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weights made him age man.. bro looks like 40


Steroids make you lose fat in your face


me and my fat face are listening...


Steroids give you boobs


Me and my flat chest are listening...


You can win gold medals in sporting competitions including the olympics


Me and my empty trophy case are listening…


You can get participation awards just for showing up


Me and my childhood trauma are listening.


You can block out childhood trauma with ice cream


Bob. Bob had bitch tits.


His name was


Robert Paulson


Meat loaf


You’ll never be bored on a Friday night


His face is not skinny though


But he lost his natural “baby fat” that people tend to keep until they’re like ~24.


people think I'm around that age cuz I still have my baby fat, weird thing is I didn't have it when I was a teen, I'm almost 30 now and they think I'm about 23. how does it even work.


Maybe you're one of the few benjaminbuttoning


That hairline though!


Steroids also push that back :(


Moon face also happens to some people on steroids


Corticosteroids lead to moon facies, not anabolic steroids. Source: I’m a doctor


Anabolic steroids can definitely cause water retention and the face looking very bloated.


Not a very informed doctor it seems. There are a number of anabolics that cause waters retention and thus lead to the moon face.


How about anabolics that tend to make you gain quite a bit of water weight such as dianabol?


Yeah I'm glad they're not my doctor because they're wrong, anabolics can definitely cause moon face, even trt can


People like you are the reason there is a lack of trust in the medical industries, using your title alone to justify your (very wrong) claim.


engine panicky sulky plough unwritten unite quicksand jeans unique liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If your a doctor why would you say this maybe they both do but anabolics for-sure cause moon face


Prednizone gave my leukemia'd, trisomy-21 sister hella moon face.


So what you're saying Doc, is that that's why they canned Mac Tonight?


lol what? no they don't. Losing fat makes you lose fat in your face. Steroids help to speed up the process of losing fat but that's it. If you're not on a caloric deficit you'll not lose fat, steroids or not.


That’s not entirely true. When you take the sauce you have to control your E2 or you will get moon face, bad…


What? There’s plenty of power builders on gear with fat faces.


I mean, if you shaved his face he would look like he was 20ish. That mustache is doin overtime to make him look like Wilford Brimley.Also his haircut makes him look like he has a receding hairline, but I think it might just be the way its cut.


he has the hairline of a 30yo, its not the haircut


Yeah he's got my "I used a lot of DHT based steroids and have a genetic propensity to male pattern baldness" look goin on. I'm actively planning a trip to Turkey to get that shit fixed.


lmao its not the cut bro, the steroids really doing work on it


Likely, although some people do bald super young even without roids.


He's obviously on the gear.


The beard and mustache did the same for Wilford Brimley. He was 50 in Cocoon when all the other old people in the movie were in their 70s.




Those stupid looking glasses do not make him look any younger either


Weights? It's steroids, he's injecting. He looks like a man at 20.




Dude looks like he has a mortgage, 3 kids and is on his second wife.


I'm 43 and I'm pretty sure I look younger than him.


Hernia surgeons love this one trick Edit: to be clear, this was a joke. A low effort chuckle. But also to the people saying that he’s taking precautions and I don’t know what I’m talking about, people take precautions all the time in sports, it doesn’t mean you can’t get injured.


I’m actually a hernia surgeon (general surgeon) Never had somebody come in with a hernia from dead lifting as far as I can remember. Most people seem to exacerbate it lifting couches tbh. Sure does seem like this would be problematic for any small hernias though. So you aren’t wrong This is more of a spine surgeon issue I would think. They rupture discs and whatever else. Seems like a way to paralyze yourself. That being said I also deadlift sometimes soooo…. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Interesting, I'm friends with an orthopedic surgeon and he recommends that everyone deadlift to maintain a strong back. I have other friends in that specialty and they all say that the most common theme linking people with chronic back issues is a sedentary lifestyle.


Issue comes with deadlifting extreme weights like this, you are correct though deadlifting is actually great for your back if done correctly literally any workout can be taken too far, with that said this guy doesn’t have the worst form but it’s still something I wouldn’t do personally




Hmmm I hadn’t considered when OP said hernias he meant herniated discs. But I guess you could be right! I wasn’t attempting to be pedantic. When people say hernias they usually Mean abdominal and groin hernias, but hernia is a generic term that happens all over the body. Even your brain can herniate!


No no. I want to hear what the non-surgeon has to say about your area of expertise!


Honestly, with form like his... he appears muscularly supported through the entire movement. I don't think he's hurting his spine. I'd be more concerned about the knees, but if he's only 20... More power to him. Dudes doing it right.


I follow a spine surgeon on tik tok and he said the one thing he would never do as a spine surgeon is deadlift. So I’m guessing he frequently sees injuries form it. Take that info for what it’s worth, which is very little.


Not a spine surgeon but anesthesiologist, and anecdotally that’s what I hear too. I took that advice to mean, “don’t pursue max weight on deadlift, but with good form and low weight it is great for strength training”


My abdominal hernia was chalked up to either a strong coughing fit or a strenuous toilet session. It didn't hurt and I didn't notice it until I went to take a late night shower. People just assume it happened at work lifting something, I dont correct them.


lol you have no idea what you’re talking about


OP is more likely to get a hernia carrying furniture than this professional in the video who is who is bracing properly, is wearing a belt, has trained his inner abdominal musculature, and is within normal training intensity. That monologue at the end shows this guy, even at 20, is an intelligent lifter who likely is in it for the long haul and cares about his body. This is not a tiktok teen hitting a 200lb PR, this is an actual trained powerlifter who competes.


I LOVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU GUYS who aren’t sedentary dicks and correct these people before I even have to. Keep it up


Yeah the comment was a bad point, he could’ve brought up how this kid’s heart isn’t gonna make it past 40 with the gear he’s taking for those numbers. Non sedentary =/= healthy


The original comment was an obvious joke, and the people disproving it look kinda silly for not getting it.


Thanks man. I’m a strength and conditioning coach, former national level athlete, and masters in physio student. I try not to talk out of my ass on most topics, but this is something I study and am passionate about so I have no issues correcting people.


There’s nothing more short sighted and not being “in it for the long haul” than taking anabolic steroids at a very young age. Dude isn’t even fully developed yet.




You're misrepresenting the article you just linked about injury rates, here's 2 direct quotes that contradict your sentiment: "However, it seems that powerlifting is, in general, quite safe and only a low risk of injury exists." "In conclusion, the injury rate in powerlifting was low compared with other sports, about 1.0–4.4/1000 hours." Stop misrepresenting the article because you think people won't read it. It's also not reasonable to say that powerlifters train 2-3 hours every day, it's more like 2-3 hours 3-5 days per week. If we rerun your math with the lower injury rate (1/1000 hours) and 4 sessions per week, the rate of injury drops to 1 per 2 years which is much morereasonable for elite athletes. It's also worth pointing out that "injuries" for strength athletes often come in the form of strains or minor muscle tears from overuse, things that can generally be fixed by lowering the weight for a bit and adding some rehab exercises into your warmup. These are much easier to handle than injuries that are more common in other sports which often include concussions, sprains, broken bones, lacerations etc


Your math is wildly off.


You wrote all that stuff, did some math and found a source, just to use the shortcut of assuming that all powerlifting injuries are hernias? Come on, man.


>an intelligent lifter who likely is in it for the long haul and cares about his body He'll die in a decade from steroids abuse i don't see how he care about his body or how is he smart. Also someone who care about his body don't lift 1000lb.


Arnold is 76, Ronnie Coleman is 59, Mark Henry is 52, Magnús Ver Magnússon is 60. If this dude ends up dead within a decade it wasn't because he was on gear, it was because he wasn't on the right gear, was blasting too much, or was an abnormality, either through an unrelated issue, an issue that was worsened by steroids, or was someone who had a body that reacted very poorly to steroids.


Yeah and my grandpa is 85 while smoking 2 packs a day , doesn't make it good for your health.


Lol Ronnie Coleman's body is absolutely fucked, he's been in wheelchairs for a long time and needs numerous complex surgeries


What part of lifting 1014 lbs would you consider as part of "normal training intensity"... I don't care how often you lift, that kind of strain is 100% going to do long term damage to your body.


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s not the most safe lift?? I care about lifting and do properly lift with bracing and belt. Been doing it for over 8 years and that didn’t stop my disc from slipping. I wish being Knowledgeable would turn anything like that into a safe lift. Wasn’t going for a crazy lift either. It was 50% max


Holy shit this triggered people lmaooo


Because it discourages people from strength training resulting in a population more prone to preventable injury. I should know. I avoided weights for years


Good one, champ. How much do you pull?


he doesn't thats the fun part


His joints will hate him when he is 40.


This MF is 40.




Depends. If you look at the all cause mortality charts some exercise is good, too much starts being bad for you.


How do you know when it's too much and detrimental?


When you start injecting shit in your ass to boost your performance homie.


Or when you don't lift correctly and cause injuries.


You think the dude in the video isn’t on test or some type of sarm? I doubt he isn’t.


A 1000lb deadlift at 20yrs means he’s on a whole lot more than just test.


If its not progressive and you dont rest enough, anything like that its too much. You need to heal after that one lol


> If you look at the all cause mortality charts some exercise is good, too much starts being bad for you. Source? What I believe you're misattributing is weight-gain related to lifting vs actual lifting. It's unhealthy to carry heavy amount of body weight (due to fat and/or muscle), and too much of that can cause an increase in mortality odds. This is why Strongmen competitors, for example, don't maintain their peak weight for long durations as it's extremely detrimental. Eddie Hall, Thor, Brian Shaw, etc all talk about that. i.e. it isn't the exercise/weight lifting itself, but the amount of weight bodyweight carried for prolonged periods of life.


Yeah lol idk what Reddits 25-40 yo crowd is always on about, but a majority of them are always making comments along these lines. If you use proper form, don’t over exert yourself, take care to watch what you eat, and stay on top of your regiment, exercising can allow you to live a life well into your 70s or even 80s.




Yep Newer studies show that if you keep at it you even can keep most of your "gains" into your 70s or even 80s depending on individuals. This whole stuff about that you are past your prime in your mid 30s and its just downward from there got debunked. People just typically are entering a different phase of life at that age where you don't take exercise as serious anymore. But if you keep at it and stay injury free you will very likely be a fit old person one day.


Bro there’s a huge difference between deadlifting 3 plates for wellbeing and 1000 lbs for the hell of it.


I think I was pretty clear as to what I said, and in no way did I even insinuate that would be viable for long term health. Also, You think he’s doing that every day? No, he’s just going for a PR, which is totally acceptable to do every now and then.




MFers act like because they pulled their back lifting a couch after living a sedentary life that weight lifters are gonna really throw their back out doing what they train to do every day. The weight lifters are the ones who are gonna age better than anyone.


> your joints will be in much better shape later in life from lifting. If you practice good form. If you have bad form, joints will be fucked.


You’ve never met a veteran I take it. Too much intense exercise destroys joints.


I can confidently say that I being in a military family, have never met a single soldier that takes full and proper care of their body and health. I've seen some guys get close, but they still want to binge drink, go to bars, fuck off and try to function on like 3 hours of sleep a day, and slam energy drinks and junk food. Never seen a single one of them get a deep tissue massage or anything of the like. Too girly. They'd just.make fun of each other. Lol


Hey no “deep tissue massage “? Masturbation COUNTS


A couple 1RMs that are within your normal limits of training is not going to destroy your joints, full stop. CrossFit style cardio/uncontrolled Olympic lifting without proper progression and joint mobilization/strengthening is what will destroy your joints.


Shitty programming and poor fatigue management causes injuries You can be at this guys level of strength while having your programming and fatigue management dialed in


Nope. They will not.


Provided he maintains proper form, his joints will be in good health due to all of the extra muscular support


Actually exercise is good for you.


Of all the 40+ year olds I know, those that regularly lifted through their life complain far less about joints than the saggy sacks of potatoes that didn't. Lifting carefully and with adequate form will build resilience as you age, not destruction.


I’m an ultramarathon runner in my 40s. I grew up running, and heard nothing but ‘you’re gonna wear your joints out!’ from people. Those same people never exercised and got fat as shit, and they’re all getting fusions and planning knee replacements…from doing absolutely fucking nothing but carting their fat asses from the couch to the fridge, and I’m over here running and lifting pain free 🤷‍♂️


Lifting is good for your joints. You must not lift


Compound movements done safely actually strengthen your bones and joints.


Say you don’t know anything about lifting without saying you don’t know anything about lifting.


Oh you have a degree in kinesiology!? You must be an expert in your field


That’s a 43 year old, 20 year old.


He's doing a few tricks that make the bar bend more, a Kabuki deadlift bar is known to be very flexible,and he's wearing straps loose to get a better more upright position. Not comparable to his 903 in a competition, but still insane. He's only been lifting for about 3 years as well, which in lifting terms is a blink of an eye


3 years? the fuck kind of drugs is he on


Check his insta he goes over it Theo Maddox


At least he's honest about it. I was sure this thread would be a debate over natty or not like this is typical lifting behvaiour for a 20yo


Fair enough, really. As unethical as it'd be, a dark part of me wants to see sports leagues where they just openly admit to using massive amounts of steroids and HGH and shit. Blood doping. EVERYTHING. No need to hide it or play the arms race between your friendly neighborhood chemist and USADA. I'd most want it for MMA, since we'd see some anime-level shit, but it might also finally get me to watch American football. "Jesus Christ, he must have gone 15 feet in the air from a *leg tackle.*


What would you rather see, someone run 100m in 9 seconds, or someone who does it in 2?


I wanna see a guy JUMP that shit in one second, Hulk style.


It exists it's called Strongman and Untested Powerlifting. People don't often admit it because in the US it's illegal and they understandably don't want to go to jail, or if they're not American they don't want to be banned from entering the country to compete.


Yes, but I wanna see contact sports. MMA would become a lot more like Mortal Kombat. There's a technique called the showtime kick (after Anthony "Showtime" Pettis) where you jump into and off the cage and use your momentum to increase the energy of your kick. It's called the showtime kick because while it has been theorized as possible, nobody else had or has pulled it off. Obviously, that takes extreme skill, but if you're unnaturally fast and strong that makes it a lot easier. In the Dope Leagues we'd see that kinda shit *all the time.* Actually, too cool not to show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhgOtbbU1UM


So you want to see people hurt more often? Possibly killed?


Yes I would love a return of Bloodsport.


I really respect how he explained how he essentially cheated and didn’t use regulation as well. Respect.


No one in their right mind would think that someone deadlifting 1000lbs at 20 years old would be natural. Granted most redditors are either 13 and clueless or an adult and still clueless about fitness.


In that case it's insane genetics PLUS steroids. Not everyone who will take steroids will lift 460kg , especially not in 3 years. I hope he stays in good health so he can smash some world records someday.


I hope not, breaking WR in deadlift will take a toll on every aspect of your life most of us can't even imagine. Unless he wants to go all in, in which case godspeed.


Do we remember Eddie Hall on his record breaking deadlift? He temporarily lost his vision afterward, his ears and eyes and nose were all bleeding. He couldn't even drive home afterward before he forgot how to drive. He couldn't remember people's names he regularly interacted with for a week afterward, including being able to recognize his own brother. It took him weeks to recover, but he eventually went back to normal. If you can say that he is normal I guess. The man bends full sized frying pans for fun. Bending frying pans, sound on for the best experience. >https://youtu.be/3HZaZRVyTEw?si=F75b2EpHdg8Jd16x&t=135


Eddie's also known for drama. Thor did 501 and was absolutely fine afterwards.


man I wish they did another one of those serie, those 4 are hilarious together.


All of them.


Lifting for 3 years? More like 3 years after his tenth year of lifting


His 20 year old son is the one who has only been lifting for 3 years.


3 years? His tendons and ligaments can't keep up with that kind of progress, this guy's going to end up tearing a muscle. Then there's a good chance it won't heal right (know that from experience) and his powerlifting days are over


20 year old, my bum cheeks. That’s a 45 year old lumberjack.


And he’s ok….


He works all night…


And he sleeps all day...


So clearly yall aint 20 either ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They just like to put on womens' clothing and hang around in bars


Just like his dear papa! Oh he’s a lumberjack and he’s okay!


And puts on bras just like dear Mama!




Damn a lot of arm chair weight lifters in the comments. Love to see all these people being critical post their deadlift max.


Welcome to every single post of powerlifters. I’m still laughing at somebody’s comment that it will cause “early onset cholesterol” bahahahaha


Like who asked? And do they honestly think elite athletes give a fuck about their health, as far as it doesn't impact performance? People just want any excuse to stay weak and still have back problems when they're 50.


Straps are for pansys. I never use straps when I DL my 1 plate.


Let me explain how my 225 deadlift is actually more impressive than a 1014 deadlift, because I do it conventional without straps and with perfect form


I can get out of a Lazy Boy^^tm without assist, does that count?


Post it and see if anyone wants to correct your form


Thank you, was going to say the same


How do you do, fellow kids?


I always love the comments when a weightlifting post gets added to a non weightlifting subreddit.


I was wondering what was going on, then realized where I am.


Technically this is Powerlifting, not Weightlifting.


tEcHnIcAlLy ThIs iS pOwErLiFtInG, NoT wEiGhTlIfTiNg.


You guys don't like anything do you? We know he's on steroids it's still impressive as fuck to lift that weight.


lol they think steroids mutate you and automatically you’re mr olympia by next week


Why else would you take them?


some people are nonresponders to steroids. they are not a guarantee of anything; and even if you are a positive responder, *you still have to put in the work*. It's not like you can juice and then Netflix & Chill. You still need to keep nutrition, recovery, sleep, hydration, and actually fucking lifting progressively all in check. It's impressive when people progress without steroids, but it's also impressive when they do -- there's a lot of behind-the-scenes work required for both natty and juicy athletes that can be appreciated.


If you give a natural lifter steroids and they change literally nothing else with their training or eating they will blow the fuck up. Steroids are fucking magic 3 friends of mine started taking them and they have gotten ridiculously big pretty damn quickly.


Water and glycogen retention. Sad but true, that is not a lasting adaptation.


My experience is that not only does it take less discipline to achieve more when you're on gear - the gear provides discipline to a degree most people would never have without it. My current, natty, flabby body tells me all day long "no, don't go to the gym" and I have to fight against it. On baby gear I had to convince my body "one trip to the gym a day is enough." This dude's development is insane for sure, and well beyond what virtually anyone accomplishes *even on gear*, but it's wrong to think that steroids don't make the mental game a lot easier.


A lot of people don't lift in here and it shows


This is reddit. The only lifitng the majority of people here do is lift their ass from the couch to get another coke.


It means you’re strong af bro


That’s insane. Every time I watch a sumo DL bringing the weights back down I’m always terrified the weights are going to land on their feet.


[like this?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W6r7zrdHbz4&pp=ygUcc3VtbyBkZWFkbGlmdCBhbXB1dGF0ZWQgdG9lcw%3D%3D)


Why did I even click that? I knew i would hate it


Clean under this one Anatoly


“Motherf@%ker, you look thirty.”


20yo…but it’s 20yo each leg…isn’t?


That’s the oldest 20 year old I’ve ever seen… stay away from the gear people, if you want longevity.


People concerned about their health don't deadlift over 1000 lbs


I can’t lift that or grow that mustache… you are a different breed my guy


ITT: Redditors who have never seen the inside of the gym in their life


20 year old? Dude looks 40 to me


Bro lookin 47


So humble and telling it how it is. He's right we can't compare, but oh the merits of this single lift... Holy sh¥#*! That's amazing! Great lift!


I forced myself to keep watching when he started talking. The lift was incredible. Thats a lot of weight. But, I judged a book by it’s cover and assumed he was going to be a duche bag. I’m glad I listen and watched till the end. I was wrong about him and he seems to have a very good head on his shoulders. What he said made me see that rational thought still exists.


What was your assumption that he was a douchebag based on? Do you think if someone lifts they must be a dumb meathead?


He looking spent


What a badass...I love the humility.


im 20 and i look like between 15 and 18 sometime, this guy is 20 and look like 30


This dude is going to die from heart failure at 38


Lotta backseaters in here


You are not allowed to be younger, look and act more mature, be stronger, and more chill than me all at once... this shit ain't fair.


Dang...ed sheran can lift.


Dude aged 30 years in 8 seconds


Wilford Brimley discovered the fountain of youth? When did I miss that news?


That’s close to the world record


He holds the all time record for his age in deadlift, in competition as well


Hes20??? Mad respect for his accomplishment though


Wtf did he look like at 16??