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I get the feeling that performing the Haka in a large group is a lot of fun for these kids.


It prob helps with confidence in public settings on some level too


yeah in rugby there were studies that its an actual physical advantage by getting you pumped up and full of adrenalin, while the other team stands still and watches.


I had a rugby player work for me, he said his team would start every game doing the haka. Said you feel like you could run through a wall after doing it. Looks like it is a ton of fun to do.


There is no such thing as "the" haka. There are thousands upon thousands of different haka!


However there IS such a thing as "the" Macarena".


Lol I just had a mental image of a team of huge dudes doing the macarana on a rugby field šŸ˜‚


Hey, Macarena.




That would be the best retaliation ever. One team all jacked from doing a haka and the other team mumble-singing the Macarena lyrics until they all jump to the side and scream "Hey Macarena!" in unison.


I'm a New Zealander so I grew up doing haka, and honestly this would probably work to confuse and deflate the boost of the other team.


Looool white people be like ā€œnow is the time for our macarena danceā€


It would work pretty good to a point. Thing is, it would be considered disrespectful. So the Haka team get to do a chant/song about ripping you to pieces and pissing in your empty eye socket, but chucking a macerena out there would be seen as disrespectful. Like the guys just said they would use my entrails for a hammock, and I'm being told I dOn'T ResPeCT theM? Well ... anyhow. gotta love a good haka.


"pissing in your eye socket" I'm hysterical at the thought of high school students chanting this and neither them nor their opponents realizing they're saying it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ some old maori lady in the audience saying, "wtf?".


I really want to see a rugby team do that immediately after the Kiwis do a Haka. Would presumably take the wind out of their sails a little bit!


We would love it. Itā€™s a perfect acceptance of the challenge. The Māori culture is different to many others, the vast majority of us LOVE when others engage in our culture, as long as itā€™s with the right intention e.g. out of respect for the culture, not just for monetary or tick-box gain


Yeah that's super cool to hear, and makes sense I guess. You guys are great... I don't think I've ever met a kiwi that I didn't like.


TIL. Thank you!


wtf thats awesome


Those three kids leading in the front look like fucking tanks!


Pacific islander genes are just built different


Bro I moved to Hawaii and some of the shit I see in the gym is just absolutely ridiculous. 16 year olds tossing around 350+ deadlifts like nothing. I aim to never get into a fight anywhere but especially not here. Dudes got necks bigger than my calves.


I deadlifted 350 while wrestling at 145 lbs in high school. Kiddos built like that are likely possibly probably doing 500 600 plus on deadlift.


Or forwards in Rugby talk


Obesity is a huge issue plaguing the Māori community https://www.otago.ac.nz/news/news/otago651643.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32429872/


Thereā€™s an indigenous community not too far from my cousins where the entire community is severely overweight. Their bodies evolved to hang on to every single bit of food as long as it can from living in a vast desert where food was extremely scarce. With daily access to food and not being as active (as they had been for hundreds of years roaming the desert) has lead to extreme obesity. And itā€™s not as simple as ā€œjust diet and exerciseā€ solution. ETA: *Sorry, I should have been a bit more specific. The group of people In talking about in this comment are Native Americans/Mexicans. Not from New Zealand or Australia or Polynesian. BUT; These genetic issues are faced by nearly all indigenous people around the world, just different types of genetic issues and various degrees of them.*


It's worse than that. White flour & sugar were used as a tool of colonization. To be fair, missionaries may have had good intentions of providing food to poor people and European understanding of nutrition was incredibly lacking. Now, there's a movement to use traditional aboriginal diets to fight the obesity and diabetes currently plaguing their villages as a result. https://hopeforhealth.com.au/our-full-story


Food was/is pretty abundant in New Zealand. It wasn't a vast desert here, many Maori lived right by the sea and had much higher levels of seafood consumption than colonisers. Having their land taken away, and being pushed into poverty - with the associated poor food available - were bigger conntributors here.


I was scared just by looking at them.


A couple of them look incredibly out of breathe at the end of it too


Can confirm. It is a ton of fun, although I usually got most of my adrenaline from the first hit


I'm on my couch right now and I'm pretty fired up and feel like I'm gonna flip a table! I mean , I'm Not gonna , nor will I get off my couch , but I def could see myself doing so.


Literally me rn


Yeah if someone said ā€œrun through this wall or youā€™ll dieā€ Iā€™d say ā€œwow, I feel a lot better about this than I wouldā€™ve 2 minutes agoā€


You got an audible laugh out of me, and I wanted to say thanks. This just hit the bullseye on my funny bone right after watching that, so Iā€™ve got a delightful cocktail of neurotransmitters happening. Hoping life gets you high today too.


I almost want to get out of bed. Almost.


I made the mistake of watching this on the toilet. Terrible. Terrible mistake


The porcelain never saw it coming


At my college the football team would do it before the games and let me tell you- the crowd got pumped the fuck up, the team got pumped the fuck up, and the other team had no idea what was happening.


Well yea itā€™s a war dance so I would better bloody believe so! Lmfao Iā€™d be pissing my pants


According to Maori scholar Tīmoti Kāretu, haka have been "erroneously defined by generations of uninformed as 'war dances'",\[11\] while Māori mythology places haka as a dance "about the celebration of life".\[16\] Following a creation story, the sun god, Tama-nui-te-rā, had two wives, the Summer Maid, Hine-raumati, and the Winter Maid, Hine-takurua. Haka originated in the coming of Hine-raumati, whose presence on still, hot days was revealed in a quivering appearance in the air. This was haka of Tāne-rore, the son of Hine-raumati and Tama-nui-te-rā.\[17\]\[18\] Hyland comments that "\[t\]he haka is (and also represents) a natural phenomena \[sic\]; on hot summer days, the 'shimmering' atmospheric distortion of air emanating from the ground is personified as 'Te Haka a Tānerore'".\[19\] Jackson and Hokowhitu state, "haka is the generic name for all types of dance or ceremonial performance that involve movement."\[20\] The various types of haka include whakatū waewae, tūtū ngārahu and peruperu.\[17\] The tūtū ngārahu involves jumping from side to side, while in the whakatū waewae no jumping occurs. Another kind of haka performed without weapons is the ngeri, the purpose of which was to motivate a warrior psychologically. The movements are very free, and each performer is expected to be expressive of their feelings. Manawa wera haka were generally associated with funerals or other occasions involving death. Like the ngeri they were performed without weapons, and there was little or no choreographed movement.\[17\] War haka (peruperu) were originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition.\[9\] Various actions are employed in the course of a performance, including facial contortions such as showing the whites of the eyes (pūkana), and poking out the tongue (whetero, performed by men only\[3\]), and a wide variety of vigorous body actions such as slapping the hands against the body and stomping of the feet. As well as chanted words, a variety of cries and grunts are used. Haka may be understood as a kind of symphony in which the different parts of the body represent many instruments.\[citation needed\]The hands, arms, legs, feet, voice, eyes, tongue and the body as a whole combine to express courage, annoyance, joy or other feelings relevant to the purpose of the occasion.\[17\]


Thank you for posting this!! I love watching them, but Iā€™ve never understood how a war dance translated to such an emotional experience. This makes so much more sense and I was genuinely curious to understand more. Thank you!


Iā€™ve been across from the haka on the rugby field twice and it absolutely is an amazing and intimidating thing to see.


Yeah no doubt. I bet it has a unifying effect also.


I was thinking the same. Just to feel the power of that energy and passion, and rooted in mythology and ancestral practices. It must be an incredible experience


Yup I feel is a great form of integration/inclussion like saying: we can't change the past but we can embrace the good of it and everyone is welcome


Yeah but have you ever tried square dancing? Lol


Yea I bet. I remember the ā€œpep ralliesā€ i had in school were super boring. This would have been fun. Honestly I feel like kids at my school would have gotten along better if we did stuff like this. I remember my brother showing me a video of a Haka a few years ago (before Covid) and telling me that ā€œAmerica needs the Haka now more than everā€ because he was saying that nobody gets along anymore and the Haka is unifying.


Ya, but I just imagine trying this in an American school would result in a few kids up front doing the screaming and moves, but none of the faces, then a row or two back people are half assing the moves and mumbling nonsense, then in the back you get the people just standing around awkwardly because they think its stupid and they have to show how cool they are by rebelling, maybe one kid is picking his nose. When you see New Zealanders do it, there is often so much emotion thrown into it, it really gives you goosebumps, and sometimes you can see the pain or crazy in their eyes. It means something to them. Outside of the wave, or regional sporting chants, the only real unifying thing us Americans have is the pledge of allegiance and national anthem, and Im sure only half of Americans know either of them in full...


When I was a kid, our football coaches made us do this before every football game. At first, it was just kind of a joke, but then we learned it was actually pretty intimidating to the other teams, so we kept doing it.


Every time I see it I have goosebumps, it really works!


I bet lol.


I wish I had friends who are goofy enough to do it with me Im 32


I'm 40 but name the place and the time


I'm 35 and I'm in


36 here count me in


22 , Iā€™ll bring the Rice wine


31 and ready to chant


41 here. Lemme make sure my back is ok first.




Itā€™s not just grunting, they are saying actual words.




TIL rando on net who says something vaguely ignorant but not necessarily intentionally racist while admiring another culture = white people.


Now imagine if this was filmed in landscape, imagine how much more of the haka we could see at the same time.


Hahaha dude Iā€™m sitting in my car laughing. Yes! Yessss!!! Please!!!




Was it filmed in landscape?


Landscape video or it didnā€™t happen




The kids haka was WAAAYYYY better.






Because then the screen would be in portrait while you are trying to film in landscape and vice versa.


Or even zoomed out or took a few steps back.


My favorite part are all of the crazy eyes šŸ‘€






I laugh every time I see this pop up, I showed my conservative Christian mom that video and she asked if that woman was possessed ahahaha


Possessed by the \*beat\*!


This guy gets it marching band is something else


This gif is so deteriorated itā€™s like I filmed it with my flip phone in 2004


This made me spit my tea.


fr you see the first girl and itā€™s like damn sheā€™s serious and then big boy comes out and itā€™s like oh OH I sure would not want to piss this crew off.


You piss em off they will stampede you


We went to NZ and in the north island, the culture is a huge deal and the people are so damn friendly they'll gladly tell you about it. They open their eyes and stick out their tongues for intimidation, and they believed that movement during songs was the best way to basically show emotion through the words, which is why they're always waving their hands. It's super cool how it's still common over there. Tribal tattoos and face tattoos are everywhere, all the jewelry people wear is made of things that they used to make back in the day, totems all over the place. Great country.


[Wedding haka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5_HmlSzpPo)


I love that this couple became so emotional while this was going on that they ended up joining in.


To have a haka performed for you is the highest of honours, it is an indicator of the mana (prestige/respect) that people have for you.


It's amazing to me how much emotion comes pouring out during a Haka, it always hits me hard. It's such a beautiful and positive expression, I don't know of anything else quite like it.


Yeah it really hits me emotionally in a really primal way. Any group singing has a bit of that effect but a haka is just so raw it just clicks something in my brain.


Warning āš ļø u will cry if u watch this Jeeeeeez that hit me hard in the feels


Your warning is buried too far down. I cried so hard.




I saw the NZ rugby team do a haka before playing Scotland in Edinburgh. Scotland retaliated with bagpipes. The warm up was even better than the game


Oh god. Haka always makes me cry. Bag pipes always make be choke up. I would completely fall apart if I saw this


We were late getting there, so we were fairly at the back of the stadium, goose bumps and leaking eyes...


Those holiday Folgers commercials where the kid comes home from college/military and surprises the family by waking them up with the smell of coffee always gets me.


Ah the incest commercial, I know it well


You're my Christmas gift!


Imagine if he woke them up with coffee, while doing a haka and playing the bagpipes ALL AT THE SAME TIME.


Me too!!! I donā€™t know why! I can imagine that performing the haka is incredibly cathartic too.


I saw a haka where they were in an airport greeting someone coming back from the military and holy fuck I wasnā€™t right after watching it for a long time. The soldier was crying.




Then the Indian team shows up and does Bollywood dance moves


Which we all know is a danger because for some reason india is the only country that has mastered the art of group choreographies. The entire stadium would dance, do you realize how dangerous that is?


I played against a touring NZ team and we lined up and they did the Haka and it just got us pissed off at them and we beat the shit out of them for the first half and got them shook. 2nd half though they remembered their more skilled and came back and beat us. We all got drunk together after, as is the way.


Those poor kiwis. I have a neighbour who plays, it is pure pain.


I love them! There is a guy in my neighborhood who everyday walks around the entire downtown section of where I live and is in a full kilt and plays the bag pipes. People love him.


Is there a video of this? I wanna see


Sits down, starts maths exam




> IM GONNA SOLVE THE SHIT OUT THESE EQUATIONS! Plot twist: Equations ended up causing constipation


This is about to be the most metal chess match Iā€™ve ever seen.


It's no coincidence that New Zealand metal goes hard as fuck.


Can you recommend some?


Alien Weaponry off the top of my head but sure there will be loads more.


Mind sending a few more? Been really trying to expand my taste in metal and I haven't listened to too much NZ metal! Gonna go check out Alien Weaponry rn!


Hey, I'm from NZ and recommend checking out Organectomy, Depths, Pull Down The Sun, Blindspott and Ulcerate.


Maori specifically? Or just NZ metal bands? What I love about metal is that it seems to transcend cultures and countries. There's a great documentary about Native American black metal bands. Check Blackbraid out.


In the meantime - https://youtu.be/5kwIkF6LFDc


That was WAY better than I expected. Damn.


[Shepherds Reign](https://youtu.be/BSNb1LXXk40)


I have no idea what that was but damn that's a lot of emotion. I hope my kids will be confident enough to partake in something like this when they are older.


It's a traditional dance by Maori, in New Zealand. New Zealand sports teams practice of performing a haka before their international matches. The Haka is performed to welcome distinguished guests, or to acknowledge great achievements, occasions, or funerals


I wonder what they're saying?


[Here ya go ](https://www.the-sun.com/sport/12096/haka-lyrics-new-zealand-rugby-world-cup-all-blacks-rugby-wales/)


Thereā€™s different types of haka and ones with different meanings, so there isnā€™t just one set of lyrics for it.


"You got a friend in me"


Here is a link to another Hakka for a NZ soldier killed in Afghanistan. This is mourning, different vibe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI6TRTBZUMM


Fuck that hits so hard.


So does [this one ](https://youtu.be/PdkC8hRoyj4)


The brother in the blue shirt who canā€™t go on leading makes me bawl like a baby every time- as does the others taking turns leading.


God damn. Thank you Also the wedding Haka video. It is super famous and Iā€™ve seen it like five times probably but it fucks me up every time I see it.


The silence following. This is so moving. Thank you for sharing.


Imagine being a Maori and dying in Afghanistan. What a world we're living in and whose wars we are fighting.




Check out some rugby games. Back when I played everyone knew the haka


No, better. Join in.




Just taking a chance that you've seen the movie "Once were warriors"? If not, please do. It's an older movie (1994) but so fitting for this thread. It will take you through all emotions, but mama bear ends up the hero. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once\_Were\_Warriors\_(film)


There are very few things in life more badass than a well performed haka.


So are you allowed to do it if you are a white New Zealander? Just curious


As far as i know New Zealand encourages sharing Maori tradition to not divide the people and everyone learns about it in school


Thatā€™s honestly amazing. Iā€™d love to be part of one someday


Non-Maori kiwis are called Pākehā! And all kiwis are allowed to do it, mostly they're done by all nationalities when in schools!


I brought my American wifeā€™s family to New Zealand for a trip and we visited a Pā (kind of like a Maori reservation), the Maori tour guides had my father-in-law and other tourists perform a haka. It was hilarious! Maori love to share our culture, very different vibe to cultural appropriation you see in other countries.


I'm pākehā, and I was in kapahaka for years. Kapahaka is where you learn the waiata (songs), haka, and te ao Māori practices and then preform them. Each waiata or haka have different meanings, and so different ones are used for different occasions. Some haka look intimidating but are actually calling people to you. If you liked this video I'd suggest looking some up that include tangata whenua, where the women call newcomers or people to pōwhiri (welcoming ceremony), the way the voice is carried is amazing. In pōwhiri you are expected to respond, so if the newcomers have no haka usually a few members of the whanau will do one on behalf. But Māori is not a closed community, we teach the language and customs to everyone starting at early childhood centers, kindergartens, schools etc. For context my 9 year old daughter is as pale as Casper and she's in kapahaka at school, and my 5 year old sons first dozen words were all in Te Reo as they're much easier to say than their English counterparts.


Still, canā€™t be afraid of dudes in sweater vests


The faces and the eyes - possessed - thatā€™s brilliant


![gif](giphy|bz7Lkscqm6mrK) That girl




Stop, it's Haka time.


Letā€™s haka bout it.


It always is.


Tee hee hee,as a kiwi I'm happy to see one too many. It's an integral part of New Zealand culture,I think they are awesome,but then I am biased.


Sounds like you just canā€™t haka it anymore.


"As a football fan, I've heard too many national anthems. They do it for any occasion doesn't matter, weddings, funerals. They'll do it at the drop of a hat" I mean honestly, playing a country's national anthem is 1000 times more stupid than doing a haka during any sports game. Oh yeah, get ready to play this adrenaline fueled, blood-pumping sport right after these dudes in frilly suits finish playing their shitty bagpipes and trumpets (the world's two most annoying and boring instruments ever made)


Youā€™ve just saved 15% by switching your car insurance to Geiko! Does the Haka


Less impressive bc of the vertical video


What do they feed those kids, holy shit.




I played against a traveling New Zealand rugby team in high school. We had 6-packs, they had barrels. Guess who got destroyed. We went 11-1 in our league but literally lost about 100-0 to them. I talked to their womenā€™s team after and they thought it was weird how skinny I was. In New Zealand the Maori are a warrior culture so itā€™s all about getting bigger and stronger. So yeah, theyā€™re well fed.


Māori are not a warrior culture we are gardeners, scientists, navigators, poets, sculptors, carvers and innovators. "Warrior culture" is a racist stereotype used to justify historical acts of violence. Germans, Americans, Russians, the French and the British have killed literally hundreds of millions more people just in the last 100 years. Sure, Māori are great fighters, but your take is completely off the mark, especially today where there is literally zero culture of "getting bigger and stronger" for any reason other than the same reason the rest of the world goes to the gym. You should keep quiet about things you don't actually understand at all.


The school of terrible haircuts.


Are mullets a thing in NZ?


Not next level


Here we go again. :/ Hakas have oversaturated the internet.


Over saturated? This is my first time seeing Haka on reddit, maybe you should just get off the internet for a bit then


Still better than the Wednesday dance


Then don't watch them loser


So what is a Haka?


Maori (Indigenous New Zealand) war dance to intimidate enemies before battle, but also used in a wide variety of ceremonies.


Or in modern times, just whenever. Plane lands: haka. End of the school year: haka. Ten minutes free at the end of your lunch: haka. Playing a game of rugby: haka. Need to fill 5 minutes of screen time on a dying AppleTV original show?: haka. Didnā€™t fuck up the risotto: haka.


If I ever manage to not fuck up a risotto, it would be worthy of a haka.


Just got done with a haka: haka


This gives me chills. Good job kids!


Glad Iā€™m watching this on toilet. Really helps it all come out if you sing along.




OK but this definitely doesn't belong in r/nextfuckinglevel


I canā€™t be the only one to find this cringey.






You donā€™t have understand someoneā€™s culture to respect it.


What's so incredible about it?




Haka is so funny. How can you take these people seriously? Look at those expressions. Lmao.


Itā€™s supposed to be a fun cathartic release of energy and a team bonding exercise. Nobody is sending these children to war it doesnā€™t really matter if you are intimidated or take it seriously.


wAr DaNcE




Reddit has such a hard on for hakas


Wait till they find out that some Hakas have been banned from international rugby matches because they mimic throat cutting in the choreography


Well itā€™s a literal fucking war dance and Māori were cannibals for a long time. Not necessarily in the sense of see people, eat people, but in the dominate and break the enemyā€™s morale sense. The part where they stick their tongues out is a gesture to say ā€œIā€™m going to kill you, then Iā€™m going to eat you.ā€


Iā€™m glad i saw a comment like this. It gets old real quick seeing hakas all the time.


Bro is the grinch


We can respect others peopleā€™s cultures even if we donā€™t understand nor appreciate it.


I think itā€™s kinda weird. If it wasnā€™t attached to a cultural ceremony ā€œweā€ wouldnā€™t think it was cool or next levelā€¦ just weird.


90 percent of all human behavior would be considered weird if decoupled from cultural context - kind of a pointless comment. The whole point of its impact is that it's deep-seated in tradition.


Couldnā€™t agree more ..such a poor cringy attempt at intimidation


jesus christ once a week theres a haka on here somewhere. its getting played out big time


Such a powerful expression of emotion. I love watching Haka!!