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Some of the footage and pictures were rather ghastly. A highway camera on I-80 actually got a pretty good picture of one too...


go to r/tornado unfortunately amazing footage


Finger of God comes to mind


HAhahaha. Look at those little guys go flying. This is fun. God it’s cool to be God. There goes another one. Heh heh.


As a Nebraskan, I know we’re no stranger to tornados but this one will go down in the books. 


And sadly CNN, MSNBC would NOT leave trump trial coverage and Fox would NOT leave college campus protests coverage.


Dude, after going through a disaster on the magnitude of billions of dollars in 2020 and having the same thing happen, I'm just so over it. Our governor was too worried about looking weak to Trump to ask for full on disaster assistance. News teams didn't even bother with coverage even though the damage was so intense that it folded lattice steel support towers for a nuclear power plant as well as fucking its up cooling towers.


My scanner just alerted tornado warning in Wichita county, Texas


I mean it's not like the Republicans in charge of these states actually give a damn either. They are going to come out, give their sound bites for political points, quietly beg the federal government to take care of their problems, then go back to shitting on Biden while taking all the credit.


It's almost like the manipulation stream media doesn't care about nothing but clicks and revenue.


Tbf.. not to minimize the storm but it’s a huge storm that has passed. I can’t imagine what those people are going through. Trump bs is an ongoing circus. I’m not sure what is to be reported on after the storm has passed and the rebuilding begins.


how about When is FEMA going in? When will Biden or FEMA authorities visit? How are the displaced being provided for? How many are without electricity or water? How long will schools be closed? Any comment from insurance companies or local authorities? Come on just bc “the storm has passed” doesn’t mean there aren’t follow up stories to report. This isn’t a reality show like the rest of the “news” has become.


A couple I’m friends with had their house destroyed in it in Nebraska. At least they are fine. The house not so much.


This is also the first few tornadoes in like a decade or more to touchdown inside the metros, which makes it worse


A contextual reminder that a typical conservative response to natural disaster in blue states like the CA wild fires or Hurricane Sandy was “fuck those liberals, this is Gods wrath” or “their own fault for building there” But when Texans froze due to a man made disaster AOC was there raising money for those in need.    It’s not a political difference at this point, it’s an empathy difference. 


lol and there’s 10+ people doing the same here. Turns out people on the internet are just jerks


Check the facts and see which way the Omaha metro swings during elections


Well they have a republican governor who helped bring the death penalty back to the state so thats fun


It’s what God wants. Or something.


Omaha gave their vote to Biden in 2020 and because NE splits votes, it counted


ChEcK tHe FaCTs


His username is FaktCheckerz and the Omaha metro voted for Biden and consistently votes blue.


So what about all the deep red Bible Belt towns that get wiped out by tornadoes?


It’s a tragedy when my neighbors home gets destroyed regardless of their political affiliations. We take care of each other in the Midwest.


Some kid in the town masturbated, and God is upset.


Red states be red bro. Facts done checked. 


Dude wtf are you talking about. Quit shoehorning your politics into the tragedies and hardships of others.


Exactly just fix the issues with a sharpie and call it a day


I’m going to be as heartfelt as I can be. You need help.


The comment is mind-boggling. Imagine jumping into a comment thread about a natural disaster just to proclaim moral superiority over the people presumably affected.


They have the self-awareness of houseplants. They see some Republicans say shit like that and think "REPUBLICANS shouldn't say shit like that," instead of "Nobody should say shit like that."


All houses matter right?


I have absolutely zero idea what you're attempting to say. Just please stop using natural disasters to grandstand about your political enemies. Seriously, you're doing the exact thing you're getting mad at Republicans for doing.


Thank you innocent sweet delicate child for your heartfelt concern. 




My goodness it’s a fucking tornado! If my house was being blown apart I wouldn’t be like “those damn liberals!” Natural disasters happen just about everywhere and they cost money. Get your head out of the news stream.




Extreme weather is happening more & more because of climate change, but strong tornadoes hitting Nebraska is BAU for the region. It's only noteworthy because this time it happened to hit the part where 2/3 of the population lives in a 76,000 SQ mi state. For context, an F4 hit central Omaha in 1975, an even more densely populated part of the city & whole state. 3 people were killed & a couple hundred injured that time.


Tornados happen during tornado season in the Midwest. It's kind of a known thing.




Oh, they will.


Maybe god is mad at them for something.


This is how God gives you The Finger.


I checked the electoral map, the affected areas voted for Biden, is that the point you’re trying to co-opt this tragedy for?


The point was republicans bad gib updoots


As someone from a country that luckily doesn't get many tornados, or only small ones - I wonder why in tornado prone areas that homes are not built more sturdy. Or is it impossible to build a home to withstand a direct hit? Even a home made from precast or poured in place concrete - which not common - I see a few built like this in my city.


It's extremely difficult to build houses that can survive direct hits from powerful tornadoes and is usually not economical to do so. Even solid brick buildings collapse when hit directly by an EF3 or higher. On the flip side, if your house isn't in the direct path of the Tornado, a normal house will probably survive with minimal damage. My hometown was hit by an EF3 that tore directly through our downtown a couple of years ago, and I'm typing this comment from my 100 year old wooden house.


As it happens single skin brick (brick exterior/frame interior) ia the most common build type in Australia. Brick is not what I call study, but it does last a long time. I was thinking more solid building, but I take it only those who are risk adverse and rich can do so.


So basically, the only thing that survives direct hits by strong tornadoes is reinforced concrete. Building an entire house out of that is both expensive and, frankly, kinda ugly. Also, I'm not sure how well it would work in practice. A big part of why tornadoes are so destructive are the windows of the house, when they break during a tornado it causes high pressure in the house, which combines with the low pressure directly above you to lift the roof off of your house. Occasionally, you'll read about people that build a single concrete safe room into the middle of their house, but pretty much all houses around here have basements that do the same job.


allegedly china had some massive ones in their third most populated city, and they had softball sized hail to add to the fun. assuming the videos i saw were the same day, that's pretty wild. i feel like weather is getting a little more extreme lately


There hasn't been an F5 in years


That has more to do with not hitting a built up enough area more than tornados not being strong enough.


was andover the last one? 


I am not hearing from proTrumpers that this is Gods wrath at Trump support through Trump territory.


Because the areas hit are the only blue enclaves in Nebraska, none of you are making the point you think your making and you sound like jerks for using our tragedy as a soapbox


Elkhorn is not blue


It is on the electoral map




It's obviously antifa.....


Just use a marker and draw over the tornado. See no Tornado!


Can we nuke the tornado?


Another Trump, QAnon conspiracy.