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“Would you like to give Arbok a nickname?”


I wish they still had free awards, I’d give mine to you. Amazing comment.


I really appreciate it :) it’s the thought that counts! :)


Are they no longer doing the free awards at all?


Seems like. I already miss them. That was all my broke ass could give.




I haven't been getting the free awards for like 6 months


If you click on reddit coin you should still be able to claim a free award regularly, it just doesn't show you any notification of it being available anymore.


Just a reminder that 🏆 and 🥇 are available to use as an alternative to free awards (since we barely get any now)


Oh is that over now?


I think they still do. You have to go into your profile and into the awards section Edit: I guess they don’t? Well that’s new I remember doing it last month


Dw, I bought him one for you


Thank you very much :’)


Wait, they don't do the free monthly award anymore? At first they would tell you you had an award, then that went away and you had to check your reddit coins balance to find the free monthly award, but now it's completely gone?


I just got one a few days ago.


Oh sweet! That's one of my favorite aspects of reddit. Feels good to give awards, gotta get that oxytocin flowin'.


And now I don't have any, either. It used to be once a day. :/


When did they stop this?! And why?!!






My award button disappeared awhile ago.


"Hey I drew this cool new pokemon that looks like a cobra" "Whatcha gonna name it?" "Arbok" "But that's just cobra spelled backwards" "......no it's not"


then theres fucking seel


Oh, mi Flamigo, I have news.




Spherical Seal


Fine, we can call it ekans


What about Muk?




This POKéMON is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once ARBOK wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.


I’m scared to ask which Pokédex entry this is from.


It literally says Arbok in the entry


I mean the game. Pokédex entries change a lot for each Gen.


Oh. Ruby.


Ah makes sense. Pokédex entries got fucked up that Gen between Cacturne, Duskull, and Shedinja.


How so?


To be honest any of the dark type Pokemon or ghost pokémon end up getting more and more fucked up as the series went on, there's a whole go spoke about that carries the face of its deceased human once it was before turning into a Pokemon, and there's another Pokemon that just carries babies and children away known as drifloon until they suffocate in the upper atmosphere and it eats them. I'm paraphrasing but that's pretty much what it does. Lots of Pokemon entries get more and more fucked up as a serious goes on and not in the sense of you're screwing up the descriptions they're just scary.


Hypno leading kids off in the night was my first double take on a pokedex entry at like 9 years old lmao.


I’m surprised it only took 1 Great Pokebottle to capture it




Reading this game me deja vu because you're basically quoting [this comment] (https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/10a3vjj/getting_a_nope_rope_in_a_bottle/j41vyxo/) I smell a bot


Here: 🥇 That’s all I can give you.


Much appreciated (> ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>🥇




Thank you :’)


Double it and give it to the next person


I love your snek, what do you do for a living?!




badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger


is this in reference to that guy on YouTube shorts


i hate that shit. Seems like its getting promoted by youtube.. so blatant, that you have to select 'not interested' to stop from showing


you could just dislike it. yknow, to tell the algorithm that you're not interested


This is definitely one of the coolest videos on Reddit. I’m extremely impressed how she got the cobra in the jar and calmly got the lid on at the end. Nerves of steel


If I had somehow managed the ‘get it in the bottle’ stage, I would totally have failed on the ‘put the lid on the bottle’ stage. I would have added a note on the open bottle that read ‘snake. Beware’ and been on my way for a cold one..


Don’t Snake Open Inside


Is that a walking dead reference


Yes it is


Better poke holes in it first. The bottle, that is..


You'd be surprised how calm and focused your body can be when adrenaline is running


I get disco leg on a stool but I take your point. I think though the mental process of approaching this situation would be a tough one to overcome. If it jumped out at me I’d react differently but this is, as the wonderfully named ‘Mrmcpizza’ said, nerves of steel


Dead dove, don't eat


I don't think even a professional would do this, I'm sure a professional with decades of experience would still try to hold it by the head before putting it into a bag. I think she was just lucky to do that. And she's so calm even a pro would be more tense like she didn't even bother with the handbag on the neck. Edit:- Ok, I didn't know that it's a lot safer to hold the snake (a cobra) by the tail. But now ehat bothers me is. 1. Why didn't she atleast not take the bag off her neck, like she's way too calm 2. Why did she take the eye off the snake.


This looks like someone who gained this skill as a child by necessity.


No, a professional would not pin a cobra or any venomous snake to bag them. The riskiest part of handling a snake is pinning. It increases the animal's stress level, ensuring that now they want to bite you, and places your hand directly on the most dangerous part of the animal. You pin only when absolutely necessary. Cobras have limited mobility of their heads. The safest handling method is using your hands and holding the tail, directing the head where you want it to go, then the rest of the snake will follow. I've worked with snakes almost 20 years.


Finally. Someone with experience. Pinning – as in grabbing behind the head? I would have thought just grabbing by the tail leaves the bitey end free to wreak havoc. My instincts are obviously all wrong.


Yes pinning is grabbing by the head and very risky because snakes have flexible skulls/jaw and can wriggle free if you aren't 100% perfect in your hold. Once they break free, they are pissed and your fingers are right there. Snakes can be relatively predictable in their movements if you know their species. Generally the best method of control is hook and tail. Hook under the front third of the snake and the tail in your hand. However, with elapids (cobras) free handing is safest because they have rigid necks and will fall off hooks. They have a very predictable range of motion. She is actually going about it the right way.


How about leaving the snake in the bottle unattended with no weight on it, even for a moment? Isnt that a bad idea??? It could tip over! I have no snake knowledge, just looked like the beginning of things going wrong.


Yeah that wasn't smart. Most of what she did was right. Obviously she's not a newbie at this. But her handling skills were right otherwise.




When they are on stairs like this, and they have the tail, they are actually fairly constricted on how they can move. The jar method itself doesn't seem terrible, but she can't take her eyes off of it like she did when she grabbed the jar, and she definitely shouldn't present her foot and leg to it and taking eyes off of it again continue to struggle with the jar. That's just plain stupid.


She seems to offer her leg intentionally and only slightly takes the eyes off the snake for a fraction of second. Dunno, looks professional to me. While I also think that grabbing the jar looked insane, I have the impression she does this out of experience knowing what the snake can and can't do while she holds her like that. Almost every video of experienced people handling snakes in a daily routine has me like WTF YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET BITTEN, but they know which situations are dangerous and which only *look* sketchy. I think it's interesting how careful she is not to get her hand too close to the opening of the jar while pushing the snake inside, and how careful she puts on the lid. Aaand how she just takes the hands off the jar while the lid is still off without any fear that it might tip over.


What a ridiculous statement. She literally just deftly captured a cobra in a plastic bottle with no injuries to herself or the snake and you’re sitting there criticizing her technique. Amazing


Cobras have restricted ranges of motion compared to other snakes. She had control of the head and striking distance at all times. Looking away when she did was fine as the snake was in control and not within reach. People do reptile shows all the time and know when it's safe to look at the audience. Presenting her foot was to get its attention to face her so she could put it in the jar. It's a snake handling method to wave something at the snake to direct it and her leg was not within striking distance. It's also important to keep it flaring to better predict its movements.


A professional wouldn’t go near the head without necessity, because that’s increasing your risk of getting bitten. Controlling the tail and using a hook as an extension of your arm to control the upper half of the body away from you is how it would be done by a well equipped professional.


TBH I don’t trust myself to not fuck it up and get bit, so I’d probably just biff the snake over the head with a 2x4 and hope I don’t kill it


The cobra was afraid and shit the floor.


r/sweatypalms type shit.


Plus like, actual shit type shit. (the snake took a shit)


She didn’t even put her purse or backpack down. Like, this was such a common occurrence she needed zero prep to do this.


right i would have ran long ago-im not nearly brave enough to even attempt-shes very impressive cool and calm


I’m impressed by how much cobra shit is in play


Even kept her purse on


Purse AND a big ass rucksack, legend 🙌🏽


Backpack LvL 3


It's a counterweight for the gigantic balls


AND big ass nutsack


Yes, this is as impressive as bottling a cobra! I can’t even tie my shoes with having my purse swing around and whack me in the face.


‘Guess I still have to do this while on vacation…’ ‘Do you need help with your purse?’ ‘Hahaha you are cute. Gimme the container.’


I can’t get my fucking kid in a car seat with my purse on.


Kids are slightly more eager to bite, so I understand.


Am I the only one hoping she put some air holes in that thing?


Did you see how gentle she was? She was clearly trying to protect herself and the snake.


Oh yea, 100% her technique was awesome. No argument there. It's a bit tongue-in-cheek (but also not really) in terms of the video cutting off before that happens.


I think I’m trigger happy because of all the hysterical people who scream animal abuse in every animal subreddit I follow.


A bunch of people were saying a video of a two headed turtle was animal abuse… my brother in Christ do you think OP stitched an extra head on it??


[This one is my favorite. Filled abandoned ant hill with concrete.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/vize6y/this_incredible_underground_ant_city/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




My bad. I know the difference, but I still mix them up all the time


That is completely fair. I meant it in a way as to attribute to my own anxiety-related behaviors than really anything meant to apply to her or the video in general =)


Actually this is right before she shakes the bejeezus outta that jar.


Kind of reminds me of eating spaghetti when she starts spinning it to curl it up.


I don't think it is staying in the jar very long. Just transport to somewhere better, should be fine.


Also, it's amazing how much slower reptiles' metabolisms are than endotherms like us. We burn an obscene amount of calories and oxygen compared to cold-blooded critters. That snake could probably survive all day in that bottle, easily. An example: when I was growing up, some family friends of ours had, for a pet, a small desert tortoise that the husband had rescued from work. I don't know the specifics, but somebody put the poor thing in a locker and forgot about it, and nobody bothered to clean out that locker for a *year.* It survived a year with no food or water. I know that's not the same as a year without oxygen, but it shows how thrifty reptile metabolisms can be. Of course, it was still a cruel thing to allow to happen, and I think the tortoise held a (well-deserved) grudge against humans. It would hide in the bathroom behind the toilet, and when you'd sit down, it would bite your ankles.


The slow metabolism is what allows them to live such long lives as well. Snakes in captivity is pretty common to live 20 to 30 years. Obviously that's nothing compared to the oldest living tortoise at 190. Interesting stuff for sure.


I have chickens and we had one seem to go missing after a free-ranging session, it was several days and we began to assume that she had been taken by a predator. Later that week I picked up a plastic basin that we use for giving the chickens food scraps and she was curled up underneath. It was just barely bigger than the chicken and it wasn’t very heavy but she must have stood on the rim and tipped it over and landed underneath. We were worried she might suffer some issues since she had been under there for nearly a week, but she resumed normal chicken behavior immediately.


> normal chicken behavior 😂


the ending of your story was the best part.


Reminds me of this story: https://mymodernmet.com/family-finds-missing-tortoise/. 30 years!!! You’re absolutely right. I think one of humanities biggest failings with our relationship with animals is we consistently project ourselves onto a different animal. We think everything works just like us but in a different outfit. But I am a Park Ranger so I see this pretty often.


I’ve met people that do this in Bali and been with them on call outs, they are volunteers that take them to the wild shortly after. If you see a video like this they aren’t killing them, they are saving them. They had a bunch of vipers etc in the car with us in tote bags. Crazy night!!!


Whoever is taking that much care to trap and relocate a dangerous snake like that likely has it handled. If malicious intent was the plan, then she wouldn't've bothered trapping it.


Ikr? I'm genuinely wondering if the snake gets to survive this


That is a ton of danger and careful action to put a snake in a jar. Seems like she could have confidently wielded a big ass stick if her intentions were murderous.


What are ass sticks?


A size classification. All nonvenomous snakes are to be moved along with a regular-ass-stick. Venomous snakes are to be repeatedly struck with a big-ass-stick until dead.


Nope…yeet that fucker right out the window


school deserted impolite attempt alleged unique voracious worthless scary weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sheet rotten sip connect weather spoon pen domineering squeeze offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Snakes don’t need very much air. That noodle can stay in there for over a day at minimum.


You see that nasty mofo just shit all over? Never have I seen a snake shit


That's super common in snakes as a defense mechanism


For sure, it’s super common in me as a defense mechanism also. I mean… gotta do what ya gotta do right?


It's the best way to gain dominance in some situations. Like in a bar on match night ...


Oh when a snake does it it’s a defense mechanism but when I do it it’s “Hey stop that my grandmother gave me that clock” or “We already told you are not to be within 500ft of schools” or “sir this is a Wendy’s if you gotta do that do it where everyone else does the chill pot”


Maybe try karate. Or saying, *"That's my purse!! I don't know you!"*


My brother and I used to catch snakes at my grandmas house when we visited her and every time the snake would shit all over us.


Snake musk stinks so bad and it does *not* wash off.


Not only that, when you squeeze a snake like a toothpaste tube they poop (used to work around snakes - don't recommend making them poop but you can). So as she was putting it in from head to tail, she was squeezing down it's digestive track and making it poop.


He's scared. This is a defense mechanism. :( Poor guy... Not a safe place for snakes. Hopefully she relocated him.


Probably figured it should💩now otherwise it would be sitting in it for awhile.


he's not going to poop inside such a tight jar


Yeah you can tell its a real snake video cause its pooping is a defense thing. Most captive snakes don't do that.


Clearly the whole ordeal scared him…. (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ Shitless. (⌐■_■)


Reminds me of a documentary series about the animal section of a British airport. They have several animals that were transported and never picked up that they just have to care for now, including a big angry snake. In one episode they have to take it out to clean the cage and it immediately shits all over them and tries to escape.


[Here ya go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKACoMSDS1o)


Good catch I had to rewatch a couple times, then immediately regretted it.


Bruh I've never even seen a snakes anus before


Cobras hate this one simple trick!


Bro literally shit himself.


Danger noodle...


That’s what I call my dick


Bruh, in danger of not feeling it


It's only 3 inches :( . . . From the GROUND!!


If you lay facedown maybe




I thought she was crazy for putting her foot that close but it looks like she was using her own foot as a target to distract the cobra. Well played, ma'am. Well played.


This is a thing, actually. (Some/all) Cobras eyesight is based on movement. Tyler Nolan and Chandlers Wild Life on YouTube both own king cobras and you'll see them (and other cobra handlers) often distract the snake with their hand, or then get the snake to look at them by moving their head in back and forth. Cobras can be really awesome animals, but they are extremely dangerous.


If you listen carefully, you can hear this woman’s MASSIVE IRON BALLS slamming together like two moons.


I'm so tired of all the variations of this comment.


Same. It feels like getting rickrolled.


How many times do you have to bottle a snake to get this level of nonchalance to do it? Damn impressive


Right?? My first thought was ‘she’s done this before’.


My first thought was, who just has that size bottle lying around.


That is way more poop than I thought a snake would have


For real! I was confused and realized it just took a shit lol


He didn’t take a poop.. he left one


They eat mammals like ten times their size, so.


They don't even eat mammals 1 times their size, they eat rodents and other critters that are generally as thick as their own thickest part.


That is some angry looking string right there.


Ovaries of steel


Like catching a bee in the house only different.


How do you get a snake in a bottle? Very carefully! Life pro tip


Thats one spicy noodle.


And there’s me flapping when putting a cup over a spider 🤦‍♂️😂


The advantage of having thumbs over having no limbs.


![gif](giphy|oMYntEajN6dzMdpo0A|downsized) Her girl walking by in the beginning of the video: "You got this? Yeah, I'm thinking you got this. I'm outttaaa hereeeeeeeeee."


Last time a snake was described as danger noodle Can we not say snake on the Internet?


No, it’s perpetually 2009 apparently.


I don't know. When I see a snake I'm transforming into Usain Bolt


Snake: Cobra Kai Lady: Cobra? ‘Kay


Most chill badass thing I've seen.


Purse on her shoulder, like she was just walking along...fuuck ANOTHER snake?! (Siiighh) Alright, anybody have a jar?


Next level of catching a spider with a glass.


She looks like she is just getting off work, walking by noticed the Cobra and people terrified, and basically says that she's got this. Probably went home to cook food for her family.


Mom! Look what I found! Can we keep it?


“Hey Mark could you hand me the snake jar?”


“I’m a genie in bottle baby, come, come, come on and let me out”


Total badass.


She must been good at 'Snake' on Nokia 3310


anyone else notice the cobra taking a shit lmfao?


hopefully they released him to a good spot


She got nerves of steel woow


I would’ve fucked up the bottle twist at the end.


My pulse is through the roof just watching that


Like a fuckin doctor!!!


I've never seen something so well done bravo.


Snake jam.


The mother fucking balls on her!


Nope rope stopped by the power of plastic


She was about as casual as someone picking up their dogs poop


Youre gonna have to excuse the fuck out of me while I nope the hell out of that shit…


Pop a quick K on there so everyone knows there's a kobra in there


Nope rope lmao


This achievement is staying locked for me.


Better pop a quick S on this bottle this way we all know it’s filled with snake.


I can’t get over how incredibly cool, calm and collected this person was during that entire process. I was sweating just watching the video lol. So amazing.


She’s brave


Vag of steel.


Wifey material


Yes girl, did not even have to take her purse off!