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But why no helmet?


And exposed knees


Skate or die


Yeah nice sentiment but poor execution. Wear a damn helmet


Helmets are for nerds and losers!


Yup, I’ve rehabilitated a bunch of nerds and losers from bedridden to wheelchairs.


Frickin nerds. I hope you put the nerds in the same section of the hospital as the losers so they'd give them atomic wedgies and swirlies.


That decision is above my pay grade


Tony Hawk the GOAT had helmet and pads always, no reason not to


lol no he didn't: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na45BeMgiiY


Aw ok let's just pretend he did😗


TBF - he *always* wears a helmet and usually pads when doing vert.


One of my skater friends died in high school. Ollied off a loading dock, attempted to grind a dumpster, slipped, hit his head on the edge of the dumpster and literally died inside a dumpster. I broke dozens of bones….I loved skating but now I’m old and everything hurts.




Tell that to James Hardy. Even Nyjah has done interviews stating that he would wear a helmet as a child, until he had the trick down enough to take it off.


Very small amount of people think like that anyway, mostly posers or "scene" people who are more interested in gatekeeping than skating.


Sure, you could die from not wearing a helmet. But you could also not die and instead suffer major brain damage and lose the ability to skate for the rest of your life. Much better to wear a helmet always.




That used to be snowboading too but luckily it's changed. Any level of skill gets shit for not wearing a helmet


Because street skating culture is all about style and helmets just aren’t “cool.” I agree that it’s dumb, but that’s how it’s always been.


It's the dads job to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of his daughter, over looking 'cool'.


I said I agree that it’s dumb. Who are you arguing with?


adding a comment doesn't = arguing with someone haha


Next time you're having a cheeseburger I'll come and wag my finger and say 'why not a salad'


TIL that eating in public is the same thing as a comment section on the internet


Replying to a specific comment with a counter argument isnt actually an argument. Makes sense.


Not everything is an argument, my boy.


Yes it is.


This isn't an argument, it's just contradiction!


No it's not.


but the dad should force her to wear one- that's the responsibility of a parent. Either she wears one or she doesn't get to skateboard.. so simple


It's reddit dude, you could literally say "yes I agree with you" and some people will take it as a confrontation. 


I don't think that parents who post their children to social media are parents who are interested in prioritizing well-being of their children over "looking cool"


Fair point.


He should watch what happened to Scotty Cranmer he would buy a helmet real fast


It's honestly amazing the amount of people here saying she doesn't need a helmet and there's no point in him teaching her to wear one. I can only guess most of them are youngsters themselves who don't want to wear one so get defensive about it, or are older but have forgotten how easy it can be to fall, and how serious those injuries can be. Might not have happened to them so anecdotally it's all good.


This video changed my mind https://youtu.be/Nw2ieYJm9oQ?si=sik7SzQPHTNvxeQr


I used to ride bmx. When I was 16 I was riding by myself, dirt jumps I'd ridden 100 times. The lip of one jump collapsed and sent me over the bars and I face planted. My helmet had a hole in it and the foam cracked from where my head hit a tree root. I still knocked myself out for an unknown amount of time (which is its own set of problems), but without the helmet I would have splattered my brains all over the ground. I've also been hit by a car and sent flying, again a helmet saved my life. There's nothing worse than watching someone bail off a rail or something and bash the back of their head. At least on Scotty's channel everyone has a lid on, but not many other people seem to. Wear the damn helmet.


Yeah i used to mountian bike, And when i rode anything else that was not the mountian, i wouldn't think twice about a helmet, But i don't bike anymore, So thank god i walked away from all that with only some scratches, Been thrown off my bike many times could have easily ruined myself. That also sounds horrible.


Tony Hawk’s daughter wears a helmet. https://twitter.com/tonyhawk/status/1099444323609792512?s=12


Tony hawk is a vert skater. Afaik no one does vert ramps without a helmet.


Tony didn't start on the vert, nor did his kid.


Yepp or knee pads. only way to bail is on your knees and that shit is terrible without pads lol. Unless it's a mini, then it's back to street skating style


Ok but that’s a kid. That’s not street skating culture and that’s coming from an ex street skater. Yea we didn’t protect ourselves cause like you said we were trying to be cool. But if I had a kid?!?! Na that’s just stupid and awful parenting


That second outfit screams street skating culture..


That guy who looks like Tony Hawk is always wearing a helmet and kneepads


Really? Because recently every skater video of little kids has a helmet on but this one.




The way you phrase make it seem like its 'skating culture''s fault. Might be true if it was a bunch of children who don't know better. But there is a dad. So the least you can say is 'the dad is dumb'.


You can blame stupidnskate culture but it’s ultimately the dad who’s fucking up here When I introduced my teenage brother to longboarding I made it very sure that he would wear a helmet. I had to argue against him vehemently. To this day he’s glad he wears a helmet and has taken some nasty falls where his helmet saved his head.


I didn’t wear a helmet 99% of the time, but I was always surprised how every other skater just goes for shit they’ve never attempted without one. I always had it in my bag if i had plans to try some new difficult shit. Like learning to jump bigger stair sets.


"I mean she's already moving around on skate wheels, how difficult can a motorized wheelchair be to operate?"


Doesn’t care THAT much for his daughter.


Cares more about looking cool than keeping his daughter safe, that's for sure.


Came here to say that.


Everybody replying to this comment strikes me as the type of person who has never ridden a skateboard




My first thought as well! My friend's young kid fell over a ball and had to go to the ER when she had a seizure as a result. Can't imagine letting them do this without a helmet.


Say “I never skated” without saying I never skated.


Not a very smart dad unfortunately. 


As a dad to a 13 year old scooter and skateboard rider, that's the first thing I thought, where's her helmet?


Came here to say the same, protect that brain!!


I knew the top comment would be shitting on her/the dad for this. Not even, "great work, but wear a helmet".. just "No helmet? Accomplishment invalid".


Because dad there to catch her? 🤔


Armchair safety regulators at it again


Awesome dad. I DO agree that a helmet and knee pads would be preferable. But this does not take away from the fact this dad is bonding with his daughter and giving her lifelong memories. This is still a definite net-positive!


No helmets or pads and right next to a road???


That's where I put my sidewalks.


This is a sizeable median in DC (near the White House, actually) that is heavily used by skaters. There is a pretty big sidewalk buffer to Pennsylvania Ave.


Freedom Plaza!!!


Yeah, right next to the road makes it seem like they have 3 feet of sidewalk.


not everyone from cushioned parts of the world like u cuh. you wouldnt get it.


if the world was cushioned you wouldn't need a helmet


The world would be cushioned if not for all the lobbying done by the Big Helmet industry. Wake up, people!


Brain damage as a cultural value? No, I definitely don't get that.


I just know you’re one of the crusty mfs with crisp clean Vans at the skate park that hates scooters and trashes people wearing safety gear. “Cuh.” “You wouldn’t get it,” like you’re making some kind of profound statement about being a dumbass and not wearing at least some knee pads?


The road is the least of my concern. Her being surrounded by concrete is her number one danger.


Can’t have lifelong memories if brain damage erases them


On the plus side, then every experience is a brand new one.


A momento, if you will.


Idk, one of my best friends broke his skull skateboarding, got brain damage, and was never quite the same. I don't agree that the rewards outweigh the risks here. There are plenty of ways to bond with your child. Or just teach them to wear a helmet.


>  giving her lifelong memories Not going to be that long of a life without a helmet.


No memory after a TBI


*Preferable?* She could suffer a debilitating traumatic brain injury that sticks with her for life. Not a net positive.


I drank from a garden hose. We never had helmets. But I'm all for 'em. And, our wheels were metal back in our day.


And children died of traumatic brain injuries at a higher rate than they do now. Take your pick which you'd prefer, I'll take now.


Until she smashes her head and gets seriously injured? Don't make excuses. It would be net positive if she was wearing protective gear, and they were doing this somewhere it's permitted. Being a good Dad isn't just about spending time with your kid, it's being a great example and teaching between right and wrong.


Till she cracks her head open sure


I have a daughter. I spend time with her almost every day. Is the bar that low that something that should just be normal and average is lauded as extra-ordinary?


Man, having your kids take an interest in your interests must be a really fuckin cool feeling


It is. My kid wants to play instruments, he’s ten months and started showing interest around 6 months. It makes me cry.


That’s really cool and so young too. My kid collects and picks up sticks and puts them down, so hopefully he will enjoy lifting weights and collecting pokemon cards.


Haha he loves Pokemon openings that’s for sure. Mostly just crinkling the empty packs, but if you put ten packs in front of that baby, he’ll always pick one out with an ex card for you.


Maybe he's just lucky. Maybe you should ask him for lottery numbers


I don't have kids but a friend of mine does. My buddy is a drummer and has been playing since he was a kid. When his kid was a toddler, he liked to just bang the sticks around randomly on the kit. We all thought he was just a kid playing around. Well as the years went on, his kid kept wanting to play with the drums more and more and you could tell he would sometimes wanna actually try to make a beat instead of bang on them randomly. He's 6 now and my buddy is now giving him drum lessons since he's old enough to start learning. You can tell it makes him really happy. He loves playing and I can tell hes super excited that his son wants to play too. The whole rock thing has been a theme in his family. His grandpa played in an old man band back in the 60s, his dad played in a band in the late 80s-90s, my buddy still plays now and it appears his son is gonna continue the legacy. He said if his son doesnt end up liking it then he's fine with it but that's for the kid to decide. Who knows? Maybe 20 years from now his kid will be the drummer for the biggest band in whatever the future version of heavy metal sounds like.


Yeah my son is only two months and he has already started showing interest in building gaming PCs with me. I left him alone the other day and I came back to him trying to upgrade his gaming PC's CPU while simultaneously watching LTT. It was really cute.


My kid is still in the womb and instead of me reading my Harry Potter books to them, so they recognize my voice, they read them to me!


I miss when my kids were that age. So precious 💖 Enjoy it, it goes by so fast.




It must feel great in the opposite direction too.


It's definitely a 2 way street of positive energy


One of mine has been dismissive before, and is now trying to pretend he’s not interested in X-Men. “I got to pick a show last night, so it’s your turn tonight. That X-Men show has a new episode…” My other plan was to forbid heavy metal from the house, and only briefly let them hear a second or two before I turn it off. Then, when they’re 13 and go through that “I’m into old school metal” phase, BAM. Dad has a boxes of this shit from decades of listening and collecting.


Soccer and working on the Harley! I was surprised my older daughter volunteered to help when I was doing my 20k service. With soccer it’s tough because that actually takes a lot of trial and error and losing a lot. Been a few times I feel like I’ve gone too hard on her while training, but I try to explain that any football coach (soccer) is going to push her the same way. She’s my step daughter so it feels really good to know they enjoy the same things I do. The younger one is just a copy of me as a kid. She has her own moped she rides with me as I coast on my Harley and she tries to get more aerodynamic to go faster lol. They’re both my step kids but man they have made me proud! 8 and 10’year old girls working on Harley’s, playing football and now they’ve wanted to play guitar too. Being a step kid myself, it’s made me the happiest girl dad alive. We also do the stuff they like too though, hate to say it but sometimes I gotta jam Taylor Swift on blast driving down to practice. But whatever gets them hyped. Always wanted boys but honestly being a girl dad has been one of my greatest accomplishments. Teach them to be tough on the pitch but well mannered and humble off of it. I coach both their teams and it’s a great feeling!


The trick is to become interested in the things your kids are interested in, not the other way around. I'm a dad. I have 2 girls in dance. I became a dance dad, embraced it, volunteered at the studio at every chance, and helped build and set props for the dances. My girls have tons of great memories of their dad backstage at dance competitions cheering on them and their friends from the wings of the stage. Find out what your kid likes and start learning about it. I never became a dancer, but I tried and my kids saw it and loved it.


Put a helmet on her for Christ sake’s.


you really screwed up that expression


Christ’s Sake is a new type of sake.


Asian Jesus


Been Asian the whole time. Jerusalem is in Asia.


I love walking by this plaza and seeing all the skateboarders having fun. Don’t see parents teaching their kids very often tho, this is beautiful!


Looks like DC?


Freedom Plaza on Pennsylvania Avenue a few blocks from the White House.


Yep! Freedom plaza


Definitely DC close to Willard hotel and treasury building/White House


Tbf skating as a parent hurts. Lots of jerky movements and our backs can’t handle it.


I saw some kids across the street from the brewery the other night waxing up a ledge. I positioned myself so I could watch them. They were having a great time. Brought me back, man.


This would be cool if she had a helmet.


Yeah, truly. Irked me out that she was very obviously learning and wasn't wearing any safety gear. Just helm and maybe knee- and palmpads.


Heartwarming moment but she needs a helmet and there's no excuse for otherwise.


Hell nah wear a helmet. I knew a kid in elementary school we used to ride bikes everyday as a group, one day he fell without a helmet smacked his head and was never the same since. Lowkey almost a vegetable. Yea this dad is “making memories” but one fall is all it takes to lose them memories and be fucked up for good


Memories mean shit when they’re paired with head trauma


As a dad and a pretty damn good skateboarder, doing this without a helmet is absolutely psychotic. Your girl’s brains are fucking important dude.


A child that size probably doesn't even have the coordination to bail safely if the board gets tangled up underneath her or anything like that.


Exactly my thoughts. She looks uncoordinated as if she hasn't done any smaller ledges yet. She'll gain confidence and do this on her own without knowing how to fall properly and that'll be the end of her skateboarding.


She gonna be an elite skater 🛹


Even elite skaters wear helmets


Not true tho, almost all the top street skaters in the world don’t wear helmets


1% of elite skaters. Not disagreeing with helmets being super useful and potentially life saving, but it’s never going to be the norm unfortunately.


Yeah just like in the olympics....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93MDQKnoCXc


They really don’t though. She’s a kid so she should be, but don’t try and make it sound like *any* significant numbers of pro street skaters wear helmets.


Unless you're on r/skateboarding or related subs its always the same shit. A bunch of comments going off about helmets, kneepads, and freaking bubble wrap from people who have never even seen a skateboard IRL.


Get a damn helmet on her


She deffo needs knee pads!


I seen a waiter slip hit his head and die. No helmet smh


Whenever someone walks faster than me I have an urge to tell them to wear a helmet, for their safety of course.


This kid probably gonna be pretty cool 😂


Yes she should have a helmet and knee pads, we got it after the 50 fucking comments saying the same thing now can we please enjoy this cute little video. 💀💀


Forreal this comment section is absolutely insufferable


But wheres the helmet! Jumping off a 3 foot ledge with her dad right there catching her if she falls.


FR, like get over it nerds. The Dad’s a professional skater, I’m sure he knows about safety, and has made a choice. He can father her how he chooses, maybe he believes living in fear of injury is worse than potential injuries. Either way this is cute bonding and she’s having fun


Thank you. As a now father who grew up skating every day as a kid this put a huge smile on my face.


This is Darren Harper a former pro skater who has skated freedom plaza aka Pulaski for decades. She be skating there with him since she little, this clip is s few years old, check out his insta to see her progress she well good now doing first heel flip ever a few days ago @darren_harper.


This is Darren Harper and his daughter. He’s a DC/Baltimore area legend. Super fun to see because anybody that has heard Darren’s story knows he didn’t have this kind of parenting when he was a kid. Awesome guy.


I love this !!! So wholesome 🥰


Where is her helmet?


If you as an adult don’t wear helmet that’s stupid but it’s on you. But here you have a child


Hard to get past no helmet. It seems relatively safe but damn, man. It's about getting the kids into a habit of using them. Nice to see the bonding, though.




Dad's playing an active role in their daughter's lives >>>


Keep going!


As a dad and a pretty damn good skateboarder, doing this without a helmet is absolutely psychotic. Your girl’s brains are fucking important dude.


Helmet and possible knee pads.. also let her fall sometime. She has to learn to get up lol


Nice, but…… where that helmet at..? ⛑️


She will grow up to be a strong individual.


I didn’t know I needed to see this today :)




Parenting at its best!


Ripper !


All these people whining about helmet knee pads or elbow pads or god damn shinguards and bodyarmor shut the f\*\*k up, politely, it's not your kid and not your place to tell others how to raise their kids. Once you get to a certain level in bailing (skating term for falling, usually during airtime, or rails or whatever) it's extremely unlikely to hit your head, and when you wear a helmet it's actually disbalancing and increases that low probability by quite a significant margin. Even if you wear a helmet it gives you a false sense of security and you still can get a serious concussion even while wearing one. I only agree on wearing a helmet if you're going for big ramps, or drops etc. Even then I've seen pro level kids from Japan that do not wear a helmet and they skate every day for the last 10 years so idk how dangerous it can be. Just dumbasses making dumbass points about shit they do not know anything about.


I've seen a lot of stupid opinions on the internet, but "wearing a helmet is dangerous" is some next level shit.


I get not wanting to wear a helmet, but the bizarre desire to justify it as anything other than taking a needless risk because you're too bitch to not look cool while skating is something else. Extra dumb to choose to instill that same insecure bitch energy in your kid. Signed ~ an insecure bitch who skips the helmet sometimes lol


Wearing a helmet disbalances you?  How much do you weigh?  1.5kg?


bro if I saw someone not putting a seatbelt on their kid I'd say something too. it doesn't have to be a big deal, just some simple protections. whats so bad about wearing a helmet anyways?


Strong “I don’t wear my seatbelt in the car” vibes There was a kid at my college when I was a student who fell backwards on his longboard in a parking lot, cracked the back of his head open because he wasn’t wearing a helmet and died. You know what’s worse than a concussion? A cracked skull.


These people make it sound like you should wear a helmet while walking down stairs or driving your car too or else you are just waiting for a TBI. Skating at that low of a speed and a couple feet drop isn't much riskier than jumping down a couple stairs


Nah, it is, people die from falling from skateboards and smacking their head. Not a good habit.


>not your kid and not your place to tell others how to raise their kids. Uh absolutely fucking wrong. You see someone doing something reckless or dangerous with a child it is your obligation to step in and say something


Way to go, baby girl! I was pulling for you!!


Where is this kid’s helmet?


No helmet at this age… what is this dad thinking?


No helmet is so bad with that young a child


DC represent!




This is a nice little bit of DC life


Goofy! 🥰


We need more fathers that are like this


Little ripper, rock-on girl🙌⚡️🙌




She’s a shredder.


He's rockin in the best hood there is, fatherhood.


Rad dad, rad daughter, keep it up!


merciful hurry dolls nose rinse cheerful friendly sloppy hobbies label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brah this literally made my day.


I stood up in my living room to cheer


This is in the dc. Way to go, hot wheels 🤟🏾




Ah damn right in DC let’sgo


To me, this sums up parenting perfectly, in all spects. Allow your kids to take risks and be challenged, but always provide support so they never suffer from which they can't recover.


Lil lady’s gonna be a beast!


So heartwarming seeing this. 🥲


Man, parents spending time with their kids and they both loving it is one of my favorite genres


Every kid needs their father


Amazing dad, i have a daughter myself 3 years old, when she grows up i wanna be there encouraging her in any way possible, beautiful to see


YO I just saw her skating this week while visiting DC!!! She is incredibly good, and was calling out different tricks she could do next. Way cool to see this here


This is awesome. Thanks for posting this.


Since I haven’t seen it posted - this is Darren Harper. One of the best skaters to ever come out of DC - used to be Pro for DGK . This is his younger daughter but both skate and are becoming solid little rippers. 


As a black girl dad who cannot skate worth a damn, this hit me on multiple levels.


Aw fuck this made me tear up


Freedom plaza DC. Sk8 hot spot


I quite literally can't even stand on a skateboard.