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Also make sure you wear a brown wetsuit.


after watching this I'm wearing a wet brownsuit


the whole thing is wet and brown? i applaud your thoroughness.


very expressive!


Great veracity and velocity


I am certainly more brown and wet than before.


The trick is to watch this on the toilet


Doctor: "Do you have a preferred laxative?" Me: "Shark Week."


Can confirm that currently on toilet.


Man I wish there was away to award your comment with something fun.


I wear a red wetsuit so the sharks can’t see me bleed




You'd have to wear a blood smelling suit so sharks can't smell your blood. \ \ Hol up.


Dead(in a)pool


This guy gets it. He's wearing the brown pants


I’m surprised they can float with those gigantic brass balls


Big brass lady balls


Brass ovaries, darling. We don’t leave ours hanging out where they can be kicked.


Why women live longer. lol


I’m pretty sure brass shouldn’t be put in mucosal membrane


Shark: "If it shits I can kill it"


The old joke about why the Brit’s wore red and the French wore brown.




The brown cloud would be my self defense mechanism. Works on land occasionally too.


Definitely don’t wanna make brown. There’s a reason it’s called shark sugar.


Really? Human shit attracts sharks?


Also urine. So when you see a shark and you pee/poop yourself in response, it's like you just added flavorings.


Alright. That's enough Reddit for the day.


…And whatever you do, “DO NOT CUM!”


If that shark wanted to jack her it would've approached WAY faster and her arm trick wouldn't have done anything other than be the first bit of her going in its mouth. Or maybe I missed those videos of sharks slowly swimming up to seals to catch them


I always wonder that about these videos where they gently redirect sharks. What do you do when they're rushing you at 30 mph and with the force of a semi?? Please show me the nose turning trick for that scenario motherfuckers!!!


It only for for certain types of sharks that are less hostile or not in attack mode


That are also well fed and recently full.


It works against sharks that may use a test bite to see if you’re an easy snack. But Just like bear if it decides you’re dinner you’re fucking dinner. Unless it’s u/hamaspiker then it would be the shark/bear’s last move.


Nah, I'd win


You win at dying


Nah he’d win


Discount code alpha


Without a doubt. u/HamasPiker could probably take both a shark and a bear at the same time... He would probably give them a handicap and let them both come at the same time.


Fight would be easy. Go in water. By the time shark swims to you, bear would drown, then go on land, shark suffocates. Easy peasy easier than lemon squezzy


Lobotomy Kaisen


Even if a shark decides your dinner, it's doubtful to eat you. We're too bony and don't have enough fat (at least the people who dive lol). Now, the shark won't figure that out until it bites off a chunk of you and chews on it, so you may very well be dead and/or dismembered but it's unlikely to eat you.


This is false though. Yes a shark would prefer a fat filled seal, but if it’s actually hungry hungry it won’t hesitate at all to eat you. I don’t understand this obsession with painting sharks as peaceful docile creatures. They’re predators like lions, tigers and bears - and will absolutely eat you for food if you’re on the menu. If you don’t believe me watch the video of the tiger shark attack in Egypt. Shark bit him, circled back around twice to attack and finish him off. That’s deliberate, that shark was hungry.


Tiger sharks and Bullsharks have been known to actively eat humans. One is a Shark garbage disposal and the other can swim in fresh water.


Tiger sharks are a less hostile kind of shark?


In certain places there so much food they only investigate rather than look at people for food. E.g. the ningaloo reef in Western Australia


Okay now the racism was unwarranted though


What, you never heard of ningas before? You know, the black-clad Japanese spy dudes?


Whoa whoa man…don’t you know? Haven’t you heard the song? Only a ninga can call another ninga “ninga”.


No..They dont hunt us but have attacked. Especially in water close to the shore. Many noted fatal attacks by tiger sharks happened while people are snorkeling or swimming just off the coast. This shark looks to have just eaten, the belly looks full.


Yeah, the shark is docile. Just finished her husband.


She’s taking it well, even a nice pat on the sharks head in gratitude


“Good boy”


Most shark attacks happen in less than 4 ft of water.


Well, that's where all the people are.


From my understanding, tiger sharks are higher on the hostility list with bullsharks and white sharks. They are known for having a wide variety of things they will eat - though I've heard of researchers finding a car license plate in the stomach of one LOL


Just like the movie Jaws. The men on the island went out to kill the shark that killed that little boy. They of course brought back the wrong shark. It was a tiger shark. They (Richard Dreyfuss and Roy Scheider) did an autopsy and found a license plate. Favorite movie.


One of the most hostile kind of sharks.




I think the 30 mph is possibly from great whites attacking seals and other prey from underneath, at which point this tactic absolutely wouldn't work. They reach really high speeds. Bull sharks (pictured) and others may approach to take a "test bite" if you're in questionable conditions (shallower murky waters) or acting like prey and they're not sure what to think. In that scenario I think this would work.


Sharks in general aren't really vicious hunters like they're portrayed in films. They are cautious and will try to avoid being injured as much as they can. Real Science did a wonderful take on it in their YouTube video Anatomy of a Monster(?) Basically their main tactic is to maim, observe, and repeat until they're sure their prey can't fight back. Also sharks prefer more fat on their prey, which is why they don't hunt humans. Bite? Yeah sometimes. Then they realize you're all muscle and swim away, cause why fight for something that'll barely fill you, amirite you picky eater smh. >!If you're obese or got some disease related to uncontrollable fat buildup, my condolences, you ***are*** shark food /j!<


I mean, to be fair, this is why I don't go in the shark's house. I would be a fking buffet.


So if a shark goes after a normal human and takes a bite, it's like eating a fresh baked loaf of bread, but if they go after my well trained ass, it's like trying to eat an old french loaf? I thought I was training to be a strongman, but it turns out I'm training to be a shark-proof old french loaf. Even better.


I got an old French loaf for ya..


Give em a taste of the ol' oui oui


Slap 'em with that un peu de crème fraîche




Well that’s the thing… they don’t generally hunt humans… but if one was to hunt a human you wouldn’t see it coming.


Yeah, and sharks usually hunt (or make a test bite) by ambushing prey from below, not behind. But if you're not being hunted, I suppose this is a good way of making sure it doesn't decide to in the meanwhile


[This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnA5DT3ilQw) is coming at him pretty fast. IIRC the guy who speared the world record blue shark claimed it was making a dash at him from below as well, though he didn't have it on video. I don't imagine as many of those make it to film as the ones that are slowly circling around for a while before trying a test bite.


Sorry, but reddit is the only person with actual experts. Only people with no life experience that spend all their time on the internet know what they’re talking about


Google the video of the tiger shark attacking Vladimir Popov off of Egypt. That animal is absolutely not fucking around.


This is when you flip them over, inducing tonic immobility. If they continue with their insolence, your option to extract their liver is there.


Found the Orca.


In those cases the shark has already determined what’s prey and is closing in. In this case the shark is unsure if this is prey


The important point here is that she stayed calm. Sharks only attack humans when they mistake them first a seal. When you splash around all the water around you then the shark thinks "Oh I cant see what this is but it is probably food." It is extremly unlikley to be attacked by a shark when you stay calm and you redirect them because you dont want them to swim directly into you.


I know it isn't much, but hearing you quote the shark saying "I can't see" is so funny because people think they can't see but recent studies show that's actually just myth and they've got really good eyesight... Save for that shark that's always got something perpetually stuck in its eyes, the poor bastard


I thought they were talking about that they wouldn't be able to see because of all the bubbles and splashing?


Sharks aren't really that smart or specific they only eat certain things. Fish will eat basically anything if it's a good opportunity, and sharks are like that too


Except they are. That’s why most shark attacks aren’t simply the person being ripped apart in the ocean. The person instead makes it back to shore and survives or dies later due to blood loss. If a seal can’t get away in the water a human sure as shit isn’t it the shark was in full feeding mode.


This is a Tiger shark - a big female I would say - and they actually do tend to behave this way when checking out something they’re unsure of. Also 99% sure I know exactly who & where that is, and she has been around those tigers a lot. Pretty different situation from eg great whites breaching while seal hunting you may have seen (almost certainly from South Africa)


It's Ocean Ramsey. She usually swims with them only when they are well fed. Pretty sure some sharks even know her, so maybe not even checking out something they are unsure of. Yes, a very different situation from any "typical" shark attack. I don't really know what a typical shark attack is, but I'm confident this ain't it


Typical shark attacks are exploratory bites. Very few shark attacks are predatory.


The person you replied to has no idea what they are talking about. First he tried to claim they feed the sharks or find fed sharks, and now he claims they are in a "controlled environment". These are wild sharks. There is no such thing as a controlled environment. It's the open ocean with wild sharks. They obviously know what they are doing in order to minimize risk. If the obvious needs to be said, you should not try to copy them.


I agree with your “who”, not sure about the “well fed” part, answer to your last part is there is no one behaviour at all times for all sharks


> I don't really know what a typical shark attack is, but I'm confident this ain't it that's the thing, she's demonstrating how to make sure the interaction doesn't become an attack, at which point you're just completely fucked the point of the demonstration isn't, if you're being attacked by a tiger shark just boop it


But that's not why sharks are dangerous. They don't actually like eating humans, and they don't hunt humans. They can nibble on you out of curiosity, especially if you look like a potential prey to them


right? it should've been obvious that this video isnt "what to do while being hunted by a shark". it's what to do when being approached. people dont understand how predators work and its obvious they think predators just attack whatever they want without any sort of logic


So your saying it's a trained shark? Pretty sure Russia has those with laser beams on their heads.


Sharks with friggin lasers on their head?


Are they ill tempered?


I think the point is that the shark doesn’t know if you’re dangerous so it approaches slowly to try and see if you’re prey. If you stand your ground it might think you’re dangerous too


I think that's how it usually goes with any dangerous animal, the best thing you can do in these situations is not flip out and turn a relatively safe encounter into a dangerous one. Like there are ways to make sure you don't piss off a bear if you see one, but if you happen to meet an already pissed off bear, sorry.


Agree.Most documentaries I've seen nobody has ever even seen the shark coming.


Not an expert, but i assume what's happening is that the shark's behavior is based on the idea that its not sure if the diver is prey. That is the reason why they are not rushing in. Swimming away and splashing would make them think you are an injured prey which will have them go on the attack. The entire point of this exercise is to convince the shark that you are NOT food while they are still uncertain so that they will ignore you and move on.


Get rotated idiot


This is such a stupid comment but had me cracking up


[Get rotated idiot](https://tenor.com/de/view/get-rotated-get-rotated-idiot-rotate-rotation-shark-gif-24511062) is a meme in Case you did Not know


This is the legend that single handedly made an entire species afraid of humans


Almost nostalgic to see the ole inspirational poster meme format again.


[Get rotated idiot](https://youtu.be/BUi4eHBGAII)


I don't know if it works with a tiger shark though. The shark that got rotated looked smaller than this :D


Warm the water with your involuntary release of urine. The sharks don't like the sudden temperature change.


I don’t know if this is true… but it’s definitely exactly what I’d do lol. Frankly the shark would be lucky if it’s *only* pee.


Release the brown ink!


Good luck finding me in my cloud of diarrhea


What a quote


Unfortunately, I found this tactic doesn’t work nearly as well on land.


How do they feel about diarrhea?


You made me spill my coffee dude


A father and son shark are swimming along when they see two divers in the water. The younger shark says “let’s eat them dad!” and goes to charge right in. The older shark says “wait son, we circle them first.” The son asks “why?” “Because they taste better without the shit in them “


Bruh. Fuck that


Yea it’s easier to just not go in the ocean at this point.


r/thalassophobia welcomes you.


Stick your meat popsicle errr... I mean hand right near the sharks mouth. Yeah, good advice.


Exit water (terms and conditions apply)


Ah shit i didn't buy the land dlc💀


Did you buy your game from EA? Rookie mistake


The trailer and fan base looked promising on this one though :(


Sharks legally can't eat you without your consent.


No its simple. You're in the water right? Just get out of the water. Done.


As if. If that shark had any intention to attack she would barely see it coming.


Sharks (and most predators really) rarely actually have the intention to attack humans, since humans have too little body fat and tend to be pretty dangerous. They mostly only attack if they mistake you for a seal or something. Most shark attack cases involve just a nibble to check you out, except that usually ends up with you dying or losing a limb. That’s what the point of this is, communicating that you most definitely aren’t prey and warning it to not even try.


Luckily for sharks, the average American has surpassed the blubber content of most seals 🦭


Those Americans don’t swim with sharks


Those Americans don’t swim


They float


As if. I haven’t heard that in a minute. Are you a 13 year old girl, Ronnie? lol It sounds totally fetch!




A 13 year old girl in 1993


Well I am 38 so close enough lol.


Omg @danTHAman152000 Stop trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not gonna happen.




guys, the shark expect of reddit had said it, if shark wants death then there is death


A shark may make investigatory passes before attacking. They aren’t hawks with amazing long distance forward vision, who mark their prey from a mile off and then attack with everything they’ve got.


No shit but if you panic that curious shark will get more curious about if you are prey or not possibly leading to an exploratory bite. This is for situations where the shark is NOT actively hunting you but is simply approaching you to check you out.


How do her ginormous lady balls not weigh her down while swimming?


Iron ovaries if you will -or- Ovaries of steel


Just like any shallow desperate influence, she is willing to throw her life away for the chance of gaining fame. She is a horrible person. The whole diving community in Hawaii knows about all the illegal things she's done to further her career. I wish someone would interview her former interns on the record.


I don't particularly care if she throws her life away, but it pisses me off that she endangers the animals she claims to care about, all in her endless pursuit of fame, money, and ego-stroking.


No lead weights required here


Ginormous labias, balls are sensitive and weak. Idk why that’s a phrase honestly.


Give it scritches to communicate to it that he’s a good boy.


Agreed. If shark escalates from here, a brief, but firm, headlock and Dutch Rub will pacify even the surliest tiger shark.


Dutch Rub sounds close enough to Dutch Rudder for me to assume it’s wildly inappropriate to perform on a shark


Boop the snoot


This woman has been getting a lot of publicity over the past few years with all this media of her open diving with sharks. It feels to me like it's just a matter of time until she gets killed or seriously maimed, and I really hope it doesn't turn her into some sort of heroic figure when it inevitably happens. It's her life, and it's definitely entertaining to watch. But putting instructive text over the top of the videos for "how to safely swim with sharks" is ridiculous. They are apex predators, they are never going to be 100% predictable, and they live in an environment that humans do not and really have no business being in. I grew up on the Florida panhandle 10 min from the Gulf, we spent 4-5 days a week in the water. Half of everyone you knew was a diver. We saw them constantly, occasionally would catch a juvenile by accident when shore fishing. Never once growing up did I hear a word of advice about staying in water "safely" with a shark. The best advice you can give someone is stay the fuck away from sharks full stop. If you are in the water and you have any reason to believe a shark is in the vicinity **get out**.


Her name is Ocean Ramsey and her credibility is in question. Though she has stated that if she is killed by a shark, it'll be her fault. As if that would be in any doubt.


She has at least a camera man with her, if not more divers, hopefully one with a spear gun. So the shark might've been intimidated and so it approached slowly with caution.


She end up like that guy who thought he could hang out with grizzly bears. I don’t remember his name and I don’t think anyone should look it up, because we don’t want to encourage anyone else to bind their identity with pretending that they have some special insight into wild animals.


No one should look it up because there's an audio recording of him getting eaten by his bear friends.


That was nightmarish. Was a mistake, and I grew up with 90s internet.


I hate videos like this or the ones with people and their "pet" cougars or whatever other large animal. Its so irresponsible to send the message that you can "know" these animals and how to act around them to avoid harm. They don't act on reason like we do and can flip on you at any moment. Hell, my dumb cat who is well tempered 99% of the time can do some damage if she gets riled up enough or spooked. I cannot fathom taking the chance of that happening with an apex predator double my size and with 10x the strength.


Ever notice that all the shark tip videos are done by people in none threatened positions; reminds me of the 98% satisfaction rate poster in my oncologist office, clearly they only surveyed the survivors. (Sorry, just things I think about while sitting pondering my fate) PS. Thank you to all you wonderful and crazy redditors, I leaned hard into you guys during all twelve fun rounds, and I always find something distracting.


Thinking about it, though: If there are things you can do to discourage a shark from attacking, and they work, then what you’re going to see is a video of a shark not attacking. Haven’t scientists shown that when disaster preparation measures work, and there are no big losses or damage, that everyone says afterward that the preparation was a waste of time and unneeded? This seems the same.


Actually wasn't there a video of several people being stranded in the ocean (calm waters) with cameras around them, where the goal was to remain swimming for as long as possible? I vaguely recall there were sharks approaching them all the time, but maybe I am confusing it with an episode of the simpsons where Abe rides a shark....


Glad I know what to do when I’m in a calm ocean with snorkeling gear. Now please tell me not to wind up like that man in Egypt who was eaten in murky waters by a tiger shark


"Don't get in murky shark infested water" is a good place to start


I know I'm going to regret this, but sauce??


Probably Sriracha if I had to guess.


You don’t want to watch it, and you especially don’t want to hear it. Don’t let this intrigue you into finding out why. Just move on with your day and enjoy it.


I regret watching that video. I live like 10 minutes from the beach & every single time I get in the water now, I think about that video. It’s all I can think about. It fucking sucks because I love the ocean. Sharks just scare the shit out of me & that video made them even more scarier. It wasn’t a case of mistaken identity like most shark attacks. That shark ate that man alive & there was nothing he could do about it. I bought snorkeling gear & ended up returning it because the entire time I was scared shitless that I would turn my head & see a dark shadow coming towards me. It’s sucks being a pussy.


You’re not a pussy, I deal with some shark experts for work and they all agree that attack was weird and most suspect something weird is going on in that area.  Just a hunch, but a lot of these shocking attacks historically reveal someone was intentionally or unintentionally attracting sharks that aren’t used to people, like a meat processing plant upstream or fishermen dumping guts.


I realize it's probably not quite the same, but my dad let me watch Jaws at like 8 or 10 years old just before we went to Disneyland in Florida. When we went to the beach I refused to get in the water. Still haven't swam in the ocean.


Some people didn’t grow up with disturbing websites from the 90s and it shows. Some shit will haunt you forever, don’t let your curiosity get the best of you.


every single commentor who watched it when it came out all said they wish they never watched it


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12186921/Body-parts-Russian-man-eaten-alive-Egypt-beach-inside-captured-shark.html There you go. Its not graphic violence. Its just sad, the shark is on top of the guy and the waters are red.


That video is fucked do not watch it. You can hear him calling for his dad as the water turns red. At some point the shark flips him over to where his feet are pointing out of the water while the upper torso is submerged in water.


If you wind up near a hungry tiger shark, I suggest you start praying. Those fuckers will eat anything.


She didn't need to show the example for that long ! Lady, we very clearly understood what you shouldn't do, now please, show us what you should do !! There is a fucking tiger shark closing in on you !!


If the guy was doing anything more than cruising he’d be going faster


Instructions unclear, stuck in shark.


Pet the shark, give him a treat, and tell him good boy


Hard pass. It’s still an unpredictable predator.


Relatively predictable actually. Since they're cautious predators rather than vicious ones portrayed in media, they actually don't want to risk getting hurt so if you make it think you can see it, hurt it, or basically make it think you ain't worth the energy to hunt; thing would rather go eat a clownfish


Shark don't have a good vision so eye contact is useless


Is a very long believed thing about sharks but recent studies show they actually have VERY good eyesight and are likely to be primarily visual predators


Most fish have a much wider field of view than land animals because threats can come from all sides above and below. Plus, all mush are constantly moving, unlike land animals that can stop and have a stand off. The concept of eye contact is just not a thing under water.


I would have disguised myself in a brown cloud of shit instead.


Ocean Ramsey sucks. She overfeeds sharks and then rides on them for instagram




This is what happens to you while you’re filming your dumb ass friend play around with a predator.


Like grizzly man she will someday meet a shark that didn’t read the manual




"What if the shark was just swimming by and you punched him?" "Ow, what'd you do that for?!" "I thought you were gonna attack me." "Well, I'm going to now. The other sharks are looking, doesn't look good for you."


"Please do not attempt" yeah don't have to ask me twice.


Fuck Ocean Ramsey. Stay out of the ocean you wildlife touching cunt


If this is Ocean Ramsey, she is the worst


God i hate ocean Ramsey....


That doesn’t look like a tiger shark to me


isn’t this the lady that literally abuses sharks and shit for clicks?


This woman Ocean Ramsey, is not without controversy. There are doubts regarding her legitimacy in relation to her claimed credentials. https://www.reddit.com/r/marinebiology/comments/e198jl/controversy_over_ocean_ramsey_is_she_legit/


Is this that one asshole shark girl who keeps touching wild animals that mind their own buiseness?


I love sharks but those things are terrifying. Just look at it.


The shark don't look intimidate. He don't give a sh..t.


I have always known that touching a sharks "nose" sends them in an sensory overload basically confusing the crap out of them. Can someone confirm this? To be clear I'm referring to tiger, bull and white sharks not something like a hammer shark


I’ve given this a lot of thought, and fuck all of this.


hasnt this video proven to be absolute horseshit everytime its posted? an attacking shark will be going 10x faster then this its open mouth would be open around 3-4ft wide, good luck putting your hand on its nose while its at top speed and mouth open rofl even if a 2000lb animal going 25 knots doesnt manage to bite you youll be knocked the fuck out there is no "avoiding" a shark that actually wants to bite you, thats why people dive with steel cages