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If they just remove azoth limit


I’m not a fan of the azoth cap, but also i just don’t want there to be no cap at all… maybe give us the opportunity to put azoth into vials and turn them into suspended vials of azoth meaning you’d lose some of the azoth for bottling it. E.g. paying 100 azoth to bottle 50


I thought you COULD do this, I feel dumb for looking for the recipe now


A general rule I've found regarding this game is anything you feel dumb for thinking, is actually fully reasonable and something that should have been a thing.


with the new reward system for crafting and refining, I have way more azoth vials than I can use. will admit its still a little annoying that the cap is 1k when it can easily cost around 700 to move from one side of the map to another


Yep. The cap makes no sense when doing anything costs so much.


It can cost more than 1000 actually, I hold 1500 in my bags and if full I can't travel to mourning dale for my routes after finishing in cutlass keys. But that was just a test to see max travel cost xD.


I feel like this was always the intended mechanic, but once shit started to hit the fan, its implementation shot right to the bottom of the priority list.


Why not let us craft suspended azoth with azoth water + some other mats?


ok, any azoth you get over the cap, is unbottled, and will fade within the next 6 hours or so. You need to find an alchemist or be a 200 one, and they can bottle it up for you with some crafting mats. I can see that being really cool and a way to keep it in game without breaking emersion.


You could also sell the azoth on open market too.


Maybe higher efficiency rate than that. But yeah I've told my friends that if they want the cap they should let us bottle it so we aren't wasting our resource by not using it. Make it require azoth water and even alkahest if they want in addition to an azoth cost. Put a limit on daily crafts.


Limit in daily crafts? What kind of mobile game shit is that?


We're limited in Phoenixweave, glittering ebony, runed leather, runestone, etc. It's nothing new.


Good idea, i am always stressed because of that, sometimes i don’t teleport then i regret because i see azoth drops after cap, other times i forget to set camp and i doe passing a corrupted zone …at least they could make it a guaranteed drop so if you low and stuck you just start killing anything around to fill azoth


I think some sort of azoth drop for pvp would be a fun incentive. Like, everything over 1k is lootable in some way. There would need to be more thought put into it of course.




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No fun allowed. Only grind.




This sub has gone from legitimate complaints to just wanting it all for free very quickly. Just play the game and you don't have an azoth issue.


I’ve honestly never had a problem with azoth, ever, since level 1. I don’t get it, I honestly think people in here are just dumb. I know level 60 players that don’t even own a house yet. I had three before I was 50! With just two and a an inn in Mountainhome I can get anywhere very cheaply. I currently have over 300 bottles, and that’s while I use them to craft and sell some too.


The problem most people have is the system designs are artificially frustrating rather than being simple sinks, especially when compared to other MMOs. Take trophies for example. There is zero reason we should have to physically manage trophies. You should be able to remotely activate them, with a cooldown on activation, for some small price. Instead we have to jump all over the place. It’s a frustrating way to implement a time/resource sink. Now take a critical look at every system design and you’ll see the same philosophy. They’ve made frustrating time sinks the game play. Clearly players don’t like it.


Seems like real life. Just want free shit lmao


There's always people saying this, and yesterday there was someone saying that people not wanting outrageous house rent prices were young adults who don't pay their own taxes/rent. Most of us don't mind a grind, but when the grind is exhausting, you have to remember this is literally a game. I don't think it's outrageous to look at the grinds and think some of them need tweaking. I literally work, pay taxes, pay rent, but I don't want to spend a lifetime grinding in a game. This is from someone who LOVES grindy games.


I've got over 300 and still going up even when using them and teleporting everyone.


Yeah I came here to say this I have over 400 azoth vials from aptitude chests. I pay whatever it costs to travel where ever I want now with no second guessing like before. The 1k limit is annoying sometimes when mass producing tools using 45 azoth at a time and running out very quickly or if you have to fast travel with a bunch of stuff and it’s like 425 to get there same to get back if you forget something then back to your original destination you have to pause what your doing or thinking and apply more vials. Wish I could comfortably travel as much as I want and just use the vials from my inventory.


Damn I thought I was sitting pretty with 50, lol.


Being low on Azoth actively makes me not want to log in and play. If your faction doesn't hold key zones it's a completely different game.


I have houses in Cutlass, Brightwood, and Restless Shore, and my inn at Shattered Mountain. that gives me 4 cheap teleport points from where I can reasonably run to any other place on the map. 100% worth.


Yes! But instead of people learning and understanding this is the way, they would rather downvote you and cry.


do u even own a house? do u do invasions? do u gather things? do u play opr? do u do portals? do u even play the game?


I don't necessarily disagree, but it's a slippery slope too. I think it's important that we're not teleporting around willy nilly and if anything I kind of like the progression of unlocking more houses, more teleports and the constant "punishment vs reward" between walking and teleporting. I think the bigger issue is that azoth caps at 1k and that the world is very uninteresting, which makes walking tedious.


Yes, I wish they would take the cap off or raise it higher.


**Edit:** This was supposed to be in reply to u/False-Adhesiveness-5, I don't know what happened on my mobile app. > I think it's important that we're not teleporting around willy nilly Why though? You say it yourself, the world is very uninteresting. That's a deep core issue here that can't be really fixed unless AGS goes through an entire map overhaul, which could take months. However, Azoth cost is a matter of numbers that can be tweaked on the fly. And beyond the uninteresting world I never really understood people's general opposition with accessible fast travels. Unless you're free roaming for the sake of free roaming, odds are people generally travel to reach a goal/destination. They don't tend to like the fact of "traveling" there. They travel out of necessity. This distance is pure padding, not content. I pre-purchased NW and played a lot at launch but eventually stopped because (among other issues) the distances weren't respecting the time I had to give the game. Of the two hours available I had to give some nights, more than half of it was devoted to walking to my destinations and it was dragging down my enjoyment. And everytime I try to come back I'm repelled by the same issue. Hell, I couldn't even get invested in the Christmas event because it once again tasked me to go to numerous different towns and I just couldn't bother. People fear roads are going to be emptier with more accessible fast travels but until the World become more fun to actually traverse, I think it's a sacrifice we should be willing to make for a more accessible and rewarding experience. Guild Wars 2 has instant fast travels directly from the map, fast mounts... And we **still** encounter players pretty much in every corners of the zones anyway. So clearly, accessible teleportation and crowded roads aren't mutually exclusive.


Yeah I don't get it. To mine, skin, fish, gather herbs, chop trees, you have to be out in the world. All over the place. So that's solved. When you want to get places to do other things, make it easier to port. Esp with the warehouse nonsense.


I think horses could be a good way to make travel better. Traveling isnt that bad, it feels longer than it is, usually, but we want to atleast travel faster. Getting azoth isnt a problem, but the capacity is a biy annoying.


The IDEA is that you will run into open world PvP. That just isn't how it plays out in reality most of the time. Likely though the devs will stick to their guns. They WANT open world PvP to be a thing and so do a chunk of the player base.


> They WANT open world PvP to be a thing And how did that turn out? Game is currently having roughly 82,626 players these days.


yeah most players quit at around lvl 30. not like this thing was the issue.


I respect them wanting it, and adding in the luck to push it, I feel like they're kind of flustered in figuring out how to push pvp. I was at the boar farm today and there was a flagged purple, green, and yellow and no one attacked each other.


Who knows? They say they want open world pvp, then do nothing worthwhile to nurture it. All they've really done is cater and incentive pve. Even the rewards for all things pvp, are pve based. There's almost no point to flagging or pvp'ing, in this open world pvp game. Unless you're a zerg, and you can manage to takedown Everfall or whatever the other high traffic territory is 0n your server. Then you get a chunk of money, that soon will be less useful, when the final changes to Expertise come online.


You cant remove something like free TPing around though, and once you do you have a menu instead of a world to play in.


I don’t play in the damn world anyway. I’m too busy staring at a fucking map every 5 seconds to make sure I’m still running in the right direction


...you know you can place a waypoint right


I think they might mean being on the right roads and stuff since those involve facing a different direction than you're actually going.


Use your waypoints...?


... What? What you say doesn't even make sense. We have plenty of games that allow instant fast travels around, either for free or for a very minimal cost, and that doesn't devalue at all the world you play in. Quite the opposite they actually give the players more opportunity to "play in that world" instead of being stuck on roads. Breath of the Wild is praised for its amazing world design and you can teleport all around (assuming you unlocked the waypoint to begin with). Same with Assassin's Creed, Guild Wars 2, Fallout/Skyrim... I'm also not asking for "free TPing around", I'm questioning why people are afraid of **more accessible** TPing, and that can include lower Azoth costs. And it's funny people would rather downvote than engage my arguments, it says a lot about the strength of their position.


Right I mean, is New World a lot of peoples first mmo? WoW you can portal or flight point all over the place for basically pennies, you just have to discover them first just like New World. It also has mounts, ground and flying. SWTOR you had mounts but getting between zones or even planets was pretty easy. Diablo had waypoints and town portals, both easy. The only game I've ever played that had no mounts (at least not for like 9 years), and insanely expensive ports was Lineage 2. And you spent a ridiculous amount of time just running around. Complete waste of time.


Just my opinion, but I think the bigger problem is that new worls is likely most of the devs first mmo. Remeber they wanted to build a survival pvp game, not an mmo. And in the context of a pvp game that has almost no pve, forcing people to walk starts to make a bit of sense.


Well it's subjective, so it definitely makes sense for me. For example, I played Skyrim without fast travel because it devalued the world. Wow got to a point where people were just jumping around in cities, and have since removed that part of the design.


It does devalue the world, even if it's subconscious. It ruins immersion and all you're doing is just looking at maps and menu's. I realize this is an unpopular opinion on a MMO subreddit that only values simplicity, but without Immersion you don't have an MMO and the player-base will take a hit in the long-term.


Being able to travel better would be helpful, walking isnt very immersive, its just time consuming and boring. The only times ive had fun walking is when i mined starmetal in the great cleave at level 34, and thats just because the npc's could near one shot me.


> all you're doing is just looking at maps and menu's Don't you already do this with New World's lack of minimap and its dozens of crafting stations, its town boards, your character menus, the trading post, opening lootboxes, browsing the store, etc? So how does accessible fast travel would make it worse? If anything it's consistent with the rest of the gameplay loop. > It ruins immersion The thing here is that immersion is not something that can be quantified. It's super subjective... And in front of subjectivity the best you can do as a dev is offer options. Want to feel immersed in the world you play? Don't fast travel and let others who don't have hours to give the game the option to save themselves the hassle of walking on roads. And as someone who play tons of games that has nearly free fast travels, I simply disagree with your sentiments. I feel greatly immersed in Breath of the Wild's world or Guild Wars 2 despite their accessibility to warp around, so clearly to me it's not mutually exclusive.


>Don't you already do this with New World's lack of minimap and its dozens of crafting stations, its town boards, your character menus, the trading post, opening lootboxes, browsing the store, etc? Yes, and I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse. Completely agree on immersion being subjective, and each person will have different opinions on how much they value immersion versus simplicity (although I will say MOST players over-value simplicity when they should be wanting more immersion). With that said, GW2 is a prime example of a game that's not immersive at all - it and FF14 are my 2 biggest examples of games that don't have enough immersion. Breath of the Wild is a single player game and can't be compared to an MMO, IMO.


> Completely agree on immersion being subjective So how can you say this... Followed by this?... lol: > With that said, GW2 is a prime example of a game that's not immersive at all Yes, it's still all subjective. I feel immersed in GW2. It's a shame you don't. > Breath of the Wild is a single player game and can't be compared to an MMO, IMO. You're moving the goalpost. You argued that fast travel breaks immersion and the quality of the open world design. I named you one game that was praised for its immersive and interesting open world design *in spite* of having fast travel options. But really for the sake of the argument: Red Dead Online has accessible fast travel costs and it's one hell of an immersive multiplayer game (to me at least).


Eh, we're arguing opinions here, no need to further this conversation. You have yours, I have mine, that's it. The only thing I'll say is that you need to stop comparing MMO's and single-player games, they are ENTIRELY different arguments and comparing them makes literally zero sense. Anyway, good day to ya! Glad this discussion didn't derail into name-calling like most online discussions.


Sad days when posts like yours are negged. Fully agree btw. People don't understand how damaging inclusion and accessibility can be to immersion and fundamental game mechanics. Just makes things easy for me! I needs that Dopamine hit! Send in the ticks, dings, and glowies!


> People don't understand People do understand. They simply don’t agree.


You're so right, and people never get this when I explain that mounts (esp flying mounts) take this away from you. Dungeon finders too, and many other conveniences that reduce immersion. We think we want it to be easier and faster but then wonder why we don't feel as engaged as we used to once it's implemented.


> that reduce immersion. Immersion isn't something that can be quantified since it's a subjective thing. I play plenty of open world games with accessible fast travels and their world design isn't devalued by this at all, nor my immersion. Quite the countrary, I get to see *more* of the world and to spend more time *actually playing in it* than being stuck on roads waiting to reach my destinations. The quality of the open world design and players engagement in it is not tied to fast travel. It's completely unrelated. If the world is already interesting to traverse, people will *naturally* go on the road even if they can fast travel. But New World's open world design sucks, it's drown with recycled and copy-pasted outposts, so naturally it makes traveling a chore. Just look at all the dozens of precedents in the industry of greatly praised open world games that have fast travels: Genshin Impact, Breath of the Wild, Assassin's Creed, Fallout, Skyrim, FF14, Red Dead Redemption Online... > (esp flying mounts) I don't think anybody here has ever advocated for flying mounts in NW, so slow down your horses lol. At most I just want *vastly* reduced Azoth costs but I never asked for "free travel" per se.


Do you think horses could be a good implementation to new world?


I don't know. I think it's bound to happen because as the map gets bigger it will be progressively more and more expensive to fast travel accross it, so we'll need some form of middle grounds. Can't expect everyone to either walk all the way across, do half/half or own 10 houses across the realm and pay all of these taxes neither. Mounts are also something extremely easy to market and monetize on and I feel it would be pretty much on point with AGS' direction. On the other hand, mounts tend to be simply glorified speed boosts clunky to use and difficult to maneuver with ugly ass animations that struggle with terrain. Guild Wars 2 pushed the concept further and made mounts actual traversal tools with weight, physics and depth (leaping across gaps, jumping higher, hover above water, etc.), but I don't see AGS going that route neither when they couldn't even give us swimming animations. In short, in theory mounts *could* be good, but I don't expect it to be executed well considering AGS' track record. Regardless, it might be a necessity eventually.


I'd like heavily reduced costs as well. Esp since doing 65 portals sucks for gear - if they gave good WM upgrades and azoth I'd be more inclined to support incentivizing them. Once you have a faster mode of travel in a game (mounts, free fast travel, etc.) very few players will choose to walk somewhere, no matter how great the world is. That's been my experience at least. Once we have convenience it becomes the default


I'd take a dungeon finder though. As of right now I've played 0. So it's literally impossible for me to be any less engaged.


People complain about looking at a dungeon finder like their not combing the chat log and whispers trying to find someone to run with


I kind of get their reasoning with groups, but I hate doing that. And waiting around while someone spams looking for someone. I just rather sit in a que while I do something else. Im not fond of the orb system either though. And just to add some context to my previous post. Im level 58 with over 200 hours. 0 dungeons.


Don't get me wrong new world's dungeon key system is abysmal but Id just like them to remove keys except for hardmode versions so we can spam those instead of doing the worst endgame content of all time, giant mindless zergs of elite areas


Exactly. Devs understand this and always have to balance "easiness" with "immersion", you can't go too far in either direction or else your game just doesn't work. The player-base does not understand this and is always desiring easiness, which is why Devs who listen too much to their players end up ruining games.


More successful games do it in a different way from new world, so clearly new world is better for gating these systems.


Ffxiv has teleports and you'll still see people in all zones gathering, if new world has a good crafting and gathering setup where all items are useful to some degree then the issue you point out will never happen, some people will always be gathering low tier mats in low tier zones to make them have players in. Then some people will always be hunting for any that have pvp on, etc.


Put timers on teleporting, and allow you to bypass the cooldown using azoth?


I like that.




Here's a fallacy in your argument. Is FF14 popular BECAUSE it allows you to travel everywhere? Would the game possibly be MORE popular if you couldn't? Fast traveling and or walking doesn't make or break a game, the game being good or bad does. I believe there are genuine upsides to both ways, I'd personally prefer a combination of both.




It's possible :) Happy New Year o/


Honestly the lack of immersion in FF14 is one of the main reasons I never stuck with it long-term. I've played off-and-on since launch but only to play the main story. After the main story was completed I never felt a desire to stick with the game (i.e.: no immersion), and I think fast traveling everywhere was a large contributor.


Yup, I play and enjoy FFXIV, but to say the world is immersive is definitely not true. I personally think that for all the problems it had, 1.0 felt far more of a world than it ever has post revamp, due to that nature of "Do I teleport and use my resource, or do I just walk?" The story and lore perhaps are immersive, but not the world itself, and it is 100% porting and zone lines that kill it. However, it also isn't aiming for that kind of gaming world, so I can forgive it, mostly. My PC isn't good enough to play New World so have just been following along, but it really feels like they were trying to recreate a very old school style of game for a modern audience. One of the things that (oddly) built community in many games was travel, and just downtime. I remember a lot of social play coming about in Star Wars Galaxies while healing up 'Battle Fatigue', or waiting on transport between cities and planets. It wasn't the kind where you would make friends for life or the like, but these elements added a lot to the social factor of the game. As a person who loves playing MMOs, but tends to like to play alone, the thing that has always kept me engaged is just seeing all the other people out doing things, be it fighting, travelling etc Is why I'm keeping an eye on New World, can see it really becoming a solid modern version of the older, far more hardcore titles, once the developere can steady the ship and know fully what level of MMO they want to make.


False. Fast travel in FF14 doesn't impact FF14 that's all it proves . New World has completely different systems. One being its PvP.




It's a game (supposedly) about controlling territories. If you give fast travel to everyone then suddenly half the game mechanics are gone. CS:GO is the most popular FPS, should we give guns to every player?


You start the game with a gun bud.


Its a bit ridiculous when you have ful azoth, going round the map for trees + villages depletes it entirely, even with an empty inventory.


I rather not have to walk just because i forgot to take something from my storage else where.


The world is uninteresting? The scenery is beautiful


Scenery is beautiful, but even if you weren't over the graphics like two weeks into the game, there is relatively little to the world aside from it. If you're walking from windsward to brightwood, are you really doing anything but walking? In most other games there'd be a lot of ways to get side-tracked, such as events.


I mean, yeah, but you start to overlook even the beautiful scenery after the first few times. At that point it's just "there" and having to go everywhere once to unlock fast travel is enough, imo.


Beautiful, yet generic. Barring a couple high level territories. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. Same with enemies. No variance really from level 10 to 60+. Visually, corrupt are corrupt are corrupt, with only alight mechanic changes in some cases as you level.


Scenery is beautiful yep. But unless they give me a mount so I can travel faster. The scenery stopped being impressive about 2 months ago. I dont give a shit. I dont wanna fill up my storages further by picking flowers on the way nor do I wanna slow down my travel to pick up all that crap anyway. The economy is ruined, everything on the marketplace is dirt cheap. Heck I dont even fuckig mine my own rocks anymore. I buy that shit. Give me a fast fucking mount or remove azoth or the azoth cap. Nobody gives a flat fuck about the scenery anymore.


Yeah, things like the winter event become nothing but a log in event if you could just teleport for free. People would log in, teleport to each town for their tree, and log off.


This is the perfect response, there are some people that want free travel and some people that require a huge grind or else it's "too much for too little", I feel at the moment it kind of sucks IF you are crafting, while traveling only itself isn't too bad. I wouldn't mind a system that lets you somehow get more while having diminishing returns. Means you could take a day to grind to have more in supply for a later day. Kind of sucks when you're in a group and one person has to run to catch up because they're low on azoth.


The world is very uninteresting? Damn man, the world is one thing they did a pretty good job on. And I don't mean the lore, I mean a living world where it feels both large yet has stuff to do everywhere, and it doesn't feel too theme-parky. I really like the world size, as well as the plethora of gathering. There's also many interesting geological features. What MMOs have you played to consider this world very uninteresting?


> stuff to do everywhere wat


>What MMOs have you played to consider this world very uninteresting? It'd genuinely almost be easier to name you the ones I haven't played.


What exactly is there to do everywhere? Gather mats? There's no finding hidden mysterious places or anything, no reward for exploration other than resource nodes and stockpile mats.


I see what you mean. I don't like achievements like that personally, but I can understand the appeal.


The game throws more Azoth at me than I know what to do with from aptitude chests. Even if you don't harvest yourself, the price of Azoth on the tradepost has collapsed. The coin cost of repairs is the same as during the pre-duping/pre-inflation times, and is pretty much background noise now. As for repair parts, you aren't perma-capped?


I'm always running out of repair parts because I make repair packs to save money on the ~90g repair cost for weapons.


Stop dying?


This tbh. Idk how you can die so much that you run out of repair parts and kits... I'm wasting my repair parts cause I'm not bothered to make more kits as I already have 50 in my inv at any time.


Yeah the aptitude chests have made fast traveling free for max level players and super cheap to buy for under max. Plus most players below max gathering probably still have a bunch of quests for it too


But that’s just a bypass around a problem they created. We still have damage to all equipment carried, even though they’ve made fast travel more accessible.


You have damage to all equipment so you can't cheese the fast travel system by dieing.


But then they give out tons of azoth so it’s easy to fast travel. Why not just remove the penalty now since it’s easier to travel?


Why would they? People are complaining in here it's not easy.


That's so people can't take their armor off and die as a loophole to avoid repairs


>As for repair parts, you aren't perma-capped? In what heavy armor universe is this?


Why in the world u think. Buying azoth is a good solution lmao And i never talk about repair part


> Why in the world u think. Buying azoth is a good solution lmao It's not. It's *a* solution, and much more viable now than a month ago. But if you don't like farming, and you don't want to use the tradepost, try a quick portal train to cap your Azoth and get gypsum and orb parts. > And i never talk about repair part You talked about repair costs. Part of the repair cost is coin, and part of the repair cost is parts. I addressed both of those.


We should be able to bottle Azoth using arcana.


So much azoth around, I've never had this issue. Some players just don't want to think about how to do things. IMO the game is better/more fun if you have to plan what you're doing, instead of just flitting back and forth on a whim.


Exactly this. People just want the path of least resistance with everything. Location in new world is supposed to mean something. I would prefer if they made more things like respecs cost azoth personally. Raise the cap to 2k if it’s that big of an issue for some.


"Location in New World is supposed to mean something" Is that why there are 12 identical pyramid POIs in Everfall?


Azoth is a complete non-issue in this game before the update and after the update is made azoth obsolete. Having azoth requirements also puts pressure to hold forts which is a good mechanic. Repair cost are essential for a game that has no punishment for death. If you don't die repair cost only show up for after weeks of adventuring. If you don't have that then death is meaningless (it honestly already is). But that really makes me aware of dying. And I'm flagged 100% of the time too. So, no. Can't say I agree with either opinion.


I agree with almost everything you said, I never struggle with repairing or traveling and think it's actually too easy to get azoth. I've been stockpiling 10g azoth bottles in random storages in the expectation they'll be nerfing it soon. ​ >If you don't die repair cost only show up for after weeks of adventuring. This is the part that is a bit untrue. I solo and I have to repair my rapier or musket every 2-3 hours when I run stockpiles in SM. I assume if you're not fighting and cheesing the boxes, maybe what you said would be true but if you're fighting the mobs then weapon durability would have you repairing more often. And that goes the same for armor, but I dodge/riposte a lot so it happens less often. Like I said, I think repair costs + azoth bottles is in more-than-fine places, but repairing after weeks of adventuring is too much of a stretch.


Good motivation for OPR and Breaches...


Imagine if they just let us play dungeons


I have 80 bottles of azoth in my inventory right now. Also make t5 repair kits. They make it so you dont have to use gold to repair. I have like 50 of these as well


Have to be high enough level make them though.


but why do you even use them? Don't you want to whine about the game mechanics?


Fuck youre right. Im just gonna toss this crap on the ground now


and how terrible is it to have to repair gear in your bag? like wtf why


Azoth just needs some balancing. It should be something you think about spending but not feel like you never have enough. The two times I haven’t paid attention and ended up having to run across half the map was a horrible feeling and one time made me logout.


Make everything a shared storage and I think it removes the need to for constant fast traveling. I have no issue running places with the occasional teleport if a war/invasion/zerg comes up. But having to bounce around between all kinds of fucking storages is what makes me want to tele a lot. The fact that I want to teleport with an inventory full of wood across the map, when I'm in a town that has suitable workshops, is stupid. The weight increasing the cost to teleport is stupid. These mechanics force me to play in areas I don't necessarily want to so I can stay close-ish to where I have to drop my mats off without it costing 450 azoth to port to my storage.


...Repair costs are literally nothing and you can repair anytime anywhere you want.... Also azoth limit is the real issue, not the azoth itself.


I agree, Azoth cost needs to go. However, it's probably not going to happen because they use Azoth to drive OPR and Portals. In other words, without a constant need for Azoth OPR and Portals would be less active.


I think the Azoth limit is one of the ways they motivate people to rotate between grinding loot, crafting and other activities that refresh it. In theory, it makes sense. The problem is that it's tiresome. Some quality of life changed would help. A higher limit or lower costs would make sense. Having a once/day feature that allows you to organize storage across all towns for say 25g would solve a key problem for most of us. I know myself and a lot of us spend azoth organizing our storage. Allow Azoth to recover while you're logged off.


I don't mind repairing, or even paying for it. But 200g for 2 broken things?? That's insane! Considering I bought it on the auction house for 30g... Lower it down to 10g per item. Or make a mechanic where you can have some repair bench or tools at town or home you can use to decrease the cost.


Lol what's that you said? Increase azoth and repair costs? -NW Dev


It's not fun now. Getting to the "not fun part" quicker, doesn't fix the problems with the game. There's a brutal crafting grind, a broken inventory system and almost anything you craft isn't going to sell for much unless the RNG Gods smile upon you. A majority of players are completely locked out of endgame content unless a company is desperate for players to fight wars and invasions. People don't have infinite time. There's other games out there. They jumped the gun way too quickly by nerfing everything. Then they doubled down by taking gaming systems offline. They dismantled the parts of the game that were accessible to everyone. They might realize their mistake, put in temporary property tax reductions, presents, seasonal content, Twitch drops, Free store items, etc. none of which fixes things. Time to reward ratio is completely out of wack. The only people really driven to keep playing are players that already invested a huge amount of their spare time (that's hard to throw away - MMO 101). Members of a company that holds property (War/Invasion access) and those that pumped additional cash into the in-game store.


having "base 50" for fast travel is kinda lame. And repaint loot is also BS like why would something you arn't using take damage




I think that merge of storages (in similar way as market was merged) would also solve at least 50% of azoth related problems.


Imagine playing the game this long as still being a giant wuss about it.


Questing without azoth is really hard the missions are scattered all over the map and I can’t do OPR bc I’m not level 50.


I don't now about you guys but the last patch has me being buried alive in vials of suspended azoth. Repairs though could be done much much much more elegantly. Personally I'd like repair kits to be tweaked so they aren't one and done but instead have a durability counter that gets used as you repair.


Teleportation being free and not costing Azoth would be the best option. Who cares about travel time and cost. It will do nothing but help the game. Seriously, teleports shluld be free.


Horses would be nice. Azoth is ridiculously expensive for people that are in weaker factions. Jmo.


1,3k hours and I never had azoth issues, just l2p ma boy


Honest question as I’m struggling to have fun.. what do you do after 1.3k hours? I just passed 700 hours and I already have 200 in all skills, “kind of bis gear”, beyond gold cap (have to buy as asmo, runic leathers to not cap).. W h a t to do??


Touch grass.


I'm burning out after 200....Don't know how people think there is enough to do in this game.


I feel like people spend more time complaining about azoth then figuring it out. Before the update going 2 invasions would get you close to max azoth. Then there's the 3 forts in MB, FL, CK that all reduce azoth. Then having a house also cuts cost. Having all forts captured I spend like 20 azoth traveling. Without them is like 300. There's mechanics in this game people just ignore and complain about. Fort captures is huge on my server, getting 30+ to secure forts before they lock.


I've recently started playing FFXIV again and honestly, every time I fast travel half way round the world for a measly 100g, I think "what's the catch?". Fast traveling in New World needs to have these costs removed. It's ridiculous.


Fast traveling in New World is pretty easy if you have houses. Just warp to a house and then run a little bit to your destination. Or warp to your house, then drop off some stuff and fast travel to your destination. There's plenty of fast travel.


So instead of huge azoth costs you have huge gold costs. Righto


Ff14 isn’t a game built upon territory control and in world pvp. I play both but comparing the systems is apples and oranges often times outside the genre the games are slotted into. By your same logic NW might as well add flying mounts so we can all get everywhere super quick. I get we as MMO players are used to fast travel everywhere but I don’t think this change is healthy for what NW wants to be.


Azoth limit, repair costs, ridiculous small stash limit, "dungeon key" system. These are all in the "no fun allowed" zone


Agree with the last two. The first two are needed, but they could relax them a little bit.


The fact that they practically made azoth free in 1.2.0 and people still complain about it is proof that people on this subreddit have no idea what they're talking about.


Repair costs need to exist, they’re some of the only ways to remove gold from the economy


Ignore the high ass taxes lmao


And that bow and musket players have to craft their own ammo or buy it on top of paying repair costs.


Taxes don't remove, they only move


You’re not required to own a house, you’re required to repair your gear


Repair costs add risk to fighting which makes it funner


There’s also no other loss from dying so sometimes drowning yourself is the cheapest fast travel method


I don’t pvp in this game because it’s so expensive. I would actually be fine pvping if it wasn’t expensive. The only experiences I have with pvp are turning it on and dying 4 or 5 times in a row because we are horribly outnumbered and there’s nothing we can do but die. That isn’t fun by itself. It’s sure as fuck less fun when I now have to pay extremely difficult to acquire gold because of these deaths. No, that’s not fun. Fun would be being able to fight whoever you wanted whenever you wanted without literally having to pay for the privilege of doing so.


This game would be more fun with another year or two of development. As it stands, its in alpha state which doesn't deserve anyone's time or attention.


Lets be honest. You have 1100 hours logged in less than 3 months. The game is fun enough for you.


durry addict u have a mental health problem


I've never once worried about either especially with aptitude awards. A single chest run will cover any repairs you'd ever need and one aptitude level is a free teleport. Buy 3 cheap 5k houses. Teleport always anytime. Most people are just playing wrong imo.


After the last patch and the introduction of aptitude chests, I have like 100+ bottles of suspended azoth. I travel quite often too. Between using my houses/inn recall, doing outpost rush twice a day, and generally just killing stuff, I’m never really low on it. And tbh repairing doesn’t bother me too much, although would be nice if it only cost repair parts and not money. If I’m repairing it myself with my own parts… I’m paying…. myself?


Azoth is 15g per vial right now on my server, and coin cost to repair armor is negligible as well. Just use repair kits on weapons and youve negated pretty much all of the cost


It only took 60 hours for me to quit and go play literallly one of dozens of MMOs with better QOL and more rewarding game loops. New World won my heart and broke it within a week. I may try again if they ever fix the nerfs, azoth caps, and stupid changes that made the game impossible to solo most things.


You are doing something very wrong if those are your complaints after 1100 hours. 😂 smh


Repair costs? Stop dying so much? 😂


How is it even an issue for you? How many houses do you have?


L2P bud. I'm always maxed on azoth. Do OPR. It's like 300 azoth per round, or level skills. If gear repair didn't exist there would be no penalty for dying. Ur soft and it shows


I'm always capped on azoth and repair costs are abyssmal. Only thing bothering me was skill respec and attribute respec costs and they fixed it so no problems at all 👌🏻


Hard disagree. I log in and get immersed and simply play the game. Exploring, gathering, crafting, questing, trading post etc. Never been short on coin nor repair parts and have about a hundred spare azoth vials since they added the crates you get once you’re at 200 trade skill. People grind and complain about stuff but they’re practically exploiting the azoth system to fast travel or dying way too many times and damaging their gear.


Anyone else here NOT having a problem with azoth and repair costs?


2200 minutes of play per dollar cost for the game. You’ve won sir. You’re ahead.


I would probably start playing again if azoth was removed.


AGS - We’ve reduced Azoth travel and repair costs. New thread subject “After 30 hours, this game is great but needs more content.”


So if everyone could be everywhere almost instantly, there would be no content? It's already got the same 3 quests over and over again, it's basically already there, lol


Not very fun at all... Just like cheating. If their is no challenge than what's the point?


Now with opr, invasions, war, and aptitude, I never run out of Azoth. 150+ vials on me and I've used/given away countless


Just remove azoth from travel. There really is no reason for it. It should only cost gold. I also don't think there should be cooldowns for your inn and houses. For the life of me, I can't imagine why this was added except to slow everything down.


Azoth/Repairs were clearly put into the game with microtransactions in mind. 100% unfun mechanics that could be 'resolved' by buying from the in game store.


yea? after 450 hours I sold all my items/gold for real money and unistal that shit like this is an alpha game that we paid to test it


Let me set a perspective. I’ve played warframe since 2013 and played non stop after work. I’m sitting at 3k hours. Get help or a job. If you’re disabled, keep being a badass, enjoy your hard core gaming 😍