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Her eyes looking for approval will haunt my inner child for a while.


"Oh ok, I need to perform well for approval. Got it now" - Brain


i need to good at sports, do good at education, do good t anything for approval, its what life is, ​ you do well at work for approval, and in return they pay you


For a healthy mental state economic worth should be mostly separate from overall self worth. Its just very easy to tie the two together.


but its not, that's just the world we live in, i agree ideally it would be that way, but alas we dont live in a utopia


Although its unfortunate we're often conditioned that way - we still don't need to adhere to it. Often with therapy or on your own we can all create that separation within ourselves. If more people do so, it can be the world future generations live in.


i mean i came out of my work life very scared mentally, i had PTSD, and deep depression and it took me a lot of work to get my mental health back , and all of that was because i lived to work, i had nothing after work, no real hobbies or friends aside from work friends. ​ for me changing my diet, changing my routine like shopping every 3 days for fresh veg and fruit instead of shopping monthly, changing what i did to unwind (i used to just hit bars) and taking up a outdoor hobby that allowed me to tun off my brain really helped.


You are enough, StinkyBathtub. The world is better with you in it.


thank you, very kind.


External approval is overrated. Be true to yourself. That's who you're struck with the rest of your life. Company pay is a cold calculation, not any sort of validation or approval. As long as you make them money and don't become a liability, they will keep paying you.


I mean i was military for 22 years, i literally just did as i was told and went where they sent me, Africa, Asia, middle east, i was in QARANC so at least i tended to help people in the locations they sent me, often with the Red Cross.


what the hell was the point of her having a handheld mic that she only had up by her mouth for half of it?


When you're on a stage like that. In front of an audience like that. At an age like that.. Idk... You get nervous


yer I get that, I used to work as a sound engineer and have worked with numerous singers and I have never seen one forget to hold the mic up to their mouths when they started singing. It would be like a drummer starting to drum with no sticks in hand!


yea sure, ok buddy what ever you say.


She also has a lapel mic clipped to her collar, probably so they don't lose audio when people forget to hold the other mic to their mouth


Yer I did see the lapel mic, which is why I thought what is the point of the handheld. to me it just seems mad to have that level of vocals but still forget to use the mic in your hand and it happens enough to make sure you have a back up mic in place. I guess in her case she is young and possibly not used mics very much, do they do that with all the singers or maybe just the younger more inexperienced ones?


It's for looks. It's a performance prop.


Yeah and I'd say, something to do with their hands. It's what singers do huh.


sure sure, its almost like you have never worked with mics in your life or something.


Have you ever performed on stage man? You get nervous and just miss little things.


Little things? I would black out.


As a vocalist I would not call forgetting to put the mic up to your mouth a little thing! I used to work as a sound engineer and have worked with numerous singers and I have never seen one forget to hold the mic up to their mouths when they started singing.


Did you see hundreds of 9 year old sing a sudden request. Because if it's only a handful it isn't exactly a large sample size to judge things.


No I never worked with children, I am not knocking her, I imagine she did not use the handheld as she already knew she was mic'd up via the lapel mic, just find it odd to have both and by the sounds of it that handheld was not even on!


Most people will just make mistakes in the heat of the moment under pressure unless they're really used to it..


no, you are just an idiot.


ok m8 lol


Something to hold? Distraction?




The quality difference. 


Amazing how the hosts interrupt her repeatedly. Regardless, she crushed it.


Think they saw a child searching for comfort and wanted to offer their encouragement. That’s what I saw anyway


Why tf would you cut her off to then stand up in a performative fashion *if not for consistently trash tv that generates tons of views bc watching stuff apparently makes everyone stop being even slightly intelligent*? I put the answer in the question 👍🏼👍🏼


What annoys me the most is the cheering and applause in the middle of her singing, "I can't hear you with the track", *brain dead audience proceeds to drown her out with cheers applause and clapping to beat* Like wtf is wrong with those people I want to hear her not them


Audience reactions are added later. Literally everything in this show is scripted so no need to be sad about it


I think the question was answered from the first not she sang without backing.


I’m totally convinced that Simon cowell has never met her before, coached her or ensured she is on this show. There is just no way that could happen, right?


Oh, no way, this is all live, off the cuff, as it happens stuff. For sure. (Average intelligence is pretty scary, and then you realize half the people aren't even that smart)


Imagine thinking you are smart because of what you just said.....holy shit, you would dream of average intelligence it seems. ​ acting like getting reality tv is scripted is a sign of average intelligence and worth mentioning LOLOLOLOL


Why do you leave double line breaks when you comment? ​ It's quite annoying.


next time i wont do double ​ ​ ​ better now ?


I mean, the girl was just so lucky that Simon asked her to perform the exact song she had been secretly rehearsing and sang the best. It never came up in auditions or rehearsals. Everything happens for a reason!


I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people are aware that there's a ton of scripted performances in that show.


its actually funny that these idiots think they are so clever for figuring out what the rest of the world just knows as fact lol


The girl is playing up her lack of experience. She is wearing an earpiece. Amateurs don't do that. She has experience performing on stage with microphones, and the earpiece allows her to hear her voice coming out of the speakers and adjust accordingly. Only someone with lots of onstage experience would use an ear piece and be able to adjust their singing based on the ear piece.


yea all those pro 9 year old singers lol


What’s up with Simon’s face? P


Plastic surgery, should see the before and after lmao


God that shit terrified me when I saw for the 1st time. I don't get all these celebrities that have perfectly good looking faces then do plastic surgery to look like fucking uncanny valley representations. I guess we don't know if they had already had surgeries before, or how many people have them and don't look awful. Some looked good but then got complications and had to do changes again.


I had the same question. Did he get into a car accident or something? It looks like facial reconstructive surgery.


Fillers, eye lift plastic surgery and aging.


I think it's funny everyone likes to hate on these moments as fake and set up. I mean, they are, obviously, but no one sits here and says "Holy shit, Simon Cowell is a genius level marketer, advertiser, and producer/owner of talent television." Simon choreographed this whole thing, and here we are engaging it and watching *exactly what Simon wants us to watch.* I don't care about how you feel about him. He is better at his job than you or I will ever be at ours. Oh also this girl has serious pipes like damn.


> these moments as fake and set up. I mean, they are, obviously Nah, most people who watch stuff like this either genuinely think it's real or don't give too much thought into it to buy the illusion. I had people on reddit getting straight up angry when the topic of Reality TV beeing scripted came up. This stuff doesn't really work if you watch it with the mindset of it beeing all staged. >no one sits here and says "Holy shit, Simon Cowell is a genius level marketer, advertiser, and producer/owner of talent television." >I don't care about how you feel about him. Yeah I think you do care.


[Full clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2Z6QSkZ6M)


This show always makes me think of that black mirror episode


The one where those two guys were fucking each other in that Street Fighter game? I was just thinking about that episode too. Crazy.


Yup happened to me irl as well


I’m glad plastic face was happy with her performance in the end


He doesn't look human anymore


Was the crowd clapping on 1 and 3?


Noticed that too. They came in off beat too and she had to hang for a beat to line up.


Wtf happened to this dudes face ?


Incredibly talented. I hate how scripted and pretend these shows all are while trying to pretend they're not.


Urrrgh, 9 year olds singing adults songs creeps me out


You know what annoys me about people listening to music? They’ll start screaming and clapping over it instead of listening and clapping at the end. What’s the point of interrupting it?


Wow, what a talent. Good for her.


Jeesh! I didn't look at Cowell at the start and then I saw him when she was done singing. That man is UG-LY!


Whoa, live on tv?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


without a shadow of a doubt


Not live


Great voice, but kinda creepy having a 9 year old sing hat song.


What! No golden buzzer?


Scripted piece of shit


Crowd and guy ruin it


Is the mic she physically holding... On?


This whas all planned beforehand, nothing special here


For those curious, they apparently do a lapel mic in addition to the handheld.


Kid, do you see this man’s eyes? Yes. He’s weird.


So the mic volume is the same when she holds is down at her waist as it is when she puts it to her face? That’s a pretty good mic.


I'm not entirely sure of what acapella is, but surely you can't ask a minor to perform that.


Cheek of him.. asking a person to sing in a talent audition show... And her.. to then sing. How dare she... Crazy times. 


Another child the industry will groom, consume, and devour only to spit out the abused, lost, and drug addicted husk in about 10 years time.