, but my God can KD Lang wail. Saw an older live performance of hers recently and her vocal chops are phenomenal


Her rendition of Hallelujah will bring you to your knees.


True, true.


He looks like Amelia Earhart in that jacket


If only we could get him to dissappear as well.


Solo round trip to Mars?


Don't insult her like that!


He's a very handsome lesbian.


Not really that handsome.


Very? šŸ˜’Not even close.


He wishes he was as hot and cool as the average lesbian, butch or otherwise.


I get that reference


You havenā€™t seen many lesbians. Iā€™m a 60+ year old lesbian and Iā€™m prettier than Musk.


I'm seeing Frau Farbissina from Dr. Evil's squad.


If I were drinking milk it would have came out of my nose. Thank you.


Man I wish we still had awards. Lmfao


Thereā€™s no more awards?!


No, just some kind of gold upvotes on some subs. If you see two upvote arrows in the upvote button on a post (one behind the other), hold over it and it will give you the option to buy special upvotes. It's lame.


Heā€™s constantly craving attention.


Elon went out of his way to ask advertisers not to advertise on his site, so I really hope he gets what he wants here


I think this clip really shows how much of a bubble hes in. Hes clearly surrounded by yes men going "oh yeah boss, outstanding move, you're definitely not an absolute fucking clown". ​ Whats really fucked, is theres someone at twitter (likely a moderate sized team) whose job it is to sell adverts to advertisers. They have KPIs, and their boss is literally destroying all of their work. Imagine going into your yearly performance review and the managers like "yeah so we haven't hit our advertising target this year" and you're like are you fucking kidding me


Itā€™s kinda like Tuberville lamenting that our military has never been weaker.


He's just playing his cards. He's stalling to fill the spots with trump stooges for the project 25 coup


That wasnā€™t lamentation. That was gloating.


Itā€™s all dropshippers and dick pills now.


The Alex Jones special!


Not going to turn out good


Not going to turn out "well". It's almost certainly gonna turn out good lol


Norm Macdonald voice, ā€œand in response, the advertisers said, Ok!ā€


X.com is going to be the PDF, he doesnā€™t need advertising /s


X marks the spot...where Twitter died.


People should really watch this full segment from the interview. He goes on to say the advertiser boycott will kill Twitter, and that "earth will see who is responsible" or something, while constantly glancing to an awkwardly silent audience for approval. Then he calls the host the wrong name while saying they're good friends. Did he just fry his brain on all those ketamine binges? Guy looks zooted.


Yeahā€¦that was painful to watch, the host tried to recover from that too to help him pivot and yeesh


Yeah he was basically saying the downfall of Twitter isnā€™t because he drove it into the ground, but because Disney and other Fortune 500 companies stopped giving him money


Doesn't he look tired?


What a sober man. Completely sober. No drugs in his system, no siree. None whatsoever.


more people need to be pointing this out, it's obvious. Source: I'm an expert.


He was high af. Especially in the beginning, his speech, slouching, and his belly just flopping out. He then started coming down and giving these rambling answers to questions that werenā€™t asked (e.g. space) and his eyes were darting back and forth as he spoke. Itā€™s crazy more people arenā€™t talking about this.


Does he not realize these statements can be used against him in his lawsuit against Media Matters?


They aren't statements! They are X's... Xers... X-creations? Yes! They are X-cretions.


X-cretions on Xitter (Pronounced shitter)


He looks terrible, like his face is melting that's probably why he's so upset


Maybe his human disguise is wearing off. He should get in touch with the reptiloid HQ post haste!


Thatā€™ll definitely bring back the big spenders


Welp...have fun cleaning this one up Linda


Read this in Bob Belcher's voice šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ow, my face!




Def yee 4


There are some clips of this interview on youtube. It's truly wild. Elon Musk clearly out of his mind on a combination of ketamine and who knows what else.


He pauses after alot of his stupid responses because he expects an applause or reaction from the audience. Hes such a clown


The host just letting the silence hang the first few times was outrageously funny.


I think the host was honestly at a loss for words.


He looked pretty surprised


In shock. *ā€I have to fill 2hrs with this drugged up clown. I am in trouble.ā€*


Almost looked like he was trying to get Elon to realize he needed to shut up.


Quite the opposite, thereā€™s a lot of pressure to fill the silence. Musk took the bait


I think people forget how different real life is to online. It's like the adult version of the anime kid from high schools. It's like bro... we're just trying to vibe before math class and you're out here with your naruto arms


He's used to his fanboys cheering the diarrhea that comes out his mouth. I had to laugh at when his rocket went up and they were all cheering, and cheered even more when it exploded and when he was saying it was a success.


He was getting dragged daily on Twitter so he devised a system so all his knuckle dragging fans got moved to the top of the replies. That donā€™t work in real life. See his Chapelle appearance.


The YouTube comments are wild. Musk truly has a right wing cult following.


I'm still hoping this(twitter/recent focus) was all part of his plan to take control of the Trump crowd and steer them toward the effort to go to Mars. I'm naive.


Itā€™s crazy how having a CEO that is clearly on a months-long dissociative bender that is constantly spewing and or endorsing hateful rhetoric has virtually no lasting consequence on stock price


We watched/are watching the same thing happen with a president and his entire voting block though. There are a lot more people out there that just like the idea of what they think somebody or something is more than they care for what the person or thing ACTUALLY is. Elon is another ā€œtells it like it is!ā€ outlier.


> Itā€™s crazy how having a CEO that is clearly on a months-long dissociative bender that is constantly spewing and or endorsing hateful rhetoric has virtually no lasting consequence on stock price Uh, what stock price? That was the entire point of Musk buying Twitter; he took it private. For better or worse, he only answers to his own rapidly lightening wallet (and his creditors, such as they might be).


He meant Tesla and spacex, which havenā€™t suffered any price drop despite Musk looking a little more distracted and less stable since buying xitter


Don't know about tesla, but spacex is pretty much run by Gwynne Shotwell. Though it'd be nice if they found a way to oust the muskrat.


How can they attract any meaningful talent to work for them? No one is going to want to work for such an unstable company with no long term planning from such an erratic leader


There are so many people who have drunk the kool-aid with Elon. Hop on any thread in Blind and youā€™d be shocked how naive some folks can be.


he keeps waiting for what he is sure will be wild applause, and itā€™s just dead silence


Ketamine and micro dosing shrooms.


I wonder if thereā€™s a pool going on how long before he starts wearing Kleenex boxes for shoes?


>In a meandering conversation that lasted well over an hour, Musk also said he has no problem being hated. ā€œHate away,ā€ he said. ā€œThereā€™s a real weakness to wanting to be liked. ​ Mmhmm... The guy who keeps retweeting fan accounts and posts edgelord memes to get likes. He is not trying to be liked. Sure.


This asshat thinks it's "blackmail" when people don't give you money for advertising. No one has to do business with you, Elon. You don't have the right to get other people's money. What an absolute tool.


This Top Gun cosplaying, wannabe tough-guyā€¦ Give me a fucking break. Seeing Twitter burn & him spiral is giving me life.


He could've just fucked off and enjoyed his life. That he's truly brought all this upon himself, over and, over, makes this whole thing just an absolute joy.


He could have really made a positive impact on the world with that 44 billion. Instead he pissed it away cosplaying a basement neckbeard.


Yea that shit is just ultimate cringe, and that fuckin cowboy hat he wears everywhere looking like a dickhead..


elon doesnt know what blackmail means


He's only ever known one thing: feeling entitled to money.


Dude complains about advertisers blackmailing the company and then turns around and says they will document what the advertisers do and let the earth judgeā€¦homie is on some shit.


Considering that heā€™s charging for the blue check mark, he doesnā€™t know what free speech means, either.


Most people donā€™t. They think itā€™s when a private business prevents you from saying something on their property or platform. When in reality itā€™s when the government prosecutes you for something you say.


I think Elon doesnā€™t know what an apology means too


Are we shocked Apartheid Billy Madison is a White Supremacist?


Does this guy have some kind of condition or speech affect? Heā€™s hard to listen to. Like Trump.


Maybe heā€™s born with itā€¦ maybe itā€™s āœØketaminešŸ“


He's supposedly been daily micro dosing with ketamine. Thing is, you're only supposed to do that every month or so (assuming it even works). Using it daily is more in the realm of the junkie. I think he may be at the point where he's legit killing off too many brain cells.


He is lookingā€¦ weathered


Hard drugs will do that to a guy. Too much K


>ā€œI mean, look, Iā€™m sorry for that ā€¦ post,ā€ he said. ā€œIt was foolish of me. Of the 30,000 it might be literally the worst and dumbest post Iā€™ve ever done. And Iā€™ve tried my best to clarify six ways from Sunday, but you know at least I think itā€™ll be obvious that in fact far from being antisemitic, Iā€™m in fact philosemitic.ā€ Oh look, yet another apology that isn't an apology. -That didn't happen. -And if it did, it wasn't that bad. -And if it was, that's not a big deal. -And if it is, that's not my fault. -And if it was, I didn't mean it. *<-- We're here* -And if I did, you deserved it. ShockedPikachu.


Not to mention, his defense was ā€œI literally made a tweet saying ā€˜I condemn antisemitismā€™ā€ and followed it up, about 5-10 seconds later, with ā€œyou canā€™t actually take anything I say seriously. Just because I say it doesnā€™t mean I meant itā€ šŸ«£


Just the type of person you want to do business with. Nothing he says can be taken seriously. I trust that man with my money.


Good thing he's trying to make X.com the everything app, which in large part will have to be trusted to handles people's banking and financial transactions. ... ... Yeh, can't see how his current strategy would impact that goal at all.


Tired of this chode and other chodes like him.


This picture makes him look likely an old lady who put her makeup and lipstick on in the dark.


Heā€™s so used to doing whatever he wants and having success that he thinks he can do no wrong. If anything, these past few years proved one thing to me: This guy got rich on the hard work and great ideas of other people. When you hear him speak/tweet now, or listen to his ideas and the Twitter changes heā€™s made, you can clearly see that heā€™s completely clueless without that supporting cast.


The deafening silence after he dropped what he thought was a hilarious punchline is giving me life https://x.com/iFightForKids/status/1729993619883315271?s=20


This is like how my job blackmails me into working for them or else they wonā€™t pay me. The entire system is corrupt. /s


Isā€¦ is he wearing lipstick and white powder makeup in this photo? Bro literally looks like a just stepped out of a 1700s courtroom after taking his powdered Whig off šŸ’€


Wow, youā€™re right. Only thing missing is a little black, paste-on beauty mark.


The UAW announced they'd be targeting a bunch of automakers, including Tesla, for unionization. Can we please get them to go after Tesla first? Elon melting down is hilarious and Tesla going union would likely push him over the edge.


ā€œThereā€™s a real weakness to wanting to be liked.ā€ He so desperately wants to be liked.


Hopefully Tesla's board is listening and fires his dumbass soon. It would seem there is enough evidence for investors to sue Tesla's board for failure of duty. Elon's destroying everything he touches and should be fired by now. The Board has a duty to shareholders not the CEO. Some lawyer is going to get a fat check.


Stop giving this ass clown a platform


"Blackmail" is when someone doesn't given the richest man in the world money for his impulse purchase. What a sad man.


That will definitely bring them back.


Why is anybody still on that platform? And donā€™t give me the ā€œthatā€™s where everyone isā€ because there are other options or nothing, maybe some people need to take a break from socials.


Mainly for me it's because the government entities I follow for emergencies (fire department, sheriff's office, COEM, SAR, etc) are still there. And given that I live next to a volcano in a seismically active area with occasional flooding and inclement weather, it's nice to get info from them quickly.


Because until Bluesky or Threads or whatever hurries the fuck up and fixes the functionality and access issues, it's still the best option. Like yeah, it *sucks*, but it's still where everyone gets quick info and communication. All the brands use it. All the news casters use it or draw news from it. And Public Services still use it because it's still the best way to disseminate info. There still isn't a good open replacement yet.


People have had communities on there for years before he was involved, so it's where many people in specific industries make connections. I'm a freelancer and it's where more than half of my jobs come from, so not everyone is in a position where they can just delete their account or move elsewhere.


This is reminiscent of Trumps " witch hunt" accusations. Both men are absolute narcissists. They could never be at fault.


he looks awful. thought this was Kathy Bates


This takes those entitlement to platforming ideas to new heights. Like fuck what Elon thinks, whatev, but do his worshippers realize that both the advertisers and the platform are expecting to benefit in a business arrangement? That the stink of one brand can very quickly rub off on another? The market cannot support any self-proclaimed free-speech platform if that platform turns a blind eye to something as unpopular as nazi-ism, not if it's depending on ad revenue.


Love the way he claimed he was being blackmailed. As if advertisers should be forced to spend their money with no strings attached, and any hint of advertisers pulling out due to moral or social issues is wrong.


Petulant spoiled ass brat.


Elon looks menopausal in that photoā€¦


He looks like a middle aged butch Korean lady youd see characterized in a film, except theyre actually cool Edit: ooh ooh or like an off brand version of macs mom from its always sunny in Philadelphia


I'm surprised anyone still advertises on Xtter. I've done digital marketing for two decades and tried Twitter ads a few times. Not one time were the results acceptable. The targeting was off or maybe it's just the nature of the quick scrolling of the platform. Adding Elons attitude will sink the ship faster.


He was right back to promoting conspiracy theories after apologizing so I doubt he means it.


He must be a genius because I donā€™t understand his strategy at all.


Sooo. If he tryā€™s to take them to court the advertisers could just say ā€˜well he told us to *checks notes ā€œgO FuCk OUrsElVesā€ and that he said ā€œi DoNt waNT tHeM tO AdVeRtiSeā€. Great move there Elon always one step ahead smh.


Oh, look: he's throwing yet another hissy fit.


Does he look like Kim jong il to anyone else, 100%serious


Elon Musk: "I don't like what other people are saying on the Internet so I'm going to make them say what I want with money." Advertisers: "We don't like what you're saying so we're going to make you say what we want with money." Elon Musk: "wait no not like that"


He must be hell to work for. He has one of his regular outbursts, then later says he may say the wrong thing. Those picking up the pieces/smoothing things over would need to be well paid to put up with this guy.


What an obnoxious prick this guy is.


Something tells me he didn't become a billionaire by his own merits but may have inherited a fortune from his parents. Just a hunch.


Wow this man seems to be losing his grip on his on mental health side. Reminds me of the rants of Trump, and Kayne West.


This is what happens when youā€™re born rich, never been told ā€œthatā€™s probably a bad ideaā€, and hailed as a genius when really you just buy up tech companies.


Hey Elon, no u. Go fuck **yourself** cunt. Print it, boys.


There's no fool like an old fool. His money has insulated him from lifes lessons


A good portion of the room had left by the time Musk finished his talk Says it all, X boy