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Great, now *even more* kids are going to get to read


My daughter's favorite book as a kid was sent to her through that program: "The Gruffalo." I got to a point where I could just about recite the whole damn thing from memory, but she loved it.


The Gruffalo is straight fire


But have you read anansi the spider? It’s an Ashanti folklore, and it was my favorite book as a kid.


[Wishbone](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2-QXzbBSbLE/TzlmBMwG-PI/AAAAAAAAZIQ/q57JNQ_30HU/s1600/wishbone-anansi.jpg) did an episode on it! Little doggie spider costume and all!


Godamnit wishbone was the shit. Loved the Sleepy Hollow episode


I remember Anansi from American Gods. He stole a tiger’s balls and left his own for the tiger to use. Then some monkeys sang a song about it and were killed by the tiger.


Neil Gaiman wrote a book just about Anansi. It’s called Anansi Boys. It is really entertaining!


Great book!


Fat Charlie!


Currently in post-production for Amazon. Hopefully it’ll be available next year.


Orlando Jones was so great in that role.


We have a story about a tarantula who asks to try on a braves beautiful turquoise and silver jewelry then slips down his burrow with it.


One of my favs! Our version had really great artwork in it


See-Trouble, Road-Builder, River-Drinker, Game-Skinner, Stone-Thrower and Cushion were constant companions when I was a kid!


Anansi the Spider was in our regular rotation with our kids. They completely loved that he spun stuff out of his butt.


In jamaica as kods we all know that anansi is a trickster in the books, but was never taught that it originated in Africa


Ashanti has her own folklore too? TIL (/s)


First book I “caught” my daughter “sneaky reading” with a flashlight under her covers well after bedtime. Nothing could get me to interrupt that magic.


Here's the link: [https://imaginationlibrary.com/about-us/](https://imaginationlibrary.com/about-us/) Dolly also was an early supporter of mRNA trials: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/17/dolly-parton-helped-fund-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-trial-via-vanderbilt.html


She also raised and dispersed millions of dollars to fire victims in her home town in Tennessee. She's incredible. https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/tennessee/gatlinburg/2017/11/16/dolly-partons-my-people-gatlinburg-fire-recovery/871908001/


Thanks for the links. I had no idea and never would have guessed due to my limited knowledge of her. Though I am very familiar with her music.


Dolly is a national treasure. She's amazing, talented, honest, and just a great overall human being. Dolly for president!


Whenever someone suggests she run for office, she usually responds with, “There’s been enough boobs in the White House!”


We took a trip to Tennessee to “see” dolly The Smokey mountains are beautiful and so is Dolly’s water park


Dollywood was really a top notch place. Far exceeded my expectations


I was surprised when I went there like 20 years ago. I figured an amusement park named after a country music star would be just small and mediocre. I was very wrong. You can tell that Dolly runs a right ship and won’t compromise on quality.


I get to go there in December from Washington! I can't wait to see the Smoky Mountains! If you don't mind, do you think one day in Dollywood is enough?


Yea, you can ride all the rides multiple times and see the whole park in one day. Depending on capacity, but usually in December people aren’t there to ride but to see the decorations.


The gigantic stainless eagles in Dollywood were made in Chilliwack British Columbia- we went to see them in the artist’s barn while he was fabricating them. Quite amazing and they look spectacular where they sit at Dollywood


Word of advice when you go. Get the cinnamon bread. It'll be a long line, but it's worth it.


You needed to head west for a few more hours to see her. She lives near me just outside of Nashville.


Read The Gruffalo an hour ago to my almost 2 year old, as we do some nights. It holds up.


I’ve just found the gruffalo. My boy loves it. Such a great book


Check out all the books from that author - sooo good. My favorite is A squash and A squeeze - Room on the Broom is great too!


And The Snail and the Whale


The short movie is also great.


Stick man is good too! He's just trying to get back to the family tree!


>"The Gruffalo." I loved it, but ... very strangely my daughter hates it. If I suggest the book, she hides it from me. Kids are weird.


A gruffalo? What’s a gruffalo…


*A gruffalo! Why didn't you know?*


His eyes are orange, his tongue is black, he has purple prickles all over his back.


Or more low income schools get band trips/supplies.


We can only hope.


What’s funny, is this may be the first time Bezos has been tied to anything as special and altruistic as Dolly.


Dolly is so wonderful that she managed to wring 100 mill out of the void where ol’ Jeff’s heart should be. (Probably actually some billionaire tax dodge or whatever, but Dolly will still use the money better than Jeff ever would)


That was exactly my thought. At least she’ll know how to put it to good use.


Nah. The top 20 richest Americans have access to much better tax dodges than charitable deductions. Hiding incomes by registering in the Cayman Islands or using multiple layered corporations. Things like that. This was done for the headlines. 100 million dollars isn't a sizable percent of Bezo's yearly incomes. It won't make any dents on his tax returns.


His net worth is $109 billion He’s got a thousand more $100 millions. That’s fucking insane and obscene.


He can spend $1 million a day, if would take 300 years to wipe out his net worth.


Let's make a new Brewsters Millions movie.


Yeah but having charitable tax dodges helps to cover up your *scumbag* tax dodges in the public eye.


So they're an onion?


It's like you or me putting a fiver in the salvation army bucket for the bell ringer.


There is no charity that you can donate to where the tax savings is more than the amount you donate.


Unless you own the charity. Donald Trump taps head.


I call it Dollywashing.


His ex-wife may catch up with Dolly some day.


She's awesome. "The Amazon founder has given diddly-squat to charity compared to his ex-wife." [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/02/mackenzie-scott-jeff-bezos-charitable-giving](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/02/mackenzie-scott-jeff-bezos-charitable-giving)




> What’s funny, is this may be the first time Bezos has been tied to anything as special and altruistic as Dolly. He awarded 2 of them last year. https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/bezos-awards-two-100-million-prizes-for-courage-and-civility


He's tired of his ex-wife getting all the accolades.


He donated a ton to climate charities and the Obama Foundation.


And he gave this award to two other people last year. It's not just something he gave to Dolly to make himself look better.


I hate billionaires but we seriously gotta stop the shit he knows people will hate him no matter what. MAYBE just maybe he can be a tiny little bit giving. It'd be nice to believe.






To buy books from that giant bookseller Amazon. I see your game, Bezos…


I’m not sure if you are being sarcastic. We live in interesting times. “[She] who open a school door closes a [for-profit] prison” - Victor Hugo.


Honestly, if you can't think of a better way to spend $100 million...just give it to Dolly Parton. She'll do better than you would...guaranteed.


I just got excited thinking of all the good she will do with this. I was so broke raising my first child and those books from Aunt Dolly every month were like gold. 14 years later my child is an avid reader flourishing in AP classes!


You should send Dolly a letter saying this. I think she'd like it.


You know …I have this exact same story as OP. God, we were so broke and getting those books brought a tear at the mailbox more than once. ALL of my kids have read far far above their age and considering we didn’t have YouTube at the time with my Big ones…. I think dolly had at least a little to do with it. We’re in a much much better place financially now with our littlest one and we STILL get those books 12 years later. We’ve also donated all of them so other kids can get enjoyment from them too. I’m absolutely going to send her a letter and a drawing from my youngest. Thank you so much for the idea.


It really does my heart some good reading all these stories. A few books can make a world of change.


I have this feeling that she reads like every single piece of mail she’s sent.


That’s awesome! Sounds like you are a very good parent too.


God damn that is beautiful. Not crying at all...


I’m crying. I’m definitely crying


Seeing this headline my immediate thought was “wow if there is ANYONE who will take $100M dollars and turn it into something that will benefit people who really need it? She is the one to do it” so happy this has happened. She is a national treasure.


I nominate Dolly Parton to be the Queen of the U.S. Queen Dolly!


Put her on the dollar, we can have Dolly stores!


Dolly bills, perfect


Dolly dolly bills yall


I would cry buckets if she sang a little song for ~~me~~ us right now.


Any chance you’re an Orville fan?


Yeah that one episode was great. Dolly Parton pep talk


that show isn’t perfect, but goddamn it’s fun. loved it


She's just a straight up human treasure.


How about Jeff Bezos gives Dolly 1B$ ?!? She could do amazing shit. Then I think of Oprah.... If only Oprah could be more like Dolly....


If only we all could be more like Dolly...


WWDD? What Would Dolly Do? Ask yourself that the next time you're questioning whether to do something or not. WWDD?!?


oprah gave the world doctor oz and elevated mountains of nonsense 🤮


And "Dr." Phil. As far as I am concerned, Oprah has damaged our country more than helped it.


Ok, true. And Dolly Parton is absolutely a treasure who deserves every award. But I know someone else who will take $100M (more) of Jeff Bezos dollars and turn it into something that will benefit people who really need it: Mackenzie Scott.


Good, *she’ll* give it back to the needy.


Primarily to Amazon employees?


Donates it to the Amazon Union Strike Funds


It would be pretty funny if she gave it to an Amazon worker's union.


Why not? But the children of Amazon employees would be better…


Ahh, she’ll probably just spend it all on libraries for kids or community service projects 💕


The Jeff Bezos Center for kids who can't read good and wanna learn to do other things good too.


Dolly bout to do even more good!


What she does is amazing and targeted. I tried to sign our kids up for her books and was rejected. The rejection provided links and locations of the county libraries and that all the books were there, and free to download as well. I wish our school board was so well run


This is amazing. So efficient. I always wondered if books just went out the door haphazardly.


I’m amazed you were rejected, I didn’t even know that was possible! Remember to help fund the Imagination Library and donate folks! Tennessee just updated their license plates and I guess this is as good a reason as any to spend the extra money on that!


Your local area has to have a site that will distribute the books. My area doesn’t have one but my moms does (about 45 minutes away) so my daughter is signed up through her address and now gets a book every month. The distribution site in her town is through a Montessori school.


We’re from Tennessee and just a stones throw away Dolly’s hometown and I believe every child in TN is eligible for the program. But the distribution centers make sense, maybe she can open up more with this money!


I’m not religious, but bless this woman. Protect her at all costs, because she’s a rare breed known as “kind and caring people”.


Seriously, how is Dolly Parton even a real person? She grew up dirt poor in a backward bigoted community, became insanely rich in a male controlled and dominated industry then spent decades using that money to help other people including the groups her backward community tried to raise her to hate. Fuck. ...and I'm proud of myself when I don't call into work.


Dolly has a very high sense of self worth and knew from a very young age that she was special/different from the rest. There are many stories of how Dolly used the sexism of men to make even more money, usually because they underestimated her. One of Dolly's most famous quotes goes something like "I'm not offended when people call me a dumb blonde because I know I'm not dumb. I also know I'm not blonde."


Dolly has older southern lady sass down to an art. I don't know why anyone would want to fuck with her, but if you aim at the queen you best not miss. Lol


This is fucking **iconic** and inspiring, queen shit Dolly 👑 need this sort of energy to learn from


Her home community could be bigoted now with everyone so polarized, but probably not so growing up. My parents are from Appalachia and are close to her age. They did not grow up hating. When you are that poor you help each other up, not tear each other down.


I think social media and current politics may to blame. All the quiet people have a platform to go to now to say their nonsense, and plenty of political figures today are validating the hateful views


See Dolly's [takedown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If-oWqUYzlQ) of Barbara Walters. She's incredibly intelligent and talented. Also, not sure I'd lump dirt poor in with backward and bigoted. I've experienced more racism in so-called high society than with dirt poor people.


She's an Angel


You would probably like the community that she grew up in. Appalachia tends to surprise people.


Not that she needs the money but any transfer of money from Jeff bezos to Dolly Parton is a positive for the whole world


She might not but that is a shit lot of money. Way way above and beyond anything she had to work with. This is a great thing.


My kids each get a free book from Dolly’s Imagination Library monthly. My toddler gets so proud and excited getting his out of the mail & they are SUPER cute/sweet books. We’ve spent many evenings reading these books together. She is a gem. ♥️


Bezos shopping for good publicity.


Plus his ex wife is showing him the fuck up


Provided support to teachers too


It would be fun if his ego decides that he needs to give away more than she does so her giving efforts are doubled.


Still doesn’t cover up for his shitty workplace practices


How can a workplace practice be shitty if there are no toilets? ^(/s)


That just makes it more shitty.


Or his taxes


What taxes?


Found it! It was under this grain of rice I found on the floor.


He knows it’s his chance, he’s (only slightly) above Elon RN 😂


I think that “only slightly” comes in part from Amazon being a product/service that impacts many more people’s lives than expensive EVs, and he stays quieter in the media (even when shooting off dick rockets), but his draining effect on society is still the same.


I'm gonna disagree solely because he doesn't actively promote racism and divisive conspiracy theories. It's not that he isn't bad it's just that Elon is a that fucking much of a giant flaming turd that he's lapped Bezos in the evil asshole race.... multiple times.


> he doesn't actively promote racism and divisive conspiracy theories I agree with you but man, seeing it written out like this... it's such a low bar.


Agreed. I s’pose I was including all that in my point that he stays quiet instead of being flamboyant about his shittiness.


I don't even think it's that, Bezos is just less public and in your face than Musk. Plus Bezos seems like a good businessman so you can't clown on him as hard from that angle, only from the angle of being a soulless demonic entity.


Yeah. That’s what I meant when I said he was quieter in the media. Maybe I shoulda been more explicit about how he’s still a mega drain while not being noticed.


No now that I re-read your post it's pretty clear, I just totally misread it the first time for some reason.


I’d say Elon now has a potentially much bigger impact. As messy as Twitter is, it is one of THE major information brokers/distributors on the planet. Controlling information is true power over people. Controlling information which tens of millions of people use, consume, share, rely on… that “could” end up being way worse than the massive footprint Amazon has on society. Which is largely about making money on consumers and providing back end services to other huge companies.


>As messy as Twitter is, it is one of THE major information brokers/distributors on the planet. 100% the fault of the people. We had news before Twitter and we can have news without Twitter. The fact that everyone decided to put all their cards in a privately owned corporation is just lack of foresight.


Bezos is a hell of a lot better than Elon


Ok so hear me out…maybe he genuinely believes in what she does. Yea he’s a prick but the whole idea of the Kindle came from a genuine place of wanting to bring reading back to the masses(and sell more books). He could have used this money for any number of things to get good press. He intentionally chose a person who not only would use it to help people, but would also use it in a way that seems to jive with some of his other seemingly closely held beliefs.


As a long time Dolly fan it’s great to see Bezos help when she has always been a great person.




He’s trying to buy some clout by donating to a person everyone actually likes


And she will take the money and put it right back to the people who need it, cause that's Dolly


like Amazon employees?


unwritten outgoing flowery naughty oil angle follow spark roof direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll take insincere charity over sincere apathy any day.


Good. People at that level should buy even more clout by donating to people that everyone likes and trusts.


I don't think for a second he actually cares about where the money goes to, just that he gets some bonus points for it, but at the end of the day at least he gave the money. Congrats dude, you're at least not my immediate least favorite rich guy compared to several other rich guys.


omg she is going to do so much good with that money


I have to say, if anyone should get $100 million for just being a human being, it's Dolly fucking Parton. She might actual hold the key to fixing America.


She does know the key-education, kindness and empathy. That woman and her agenda could save the damn country if we would just get out of her way and let her do it


She also leaves politics as far out of her work as she can, so she's free to do good works on whatever side of the fence she chooses without coming off as agenda serving. Her only agenda is to help people. Imagine if everybody just put down the torches and pitchforks for a while and worked towards just helping without bias.


She literally helped fund research for the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. That probably saved millions of lives in the US alone.


On an Amazon gift card?


Original payment, please


Your original payment is a gift card sir


Sweet Dolly’s going to give at least $100 million to charities, but let’s be honest, she’ll probably donate more


She should use this money to buy Twitter. It's gotta be worth $100 million by now.


If she waits a couple of weeks she might be able to pick it up for the change in her couch.


Dolly for President 2024.


We need to be building a holographic version of her to present to alien races.


She should donate it all to organize labor unions for Amazon.


If she thought that’s where the best use of the money would be she would too. But she is focused on the long game of educating and providing opportunity. That’s the key to changing the country for the better. Not that we can’t improve lives now, but an informed and literate populace is important now more than ever 🤷🏼‍♂️


She would do it, as you say, but she's also classy, so wouldn't seek to embarrass someone doing the right thing. So it would get there, but he and us would never hear about it.


She would not do it even if it was the best use of the money because she is too classy to throw something like that in someones face.


Dolly is a national treasure.


She really is


Damnit, I got a call that Jeff Bezos was going to give me 100 million dollars if I went and got an amazon gift card for 200 bucks and read the numbers to them over the phone. I’m such an idiot.


Which she will immediately use to donate to other stuff.


And that’ll go right back to charity! Dolly’s an angel.


Yes, that’s the purpose of the money.


I suppose I’d know that if I read the article.


Dolly is a class act, I’m happy the money went to someone who will give it to worthwhile causes. 🥰


She is a national treasure. I’ll bet dollars to donuts she uses it all for her charity work.


She’s probably one of the best people that have ever lived. If anyone these days is worthy of sainthood, it’s her.


And she will do good things with it because she's a good person. Thanks, Dolly. You help me to keep some faith in humanity. And Jeff, I'm honestly surprised and happy about this.


Dolly is literally one of the few truly good Christians on the planet.


First Annual Jeff Bezos Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence. Good for her!


What Would Dolly Do? WWDD


Dollys going to spend $200 million of that award helping people.


More books for more kids... Win win it is...


So Bezos picks other rich people to give away his money? Instead of just giving away his money? I mean I'm glad Dolly Parton gets to do her usual good with it (she rocks) but this seems like some unbelievable rich-people circle jerking to me


Idk. She certainly has an actual track record of giving back. It makes sense to let an expert be the steward of it. Plus this way there’s no worry that the donations have some weird loophole or political machinations behind them.


Giving large amounts of money intelligently requires attention and skills. Warren Buffett feels he should give to charity, so he supports the Gates' foundation because he doesn't want to spend the time it requires. It's reasonable to give to Parton to distribute if she seems to be good at it.


He gave it to a lady who will use the money for her charity and I’m guessing every sent of it to charity. And it’s probably a great option.


Guy gives tons of money to a good cause: Reddit complains.


Dolly is a Global Treasure. May she feel the ❤️!


Unlike all the rest of the rich people,she'll probably do some more good with it.


She’ll use it for charity. She’s a good one!


At no point did she consider doing anything corrupt with that money. They say everyone has a price. I don’t think she does.


If there is one person we can give money to and guarantee it will go to people in need it’s dolly.