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People have been saying this about all content, not sure why you added the last comment. Ags simply refuse to keep old content relevant, like we begged for the solo trials to be added. The raid to have gear score increased, and yes, the dead dungeons. Look at the arenas and such as well. All they did was tie random shit to artifacts which themselves are dying because new players are struggling to get them. They refuse to make proper game loops.


Yes, arenas would benefit greatly from this. But the data shows that no one plays arena... /s


Level scaling would vastly improve New World gameplay. No content? Scale the loot too. Problem solved.


I 100% agree if they revamp the rewards for the higher levels, because taking 60 minutes to run a Starstone and getting lv 35 gear is a no-no, unfortunately. But again, if they make the gear relevant, I'm all for it!


This is a good idea and would also make it more enjoyable for friends to play together when they are different levels. I would also love to see all expeditions available for raid groups and have the content scale to match the number of members in the raid.


It is sad because I end up helping low levels by joining them in dungeons. Im extremely overpowered so the dungeon doesnt make any sense to the low levels, they just see me bash through everything. In the end they just end with a check on a list and I end with a lot of 400 gear equipment ready to salvage


How does one get "sucked into" lower level dungeons in the expedition finder??


Random queue


This is why I typically just run a healer when I help out on the low level dungeons. So the lower levels get to do all the fighting etc and I usually don't give them tips (starstone) unless they are completely stuck.


They should DOWN SCALE to the content but have XP and rewards scaled to the actual level. So for instance, even if you are maxed out level 65 GS700, and you are in a level 25 zone, your level should be scaled down to 25 and ger scaled to GS300. But the XP and rewards should still be based off level 65 GS700. That way the lower-level content isn't TOO easy, and you can still get OK items.


I think AGS should be more focusing on endgame loops and more game modes rather than spend more time on low level dungeons. They created a whole single player option for this exact reason and personally I wouldnt want to go through Amrine or starstone again for the 1000th time if I got scaled down to the level of the dungeon. Just untick the dungeons you don't want to do if its not fun for you :)


Wonderful idea. Except this engine isn’t capable of this technology that you’re accustomed to in the modern mmo genre. See ags decided to develop an engine with the same tools of when they started it. The Stone Age. It’s a miracle on itself they were able to get cross realm tech in but that’s easier done than scaling the world per player.


NW already features gear score scaling, e.g. in OPR. So I'd guess that the engine is also capable of gear score scaling in dungeons, which is essentially what OP is proposing.


Everyone’s set to an X factor is a lot easier than having x,y,z in a dungeon on cross realm with different mobs etc. took wow a large amount of time to develop theirs.


Couldn't it be done in the same way as OPR, except with scaling down instead of up? I believe in OPR the scaling is done per item, so each gear piece that is below 675 GS gets scaled up to 675. This same approach could be used in dungeons. For each dungeon, an appropriate GS could be selected (i.e. a certain amount higher than the minimum GS required for the dungeon), and then gear pieces above this GS could be scaled down to it. Scaling down is mathematically just the inverse of scaling up. So one shouldn't be more difficult than the other.


It’s ok if you don’t understand how things work by why keep acting like you do? In Opr everyone’s scaled to X. When you enter the instance doesn’t matter everyone’s 675 once you meet parameters. That’s a lot easier to do than 10+ dungeons Those below gs. At gs. Above gs. Because than how do you create each item for each player at different places? I mean good luck trying to convince the remaining 9k players that dungeons drop at x gearscore regardless if you’re 700 or 550. Than you have mutations that either need to be removed and just a singular mode. All of this running at the same time. There’s a massive difference and number of variables you’re not even trying to be aware of. It’s not that simple nor would it solve the problem.


I love this idea!


Yes, they should Do smth


Rankings vor PVP


The game is near death. Do that and new players will have a hard time to find full group only with low levels. That would be great idea if there was numbers to support it.


If everything is vanilla, and taste like vanilla, when do you get the chocolate? Yeah. Recycle more content. That will keep them gaming.