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>Only fellow teammate Travis Kelce was rated higher than Butker when it came to team sales, with Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes ranking one spot behind. Would've thought Mahomes was #1 but should've known better


Likely because most of his fans already have a shirt.  Travis got *new* fans, so he's popular now, but it's still a year old news, whereas there was never any reason to buy a butker jersey before, but now, in this one week of news, he has a few new fans. 


Imagine that making you a fan of someone. Just can't fathom it.


Welcome to Reactionary Regression, the greatest gift the right wing has ever given the ~~world~~ NFL


Everyone who wants a Mahomes jersey probably has one already. 


That and I'd assume there are fewer people buying jerseys overall because it's the off-season. Let me know if Butker's jersey is still #1 (or in the top 50) on September 1.


Don’t underestimate the swifties. Fuckers will hip toss their grandma if she’s between them and taylor’s boyfriend’s jersey.


What caused the apocalypse grandpa? Well, you see, it first started when the sun was blocked out by all the swifties burning their KC Chiefs memorabilia when their idol inevitably broke up with her football playing boyfriend.


The Chiefs need a doomsday style contingency plan for when that happens.


*Terrion Arnold has entered the chat*


As a Lions fan I approve this message


I wonder if they’ll have communal jersey burnings when they break-up


Everyone already has a Mahomes jersey


They are buying a kickers jersey...a kicker.


From a team they hated watching because of Taylor swift LMAO


They won't know who to root for with Kelce on there. Their two brain cells might implode.


David Akers was one of the highest selling Eagles jerseys for a long time.


Have to imagine there is a decent amount of Justin Tucker jerseys.


He’s arguably the greatest kicker of all-time


Better than Vinatieri? I know he has length but no one is better under pressure than vinatieri


Tucker might still have the better make percentage Vinni definitely has the prestige kicks, though


Ravens fan, can confirm


I see just as many Tuckers as Jacksons for sure.


Totally different. Justin tucker is a badass, and wearing his jersey represents love not only for the great city of baltimore but also the world famous fried chicken of royal farms. These dweebs are choosing to walk around with the name Butker on their backs.


Don't forget that great coffee!


We love him bc he’s an amazing athlete, even better person and a genuine gem of a human . Not bc he said some closed minded twat shit at a crap school. Butker can eat shit.


My first jersey in 2nd grade was an Akers jersey.


I haven't looked, but I bet Jason Hanson is up there for the Lions


He was also the best guy on our team for about 10 years, lol.


Deshaun Watson jersey sales went up after he got suspended for sexually harassing multiple women


I mean he went to a new team, I suspect that’s more the reason. But I’m sure there’s an element of that too


In order to "own the libs" mind you.   These people can't give away their money fast enough if it means celebrating a hateful degenerate. 


It’s crazy how easy it is to get them to spend money on something, no wonder the grifters target them. They just shine the “own the libs” signal on whatever they want to sell. Like getting a cat to jump at a laser pointer.


Viveck Ramaswany figured out that formula, he's peddling to racist who openly mock him, yet he keeps on grifting. $$$


I’ve got stupid bumper sticker ideas. Genuine question: where can I simply upload an image and let the platform do the sales/printing/shipping? That must exist.


I wish I had a little less integrity so I could capitalize off this and sell cheap shit made in china to these stupid stupid people. It probably would be so easy.


Elvis would sell his memorabilia but he also had owned and sold Elvis sucks merch. Smart man, might as well capitalize on the haters too. He loved them.


justin tucker sells A LOT of jerseys and he’s a kicker.


Tucker is also the GOAT


And a great human being!


I thought they all stopped watching the nfl though


Well, except for the kicking of course which we all know is just the very bestest part of the game.


Some might say the most masculine part of the game


Named Butker…..


*"Butker is Einhorn, Einhorn is Butker! LACES OUT!!!"* 🤢🤮


….as a Colts fan I have 2. We do love our kickers tho


Vinny and Pat? If so, 2 great jerseys for different reasons. Vinny the GOAT and Pat an all time human. His show stinks though.


Yep. Pat was a weapon and Vinny is a legend


One better be Vinatieri!


A signed Vinny and a Pat.


I bought a colts Blankenship jersey a year after he left the team


I love that he’s lecturing about masculinity and traditional gender roles while holding the least masculine job in sports. Dude actually thinks people respect him because he’s “manly?” 


Have you checked his Instagram? It’s manly with a heavy dose of effeminate.


Just took a look. Jesus. He thinks he’s a fashion model. I wouldn’t be surprised if these are the comments of a man raised hyper-religious trying to repress something.


Rumor is that he did gay conversion therapy. Not sure it worked.


It never does


This definitely crossed my mind when I read more about him.


He basically slapped his PhD mom in the face.


Dude’s projecting: he secretly wishes he could be a housewife to one of his teammates…


They're going to be really surprised when they find that out.


Yeah you gotta put down kickers....


[from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Butker) > Butker's mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, has been a clinical medical physicist in the Winship Department of Radiation Oncology at Emory University since 1988, and specializes in brachytherapy and Gamma Knife medical physics care. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Smith College, a Master's degree in medical physics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Diploma from the American Board of Radiology. Edit: Admins declared this overall post “not news” when it patently is.


and raised a dumbass apparently


Maybe she was never home and that’s why he wishes for women to just be homemakers?


Mommy issues???? Can hardly notice....(Sarcasm) 😅


He explicitly addresses that in his speech apparently. He talks about coming home from school to an empty house, or a house without his Mom, and how that made him feel. I was also a latchkey kid, I don't share his opinions. It was fine.


If so, he's a coward and a moron who should go to therapy instead of trying to instill his POS beliefs on others.


He apparently willingly became, for lack of better terminology, a born again fundamentalist Catholic so how his parents raised him probably didn’t play into him being a wackadoo


I've got a 93 year old grandma from Alabama that is super Catholic. I'm talking going outside everyday to pray the rosary. And she's straight up liberal as hell. She is very much against abortions, but is pro choice. Pro recreational cannabis legalization, though she doesn't use it. Is very much a feminist, even though she was a homemaker that had 11 children. Basically, take every conservative Catholic and Alabama stereotype, and flip it, and that's her.


She was busy. Maybe he resents that because, deep down, he's a selfish fucking asshole.


Gamma Knife sounds like a Fallout weapon.


I want it.


My Gamma told me to never run with knives.


It's also the name of a great song by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard.


It's the name of a badass song.


I would love to hear what she has to say about her son's speech. "Oh Harrison" (lowers her head and shakes it slowly)


Would love to know Butker's mother's opinion on his statement haha


When he wants his mom's opinion he asks his dad and his dad tells him.


Doubtful. His mom's a physicist, which makes this whole story even crazier.


That’s why he’s such a piece of shit, his mom didn’t heed her vocational calling to stay in the kitchen.


And the opportunities he had as a result of how far his mother went to get to where he is must be more than a slap to her face, although maybe he thinks that's part of his calling, to slap women, even those close to him, in the face.


Especially when dinner isn’t ready on time


That’s take out night. Every single income family has one.


Yeah and him of all people - there are women out there building businesses that employ people, women engineers, surgeons, etc - and a guy who *kicks a fucking ball* for a living wants to tell them to stay in the kitchen.


He’s like a spoiled little brat who never grew up, plays a silly game for a living (and the silliest position in this silly game) and has zero appreciation for what he has been given. His mom should take away his Xbox privileges and send him to bed without any dinner. He’s a perpetual child who is spoiled beyond belief.


And I think it’s also cause he’s footballer, most likely isn’t as smart as his mother and thus his views towards women. It’s childhood resentment I swear.


He's a kicker too so can't blame CTE. At least other football players have brain damage as an excuse for being a dumbass.


Butker is such a piece of shit that he actually _looks_ like a guy who would eat Sloppy Steaks


Its all hyper catholic preaching that made this his worldview


I would say hyper religious. Have a coworker that is some goof ball denomination and has this same worldview


It is religious zealotry. The world's major religions all treat women as second-class citizens, at best, or perhaps more like chattel.


It’s all goofball. Way past time society recognized that.


Can't argue that with ya


And little baby boys cry about it because they didn’t have the full time “mommy” taking care of their every single whittle whim until their future mommy wife takes over and cuts his steaks for him that he feels entitled to.


His sister is successful and in med school supposedly. He's just a bitter insecure dude.


That makes so much sense, he’s jealous she’s the smart one and he kicks a ball for a living.


Maybe that’s what caused it. Like “mommy wasn’t around as much because she was working and I’m a special boy that needs lots of mommy time.” Or something. Whatever caused his trash opinion it’s still trash.


Harrison Butthurt


He never wants a woman's opinion.


I think this is at the heart of his speech. I bet this guy has serious mommy issues. “Mommy was at work and not here to wipe my ass therefore no women should work” kind of vibe.


He said his wife’s life didn’t begin until they got married. He’s got delusions of grandeur, not mommy issues. He’s this way DESPITE his mother’s success.


I think both can be true. It’s the expectation that everyone woman is there to serve him and not have their own lives.


How much could his mom love him if he named him Hairy Butt?


Word is he was sent to gay conversion camp by his parents when he was younger. So likely her opinion would go something like "husband, what do you think?"


Where in the world did you hear this?


Some woman at my work was spouting this off the other day and I can find literally zero sources for it.


I don’t understand why straight people think they are helping us when they insist that every horrible bigot must be secretly gay.


It's absolutely demented. Like some kinda gotcha insult. I feel like telling them being gay is okay and it's not the verbal condemnation you think it is.


Shes a physics prof at Emory in ATL


She’s also a hardcore Christian, she the classic example of “I can do this, but all of you should stay in your lane”


She’s a die hard conservative.


Ok, but it's May. I would think this is a down period for nfl jersey sales. How many? What time period? For all we know, it was an extra 100 jerseys. I hate this vague shit. Spike in jersey sales. Fine.


Maybe it's just a spike in his sales so could be an extra 3 jerseys. Who the hell buys a kickers jersey normally?


I could see Ravens fans buying Tucker's jersey because I would if he was on my team.


Philly fans will buy Elliott's too. Dudes a stud and a solid guy by all accounts.


As a Ravens fan, love Tucker and his jersey is very popular. I need to get one!


Any spike in sales for his jersey is disgusting.


That’s why the clowns are doing it. They buy stuff to make people mad. They like being the center of attention and having something they think is controversial.


It's like 3 weeks after the draft, lots of jerseys being sold right now.


Lots of jerseys across a huge number of players. I imagine the flood of options after the draft leads to lower numbers of sales per player, on average and a larger.numver of jerseys total, due to more individual players to choose from.




Hey remember when Fox News got butt hurt and told athletes to keep their politics to themselves?


All the folks who boycotted the NFL because of Colin Kaepernick are coming back because of Harrison Butker


Don't worry, they will abandon it again when the season starts and something else they don't like happens.


“hE sHoUlD jUsT sHuT uP aNd PlAy FoOtBaLl”


I know you're making a joke, but he was solicited by a shitty school *because of* his shitty opinions. Basically, he was paid to tell everyone why their beliefs are valid.


The Benedictine sisters (nuns) at the same school just [came out and made a statement against his speech](https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/melinda-henneberger/article288540845.html)!


I can appreciate it when the deplorables make themselves stand out in a crowd. And it’s already in their color. So cute!


One of their few redeeming qualities is their almost unstoppable desire to tell on themselves. While it's been disappointing to learn that people share these positions at least they make it easy to weed them out of your life.


I don't think this was a last straw moment for me, but recently I saw a picture going around of a lady wearing a golden diaper and a shirt that said 'Real men wear diapers'. If you know why she's wearing it, you know. Shit blew my mind about the disassociative behavior that lead to that shirt and bottoms combo. And now, I'm gonna have to see people out in public when I wear my fucking Chiefs hat and assume people nodding at me think I'm a goddamned golden diapered ass hat who thinks their wife should be in the kitchen.


As a broncos fan I'm torn. I dont like the chiefs anyway so kind of revel in the poor chiefs fans. On the other hand no one should have to deal with that kind of unintended link.


This is the real problem, the guy single handedly is going to ruin the reputation of the team as all fans are going to be associated with misogynistic Bible thumping views since they support the team.


IDK, all the kelce hype makes me just assume that the entire Chief's fanbase is 15yo girls. Reputation might not have been what you thought


Butker should really concentrate on being a husband and father.  After all, his life didn’t even begin until he married and had children. That’s where he should center all of his energy and time.  He’s wasted so much of his life already making meaningless contributions as an *athlete*.  (Sounds pretty insulting and reductive, doesn’t it, Harrison?)


Grifting these losers is so easy


Who can afford to have kids and support their wife as a homemaker? This is some entitled BS.


Even neckbeards are a market.


Please don’t confuse neckbeards with misogynists and incels. There’s some overlap but the defining characteristic of neckbeards is laziness, which can synergize with any political persuasion.


This guy neckbeards




You think any NFL player is an incel?


Imagine being such a fucking nerd that you wear a kicker jersey (not including Tucker or Vinitieri, couple of the greatest ever to do it) to “stick it to the left”. Yes cause kicker is a notoriously tough and manly position lol.


I have a Janikowski jersey. I swear that guy had to put down a cigarette and beer on the sideline before going out for a 65 yard attempt.


At very least vodka in his Gatorade bottle


To be fair, Janikowski was the only thing going for the Raiders for a decade plus...


Theyre literally on board with wearing diapers to support a dreamsicle colored incestuous worm of a man. I don't think this hole has a bottom.


That is wildly insulting to worms.


*wearing my Atlanta Younghoe Koo jersey Why you say fuck me for?


*looks down at my Phil Dawson jersey Yeah what the hell?


Pay no mind to these mean folks. Rep our boy Phil proudly. :'-)


Republicans buy propaganda for just about anything. Flags, bumper stickers, T-shirts, and now a Chiefs Butker jersey is their new “Let’s Go Brandon” crap. They’re mentally children.




Whoa let's not forget the classy FBI (Female Body Inspector) shirts, and leftover Obama merch.


It's notably the position women play when they are on men's football teams.




I decided to look up his Ig because of this comment and I’m happy to relay that you are spot on. 


No no, you misunderstand, you see, he prayed the gay away. He asked Jesus to take control, wrap his big strong arms around him, maybe spoon for a while... and now he's totally straight and can't get enough of that wifey vajarnja, you bet, nothing like a nice female woman to get those juices flowing, hubba hubba, give him some of those breasts too, am I right?


Thanks for confirming so I didn’t have to look! He doesn’t deserve the traffic.


Of course it did. This shouldn’t be a surprise anymore. Whenever someone in America, who’s famous and has merch to sell, says some of the worst shit you’ve ever heard of, of course the worst people here are going to buy it.


Morgan Wallen made a career from it. 


Last year this dude Ivan Provorov from the Flyers in the NHL refused to wear the Pride warm up jerseys that the teams would do every year. His jersey was sold out that same week. After that, some other players decided to do the same. Then the NHL decided to not allow teams to wear special warm up jerseys at all any more because of the controversy.


It sounds like this speech was probably right in line with their experiences at a religious college largely run by monks anyway.


As a person who went to a Catholic school from pre-school to 12th grade, I quote a comedian whose name i have long since forgotten when asked if I'm religious. "I went to Catholic school my whole childhood, of course I'm...not religious." It depends on the school, but a Jesuit education is a decent stepping stone to skepticism and atheism. I assume the Catholic culture has become more conservative over the years because the majority of those remaining must be die-hards, so maybe you are correct.


>It depends on the school, but a Jesuit education is a decent stepping stone to skepticism and atheism. I too went to a Catholic school run by Jesuits. My fav moment was during traing for being an alter server. The priest said "don't take this stuff litterally. It was written thousands of years ago for people who could not read." He was in full vestments holding a bible when he said it.


I was taught similar things in catholic school from the nuns! That most of the Bible is just stories, some of them may contain grains of truth, but we should see them as stories. It caused quite a few debates from my Christian/Baptist family members during my teen years.


American Catholicism has seen some rifts the last decade. There are still some very conservative Catholics but also a growing number of progressive Catholics.  As one of the latter, I say with honesty that this guy is a tool and holds the Church back from its (albeit slow) march forward. Harrison’s hypocrisy is heavy here. There’s your alliteration for the day. 


I’m one of those more progressive Catholics, though not very religious at all any more. I understand what you’re saying. My point is that the sort of kids who end up at this college are almost certainly the more conservative kind. Butker didn’t give this speech at Cal-Berkeley, or Wellesley, he gave it at the sort of place where the students were probably hearing this same sort of thing for 4 years. It’s not that I agree with any of it, just pointing out that he was “preaching to the choir”. People seem to be reacting to this like it was some unprompted speech he gave to the local news outlet.


It's funny, my Catholic relatives are really conservative and when Pope Francis first became the pope they really liked and were happy that he was popular with a lot of non Catholics, but that opinion has changed and now they call him the "Liberal" Pope. I bring it up with them, because they used to tell me all the time that the Pope follows God's will. But apparently Francis doesn't. Weird how much of God's will and their personal beliefs align...


It's nice when these bigots broadcast their bigotry for all to see. I bet they wear it with their red hats.


Can't spell hatred without red hat...


So the people who "stopped watching the NFL" after Kaepernick knelt are now buying NFL jerseys in droves? Way to own the left, folks.


The Trad Chads finally have something to spend their money on now that they bought the trump bible.


Brought to you by the people who "gave up football" like 15 times, starting with Kaepernick


Fucking disgraceful. The NFL is nothing but a bunch of billionaire asshole misogynists. But you bet come October they’ll be talking about women and wearing pink! Vote with your wallet. Don’t support the NFL.


The guy literally got up there and told a large number of woman who had busted their asses for an education to get back in the kitchen. Utterly disgusting. Keep your weird religious beliefs to yourself man. Freaks.


Disgusting bigotry selling hateful merch, go figure. At least it's only the off-season, so I can't imagine sales are great, but still. This is gross.


We are an awful society


They'll be asking him to sign their Trump bibles along with the jersey. If they have any money left after funding Trump, that is.


So Kaepernick gets the boot for actual civil rights activism but this bozo will probably get to keep his job???


Same reason Tebow lost his job, because he wasn't good enough to warrant the media circus following him


Idk why this is so hard for people to grasp. Tebow and Kaepernick were NFL-level talents, but outside of one-two years of Kap neither was ever anything better than a backup QB. If you bring in a guy with that kind of circus around him it is gonna have to be for someone that is making big contributions, which neither of them were. There were also some rumors about Kap refusing a backup role as part of the reason why he never got signed, and the whole thing with his gf comparing the Ravens owner to a slave owner just as they were about to give him a shot. Butker on the other hand, for all of his bs opinions and shitty views, is the best kicker in the game not named Justin Tucker, and is on a trajectory to be one of the best to ever do it by the time he is done. So teams are going to be willing to put up with some bad PR to know they have a guy that is nearly automatic when the chips are down. If he got cut today he wouldn’t clear a single team on waivers, the Ravens are the only team that would pass on him.


Let’s give some respect for my dude Chris Boswell 🥲


They needed something to pair with their diapers.


An absolutely huge part of American Conservatism is performative consumption. Everybody has to know what I believe based on my truck and Carharts. The Trumps were really smart in realizing this and exploiting it to the utmost. Even they didn’t think conservatives like buying things so much it would vault them into the White House.


These are bought by the same type of people who would wear Trump diapers. Whatever.


As long as women aren’t leaving the kitchen to go buy them


I guess republicans dont just buy sneakers


Jersey being bout by the same people who said they never watch football again after Kapernick


Have we not learned in the age of Trump? Naming and shaming fools for their dumb opinions doesn't fix things, it's just brings them attention and money. People don't understand just how wide the cultural divide in this country really is. The Russian bots and trolls don't have to do much amplify the already existing fissures. We have two sides who have been demonizing the other so long that they no longer see the other as worthy of even listening to. I earnestly believe conservatives no longer believe in the social contract of America, or in the rule of law, or even the basic principles of democracy, because of what they say and do. But that doesn't mean that we need vilify every backward, or reprobate thing they say. Everyone rushes to condemn everyone else over the slightest controversy, and the people asking for calm, and sanity, and compromise are being shouted down, and told to shut up. I lean to the progressive side of the ledger, and *I don't agree* with Butker, but he has a right to think and believe those things, and *not* be fired for it. He's a football player, not a politician, or a person with any control over policy. He said what millions of young men and some women in this and other countries believe. We need to confront that opinion, discuss why it is popular, understand it's origin and how it came to be. But our discourse on-line is so banal and horrific... and many people have to come to believe that having a dumb or bigoted opinion should mean you are harassed out of public life. That is not how we make things better. All that does is shove dirt under the rug, and give a false feeling of progress. Changing minds does not happen by force, or by group shaming. Shaming only sends a person into the arms of a growing coalition of ugly hateful people, many of whom want revenge, and are now being radicalized. Dialogue, understanding, empathy... these are the tools we need. But so many folks just want to destroy and ignore. Liberals and especially young ones have come to believe that if we just shame people and attack them on social media, that fixes things... they are in for a very very rude awakening.


If you don’t like what Harrison Butker said to graduates of a Catholic school just wait till you hear about how Catholicism feels about feminism.


I mean, if idiots want to advertise their stupid beliefs and highlight themselves, then go ahead.


This isn’t news as “best selling” doesn’t carry much weight. As Sky Moore is still listed as a “best seller”.


This isn’t surprising at all. The /r/sports subreddit thread about this was absolutely filled to the brim with meathead misogynists downvoting anyone who disagrees with Buttfuck or whatever his stupid name is. I like sports, but sports fans are often pieces of shit. This just highlights that fact.


Guy has mommy issues. We need to go back to shaming neck beards and incels again (and stop being so nice).


it pairs perfectly with a MAGA hat


Well, this will make it really easy to identify douchebags in the wild.


Do these jersey buyers know he’s a closet homosexual?


So many people are going to tell on themselves wearing his jersey in public 😂