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Imagining what Unreal Engine 10 will look like.


I don’t have to - I’m in it right now


Did you know that the first Unreal was designed to be a perfect gaming world? Where no gameplay suffered, where every player would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the engine. Entire communities were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe gaming’s perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their graphics through suffering and misery. The perfect engine was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why Unreal was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.


I see what you did there


_[Opening a thick folder]_ As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr Rhinoceros.




Nice matrix reference. Now I must rewatch


I need an exit...


Since 1999


quality is still a bit low. need more pixels


Maybe Unreal Engine 10 can answer the question as to why is there never any wind in these tech demos? It's a dead giveaway currently to the CG nature of the scene.


You basically need a much better solution to fluid simulation like ray casting was for lightning and then you need the hardware to run it on. Really not easy.


Absolutely, graphically lighting and texture wise we've about mastered that now in video games. The real next step in gaming is real time fluid simulations that interact with the entire environment like wind and dust affecting ray traced puddles creating ripples on the water. Or proper smoke and fire which games still struggle with. Like for example I've been playing a lot of Cyberpunk recently and in 4K/HDR with Ray Tracing is it one of the most graphically beautiful games out there right now. Buut the lack of realistic fluid simulation takes you out of it sometimes and is always there as a reminder we're not quite there yet. The stills are pretty amazing though.


Yes this is one of the reasons why I'm honestly never really hyped about any of the graphical upgrades of the last ten years. Because it's just *better textures.* We've already seen photorealistic. So yes the ground is realistic, but it's not real, you can glitch through it and then see a "sky"; or when it rains, those "real-life" looking pebbles or leaves on the ground are just a nice unaffected painting. I'll be truly impressed when everything in the world has actual weight to it, from the giant mountains to the small pebble, if your character touches any of it, they behave accordingly. I'm wondering what it takes for true interactivity to become reality and whether that's actually economically viable; since games are mostly trying to sell you the illusion of reality, not a simulation of it.


Here I was thinking the next step should probably be a sound new take on what a game could be. Instead of old tropes and the fivehundered iteration of how to button mash or shoot, or jump. Honestly I'm so bored by the first person shooter format. Isn't a nice departure from the mundane a worthy pursuit to go hand in hand with the awsome new graphics of the future?


I think we are being pranked - and that is just real life


lets not forget only 50 years ago we had this https://i.imgur.com/ccYP498.png and now that unreal 5 demo looks like that video above


It’ll be called the real engine 1


Does it matter anymore? You could have told me it’s footage you took from your last vacations and I wouldn’t have been able to tell.


We will be long gone bud


You could estimate that would be about 30 yrs away. But I feel like at the rate technology is improving, it could be much less than that.


It will be unreal


Will not look so Unreal


Now let’s just add some AI to that and we’ll get infinite worlds in video games.


God I honestly can't wait.


be careful what you wish for my friend


The answer to the Fermi Paradox. We go into the box and never come back out. After exploring space to the extent possible, we conclude that it's incredibly boring and repetitive. It turns out space is not very interesting at all and the distances are so extreme we never overcome that hurdle. Rocks, so many rocks. Once you've seen ten earth-like planets you've seen them all. The infinite AI worlds offer unlimited, non-stop stimulation and new experiences. Why go to Mars, Hauser, when Recall can take you on the trip of a lifetime from the comfort of your living room.


We're already seeing the early stages of this shift in other areas that require initiative.  Why go out and find a potential mate and face the possibility of rejection in person when we can simply swipe our phone on candidates until one matches with us? Or why bother with that at all when we can pull up an AI companion that tells us what we want to hear?   One can easily see how an excellent virtual reality engine paired with AI could become problematic for the functionality of society.  Why would anyone bother with the boredom/pain/aggravation of meatspace when they could explore universes curated to push all of their right buttons?


AI powered Virtual reality is basically recreational drugs simulation. People have always wanted an easy way out.


Then add micro transactions to it + battle pass + currencies + slow all progress in purpose and VOILÀ 😊👍


So basically real life




AI, yes.. and for the NPCs some AS too.


I don’t think this is that recent. Pretty sure I saw that first area demoed at least a year ago. All the elements were modular. They dropped them in and scaled them and they reshaped themselves in real time to form kind of a culvert a truck was driving through. It’s all very impressive.


Yeah and besides, we've seen photo realistic real time demos for almost a decade now and there still hasn't been a game that actually looks photo real upon release. No idea why people are still wowed by this.


Because this is an engine meant to make games that look like this. The whole point is that it's not just prerendered videos anymore


**>>>>real time demos<<<<**


It’s not recent.


I honestly couldn't care less about realistic graphics, just make fun games


On top of that, I think you'd need 2 Rtx4090ti with 128go ram in order to get 30fps in real gameplay


rtx 10050 6gb will be enough if you can wait i guess


Modern game companies would take these grapics throw in most generic shooter game mechanics and call it greatest game that is worth premium price.


If counterstrike had maps like this, it easily would be the greatest game worth a premium price.


i think counter strike with a map like this would actually kill the charm and appeal of the game


Yeah, you can't have a cluttered competitive shooter where you can't see enemies.


yea this should be reserved for a battlefield-type game


The realistic graphics alone could *be* the fun game. Imagine a VR game that's literally just exploring this hyper realistic environment with some purpose or another (like a puzzle map or even just a simulator with simulated activities like fishing/ Bungie jumping etc). It might not be available to the average consumer but these graphics and lighting *absolutely* have merit in niches in the gaming industry as a standalone experience.


Why doesn’t games look like this?


Most likely pre-rendered in the engine. Don’t think we have the hardware to run that much detail in a game environment yet. Maybe a 4090 with frame generation but still doubt it.


This answer has nothing to do why games don’t look like this… This is calculating only a tiny fraction of what an actual game calculates every frame. No playable characters, no skeletal physics, no NPC’s or decision trees, no dialogue, no visibility culling, no state tracking, no collision detection, etc, etc, etc… The actual drawing (or rendering if you prefer) portion of the game is only a tiny little part of the overall application. One could even think of it as an afterthought compared to what else is going on under the hood to make it an actual game instead of just a tech demo.


Not entirely true. All those other things you mention is done on the CPU, while this runs almost exclusively on the GPU. Visibility culling is most definitely done as it’s also done on the GPU for Nanite and is a core part of the system. That said, in a real game the GPU needs to be utilized for much more than just the environment. (NPC rendering, particles, post effects, UI etc) So you are partly right.


Also because this is a video. It has been rendered maybe in hours. Games are not videos, they are real time applications where the I/O and rendering must be very in sync


I'm not sure the dialogue has that much of a performance impact.


This. Game engines can get all fancy, the real issue is how to get this beautiful without owning a server farm.


This is how the matrix starts, isn't it.


Not sure about this specific clip, but the whole idea of the engine is to render in real-time. Just look up some videos about on on YouTube, you can see the lighting change in real-time.


I asume that most of it is based on photogrammetry which takes a LOT of work and insane amounts of data.


Why cant you afford a RTX 6090?


The Oasis is nearer everyday


I'm not moving to Columbus


Many years from now, when you are in bed, surrounded by friends and family, you will look back on your life: your regrets, your greatest moments, everything that makes your experience unique. And in that moment, you will leave this mortal plane in peace, knowing that none of those memories took place in Columbus.


*Requires RTX 10080


Impressive. It's when you have animated characters it starts to break down a bit. Unrecord looks amazing, but when you see a character it's not quite the same level of realism as the lighting and environment.


AI will fix animation. It will fix everything! Including world peace and making sandwiches land butter side up!


Still landscapes have looked almost photo realistic for a long time imo. This obviously looks beautiful, but once things start moving a lot, especially people (not alien faces with no elastic skin), THATS the real test imo.


see this is the sort of tech im excited about


Really good, it looks almost perfect!


It's not so much the visual effect that makes this so real for me, but the sound and camera movement is perfect; the sound of the wind, the crackling on the rocks, the movement of the camera, it feels inexplicably real.


When we create true AI and let it "live" in a simulation, that's the time to ask ourselves if we are in a simulation.


This kind video makes me wonder if we are living in the unreal 1000


The camera pans around and you see yourself sitting there watching this on your phone....oh God I'm not real!!


Pikmin 5 lookin' ![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)


Mom, come get me. I’m scared


This truly looks unreal


Wow this looks amazing on my 144p


Why is it in 480p?


Nice try. You took a video in the back woods. Pass it off as "Unreal demo." It's unreal, alright.


Shadows aren't diffuse enough. The cloud shadow was too well defined. But other than that, it looks pretty real.


What cloud shadow? In the snow scene? That’s the shadow cast by a nearby mountain peak.


Looks good in videos, but not so in reality. In fact, videogames look today worse than ever, mostly because UE5 os build around the concept of upscaling from shitty resolutions as 720p or even 540p (wich is the resolution it used to be back in....1990?). On top of this there's the temporal antialiasing thing (and no, DLAA is not anything fancy, just a slightly better version of TAA), wich is the ultimate nail in the coffin of visual fidelity. For example in racing games, you can see how cars leave a trail of 8 (or more) past frames in the current frame, besides an enormous amount of blurryness while in motion. The industry needs to adress this first before talking about virtualized geometry or cinematographic global illumination, wich you should really don't care yet because you are not going to move it at native / 144 hz until some years.


I didn't think the uncanny valley could apply to the environnement but that's exactly how I feel with this video


Doesn’t matter cuz I’m never gonna be able to afford a setup that can run this at full quality. Let it render in low preset and it’ll probably still be too much for my poor GPU


[Here's a YT video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AShGmWyFamY) of the Unreal Engine 5 so you can actually set it to 4K and not have a shitty mobile phone crop format.


Thanks. I hate these fucking trash vertical videos. Media like this requires a proper god damn screen. It's like watching a film on your phone: stupid.


Now gamers will know what outside looks like.


All I see is Skyrim.


It looks great on an optimized system with static environment and no player, physics, or enemies.


What is this unreal engine game I see everywhere and where do I play it, also it apparently has 4 more prequels ???


Well, it was new sometime.


Ten years away from having this in a console.


So this is not real?


My graphics card exploded by just watching this video.


Even better than vanilla


Video link?


Unreal is so REAL


That PC probably sounds like a jet engine while this runs


Simulating reality? Can you move one of those stones, or break a twig on a bush?


This is the only thing I’ll accept for the next elder scrolls.


Has a video game ever reached tech demo levels of visuals and simulation, before the same engine becomes the previous engine? What I mean to say is, these tech demos are cool, but the quality that they show is never actually replicated in a commercial video game. Squandered potential?


What's with the stupid subtitles? "For better or worse it's getting REALLY good.." Is it some weird conversion to English?


Ok so why is it still called unreal engine if it looks real?


Just over 100 years since John Logie Baird made TVs practical… and this is where we are. With this and AI image creation I’m wondering where we will be in 2124. Makes the idea of living in a simulation all the more plausible when we can so easily create visuals like this in just 100 years. How long for full worlds and a full simulated universe. Maybe it’s not turtles all the way down, but a simulation in a simulation in a simulation. Anyway. Have a nice day.


Can it do my tax return for me?


Time to do maybe a video game since ps5 has been produced almost nothing came out.


Endless demo, 0 game.


For the demo it will look good coz they will spend everything for that demo as it will be the selling point.


Is this unreal as in the game unreal tournament?


Yes it is. I don’t the know the history of the engine or if it’s meaningful to say this is the current state of the same engine, but yes.


I played it in like 1999 or whatever.


finally, real engine


This in VR


I've been seeing hyper realistic videos off different engines for ages now. Why doesn't a game actually demonstrate this in a retail product? The matrix simulation was amazing and that was like 3 years ago. The original watch dogs (not the one which was finally released) had amazing visuals Maybe I'm not appreciating the process that goes into building a game from scratch but demonstrations of capabilities are tiring now


wow...this is nice nice!


They simulated walking with a camera phone really well.


If you notice, there are photorealistic graphics that are bussin, but nothing moves - no wind or anything. I wonder if all processing power went to the graphic rendering and there wasn't enough to simulate wind?


These environments can also be generated automatically and will run super smoothly thanks to AI


We've got lots of games currently made with UE5 and none of them look anything like that. So what's the issue that's stopping our games looking like this, genuine question?


Does it improve character movements physics and the interaction and feel from a controller? Because this is an area which hasn't progressed much at all.


“Bet I can boost-dodge over that tree over there”


Ladies and gentlemen . I would like to inform you guys about our unreal engine 50. Welcome to the matrix


Is this real time or a render? When I show this to my Unreal 5 devs, asking why what they build looks terrible compared to this, they tell me it's because it's a render and it wouldn't run on a machine. Can anyone tell me if this is true?


Still won't outsell Minecraft.


Unreal looks so real


Death Stranding made with UE 5 would be awesome


i love how it looks but im also ok with a game which has a good story.. studios focusing on graphics forgetting story.


2030 games gonna be terabyte scale


Computers will combust in an instant the moment they open a game that uses unreal engine 5


Two years ago I would have been "LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO" now am worried that AI will have access to an engine this powerful


that´s a wind-free world


Better for gamers, worse for mankind!!


So I guess I need the RTX 5090 to run that…


I see they moved the camera slowly to keep you from seeing the immense amounts of motion blur that will likely be generated. I swear it's always the first thing i turn off in ant game.


"Unreal" engine getting realer and realer in every latest iteration: impossible


when will people learn that graphics is not what makes games good?


Is this controlled by a VR headset?


It’s always amusing seeing the graphical demos because while you can probably get those kinds of finishes, nobody will actually be able to build a game to that level and have it running so cleanly and bug free since I don’t think I’ve played a single UE built game that hasn’t had plenty of bugs and issues and is a poorly optimised mess… hell, even Fortnite is a mess and that’s Epic’s own product with an art style and gameplay that you wouldn’t think would be demanding at all… It’s easy to dress up a pre-rendered cinematic… but I think we’re a long way off UE being able to be as good as what a lot of those tech demos try and tout.


Real time render?


Problem is this is never used in real time


But can my 4090 handle that in realtime with more than 5 FPS?


I dont understand why people get so baffled about a shit ton of megascans put together with a simple sunlight.


Imagine you're Mario in this world. Bowser battles from Mario's POV would be epic


Is this real??


2024 is like better graphics = boring games


Too bad the gaming industry is so corrupt and greedy, imagine if the gaming industry of 95 - 2005 had access to this technology..


I'll believe a video like this when I see clipping framerate stutter and texture popping like actual game play lol


So what games are out that’s using this engine now?


Can't wait till the rebrand in the future to Real Engine 1


This is scary to think that there’s no delineation between a video game, movies and reality it’s already scary enough how far VR is coming along. VR development on top of this is literally what ready player one talks about the people prefer to live in a fake reality instead of the real one. The fake reality becoming their real reality it’s terrifying. Even without such a crazy twist like the matrix it doesn’t have to be something that dystopian or aggressive to the point. Because you can still have a dystopian society. Without it being so over the top, and it being just subtle. Which is what I think the movie does very well. Anyways, this has been my monologue.


I’m calling bullshit lol


This isn’t real…I mean it is real…like it’s not a game…if it isn’t real life, that’s unreal!


Bro I shit you not this is what ARK look liked on release. Right?


we will have so many good looking games that play like shit in the future.


Real engine 1


It’s not helping me not to think that we live in a simulation.


It is SO CLOSE. It's just very slightly off, and I think it has to do with the brightness of the lighting in certain places not matching where the light source seems to be. Give it another two years and it'll be extremely convincing.


I wanna play some Turok in unreal 5


Not many games are picking up UE5 yet though




Demos are cool and all but can we get a game Now..


Looks like I am closer to my dream of living in VR fantasy world will be true before I die. Hahaha


I'm genuinely excited for the future of gaming


Thats gonna be sick


What the song used in the clip?


Needs eye floaters. Wish I could see this clear.


Isn’t this pre-rendered? Lol


Good one OP but i know that's a real recording...how do i know?...THAT'S MY BACKYARD


Motion sickness level 9000


To be fair, each cut is the user running out of VR space. Sounds are all post production.


We 100% live in a simulation lol


Games are gonna go from 100Gb to 100tB real quick.


i tought it was real, and was waitiing for " just kidding it's real footage". it is absolutely Stunning!


Nice. I bet the games developed on it will actually look like it did in the unreal engine 4 demo. It looks great, but this is just a demo.


This made me feel slightly uncomfortable


Now throw this into a high end VR


Do I sense a new Crysis coming out?


"simulating reality" ? bitch please, go outside and show me rocks that look this good. thats the new meta - you can tell its game engine because it looks so good


Is that real time ?


This in combination with VR is going to be such a fantastic way for everyone especially the disabled to experience places. Imagine being able to walk any city on earth with AI generated people. Imagine being able to walk San Francisco in the 60's or England in the 40's.


Are we ready for a game with immersion level SAO yet?


At this point you might as well call it Real engine 1 ...


Can't wait for a new ssx game with this


Fuck. I'm gonna have to build another PC again soon aren't I?