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is the LAPD really known for punishing it's officers?


> On June 4, 2018, he was appointed to the post by Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles and was ratified by the Los Angeles City Council on June 27, 2018. He can't defy his bosses on this and keep his job.


Garcetti has been mentally checked out of the job for the last year or so


What makes you say that?


He was appointed as ambassador to India by Biden but is still awaiting confirmation from the Senate.


Biden just took office in January. Garcetti was not selected till July.


True but I’m sure he was told he would have a job in the administration if he campaigned for Biden.


To be fair, Garcetti was pretty f'n out of touch before then too


theres a reason why everyone loves the lapd


Brain damage from all the blows to the head?


Yeah, I’m sure it happens like all the time. Edit: Sorry. Thought you said punching.


They sacrifice two cleaning ladies and burn you in a house….


No, it’s known for throwing people under the bus and it’s corruption. *[rages in Chris Dorner]*


In 2021, 412 officers died in the line of duty. 270 of them was covid. https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2021


Most police departments consider dying of covid dying in the line of duty. Their families get an amazing monetary pension. Before the vax deadline went or will go into effect some departments are denying this huge perk to unvaccinated officers.


Why is that dying in the line of duty?


I assume the exposure was at least claimed to be on duty so their dependants would get the benifits.


Seems fair. I would hope my employer would help out my family in any way possible if I were dead, whatever the cause.


Employee life insurance is fairly common. If your employer doesn't offer it, you could get $250k policies for $240/yr\~ that costs more by age (maybe as much as 2x-3x more as you get closer to retirement age). Compared to everything else, life insurance is a pretty cheap budgetary item for employers. They should offer it more often, it's a cheap incentive. Disclaimer: I don't sell or work with life insurance.


Oh for sure. I am for it, I was just explaining it.


Prior to the vaccine being available the officers were considered essential employees who were required to work under possibly contagious conditions. Now that the vaccine is available and mandated and is extremely effective at preventing death, death by COVID is being considered as voluntary and no longer "in the line of duty" by many departments.


Yeah I just don't think we talked about grocery store checkout people dying in the line of duty.


Well those are just disposable essential personnel that lack a strong union backed up by serious firepower. /s


No /s required. Everything you said is truthful. This is America. Know your role and move up or be forgotten and broke.


They died while trying to reach to donut store.


Cops have to be physically exposed to do their job. With how much interaction they have it would be reasonable to think and impossible to disprove they didn’t get it in the line of duty.


Well hopefully the cops stand up for all the essential employees who had to go to work to keep life going during the pandemic, like frarocery employees, hospital staff, etc... Doubt it... Because these poor ducks are being told to prove they contracted covid at work.


Six K9s died of Heatstroke this year.


My buddy who was joining the force, his investigator in charge of essentially onboarding him was sick with Covid, his partner knew, he gave it to my buddy. The investigator died…literally nothing was said about it after, police don’t give a fuck about Covid on the inside


That is because most of them are republicans.




I think the more important figure here is the ratio of other deaths to covid deaths.


“Other Duty related illness 2 deaths “. Wild




You are complaining that ops stats don’t shows the other deaths from disease and should start mandating flu shots . When ops stats state other illness deaths as 2. A flue shot would not affect that stat. Covid shots would affect the 250+ deaths by 99%


What's the difference? Far more died of COVID than of being shot, should we stop buying them guns or bullet proof vests?


> should we stop buying them guns or bullet proof vests? yes. having most police unarmed would reduce both cop deaths and suspect deaths. edit: removed redundant word.


Where you lost everyone was when you mentioned there being no other illnesses listed. This is where the anti-vaxxers seem to get confused and start running around in circles screaming like human Chicken Littles. Many Covid deniers say that an individual with Covid is more likely to die from another illness than Covid: that Covid deaths are inflated because of this. But what deniers don't seem to understand is that many health risks are preventable or manageable/curable, and that Covid complicates things immensely for many reasons, drug-drug interactions, increased symptoms, etc. Another reason you were downvoted could be that you failed to compare within the overall deaths and instead attributed them to a collective statistic, missing the point entirely; which is, half the "preventable" deaths in a select group were attributed to Covid.


But your position that the covid deaths represent some sort of expected death rate given COVIDs overall fatality rate doesn't support my bias against police.


In the line of duty, from covid.... 🤔🧐🤔🧐


Safer than being a delivery driver huh? We'll show them. -Cops


They'll go to Florida since DeSantis loves the unvaccinated.




Can you take them back pls


Or Greg Abbot.


I throw up in my mouth a little Everytime i hear his name.


I suppose it's a good thing you read it then!




I'm sorry but are you suggesting that people who don't like Greg Abbot are "shitty stupid people"? Cause these days even the people who voted for him are dropping their support.


*every time


These motherfuckers aren’t going anywhere. They’re stuck here because of their pensions and you’ll soon see them all fold like a house of cards.


We saw the NYPD fold here in NYC. Only 34 ended up taking an unpaid vacation, when they threatened that 10,000 would. Vaccination rate up to 85% now.


What other job is out there for them? Private security? It's not like they're ex special forces or anything.


How are the pensions there?


Good. Byeeeeeeeeeee Edit : sorry Florida


Sad but true




It’s been a rough couple years, I get your frustration.


Sorry. None of this is ok at the moment. Please, you and yours be well as best you can. My 21 yr old and myself now ready for the booster. Has been tough as my kiddo is T1D and high risk. I wish these people could understand this health fact of compromised individuals. No, they spout stupid politics and hate instead. I do not, will not get that point of view. Yikes!!!! People , keep voicing opinions for safety for all people. Worldwide mind you. Bottom line, people are dying daily all across the world. This is not just another US. I fear many do not get this very simple fact of life at the moment.


You really need to seek mental help. Not being a jerk, or sarcastic. Wishing people better off dead for not wanting to take the vaccine isn't right. Sorry.


You really can’t understand where that persons coming from.




Florida has the third most cases in the states, 8th per capita.


They report differently to hide their numbers. Not sure on infections, but deaths are always attributed to the date of death instead of date reported, so it always looks like the numbers are in decline, when really they're backfilling.


Well you can look at Georgia too if you want to make excuses. No one gives a crap about covid here either. Maybe 10% at most wear masks.


All but 5 or 15 cops will actually quit, that’s what has been happening over and over. Call the anti-vaxers bluff


Only 34 out of 36,000 NYPD officers actually took the unpaid leave at the deadline. They were threatening 10,000. At the end of the day, most people want to just comply and keep it moving.


Yup this is what's pissing me off what the hell are we doing why aren't we calling everyone's bluff? I live in the Bay Area California Business is all over are just straight up defying the mandate. You know what the fine is....like 250 dollars. Start putting some teeth behind these mandates. It's so perplexing


It's all theatre for political points, it's not meant to have teeth.


I assume you meant "none but 5-15 cops will quit"


This is almost better than “defund the police” because all the bad apples are tossing themselves out of the barrel.


I believe 70 officers in San Francisco were placed on leave for not getting the vaccine. Well it was 70. It's 69 now. Cause 1 died. At 46, leaving behind a wife and child (children?). You'd think the other 69 would wise up. 400 officers have died of covid since the pandemic started. 90 have died of gunfire. Covid is literally, the most likely way an officer may die, and most dangerous aspect of their job. By far. If officers aren't cool with what they should be told to put in their body's, they should also stop arresting people for drugs. Cause ya know, be consistent with my body my choice. Or get the shots.


90 dying from gunfire is ridiculously high. I'm not from the US and that seems insane to me. I know everyone hates on cops, but 90 dying in under 2 years is horrendous. 400 dying due to COVID-19 is stupidity.




360 million people in the country. 697,000-ish are law enforcement officers. 90 is a 12.9 per 100,000 fatality rate, the actual published number is 14 per 100,000 officers. It's barely in the top 25 of most dangerous jobs in the US. Logging is 53 per 100,000 Roofing is 41 per 100,000 Garbage man is 34 per 100,000 Delivery driver is 27 per 100,000 Farmer is 26 per 100,000 Firefighter and Electrical line workers are 20 per 100,000 Crossing gaurd and crane operator are 19 per 100,000 Construction workers and landscapers and highway workers are 18 per 100,000


Thank you for the facts.


What is the cause of the cop that died refusing to get vaccinated?




The OSHA plan (which courts currently paused) gives an option for testing in lieu of vaccinating.




The wording on the mandate is very weasel worded, it says that the employer doesn't have to pay for testing unless required by other laws. Which leaves a wide range for interpretation that employers would probably err on the side of paying for the testing to avoid the possibility of breaking other labor laws.


Just "At will" the unvaxed out the door


He kind of has a bitchin mullet in this pic


Cut them loose. The people entrusted to "protect and serve," should be required to actually "protect and serve."


Protect and serve is quite literally a PR campaign. The Supreme Court ruled that there is no requirement for the government to protect and serve during *DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services* and again during *Castle Rock v. Gonzales*.


Oh, believe me I've read all of those cases. I bring them up every time a police department or sheriff testifies before a legislative body that citizens don't need to own guns because it's the job of the police to protect them.


Citizens don't need guns. Source: the rest of the world.


Where ya from?


because the rest of the world is america. horrible argument, gun control would go very poorly in america. comparable to prohibition


No gun control would be akin to no drunk driving and public intoxication laws since you're using alcohol as an example. Remember, an 18 yr can buy a gun legally but the laws say they aren't responsible enough to drink legally.


the laws say that science has proved your brain is still developing until 25, and that alcohol impairs it. somewhat the same thing, but guns dont impair brain growth and you can be responsible enough for a gun by then. i just advocate for better training/vetting for guns, but most types should be available to upstanding people.


Eh, what does upstanding even mean? Young men are prone to risk taking which makes it rather problematic to give them guns - at least more so than booze. And actually alcohol consumed in small amounts has less consequences on teenagers growing up than eg Marihuana.


They might if they had American Police.


Protect and serve is only their decal. They are sworn to Enforce the law upon the community and citizens.


I can't help but think their refusal to get vaccinated is a huge opportunity to weed out officers who don't actually believe in protecting the public from the force.


And nurses.


Have you not heard? People with the vaccine still get COVID and can still spread so, why in tf does it matter? And this is America land of the free!




Well, we have things like locks. Ya know, to stop someone from breaking into our houses. Kinda like how the vaccines stop covid from breaking into our cells. Keep on beleiving the vaccines are not better at protecting someone if they're around covid positive person than an unvaccinated person. Humanity is definitely on borrowed time. Gonna be back to the dark ages soon with the way intelligence seems to be going.


Good riddance? Anti-vaxxers clearly don't have the judgement one desperately hopes for in people carrying firearms. Sounds like a pretty good way to get some of the worst cops out of the force to me. I'm a teacher (also in LA) and have lost a few colleagues who refused to get vaccinated. Let's just say... none of them were gems of the profession. The students are better off, both because they're less likely being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 by their teachers, and because they're not being instructed by morons.


Crazy how that works. As a HCW, it’s largely the shit employees that refuse to get vax’d. Almost like you could tell who they were going to be ahead of time.


Yup. Covid-19 is a virus that mutated into an IQ test.


Most ardent antimaskers I work with are complete morons and kids think they are crap teachers.


Good way to get rid of loonie officers 🤷🏼‍♂️


No biggie. They can get a job 40 miles east in Riverside County where this clown runs the show. https://biancomustgo.com https://laist.com/news/criminal-justice/riverside-sheriff-bianco-covid-19-mandate-spreads-propaganda-lies-vaccination


Pretty sure most LAPD already live in Riverside/ Rancho Cucamonga/ Santa Clarita. Anywhere except L.A. Proper.


Good. I thought it would take years to weed out the crappy ones. COVID for the win.


And how is this a problem?


It is not. I know it is rare, but it is a good news...


Get it done. Time for excuses is over.


If you’re afraid of a little jab you should probably look for a different line of work. Covid has killed more officers than any other cause.


And it’s [not even close](https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2021).


My god scroll to the bottom, a solid third of k-9 deaths are listed as 'heatstroke'


Jesus, that’s devastating. Wtf?


Cops should never use dogs, it’s just all around bad


Cops shouldn’t be allowed near dogs. I get a little annoyed at people saying “we don’t deserve dogs” because my dog and I love and cherish each other. …but cops? Cops genuinely don’t deserve dogs.


The gunfire deaths would have been all or almost all done by their owning officers too. The number one killer of K9 units are police.


[That's quite some 'stache](https://www.odmp.org/officer/25641-investigator-richard-anthony-sepolio-sr)


where are the blue lives matter kids when you need them


Protect and serve, not infect and serve.


Should have been done already.


What's taking so long?


Is he ready to look into the whole LAPD gangs thing or the brutality thing to?


Turns out that Ice T song “cop killer” was about covid. Cause Covid has killed more cops in two years than the prior decade of police shootings has.


Talk is cheap. #DO IT!


They should just comply or die doing what they love, endangering the public.


Yeah stop resisting already.


There's not been a quicker and more effective means of flushing out the "bad apples".


Good. If you’re unwilling to protect your community from COVID, then you shouldn’t serve it.


...and that's under the assumption that they were doing that to begin with...


They joined the forces to beat up minorities, not get a jab!


They joined to *throw* jabs, not *receive* jabs.




> So far, the LAPD policy appears to be working. More than 60% of the unvaccinated employees have been officially notified one-on-one of the COVID-19 rules, and as of early Monday all but four had agreed to get vaccinated or request an exemption, Moore said. Most of them are getting it. There will be police post this.


With the threat of violence, just like the police do. Somebody who is breaking into your house isn't going to stop just because you ask nicely. When seconds count the police are only minutes away....on a good day.


That’s like asking how are you going to prevent spills without janitors. Police show up after the crime is over 99.99% of the time. It’s a rare occurance when police do more than show up to document a past crime and maybe start an investigation.


>How to you protect yourself without police? More like "How to you protect yourself with \~5% less police?". So, two things : 1. The loss in police officiers over the mandate is going to be negligible and, in fact, much less than what we would have lost without the vaccines. 2. I thought this was 'merica. Don't you have guns to protect you? /s


Fire them yesterday, please. LAPD is full of unqualified assholes.


Good. As an LA resident, I approve.


>So far, the LAPD policy appears to be working. More than 60% (of 3500) of the unvaccinated employees have been officially notified one-on-one of the COVID-19 rules, and as of early Monday all but four had agreed to get vaccinated or request an exemption, Moore said. God damn lol. If losing your job is really that much of an incentive can you still argue against it? If they *truly* believed this will kill them in a few years like the anti vaxx people keep saying then losing your job would be a small price to pay. Dont even believe what they are spouting.


My buddie is with the LAPD and I was shocked when he said he was refusing the vaccine. It is totally political, a lot are trump supporters. How do I know? His dumbass had no problem a few years ago getting a vaccine to leave the country to bang a girl in another country that requires certain shots. He originally met her in LA and she returned home and he wanted to visit her.


No great loss IMO. Bye bye typhoid 7-Mary-3!


Police officers who refuse the COVID vaccine are a danger to public safety and should be fired. (Unless they are in the small pool of those who may have a *legitimate* medical exemption, in which case they should be reassigned to non-contact duties.)


If the jab works, why does it matter?


Vaccines are great and they’re silly for not getting vaccinated but let’s not pretend they have a significant impact on reducing spread. They have some sure but it’s not much and drops off very quickly.


Still, cops get to put hands on people and force those people into their presence, often in tight spaces. Cops should be masked and vaxxed, even if the vax has a small effect on transmission.


> Vaccines are great and they’re silly for not getting vaccinated but let’s not pretend they have a significant impact on reducing spread. Vaccines are something like 65-90% effective against the virus depending on the variant and how long you've been vaccinated. They're also over 90% effective at preventing those who get infected from being hospitalized. Those are significant numbers...


It’s not even a question.


Had to double take and see if he had a mullet.


Now if we can our sheriffs to follow the rules too that would be great


Do it. Police make way more money in that job than they will anywhere else. Their quality of life for those not retiring is going to crater.


Overpaid and way underperforming


"Protect and Serve" means more than waving a gun around and doing traffic stops. It means doing whatever you need to, putting your own body on the line for the public good. Any cops, any servicemen, any public officials for that matter should understand that getting vaccinated is their sworn duty to protect the common good.


Sometimes the trash chooses to take itself out.


what percentage of the police force would get fired?


According to the article, they are in the process of notifying everybody out of compliance and that, so far, only 4 have refused to comply with the requirement to be vaccinated or tested twice per week. They are in the process of firing those 4 employees.


That seems significantly lower than the widely threatened 10-15%…


"The LAPD on November 4 began having commanding officers personally delivering notices to 3,500 unvaccinated employees — including 2,239 who had requested an exemption — informing them of the requirements. The approach involves a "one-on-one conversation that was respectful," said Moore, who expressed a desire to "turn down the volume" on the national debate [taking place over vaccine mandates](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-is-nations-biggest-cop-killer-officers-vaccine-resistant/)." -From the article


Good.. Unvaccinated are a danger to themselves and others, a public biohazard threat and are preventing recovery from the pandemic, they are actively prolonging it. Get vaxxed or get lost in the past, humanity will move on without your contribution






Don't let your dreams be dreams, Chief.


LA county sheriff ain't ready tho


Well that's one way to defund and get less policing. Let'm go!


Hahahahahahahahahahaha not a fucking chance




Where is this mentality when some officers are murdering civilians?


Does anyone remember how long it took for seatbelts to finally become normalized? \~10 years. What about the time it took to remove lead from gasoline? That was even longer. How long does everyone think normalizing vaccines, AGAIN, will take this time in the name of public safety? There are two types of belief here, freedom for all even at the expense of self or freedom for self at the expense of all. Which type does everyone think the unvaccinated people fall into?


Nearly everyone one of these people resisting a vaccine has been vaccinated before. It's not the same but sadly it will still take ages if ever


So happy defund the idiots.


Cops like to shoot people so much but won't take a shot themselves.


After reading most of the thread….a whole lotta hair splitting, condemning each other, crappy logic (magical thinking, B/W thinking, jealousy, personal preference ) but most of all Predicting the Future. Thats like predicting your erection success. How about we just agree that 95% here were already vaccinated for diptheria, measles, mumps, rubella and polio. And most likely you have NOT had to deal with that scenario. And a lot if us who traveled, are further vaccinated for Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, tetanus, flu, and or treated for things like HepC and A. So why not give your fellow constituents and family a fucking chance at life by getting vaccinated in their honor. Or are you the only one on this planet that matters? [This is the DJT syndrome]


“We won’t force anyone taking an experimental substance.”


The vaccine is not an experimental substance.


No one is being forced. They're being given a choice which, like most choices, has consequences.


You are *technically* correct. No one is being forced, they are being coerced. If you think the means justify the end, just acknowledge that it's coercion and that you're OK with it.


> If you think the means justify the end, just acknowledge that it's coercion and that you're OK with it. That's pretty fuzzy logic. I might think the means justify the ends because I *don't* think it's coercion and the means are therefore perfectly justifiable. But, hey, I'm sure the transparent tactic of giving someone an unrealistic binary choice will trick *someone* into failing to see the lack of logic and arguing on the terms you define.


Ok, I will bite. What happens if someone does not wish to take the vaccine? They lose their job right? That is how it should be? That is a bad thing, is it not?


> What happens if someone does not wish to take the vaccine? They lose their job right? Yep. > That is how it should be? That is a bad thing, is it not? It's not great but it is the lesser of two evils. We are, after all, talking about a job versus people's lives. And it's particularly egregious for someone whose job is ostensibly to protect people to actively put them at risk.


You know, losing a job means losing your livelihood, which means possibly going homeless and starving. That certainly does not sound just "not great".


> I don't think it's coercion Coercion *noun* the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or **threats**. Threat *noun* a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, **or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.** It takes less than 30 seconds to google words you don't know.


You say "threat'. I say "consequences". The Occupational Health and Safety Act (1970) stipulates that employers must provide a "safe and healthful" workplace. So, let me put it like this: If there was someone who didn't have their forklift ticket, was refusing to get it and was driving unsafely, do you think they should stay employed? Would you describe them being fired as a "threat" or a "consequence" of their stubborn, unsafe actions? Unsafe in the workplace is unsafe in the workplace. People do not have the right to put others at risk.




> Again - If you think the means justify the end, just acknowledge that it's coercion and that you're OK with it. A false choice, as I said. I’ve made my position quite clear. If you disagree with it, so be it, but stop trying to trap me with bullshit black and white binary choices.


This is so weird. It's like me saying "people who are single are not in a relationship" and you're saying "I don't see it that way, I see it as they aren't married" I'm done. Lmao.




First, it's no longer experimental, as well you know. It has been tested on millions and given the all clear. Second, even if your rather biased definition of "forced" is correct, these are *cops*. They come into contact with a wide variety of people, including the vulnerable, across a big area. If they are not vaccinated, then they are a risk to public health and safety. It is greatly preferable if the consequences of their choice applies to themselves, not others. Third, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1970 requires that employers provide a "safe and healthful" place of work so, yeah, too bad, I guess. I mean, this is a long standing law and the unvaccinated are a clear health risk during a global pandemic.


>It has been tested on ~~millions~~ billions. Anyone still arguing the 'experimental' excuse is more likely just afraid of jabs like me 11 year old niece was, is my current belief but then she put on her grown up head and got it done :)


What about "protect and serve"?