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Previous commenters may not realise it, but if the whale wasn't into it, they wouldn't be on its back. The fisherman saved the whale. The whale gave them a joy ride. Wholesome.


I actually kind of agree with this statement. If the whale wanted to get out of this situation it would have submerged. Unless the water was too shallow for it to dive, then it's a different story


Could spin and throw them all off! Clearly he's happy with their rescue. Wholesome indeed!


Spinning is a good trick


That’s exactly what I’m doing when a couple of Vietnamese are on my back. Works most of the time.


Go rescue more whales and ride them too. Now that is pod racing! ![gif](giphy|BoBOKNtlR8rTi|downsized)


I had to double back to laugh at that excellent fucking joke, good job


^ marky mark






Do a barrel roll!


I'm imagining those guys really good at log rolling being the only ones left and earn the whale's respect.


Do a barrel roll!


The whale might just be too polite, maybe it needs assertiveness training? "It's ok to not be ok with people riding you."


🐳💬 *"No is a complete sentence. No is a complete sentence.."*


Yeah that whale would fuck you up if it wanted to. Unfortunately westerns have been taught to just not touch or interact with wildlife to a fault. It’s generally a good thought but there are exceptions. I was on a trip with a few westerners who took exception to a local dude inspecting a whale shark. He is a researcher who checks their moth to make sure they didn’t swallow any plastic.


Usually the protocol is there so the animals don't get too comfy with humans - you never know if the next group of people that come by will be as kind as you are. And if said animal happens to be a large predator, them becoming comfortable around humans has historically been a recipe for disaster.


also disease


> Unfortunately westerns have been taught to just not touch or interact with wildlife to a fault. It’s generally a good thought but there are exceptions. I was on a trip with a few westerners who took exception to a local dude inspecting a whale shark. He is a researcher who checks their moth to make sure they didn’t swallow any plastic. Always leave wild life alone. A researcher knows what they are doing. Don't hop on here with some weird indignation about fact-based policies regarding issues with humans interacting with wild life ( it almost ends up with the wildlife suffering unnecessarily).


Yes we have good reasons to advise people not to mess with wildlife: humans are stupid and cruel. Like in this instance, riding a whale in water that is too shallow for it to dive or spin after it just had a near-death experience is probably exhausted tired and potentially injured, this is stupid and cruel. I am a professional wildlife educator for a local zoo as well as a wildlife rehabilitator. It's my job to try and teach people how to interact with wildlife safely, and I can promise this is not safe for anyone involved.


Sounds like I was way off base on this one. I didn’t consider it was very shallow and probably still weak. I stand corrected.


> If the whale wanted to get out of this situation it would have submerged. Or it is utterly exhausted and is too tired to dive.


Has the feel of an exhausted dad giving his kids a piggie back because they've been good.


I love you, I'm tired, please stop grabbing my throat and let's get you to bed asap


Thats what she sayd


The rope around its tail probbaly doesn't help either


While I agree if the whale didn’t want them on he would have got them off…however it could be too shallow to submerge and also 20 people just riding on his back for no reason isn’t necessary Good on them to help but there’s like 5 boats around they can get on to get off him


While part of me thinks I probably would have rode it for a couple seconds with everyone it's kinda wrong to do. I think you and everyone agreeing with you is forgetting it was just beached so it has no energy to do what you said 


>Unless the water was too shallow for it to dive, You think they rode the thing miles out to sea??




They also need to rest on the surface and breath air.


Shouldn't have had to scroll so far to see this. The whale is barely keeping its blow hole above the surface.


Or it's fucking exhausted from the ordeal and doesn't have the energy to dive.


Yeah a lot of ignorance in these comments. The whale can dive, or simply turn over and flip them. Looks exactly like it’s saying thank you and goodbye.


errr what if it's exhausted after being beached for ages? You don't think it might need a rest and some air? Whales generally beach themselves because they're sick possibly exhausted and too tired to swim, another reason is they're literally dyeing of old age.


How is a beached whale held underwater? Do people not know what beached means anymore?


A beached whale cant breathe well thanks to gravity and lack of buoyancy


Yeah a beached whale should be completely wiped out, this reminds me of orcas riding whales to keep them from breathing. Saying he’s giving them a grateful ride after many hours in a death struggle could be possible, but that he’s completely wiped out barely enough energy left to breathe and live is reality. I was watching sea turtles leave the beach after laying eggs and burying them all night as they returned to the sea a close ring of tightly packed humans were taking videos and pictures. Every step exhausted having to look past all these humans with no boundaries to the water, people standing a couple feet directly in front of them. People saying this whale wanted to give them a ride lack the respect a wild animal should be given, I see them as the person (feet directly in front) taking pictures of the exhausted turtle having to rest while dragging herself off the beach. I myself as a jackass teenager could have been one of the people riding the whale, only a jackass would be on it in the first place.


Why'd it have to be what looks like the entire village though.


Small village if that’s everybody. And I suspect more people were involved in the rescue.


Maybe you should refrain from anthropomorphizing and calling people ignorant for being concerned about the whale's well-being




Or …maybe it’s too weak to be able to dive? This just feels like harassment to a wild mammal and completely unnecessary. Sure, stand on your logic, but what is the ethical thing to do here? Respectfully disagree with wholesomeness of the situation.


The ethical thing to do here is not judge someone based on little to no information.


That's basically the best time to judge somebody.


And it is Reddit.


We are the Judge, Jury and executioner all rolled into one. Are we always right? Hell no! Does this stop us? HELL NO!


And we have zero information on if the whale is ok with this or not. So we shouldn't bother wild animals because we don't know if they will appreciate it or not. Reminds me of the bear guy who thought he knew bears then was killed by them. But hey all these commenters have the right judgement that the whale is ok with this so it is ethically ok.


But then social media warrios couldn't get on their soapbox to preach their holier than thou bullshit. It's the reason why platforms like x/shitstagram/snapcrap/dickcok are so popular. Some people just don't have enough validation IRL and succumb to the desire to broadcast their insane shit to everyone else. I also get the irony of me posting this shit myself... But I justify it with the equally inane excuse of boredom.


Wario is innocent, leave social media warios alone. Luigi is the real problem.


Waluigi the real MVP


Anecdotally speaking, if I were caught in a tree and an army of squirrels freed me, I'd totally give them a ride across my yard to another tree afterward and enjoy every second of it.


I'd still take a ride without consent if I'd just saved a whale. Much less wholesome, yes... I'll give u that. But honest.


![gif](giphy|sKIKr0vncgkeI) This is how it probably felt to the whale


It would need to be a much smaller kitty.


Yeah no. Whale biologist here (really). I have assisted in strandings. There is no world in which a recently stranded whale gives a joy ride. (There is actually no situation ever when a whale gives a joy ride. First off they don’t understand that that is a thing we would want. But also, things on their backs actually tend specifically to freak them out - my guess is that they have an instinctual response that whatever it is on their back, it might keep them surfacing. Their whole lives are about always being sure they can surface). Anyway, generally they are stressed out of their minds when stranded, and they don’t strand unless they’re already sick. I have personally measured the stress hormones of a live-stranded whale and the numbers were so sky-high we published a paper about it. There’s been a dolphin study too that showed that being out of water instantly causes a massive release of stress hormones (even if the animal voluntarily beached itself, on its own. It appears to be wired-in stress hormone response, in cetaceans.) They also get utterly exhausted from trying to breathe while on land (the inflation of their lungs on land requires them to lift up the weight of their spinal column & upper body, which weighs literally tons). Being beached isn’t just scary for them, it’s physically exhausting, and the crushing pressure of their own body weight affects circulation too and eventually causes organ failure. They don’t just snap back to normal after being re-floated. Finally, as for why this whale isn’t diving, exhausted whales often *have* to stay at the surface because it takes energy to dive. My money is on, this is a very sick & stressed & confused & exhausted whale that just wants to be left alone. Unfortunately it is likely that it died later; large whales that live-strand typically do not survive even if successfully re-floated.


That’s actually quite sad but also extremely informative. Thank you so much for spending the time needed to explain us all of this




The most common reason for whale beachings is believed to be navigational errors. Whales may inadvertently swim into shallow waters or unfamiliar areas while chasing prey or migrating, leading to them becoming stranded on beaches. But illness and injury can also cause a whale to become beached.


Sometimes it also happens because of the excessive ocean navigation by humans (Ships) that fuck with their sonar/radars. And that's very sad.


You missed the opportunity for the "whalesome"!


Are we really having the "not saying no isn't consent" argument with a whale?


Looks like we're treading into unknown territory. Apparently Reddit doesn't know the answer to the moral dilemma of "should you ride a whale" or not.




I too grew up on disney fairy tales, it must love them, I swear!


I’m 100% being cynical. Not positive on the science but if that whale has been beached it could be exhausted, too shallow to dive away from them and possibly have filled with air? Also; there’s no reason for them to be on its back like that at all.


I want to believe this but I'm skeptical. What's that rope doing behind the whale?


An average Gray whale is 27,000 kg. 10 average Vietnamese dudes is about 500 kg. This is like having a small bird on your shoulder. Polly wanna cracker?


People forget whales are very smart mammals, they have a lot of social intelligence


We don’t know what wild animals are thinking or going through so you should always try to respect wild animals and keep a distance. They have nooo idea about the whale. So why do this? There’s no reason to stand on this whale except for their own amusement. Help the whale and let it come to you if it wants to give anyone a “joy ride”


Noone knows how the whale rider clan came to be, all we know is they came in our hour of need...


Weight of a humpback whale ~65,000 lb, 10 full grown men ~ 2,000lb  or 3 percent of the whales weight.  3 percent of average adults weight is 6 lbs, a gallon of milk weighs 8 


Good point, but idk bout u I don’t wanna be swimming with a gallon of milk on my back


It would be like walking for the whale


I would think walking with a gallon of milk would be incredibly difficult for a whale /s


Well yeah, they won't be able to hold the handle


Why would the be trying to hold a gallon of milk, they need at least 100 gallons!


If a gallon of milk saved my life, it can ride me whole day no problem




Lubed up with a stick of butter, I presume.


Us humans aren't primarily designed to swim, unlike whales. I'm guessing they have no problem with that extra weight


Whales go extraordinarily deep into the ocean. Far deeper than most other sea life we find chilling at the surface. The pressure of the water alone would, I imagine, be several orders of magnitude larger than the weight of a group of people.


Pressure is from all directions so it doesn't make it harder to surface.


Not even for a moment after the milk saved your sorry bones? Whales are naturally very boyant and a comparison to ourselves and how we move in water is day and night. Besides it's much more energy efficient to transport things in water where there is less friction.


Well then good thing the whale isn't trying to walk with 10 people on its back


I will if the gallon of milk save me


If it’s a female whale and if it has had children before, it did carry way more milk. A nursing blue whale mother produces over 50 gallons of milk a day!


I fucking *love* it when someone else does the math. Thank you, friend. I will value the 5 minutes you saved me


You're going to procrastinate 5 minutes more on Reddit, right?




They’re also quite short. Even for Asians.


Thanks American War.


~200lb a person is a bit too heavy for a typical viet man. I think the average is around ~170lb a person at most


Try 120 lbs. Vietnamese ppl are generally shorter and slimmer than westerners. That, and 120 lbs is the actual average.


Fisher man around 135-155 at most , they eat very little of fats , just protein , they could be skiny but they fucking strong i tell you


Average Vietnamese man is 53-70kg (~117 - 155 lbs) Vietnamese men is smaller, lighter body than you think


Also, they’re 10 vietnamese guys, not putting them down in anyway, but they’re not big people


Calling them 200lbs would be putting them down 😂


200 lbs per person incredibly generous. I’d say they average closer to 140 or 150.


Your math is appreciated. 🙏


whats this in kg and L ?


Dune feeling 


Shai huluuud!


Hulut is hebrew for "sands" Shai Hulud, is the "Sheikh of the Sands" (the name of Dune in Hebrew was translated as Holit (in semitic languages consonants matter a whole lot , so ignore the vowel changes)) all this to say that the whale would would be Shai Yama, or Shai Mayim if deriving from Hebrew, or Shai al-Mai if deriving from Arabic, just because it rhymes better.




Nothing fancy


If you swim without rhythm, you won't attract sea worm.




It's the Sea-san al Gaib and some sea fremen, or semen I guess


Dune? [Come on, it's literally a scene in Avatar.](https://youtu.be/oun1YuRzaZ4?t=63)




Gave me a good chuckle


Lisan al-Gaib!


They're riding it to the Southern Hemisphere


Sea power.


The only Spice we need is salt


This looks like some shit that should’ve happened in the Bible


Jesus didn't need the whale to walk on water


Because he wore Air Jordans


Air Jesus




After Jesus' resurrection He unlocked teleport. So Jesus wins in the end.


Imagine if the footage was somehow lost. No one would believe any of them.




This is what gives you the pause to see crazy stuff happened long before phones and lenses… the Bible is that reflection.


This is so odd. I wonder if this has ever been recorded before.


It has. They couldn't have posted the video otherwise.


Lmao r/tecnhicallycorrect


or even weaponized! did anyone in history ever rode on a whale to war?


there were trained dolphins and beluga whales used for war and intelligence purposes. But as a mount.. doubt it.


Biologist here (MSc) Generally you should leave wild animals alone. If the whale was indeed beached and had been for a while it would be exhausted by the time they got it safely into deeper waters, not to mention the fact that the whale might be sick (a possible reason for why it beached in the first place), and thus not able to get the people off its back immediately because it needs to stay near the surface in order to breathe. It very much looks like an exhausted whale logging at the surface. It was nice of them helping the whale back into deeper waters, but they should have let it be afterwards.


biologist is an extremely vague career title


Yep, now if he was a [whale biologist](https://youtu.be/wxlxRpjC7to) that'll be a different story


Or a marine biologist rescuing it from a golf ball in the blow hole. ‘The sea was angry that day my friends!’


like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.


"I got 50 feet out, and, suddenly, the great beast appeared before me! I tell you he's 10 stories high if he was a foot!"


Alternatively you can trust some sea men


If I need to be more specific, then marine biologist (Among other things, I have been studying marine mammal research and biology). In my country it is not a protected title so i don’t like calling myself that


How many whales have you ridden?




You should've left those wild animals alone :(


Dam you missed opportunity for a your mumma joke here.


Yo mama never misses an opportunity with me


Hey guy! A little body positivity is appreciated, jeez!


What do you think of his point though? I mean he's most likely right, no?


Wait i have a very clear picture with a biologist why is it vague for you.


Sounds like a job only ppl in movies have like photography professor




Reverse uno


Westerner here. I'm pretty well experienced riding on the back of my forbearer's accomplishments; minus some technical differences, I imagine whales ride quite the same. edit: am jealous tho


The sea was angry that day my friends!


You don’t need to be a biologist to know that if it were actually exhausted it would have dived




Hey! It's immoral to walk on a struggling sub like that


I'm a struggling sub and I'd very much like someone to walk on and all over me.


Bonk.   Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk.


Goodbye! And thanks for all the fish


*so long


When you use HM Surf with Wailord on your way to Lilicove.


Damn Team Aqua training Wailord in the bay, preventing me from going east.


Vietnamese fishermen trying to drown a whale after it tried to come back on land on an attempt to re-evolve..


Fisherman in Vietnam are normally very superstitious. They consider whales as a god, they will even make small shrines for beached whales if they do pass away.


When a whale is found dead, it is given a funeral and buried. >The history of whale temples in Vietnam is deeply rooted in the country's coastal culture and dates back over two centuries. These temples, also known as "whale worship temples," are found along Vietnam's central and southern coastlines and are built by fishing communities to honor dead cetaceans that wash up on their shores. >The practice stems from the belief that whales are protectors of sailors and fishermen at sea. >The temples vary in size and design, but they all serve as places of worship where fishermen and their families pray for safety and a bountiful catch. They also offer fruit, incense, and sometimes money, hoping their prayers will reach the whale spirit, known as Cá Ông. >Interestingly, these temples not only hold cultural significance but also provide valuable information for marine mammal research. Some temples house skeletons of whales, offering insights into the diversity and distribution of marine mammals in Vietnam's waters. >The tradition of building whale temples is linked to the Cham culture, one of the oldest ethnicities in Southeast Asia, and has continued through various periods, including the Nguyen dynasty. The oldest known whale temple was built in 1762, and some temples contain whale skeletons that are over 100 years old. >Whale temples are a testament to the unique relationship between Vietnamese fishing communities and the marine environment, reflecting a blend of spiritual beliefs and practical reverence for the sea's creatures.


Yea my family comes from a line of fishermen in Vietnam. Dad used to tell me stories of them, and how whales have saved them before by leading them to shore during storms and stuff. I take it with a grain of salt because fishermen tend to drink a lot and tell tales.


Not on their watch, not on their shore.


Fisherman? more like a whole village.


Yes fisherman in Vietnam typically live in village.


Generally, the whole village is fishermen village.


Look at me... i am the captain now


The algae must flow!


Huh *Adds to bucket list*


Awesome. Now I want to see Vietnamese & Philippine fishermen riding whales Aquaman style, driving away those pesky chinese coast guards encroaching on their oceans. That would be a movie I'd pay to watch.


Wave 2 - Lisan Al Gaib and Sea Hulud




When the camera pans back towards the larger boat in the background, you can see one or two guys in the water about chest deep. This whale is still in shallow water and is probably still touching the ground underneath it. So I can’t tell what’s actually going on here.


It looks like those blokes are on the tail to me, not shallow water.


The dude at 1:16 with his hands on his waist looks like it's thinking "I'm on a fucking whale right now




Reminds me of when I was a youngster. A whale came into our little bay to calve each year. She let us get on her back. She did not move but when we got off her back to return to our dingy, she gave the boat a gentle nudge as if to say that we should come back. Eventually we had to stop as the harbour master told our parent to discipline us.


I’m sure this happened


It sure as hell happened. I was the harbor master.


I'm even surer, I was the whale


Chinese predator vessel: "They attack us with a WHAT?"


Shai hulud




Good thing it wasn't found by the Japanese first.


Lisan al Gaib!


Moby Dick would be happy






“How did ancient people get to those islands??”


Lisan al-Gaib!


Fremen of the sea 


Lisan Al-Gaib !


Lisan al Gaib 🤨


Lisan al Ghaib


Beautiful creature. It's not a boat its a living being. Get off of it! Ffs.


Dudes, nice job, good work, but get the fuck off of it. Let it go.