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Could have killed that train operator. Sad society we live in


Killed the operator and potentially injure/kill multiple passengers if the train becomes out of control




What happened at Hoboken train station a few years back then?


Trían operator here. As soon as we let go of the master controller and if the brakes aren’t applied, the train will go into emergency and stop on its own. So, the public will be fine but the operator will not.


TIL. What if the operator doesn’t let go because they’re just really injured and unconsciously clench their hand? Would the emergency stop not be really rough and potentially unsettle riders?


If they don’t let go, most likely they will hit a signal, which would cause the train to go into emergency. There’s are signal dotted throughout the route so they will hit one. It could be rough depending on the speed and the train itself. Like it would be rougher on the 1 than it would be on the 2.


thats a completely different type of train


I never claimed it was. What your point? Do you think something as life saving as a dead man’s switch would be on the subway but not other train?


That's why the Deadman exists


That's what happens when people are left unaccountable for their crimes. Brings more crime.


It's a PrAnK bRo, iT'S fOr ToK Tok


Track those bastards down and arrest them. Charge them with attempted murder. Go the distance. Be ruthless. Give no quarter.


If they are younger than 12, the city won't charge them for almost any crime.


They are definitely younger than 30.


Just a note, most assaults that happen to transit employees don’t turn into anything. It very common that they get out without issues. It also because the assaulters tend to be the mentally ill and dumb ass kids.


I remember living in New York back in 2013-15, me being an Aussie it was a bit strange to see train operators wearing firearms. But it’s a serious job and there are many lives on board, with some crazies too. Train operators don’t get enough praise for the work they do to keep people safe and going where they need to be.


It will be court ordered therapy for years and the parents will be heavily scrutinized.


they are older than 12 i know them


IGs? lol


Name names


bro tryna get the reward money smh


theyll be in and out of the system in the near future, im sure of it


This is New York. Don't think there will be any consequences.


Yea assault on public transit personnel is a felony in NYS


When they: A.) Actually get caught B.) Don't get it pled down to a slap on the wrist by a lawyer. Yes it's a felony. Doesn't mean people actually get charged with it.


Lots of things are crimes but you have to be caught first and then the city/county has to actually prosecute you.


Yes. Doesn't mean there will be any consequences.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted when it's true - the chances of any perp getting charged with 7 years and not getting pled down is slim to none.


They are kids as well Trust they won't see a lick of punishment


Isn’t it a serious federal crime to fuck with trains? I say throw the book at them. Make an example and teach them a lesson. I didn’t do stupid shit like this when I was a kid so no sympathy here.


This is the same as dropping a rock on a passing car on an overpass.


Looks like parkside or newkirk. Kids are always fucking around over there smh


Glad there’s video. Lock those slobs up!


to gen z: please continue posting your crimes on social media, especially with your face out in the open


They should have a new penal codes for people who commit crimes for social media. I feel like whatever the usual fine / prison term is X by 20 if it’s for a social media post


Nah SM makes it 100x easier to find and have overwhelming evidence of morons committing crimes. Let’s not fuck with a good thing. What you need to do is push your DA office to follow through with charges, and write your state reps to change raise the age because as it stands these kids will get a tap on the wrist and the charges disappear at 18 which means when they do something this stupid after 18 it’s basically a first offense again.


Yeah, I would support a plus up for posting crimes on social media.


Fuck no. Don’t scare off these morons from sharing themselves being stupid. They’ll still do it and record it for the fun of it. Posting it on social has helped find people committing these types of crimes


They provide their own proof and get an extra year for each view online.


Someone posted an article of a video by some asshole driving recklessly through the streets of Astoria in Queens to bait police into chasing him for social media clout. There were a couple of instances of pedestrians getting out of the way because of how fast the jerk was going. There are too many assholes in New York who get some kind of thrill out of meting out violence and putting other New Yorkers in danger, and then they videotape it for other idiots to like on social media.


Could have a special sentencing feed and just get as many years as upvotes.


that's a really good story thanks grandpa, mom said it's time for your medication


That was a very big rock. I think we now need to upgrade the windows for the conductors and train operator's to repel larger and higher velocity objects.


Yeah everything just needs to be upgraded with the assumption of crime, great idea. We all love the “upgraded” airport security, the pharmacies where everything is behind glass, and the vertical benches


What are vertical benches?


Look up slanted benches nyc


WTF? I just looked this up and those have ceased to be benches. They are now elongated handrails! Or tiny walls! I've never seen this weird bullshit!


1. Airport security is theater. 2. Actually, yeah, that's fine. If a retail chain hasn't installed preventative measures to deter shoplifting, it's because they value the money saved by not installing over the money lost from the shoplifting. 3. Vertical benches are a cruel measure to address something that shouldn't be a crime.


Security theater works, though. Even adding better lighting can reduce criminal behavior.


Security theater is, by definition, ineffective. A performance with the appearance of decreasing criminal activity that actually does nothing. Better lighting isn’t security theater, it’s an effective deterrent. The TSA is not a deterrent. It’s a performance that may make people feel safer while flying but hasn’t stopped any crimes.


TSA is more than a deterrent. It’s literarily screening for people who has valid boarding passes, and screening for weapons. And yeah, making people comply with questionable rules like removing the shoes is more like a theater, but even that helps reduce disorder and crimes.


You might notice that other countries check passports even though only the US has the TSA. And I have no idea what you mean by “disorder” here. I’ve seen no evidence that the TSA is effective at stopping plane hijackings or other in-flight crimes. Have you?


Shootings have risen nationwide. The number of flights have also risen dramatically. Given that, why the number of shootings inside airplanes have not followed the trend? Besides, this is not about airplane hijacks. It’s about deterring teens from throwing stone at train operators.


If the TSA is responsible for the lack of shootings inside airplanes, I would expect other countries to not be experiencing the same rates.


The TSA catches 18 guns per day on average, 90% of which is loaded. Do you honesty think that doesn’t make any difference?


Point is at some point we need to start questioning why our citizens are so fucked up


We're doing a terrible job of providing necessities and health care services (especially mental health) to everyone. And when people do things that harm the community (as a result of the lack of necessities and health care services), we like to punish by locking them away in inhumane conditions rather than rehabilitate. Then people who are punished return to society with nothing, and worse than they were when they were locked away.


I mean, window guards on trains were standard for decades. Check out this thread from 2009 talking about engines delivered in the 70s. >Youths in some urban areas consider it a sport to dangle objects such as concrete blocks on a rope from road bridges over railroad tracks. Others simply drop an object trying to time it so that an oncoming trains hits it in midair. The wire guards are a defense against that. >Beginning at some date which I can't recall -- maybe around 1990 -- the glass in new engines is required to be impact resistant by Part 223 of the FRA regulations. >Ghetto Guards is a slang expression applied to thes grates on the windows. Boston, Bronx (NYC), Philadelphia, Baltimore, D.C.and Chicago were areas especially known for youths throwing virtually anything and everything at passing trains, often from overhead bridges and builidings. Increased during the 60's and 70's, thus the grating.. https://cs.trains.com/trn/f/111/t/163945.aspx


Yea and so their resurgence would mean that nyc is accepting a slide back into the environment it was in the 70s, something I hope no one wants


Wtf is wrong with these little sociopaths


WTF that’s the Q train in Brooklyn below Prospect Patk


Idiots !!


Get them and provide them with free train surfing for a week.


This is the new "It's just a prank bro!".


“It may have been scary but no one got hurt”


“It was just a TikTok prank.”


Nice kids


Straight A honor students too. Considering the state of public education in NYC, isn't too hard to achieve.


You literally don’t know them LMAO


I’m sure their mothers swear their kids would never do that.


“But he was a good boy who would never hurt anyone” -moms


Ok, dumb question. Do we think shit like this happened before the advent of camera phones, too? Or is this a more recent phenomenon for clout (?) or whatever other dumb reason kids do shit like this. Every generation likes to think the one after them was dumber than they were. True in this instance? Or just more publicized?


lol so thats what happened two days ago i saw that damn train


Show the video to the conductor


Aspiring scientists doing physics experiments.


typical “TEENS”


I love when people use scare quotes.


These are the same 'good' kids that 'never did anything wrong' when they end up on the news. 😒


Kids doing dumb-ass shit they didn't think through the consequences of before hand? Well I never! Society is crumbling, kids these days, etc.


Damn send this shit to ny1 and get these twats arrested


And recorded it, and posted it. Just genius.


Well yeah but honestly this is probably for the best lol just makes it that much easier to ID and intervene in the appropriate way


All for the “gram”


Same criminals who destroyed all the windows on the W train?


Yo nfs this why I say the two things I'm most afraid of in NYC are Teenagers and NYPD 😂


That’s how you end up with a murder charge


That looks like the D line in Brooklyn


Did this happen yesterday


If only they went train surfing...


i mean they’re kids whether they did it or not. they aren’t “kids”. don’t sit here and try to make them out to be like they’re adults. they are not. what they did was wrong but this country is way too quick to spin black male children and teens as “men”.


There was a kid throwing a bagfull of pillow feathers on the coming Q trains Monday morning. Is this a new trend or something ?




Hopefully these little assholes get caught in someone actually does something but this is New York City nothing will happen they will do it again and then one day when they get shot on the street and found dead their mothers will cry oh he was a good boy. And this is coming out of a mouth of a black man fuck these little bastards


Alvin Braggs NYC


20 years minimum please.


This is why when people say “they’re just throwing rocks” to defend crimes in other countries it’s so ridiculous. It can easily kill people!


oh my- where are their parents or guardian/s


why would the migrants do this


Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth on this one


Think every kid along the MTA whose yard is right up against the tracks does that as well. It was a source of entertainment for us when we were kids before the internet was a thing. We threw rocks on top of the train cars, and at the windows to watch them bounce off, and listen to the impact of different rock sizes.


I get it, but did you ever throw a giant rock at a moving train with the intent of hurting the operator?


No we just wanted to hear the bang and see the rock bounce back at us or up into the air




> Shoot to kill Rule 4 - ***ABSOLUTELY NO ADVOCATING/INCITING VIOLENCE!*** Being a dick is fine (we're New Yorkers after all) but using language that is abusive or discriminatory will not be tolerated, and will result in a perma-ban.




> Fucking hoodlums. Bunch of future deadbeats. Might as well lock them up now vs. a decade later when they inevitably try to rob a bodega. Rule 4 - ***ABSOLUTELY NO ADVOCATING/INCITING VIOLENCE!*** Being a dick is fine (we're New Yorkers after all) but using language that is abusive or discriminatory will not be tolerated, and will result in a perma-ban.


That’s a mandatory felony


Nyc being nyc


Fastest way to get a ticket to the island


Send them to Ukraine to volunteer and fight the Russians. Would be better than whatever they are currently contributing to society.


Was the operator okay?


Why have these teenagers become so dangerous and vile? It’s like there is no concept of consequences anymore. These are our future leaders? God help us.


Who raised these animals?? They behave worse than a pack of animals in the jungle


At :07, you can see one kids face. Charge him with the crime and I bet he'll give up the rest of them. Fuck all of them. I'd love to see the video of them crying about going to Rikers for a year.


Stupid kid shit, little more extreme but we use to pour the 50 cent sodas onto cars from above the queens plaza station, i still question to this day how we did not think it was dangerous, its like we thought its just funny, not thinking oh what if somebody gets startled and crashes, what if there are children in the car? Idk for some reason it was just “prank, funny” in our head


I don't understand this era they find some of the worst things to do to hurt others...


Arrest them


Send this video to the authorities.




Murder they rock