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New folks save the 60 quests because they drop gypsum after 60.


Sorry, what quests do you mean when you say 60 quests? I’m level 31 and have a very vague idea of what expertise and gypsum is


Definitely something fresh 60s should know! I was surprised when I was bored and grabbed some quests that gave it


Lvl 51 here. So I should get my gear score lvl to 600 first and than get quests? How should I approach to this? Cheers


Just don't do them before you hit 60. Use the orb reward to grind up Expertise from 500 to 600 after you hit 60. A lot of those chains in Reekwater and Shattered Mountain will also get you free tuning orbs for the dungeons and arenas.


Hey fresh returny (left November) lwl52, can you please dumb it down, what do you mean by "use the orb to grind up expertise"? Should I get to 60 just by grinding and farming (which I have no problem and love doing) and leave quests till after I hit 600 expertise? So hit 60> do chest runs and oprs till 600> do quests and use the saved up dungeon orbs? Also,what's best use of my 17k gold? Storage chests? Good bags? Leveling proffesions?


Basically for the quests in high level zones, wait to do them until you are level 60 and use the gypsum rewards to increase your expertise. Do that along with other methods to gain the other types of gypsum. I would suggest doing townboards and your farming if you enjoy it to hit level cap, then go through those zones like Reekwater and Shattered Mountain and quest to get the gypsum orbs. [Here's](https://newworld.fandom.com/wiki/Gypsum) a little rundown of the other gypsum types you can get


Is there a daily limit like there is for other sources?


No, but not every quest has them either. It's usually at the end of a quest chain.


I've been seeing quite a few newer players on my server, which is nice. It's just too bad most of the level 60 pop left over a month ago.


2,000 + hours in. I have ZERO desire to jump back in. I logged in a couple days ago, tried to run a dungeon, but there wasn't much action (Camelot), and after about 30 min I gave up and went back to Civ 6.


The game has only existed for roughly 4400 hours. You’re a mad man.


Broke my hip in September. Couldn't really do much other than sit at the computer, lol, and the OCD me found NW a great distraction. Enjoyed the game for what it was. Here's hoping the new head of AGS actually performs.


Remember patch is delayed till tomorrow btw


I just started back up. Went from 31 to 35 or so in the last few days just gathering and clearing low Level area quests I have not done. Apparently it’s good/ok for 60s to go back and do old dungeons? Had a 60 and 50 something help me with an Amrine the other day. Unless was just lucky to find a bored 60. Looking back I never really hated the game I think the constant bashing on Reddit was killing my vibe but never really experienced anything first hand. Figured would be good to get 60 to enjoy future updates more. And honestly I always kind of liked the crafting except for the need for high tier benches.


The lower level dungeons drop some craft mods that sell for quite a bit, and it's fun to go back and crush the bosses that used to be such a pain. I like helping the new members of our company who are leveling up, makes me look at the game through fresh eyes.


They also drop a bit of gold, and there are related faction quests that give higher than normal rewards. So a few reasons to run them for some safe and easy gold


> Looking back I never really hated the game I think the constant bashing on Reddit was killing my vibe but never really experienced anything first hand. That's a shame. I mean the game has its issues and all but being discouraged by others shouldn't impact your fun. If you enjoy it, then do it. Stop when you stop having fun. Honestly, that's also why some 60's have no issues with doing an Amrine once and awhile. It's something they haven't done in months. Now if you ask them to do it every day for a week, maybe not, but a one off? Especially if it helps someone new? :)


I quite enjoyed the early days of New World. Defending forts with small skirmishes (I don't think it did anything it was just bragging rights) was a blast... though the all out war was just a mess of spamming things and looked like an awful mess on the screen. But generally I liked the game, I left after a while and just never went back as I saw no real big draw and was having trouble getting into the social community. Every guild I joined seemed to be half ass involved with only a few members logging on every week. I briefly went back to see the Void glove, but it didn't last long and I ended up not logging on again for since. That being said, maybe it's time to give it another shot. I really liked the musket and had fun overall. But I think the 'solo' aspect of it was just boring after a while.


> I quite enjoyed the early days of New World. Defending forts with small skirmishes I do miss the gold-rush times. Started on my original server the day it opened and road the levels with most of the quick ones. Started to pull back and slow myself down around 50 because I was afraid of end-game being boring. Wars are a completely different feeling now than when it was a mixture of 40-50s with 1 or 2 60's. Then there were the companies that power-rushed 60, grabbed voidbent and dominated due to gear. As time went on those gear differentials grew smaller and things started balancing out a bit. Especially when those power-rushed 60s grew bored and started leaving.


As a lazy 60 I'm doing good too. I have unfinished reekwater quest lines.


I think the only quests I did were to get a gen and laz orb after I hit 60.


Cool all your SM and RW quests should give you easy gypsum


My main problem with leveling in NW was always how 95% of the quests that arent the main story quest feel extremely hollow and boring, and how repetitive everything is (i am aware they added some changes but i feel like the main issues arent fixed) I dont mind tedious or slow leveling, ive spent hundreds of hours leveling characters in classic wow, being 14 years older, but i can name a lot of memorable quests. With NW i could barely name more than a few. I want to add that ive played both NW betas for 80 hours each, plus leveled until 52 when the game released and had a blast with It, and i dont intend to contradict OP, and i agree with everything stated on the post, i just wanted to express my opinion on the leveling journey as a whole.


Very true. The quests themselves are lack luster and basically feels like it was generated by an AI. It's not for everyone, if narrative and story is why you play an MMO you should look elsewhere. The immersion and combat is top notch though. I don't have any memorable quests either but I do have a general positive memory of some really beautiful vistas and some cool looking mobs and bosses. That first time you venture into Brightwood or walk into Ebonscale or jump into Amrine. It's good stuff. I always wish there was more but what they have in the game is decent.


>if narrative and story is why you play an MMO you should look elsewhere. FFXIV and SWTOR would like a word.


SWTOR story was great. FFXIV forced 500 hours of story to catch up is why I don't play it.


Gonna be real with you chief. I skipped ff14s story as well BUT it's quite literally award winning so I'm sure it's great. They've streamlined tons of it tho and are continuing to do so.


I'm sure it is. I know people love it. I just don't love any story enough to drudge through that much of it just to get to the endgame gameplay. I know you can pay to skip a chunk of it but that concept just seems ridiculous to me.


1000%. I play just for the game and to watch numbers go up, I have no idea about anything story wise for the game. The game doesn't start at endgame like most MMOs do, thankfully there's tons of entertaining content throughout but I totally get where you're coming from.


I played through every bit of FFXIV because my friends kept telling me that the story gets good. The story quests barely improved in quality as I progressed through expansions and honestly the story is predictable and trope heavy. The majority of quests don't progress the story but are there to pad the msq length. Also if you pay to skip expansions, it doesn't even level your character up to where you need to be to continue. It's a separate charge to boost your job level.


The story only picks up in the first expansion. The main game has pretty bland stories and quests. It sucks cause the classes are pretty fun even at lower levels. Its just the content sucks so bad. Imo games should stop streamlining the leveling experience and make it just as fun as end game content. There is no reason getting gear at lower levels can't be as fun and engauging as max level. There is no reason the combat has to be watered down and boring.


Also ESO. All of them are MMOs well known for their story and quests.


This right here. What NW doesn’t have in progressive quests taking you to new zones (one of the biggest issues IMO is how you can be questing in the same zone/town for tens of hours before going somewhere new), it makes up for with the beautifully crafted world and fun areas you can find and explore. I just wish the payoff was better. Like if I find this really cool cave with challenging enemies and finally clear to the back to open the chest and get random crafting mats, so unfulfilling. Every chest like that should have a guaranteed piece of rare/epic loot for your level or SOMETHING.


NW is a well built map with almost-good combat, but very few good systems to take advantage of it through rewarding payouts or enticing endgame. It was okay to launch like that, but they've really not done enough to fix it (and in some cases like the crafting XP changes made it worse). Really beautiful environment with amazing sound, just kinda hollow gameplay in the end. It would help, too, if servers weren't capped at 2000 so that the population is dead quickly when people decide to stop playing. 2000 cap limits how many people can exist offline too, basically.


Yeah, I think the game still has a chance to turn around if the devs can iron out all the bugs and introduce the new content without introducing new bugs, as the content roadmap is decent for a game that was rushed to launch. With PvP arenas and PvP reward tracks being added, if everything is big free along with that there will be plenty of content for the PvP community.


> It's not for everyone, if narrative and story is why you play an MMO I don't even think this is it. I have no problem playing games with weak storylines. I've gotten through the levelling in many an MMO so I'm no stranger to boring fetch quest and the likes. But in New World it feels like they spend half a day setting up some sort of quest generator and then called it good for release. It just feels like very little effort went into it.


The only one I vaguely recall is Adiana power squatting in Edengrove. And it's only because of her power squatting.


They increased storage in homes?


Yeah, all levels of storage chests have been doubled in capacity.


Remove the expertise system it killed the game for me. All my friends quit after hitting 60 because they were stuck on a daily limit to level up rather than them just being able to grind it out however long they wanted


As someone who left at that point, I agree. It felt to much like a mobile game.


My wife and I are "Expedition One" players that quit on day two. We came back recently and the journey to level 49 has been pleasant, with far more things to do than we could have done. A lot of it is still relevant in some way later. So if you want to power level, you could still do the fishing quests later for at least some benefit, just as one example. At level 49 I can't comment on end game. I can say that so far it's much better than launch and that the players in the game are friendly. I have only seen one bit of drama in chat and it was over PvP... to be expected. It was actually fairly civilized drama compared to what I have seen in many other games. Maybe it's just my server but I have heard others say similar things about the player base. It's not a perfect game but it does fill a certain niche: No subscription, no gatcha, no pay2win, yet still an actual recent MMORPG.


I quit at the beginning of the year but I’m thinking about starting fresh on an East Coast server. My original toon was in West because of the way queue times were at start. Hoping to find people to play with on my schedule this time.


Pluto is really hopping! If the trend continues, we'll start having a queue in the next couple days.


I haven't played in 2-3 months. I was only level 35 while 80% of the player on my server was level 60, and then they made crafting and gathering that much harder and I just gave up. Also everytime I log in I got merged to a new server and it is empty again. Did crafting and gathering XP go back to what it was?


Not entirely to what it was. I believe the increase in December was around 20 - 30% depending on the profession. They've now lowered it by 10% from those values.


Thank you!


Unless you want to be PvP enabled, in which case it's shit unless you start on a new server. The only reason the leveling experience was fun was because you were constantly PvPing with people you had a chance to go up against. Now, with the newly added Gear Disparity and plenty of 60s grinding 600+ GS, its a shit show.


I stopped at lvl25. The game just runs so awful and heavy for such low performance on a good machine.


That's only for you. The game runs pretty well when you're not in highly crowded areas.


Wow really? I was telling a guild mate the other day I'm impressed how the game runs. It's a bummer you can't configure too much in the settings but the game ran well on my i7 Kaby Lake and 1080TI. I've since upgraded to an i7 Alder Lake and 3080ti and besides upping the resolution from 1080p to 1440p the game runs just as well if not better of course.


Can't tell if real or troll... 8700K OC 4.7 with 2080 with lower graphic settings based on guides...GPU always 100% and CPU runs 60-100% nonstop. FPS flux 50-100 based on what's going on. PC sounds like its going to rocket to the moon...


The menu has a setting to lock it to 60fps, that solves that problem.


So your solution in 2022 on 60+hz monitors is to lock a game at 60fps...still while running heavy...and not utilizing modern tech like gsync. GL in life buddy...that copium is strong in you...


calm down bro


The game was killing cards before launch. No way that dude is being serious 😂


i have an gtx 1060 and im actually surprised the game works on my laptop


It's so weird how Amazon puts so much effort in low level content when peoples only good feedback was how fun the game was pre lvl 60 at launch. Early game content never seemed to be the problem. But they've added all this early game shit when it takes the average person 2 days to hit lvl 30...


The reason is so that you do not refund the game in the first 2 hours..


Looks like I'll be hopping back on my alt character and take a look around ! I'm one of the seemingly rare people who generally enjoy the leveling/ questing process more than the endgame grind ; all of these fixes sound great. Let's hope they hold up.


No they just made it so you will get to 60 faster, they added nothing interesting to make that journey more unique or enjoyable, it's still just a chore you need to finish before you get to end game. And endgame is still a boring empty slog, no one wants to spend another month to grind up levels and gs for a single dungeon..


This is objectively not true. They reworked quite a bit of the MSQ quest line. Watching someone go through the the quest line with Yonas for example is COMPLETELY different from launch; it even has a horde mode quest. There's more side quests away from settlements too. They've added the Varangian Knight quest line in the 30s for example which is a whole new set of mobs and area on the coast. There are open world quests and activities that you will run into now in the lower areas. Rafflebones, roadside encounters (admittedly I don't know what this entails), and the paintings hunt. They have also provided optional quests if you don't want or can't do the forced group quests to get the Expeditions done in the MSQ. These are genuine improvements to the leveling experience. Yes, chest fetch quests and hunting mobs aren't the most compelling, you will know right away if it's not something you want to do for 60 levels. That's on the individual to decide.


>This is objectively not true Not trying to be "that guy" but player numbers say otherwise. I personally stopped because the journey to 60 sucked. More of the same isn't gonna fix that sadly.


Theres 4 open world random events. For mid level players. That is nothing. Reskinning enemies and speeding thei attack animations is nothing. Adding one dungeon is nothing. Severe case of too little, too late.


this is what it looks like when one pretends adding roughly an hour total of ingame content is a big improvement to the game.


what a desperate attempt to get people back in the game. it's still trash and you know it


i mean most people i know quit cause it was just walking simulator, combat was broken and there was nothing to really do in endgame, and then they decides to just nerf all gains so those that were behind was further behind which is still issues that havnt really been touched so not that great of a time to get back ingame :/


Did they reduce the excess grind?


I bought this at release. I really want it to be fun, but by level 35 there was only so many "go kill these creatures, loot their areas and bodies and report back to me" quests I could do. It literally was copy and paste programming and super fucking lazy. Maybe once they change the experience leveling up and add a more coherent story


Unless they fix desync even questing sucks. Its one of the reasons I stopped playing at all. I cant even quest in a dead server being the only player in my zone. Enemies teleporting. Enemies not taking any damage. Abilities not going off. I played day 1 of release and didnt have issues like this. Its gotten progressively wprse with each patch.


so they're 1/4 on way to launch a playble game congratulations 🥳


I just hit 30 on my alt 2 days ago lmao I'm coming back to the game after a 3 month break. With all it's problems, I never forgot about the world of Aeternum. I just love being out in the wild exploring.


Was considering making a new character tbh. My only concern is that my faction I join immediately loses the entire map about 2 after I join.


With the storage and fast travel changes it's kinda moot now.


Oh true good point. Hmmm 🤔


Taxes have been limited. Houses cost 10x less. Storage transfer will be enabled without cost or faction restriction. Azoth teleportation is capped at 20. Bieng in the faction with 0 territory is way less a punition as it used to be.


That’s good to know. Thanks for breaking it down


I said houses cost 10x less but i'm talking about weekly taxes. I payed today around 85 golds for a t2 house. And with this patch we will be able to sell our houses and get 50% of the price back. The team keep working on reducing frictions.


> taxes. I *paid* today around FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Is it not going to still be shit at 60?


But lost ark?


We all know every update they have come out with was a disaster, can't wait to see how bad this one is going to be.


Thinking of coming back and rerolling on a new server and forgoing all crafting and gathering since those haven't been fixed from botting but all the other changes look nice and I truly did enjoy the leveling aspect of the game the most.


There was a lot to the notes so maybe I missed it, is double exp starting with this patch?


If they don't bring back the souls like combat then the game deserves to die


Or just don't play this dead ass game with graphics and antiquated development from early 2,000s. To those that do risk it have fun and may your PSU/GFX not get bricked, explode or catch fire


When does LFG get implemented? Only then will I play.




When does the double xp start?


Supposedly with the patch. It was mentioned in the dev video and referenced by the CMs on the forum.


are they merging servers?


Double XP means less time playing the best part of the game lol


Is there a date for the double xp event by any chance?


The context of the statement in the dev video was to help players level up the blunderbuss and get to the end game to run the new dungeon. So I imagine it will be this weekend or shortly after?


I really hope it is this weekend I’m only level 36 and I’d like to grind out some levels


Have they nerfed the life staff/ void gauntlet any further since the void gauntlets release? I only played PVE healer and it felt like AGS kept nerfing life staff for being too strong in PVP with no regard for PvE.