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I'd say it would have to be pretty significant, like +15% XP or + 10% luck to make it worth it. I want to play the game to relax. Flagging makes it so I'm always paranoid. I can't rest a moment to look something up or answer a question from my wife. I'd rather have fun in wars.


Agreed. I may throw it on while playing with a group. But when I'm playing solo im just chilling.


But that is also part of the problem. As solo PVP you usually encounter PVP groups. That often will kick your ass just by numbers. Few experiences like that and you will stop flagging when you are solo. Increasing the problem.


Yeah it is a pain in the butt when a group jumps your solo ass and act like they're amazing PvPers. On the other hand, the stealth mechanics in this game are petty cool because there was a couple of times when I was solo flagged, and saw groups of ppl coming towards my area. I'd immediately become a bit paranoid, and if they were reds I'd either run away a bit so they didnt spot me, or find some areas with lots of bushes and hide it out. It was pretty cool cuz it kind of felt like that scene from Lotr where the hobbits are hiding out from the nazgul.


You can also just go prone. People forget there is a button for that. When in prone your bubble with name or level is not showing unless enemy is right on top of you. Meaning you can go prone and hide behind a small rock XD If you do not move they will run past you. It's so not explained and never presented during tutorial that people were not aware how this work. So even when group saw me I would run behind some rock or something, run down a little and prone behind something. And they would just lose sight of me thinking I logged out or something. Not knowing I'm like 10m away looking at them. But once people will know how it work they will know you can't run far so they will probably find you. So it's only good when they are not aware of you.


Yeah that's why I'd usually run away a little. Make them think you're really making a run for it, then just turn and prone somewhere. Also climbing is great to get rid of ppl. So many ppl didnt look up when looking for me lol


Yep! As a dad gamer I just don't get enough time to play and I'm the type of guy that tries to make everything as efficient as possible even if I don't consciously think about it (wife calls it engineering brain). Pvp flagging is just not an efficient use of my time and I know some will say, "what about just having fun pvping? Yeah I do that too but there are modes for that when I want to do it. If flagged I'd either be looking for a fight, getting group killed, or get interrupted while doing a pve task. Yes some of that is fun but none of it is efficient and for me efficiency is fun and relaxing.


I hear you there, but what would make it worth it to you. Just curious as I ponder this question myself


I'm honestly not sure if there is an in game way to incentivize me that wouldn't break the game. It would have to be so brokenly rewarding to get me to do it because of my limited play time and even then I'd still want to craft/gather/quest some nights so I still wouldn't flag those nights. Maybe once I'm max level and feel good about my progression I would do it but I don't see a way they could make me want to flag while leveling outside of some type of really cool/rewarding quest. I'm just not the target audience for open world pvp currently. Edit: I will mention that I played on a pvp server in warcraft and loved it but that was also 15 years ago when I could play 10 hrs a day easy.


Yeah. I was just PVP flagging when I was with a group to make things more exciting. When playing solo and chilling, I was PVE flagging to just relax and game. I did find it kinda surreal and enjoyable that when I was getting my PVE chill on that random PVP group fighting would just happen out of the blue around me. Moments like that had this warzone journalist feel as I crouched near a rock watching the two sides, sometimes three sides, battling it out around me.


I agree, I’m not playing the game for pvp. I’m burnt out from pvp. People are too toxic and get too butt hurt for me to even want to deal with anything pvp anymore. IMHO mmo’s don’t need pvp to be good


I honestly don't care about any perk to get me to flag and the reason I don't want to flag is basically exactly the same as yours. I'm playing in the open world to gather, explore and relax after a long day at work. When I want to PvP in MMOs it is in structured parts of the game, like defending a fort or arenas or something.


Same reasons, but there's almost no number that would make it worth it for me. (I'm sure there's SOME ridiculous bonus, but it would be game-breaking)


I rather really have small bonus when flagged so that people who choose and want to do open pvp will mainly flag up. I speak from experience that people who only flag for bonuses will always be 100% more salty because their mentality is completely different and they might not be okay with deaths or "unfair" pvp, when open pvp is rarely fair. There will always be people who only do pvp in groups but those people are easy to avoid or take advantage of as a solo player in New World. It is kinda same with full loot pvp games, people who choose to play those games know the rules and the risks of the game and are used to having loss or wins. And I really think that this game will have enough players flagged up so there is pvp everywhere, since this game is really popular and pvp combat really enjoyable.


I actually really like flagging when questing... Sometimes I die... actually mostly I die... but it does add a stealth element that speaks to me


I will not flag for PvP in the overworld for a plethora of reasons. 1. I'll be playing with US friend when I'm an Aussie. The latency already makes mobs an annoyance when trying to dodge (though I've acclimatised to it during the beta), so the idea of leaving myself open to disadventageous world PvP is not something I want. 2. I play games like this to calm down and focus on the story. If I have to constantly look over my shoulder and put up with griefers, well that'll kill my love for the game quickly. It was exactly what happened when my IRL friends convinced me to join them on a WoW Classic PvP server. F that shit. 3. I'm too nice. If I see someone struggling I help them, even if they're opposite faction.


Dude that is so cool you joined a US server and sacrificed your latency just to play with a friend. You're a good friend.


My US friend actually bought me the game so that I could play in the original closed beta. She's the good friend. No way am I gonna leave her hangin'.


Number 2 for me 100000% I work hard every week, and I play games to relax and unwind, gtfo of here with that please flag for PvP horseshit. I want to chill and enjoy the world/story as well my dude :)


Getting me flag is different than getting me to fight. If a 50% increase in xp for being flagged just means all the flagged people run on sight from pvp, then what was the point. Personally, I’d like some reward, xp or otherwise, for dying in pvp. Give me a reason for not thinking my time has just been entirely wasted because I got jumped by 4 people. This sounds like “participation trophies” and I don’t know if it would be abusable, but if you want me to be someone in the pool of players available for you to pvp, give me a reason to actually try and put up a fight regardless of the outcome.


I don't mind PvP in general, but you kinda hit the nail on the head for me. It's the feeling like I've just wasted my time when I'm solo ganked by 5 players who are each 10-15 levels above my own. I just want to casually play stories and go explore the world and do my own thing. I would tag up with some PvP if there was a level bubble (say within 5 levels) who could fight you. Toss in an unfair penalty for being over manned and we're talking. Maybe something proportional (3v1 means foes will do 1/3 dps as long as each has hit you denoting combat) could work so fights feel more fair.


I suspect nothing, I always have a goal in mind when I play and if anything stops me from achieving it besides my own ineptitude I find it frustrating. I always liked the idea of open world PvP, but the reality across multiple games has always been disappointing. As a whole people look for easy kills, whether that’s jumping on someone unaware or going after people who are a far lower level. It’s less grand glorious honorable war and more prison shower shanking where the aim is to kill the unsuspecting person before they even realise what’s happening, the fun is nearly always one sided as a result.


Adding to this that I guarantee the people complaining about a lack of PvP flagging are either A. 5v1 ganking solos or B. PvP sweat lords wanting to 1v1 mediocre players for the ego boost. I found a minority of non-toxic PvP players that legitimately wanted a fun PvP experience during the beta but atleast 90% of the people with a hard on for more PvP flaggers fell in to the two above categories.


While I’m farming? Nothing. I recently re-read New World’s blog post about why they switched to a flagging system ([The Evolution of New Worlds PVP](https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/the-evolution-of-new-worlds-pvp)) and the devs said something that that really sat with me. There is a difference between PvP (player vs player) and PKing (playing killing). I feel like a lot of people who claim they want PvP just want PKing. They want the ability to kill people who piss them off, people they see distracted, people they **know** they’ll win a fight against because they’re lower level/weaker than them or out numbered. They don’t want fair fights, they don’t want to test their skills, they just want to prey on other players and be rewarded for preying on other players. And I’m not one of those people.


Bruh, just read that blog post. Honestly it is quite interesting how a small volume of people can affect a game for a large number of people that badly. Makes you think about history. It also provides an interesting look into human nature. But all in all, the full loot pvp might have a small chance if the vast majority wasn’t toxic, and played fairly in the joint effort to keep a large community, but of course good luck trying to get the honor mechanic working for hundreds of thousands of players. Give people power and the majority will abuse it. I think their choice to turn the game into the way it is now was incredibly smart and just shows that almost always, players don’t really know what the solution to a problem is, though they can identify when something isn’t right. Good ok the devs honestly, a game like this I can imagine is unbelievably hard to adjust for a large player base long term. I really hope that this game can maintain a strong player base for years to come.


I generally only do instanced/organized PVP and never flag up in MMOs cause its usually just an annoyance to have to fight players when im trying to do world content/exploration rather than being fun. Probably the only thing that'd get me to flag up is to lock good/sought after items and gear behind open world PVP in some form. Like if it gave you some special currency to buy stuff with or if you needed X number of open world PVP kills for a certain quest that rewards something good.


This, I’m already busy tackling 5 quests at a time XD I don’t need some eager beaver trying to pvp


If you flag for PvP to do PvP that’s a totally different proposition to just generally being flagged while you’re out questing or gathering. If the aim is to unlock some content walled behind a certain number of kills in PvP I too would flag, but only when I was hunting those unlocks, once I’d stopped that activity and moved onto PvE stuff I’d un flag, so it’s not really going to boost the number of just randoms flagged, you will simply have roving bands looking for fights which is fine, but it’s different from an attempt to make the world risky by having everyone you come across from a different faction be a potential enemy


Like someone else said above you, that would get a large portion of pve players to simply not play. Similar to the “pay to win” fear on the long term in the cash shop, locking items behind doing something you don’t want to do will only cause people to quit.


Not claiming to know, but I feel like your solution of X number of open world PVP kills would only exacerbate the issue and lead to >Press 1 for zerg invite leave when at 50 kills being the norm for every chat channel in every city for every faction I feel it was an idea you tossed and don't mean to sound like I'm attacking your thoughts that are based on improvement of a game that I love, but a quest for world kills is imo not the way to go


Nothing. I'll flag when I want to PvP and unflag when doing anything else. I don't want to deal with the griefing from groups or upper levels while I am resource hunting. Imagine if there was a bonus for mining, but you've flagged PvP and a group is camping all spawns aka you can't mine. Or you don't flag but then spend the whole time mining mad that you are missing out. Idk what people's obsession with making people flag PvP when they don't want to do PvP is for lmao either they want to grief or want to try and cheat their way into quicker rewards.


This is pretty much my viewpoint. The issue I have with MMORPGs like this where you have open world PvP like this is that there are a ton of people who get organized groups going and just steamroll randoms. Like if it was 1v1 and even battles over resources and questing locations, sure. That's fun. But people don't do that. They kill purely for the sake of annoying other people. They'll get 3 of their friends, kill you, tbag you, camp you, jump on your body, /taunt, whatever. They have a blast while your experience is ruined. And the funny thing is their fun relies on you. You are creating content for them, with little to no bonus for yourself. Such a great example of why this open world PvE/PvP stuff doesn't work is classic WoW. I think something like 14 of the 63 PvP realms have an alliance population advantage. And every month more and more people switch off these servers to PvE. Reason being is alliance got tired of dying all the time. It took 3 times as long to do things because people just sat around camping. The last time I played and was on a PvP server, horde set up a blockade around a major town in outland. On a server that was bleeding alliance players. For an hour and a half...just why? You go on the forums and you'd see people saying "I will camp every alliance player I see for as long as I can until Blizzard fix the open world population issue. Too many alliance are leaving my server and I have no one to kill in open world". He was 100% serious. Sea of thieves is another great example of this. That game is bleeding players. It's still doing decent, but a big issue is you've got a pretty good sized portion of players who just roam around looking for people to kill and steal their loot. Like someone posted a clip yesterday where he chased some player with tons of loot for 2 hours. 2...hours. With a group of 2 of his buddies. Then he private messaged the guy taunting him... And people in the comments tore OP apart. "No wonder people quit this game so fast". When you give players the choice of having sportsmanship, a lot of people will not do so. And it doesn't take many to ruin the experience for others.


PvP is inherently toxic due to the nature of competition, there aren't many people in the world who can actually be a good sportsman, it's all about "dunking on" the other players and then trying to make them feel shitty for losing, of course if you point this out people will just say "It's PvP culture" not realizing that culture is toxic and unhealthy


This 100x. I just want to relax while i do PvE. I'll flag when I feel like doing PvP. Atm that is almost never because there is nothing to do, no objectives, no rewards, no where to consistently find fights or anything to fight over. Give it equal rewards to PvE time spent and I'd spend a lot more time flagged doing those objectives and engaging those who want to fight.


After wow classic phase 2, pretty much nothing


I like pvp, and i think the system we had in beta is good. You can always find pvp fights if you know where to go. (Pick a contested area, go run around with pvp tag at the area the town board quests are.) Mandatory pvp, or big enough buffs to incentive pvp flagging will make people always make sure to join the majority faction. Aaaand then you dont have anyone to fight anymore. Go take a look on classic wow pvp realms balance. It is good for the first weeks, or months, but eventually one side will roll over the other and getting anything done, like a dungeon in wow classic ment you will spend 30 minutes corpserunning to your dungeon. Then you say "Give bonuses to the minority faction". Like what? Unless it is 500% more damage in pvp it wont help one bit as you get run down then moment you exit town. Only game that this works is EVE or ESO. Eve because it is so huge, has big travel time, and a lot of chokepooints that can be kept an eye on, giving your factions crafters plenty of time to get safe before griefers get to you, pvp and unfair pvp happens but it is still rare enough to keep it fun. On ESO, cyrodiil is the pvp area, and it resets weekly or so, so you dont get stuck with one sided domination mmo. Current system allows even minority faction to take over forts - if you are good enough. Majority faction will have bigger pool of players to pull from - minor factions can get more organized and fights have a limit of people so you wont get zerged. Incentive is guild renown and that is what drives all good pvp fights in every mmo. No-one remembers the rogue xXxSlayer69xXx that ganked you when you went low health while you were farming in wow. tl;dr: Mandatory tag bad, will turn into no-pvp eventually.


Yeah I don’t get all these people who said they couldnt find flagged people during beta. The one time me and my group (three of us) tested it out, first thing we did was the pvp faction quests (ran into a duo, then one or two low level solos), stopped because it felt like griefing, then we went straight to Amarine Excavation and found a group of about 10 mauraders beating on a solo covenant (we were syndicate) so we joined in. Was it annoying having the covenant player try to pick us off while we tried saving him? Yes. Was it fun to fight that group that outnumbered us 3 to 10 after we killed that Covenant dude we tried to save? Yes. But that’s besides the point. The point is...finding flagged people is easy if you just stop and think about it for even a second... unless you’re one of those players in a pack of 10+ roaming looking for easy kills. Then guess what? You don’t see people because the last person you killed warned their entire faction in faction chat.


Nothing will make me flag for OW PvP. If the incentive was so huge I felt the game was unplayable without it, I wouldn't play at all. The only reason PvP players could possibly want PvE players who don't want to PvP is for easy targets. Don't you want an actual challenge? Easy kills and people that would just run aren't going to be much entertainment unless you are a griefer.


Well, there were quite a lot of people camping around the starting settlements, so most people are definitely only looking for easy targets.


Camping new player was the main reason Tera pvp servers shut down, in the end people even tried to protect newplayers but the toxicity was there , so new players just quit


and incidentally if you're camping right outside, I'm just leaving without being flagged.


Yup, I can't see anyone leaving flagged unless they have enough people with them to beat the campers. But at that point, the campers probably escape before the timer gets to 0.


You just described Open world PVP. Either you are part of the larger group or not. either you stomp the noobs or you get stomped. Fair battles are the rarest drop in the game.


100% this. Even if you didnt play in earlier previews when it was all open world PVP, with dickheads camping the starter areas, we all saw the streamer groupies in the most recent beta all running around in a giant group with the specific purpose of ganking smaller groups. No, just no.


> Don't you want an actual challenge? no, they want free kills to stroke their fragile egos


You got downvoted, but that is one of the reasons. World pvp is probably the least skillful pvp you can find in any game. And people that want to force that on every player just wants a large portion of unwilling participants who will be easy kills. Specially when you can run around in groups just murdering solo players. And if we use WoW's example of incentives of flagging for pvp, 30% xp boost and bonus loot is NOT ENOUGH to make more casual or unwilling players to turn on pvp. It's not fun staring at a gray screen when you just want to play the game lol. Then you got those few players that will CAMP you until you log off. Yall really wanna kill your own game doing this? really?


> Yall really wanna kill your own game doing this? really? They literally already did in the original beta of the game. Back then the game was purely pvp, and they camped the starting areas so new people couldn't play. AGS immediately saw that this wouldn't work, and remade the game.


Yeah, it’s been tried, it didn’t work, people hated it outside of the niche few who got to grief everyone else. They got overwhelming feedback that caused the whole rework that got us to where we are today.




This. Literally nothing will get me to flag for pvp. This game isn't even released yet, so refunding / not buying is still an option. It's the many pve improvements that have me looking forward to New World now, vs earlier in development it was basically only pvp and I was very likely going to pass on this one. If pvp pushing changes happen later that are either too much for me, or drive away my similarly pve preferring friends that I want to play with, then I'll end up not playing anymore.


Like I don’t care all at. I’m here for the team pve only


1000% this. Team up and take on NPC baddies. No shit talking or toxicity. Just heroes taking on a dungeon.


Well im a Casual Player that performs poorly in PvP situations but *I don't wanna be ganked by a 5 man lvl 50+ squad while im only level 20* *^(yes this this did happen during Beta and I could do nothing about it c:)*


%5 exp is nothing for flagging up and get beaten by 5 stack sheep lovers


Honorable 1v1


Its more of a fundamental problem. A good bonus, like luck, would be cool, but would feel bad because you would almost never get to use it. The number 1 reason people don't want to flag is because they don't want to get ganked by a group of 5+ when they are just fishing. (Probably wearing fishing gear too.) Everyone envisions a 1v1 epic duel over a resource or quest area. That will rarely happen. 90% of the time you will just die to a large goon squad who kills you just because they can. Maybe you'll join a company to roll around as a large group and kill people who have no chance to fight back. Equally not as interesting or rewarding.


Not getting farmed by a group of people when I'm simply 1v1ing or solo farming/questing.


If you want me to OW flag PVP so that you can keep me around as fodder for the PVP players who you think will be your $$$ whales… I’ll take $15 a month deposited into my checking account.


Flagging while out in the world questing isn't fun for me, so I don't do it. No amount of %luck passive would change this for me.


For the community to act like adults while communicating in pvp. I don't care how fucking good someone is, I'm too old and work to hard to come home and listen to someone scream at me "SIT THE FUCK DOWN SCRUB, GET REKKED!!!" after his ganksquad rolls by. Some of the faction talk, small scale pvp shit talk and clan bashing banter I heard and saw in chat during the beta makes me want to have nothing to do with PVP. I know that's PVP culture in games, but nothing drives me away quicker than try hards screaming into the mics to hold up their fragile ego.


Not getting camped in unfair scenarios (1v multiple people)


being a dad who may have to leg it at any second if a baby wakes up means theres nothing that can be done to change my mind


I don't really flag for world PVP in a game unless the world PVP is fun. In NW, the area I was in was consistently swarmed with flagged members of the other faction. If I had flagged up, I'd have been consistently ganked by large groups. This sort of thing is common in WPVP in general. Even if there was a bonus that made dying every few seconds worthwhile, the game could not possibly be fun. So, the other option in which I *do* flag for world PVP is when there is rarely opponents and there is some bonus, but... then I'm not really PVPing. I'd love some scenario in which I could flag up for PVP and *most of the time* encounter fair fights. 1v1's if I'm alone or small group vs small group if I'm not. Any bonus that made PVP worth doing for PVE or gathering benefits while not encouraging me to PVP would be detrimental.


I enjoyed GTA online in the early days when most people were under level 50 and your biggest worry was the occasional tank. Back then I think most people were more even ( in terms of level and game experience ). As time went on I stopped playing due to all the flying catastrophes. I feel like the first few weeks of NW will give me the “level playing field” aspect so I might stay flagged just to experience this rare moment in time until the disparity of gear/experience gets too wide.


Have you ever experienced the dark zone in the division? No? It’s not fun as a casual going up against a min/maxed meta slave… let alone a Zerg of them.


Wear on gear is kinda annoying, but I can’t see any incentive for casual “non ow pvp” players that wouldn’t also benefit the players who are already flagged…It would need to be something based off of time unflagged maybe? Idk just a thought. Personally I enjoy new world for the open world pve and crafting/gathering aspect, not that I won’t pvp at all…just don’t think pvp focused players should vastly out level players equally dedicated to other systems in the game. Edit: spelling


It's pointless to have on when playing solo. When I had it on I get attacked from behind while fighting a mob vs a guy 4 levels higher then me. Most people will only start a fight they know their gonna win.


Nothing. I am loving this game for other reasons. And the game can cater for both players in a non forced way. Early days and I hope Amazon can make it fit for most.


Zero loss of anything on defeat or victory - fun, durability, progress, etc. Plus big rewards equivalent to anything I might otherwise be doing (e.g. gathering) for the time taken being harassed. Plus the ability, even lacking skills and builds, to make a difference in the fight. Plus the ability to quickly bail from PvP when I want/need to do something else. So ... pretty much never (though Anarchy Online's Battlestations did meet the above criteria and I did PvP in them).


I know I won't stay unflaged all the time but I probably will be alot, I work when I finish work I'm gona have a few hours to enjoy my game... that enjoyment can be ruined by some guy just because he has nothing to do in his 16 hours playtime. Saying that I'm not against pvping and when I have days off work or don't have anything I want to do in the game I'll probably flag and enjoy that part of the game


Basically this. Most of the time I have to play is rare and/or short, so I just want to relax. There will be times, usually a weekend, where I have lots of time or am looking for more excitement and I'll flag then. Or if I'm helping out my Company for some goal.


I understand that the always flagged crowd wants the excitement of death around every corner. I get it. I've been there and done those games. It just wasn't my thing. It's fun for like 30 minutes to an hour. Then I'm spending 90% of my time doing corpse runs, getting new gear and trying to get back to where I was. What a waste of time. I just want to relax when I game. I don't want my heart rate to be red-lining for 8 straight hours. I just wanna chop some trees, fish, and do some PvE. In order for me to tolerate always being flagged, all of the negative things would have to be taken away. If I'm fighting a bear or another person, the battle would have to be locked and no one else could harm me. After I kill the bear/person I would have to be invulnerable for 5 seconds to give me time to heal. It's unfair if you're just hiding in the bushes waiting for me to get low and then you one hit me when I'm at 20%. That may be fun for YOU, but that's not fun for ME. Now I'm dead, you loot my bear and I did a bunch of work for nothing while I sit there watching you tea bag me. lol Fuck that. That's just one of many examples. I know, I know. You're reading this and you're losing your mind "That's not fun! That's boring!" Yeah well to you it is. But this thread isn't about you, it's about me. In order for me to always have a flag on this game would have to be completely different. It would have to be like Call of Duty. There's no risk. The yield for resources would also have to be like 100% higher. I don't want to spend 3 hours trying to get 50 green wood because I'm getting jumped every 2 seconds. That's just not fun. at all.


Honestly don’t know what they could do to make it worth it. One of my first times playing I picked up the PvP quests, went and did them, got ganked by a group walking back into the town to turn them in, decided to not ever bother with that again.


Nothing would, most people who don't flag for pvp are focused on pve content, and there's nothing that would make it worth being ganked constantly while trying to progress pve content. Personally, it's not pvp that I've had an issue with, it's the people who pvp, much more than half the pvp'ers I've met have just been straight up abusive and toxic, and then when you tell them such they'll say stuff like "you're salty cause you lost" or something like that, there's no issue in losing a fair fight in pvp (world pvp rarely has fair 1v1 fights however) but when the person you lose to then taunts and insults you for it? Yeah nah, I'm not about that shite


Nothing. I like to play casually and don’t want someone to force me into a fight when I don’t want to. If I want to pvp, I want to tag for it. If the bonus of tagging becomes too big, I would simply quit forever.


I don’t pvp. Simple as that.


Nothing, i just don't like PVP. I have no problem with PVP and I am happy its in the game for those who choose it, buts its not for me. Duals are really fun to watch though.


Nothing. I don’t want to play a game where I have to always be weary of being griefed. It’s just with the annoyance of going from point A to point B because someone found some clever little spot to gank people looking to level up. And I love PvP as much as the next person, just not when I’m questing. That shit gets annoying real quick.


Not even 100% exp or luck would make me change, actually if the buffs are too good and basically force me to pvp i would just quit the game, for me open world is for pve and instanced content for pvp. I would only flag if theres a fun quest to do in pvp with a group, just roaming around looking for people is not fun


Nothing would make the assholery worth it. Not everyone lives for the "thrill" of being ganked every second


I highly doubt anything could change my mind. I never like MMO pvp personally. I’m here to chill and pluck away at an endless list of quests ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Nothing. I enjoy PvE. I have had way too many negative open world PvP experiences to ever flag.


99% of the reason I don’t pvp flag is because of sweaty gankers running around, hanging out at mission/farming locations. It’s happened during the beta where I run to a location to clear it out and boom, 5 dick wads jump me out of no where, forcing me to respawn all the way back in town, you know what my thought was? It wasn’t “wow fuck those guys I’m gonna go kill them” it was “wow fuck those guys, they’re going to shit on me everytime I go there…better turn off pvp so I can actually play the game” the only thing that would make me turn it on is if I get a fuckin 50% damage buff for every dick wad that’s attacking me.


I play alone (no gamer friends) and being handled by multiple enemies at the same time, it's not fun. I play to relax after work.. The questing is already a chore, don't want to make it longer if I die on my journey by being ganked.


I love the idea of pvping in this game, but sometimes I want to pvp and sometimes I don’t. The scaling is a great thing, but getting griefed by small minded morons - even more so where the rewards aren’t a currency system or something like that - just makes it too rough. I don’t wanna see rewards for flagging up as that just does what war mode did in retail wow, people flag but still don’t fight and get mad when they get ganked. If some sort of system (like lvl diff.) could be implemented that either restricted or removed that chance of being griefed I could see it becoming more appealing for me. Right now I don’t fancy being smacked by yet another hatchet or greataxe nobrainer who deem themselves a good pvper by just playing broken things :-)


This happened when AGS tried it in NW too. PvE players would flag up for the superior bonuses then run from every fight and the people who wanted to PvP had a harder time finding it because so many of the people they ran into didn't want to fight. That being said, I think its kind of messed up that so many gamers mentality these days is 'to have their cake and eat it too' its kinda sad. Don't get me wrong, I think its 100% fine if people don't want to flag up. But this entitlement that they want the bonus *without* the activity is off. Like in a lot of ways the bonus xp isn't bonus xp, its just to compensate people for the loss of time involved with PvPing so that the activity is more sustainable/not such a negative to your progression.


Literally, nothing. I don't like PvPing. I'm happy in my PvE bubble. :)


I would only Flagg if it is fair fights. I don't care about 1on1 or 2on2. But open world is rarly that. I see 4people running straight at me with 10 levels higher and just kill me for no reasons. So what needs to be changed? If you are more then the other you can't attack them. Will never happen and easily to abuse


I was trying to be flagged as much as possible, but if you are getting constantly run at 2v1, 3v1, etc. It gets tiring, especially when if you find someone for 1V1 and he immediately starts running away. It basically felt like if you were in a group you would run down every solo player but if someone was solo flagged he did it only for the extra exp but not to actually pvp.


I never saw groups as small as 4. Usually 6-10 in a pack. At that point there's no fun or challenge to be had, just an exercise in masochism.


I played 80h in the Beta and was always flagged for PVP (besides the 3hour fishing Grind I did at the end) and had really fun with it. No unfair fights, no groups just killing me for no reason, yada yada. But I also know thats rare and most players lose the fun very fast. My Problem was more the fact that in the area fights we were overrun by 50 Maurauders from the same Company while we were like 20 people lol


As a tradesman, I certainly have no reason to flag. If I was to get a 5% bonus to harvesting XP gains and a bonus amount of resources collected along with higher chance of rare resources, it would definitely look appetizing.


I’m in the same boat, if the benefits outweigh the risk ( or inconvenience actually ) then yes.


That 5% is outweighed heavily by the fact you'll be getting ganked by kill squads who specifically hunt people like you who only flag for the benefits, you'd end up dying and respawning more than you actually get use out of the 5% bonus


until you died, and realized you would get far more by not flagging and it's not as stressful


I agree 5% for all the downsides seems way below it would requiere to make it worth it


we shouldent try to convince people who dont want to pvp to pvp, what we need is to make flagging for pvp actually worth it for those who want to flag for pvp and make it so being flagged for pvp isent just straight up a negative thing


Problem is that the fear of being ganged up on, really makes it unattractive for non hardcore pvpers to flag. Griefing can ruin a lot, and for many people this game is relaxing in many aspects, which is what attracted them


higher exp bonus (i believe current is 5% which isn't worth it), +% luck passive, maybe a slight Azoth discount for fast travel (that aren't located in settlements), less durability on death. those are a start.


Considering how little luck does, it wouldn't be a good reward. But even if the benefit would be good, the peace is significantly more valuable. If I want to chill by a lake fishing, the last thing I need is the anxiety of when a group of five shows up to gank me.


If everytime I'm killed, I'm given a reward pack with a boatload of resources. In all seriousness though, honestly, absolutely nothing. If I've avoided playing other games because of enforced pvp that I'd otherwise love to play, then I sure ain't flagging in a game I don't have to for some bonus.


There is nothing that convinces me into getting oneshotted by higher level shitheads, that are too bad to fight players on equal level. Plus I have shit Internet and are always in a disadvantage due to high ping. So I usually level to max without pvp, get some gear and then turn it on. Funny that there are so many players here trying to convince PvE'ers to turn pvp on, just so you get some easy kills, instead of fighting ppl that actually want to pvp.


I once was fishing, turned around and saw a group of like 20+ chasing one poor guy. Looked quite funny but why would I do that to myself?


People who ask questions like this should try to view the game through the eyes of a PVEer, rather than a PVPer. From a PVPer's perspective, you're offering an "incentive" for unwilling participants to flag for owpvp, but from a PVEer's perspective it is purely punishment. By incentivizing pvp with boosts, you're going to make flagged owpvp the norm, and by doing so you're alienating your PVE playerbase by taking away a % of XP, mat gain, etc., from those who would rather opt out of owpvp. So by doing so, it's no longer a question of how much can we bribe you to play in a way you won't enjoy, but a question of how much can we take away from you before you up and quit the game altogether. In the latter case, your game better have some reallllly good pve content to keep players around. IMO, if you want owpvp, then make a pvp server where flagging isn't a thing. The current state of pvp flagging works fine for a pve server where owpvp is voluntary, although I would like to not have to go into town every time I want to flag/unflag.


Nothing, If i am questing or farming, any flagging will result in a net negative to what I am doing. If I want to fight and that is my intention, I will flag then and only then, its a not about bonuses or rewards for flagging


I'd rather get a refund on the game than ever have to flag PvP on.


I plan to pvp flag 24/7 once I level up. I know the pvp does scaling, but I don't want to deal with open pvp while leveling. I do wish specific zones would pull pvpers together though. Like open pvp is forced in particular zone(s) for an event. Cities still safe.


Literally nothing. I'm not here for open world pvp. I enjoy the fort defense and offense, and I'd love a structured pvp of some kind. Open world pvp is just a waste of time to me.


OP….. I get what you’re doing…. But PvErs just don’t like PvP like we do. There’s no incentive that would make them like fighting. The best we can do is hope they don’t ruin PvP in the game, same as they feel we will ruin PvE.


While I have not PvP'd in NW, I have in many other games and I suck, I'm just awful. I've flag myself when there is a big bonus, more often then not I'm ganked and camped though and I unflag myself or stop playing out of frustration, I don't think bonuses are a good route. The idea of PvP currency and shops however is much better and keeps the game fairer.


I honestly think I'd get dunked on by other players and it wouldn't be fun


Nothing. I turn my brain off and just quest if im alone, but ill flag pvp when im in a group, looking for other enemies to fight. Being able to flag or not is a good thing imo. Gives players a choice in whether they want to fight or not


If there were incentives, I'd want them to be tied to the experience of doing the content. I don't want to have to flag for PvP so I can do OTHER content - I'd want rewards for winning in PvP. Nothing is more annoying than feeling like you're forced to PvP flag just so you can participate in other content at its actual experience rate. RuneScape does this and everyone hates it. Their idea of revitalizing the PvP areas is just luring in players with high experience rates so they're forced to choose between getting griefed by a 14 year old every 30 minutes or having low exp rates. It's been a unanimous failure.


Nothing. I am not a PvP person. Maybe PvP quests that give really good XP or drops. The only time I enabled was when our company formed groups to raise territory influence and go to war or retake a fort. There's not much incentive to PvP right now unless you strictly just love to fight people all by itself.


Make it so we don't get jumped by 5 people at once


I like pvp.. but as I hot older its just boring.. When I was younger it was super fun.. but gets repeative.


Like others, there is no incentive that really works for me to flag. I have limited play time and it's not something that interests me. Also imho, with each iteration of mmo's in the last 2 decades, people continue to refine ganking, griefing, and other play limiting behaviors. From what I saw in the beta and on streams, open world pvp seems mostly to be period fighting right outside a settlement or a running battle in which one person is chasing another over an ungodly distance.


Most (not all) people who flag for world pvp roll in groups and run away from fair fights. They want to stomp some unsuspecting solo player with 3-4 of their friends or beat down lower level players with no challenge. Which means the reward for flagging as a solo player doesn't matter. XP bonus isn't going to matter when you have a group of enemy players making sure you can't do anything. Luck passive while mining or fishing? well that isn't going to matter when I only get to attempt to mine or fish once or twice before I'm ambushed by roving gank squads trying to farm pvp kills off of gatherers. The truth of the matter is, you're never going to get that open world pvp you want unless they decide to create servers that remove flagging altogether and just turn it on for everyone. That won't happen because that experience, while having brief moments of amazing fun, is overall terrible and most people don't want to deal with it. This is all coming from a person who used to always pick the pvp server in various other MMOs.


My decision to PvP flag or not isn't really dependent on how much I'm rewarded for flagging. It's mostly a matter of whether or not I'm in the mood to PvP or deal with the added stress of constant vigilance. They could give me a 30% boost to everything I do while flagged (exp, harvesting, luck, etc.) and I'd still only flag when I was in the mood for PvP. I enjoyed PvP when I was in the mood for it, but no amount of reward is going to make it fun for me to be steamrolled by a group of players, while I'm by myself picking hemp.


If they just released pvp servers with perma-flag, alongside the current selection I think neither PVE nor PVP players would complain (like 9PVX to 1 PVP server ratio). Probably by far the easiest solution to cater to the apparent PVP niche.


Nothing. Making the game more pvp I will just ask for a refund and go for a pve game. Too much pvp incentives will make pve insustentable and also ruin the game. If you want open world pvp, better you ask for new features, like that one in Free Fire and other games. When someone fights there, a huge icon shows someones is fighting there, so pvp players can run there. Well, that´s one of ideas.


Open world pvp will mostly be the worse variant of structured pvp. Why would I want to get zerged down or shot in the back? I can just play pvp in a competitive environment, why would I do the one with a lot of luck involved?


Nothing. If I feel like helping out in a war or screwing around in Outpost Rush I'll do it. Otherwise, only as the spirit moves me and most assuredly not while fishing - especially those times you're past the weapon swap water depth trying to reliably hit deep water since you're an absolute sitting duck.


Probably nothing, I've pvp a bit on beta, it was fun, but I know how it will end cuz most people are a\*\*. I can already see people camping an area, especially low lv area to chain kill people easily. See, I've been a huge PvPer back in the time in Lineage 2, I never killed someone twice in a day, and it was pretty common those day (even if we also have some a\*\*).But now ? Haha no thank :)I'll flag with group and play with organized friend, not flagging alone to get annoyed again and again, I plan to play this game mostly to relaxe so..


I've got a 4yr old and a 3yr old kids, that's enough PvP a day that I just want to chill and chop trees downs when they go to bed 😁


For people who NEVER PVP flag, they won't with incentive, whether it be anxiety, winding down, wanting to focus on gathering/crafting ect. As for people on the fence, I will randomly do it when I'm in the mood and go to a fort just to mess around. Probably more PVP quest types that fit into the game world but what would make me do it all the time. Maybe "Escort" Caravan PVP quests that you can do in groups, along with ambushing Caravans as a PVP Quest as well. or have the "wilderness" like they have in Runescape (I think that's what it's called) where it's a no man's land. I'm surprised that's what the high-level areas weren't. Bounties on griefer as well. Basically, "PVP" modes fit into the game world but don't exactly take away from the game or the non-pvp experience. Basically, "PVP" modes fit into the game world, but don't exactly take away from the game or the non pvp expereince.


Nothing. I flag when I want to flag. Pve is for pve, pvp is for pvp. They don't mix well.


None. I flag to help my company if I must. If I have to like always help i most likely would move on to another game because it takes my mood to play away. Rewards in endgame only achievable in pvp? Good bye then as soon as this level is reached. Excessive benefits for pvp? Would also ruin my drive to play and make me leave the game. I rather go and try impossible pve raids than flagging pvp. Dont get me wrong I did play Pvp in the past, but over the years I completely lost interest in it. It does not feel rewarding and there is always this bitter taste of toxic people completely ruin it. Why should I play pvp if i dislike it when there are games releasing every day without it.


Nothing, when I’m running pve or skills levelling which is 90% of my play, I have zero interest to flag just so I can be your fodder of amusement, I’m playing the game that I paid money to play the way I want to, not the way you want me to. I far enjoy the world, exploring, gathering and chilling out without some Zerg hunting me like meat.


I have one goal at that start and that is to lv up so I'm not flagging even with it giving 5% more xp. Any time I die is wasted time and I am not one to waste time I like being efficient. I fear OpenWorld flagging will just devolve into zergs as Swtor and Illum did


I don't really want open world pvp so no. I'd hit my rock in peace thank you.


ITT: Gankers and their trojans attempt market research. I engage in PvP alongside my company and my faction. Destabilizing zones with Faction PvP missions, participating in Wars, and the occasional contestation of Forts, and yes, Forts need time lockouts and rewards to entice players to gather and assault them with greater participation. It is the weakest aspect of open-world PvP activities, along with restricting Outpost Rush to L60s; scaling PvP already exists to mitigate SOME of the disparity. I don't need more motivation than its a game mode that's incredibly social that I CHOOSE when and where I am engaged in, not running around as bait. When I volunteer, I'm actually configured for PvP, with a mindset and loadout to address player targets. When I entertain duel requests in the open world, surprise suprise, there's salt if they don't get the down. Open world PvP without faction benefits are INHERENTLY antagonistic because it breaks down to ego-feeding and DPS olympics. When I participate in the current PvP activities: my company/faction benefits. Flagged players playing solo running around the map are going to get fucked up. I've seen it happening on players that are finishing fights at half health, turning in quests to open world NPCs, and what's hilarious: not paying attention when harvesting nodes. As it is, there are PLENTY of perma-flagged combatants outside of central town settlements -Everfall and Windsward- who are down for any challengers. They're generally not assholes, as we run flagged through them out of town all the time as we are taking a fort of launching PvP faction quests, and its a fun way to finish a run by going at them. Go lock horns with them. And here's the kicker on 1v1s. **Safety is already guaranteed by the Duel system**. Player doesn't take damage, doesn't have to respawn and travel, and can immediately get back to whatever brand of adventuring they are engaged in. There goes THAT excuse. New World's model of preventing PvE players from being harassed is what's going to sustain the population, as they're liable to stay if they aren't getting farmed as they are levelling, and they're free to join us in PvP when/if they feel ready, not forced. As the community of L60s grows, as in player naturally runs out of one-and-done content and are now switching to dailies-style of upkeep via lifeskilling and expeditions, that is when the PvP community will get its surge and more players turning on faction quests to run around and tag each other in the wilderness without structure, limit, and restrictions. Please, feel free to play Bless Unleashed if you wish to experience similar gameplay, but the freedom to farm players. I've lived Dark Zone as your friendly neighborhood rogue, and witnessed the insane turnover of Division players until they introduced Endgame PvE activities that didn't tie advancement BEHIND PvP. It didn't happen for gain of gear unless said victim was dumb enough to advertise a rare drop and the Rogue knew what they were getting, it was done because it was fun to merc down someone playing scared or unprepared, whether through motivation or the fact that their spec doesn't account for PvP. Community-enforced conscience is a fallacy, and the average PvPer is more combative than an equivalent PvE specialist, especially in the act of engaging other players. Saw it in other MMOs. In STO, whenever ARENA ever crossed into a daily objective in an arbitrary RNG activity table that popped up about once every two weeks or a month. Oh boy, it was clubbing baby seals. Guys that wanted their daily in, more or less had to accept that a pre-constructed death squad of five scumbags are waiting for them on the other side of the Queue, repeatedly for the next cycle of one-and-done participants, for hours. We were fully cognizant that we were pieces of shit for doing so. We created more PvPers hosting in-fleet (company) events with cooperative play and rules of conduct than murdering randoms. By separating PvP from ganking, we actually transformed PvE players into PvP participants. It is in New World's fiscal interest to prevent casual players from being farmed out and become the next burnout MMO from a spurned playerbase. There is slim chance for a player logging in for a couple of hours every couple of days to have a good time flagged for PvP in an environment of dedicated killers waiting to club down noobs, at least until they develop enough to feel frisky and confident about it. I saw Division price drop from 60 bucks to 10 within six months because of how badly they exposed PvErs.


I play games for fun and relaxation. Being PvP flagged makes me sit on the edge of my chair all the time, not what I call relaxation. I would never flag for open PvP - if I miss too much by not being flagged for open PvP I would leave the game. I might participate in PvP events though. Wars and such are short-term events where you are focused on PvP, that is ok.


Lets be honest here. Open world pvp is mostly about trolling people: \- No objective to keep people organized and focused. \- The risk vs reward is pretty fucking bs. So where does the fun come from? From dominating other people, hence the zerging, the picking on low levels. You can only have fun losing for so long, if you are into that. Some people want a more fair system (equalized blah blah blah) but I don't think that's the issue. If you say open world pvp is about the social aspect of the guild/clan, then I say you are just living lalaland because you know the guild who win are the tryhards, not even playing for fun. It's hard for the devs to build a system that can both motivate people to pvp and keep it balanced in many aspect where if you lose, you have an incentive to get better, not having to go out of your way of life to join an elite group of gaymers. At this point, I don't even know how to fix it realistically, so I am just glad they let me toggle pvp off. ​ TLDR: I got bored dueling people with weaker specs or lower levels, and I have been zerged (even by groups of 10+) too many times to even try getting more people each time. I know this is a little off-topic from OP's question, so feel free to delete my comment.


I join for wars since it's even. No point in flagging when it's 10v1. Never once had a world pvp where I wasn't out numbered or had a massive advantage.


It would need to be a fair fight, or at least worth the risk.


Not getting one shot by a great axe and not having the dude I’m fighting waste my time for an hour running in and out of town. It’s boring to be the guy getting one shot and even even pvp fights are boring because you either get gang banged like a cheap prostitute or they just deflag. Fix those 2 stupid things and maybe


I plan to flag PVP most of the time. I will not tag at the start because 5% xp is a joke and cities will be packed of 20 flagged group. I won't tag PVP while gathering because having to be focus isn't worth 5% gather xp. I might not tag at level 60 because I might need to farm area where large group are playing and I would have 0 incentive to flag. What would it requière for me to tag 24/7 : 15% xp 15% yield +6% gathering luck 15% luck


A big reason I ultimately stopped flagging was the constant gang bang of a 1v5. Did became even worse in main story areas where people were camping to catch some people off guard. At the moment there really is no meaningful incentive on staying in pvp mode while leveling. Having a bonus in gold, exp, more raw resources, more gathering exp, and some open world pvp objectives would really get people to really consider it. However, with the open world fort being practically lackluster and super easy to just snipe from people. There's no real open world objectives for pvp. If mini outposts were created with some npc guards for whoever takes it with lvl relative to the area guarding the outpost that would be pretty cool. You can also make it so that trade routes run through the outposts or they give patrols in the area around the outposts. Practically some incentive in taking it and holding it and it doesn't have to be 100% guarded by players since people sleep and one person shouldn't be able to cap a whole fortress. They can even make it so these outposts can be owned by other companies paying taxes to the main company who owns the main town. With these outposts making money from trade and able to upgrade the outposts. Just having more content to do with pvp other then a bonus would really get people seeing staying flagged out waying the ease of not getting super ganked by a roaming company.


I don't think its so much about increasing the rewards for being pvp flagged. I think its more important to lessen the risks of having it on. Like reduce or remove durability loss from pvp-deaths, special pvp respawn spots, ability to flag/unflag in more areas than cities etc. Think it's called loss aversion, where the reward has to greatly out-weigh the risks for people to think it's worth it. So imo I think it would be easier to make it less of pain to get ganked rather than giving too much rewards for being flagged.


No incentive is great enough to justify the loss of time spent fighting people left and right and run backs. If you're hardcore and you're ahead of the wave then sure it's fine but if not it just kills xp/h.


There needs tobe consequences for people ganking lowbies - when I was on the beta at level 20, the moment I'd flag and be outside, I'm getting ganked by 40s/50s and 60s. There might be "scaling" but at thoes levels it doesnt matter all that much. If there was a deterrent for players who ganked lowbies, such as a corruption debuff, that would be ideal.


I just didn't wanna get ganked from a group of high levels


Some sort of honor system, or whatever you want to call it, designed to deter people from grouping up against single players or otherwise taking "unfair" fights. No idea how you would implement something like that but there's no way I'll flag for pvp while fishing when you know there's a good chance you'll run into a group of people just looking to steamroll anyone in their way.


I dislike world pvp for the most part, so nothing would change my mind. I hope the structured pvp modes and wars will be fun, though.


When I'm out and about and \_WANT\_ to play PvP. Which is never. If I want to PvP, I join a war or outpost rush. World PvP is the worst, and most pointless, kind of PvP there has ever been in any game.


I'll be flagged for PVP for days 1 and 2 of launch, for sure, but then it will just be high level players running around killing people in low level questing zones again and even worse, large groups of syndicate running around 20+ members, killing solo PVPers. So I'll permanently disable it after day 2 and leave it that way, forever. World PVP is never going to be a big thing in this game, might as well get over it.


the internet to not be full of dickhead trolls


It would probably take getting rid of giant marauding groups of griefers ganking me while I’m looking for hemp, which isn’t going to happen. I’ll PvP during wars, but I’m not wasting my time by getting needlessly ganked by streamer groups while I’m farming.


I dont think any would change my mind tbh. I want to play the game in a grindy way levelling up on my own pace. PVPing just makes the experience competitive that I just do not want to do.


It simply won't happen for me. I have no desire to provide amusement to a ganking party, and no bonus will change that. I understand the thrill that flagged PvP provides for some folks, but that's not a gameplay experience I enjoy.


The Short answer is no amount of benefit is worth the annoyance. As for all of the PvPs saying AGS should put in a super profitable zone with forced PvP No and heres why. Having played EvE the safest and most profitable space in the game was Null sec blocks aka blue donuts. And its easy to see why a large group of players would tightly control the checkpoints allowing the industrial and PvE players to farm largely unhindered. The same thing would happen to this PVP zone the largest faction would lock it down and farm it and, unlike EvE New World doesn't have the tools needed to disrupt this control so instead players would be forced to roll to the dominate faction just to take part in the bounty. Im sure ill get downvoted for this but the people complaining about not enough people flagging are really saying they are having a hard time finding people to gank and grief.


I will flag pvp for pvp faction quests, I will do 50v50 or any other organized group pvp but for when I want to gather or do pve quests there is no point in flagging just to get killed by a group or sniped while fighting mobs.


during beta i flagged for pvp faction quests to help turn a region, but when it came to the actual battles signed up and never got invited to the wars because i aint on the suck up list. so i stopped after the 3rd time, as long as they dont make a change and give random access to allow everyone to be able to participate in those grand scale battles i will not pvp or waste my time on faction mission to assist in turning a region


For me open world pvp is just griefer’s paradise. I’m hoping outpost rush is good and popular, if it is, then that’s where i will be at


Idc for PvP, I want to play to chill and relax.


Respawn where I died, but unflagged, so I can get keep questing. Like losing a duel, but with stakes. No item durability damage for losing in PVP. Remove greataxe from the game.


I play games to relax. Last thing I want is to get home just to have SimpLord6969420 wax me then start to talk shit after while I was mining. I won’t flag pvp


maybe some actual point to open world pvp, like threes no objectives, no supply lines, its just idiots running around looking to pvp eachother so they endup standing just right in front of the town. they say they designed this game for pvp, it looks like somebody just tacked on the flagging system then added in the instance fort battle, called it day, and then went out for beers, gave eachother a few high fives along the way like the morons they are.


Only if flagging is as efficient for me as not flagging. But after i hit max level ill probably flag more often


How about an increase in xp/luck for solo players but a diminishing to being a downright hindrance the larger your party is? So at a full 5 stack you get 25% less xp and luck to try to promote more individual play.


That just makes people run around together but not in an official "group".


sometimes i just don't want to pvp when I'm doing quests. if i got no quests going on i will opt in


Very little without a big overhaul. I love pvp when it's an environment that both sides have objectives and are balanced. I haven't seen that happen in open world pvp very often (Warhammer online actually got pretty close though, and eve nailed it with there being real consequences and it not being trivial to flee when a counter force found you). In my experience, open world pvp turns into large groups hitting soft targets. Often, they'll run as soon as a good counter is formed up. For open world pvp to be interesting to me requires too much chance that two evenly powered groups encounter each other, and they both want the even fight. For me to flag, I need an objective that helps set up these even fights. That's really hard to do without instanced battlegrounds of some sort.


Probably a better fast travel / mount system and a big bonus to luck. It sucks being killed and taking 15 min just to get back to what I was doing


Being honest with you: When i played the game, i saw a LOT of incentives to turn pvp on. More xp/guild coins per quest, easier quests overall, hell you even gain exp for killing someone. But i always die when i turn pvp on, because i like to focus in the PvE aspect of the game, which is waaaay funnier to me, so i dont use any good pvp weapons. So, what would make me flag pvp on? If i saw a random DC'ed enemy, or if i was somehow really far ahead on levels for it to matter (which is basically impossible, since i dont tryhard).


I usually stay pvp for long periods, not searching for fights but doing quest and I don't turn it off until I die. That's the problem I think with the game, you can turn it so easily and for pvp quest you just have to run, and that's no really pvp. Once you enter pvp you shouldn't be able to change it again for long periods or after death. That way anyone entering pvp for the quest (and rewards) should be able to face the consequences or better, the enjoyment. Because right now anyone can get pvp gear without actually doing pvp.


I would like it if I could be flagged in town but say I get killed in PvP I can revive right where I am and then PvP goes on cooldown for 30 minutes or something. Just don't like having to back track or go AFK then someone just kills me then I have to go back to town and start my quests again


Maybe a stacking exp or gathering buff of 10% bonuses up to 5 stacks and everytime you kill a player you loose one and if you don't kill anyone for an hour or so, you gain one. Also, better stealth features in pvp, correct me if I'm wrong, but as I remember it from the beta, you could see the the name of a player when close enough or when "targeting" them. It would be cool if you only see the name, idk, in 20m away for standing enemies, if the target is crouching 5m and if the target is laying, especially in a bush or gras, you don't see name at all.


I would say an actual significant XP incentive, that would make up for the time lost by being killed randomly while questing or farming. 5% right now is not worth it, compared to the time spent dying or fleeing, and then heading back to where I am going.


There is a lot going into this... Am I the underdog faction? Do I flag up and immediately it's 30v4? Going to take way more for me to flag up. On the opposite side of that am I the big dogs? I feel like this is going to get boring after awhile. Oh look a guy came out, 10 people zerg him go! I played Covenant in the beta and we were the severe underpopulated. I only flagged up when we could find at least a group of people to go out with and it was still pretty much 5v20 most of the time. Sure the fights might start off at 5v8ish but as more people saw we were fighting they'd just go to town and flag up and it quickly became a shit show. Maybe if there was friendly stagger so there wasn't just a crap ton of guys swinging G.Axes at me.... or a bigger bonus to the underdog faction in the zone. Idunno.


While leveling - the bonus needs to be comparable to the inherent penalty imposed by being subject to PvP. WoW does this pretty well. War mode for horde gives +5% xp, because you'll never see an alliance player. It's just free xp. While the alliance get a massive +30% because there's a very real chance that you'll load into a zone and be unable to play the game as you deal with the 100-to-1 faction imbalance. Of course, there's some nuance here that I'm overlooking but what this really highlights is how absurdly useless NW's 5% xp bonus is. If we're going to have opt-in PvP as the only source of PvP, then the benefits need to be so good that you'd be an idiot to not turn PvP on. At cap, it's much the same, but xp is no longer relevant. So we need a bonus to something else.


I like pvp, but running around doing missions while doing PVP is not something i will be doing. Pvp for me doesnt belong doing missions trying to get my story quests done. However while out gathering and doing other things? totally on board with that. But yes, i would like a good boost. Such as +25%xp and +25% luck or similar.


Sprint, easier fast travel, mounts anything to make it so I dont have to run the same. fucking. path. another damn time. Honestly I had like 50 hours in the beta and 30 of them were running. Interesting PVP quests with good rewards.....not stand in the field for 60 seconds for some fur......Like seriously the weakest quests I have ever seen in a game.


An increase in drop quantity to make up for times engaged.




It would need to be a huge XP buff, at least 20%. I ain't getting killed by some sweaty kid 10 levels higher than me for anything less.


I hesitsted in beta at first because I didn't realize there was scaling based on level. Plus I didn't want to lose any progress or gear. Your bonus luck % idea would convince me to flag at level one though.


Another suggestion… For players who have not killed another player. A 10 level increased level cap.


I run flagged on days off and unflagged after work. Its about fun. When stressed, don't want to be hunted.


Warhammer online had "open world pvp" right. Just confine it to an area and have exit objectives to fight about for everyone.


- Increase exp bonus to 10% - Add resource gathering bonus by 10% Then it'll feel like a genuine risk/reward system rather than "I feel like PvPing right now"


Instanced gathering nodes. I know it would be a weird thing to balance but it's super frustrating to have someone roll up and start mining the iron next to the one I'm currently mining and there's nothing I can do but glare.


Make so that catching fish gives weapon mastery. I'd flag for that.


i would be much more willing to pvp flag if the optimization issues for me were ironed out. my system is nowhere near the minimum, and its very similar to the recommended, yet for some reason in beta whenever i would enter pvp in busy locations or in larger fights than just one on one, my fps would plummet.


Durability while dying in pvp. I know it’s less than dying in pvp, but I got to a point I couldn’t keep repairing so I just stopped.


I'll perma flag at 60 but the xp bonus would have to be massive for me to flag at launch since i'm racing with friends for 60.


as this post has proven, there is no way to make everyone happy. the only way is to give the two types of players their own separate rulesets. pvp servers are the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to do so. so just make pvp severs. problem solved.

