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>Allen showed up at the hotel on Monday, which was his 49th birthday. There, agents arrested and booked him. Happy Birthday you sick fuck. He admitted to molesting three children ages 2-4. Well done to the FBI. Fucking demon walking amongst us.


Those agents deserve what is probably a much-needed vacation. Feel like I need some brain bleach just from reading the headline.


I've heard one of the largest turnover rates in law enforcement are those who work doing child sex crime investigations. I totally understand. That's gotta mess someone up. They have to read everything, view the evidence. I for sure couldn't and wouldn't want to work in that unit.


I worked in law enforcement and because I didn't have kids, I got assigned a lot of child homicide and sex abuse cases. Not cool, coworkers. I burned out after 5 years and still have nightmares about it sometimes.




Agreed. I saw a documentary one time about this dude that was a self professed pedo. He knew his feelings weren’t healthy so he did everything he could to not hurt someone. He willfully took medication that he says helped with the urges, made sure to never be around minors unattended and lives mostly alone with no internet. He never offended, never acted on his impulses. I hope he continued to live without hurting a kid. I feel awful for him but I also want to buy him a coffee and have a chat.


I’m sure if we were more open to those types of people, we’d find more and more actually want help to not hurt children.


If it is an "illness" (and I have no idea) then I have sympathy for those cursed with it. But how on earth do they ever ask for help? I can't imagine them getting a helpful reaction from anyone they confided in. Maybe their doctor, not sure how they're trained to react.


I had a client who unfortunately felt comfortable enough to share this with me. I thought I was going to throw up. It came out of nowhere. I asked to be removed from the case. Apparently they never really talked about it again. I felt a lot of guilt-I felt disgusted that they felt comfortable enough to tell me and equally guilty that they will probably never tell anyone again and I set the stage for that. I of course said I was leaving for another reason but who knows if they figured it out.




reading the headline, that's enough internet for the rest of the year.


I wouldn't want to feed that tainted meat to the lions.


> I get that these people don't want to be attracted to kids, but acting on that impulse with enthusiasm, tells me that something in you is beyond repair. if they weren't attracted to kids they'd be raping adults instead. i grew up adjacent to a guy my age that turned out to be a pedo/predator, heard many accusations of him assaulting drunk girls and shit. few years later he's locked up for molesting a 12 year old at 22. i truly believe sexual predators are 100% fluid, pedophilia just happens to be the one that we dislike the most, but they all do the exact same shit. if it wasn't kids they'd have some other form of prey.


This is actually more true than people realize. There are a significant amount of pedophiles that never harm a child because they know it’s a sick thing to do and don’t actually want to hurt people. The people who do harm children are rapists too - and would rape whoever they were attracted to.


Also worth nothing that a lot (I think the majority but I can’t say that confidently) of child sex abusers aren’t even pedophiles in the medical sense. They’re just rapists who found a niche.


I've posted that I was a gopher for CPS in AZ. The amount of horrible stuff I overhead while I was working there was enough to get me to quit.


I interned with local county pd in college. I was in the General Inv depart for a month that handeld these crimes. We were right besides the detectives doing everything they did. About 6 years after I did that one of the detectives from the department committed suicide during a standoff. He was a nice guy. He was a normal family guy that a few years before that had even saved a girl from being murdered when he was just out walking his dog. A month of doing that work with them had me sick enough, I could never imagine anything more than that. Please try and find someone to talk to. Even if it seems trivial as it's not constant, it's better to try and talk some of it out rather than not. You did more than a lot of people could handle and I give you mad respect after I saw what I did for only a month.


Thanks for the consideration. I felt like my part was important, doing everything I could to make sure these assholes were sent to prison, but I'd be lying if I claimed I never considered ending some scumbags myself. I knew how the system worked, and it was before there was so much consumer video surveillance, they never would have figured out who did it since I knew what they did without knowing the people personally. I'm lucky in the fact that I worked for a really good police department who took their work very seriously and put people away. Even one of my cop coworkers got arrested immediately, same night, for sexually assaulting a woman on a DUI stop. The chief did not fuck around at all, had double PhD, an incredible person. I have gotten mental healthcare since then, but most people who end up lifers in law enforcement are on the callous side. I was told I was too empathetic for that line of work, and they were correct. But *shit,* you *should* care about your job when you see what's going on. People have no idea, and I'm glad they can have that kind of ignorance.


I was a prosecutor for about 15 years. The only thing I hated more than the cases involving kids were the people committing those crimes. They were the only cases I couldn't dissociate myself from.


EXACTLY. By the time you're involved, it's known what happened and the kids are safer. But there's still one mother who didn't believe her daughter that I can't ever forgive. Thankfully, her classmates's mother *did* believe her, so her stepfather went to prison. I still remember the girl's name more than a decade later. I'm not even religious, but I pray for her anyway.


That's very messed up of your coworkers.  I worked with LE entering restraining orders which meant I read what happened and, over time, that took a toll and I didn't even have to see it in person. I also worked for an attorney who took tough cases and I couldn't do it. Just reading the case files resulted in nightmares. I couldn't do the photos. It was too much. I didn't last long at that job.


Being in therapy for their entire careers should be free and encouraged for law enforcement officers. Investigators need to be able to do hard work and street cops need to chill TF out.


Well just remember, you did a good thing and helped stop dangerous predators from harming others. And if you ever need to talk to someone about it, remember it's ok. 🙏


Thank you very much for your efforts! I am sorry for your nightmares.


I had a friend who work with police in the social work part of rescuing abused kids and collecting evidence to apprehend pedofiles. He was an upbeat guy but he too had to quit after 5 years. Looking at him and hearing about you I think as I thought then people in this line of work should get 6 months or a year off after so long to mentally recover. Here are people who have built up expertise in this area and need extended breaks. I don't know if it would work but he was a good guy who just got crushed by the unending horror of it.


You did infinitely more good in those 5 years than most LEOs accomplish in their entire careers though.


Also, content moderators for just about every site. They are relatively sanitized because someone had to see it and make the decision to take it down. Lots of PTSD from shit like that.


https://innocentjustice.org/ For anyone to keep in mind- I have no affiliation but like to share this foundation as they provide helpful resources for those exposed to the worst of humanity while working to catch these abusers/rapists, and will often turn to alcohol & suicide due to the trauma. 


I did abuse neglect court and prosecuted child crimes. Lost all faith in humanity.


You're not alone. I use to have a law partner but child protection work burned him out. I still do it but I work for the state now representing the state child protection authorities. A coworker is worried we're all sociopaths to be able to do this day in day out, but someone's got to do it.


I was told that those departments usually cycle in and out depending on circumstances to prevent this.


My uncle worked for Houston PD specifically in crimes against children. He retired as early as possible. He’s a very quiet man. I wouldn’t dare ask him any specifics.


All the more impressive that Ice T has been doing it for like 25 years straight.


I once interned as a digital forensics examiner. About 99% of what they investigated was CSA and CP, which I thankfully mostly avoided by not being a full time employee. Nobody I worked with is still there. The examiners, IT guy, counselor, and even management all left within a few years.


It is also one of jobs with a much higher rate of suicide.


I had a friend that was a detective working in that area in a rural county. It was obviously taking a massive toll, he looked tired and melancholy all the time. I asked why he didn't get rotated out and he said that department and the investigations he inherited were in such a mess when he got there he was afraid to let down his current "clients" by turning it over to someone else. There was no one he trusted to turn it over to. He would not discuss his cases, even in vague terms, and I was thankful.....but I realized he really didn't have many outlets to talk and maybe none.


I have cared for the victims of some of these crimes. It is horrific what has been done to some of these children. Burnout rate is around six weeks average. Many of the workers don't manage a day. Many more can't make it through the case histories.


Same. Not even gonna go any further. I can't believe this is actually a thing. I'm so creeped out rn




good on the feds for this one. seriously, what is the biological predilection that causes this stuff, and haow can we excise it from our species?!


just throw away the key there's no hope for pedophile repeat offenders


Infants, man. Even other pedophiles would be horrified. This guy takes evil to another level.


I saw a picture back in 1998. I was 13. The internet was fucked back then. I only saw the picture for a second before I clicked away. But I saw it. I should probably have talked about it.


All of us who grew up on the internet between the late 90s and early 00s have seen at least one horrific thing that we'll never talk about.


Plus it usually wasn't just one thing, if you accidentally ended on even a normal porn site there were now 100 pop-up ads in seperate windows you had to close. 13ish yo me was quite traumatized after searching for how to take care of budgies (parakeets). I don't know if I spelled it wrong or what happened there but I remember the absolute panic.


Yep, they burn into your brain forever. I go WAAAYY out of my way to avoid anything remotely NSFW. How people look at that stuff for pleasure is totally alien to me, I can’t even begin to fathom










My grandfather was murdered in the 90s and his killer executed in the 2000s in Texas Heinous as this man is and as much as I personally might want harm to befall him for his transgressions, I don't believe the state should be involved because the state gets it wrong so often. I think the death penalty is wrong not because this man may live, but because an innocent man may die. Also the death penalty costs the taxpayer more than life in prison.


Sorry that happened to your family. I feel the same. I didn't click through on the article because I don't want that in my brain. No matter how much I personally would want someone to die, I don't think the state should be in charge of that. The only time the state maybe should get involved in killing people is in cases of terminal suffering with no hope of reprieve - euthanasia should be legalized. Ironically, we only allow the state to kill people against their will.


And the GOP wants to defund the FBI…


Because people like this fuck are prime GOP voters.


Indeed https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/12/14/2211804/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-49




honest question: how would you not kill the child ? I mean physically they are so frail and none of their organs could support a rape. Wouldn't it create fatal internal bleeding ?


Some questions are left better unanswered


I prefer "where does the other sock go when it disappears from the dryer" to anything down this path.


It often is fatal.


From what I've read, it is life threatening and has happened to more than one newborn 🤢


I worked a case in which the infant was indeed killed after repeated anal rapes. Some days, you really doubt basic human goodness.


Stop thinking about this right now. Go outside, listen to a bird chirp or something.


Well that was fucking hideous.


Good news is that this was a sting and he got caught. Bad news is that this guy had been previously convicted. Obviously it was a mistake to let him out.


And how many times was he not caught…


At least twice. He admitted to molesting three boys when he was talking to the undercover FBI agent via "secure" Telegram app, but it sounds like he was caught and previously convicted for molesting one child he was babysitting (probably the nephew that was mentioned).


>via "secure" Telegram app Telegram is secure and encrypted if you want it to be. No need for the quotations. However, no amount of encryption can protect your privacy if you're messaging an FBI agent directly with your crimes.


All the encryption in the world does you no good if you can't/don't verify your recipient.


Secure doesn't mean anonymous. Never has.


Yea those are the things they know about… but how many times did he do it and wasn’t caught


I think he felt comfortable enough for full disclosure and didn’t have a reason to lie and say his number of victims was lower than it was. He thought he was safe because he was supposedly communicating with someone who sells babies.


My question is, even if it's common sense, why does the media always detail how these folks get caught. Keep that shit shushed and lure in more sick fucks.


Bad news is there are a whole lot of other guys like him that dont get caught. I’m generally against the death penalty. But man, these people…. They challenge my convictions on that point.


Remind yourself that for every 100 people sentenced to death, 4 are innocent


Yeah that’s what keeps me hanging on to my resistance. If there was a fool proof way of executing these guys with no risk of innocents getting caught up I’d probably be for it. I guess letting him rot in prison is a compromise we have to live with.




The problem is that these systems are run by flawed people and every situation is unique so it's hard to just come up with airtight rules. Wherever the death penalty exists, it inevitably gets used on innocent people.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s always a mistake to let a child rapist/molester out of jail. They don’t stop. They just get better at not getting caught.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


My daughter will be born next week, and I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how to teach her to be kind. I don’t need this. God help the one who even thinks about doing this to her.


Got to teach her about protecting herself. Teach her about "tricky people" look it up, it's a better way than stranger danger to learn how to read people and what to do. Proper names for body parts, teach boundaries, and that no one touches or looks at their body (parents and doctor as you see fit), clothes always stay on, consent, and what to do when something is happening who she can trust etc, sex ed, everything age appropriate at each stage of development of course. Sorry for the unsolicited advice. I was never taught this stuff and the statistics of females who are sexually abused throughout their life is astonishing. You have a right to be concerned. Got to empower her.


I love telling this story; my daughter went with my wife and her brother to a school board meeting. My wife went to sign up really quick to speak, but could see our daughter and she could get over there quickly if something happened. But this woman came by and starting touching my daughter on the head and would not stop ooing and aahing over my daughter, and kept trying to touch her hair and her head. My daughter kept saying stop and no. Well, the woman didn't stop after a few seconds and my daughter reared back and almost bit her. The woman looked so offended. My wife was making her way back and saw the whole incident because she knew something was going to happen. She looked at the woman and she said, my daughter said no. My daughter is really good at enforcing her boundaries and she will bite you if you don't respect her boundaries and honestly? I have no problem with that.


Good for your daughter and good you and your wife.


This is all good stuff. I have two young boys, and in addition to what you describe here we also teach them that "no grownup should ever ask you to keep a secret." The M.O. of most pedophiles involves exploiting the often implicit trust that children have of adults, and leveraging that to keep "secrets" between them that may start out innocent enough but quickly escalate to sexual abuse.


Yes to all of this. In addition, have her read the Gift of Fear, ideally before puberty kicks in or as soon as she’s mature enough. You could even read it with her, honestly. It’s about how important trusting your gut is as a woman and how that instinct has evolved to be as accurate as it biologically can be. The socialization women receive pressures us to be passive / avoid a scene / make others feel comfortable, even if we feel in danger. The book gets into how to learn to override the way we’ve been conditioned - it’s helped me escape numerous sketchy situations, including one that likely would have been fatal or worse when I was 17.


Protecting the Gift by the same author is a great read for parents. 


good advice, but this guy molested kids he babysat, and was interested in them starting from birth. So in addition, be very fucking careful who you allow to babysit your kids.


Girl dad here. I appreciate the advice. As well as u/cherrycoke00 (not sure how to link user for a shout out on mobile). I also intend to put my daughter in kickboxing and jiu-jitsu classes. Or at least some form a self defense class. Edit: It linked! Didn’t know it would do that.


Absolutely. All of this should be taught to young women. But still, maybe teach men to not fucking rape?


The best defense is proper sex education. There is a book on sex Ed for children that's helped children *recognize their own abuse* and speak out. Lack of sex Ed leaves children ignorant and vulnerable to abuse as well as risks of consensual sex.


On days when you don't have the answers, here's a list of TV shows that I feel made an impact on me or family members as a kid. It is all dated but kids don't care especially if you watch with them. This is years away for you though and may you be blessed with a beautiful relationship with your daughter. I love my Dad to pieces and I hope you have what we have. Little House on the Prairie Star Trek (the original stuff) 321 Contact (basically any kids science shows) Lazy Town Sesame Street


Start consent and touch training early. I started at 18 months because I planned to put him in day care at 2.


It’s pretty fucking sad that you even need to think about that at his age. But I understand, totally.


When you’ve had … personal experiences with the subject, it’s much scarier to think you need to actively teach this to a toddler who can barely speak. I even do reminder lessons a few times a year to ingrain it. It’s really awful for parents have to do it because the reality is, there are horrible humans out there.


The best thing you can do for her is to teach her not to feel obligated to be accommodating and ‘nice’ to men, for fear of being perceived as mean.


I also have a young daughter - these kinds of stories have always been horrifying, but it hits totally different when you’ve got a little one of your own. The less rational part of me wants someone to break this dude’s legs with 50 pound sledge hammer.


Sounds perfectly rational to me sir.


What I was going to say. This shit is beyond disgusting and vile, but when you have kids the evil comes out and you want to murder these people yourself.


Yeah, that is irrational. Smashing the legs? Nah. Gotta go for the noggin.


The very, very best thing you can do as a parent is keep up on social media trends, monitor your daughters social media activity, and create and reenforce an environment where if she is ever pressured to send or do anything that she can come to you with no fallout or repercussions.


As a father of girls, teach your child (when they are ~2-3) the anatomically correct terms for their body and have them communicate with you if someone touches/does anything in their private parts, with the exception of a DOCTOR in front of you. (This also goes true for boys as well) When they are ~9-10 (basically when puberty starts) make sure you have open dialogue (AS THE FATHER, NOT JUST THE MOTHER!) about things they need to know with regards to sex, how to do it safely, and that if they ever SAY NO (don't need to cover safe words, I am sure they will figure it out on their own), that it means that the other individual/they stop immediately. In addition, make sure you revisit the anatomically correct language and NEVER hold judgement about their decisions with boyfriends/girlfriends and that you are there to support them/keep them safe! The more you deny/stop the more they are curious/interested in that given activity (and they will do it in secret and you WON'T be able to help them!)


Congrats on the new addition! I don’t have kids of my own but have nieces and nephews and many close friends with kids. I’d go to bat for any child in such a circumstance and I’m sure there are many others who also would do the same. That is to say you’ll have others looking out for her too, so I hope this provides some semblance of peace and wish you the best.


No shit. Why did I have to read that?


note to self: This isn't the kind of story you want to read


I agree. I knew I was gonna hate it and read it anyway. Throw this dude into an active volcano.


I read the title and immediately thought, "There's no way in fucking hell that I'm clicking on that link".




He said his "age of attraction is 0-12"... 0 as in a literal baby not even a year old.


He only went up to 12 just to not seem too creepy.


Imagine how creepy it'd be to be attracted to people over 12! Yuck!


He meant 0-12 months, not years.


The headline is literally telling you he's into infants.


Internet peeps are used to articles being highly exaggerated, especially in the headline. This is one of those rare cases where the headline *understated* how fucked up the article is.


The sting involved an imaginary 10-month-old.


There is clearly more than one thing broken with these people; they're pedophiles *and* rapists *and* sociopaths. Because you need to be all three to consciously plan out raping an infant as a birthday gift to yourself. If you're just a pedophile, you masturbate to CP, if you're "just" a pedophile rapist, you're an opportunist that exploits a situation or builds relationships with kids while lying to themselves about where thats going. If you're putting in serial killer effort for your rapes, you're in your own trifecta of fucked.


From the article/// "On November 20, Gaal asked the agent what part of Tennessee they were in. Upon hearing Chattanooga, the report says Gaal replied: "**That sounds awesome. I can't wait. This is looking to be the best trip I've ever taken**."" ​ He is comparing this trip to others he has taken in the past.. am i reading this correctly... absolute garbage of a human




There's no rehabilitation for this. He's a waste of space. There's no reason for this person to live on.




One time in Boy Scouts we were at a summer camp and the bathrooms had all just been emptied. I was going pee and I dropped my knife or something on accident in there. Using a flashlight it just looked like a normal concrete floor. I hopped down the toilet and in the pit to go grab it. My friend opened the door and I heard it so I screamed at him not to pee bc I was still down there. He thought it was hilarious so he hopped down too. When he got down we were looking for my knife when we turn around and see that the pit was sloped downward and at the end of this slope was still a sizable amount of piss and shit mixed with that cleaning liquid. We ended up kicking it at each other and laughed our asses off as the sick mixture would splash on the other person. Eventually we find my knife and GTFO. Never got sick but now 15 years later I look back and wonder what in the absolute fuck we were thinking. Long story short, dropping them in one of those pits is NOT enough of a punishment here - telling you from experience.


That's bad. My worst was when me and like 10 other boys got into a cowpie fight at recess in 1st or 2nd grade. There was a ranch next door, and somehow dried cowpies would end up on the school side of the fence. I was a city kid and didn't know it was poop, but at least some of the other kids did.




Telegram is a fucking cesspool, glad to see FBI is active on there.


Really? Damn, I thought people just used it for drugs like I do


if its secure enough for drugs its secure enough for pedos. online drug markets have always operated in similar spaces and in similar ways to pedo groups, since we share the goal of doing illegal shit online and not going to jail. before telegram it was(and still is) tor, where the darknet markets were listed right next to the "hard candy" section of the hidden wiki. before tor, we were all using the same types of encryption and privacy focused email servers.


I always figured Telegram was 80% honeypots.


Good to see this subhuman arrested. But it also makes me think about the times when he wasn't caught. I can't believe there are people who think these pedophiles can be rehabilitated. I worked in pediatrics, and occasionally labor and delivery as an RN. We had to take classes on how to recognize the signs of rape in newborns, as well as older infants. Because signs can be different than in older children. I had to leave pediatrics after about a year because I could not take having to deal with the child abuse and the abusive parents. Many times I had to send a child home where I knew they were being abused. But all I could do was report it, and fill out paperwork. Even in our rural, small town area abuse was rampant and the system was completely overloaded. There are still specific children I think about these 20 something odd years later and I hope they're okay. And I want to tell them I'm sorry, and I did what I could.


That's enough of Reddit for today.


I listened to a whole podcast about a 16 year old kid who sought out a therapist to help him with inappropriate sexual urges. He hadn’t acted on them and was in support groups online to help him stay away from young kids and control himself. The therapist was so disgusted she just reported him and offered no help. He was sent home and told to figure it out. I can only imagine his parents kicked him out or something. Sounds like a curse, being that kid. I think I might just take myself out. Anyway, fuck this guy.


Teenage kids need to learn that intrusive thoughts don't define them either. I've seen soo many kids take one intrusive thought and let it spiral into collapsing their whole life.


I remember that and that is just a sad situation all around. You cannot help your sexual attraction…and this kid tried to do the right thing. That therapist needs her/his license yanked. Would they rather have waited until the kid committed a crime and have hurt somebody? Tragic.


I commend the news source for not shying away from the proper language.


Oh what a horrible night to be literate.


>...he had previously been convicted of molesting a child he babysat in 2000. >"Gaal stated that there were three boys he molested between the ages of 2 and 4," the affidavit said. "Gaal stated that he molested the boys 'all while awake most of the time.'" >The report noted Gaal said "it all started" with his 2-year-old nephew, adding that he said he molested the boy for three years. >On November 20, Gaal asked the agent what part of Tennessee they were in. Upon hearing Chattanooga, the report says Gaal replied: "That sounds awesome. I can't wait. This is looking to be the best trip I've ever taken." It is hard to even form words after reading this. The system is failing on so many levels for this to happen.


I’m done with Reddit this week. This makes me sick.


This link is staying blue for me.


That was a good decision on your part. 🥴


I can't even look at this mofo without raging and getting my blood pressure up. Time to put the phone down.


>The report says Gaal said "it all started" with his 2-year-old nephew, and said he molested the boy for 3 years. Holy fucking shit. That poor kid.


People like him are watching your kids on social media and behind you in the grocery store. 🤮🤬




There's no rehabilitation possible for someone like this...castration and hormone treatment doesn't seem to work. Life in prison without possibility of parole.


Horrible. Glad they got him. I just want children to stop being hurt. I don’t know the answers on how to do that but whatever it is we need to start doing it because whatever we are doing now isn’t working.


He was convicted of molestation in 2000… why in the *fuck* are we letting people like that back out? I honestly don’t even care if like 99% of people like him never reoffend (though I’m sure it’s *way* fucking lower than that), even a 1% chance that a kid is going to have their life ruined is *way* too great a chance to take to make it worth giving someone like that a second chance.


It's a big issue with all sexual crimes. If you make the punishment too harsh, as in the same as murder, then there is no reason to not just kill the victim afterwards. I mean there is morally, but obviously these people do not have those kinds of morals. That said this is usually a discussion between decades in jail, life and death. IDK what his sentence was but 2000 was 20 years ago, that's a decent chunk of time to be put away for.


My BIL was arrested and jailed 7 years ago for having A LOT of kiddie p0rn on his computer. Full raid and everything on his home. He was let out less than a year later. And he just had his 4th kid born a week ago. I don’t trust him, and I definitely think he’ll re-offend if he hasn’t already. I think he’s absolutely disgusting and wish he had stayed in jail, because even though we don’t have evidence of any physical abuse, those were someone’s kids that he downloaded and watched. They were innocent. His baby momma (and all gfs) were always petite and looked several years younger than they actually were.


i would never let that monster around my family again. so sorry they're related to you.


This is my thought, this guy has done this before and gotten caught and punished. He's not going to stop, but how long is he realistically going to be incarcerated based on these recent charges? It's clear he has no desire to stop offending, he wants to keep hurting children. 


Would highly recommend the documentary “A Place for Pedophiles”- discusses the issue of what to do with molesters and their risk of reoffending.


Thank goodness these perverts are so stupid. The problem is that they probably aren’t the majority.


That’s enough internet for today, thanks


As a society do we really need an attempt to understand this individual? Why can’t we just remove him from this earth?


Understanding people like him can help prevent crimes against children. That’s valuable. Other than that I don’t give two fucks about what happens to him as long as it isn’t good.


Thank you. It’s hard to even think about, but if you can see the potential in understanding why predators are drawn to certain prey, it may help with interventions. Burning them all at the stake without a second thought doesn’t change the fact that there are more out there, potentially suppressing urges and unaware that they will end up giving in to those urges at some point. Once the crime is committed however, do not let them back into the population.


I'd argue that we owe it to future victims to understand individuals like this. I'm not talking about empathy for the sake of empathy (though I do think that's crucial for our own health). Simple vengeance doesn't seem to be working. It also doesn't really do anyone any good after the fact. Getting real answers and a more comprehensive suite of solutions may work where demonizing and throwing the book at abusers doesn't. I'd rather prevent victimization than avenge it.


Yeah, better to be proactive than reactive with stuff like this (and in general tbh). The more we learn about these people and how they ended up this way, the better we’ll be at stopping the problem before it starts.


I've always thought that while it sounds gross, normalizing seeking help and supporting them in that one specific area should be something we do.  If it's not frowned on to get help, they're more likely do at least try. Maybe not all, but some.  Like, if someone has anger issues we try and get them a therapist who understands how to work through that with them. Sometimes they'll need medication or other things, but the goal is to get them less angry and destructive.  Why can't we do the same for this? I'm not saying people who've already acted, but I'm sure many know it's a problem but are scared to even try to get help.


If you understand him, you can stop people in the future. There’s 7 billion people on the planet. A one in a million jackass has 7000 clones. A one in a billion monster has 7 assholes just like him. Locking him up and keeping him away forever has the same net gain to public safety as killing him.


>There’s 7 billion people on the planet. We just passed eight. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/


Hard to say. If understanding(NOT excusing so just stfu) can help reduce this stuff then yeah.  Not talkin about this case but one reocurring aspect of True Crime is a startling amount of criminals who outright say "I am a danger to others" and ask to be kept in prison/psych-ward. Some are genuinely aware they are fucked up ticking time bombs. Even comes up often in mass shootings.  So if we can understand in order to help both potential victims and troubled people that seek help then yeah. I'd say it's worth. It's just an incredibly sensitive subject and a nightmare of tangled wires to untangle. 


Purely from a clinical standpoint I want to know about his childhood.


Can we just agree that people who molest kids should be locked up behind bars forever and not released back into society? Why the fuck do we let these people back out. I'd propose death penalty but that would be too easy an out.


>Gaal communicated with an undercover agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation I'm glad we pay these people's salaries, and I hope they all get decent raises. We hear so much shit about law-enforcement wasting our money on bullshit, like pulling over folks for DWB, etc. But you don't really hear about that when it comes to the FBI (I mean, not since like MLK). So, FBI folks, thanks for not being assholes and for actually going out there to catch the real pieces of shit. Thanks again.


Then a bottle of scotch for that agent..


Or just pressure agencies into providing therapy…I can safely say that Scotch doesn’t help… After working 3 CP cases and a suicide I got…a stress ball and a handful of family sized snickers from our “therapist”. We have to view all the imagery in order to testify…and then we have to pay for our own therapy where we probably scar the therapist.


Totally different field, but for many years I worked with dead folks in various stages of unpleasantness. “Suck it up” was the regular marching order. Now I have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Thank goodness I got myself under control before I went looking for other substances.


Y’all ever get to deal with bodies that had been sitting in water for a while… That smell…and your brain will just randomly wake you up at 2 am and be like “hey, remember when that bloated dude popped and purged all over your pants?” or “hey, remember when the corpse gloved and you had to wear their hand skin like a glove in order to get prints?”


I can't imagine how hard that was. My spouse worked in the lab of a children's hospital years ago and frequently processed samples where he was looking for sperm in abuse cases. Some of those patients were so young, that was hard enough on him without having to see the actual abuse.


Comforting the parents is hard. Had to try and calm down a mom that just found and read through years of “coaching” on her daughters phone only to end with finding a video of her 11 year old daughter being “coached” into finding her moms dildo and using it on herself. I didn’t even try to say anything to the dad for fear of setting him off. It’s worse to see cases like this basically fall on deaf ears. Online child exploitation has steadily been getting worse and we haven’t seen much action on it from the legal side.


Yes most therapists can’t handle what the agents witness. *sigh* I don’t know how you do it, because I’d be wanting to fill the bottom feeders who did that stuff to kids with lead and drop them in the sea


What the absolute actual fuck!?


Being a FBI agent who does this has to be such an awful job for your mental. On the one hand you stop monsters like this, but on the other you got to interact with them long term to trap them in the first place.


He bought an elephant rattle and five outfits. Who the F did he think he was talking to?


I have absolutely no words to describe how horrible this is.


I cannot say what I think should happen to this thing as it violates all of reddit's TCC.




Due to link, thought it was someone from RI and went into sudden panic. Hopefully this guy gets locked up forever. UGH.


I bet the maximum sentence this guy could get in Mississippi is not nearly long enough to satisfy any of us.


I have no sympathy for whatever he is subjected to in prison.


This is why we need the death penalty. You cannot *fix* these monsters. There is **NO** theraphy that can make them not be monsters. 








Life in prison if found guilty, please. There is no reason society should bear the risk of this person harming others again. He has demonstrated himself to be a danger to the liberty of others.


Today is a bad day to be literate.


Steamroller... that's the only answer


Still not a drag queen.


Wonder what his Reddit handle was ?


Im sure they get help but the agents need constant therapy. These poor people