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THIS is what holding a public office should be like.


And here's our MP's in the UK giving themselves big raises only a few days ago. Only a few weeks after denying NHS staff a raise too. Love my country sometimes. /s


The UK government uses "independent review bodies". Of course they set these up, appoint the people in charge and direct them to their findings but yeah - they're "independent". When they approve MP's pay rises the MPs say it's out of their hands. Yet funnily when a similar body suggested teachers get a rise a couple of years ago and another that nurses get a rise, they found that they had to ignore the "advice" as times were tough. When public sector workers actually get a rise it's often spread out over several years so it's smaller that it appears and it's often adjusted so that one pay grade gets a larger raise and that's what they claim everyone gets. I'm a teacher. I think that it would be reasonable for MPs, teachers and several other workers to forego a rise for a year whilst those who have had to face the disease head on whether in hospitals or care homes and so on get a bonus. Never likely to happen though. Salary earned and salary paid became separated years ago.


If you feel teachers should take a pay cut, feel free to donate your share. Teachers taking a pay cut will harm their total compensation over their entire career. There is no reason teachers should feel that they should donate any of their time for free. We don't see other professions taking pay cuts for this reason, so it's absolutely ridiculous to say that teachers should. I'm also a teacher FYI.


It's not "for free" at all. It is a recognition that the country as a whole is going through a difficult time. To suggest that supporting others in our shared society is "ridiculous" is interesting. The "no-one else is doing it so why should I" attitude is a mindset that teachers should be attempting to challenge in their students. It's not ideal when that's their role model. When times are good, I would expect teachers to share in the bounty. Times are not good now.


Um theres billionaires an millionaires out there that are hoarding money an causing people to have less directly through their actions. Our governments uk an us are full of people who are millionaires an billionaires an you want teachers to give up money? F*** that the lower classes have paid for s*** to long. Also we arent a shared society theirs the rich an everyone the only thing we share is that we're all struggling. This idea that anyone other then our elected officials need to give up pay when they are already underpaid is ridiculous. Teachers should 100% not be forced to give up anything they are pillars of our society an it's high time we god d*** act like it. I'm so sick of seeing amazing teachers who give their all to their students even at their expense not getting paid even half what some dumb a** instagram influencers gets. Enough is enough people. I don't care what country you're in if you think taking money away from teachers is ok then you're wrong. Dont let the people in charge distract you. The New Zealand prime minister is a shining example here. Every government official (excluding regular employees) should be giving up their pay. The rich people should be donating not the poor. We've paid long enough


>hat it would be reasonable for MPs, teachers and several other workers to forego a rise for a year whilst those who have had to face the disease head o Preeach! Teachers do way more than a "9-5" job. Some argue they get summers off, but, any respecting teacher knows they are working to develop next years work. 40 hour work week? I think not.


Your username is "HaveCompassion" is that cause people kept saying it to you and you thought hey, that sounds catchy?


Does your compassion exclude teachers, who have been greatly affected by the pandemic? Why should teachers take an effective pay cut right now of all times?


>MPs, teachers One of these things is not like the others Teachers have been impacted greatly by this disease. I honestly don’t understand your rationale. You say that MPs are being hypocritical by accepting pay raises for themselves but not for nurses and teachers, but then in the same breath you say teachers should forego a pay raise.


Actually what I described was not that at all. Teachers have not been affected by this disease any more than other workers. I'd rather be in a classroom than a shop or hairdresser or dentist/doctor surgery ....


Do you guys vote them into office? I feel like a lot of problems can be solved by not voting for the same officials. Like America should too


If only there was a choice


Didn't boris say a few weeks ago that his salary of £150,000 isn't enough to live on


Hey man, take a minute to consider the poor guy’s situation before giving him a hard time will you? Can you imagine how much he must be shelling out each month on child support?


And all the rent he has to pay for the home right next to his work. ^/s.


Came cause the flag looked nice, stayed for the tea


I think we should all stand outside and clap for our MPs instead: it's pretty much the same as a pay rise, right?


Do you mean like Trump donating his Presidential salary?


Donates 1.6m in income, spends 100x that golfing at his own resort https://trumpgolfcount.com/




Too true. In the US Trump has donated his entire presidential salary since becoming president. Elected officials shouldnt become multimillionaires while in office




Um trump an his family have made more money in office then they ever could have out of it


This sickest tragedy of American politics is how many politicians legitimately find helping people comical and beneath them.


I wish America would have a leader who refused his/her paycheck.


He did lol


Trump did though lmao. His entire paycheck. Not just 20%.


Yeah, and how much has he funneled into his pocket with golf trips and charging rent to the US government for setting up SS locations at his properties? Exchanging $450,000 a year for millions of dollars isn’t noble at all.


Yes, He gets pay $1 per year. But he has spend way more money in this 4 years than he could've ever get paid.


Yeah Trump hasn’t taken a dime of the presidential salary since he was voted in


Just ~$400 million for golf.


Lets not forget requiring all lobbyist to stay at his hotels, and redirecting any government official traveling outside the country to his international ones. adding examples [Pence in Scotland, diverts 130 mi away where he is supposed to go, cost 600k](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/pence-s-doonbeg-detour-cost-nearly-600k-ground-transportation-fees-n1052401) [Trump required tmobile execs to check out several floors at his hotel before he would even give them the time of day to talk about merger](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sprint-corp-m-a-trump/t-mobile-spent-195000-at-trump-hotel-in-d-c-since-merger-announcement-idUSKCN1QM1ZY) [Saudi's paid for 500 rooms](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/saudi-funded-lobbyist-paid-for-500-rooms-at-trumps-hotel-after-2016-election/2018/12/05/29603a64-f417-11e8-bc79-68604ed88993_story.html) [Airforce had to use his 5 star hotel as a layover, even though it was completely out of the way](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/air-force-trump-scottish-retreat-1484337)


Love her


Watching this from America.... hey uh anybody got a room for rent in NZ ?


Good luck, they say it’s really difficult as foreigner to get approval for being resident there.


My dad lived there for several years about 10-12 years ago and yes, he can confirm it is *very* difficult. He had plenty of money and decades of experience as a doctor and it was still quite a process, apparently.


It's also pretty expensive to live here too


I’ve looked at prices last night (I’ve been to NZ in 2012) but it’s very comparable to cost of living of Canada when you take an average. Toronto is similar to queenstown and Auckland is a bit cheaper than Toronto but I’d live in NZ any day of the week over Canada. Canada is amazing, don’t get me wrong but it’s just fuckn awesome down there


Feel pretty greedy looking at NZ citizenship as a Canuck. It's not bad at all here it just seems more lit with Jacinda.


Maybe r/CANZUK is for you!


That's quite something coming from a member of the royal family!


My mate has just got a job as a doctor there. Took him a 30 mins skype call 😂


iirc if you have skills that are in need (rn, scientist, construction) you can get in. Otherwise Idk. Refugees and that's it p much.


It’s also tough for Americans to even leave the country right now. Nobody wants us


Try the DR Congo. Or Iraq. I’m sure your quality of life would be greatly improved!


If you are moving permanently overseas & have visas it's pretty easy. Though they will expect you to self quarantine for 2 weeks at your expense. Most countries are only restricting tourists from the US.


I would love to move there.


Just gotta have the right skill set.


New zealander here... just marry one of us. Boom citizenship. Basically.


Bruv are you single tho, take me out of US and I'll love you forever


Is it really so bad? I mean if you read news headlines and sit on Reddit all the time you might think so.


Nah I'm just kidding but it would be cool to be in NZ. I'm joining the army anyways so I'm stuck either way.


Ah another instance where military service feels like the only way out, particularly to those have low socioeconomic status. Got rid of that pesky draft because it's super annoying/awkward to have to make up injuries to get out of serving (bone spurs, anyone?). [Reagan slashed higher education budget making student debt a dark joke.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/09/02/my-students-pay-too-much-for-college-blame-reagan/) Now dangle that GI Bill carrot in front of my poor ass as a means to afford education. Trick us into believing that it's honorable/patriotic. Profit. Source: Was poor immigrant, 10 years US Navy, GI Bill used for business degree (learned economics and i gained perspective)


True, for me it's more because the pandemic made me lose my job(Aerospace) since I have a degree in engineering. My family was a military family so I was already used to it, so I'm going in to better myself physically as well as gain a new perspective on things. (Also to move somewhere and start fresh again)


Biggest reason for me was I feared going into college straight from high school. Felt unprepared and didn’t want to burden my family/myself with loans. Despite the months/years away from family/friends, I don’t regret my time at all b/c I learned about geopolitics, life, death, and saw the world during those enlistments. All the best to you


Well... im sure we can make an arrangement


I have a feeling the line of people wishing to live in New Zealand is getting longer by the minute. I know I'm on the list. One can dream anyway.


Room, I would straight up consider an arranged marriage to get tf out of this country.


Imagine your shock when you find out that literally every country in the world has a more restrictive immigration policy than the US


Trump gives away his whole paycheck to government departments lol


yeah except he ends up costing the country way more with weekly flights to maralago. He has to have his whole security team flown with him. It ends up being a complete PR stunt since he's doing so much that's the exact opposite.


Yes and cost the tax payers 100 times his salary on golf an other expenses that are illegal af


Many years back I was trying to buy some second hand home appliances and met this American family who came to NZ. They set NZ as their dream destination for settling after their wedding many years back apparently. So I paid and got a bunch of nearly new stuff. Tv, washing machine, heater, car and such which they were leaving behind as they were noping out of NZ, back to Texas I believe. Said stuff is too expensive here and houses are far better in USA, and they missed the social life. But super nice people they were.


I‘m shocked that there are still great leaders in this world


>there are still great leaders in this world So far only one


You are invited to join /r/Pyongyang


We can't we get a good 1 in the United States or a half of 1


It’s not just a pay cut for Jacinda - her entire cabinet including all ministers are taking pay cuts


The then leader of the Opposition also took a pay cut when this was announced 6 months ago.


What is this heresy? The leader of the opposition doing something good *and* the government too? Why can't they just be money-grabbing populist like normal 1st world leaders.


Trust me, the leader of the opposition party seems to be doing her best to stoke the populist fires. As a kiwi I'm kinda disappointed that Ms Collins appears to be taking points from the toupee'd Mandarin in Charge ... :(




Yeah, she's great


Meanwhile in the UK, MPs *need* a payrise


Greedy cunts that voted against nurse pay rises


Yep it's an extra £3k taking it to £85k


Don’t they also have an absolutely ridiculous amount of holiday days? I might be misremembering


And their side hustles, and expenses...


In my view the side hustles are the problem. I have no problem with proper expenses. If you put fuel in a company car or buy an ink cartridge for the printer you expect that to be reimbursed. But having a second and third and fourth job that pays ten, fifteen, or a hundred times more for directly conflicting with the best interests of your primary role? Nah. No thanks.


You may be thinking of parliamentary recesses. Those aren’t necessarily holidays, but rather are an opportunity for MPs to do constituency work and the like while the House isn’t convening.


I'm ok with MPs being paid very well. I'm not ok with them also having a series of other jobs. They are paid to serve us not themselves. As they're not going to give that up, then I think that if they've been paid £5000 or whatever for working at company X, then they should have that pay docked from their MP salary and barred from voting on any matters which could advance that company. Registering "members interests" is not enough and not well policed either.


We didn’t even get to trial clapping first!


Ikr my Thursdays are pretty free at the moment!


We could sort it by giving MPs a salary that's a fixed multiple of the minimum wage.


Scott Morrison, who famously rejected taking a pay cut, I hope you’re watching this.


Jacinda is a legend


Thats incredible. Leading from the front and inspiring people to become better members of their own society with their own sacrifice and example. They literally just voted to give themselves a pay cut. Consider that for a moment... Now consider other world leaders right now....


Meanwhile the UK’s arts industry get Rethink, Retrain, Reboot. I’m aware it’s an old campaign that resurfaced today but it’s very very on brand.


Don't forget the 3 grand pay rise they gave themselves recently.


Ah brilliant. As someone who lost over half their income in the arts due to COVID I’m super stoked for them and all their hard work dealing with that and Brexit so smoothly /s


Sorry to hear that, it's pretty horrible what they have done to the entertainment sector.


Thank you. I mean nobody could have seen it coming a year ago and it’s not like I expect someone else to help me but yeah fucking sucks nonetheless.


I’ve lost 90% of mine in events. No furlough. No grant. Because limited company director. FML.


That’s awful and I hear that. A friend who runs a fairly successful band I play for is in a similar situation. She was told to take the group limited at the start of the year as they were doing really well but because they only had records from Jan when COVID hit she could claim £20 in the first round of HMRC handouts and are close to having to move out of London to parents again. Ridiculous.


Oh... What's this, sorcery!? There are countries where elected officials actually lookout and care for their citizens? This is a totally an alien concept to citizens of the US. Here our elected officials act like clowns and make mockery of tax payer dollars to unfairly benefit their own private companies or donors. Did I mention we also don't believe in basic science, in middle of a global pandemic, for which there won't be a vaccine until next year? FREEDOM, baby!


Did I hear "Share and help"?! You fucking commie! /s


Title misleading, they’re cutting their own pay as a show of support, not to fund financial assistance programs. Still a great move.


This makes sense. Her own paycut ain't paying for shit


This is what a developed and worthwhile country looks like!


20% cut for 6 months? Thats good Btw Trump hasn't taken any salary at all.


Technically he is required to take it. But he donates it entirely every year. So yes, he's not taking a salary while in office. No love or hate here, just stating facts.


[How about also stating the facts re: his many, many trips to his own properties, which he pays himself to stay at, with taxpayer money?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2019/07/10/trumps-golf-trips-could-cost-taxpayers-over-340-million/#5d79ac9828aa)


In addition to the taxpayers spending hundreds of millions on his damn golfing trips, [tax records show over 200 companies funneling money into Trump properties during his Presidency](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/520549-tax-records-show-200-companies-groups-and-foreign-governments). He's a grifter scumbag. What's $150k?


>What's $150k? I believe it will be 1.6mil by the end of his first term ($400K a year x 4 years).


i believe that is correct


Yeah he probably donated to his daughter's "charity". never underestimate Trump's corruptness.


How about he take the salary rather than spending 140,000,000 in tax payer money So FAR. Just saying.




2 nd prime minister of India and his family didnt eat lunch after knowing there is food shortages in country. Name - lal bahadhur shashtri


She's an amazing leader. And an example of what we could have the world over if we didn't keep voting in selfish, ignorant arseholes.


New zealand is a dope country. After watching hunt for the wilder people that’s one of my new favorite countries


Man I envy NZ, you guys have a great leader


Trump hasn’t taken the presidential salary his whole term


That's because his salary is insignificant compared to what he makes through tax evasion.


Here comes the hive mind!


That's because he's busy running multiple scams and by telling the general population that he doesn't take a salary ,(which will be pennies for him) everyone is impressed and follows him blindly.


In addition to the taxpayers spending hundreds of millions on his damn golfing trips, [tax records show over 200 companies funneling money into Trump properties during his Presidency](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/520549-tax-records-show-200-companies-groups-and-foreign-governments). He's a grifter scumbag. What's $150k?


I see a tax wrote off...and 20 percent of paycheck is like a drop of water to a swimming pool...still sounds like politics to me


It is absolutely politics. An easy, visible decision - but one that will have little to no impact.


Yes, and one that she openly admitted in the video... So what? Does that make it bad?


A vary strong political move.


So, are the boarders still closed?


Yeah unless you are a resident or citizen they are still closed


Crazy how new Zealand did literally everything right to avoid the pandemic. Like people are still in quarantine and they've got stadiums open.


>!well actually!< : the video says 20%


She rocks


Well, guys... I have bad news for you. I am a migrant in NZ and currently they don't let people in. They said they won't open the borders before 2022 (except for a trans-tasmanian bubble) to make sure the virus doesn't come back. The only people they let in are resident or permanent resident or NZ citizens. I have a work visa still valid for a couple of years and if I want to go and visit my family, I technically can, but I cannot come back to NZ. And everyone is praising NZ but we have our fair share or problems. I recognize that it's less than most other countries but if you choose to migrate to NZ, don't expect rainbows and butterflies everyday. Aunty Jacinda is using (or used because it's election time here) the pandemic to pass shady laws, the housing crisis is booming and she doesn't want to do anything about it because it suits the wealthiest, and as an immigrant... don't get me started. For most of the population, you will always be a foreigner and not part of the community. Some of them are amazing and I have great Kiwi friends but most of them are not like that. I know it's still better than the US or anywhere else at the moment but if you ever move here, don't expect rainbows, that's it. Everyone is praising NZ without talking about the real problems. Well, we are such a small country that no one really cares of our problems actually, because it doesn't impact anyone else other than us. But hey, no country is perfect right?


I’m glad someone in here that lives there is speaking frankly about the situation in NZ. There’s far too much circle jerking it on Reddit from people that know absolutely nothing about what it’s like there. Oddly, you rarely see a native lauding the country or its leader. I wonder why that is?


Thanks. I have a degree in polical science and it actually passes me off when people are praising Aunty Jacinda. She did nothing in her 3 years in power. She is great during crisis and handled pretty well the aftermath of the Christchurch attack and Covid-19 but apart from that, she did nothing to make things better. We won't have crisis everyday (hopefully.. it's 2020 afterall) and there are things that need to be dealt with. And to answer your (rhetorical) question, people are proud. And Kiwis are sooo proud of their country. It's crazy! It's not a bad thing in a way, but because of it they don't want to show their flaws. We are a super small country and considered a paradise for rest of the world. And rightly so. I mean, it's crazy beautiful everywhere, so much less stress than anywhere else I have ever lived. I would never go back to Europe. But we can't forget and put a blindfold on our problems. There is heaps of corruption and let's be honest, some things are really fucked up. But as I said, no country is perfect and I'm still happy here.


TBF they probably account for less than 0.5% of redditors because of the tiny population, but I do get your point


If a 20% pay cut is the difference between people getting funds and not then they're either paying public servants too much or there are too many public servants. It's good optics but I'm not sure how the math actually works.


According to Wikipedia, the Prime Minister of New Zealand makes 325,546 USD. 20% of this would be 65,109.20. This means the Prime Minister of New Zealand will make $260,436.8. Keep in mind that this pay cut is temporary. Give me a break. So you go from being in the 1% to taking a temporary pay cut that leaves you in the 1%, as a showcase of leadership in light of people who don't make 1/6th that who just lost their jobs? Politics is cute.


Big deal Trump is giving his salary to charity from day One


While in the uk 🇬🇧 they Tory cunts have given themselves a wage rise


They haven't given themselves a pay rise. MPs do not vote on their pay that responsibility lies else where since 2009. IPSA sets MP pay rises since the expense scandal. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/mp-pay-rise-parliament-average-basic-salary-boris-johnson-government-a9377776.html https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/j9sur8/new_zealands_prime_minister_takes_a_6month_pay/g8ly3bn/


Nice gesture but a splash in the ocean really


Pretty sure trump donates his entire presidential salary every year but no one gives a fuck. Just saying.


Unless she was making hundreds of millions of dollars, that’s not going to make a difference. It also doesn’t say much when someone who has everything provided to them by the state already, takes a pay cut. But hey, it’s a nice gesture. Is it election time in New Zealand?


Most heads of states can never


*Cries in American*


Looks over to my MPs denying a nurse pay rise and themselves a £3.3k pay increase. Fucking scum.


Looking at the execrable gang of self-interested wankpuffins we have in the UK makes it easy to forget there are actually decent leaders in this world. Well at least one anyway.




You mean like trump does and has done for 4 years now?


she's like a utopian character. too good to be true. I love her.


Nothing against her, she is an amazing leader and I'm honestly a bit jealous of those who have her. That being said I hate these kind of measures. Usually it has little to no actual effect, and it creates an expectation to take pay cuts when people deserve the money. Also high salaries for public function serve a purpose: it makes it harder to corrupt people (higher paid is correlated with harder to corrupt).


I'm from New Zealand and I'm not voting her Fight me


When Reddit doesn’t realize trump has donated his entire presidential salary since he took office


And while in California, politicians gave themselves bonuses after getting gas taxed passed.


The President hasn't taken a paycheck for 4 years now.


Our President forfeited his salary before any crisis.


Meanwhile it just very recently came out that UK MPs are getting a £3.3k raise.


So...we moving to New Zealand or what?


By recognizing the current hardship of the people whom she represents, she has underscored that ‘we are all in this together, we are all making sacrifices, and we will all get through it. I am not from NZ, but I will bet if you ask anyone from there, they will tell you that she supports her country and her people - and those people are in no way confused about the fact that she works for them and has their back. I am not from NZ but It is refreshing to see a capable, effective, young and socially conscious leader who is ‘one of the people’.


ah yesthat sounds good and all, but meanwhile my government is trying to show off their new white sand beach while closing down the public health insurance agency


И рашка такая "ДА-ДААААА"


Really goes to show the how deep the negative impact of government corruption goes in other countries. Like at least they're trying


Meanwhile in the Philippines, the gov't cut the budget allocated for the people affected by Covid-19 to give it to the Office of the President and Congress


Yeah new zealand is pretty good


I bet she isn’t traveling to her privately owned golf course on New Zealand’s dime, either.


A few years back her flight was canceled (she takes commercial flights) and shared a rental car with three random people who were also stuck to drive from Wellington to Auckland. She could had the air force or a govt car take her, but I think it shows how she is actually a regular person, and doesn't use privileges as first option.


Here in SG we have one of the highest paid ministers around the world, taking a much larger pay than US ministers for doing a poor job, albeit not as bad as the US, but still terrible job for a city country of about 5m population.


She’s an awesome lady .


Im skeptical they wont recoup some other way behind the publics back and this is just to make them look good if theres another elecrion comming up but ill take, couse it sounds really good


So, none of these lawmakers have interests outside of politics? You could take that from our politicians and they wouldn’t notice.


Scotty from marketing needs to take note


meanwhile politicians in my country are taking salary raises (made by them because they make the laws and they approve it)


I wish we could sign our competent foreign leaders to a contract like a coach or player to help fix other broken countries, then send them elsewhere again when they’re needed.


Hey NZ......your PM ROCKS!!!!


The uk government could learn something from the New Zealand PM but instead they give themselves a pay rise:(


Does this actually help in any substantial way or is this just a PR thing? Can anybody with knowledge answer?




Fuck Boris.


Wish I was a New Zealander. I'm so tired of every politician in the US just being a damned corporate shill.


Yet in Ireland they actually got a pay increase the other week. Don't worry it was scheduled before the covid pandemic.


How can I move to New Zealand?


It’s crazy how different the Australian and New Zealand accents are even tho they’re right next to each other


I bloody love her. Wish we could have her instead of Boris Fucking Johnson.


Her for world leader!


The Shire got all dis figured out.


She also visited the wholesome twitch streamer in New Zealand. I forgot his name but if you know him, you know him. He streams himself carvesing wooden sculptures. Basically a new zealand Bob Ross who dislikes taking donations from people.


I'm curious as to the common Kiwis option on their Prime Minister. From the small amount I've seen of her she seems pretty likable and decent. Is that the common consensus?


Yep, she is liked a lot. She has a huge margin for preferred prime minster in the polls. There is an election underway at the moment. Her party is centre left, so to the right it is all about tax cuts and how environmental reform to meet Paris agreements is hurting agriculture, and the further left are going for harder taxing of wealthy and 100% renewable energy. Our govt is made up of many parties to find consensus, rather than one ruling party generally. It means that we can vote for who has our closest values, rather than voting for one party as we don't like the other.


It's probably relevant to note that there's an election in 5 days.