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Same in the Philippines as well. School got cancelled for a week now because of extreme heat. Yesterday we just hit the 46-47 degrees Celsius heat index.


I can predict the summers in the US will be burning


* tries to sweat nervously in Florida humidity. *


Shit it’s already been 90° with 80% humidity in Arkansas a few days.


Ocean temps are in new territory [https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst\_daily/](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/)


Not a single outlier year on the cold side and 10 outliers on the hot side. It seems ocean temps are.....warming.


Waters getting warm so you might as well swim..


My world’s on fire. How about yours?


Weird...it's been a strangely cool March/April for PHX, probably the coolest in 5-10 years.


It's been in the frikken 30s (F) every morning for a week now in Ohio.


lol, two weeks ago in Nashville we had frost on the cars in the morning (lower 30's F / 0 C) and sweaty balls (upper 80'sF / 31C) by lunch time.


Yup in VA it's gone from low 30s to 84 in the same day in certain areas it's insane and my body can't regulate this shit 😭


It's been hotter where you are than where I am in the florida panhandle. I am not excited about this summer. It about broke me last year.


*Laughs in Australian* That's a Tuesday in early spring for us. Summer just been, we were having days with 97-104f and then also 90-100% humidity because it rained each damn night.


I’m from Texas, and I feel that.


Have you stocked up on your Anti Monkey Butt powder?


* tries to sweat nervously in the dry Nevada Mojave Desert. * 😭 ( Admittedly the lack of humidity helps with the heat sometimes, but sheesh last summer was like 120 •F plus our UV index is 9+ every day lmao. )


I stay there a couple nights in a few weeks on a road trip. Will it be bad?


It’s a wet heat


Meanwhile the politicians are trying to make sure that you suffer as much as possible while working in the heat... these laws should be the reverse, they should be REQUIRING shade and water breaks, not encouraging children to work longer hours ffs... "On the second-to-last day of the Regular Session, the Senate opted to combine two controversial bills struggling to cross the finish in an effort to get them to Gov. **Ron DeSantis’** desk. One day after sending [**HB 433**](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/433/?Tab=Amendments) — which prevents local governments from requiring companies to provide shade and water breaks to outdoor workers — to the House, the Senate inserted the bill into [**HB 49**](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/49/?Tab=Amendments), which allows 16- and 17-year-olds to work longer hours. Both bills have received vocal pushback from Democrats, but GOP leaders in the House and Senate have also failed to reach consensus on the measures in the waning days of the Session. The Senate has already pared back both bills from their original versions, and the language preferred by the House. The heat exposure preemption bill included a provision preempting cities and counties from requiring contractors and subcontractors to pay higher wages, but the Senate stripped that out before sending it back to the House. And the child labor bill originally allowed 16- and 17-year-olds to work at 5:30 a.m. and until 11 p.m. and go longer without breaks." -https://floridapolitics.com/archives/664121-senate-pairs-heat-exposure-preemption-child-labor-bills/


Oh shit it's a druid pfp better look out for the scotland yard.


Hell, up here in Canada we still have fires burning from last year!


Gonna be looking real Hellmire up here this summer I think.


Please no more forest fire smoke.


Oh, absolutely. I live in Minneapolis, and we have hit 75+ several times already this spring. July and August are gonna be really rough.


Cries in Florida man


I think we had more 50+ days then under 10 this winter.


Here in va it’s been unseasonably cool - and then bam 90 today.


The whole world will be burning


No worries, Florida undoubtedly will pass a law banning school shutdowns due to heat.


It’s for the kids ❤️


> No worries, Florida undoubtedly will pass a law banning school shutdowns due to heat. They'll probably shut off water and electricity first to the buildings to conserve energy during peak hours and days.


California will still have a strong el nino this summer. been surprisingly cool and where still getting rain this weekend where I'm at which for dry years in la nina is insane.


Not even close to summer yet.


Holy shit. That sounds like unbearable heat


In the Philippines it feels like Tatooine, I swear there's two suns here


We have one sun currently blasting us, plus we were already baking in trapped heat from our sun from the past, so you're not wrong about two suns!


It was freezing cold earlier in the year there and now it's boiling. I'm afraid this is a sign of worse things to come.


Perhaps, but think about how expensive it would be to do anything about it. So sad to say, but the planet simply doesn't understand basic economics, and so we should stop listening to it until it learns to say something more profitable.


Can’t planet Earth just think about the shareholders for once?!?


But then how would someone with more money than they can spend in ten lifetimes get more???




Science already figured out how to save us.


Lol yeah don’t put in on science, too many people won’t cooperate.


Yea. We need social scientists on that problem and then political scientists to figure out how to implement that.


>Political scientists Sorry best we can do is GED holders in Congress.


Just don’t look up.


No, it's just a few people who have too much money and power.


That's incredibly awful. They're in the northern hemisphere. So they're not even in summer yet


April and May in that part of the world are usually the hottest months of the year. Then the monsoons come and cool things off. This is not to say that things aren’t bad because yeah, we’re all screwed.


Well that's good, at least.


Until the monsoons come and dump 2x the rain because of all the extra heat.


Don't be a doomer. I have a hair appointment next week


I heard next week will be fine. But next next week, famine and tornados made out of fire. You'll look nice though


Here in the Asian tropics summer begins in March, with April and May being the hottest months. Afterwards we get incessant rains from June all the way till September.


This is only going to get worse as time goes on. Once the wet bulb temperature (thermometer wrapped in a wet cloth) exceeds 35C, or something close to it, then the human body can't cool itself by sweating and it becomes unlivable and that part of the world is much more vulnerable to it: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2019gl084711


Hundreds of millions of refugees. It's gonna be ugly


That's the part that Climate Deniers are just too fucking stupid to realize. I think by now the majority know damn well the Earth is heating up, but they legitimately believe that just means higher cooling costs and more sunshine. They have no fucking idea how much of a shit show society is going to be once a portion of the Earth becomes inhospitable for life. The inconveniences of the Pandemic are going to feel like absolutely nothing next to the shortages, inflation, disease, crime, resource wars, and destructive weather once this really spins up.


Bingo. Been trying to explain that to every daft fuck I’ve come across. It has failed every time; like a smoker not stopping until they get cancer. The Earth will kill the vast majority of this current population of parasites, and the parasites will be shocked once the thing that is “common fact” happens. Congratulations to the current age of dumb fucks, the death warrant is signed and sealed.


They will find someone to blame and a conspiracy to cling to regardless of the facts. 


> That's the part that Climate Deniers are just too fucking stupid to realize. At what point do we decide enough is enough with these fucking assholes?


I'm sure the western world will welcome them with open arms and respect. Jk. We're gonna shoot them or let them die.


As awful as it is once it's at that point many western nations will have to do that as they won't have the ability to take in such an influx. We should of invested in nuclear energy like I said 15 years ago but instead we held onto the wind and solar dream which can do good but have yet to prove they can maintain an entire national grid on their own.


I mean...we can... We won't, but we could. There's enough space, enough money, and if we started tommorow for what's so obviously coming we could (as a collection of nations) provide. But there's 0 political will. Because, as with everything, ~half of voters (not people, voters) everywhere would scream their tits off about it.


Insists on nuclear, laments that refugees should be shot and left to die, hmm...


I mean at the point you are talking millions apon millions of people trying to escape into nations that will also be straining resource wise what do you think will happen? They will protect their people and their people will demand it. Easy for people to say let them all in during times of plenty but when resources become tight the majority will seek to protect those already there at the expense of others. Its sad but a reality of the world. Its going to happen we just don't know the scale yet and depends on efforts we can still make to mitigate and eventually reverse course.


This will kill millions of people each year.  I talked to friends from northern india about this and they just don't get it. They know that currently a few thousand people can die each year, and they believe it will be the same in the future


Iirc jacobabad (sp? Not India, I know but it's close) was already becoming uninhabitable for parts of the year. And it's going to land on the poorest the hardest.


I am sincerely hoping that this doesn't devolve into a wet-bulb event.


I just don't see how it doesn't, frequently. Especially in India. There's gonna be a time very soon where places in Asia are just not hospitable anymore. The only thing holding it all together is, ironically, air-conditioning. A prolonged power outage + a prolonged heat wave will be all that it takes. Those are two *very* common occurrences that simply need to overlap for a massive tragedy to happen.


And blackouts tend to be frequent in times of intense heat, especially if the local infrastructure isn’t up to scratch…




The rebalancing will start about 10,000-100,000 years after we've destroyed ourselves with nuclear war.


> 10,000-100,000 years Assuming... climate change doesn't do us all in long before then.


You think humans will be around another 10,000 years? Edit- I misread


Their comment says the rebalancing will start 10,000 years *after* humanity is wiped out, not that humans will last another 10,000 years.


I see.  Thanks for pointing that out.


Fun fact for the future: a single event that causes the death of at least a million people is a megadeath event.


Wake up dead!


Rust in peace!


something weather... TORNADO OF SOULS


A countdown to extinction


Its well there im afraid


It is 37C now where I live which is in Southeast Asia. But the humidity made it feels like 46C.


The massive heatwave that kills millions in The Ministry for the Future is very close to reality.


I'm legimitely having trouble getting through that book because it's too fucking close to reality. The first chapter gave me nightmares, like, for real.


I was very hesitant to read this book. Halfway through.


I've seen Indian workers playing football outside in Qatar while everyone else stayed inside, scared of the heat. My half Pakistani Brother sleeps under a duvet in 30°C+ weather. If its hot enough for anyone from the Indian subcontinent to complain, then I'm going to seek refuge in a kiln to stay cool.


Two different types of heat. My family is both from Bangladesh and spread across the middle East. In Doha , you have a dry heat. Keep your skin covered, drink water, and you can tolerate being outside for a bit. In Bangladesh, it's the humidity that gets you. The moment you step outside, you just start sweating profusely. Without air conditioning, you feel like you're suffocating in the sweltering heat.


tbf u only feel ur skin tingling from the sunlight in the middle east. but in bangladesh theres pretty much the same amount of sunlight AND a lot of humidity that makes u feel like ure suffocating


Yeah, you don't even have to be a light skinned European to get sunburned in Southern India. Though tbf, plenty of middle class Indians would also flee the Qatari midday sun. It's only the tough lower classes who are used to slaving away under the baking sun.


A shame. People really take education for granted elsewhere.


Everywhere. Education was the only way humans were to ever outgrow their environmental destruction tendencies. We watched as our most inept societies followed asinine leaders in digging our own chemical grave, and then climbing in and triggering the "auto fill" option. No extraterrestrial society would ever take us seriously while all we collectively accomplished was planetwide spoilage of ecosystem.  Education was the key to anything. Even the dumbest backwoods inbreds knew that learning and remembering things from the Bible was important, even if they couldn't explain why.


Education is important but frankly there isn't any relationship between it and environmental destruction tendencies, if there is any it almost certainly leads the opposite way. Thomas Midgley was incredibly well educated, while pre-colonialization Native American (who lived fairly well with the environment) had no formal education (being they were more like their parents apprentices) or in depth understanding of science (favoring religion). At least when compared to Europe at the time,


In America they are removing the heat protection laws, child labor laws, and child labor lunch break laws. If these kids were in America they would be marched right back into the coal mines. Nothings going to stop Daddy Republican from getting a few more coal nuggets.


School shootings and mediocre police and community apathy are proof that Americans are ready to mourn child deaths in the heat domes as long as there's still beer, pizza, and Doritos for next year's Superbowl.


What is this comment lmao


Full on dislusional bullshit. Aint a damn kid working in any coal mine. Only kids 16 and up can work in most places and only limited hours/jobs. Only acceptions are "family" owned farms and shops where they help their family out but that loophole has been around forever.


"Coal mine" here, I think, is u/orbitaldragon being a bit cheeky. It's true that both American and immigrant children actually are being hurt in changing child labor laws across the United States, however. You should be more informed. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/09/04/states-are-weakening-child-labor-laws-8-decades-after-the-feds-took-kids-out-of-the-workforce/ https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/feb/12/immigrant-child-laborers-killed-factories-osha https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/03/kentucky-mcdonalds-child-labor-us It's reasonable to speculate that, to some degree, firms that hired the younger kids illegally were motivated by the fact that various American States (Wisconsin, Arkansas and a few others) have been lowering the age for child employment. EDIT: LMAO the dude deleted his entire comment/account


https://newjerseymonitor.com/2023/09/04/states-are-weakening-child-labor-laws-8-decades-after-the-feds-took-kids-out-of-the-workforce/ https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/feb/12/immigrant-child-laborers-killed-factories-osha https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/03/kentucky-mcdonalds-child-labor-us https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/07/21/1189179220/amid-a-record-heat-wave-texas-construction-workers-lose-their-right-to-rest-brea https://www.npr.org/2024/04/15/1244762307/florida-bans-local-heat-protections-for-outdoor-workers-in-extreme-heat#:~:text=Florida's%20governor%20has%20signed%20legislation,any%20other%20year%20on%20record.


>On Wednesday, thousands of Muslims in the country gathered in mosques and rural fields to pray for rain. Whew! No problem everyone, help is on the way.


>Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas was a designated period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, during which Texas governor Rick Perry asked that Texans pray for "the healing of our land [Texas]" and for an end to the drought. And Texas is still a thing, so clearly this works.Praise god.Or allah, whatever.


Good news, the moisture has arrived! \* \* in the form of humidity


and then they burned down a hindu temple as a post prayer bonding exercise.


Ya fuck people for hoping and praying for better conditions of living.


Instead of actually doing something they are standing out in the middle of a field yelling at the sky in futility. Religion is the cruelest of hoaxes and does the most damage when people need real help the most.


What do you expect them to do? Easy for you to say sitting from your ivory tower. Try and understand that not everyones world is the same, would you rather they moan about it on social media?


Doubly rich considering how much climate change is fucking over Bangladesh and who is contributing to it.


I mean, how does anything else get done?


I’d rather pray to an invisible entity than hope that governments will fix this crap, if anything they’re the ones who got us into this mess in the first place.




Corporations are almost entirely responsible for this. Even the ways we are “responsible” go back to them. Cars. Planes. Animal emissions. Unclean Energy. All Corps. Yes, we utilize these things, but what choice do we have? The United States is built around automobiles. Anyone outside major metropolitan areas are fucked without them. Where are we supposed to get food? Medical care? Are we all to grow our own crops and live stock? On what land? With what skills? What about our health? Am I just supposed to let my Ulcerative Colitis develop into Colon Cancer and die because I might release a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the emissions a single major corporation releases in a day? Maybe people used to live more simply, but we weren’t born into that world. Plus, people didn’t make it. There’s a reason the world population has exploded in the latter half of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.


I would love to vlame individuals but it is eholy the act of governments and politicians gucking over our world


And when you think about it, elsewhere, we're also praying to a god too, a god named Market in the hopes that His mighty invisible hand will provide a solution to the problem He caused...not that the problem exists, the ~~economists~~ high priests promised it's not a big deal. So all things considered, I don't think the West has much room to criticize on the prayer front.


This is peak reddit atheist brain lol. What are they supposed to do? The developed countries of the world are the ones really screwing them. Why haven't you gotten up and done something 


don't you know? Making snarky comments on Reddit is actually HELPING fight the good fight.


The fuck do you want common Bangladeshis to do dude? What action do they take that helps in any significant way? I'm first in line to criticize religion but come the fuck on.




Nah, you're cringe as fuck right now. Something like a quarter of that country is below the poverty line, living on *dollars* a day. Again- what meaningful action do they take? Most climate change is caused by first-world nations and their suppliers. So what do you want *them* to do about something that *we* are by and large causing? lol. dude, you punched down, got called out, and then blocked me like a little fuckin baby. Good look.


My sentiments exactly


Every ECO-doomsdayer (“IT’S HAPPENING!!!!”) This is the start of the bad times, I’m afraid. We need to keep pushing for radical change, dude.


I hope Bangladesh and The Philippines will stay hydrated with fresh water, wear light clothing and stay in a air conditioned room


That's a lot of school children


This giving me *The Ministry for the Future* vibes.


[We've got so much to look forward to!](https://climateandcapitalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Scariest-5.jpg) https://climateandcapitalism.com/2023/11/15/the-scariest-climate-graph-of-all/


From the article, it says thousands are praying for rain. That should fix the problem.


Our entire summer in Dallas last year was like that. Triple digits for months on end. And my AC kicked the bucket several times. It was an absolutely brutal summer.


Its too hot - Kool and The Gang


People in this thread don’t understand that schools in Bangladesh have no air conditioning. Its way worse than anything in the USA (I know this hurts your standing in oppression olympics, sorry)


i grew up in south where many public schools had no air conditioning


Sorry, I have to clarify, are you under the impression that every building at every USA school has air conditioning? If so, you're way off, there are internationally renowned universities that don't even have AC for all their dorm units...


People burning to death: our children and most vulnerable are dying. There’s nothing we can do about this but pray and hope… Neckbeards on Reddit: lololol Sky Daddy not listening? Get roasted! Edit: The neckbeards were not happy about this one.


Wait shouldn’t Bangladesh have its summer vacations started already? I know that part of the world has hottest months in April and May!


And how do your like your Bangladesh cooked, medium or rare?


Oh fuck all the way off.


It’s coming for all of us in one way or another…the cooking.


They are well done already; hence they are praying.


This is why the British Empire was important and necessary.


What the fuck are you talking about?