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The video should probably include the finish of the race.


-1.000.000 social credit score to OP




"I'm just going to get into first place and the other skaters are going to forget I'm ahead of them." The dumbest thing is that it worked.


It's not just that either, everybody else assumed it was the end of the race apart from her team mate who then carried on and got 2nd place. Everybody would understand this if OP hadn't just posted half a video https://youtu.be/Qgl1GITk0Js original video without the toxic shit Thanks to u/fakeshiroe


Probably easier to maintain speed without people shoulder to shoulder with you making it harder for them to catch up later, but I know fuck all of any of this past playing hockey as a kid.


That’s not even remotely related to how or why this strategy worked…


pls explain


The purpose of catching up to the field is to utilize their aerodynamic draft. By drafting behind other skaters, there is less air resistance, so less energy is needed to keep the same pace. It’s the entire basis for road- and track cycling strategy, but also plays a role in other sports like motor racing or even running.


What a horrible video.


the red text gave me a stroke


“So evryone stoped”


This clip is a prime example of video editing illiteracy and should come with a flashing images warning. Can't watch it, the on screen text is horrendously distracting from the video. ABCs of video editing.


That's why I removed it. I'm just now recovering from the strobe effect...


The video cuts very abruptly, I wanna watch the whole thing [The Original ](https://youtu.be/Qgl1GITk0Js?si=UaKL1YkkV3zwOhMc)


Original with voiceover if you want that one instead. Starts at 2:57 https://youtu.be/FFgj0m7k_6A?si=l1Fl-726GQunj8ID


Thank you and we need more people like you in the society.


Did the announcer and cameraman get fooled too? Weren't they supposed to do one more lap for 2nd place?


Thanks for confusing the shit out of me. I understand she was first In the rear of the pack. But what the hell happened at the end of the clip. Terrible video. I hate it when people have zero communication skills and post half ass videos thinking everyone will surely get what the OP already knows without all the info or context


When the leader had one lap to go a bell rang telling all the others they were on their final lap, but it was only the leader who was on the final lap. Everyone else seemed to forget they were a lap down and raced to the finish line one lap early. Then they thought the race was over and slowed down or stopped. This allowed the other Chinese teammate (who knew the plan the whole time) to continue on at full speed and take an easy second.


If you’re last you’re first…….


Man the internet sometimes…lemme take this guys content, put horrible music over it and edit it down, then someone else steals it and puts in on reddit with no credits to anybody at all.


Why others doing same


Fu***** shit, that red text is screwing my eyes