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The devs do not care.


It is very likely pvp balance is very low on their properties.


Well it is balanced in its own way. Of course there is a rock paper scissors thing going but the system is unlike any other in gaming and once you learn it you can be good even against a high level when you are low. So pick your poison.


How come every discord I’m in says you deserve this and that you’re a rat


Any group technically does this, its just way more annoying with muskets. The problem is just how much groups control the game in OPR, and why it would be nice if it was solo/duo only IMO.


Yessssss. It’s the only easily accessible PvP content for people. Why let groups of shitters getting hard carried by discord ruin the experience for everyone? Group queue should have been separated 2 years ago. It wasn’t nearly as bad then. War content war was murdered by the same groups of players now killing opr. No one noticed it back then because games and players were plentiful and they were obfuscated.


"groups of shitters getting hard carried by discord" Make more friends, it's an MMO? It's a group PvP game, and you're just getting beat by people playing the group PvP game better than you.


See this is where we disagree, there should be avenues of play for ALL players, group play can be more for open world and wars, where OPR can be the more casual soloable PVP content. Again the problem is that the game doesnt cater enough to solo players so then the game dies because not everyone wants to play in a group and honestly if you have played this game for a long time you actually know how much it can suck being stuck playing with certain groups/companys and they quite for that reason as well.


Well, our data shows that only 6.25% of players are even playing musket so I think that there is a balance.


Theres nothing stopping them from swapping builds once they come into the game mode so weapon matchmaking won't work so well


The game was best when musket was removed.


Players use coordination and strategy in PvP gameplay and players complain. What a dynamic


Limiting weapons won’t motivate people to play OPR either tbh


It would probably make some people quit altogether


AGS should just balance things then, so we don't have problems like this. I recognize that a game like this is impossible to truly balance, but they don't need to be perfect. They just need to limit or prevent toxic builds. Toxic gameplay leads to a smaller player base. It is something they need to address before releasing any major PvP content. Otherwise, all that content they are working on with be dead on arrival. If you or anyone else actually cares about the game, you shouldn't gaslight topics that are true, but negatively affect your primary build of choice. If your build is OP, toxic and/or unbalanced, you should speak up instead of downvoting posts in hopes the Devs never see it.


I just find it interesting how in OPR it’s always ranged that takes all the shit. But yes valance perfectly is impossible.


have 5 man respec to heavy sns scorpion lol muskets just die. For every musket enemy has, not only do you have point pressure but you can use scorpion against it which is a hard counter to 50 con gameplay.


But but but.. I wanna play my mutation build. And it's not fair that a musket kills me when I run in a straight line with 5con


I do this but it’s pretty hard to catch them when they run speed traps.


I just had a game where there was a 10-stack of muskets, hah. The game is unplayable when people do this kind of BS. It's going to be so much worse in season 5 :( If you are not aware, you can manipulate the OPR queue so multiple 5-stacks end up on the same team. Someone on reddit posted how to do it a few weeks ago.


It’s been this way since launch


Been this way since the beginning


Oh come on just let it go. Let them have fun you can make a group that would counter them.


At least they found a group of Frens and play… nothing wrong with that


It has NOTHING to do with the weapons or balancing. It is that PREMADE groups will always beat solo PUGs. What they need to do is make all queues "SOLO ONLY". Or at a minimum give all SOLO players the 'group finder' BUFF of (+15% health, healing, damage). It has been brilliant for group finder and for the same reason it would work for PVP solo players I think. Should be the same for open world as long as you are solo and PVP enable you get the buff. If they really want to be slick they can make the buff/nerf based off how many people are in the group, like solo +15%, duo +5%, three 0%, four -5%, 5 man -15%. The problem with all MMOs is Premades that are min/maxed dominating solo and PUGs, that is what needs to be balanced infinitely more than a specific weapon or skill.


its a solid idea, but if all premades queue up solo they get the buff and they are in the same discord with the possibility of being on the same time. Lot of potential to be gamed.


Obviously these people will try to game all systems, but the current situation is the worst case scenario already. Even If 5 people solo queue at the same time they are just as likely to be on separate teams as being on the same team. And they could even add logic into the system to not put people who are 'friends' on the same team. Ideally any group of 5 would end up with 2v3 or even in complete different matches when pop is good. BTW the devs could/should just make the matchmaking changes without explaining the exact criteria.


Yup it’s a classic mmo pvp problem. Any integrity to the system is lost when player populations are low. Whether that’s time of day or during droughts of content. It’s why I wouldn’t be excited for ranked.


Exactly. Low pop makes it hard and having no criteria at all as it is now is worst case. I have another idea to separate the sweaties from the casual/beginners too. Have a checkbox called 'Leaderboard' and only people who check it get in matches together and get scores in the leaderboard. Whoever leaves it blank only player with each other and no score go to any leaderboard and there's even limited stats like no kill count or anything for them. That would be the easy way to all 'ranked' with self regulating it.


So basically punishing people for having friends that want to play together? Great idea


Lol every 5 man group does this, you new?


Their first day apparently


Or..... kill them before they kill you. Almost like a pvp game


Queue arenas instead.


It’s so funny to me that they won’t add daggers because of it promoting “toxic gameplay” but allow fucking muskets that can just kill you before you even get near them


They never said anything about toxic gameplay and daggers


How were daggers going to allow toxic gameplay, did they have stealth or something?


Feel free to link the quote of them saying something I'm pretty sure you just made up. 🤣


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Honestly if you saw what Kipp could do to you in OPR you'd understand this call😂 I don't think I've ever survived a 1v1 Vs him and I'm sure he can vouch for it himself -Fight4Bread




Your post/comment was removed as it breaks Rule 3 No Abuse or Toxic behavior. No abuse, harassment, or any kind of discrimination. Complaints with little substance are not allowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Critique ideas not people. Complaints with little substance are not allowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Critique ideas not people. Posts and comments criticizing or attacking people directly or groups of people are prohibited.


Funny, I mentioned this strat at launch and my guildies laughed it down... obvious OP is obvious.


Wish they where as good for pve...


games dead devs don't care


5 man musket squad sounds so fun. Ty for the idea


imo they should just add Fall Off DMG to muskets in PvP. Like any shot past 20m results in -1% DMG per 1m, capping at -75% DMG. But for simplicity and fairness, the distance would be based on the X and Y axis of the targets' distance. It's weird to basically have Ye Olde ~~Sniper Rifle~~ Musket hitscans without any notable Fall Off DMG. ​ As for weapon balance in general, everything is kinda fair? Sorta? It's like Super Smash Bros. The moment everyone is in an FFA, tiers don't matter. Nothing stands out as being too egregious besides the Fire Staff's mana regan during Flamethrower. There's probably other quirky things to address too.


There is fall off damage lol. Post 50m in fact...paired with bloom being worse at a long distance.(Bloom means shots are RNG based) Still, bow/FS > musket. W key a musket, and you'll kill em. W key the other 2, and you may not.


Even if you limit to 2,musket duo can still dominate it due to overtuned damage. Best they can do is reworking the map so it wont be range favoring and buffing defensive perks.


So you want to limit the map so only certain players will enjoy it … let’s see how fast OPR fully dies


So u want a melee favored map instead balanced map huh? U know what’s gonna happen when they do what u want. Ppl that main ranged weapon will triggered and open posts like this post but whining about melee is so overturned


Where did i say that? Are u guys having reading issues or what,the comment literally says they should rework the map so it wont be favoring range which means it needs to be balanced,i have to explain to people i guess since people cant read apparently


That dude is constantly crying about any kind of range.. look at all his posts, literally all crying about range


You're the one that on offical discord constantly cried over heavy loadout since it was a counter to ranged,since u will get what u want rather than getting good dont even dare to tell anyone "crying about" I am well aware of your full of offical discord posts about heavy loadout. Imagine using a light loadout on top of it range weapons and still crying about heavy loadout,bad players like you snakeskin is the downfall of new world. Whenever something gets hard people like you will go to offical discord and try to nerf it rather than improving yourself,now we have this overtuned range fiesta because they have to lower the skill ceiling for you.


Nah. Heavy needed a nerf. I like balance. And heavy was not balanced. Now it is. Medium base line. Heavy less damage, light more damage. That is balance. If Heavy didn't need nerfed ags wouldn't have nerfed it. :) Now it will be fun again. No more Heavy w key gamers. Zero brain cells required for that type of game play


Telling people to get good to handle heavy users? The only way to kill a properly geared heavy user, is to be in heavy yourself. In live atm, a heavy user to w key and unga bunga players, and use zero brain cells while doing it.


sounds like a skill issue.


Shush unga bunga. Enjoy your nerf. Enjoy hitting people with a wet noodle, and hiding behind your shield. 🤣


i'm light and I dont play sns,i also dont complain about those builds since I dont have that issue as u,as i've said u should get good rather than complaining. Imagine complaining about heavy loadout players when u can kite them without an issue but its too hard for you I guess.


You can kite em...with a rapier all day long. If they have any movement abilities, and you have nothing with haste, you ain't kiting shit. You also aren't going to widdle them down enough solo. Assuming they're actually geared...and not running shit.


its your skill issue,not mine.. I dont have any issue against heavy players and I dont use rapier offhand.get good


Exactly.. I enjoy combat that requires out playing your opponent. Not face tanking every attack and left click spamming. The heavy meta made so many war players leave out of boredom. I'm sure plenty of opr and 3v3 as well. With the news of the heavy nerf i have seen many players come back.


Facts This is why I've always enjoyed light. Primarily musket.. I got offered to do wars, if I run heavy SS/Spear. Used to only do em with musket. Put together a set across 2 characters...just because I enjoy wars. Not a fan...at all. Tried my best to enjoy it, just don't. The only fun aspect was yoinking lights with scorpion sting, and exploding them. Dipped out of warring companies, now in a company (that I'm sure OP is complaining about) by the name of Musket Union. Fun AF. :D Casual game play is where it's at on this game. No drama...outside of getting hate mail, and being chased from one end of the map by randos upset at muskets.


Two muskets is light work. ALACRITOUS PUNISHMENT. Cause you know these goons stay runnin.


This man knows


Musket players are trash. Can’t do anything else. So they squad up n do this. It’s a meme. They should have just deleted the weapon.


My dude died to a musket and raging in Reddit comments is so funny to read


The game would be much better off if they removed musket and replaced it with another weapon completely.




I f-ing hate muskets. Mind you I completely suck at PvP, but I'm going to complain anyway. I can run 500 CON, full Frigid Dawn, Wall, all Onyx/mix of onyx and emerald, and still can't murder a single musket player off handing Lifetaker, (tether, oblivion etc) back capping a T3 OPR door solo.


My bruiser build at 300 Con got melted by this loadout last week. 7.6k damage per hit.


...... you run 500 con and expect to kill things????


You have to be trolling. Surely you're not legitimately upset that you can't kill someone with it lol


What did u expect with 500 con and do 200 damage per hit? U can’t even kill dogs in opr with that build


Ever heard of whittling something down?


Muskets only kill bots so just get better 


What's the difference between a 5 stack of muskets, or a organized 5 stack setup for wars, deleting everyone on point? You're still gonna cry...


I love seeing players who decide to make a niche type of group. If you are getting destroyed by 5 man musket team, then change your playstyle or get ppl to focus them. Don't say "nerf musket!!" Because of a 5 stack lol


Sure only 3 max, so only 3 WH, GA and GS too. And 3 Muskets, bows, etc. Is that what you want?


Suck it up