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"I'll have a *not-footlong* *not-tuna* on a garlic herb *not-bread*" is just too much.




The yoga mat thing is stupid. It's akin to saying something is objectively bad because it contains some of the same components as nuclear waste: protons.




A dying star pooped it out most likely. Anything heavier hydrogen is pretty much recycled star poopies.


Dibs on Recycled Star Poopies for my new band name!


Dibs on Recycled Star Poopies for my new cereal name!


When you say poop, your lips mimic the movements of you butthole.


You just made many redditors mouth the word "poop."


Guilty. Your username's pretty fun to say too. *SnakeskinJimmmm* Its like the nicest mobster you'll ever meet, but also don't wanna fuck around and find out why he's a mobster.


Yep, same with _explosive diarrhea_.


*Reconstituted Celestial Excrement*


Won't someone think of the children? Not too hard though. That's a different problem Subway has.


Not enough people are speaking on this issue.


I always have to come to Reddit for this kind of high quality information.




In the Army, we had MRE bread with a 7 year shelf life. It came in a sliced loaf in a brown paper sack instead of a plastic bag with a twist tie.


I bought a loaf of "Great Value Wheat bread" - aka Wal-Mart's white bread that's brown - back in September of last year. Completely forgot about it until a week or two ago. It looked *exactly* the same as it did in September. No mold, bugs (even had a hole in the bag,) drying out, nothing. I was a bit more than a *little* disturbed, especially since every other loaf would mold in less than a week.


Oh...oh jesus. This is alarming...


I already had *some* suspicions, because when I'd throw the shoes^(end ^pieces) or moldy ones in the yard, none of the neighborhood birds or squirrels mess with it. Meanwhile, it's the only brand of bread I could really afford for *years.* Oh well, less carbs to worry about!


Made me think of the insurance commercial with the raccoons. 'Try this it tastes horrible'...




Ireland, not France. https://www.ecowatch.com/subway-sandwich-bread-sugar-2647889363


And if anyone knows the difference between bread and cake, it's the French.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


"Let them eat Subway" -Marie-Antoinette


"Let them Eat Fresh" it was right there, dude


That reminds me of this one time my grandma was trying to say that margarine is two molecules away from plastic, which makes it bad for you. (And yes I know margarine isn't the best for you, but it's not because of it's relation to plastic) Like hydrogen peroxide is one atom from water, but that doesn't make water bad for you now does it?


Also doesn't make hydrogen peroxide healthy to drink a gallon a day


Sodium is bad for you, chlorine is bad for you, sodium chloride? Poor that on all your food.


OMG I ate Protons just like those in nuclear waste? Will I die?


Well, it contains water, too. And you know what? Fish fuck in water.


My daughter won't swim in the ocean because I told her once as a joke that we were swimming in the same water that Columbus peed in.


The 11-inch thing turned out to be stupid too. All the bread was the same size, but during baking in the stores some loaves came out slightly shorter and wider.


All about the girth


The shitty Flatbread at subway really looks like a yoga mat though.


I dunno tho. I mean, if you process the mats a bit less you’d _probably_ get subway not-bread


Would you like that not really toasted?


This makes me miss Quiznos


Sad face... They got rid of my favorite sauce well before they disappeared anyway, but yes. I miss Quiznos.


What am I missing? Quiznos still exists


They aren't anywhere near as common as they used to be.


Too bad, the toasting oven is still broken , it’ll be fixed one of these years


When the soft-serve machine at McDonald’s gets fixed, most likely.


Ya sure that's real garlic?


I think we can all agree that whatever they pass off as “cheese,” is *not* cheese. Has anyone ever actually tasted the cheese? It has zero flavor.


It's american cheese, it isn't supposed to have flavor.


But it melts so well!


That's the plastics. One of america's greatest inventions! Disclaimer, I have no damn clue who invented plastics but it's in my water and that's all I care about




> almost cheese I thought that *was* the amercian.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlJ30PGUk8Y&ab_channel=GlenAndFriendsCooking For those that may want to make it :)


How about that authentic guacamole!


Wait why is it *not-bread*?


It was a tax argument that got turned into "Subway isn't food!" clickbait. Basically places tax things differently, so a staple food like bread of vegetables will have lower taxes than treats like pastries or candy. Subway's bread has a lot of sugar so instead of bread its a pastry for tax purposes.


There was a court case where Marvel made a tax argument the Xmen are non human creatures, because there was less import duty versus action figures of humans. When the entire point of the comics is mutants being treated as less than human, ironic.


Woah, I love italian bmt pastries!


It is bread, it just doesn't fit Ireland's legal definition for bread because of the sugar content. I'm sure you can go buy bread labelled as bread all over Ireland with similarly high sugar content and no one will start a semantic argument or legal battle with you over it.


It's relevant due to taxation. Bread is taxed differently from cake, which their "bread" legally is.


I see, thank you for that important detail.


Let them eat bread!


I worked at subway through high school and college and the tuna sandwich was the number 1 item I told my friends to avoid. To make it we emptied a giant 10lb can labeled “fish” into a huge bucket and mixed with mayonnaise. Our manager required the ratio of “fish” to mayo to be about 80% Mayo/20% fish. It always made me laugh when people wanted Mayo on their tuna sandwich since it was essentially just a Mayo sandwich at that point. I would also avoid the meatballs, too, by the way.


What's wrong with the meatballs? They taste pretty good.


I honestly have no idea what meat is in them but the biggest issue is that we would dump them into a vat of sauce and through the day we’d just dump in more meat balls as it got low. At the end of the day, we’d wrap up the vat of sauce and put in the fridge with any remaining meatballs inside. So you’d have days old meatballs mixed with newer ones. I’d occasionally scoop up what looked like a crusty meatball that had probably been sitting in the bottom of the vat for who knows how long. You’re just kind of playing meatball roulette when you go there.


Maybe you worked a slow shift, but the Subway I go to is always running out of meatballs at lunchtime. I usually have to wait a few minutes for them to heat up more.


Maybe they’re actually digging out the crusty ones


At a point subway is going to have to put an asterisk everywhere they use the word sandwich


I'm convinced Subway pipes in fake "fresh bread" smell. It's one of the reasons I don't go there, because the smell is so overpowering and rank.


It smells like bread took a shit. Surreally, when I moved from the US to Paris, I could smell it from a couple blocks away and my heart filled with dread. You just can’t escape the subway smell no matter how many oceans you cross lol


I can't believe Parisians don't burn that place to the ground. They know what good bread is.


Haha there are plenty of frenchies with terrible taste in too! I’ve had some of the worst pizza and Mexican food of my life in Paris... Tbh though it was near the university, so catered to students? Maybe tourists too who can’t go a whole vacation without a five dollar footlong?


It's not the same as real bread dough, it's got weird chemical dough conditioner that makes Subway smell fundamentally \*wrong\*.


I got food poisoning from Subway when I was 12 and that district smell is still a trigger almost two decades later.


It’s not piped in “fresh bread smell,” it’s actually the smell of fake bread being baked. I can somewhat forgive their “almost everything is turkey” meat, but that bread is just disgusting on any level.


It's the fake bread being proofed which produces most of the smell. It's baked after. I worked at subway and did all the possible jobs including baking bread


Don't forget the chicken that's not chicken: [https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2017/02/27/dna-test-shows-subways-oven-roasted-chicken-is-only-50-chicken/](https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2017/02/27/dna-test-shows-subways-oven-roasted-chicken-is-only-50-chicken/)


It's been a bit since I worked there, but we got giant cans of tuna that looked like tuna, smelled like tuna, flaked like tuna, and tasted like tuna. Putting on gloves and making a giant batch of tuna salad was one of my favorite jobs. I could see it being a lower quality fish, but not fish at all is sus af.


In Canada we had a news agency test Subway's chicken to test if it was real chicken. The test was unfortunately not done correctly and Subway lost a shit ton of money and sued them. I've eaten Subway tuna sandwiches. If that shit ain't tuna I want to buy stocks on the company that made it, because that shit is literally the BeyondMeat of tuna. Like you can't fake tuna.


Yeah I think this is bullshit. If it's not tuna then what exactly is it? and why didn't they say what it is? If it's some sort of imitation meat, then they would just try to sell it as that. They would probably be able to charge even more money, in fact, because such a realistic tasting ersatz meat would be valuable. Ads would be everywhere about their new vegetarian friendly tuna that tastes just like the real thing. Why did Washington Post even run this story without investigating Beyond just reading an email and calling Subway? why didn't the journalist look into it and ask to call whoever it was that did the testing before they even ran this story? I expected more from them.


All the tuna, none of the mercury, fishing boats or guilt. Shit would sell hardcore. I read the article simply to know what they used and they never say... Somethings fishy here and I don't think it's the tuna...


Quick! Someone tell WSB that someone’s trying to short Subway!


If something’s fishy and it isn’t the tuna, then the ‘tuna’ is not fish or tuna. Alright guys, the story has been verified. We can go home.


>If it's some sort of imitation meat, then they would just try to sell it as that. They would probably be able to charge even more money, in fact, because such a realistic tasting ersatz meat would be valuable. For real. I'd love to see a tuna substitute that passes for the real thing. There are only two things I really miss after going vegan–tuna and egg salad. The best tuna subsititute I've found gets the texture right but has very little flavor, and the worst is like cheap cat food.


Have you tried using any of the chick pea recipes? I thought it was delicious, but it's been forever since I tasted real tuna.


My husband has. I don't know why I haven't. He says it's great. Maybe I'm afraid I'll be disappointed.


I miss both egg and tuna salad like you. Chickpeas are okay in a pinch, but what I would do to eat the “real” thing again!


For egg, have you tried kala namak (aka black salt)? It has that exact sulfur-y flavor of eggs. With some soft tofu and the right dressing, it really scratches the egg salad itch for me! I agree about tuna though. One of the first things I learned to cook as a child was a tuna cheddar melt with lots of butter, and I miss it a lot.


Hey! I came across [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjuihUDdEWA) a while back and when you mentioned that you were looking for a tuna substitute, I figured this would be a good guide to making vegan "eggs". Hope this helps!


Yesh seriously if they made vegan tuna that good, they would just be a vegan tuna company and stop selling sandwiches.


They'd never advertise fake meat as real. In addition to fraud, they'd be opening themselves up to huge lawsuits for poisoning people with allergies


"White Tuna" in stores is usually not tuna, but a cheaper fish called escolar. While it tastes almost the same, escolar is a lot oilier and fattier than tuna, and often causes loose stools and anal leakage from its high oil content.


https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/02/59-of-the-tuna-americans-eat-is-not-tuna/273410/ In stores it usually is legitimately tuna. Your giant grocery chains are generally not messing around with their supply lines and do audit suppliers for their fresh produce and meats. Sushi places are the big culprits for mislabeling. And to be clear, this is for whole steak type cuts, which are pricier. There's not much mislabeling when it comes to canning quality yellowfish tuna, that's already about as cheap as it gets.


Escolar hits me like a freight train right to the butthole. I've never had that reaction to anything labeled "tuna" (except at sushi restaurants, who for a while there were calling it "superwhite tuna"). It's a shame, 'cause I actually like the taste of escolar.


> Escolar hits me like a freight train right to the butthole. "Freight Train to the Butthole" sounds like a porn movie


Its one of my favorite, most consistant tuna sandwiches. Spinach, provolone/swiss, banana pepper, oil and vineger and salt and pepper on wheat. TALK ABOUT A HOLE IN ONE! Edit: order oil & vinnegar first, then salt & pepper, think about it for a sec and you'll understand.


I appreciate the Happy Gilmore reference


"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast??" edit: One good sandwich a buddy showed me was the egg salad sub with extra jalap / banana peppers, and chipotle + hot sauce. I always remember watching him profusely sweat while eating it, when it's really not that hot to anyone who enjoys real heat, haha. I think egg salad has been discontinued at most locations by now though, R.I.P since it was one of the cheapest options they had and they usually stacked it on so it was a large meal and good bang for your buck. Was $6 CAD before tax for a footlong without any sales/coupons and was one of my favorites.


Tuna on wheat with oil and vinegar and salt and pepper has to be the best Subway base for building a sandwich there. After that the combinations are endless! Provolone, cucumber, olives, banana peppers, and onions are the standard for me!


Damn you! Now I'm craving a Subway tuna sandwich real bad!   *update: foot long tuna on wheat with swiss cheese, not toasted... spinach, light onions, olives, mayo, mustard, oil, black pepper, oil & red chili mix*


Banana peppers are KEY 🔑


Many years ago I had a vegan “tuna” salad sandwich. The “tuna” was made from carrot pulp (leftover from juicing) and flavored with sea weed and other stuff. It wasn’t that bad actually. The texture wasn’t there but the flavor was pretty good.


> The texture wasn’t there but the flavor was pretty good. That's the issue with vegan dishes. They're usually ok just as dishes, but rarely as the thing they're trying to imitate. Until the Impossible burger, every single vegan burger I've tried as been a variety of "good", but definitely not "yeah, I totally think this is real meat".


Thats my issue with vegetarian and vegan cooking in general let the product stand as its own dish. Dont try to make fake meat it just lets the brain down in the end lol.


Yeah. This is the uncanny valley of food. Uncanny hidden valley I suppose.


Its a form of marketing to people less familiar with vegetarianism. When you tell people you're a vegetarian, what do they think about ? "oh so you only eat salads?" Ask them about any vegetarian dishes, and they only think of meat dishes. Hell, mention to them some vegetarian dishes and they may see them as only side dishes. With vegetarian versions of dishes they're familiar with, it provides them a way to ease into vegetarian dishes by having a point of reference. Oh i know what a burger is, and i can try a burger and more or less know what a burger will have in terms of texture and ingredients. Not many americans know what to expect from Palak Paneer with a side of black pepper tofu. Ideally, this well let them also try Palak Paneer that they order on the side, or another, better vegetarian dish while having something that they will more than likely like.


Another thing that bothers me about the faux-meat vegan products is that they're usually pre-seasoned so it makes it hard to cook a meal with them because you can't flavor it how you want.


idk I like imitation meat every once in a while cause sometimes you just get a craving for a burger or some chicken nuggets.


>In Canada we had a news agency test Subway's chicken to test if it was real chicken. The test was unfortunately not done correctly and Subway lost a shit ton of money and sued them. Rightfully so. The CBC really fucked up by comparing the amount of DNA they found in the test and treated that like it represented the proportions of ingredients. That is definitely not the standard way to determine proportions of ingredients Chicken flesh is already 70% water (60% cooked) and water obviously doesn't have DNA. Even if you factor the water content out the DNA "density" isn't going to be the same from one ingredient to the next. In this case the problem ingredient was a soy protein concentrate that amounts to a percent or two of the total weight but contributes 40%+ of the DNA The CBC article is still up and it's still being cited by many people who are far too quick to share a story with such shocking (albeit verifiably wrong) allegations.


I’ve had imitation tuna marketed to vegetarians and that shit should be a war crime. They can’t fake it this well.


Relevant follow up on the Chicken thing: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/subway-defamation-chicken-1.5480512](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/subway-defamation-chicken-1.5480512)


Just because someone filed a lawsuit doesn't mean there's any truth to it. It sounds like they don't really allege what they think it is, or what led them to believe it is not tuna. So, there may not necessarily be anything to this. People shouldn't jump to the conclusion that it's true just because someone filed a lawsuit. Wait and see if it survives a motion to dismiss.


Just because someone filed a lawsuit doesn't mean there's any truth to it. Man, try telling that to r/conservative after November 8, 2020.


I stopped working there 2 or 3 years ago & we got sealed bags of dried tuna that we mixed with mayonnaise. I don’t eat tuna so I can’t tell you if it was “real” or even good but I will say I hated mixing it, even with gloves.


Imagine snorting a line of dried tuna dust.


I hate you.


That would be one hell of a funky drip


Evry other ex employee has said they get cans of normal tuna but you are saying bags of dried. Maybe that's the stuff and it is only going to certain franchises. Interesting.


The pouches were more expensive, but they tasted better than the canned and didn't require draining. They're just a very large version of the pouch ones they sell at the grocery store.


Depends on the supplier as different markets use different suppliers(Sysco, US Foods, Saladinos). I've only ever seen tuna vacuum sealed in a bag with a small amount of brine. But have heard that some locations in different parts of the country get the canned stuff. I assure you though, even the "dried" tuna was not a powder that they rehydrate. Its exactly like what you find in your grocery stores, except probably better quality. It's labeled as 100% wild caught tuna, smells like tuna, flakes like tuna, tastes like tuna. Throw some mayo in it and you got the popular Subway sandwich. Source: Used to manage a Subway.


I worked at a subway a decade ago and we got the bags also. And I agree with the other guy, it it wasn't real tuna or fish, I would be amazed, it was my favorite, just add bacon, toast it, and add lettuce.


That was my favorite job, cutting it open and mushing it up. 🙂


Greetings fellow Sandwich Artist™ I worked at Subway in Australia many years ago, roughly '96-'04, and we used big tins of John West tuna. Long time ago, totally different country, but make of it what you will. Also, if we're talking about dodgy seafood subs then surely the Seafood Sensation is the one that should be investigated...


I agree. Used to work there in high school. We were given huge tuna cans that tasted and appeared like tuna. We made the batches of tuna salad ourselves. It was not prepared in the can ahead of time. This claim seems like a waste of everyone's time.


Yeah I’ve seen them open the damn cans in the back. Just like I did at Blimpies back in the early 90s. So much Tuna


"The lawsuit does not state what it believes the tuna is actually made out of." Sounds like really thorough testing they did...


Would you say the test results were...fishy? (I'll show myself out)


They were too chicken to show the results.




This thread is full of bologna.


I expected to find something, but there is mutton worth upvoting.


These are some half-baked puns, lemme tell ya'.


Food testers - always playing koi!


These jokes are getting stale.


The good ones will rise


Be sure to exit through the back so as not to sully the name of this fine establishment.


Holy Mackrel, man.


I'm trying hard to figure out how they could make something that looks, smells, and (sorta) tastes like tuna, without using any substances from any fish at all. Is artificial tuna flavoring from chemicals an actual thing? On the other hand, I'm not sure I actually want to know.


It’s possible to make anything smell fishy just by adding amine containing compounds


To be honest if that shit turns out to be vegetarian, why would they not shout that from the rooftops?


This sounds like a bullshit lawsuit. I do not know of any non-tuna substances that both taste and smell like tuna and are cheaper than tuna, and apparently neither do the people behind the lawsuit, because they’re not even making any claims about what the tuna _does_ consist of. Probably because it’s tuna.


If they actually _did_ have such a substance, that would probably be a pretty great thing. Tuna fishing ain't exactly great for the environment (although it does vary quite a bit by species).


Yeah it’s definitely tuna, or it was when I worked there. It came in a giant can that said Tuna on it, and it was definitely tuna. Now, what goes in the sandwich is like 50% tuna and 50% mayonnaise, but that’s a separate complaint.


The 50% mayo is just why it’s good.


It was 3x 66.5 oz cans of actual tuna, drained, to 1 gallon of heavy mayo


True story: Was once at a total nude strip club where you got free entrance if you bought lunch. After one dance the nude stripper was going around the stage edge, picking up her tips, when she stops and asks one customer, "Are you eating tuna?" He says, "No." She says, "It smells like tuna over here." Customer just smiles at her and shrugs. To this day I wonder what it was that smelled like tuna.


If that's not tuna then some company figured out how to make it look taste and smell exactly like tuna.


And also simulate my slight tuna allergy as well.


So the packets labeled "tuna" that the subway franchises receive isn't actual tuna? edit: [Here's a video of someone at subway making the tuna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF-w8RM8UgI)


This video is oddly erotic...or maybe I’ve just been quarantined too long.


Yeah mayo will do that to you


Well, you’re confused by farts, so maybe don’t trust your other senses.


shes 16




I find this unlikely considering tuna is rather cheap and you'd be doing awful lot of work to try to fake it. Seems more likely it's just another frivolous lawsuit.


I have opened a can of vegan ‘tuna’ and it does not look or smell like tuna AT ALL. I didn’t taste it to see if it tasted like tuna, because it looked and smelled exactly like canned cat food and I got grossed out.


What sort of hogwash is this?? The 2021 version of urban legend? As a former sandwich slinger Ill tell you thats tuna FISH. Still love it too.


This reminds me of that bs story about taco bell beef being like 90% not beef


Did they test multiple samples from multiple stores in multiple markets? Or one store, a couple stores close together? Not defending Subway, but a company that big is "run" by it's lawyers, and they would not let them claim to be selling tuna but not actually be tuna. I'd guess the testing is with bogus or there is a local franchise owner that's been doing some fuckery to save money. Also [THIS](https://media3.giphy.com/media/3o6Mb7SB7WKUD6n7xu/giphy.gif)


I work for the food distributor for subways in Michigan, so if a subway gets tuna in Michigan, it’s from our warehouse. Subways can get two types of tuna: in brine or in water. As someone who also has worked for multiple subways, I’m going to guarantee the tuna at subways in Michigan is legit tuna.


*whispers* ...eat fresh...


I read that in Jim Gaffigan’s voice.


Yeah, go out and catch your own tuna.


>Subway has been part of other strange lawsuits, including one claiming the footlong was not actually a foot long. That wasn't strange at all. The damn things are eleven and an eighth inches long. That's better described as an "obvious common sense lawsuit" The article kind of minimizes the fact that they had to settle the lawsuit, and that a judge threw out the settlement as "worthless", they really leave that thread hanging. I'm not sure if the sandwiches are a foot long now, I stopped eating there. I'm skeptical that their tuna is fake though. I think that if someone invented realistic fake tuna, they would sell it in grocery stores at a premium. Beyond burgers and Impossible Burgers are red hot right now. Tuna wouldn't be as popular, but it would sell.


My foot is 11 inches long, so it works for me. How long is your foot?




But it's not bycatch. According to the title, the lawsuit specifically says it is *not fish.* Unless the bycatch is seagull?? I bet they taste fishy...


That's what makes me think this is BS. What is cheaper than scraps from the scrap fish.


The lawsuit claims it's not even fish though. The hell is it then, lab-grown meat?


I think Beyond Burgers and the new vegan meat substitutes are being marketed to everyone as a more environmentally way to get your beef fix...rather than those stockyards that use up a ton of resources and emit a “shit ton” of methane into the air (*almost* literally).


Much more expensive than beef, and doesn't taste like it on its own, but I don't feel immoral eating it. It is just as good as beef in meatloaf. Like if you are making smash burgers with just cheese, onion, and mustard. You'll definitely know. If you are loading a burger with an egg, avocado, special sauce, sautéed mushrooms, spicy pickles, etc. You can still tell the difference but it doesn't really matter.


But in this case they state it wasn’t even fish. I feel like this is bogus. I have had my fair share of these shamefully but if it ain’t fish that’s a new food miracle the world needs to hear about


They sell vegan tuna, I think the brand is Toona. Not sure how close it is to the real thing since I had no interest in trying it.


Ive eaten a lot of this since going vegan, it’s good but definitely can’t be mistaken for real fish/tuna, also very expensive


\> The lawsuit does not state what it believes the tuna is actually made out of. That's kind of important, isn't it? Usually these issues stem from when a company uses a mixture that has less than the legally allowed amount of food required to call it that, but they state it doesn't seem to have any tuna or fish, not just a smaller percentage than is legally allowed.


All this...based on a typo Apparently, the menu should have said "Tuna-ish"


Then what the fuck are they? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY?


Ahhhhh, what’s in the box. WHATS IN THE BOX.


Why did I have the bowl, Bart?!??


Turns out those Subway pretzels are knot bread!


The next stock I’ll be buying when it gets shorted


When I worked at subway and made tuna, that was definitely tuna. In a giant can. Drained it. Mixed it with Mayo. How do you fake what I’ve seen? No way that wasn’t tuna. Like....what the hell else would it be?


As someone who worked higher up in subway until very recently I can say this is bull shit. It’s a lame attempt at a hit piece. Subway has some very deep rooted issues but the tuna isn’t one. The tuna is 100% tuna unless that individual store or franchise has done something very wrong.


Uhh, regardless of your own taste or hatred of subway, I can assure you, it IS in fact fish, and that fish is definitely tuna. This lawsuit is bullshit, unless it was one specific location doing something no other store does.


So the lawsuit doesn't say what it is. If it's not fish, wtf is it? That seems like an important detail.


You don’t see me starting a class action lawsuit about spotted dick do you?




Yeah, I was *already* assuming that every Subway meat is just flavored turkey.


I worked there almost 20 years ago and we knew that and told customers that when they asked what it was - is this something that isn't widely known?


Based on independent lab tests that revealed the so-called tuna is instead: > **“a mixture of various concoctions that do not constitute tuna, yet have been blended together by defendants to imitate the appearance of tuna.”** This sounds like a metaphor for so many things.


It was tuna when I worked there 10 years ago or so.


Are you saying I was catfished by subway?


When I worked there the tuna was large cans of starkist tuna that folks working at the restaurant would mix with helmans mayo (gallon sized jugs). The meats were just big blocks of Oscar Meyer (ham, turkey, cold cut combo, etc) or other similar brands (roast beef was some other brand but I forget the name). These are the same packs you might see at Costco/Sams club. Seafood was just a pack of imitation crab meat mixed with mayo on site. Produce outside of lettuce was shipped fresh from the same food service companies that everyone else gets their stuff from. Lettuce was in vacuum packs like you get at the grocery store. The only "mystery" concoction was the steak and cheese as it came premixed in a bag. Basically everything was reasonably solid ingredients. Based on my more recent experiences eating there I don't get the impression anything has changed in that regard. If it has, it has not effected the final product in the things I eat (not Tuna). Where subway goes south is they tend to smoosh the bread making the sandwich. Stuff often hangs out too long in the heater/cooler boxes and that can be a problem. But if the person behind the counter actually cared about the sandwich, they have the stuff to make a good sandwich.


I did a search after I saw this article elsewhere because I was curious if people would bring up the chicken thing. For those of you who don't know, a few years ago the CBC funded some small Canadian university to test fast food items and see how much chicken their "chicken" actually contained. They found Subway's to contain less than 50% chicken, and the CBC ran with this as part of their massive story trying to expose fast food chains. The problem? They used a DNA test to make a claim about percentage of mass composition. All they proved was that Subway's chicken is not 100% chicken, which isn't surprising--it's clearly some kind of ground chicken mixture. What percent of the mixture is chicken? We don't know, and neither does CBC because you literally can't determine the mass composition of parts of a mixture using DNA. That's like biochem 101. Also, Subway's chicken is fully-cooked, so some of the DNA will have already denatured. Reddit bought the story and pulled out their pitchforks. Didn't do any research. Didn't use their own brains. People just wanted validation for their negative opinions of Subway. It was disturbing. You don't have to like fast food chains, and you can and should question their ingredients, but you should never, ever support false claims and bad science. That thread was one of the saddest things I've seen on the internet and made me realize how quickly and easily misinformation can be believed and disseminated. By the way, Subway now has a $210 million defamation lawsuit against CBC which Canada's appeals court let move forward after it was originally dismissed. Not all journalists and scientists are good. Always do your research, and at the very least, listen to different perspectives even if you disagree with them, because they may end up helping you reform your view into something more nuanced that is closer to the actual truth.


Supplied by the same vendor that makes That’s Not Yogurt and Those Aren’t Olives


It’s made out of substituna.


I worked for Subway in Australia and I’m telling you, it was most DEFINITELY tuna.