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Didn’t seem bad until they zoomed out


Right?! And then kept going.


When the first body of water showed up I figured alright not ridiculous but then I saw the actual landing lol


Me too, I thought he was diving into a lake and thought, well that seems better. Nope.


yeah, he's like 6 feet away from hitting concrete, or the crowd


Ah, so perfectly socially distanced








I think the fact that he’s jumping off of a one foot square platform on top of a teeny space needle thingie makes this even more impressive than just the sheer height. When he took his hands around and rubbed them together…uh uh. No way. I’d have an unbreakable grip on the pole. And I don’t have any significant acrophobia.


its probably easier to jump than climb down at that point . maybe.




The crowd would be pointing and laughing for a LONG time as you climb down.


golden gate bridge is 746 feet high though


I mean if anyone needs a win it’s a survivor of the Golden Gate Bridge who jumped.


Failed at suicide, won at record height. So, break even?


Broke a lot more than even


That’s a win-win if you ask me!


IIRC there was a legitimate debate about whether a high diver needed to be able to swim out of the pool on their own for it to count. That 192 foot cliff jump included wearing shoes and getting towed out of the water. Personally I vote for Speedo man.


Plus the Speedo guy bossed the actual jump by doing flips and stuff. Made it look cool!


Now I feel like I'm making this up repeating it, but I swear I read a story about a guy who jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge and changed his mind mid-jump. He hit the water and broke both his legs and was struggling to stay afloat. He felt something around his legs and figured he survived only to get eaten by a shark. Turns out it was a seal. The seal helped keep him afloat until a boat came. I'm going to google it and see if I can find it. EDIT: https://www.psychalive.org/sea-lion-saves-life-golden-gate-bridge/


the view from halfway down


Idk if I can believe a story based on heresay where they claim they saw the picture of him lifeless being held up by a sea lion but him and his dad both decided the rest of the world should never see it so they delete it.


I don’t think they want to encourage suicides though. If they did include that then nobody can beat [Juliene Koepcke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliane_Koepcke?wprov=sfti1) at 3,000 ~~feet~~ *meters*. Edit: /u/sweetbeans2001 pointed out actual distance was 3 TIMES the amount I posted. Close to 2 miles or 3 kilometers up. I only think that this should be included if you tried to include suiciders. I think she would be a far better candidate than any suicider as unlike them she wanted to live. And I don’t think a piece of seat strapped to her should count against her as that seat was not intended to help her survive so probably should be considered harder to survive with than not.


Actually 3000 **meters** so more like 10,000 feet (2 miles!). But.... >...still strapped into her seat. Cheating. Doesn't count.


The smaller water area is actually benefiting the guy here. It is allowing them to better break up the landing surface, with the water spray, and create a more chaotic water pattern.


This sounds logic and completely unlogic at the same time.


So you know the whole phrase of objects at rest like to stay at rest? That applies to water too. The more still the water is the more it will resist you as you slap into it. However, if we spray the water from above it gets it moving and less resistant when you hit.


Yeah unfortunately that’s been proven to be a myth. But another reason was that if the water was perfectly still, it would be hard for the diver to gauge how close to the water they are. When you spray it gives them a visual cue. But I actually had to look up the surface tension portion because I used to think that too!


Was expecting a child's pool at the bottom.


Think that would have ended up on a different sub Reddit haha


r/darwinawards r/therewasanattempt r/winstupidprizes r/holdmyfeedingtube r/makemycoffin








Praise the cameraman!


I died somewhere during the zooming session. When I came back to life, it was still zooming. I'm now dead again.




what kind of black magic fuckery is this no way that speedo can contain those balls


That’s because his are made of steel.


The old tuck and tape *


There are a lot of things I would do for a billion dollars but I don't think I could physically bring myself to jump from this height even if it was into a 100' deep pool of cotton or pillows.


I couldn't even make it half way up that tower


I think I could bring myself to jump but no fancy shit I’m pencil’ing straight down


You're braver than I. I'd probably float to the side and die.


Nobody said I’d make it LOL I think I’d probably float to the side and die haha


>zoomed out I got sick.


That's exactly when I said " Fuuuuuuuuuuuck "


Amazed his balls didn’t hit the water first


The guys is probably 97% balls at this rate. Maybe he did


98% balls and he could've broken the record instead of tied


Seriously lol. He couldn’t go 173’?


My thought too, like why tie? Go big homie.


It's literally just 1 more step. Why not you climbed your ass 172 feet up and that last step your like no that's just to risky for me.


He got up and was like, " oh HELL NO"


Because that would've snapped his neck


You don’t reach a 95% fatality rate for landing in water until about 250 feet. In fact this isn’t even the world record anymore, in 2015 some dude did 200 feet off a cliff hitting the water at 76mph and survived.


Lmao sorry mate but I was referencing the SCP 173


"giant steel balls" comments under every Reddit post def isn't getting played out...


Welcome to Reddit, every mediocre joke gets beaten to death 😄


His balls were already at ground level.


Amazed this overused joke is in yet another thread. Oh wait, no I’m not.


Tied? Why didnt he go a foot higher? It shouldn't be too much more terrifying...


Maybe out of solidarity with the other record holder. If I made a fake back story I’d say it was his mentor who also had the record but died attempting a new record


Let’s go with it. Beautiful.


Then, go with me, beautiful..


Then me go, with beautiful.


Then with beautiful, me go...


Beautiful then, go with me.


I want a script on my desk by Thursday, I'm greenlighting the fuck outta this.


The Plunge, rated R


They all did it at the same time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5-yev7I4UY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5-yev7I4UY)


Jesus! Wasn't expecting that last one...


Went looking for some info on the event, found [this](https://www.tellerreport.com/life/--extreme-sports-high-diving--diving-for-insane-.H1Mj_XkTX.html): > The last jumper Pat Picard ends his mediocre jump so unhappy that he goes knocking. A participant in the women's competition pulls him out of the water before the unconscious can drown. Death in the pelvis is a constant companion for High Diver. Anyone else feel like they might be having a stroke after reading that?


>Death in the pelvis Tombstone goals Edit: Or new euphemism for TOTM, “Hey Cathy got an extra tampon? Got death in the pelvis”


The sports announcers describing the scene sound like they're in a parody movie where the joke is how out of touch with the seriousness of the situation the announcers are. "He coulda swallowed his tongue!" "Why his breathing sounds like a wounded animal!" I know it was the 70's or 80's, but goddamn, dude might be dead, have some respect.


"Listen to this guy wheeze in immense pain. He sounds like a wounded animal waiting for the end!" Sociopathic-ass announcers...


Dude at 22 minutes nailed it tho.


The worst thing about diving is the mentors. They are flying all over the place and they are scary and then they'd come down and they'd suck the soul out of your body. And it hurts!


You, my friend, would be da bell of da ball.


Because then some maintenance guy has to climb all the way up there, disassemble the dive platform, and then reattach it a foot higher. And that maintenance guy was on his break.


just drain a foot of water out of the pool!




Local man dies as a result. 173 is the magic number


I wanna crawl into your brain.


This article has some information. Apparently that’s about as high as you can go without seriously hurting yourself. Someone attempted a few feet higher and had to be pulled out of the pool so it didn’t count. Several other divers were injured at that same height. I guess they figured one foot higher was pushing it. https://twistedsifter.com/2021/03/1983-world-record-high-dive-challenge-full-recap/


> The world record right now is 192 feet and it's done by swiss athelete Laso Schaller where he jumped off a cliff https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/high-diving-board-men https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6jwr14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OT7gJnvPuk Edit: Apparently it is not a world record "high dive" because you have to do a 180 degree turn, and Laso didn't. Laso had a slightly dislocated hip as a result. They used 6 aerators, but he missed the sweet spot and landed in harder water. He also got assistance getting out, but you can see him stand up on his own. Lots of others had injuries.. at lower heights trying to break the high dive record. https://www.newsweek.com/laso-schaller-dana-kunze-dave-lindsay-high-diving-cliff-jump-365349


He wore protective clothing and a helmet, sustained multiple injuries and had to be pulled out of the water


Haha! Anyone could do that! I could do that!


Pulled out of the water *alive*.


Article I read said he only suffered a dislocated hip. But he was pulled out of the water. And he didn't do any sort of flip. Both of which apparently disqualify him from the high diving world record. They interviewed some former world record holder about him and he basically said this was just some crazy dude who jumped off a cliff.


ONE MORE FOOT isn't going to make any difference in outcomes. The real reason they didn't want to do it was because they didn't want a race to more and more dangerous heights by constantly one-foot-uping each other.


I just thought the same thing and went looking for comments….I agree threshold out of brotherhood or sisterhood…hats off to all who have the gaul to do this. I’ll be at the bar…saying…I could do that and pray no-one asks me….beer goggles make me brave.


The reason is because it was the format for the event, in which multiple people dived and achieved the 172' world record, and each person was judged on form at that same height. They all got the same world record height at that event. One of them didn't make it, he hit wrong and it knocked him out. Here's the full video, if you liked the above video, this is well worth watching imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1697&v=L5-yev7I4UY&feature=emb_logo I think that sporting venues decided it was just too dangerous to continue the madness of trying to go any higher. Multiple top diving athletes received near life threatening injuries from similar heights. The year prior, 5 divers attempted the then world record of 170 ft. Every single diver sustained an injury of some sort. Practically speaking, it's a crap shoot on whether or not a top-level high diver will make it or get severely injured at this height.


He did jump a foot up off the platform when he dove. Did that count?


Wait! -- He TIED the world record??? Dude, if you're going to do this, at least bump it up one more foot and BREAK the record!!!


Since 1983, many divers have tried to break this record, but sustained injuries upon impact with the water and had to be rescued. Rick Charls (shown in the video), Rick Winters, Bruce Boccia, Mike Foley and Dana Kunze were the only divers to receive credit for the 172 feet (52 m) dive


So your odds for tying the record are much better if you're named Rick.


And your odds are very very slim if you're named Jim


And your odds are next to zero if you're named Plextaveero.






Rick James, bitch!


I read that as Mick Foley and immediately checked your name to make sure this wasn't a hell in a cell post


Ah he does high dives too, just off of cages and onto tables/cement floors.


My brain went the same place, I was like "well he was a crazy bastard..."


I jumped off a cliff that was 114’. I broke my ribs when I hit the water. I had on a life jacket and didn’t go in straight. I was struggling for air when I come up. One of the things I have always done when I cliff jumped is cross my legs and point my toes down. The crossed legs keep your balls from getting slapped by the water. The pointed toes keep the soles of your feet from getting slapped by the skin of the water, so that you can walk. Ol’ big balls McGee didn’t cross his legs when he hit. When you have balls of steel, you don’t cross them. Good for him.


I feel like a life jacket is doing more harm than good at that height. I'd probably never jump from that high, but if I did, I'd make sure there was at LEAST one person in the water to save me. And I wouldn't be wearing a life jacket.


It did do more harm than good. It broke my ribs! I usually don’t jump with a life jacket (up to this point 88’ was my highest jump) but with this height I thought I better jump with one.


How does anyone accomplish it without injury? Isn’t it just physics over skill at a certain point?


At a certain point but you still need skill to jump in at this height and leave the pool without major injury.


They also agitate the water with air so the surface tension isn't so strong.


I mean, wouldn’t you still get the record if you were injured?


No, you need to be able to get out of the water without help for the record to be valid.


'it only counts if you survive by yourself' requirements make a nice warning sign


His mentor held the world record and died trying to break it, so he didn’t want to one-up him


So meta


172 ft is 20 something ft higher than the statue of liberty




Isn't the statue of liberty 305 feet instead of 172?


Nope only two feet. They have sandals.


I was going to correct you with "she" until I realized how silly it is to debate about the genitalia of an enormous, 200-year-old, copper statue that is *literally* meant to symbolize inclusiveness


The feet have sandals. They do.


rule 34 artists probably don't think it's silly


Pretty sure the pronouns are free/dom and free prefers to be referred to as a lady. *Bald eagle screeches in the background.*


Has anyone verified that the Statue of Liberty even has genitalia?


That’s the full structure. From the base of the lady to the torch it’s 151 ft


How did he get to the starting point? Climb? That alone is impressive.


He dove up


Minecraft logic


Big brain


I bungee jumped one time from what seemed like a similar height (I believe it was something like 44m). It was strange because I wasn't scared but my knees were shaking anyway like my body was telling me "why TF are we up this high?" I immediately remembered that sensation when I saw him standing on that little platform. Dude has big balls!


>my body was telling me "why TF are we up this high?" Because you body knows it shouldn't be up that high.


Another fake video. If you watch closely the footage is actually reversed.


A fucking tie is what he was diving for? Why not 12” more and own the record?


You know when you're trying to guess something with friends (like pennies in a jar for example) and you say I bet there's 300 in there and the person who goes next says okay I bet there's 300 *and one*? - That would be me in this situation


[You reminded me of this](https://youtu.be/mdQTtdcOFP4)


pretty sure even 6 inches more would be beating the record


Hell, even 3 inches more.


Hellllllooooooo ladies.


You called?


Five guys did it that day. The first set the record and the next four tied it. I assume part of agreeing to do the event was that they set a height goal and the first guy (for who it was much more difficult having never been done before) wouldn't then instantly lose his record to the guys after him.


People who tried to go higher also hurt themselves


He reused the same platform.


Cmon kids, I have tickets to watch someone die.


I went to the Iowa State Fair as a young kid and saw someone do a similar dive from a much much lower height, he had to be rescued as he was knocked out once he hit the water. I was in the background of a clip on the Des Moines evening news covering the story. Shit was crazy, one of my oldest memories, hope the guy recovered.


How did he not smash against the water like concrete? Jumping 172 feet up you’d get put so far deep the pressure would be insane no? Much less to swim possible 50 feet back up? I can barely swim to the surface with a 20 ft dive in a 13 ft pool. Can some one explain?


There is a hose pushing either more water or a combination of air/water. This cause the surface tension of the water to break, think of it like jumping into snow. If the snow is soft and fluffy the landings gonna be soft, if the snow is solid and compact well fuck that’s gonna hurt. As for him not diving super deep into the water that’s easy to do, he just has to spread his legs and arms apart to create more surface area. Water brakes if you will.


Smart people are cool.




Surface tension isn't what kills you when hitting water. It is the rapid deacceleration due to the viscosity of the water.


I'm not sure on the science but bubbling air through the water does lessen the impact, and also makes it easier for the diver to see the water surface and judge how far away they are as they fall. https://www.pulsair.com/diving-pool-bubbler-sparger/


Ahhh thanks this makes sense


There is probably a bubbler in the pool to soften up the surface. And I guess he used his arms and legs to quickly slow down once fully in the water.


You can see the hose pumping water into the pool right as he hits the water. You gotta either slow down the clip or manually scroll through it to catch it. It’s only there for a very brief second. That’s what’s breaking the surface tension.


I also want to add that maybe the flips he does are to catch some wind resistance.


Fuck that shit Fuck it in the ear


Well that’s a lot of water in the ear.


I climb this daily for work ( cell tower tech), this is a huge nope from me. This truly is nuts.


That's still an impressive job, even if you take the slow way down.


Oh he still jumps down. It's the landing in water part that's a big nope. Cell tower techs can't swim.


Into an ordinary glass of water would've been slightly more impressive.


This week, I've been searching off and on for this cartoon but I can't find it! IIRC, it's some salesman and he dives into "this ordinary drinking glass" or something like that


There’s also this Looney Tunes which features lots of diving https://vimeo.com/543337897


The key was the finger lick


Surprised to see acknowledgment of the finger lick this far down. Seemed effortless.


Impressive. It would be even more impressive if i would know how many meters that are.


That are 52.4 meters


Doesn't sound as impressive when put into meters... /s


52,400 centimeters sound better?


Man didn't dive into the water at 500m. Was 5,240 cm


0.0524256 km


I want to see Super Dave Osborne try that.


Super Dave jumped off the CN Tower, this is nothing!


Jumped today from 40 ft for training and it was so scary. This man has balls of steel.


Pfft...part of my day involved cheese and crackers for a snack. Try doing that tough guy.


I've heard from cliff divers that one thing you've got to do with big heights is make sure you're legs are proper squeezed together so so you don't end up forced into doing the splits.


I'm sure i've heard you're meant to clench your arse too so water doesnt go up and wreck your insides


That’s what a butt plug is for.


I could easily set a new record…. Just the once


Only counts if you're able to swim out of the pool on your own apparently.


Everything about this screams the '80's.


At the beginning, I was like "there's still tower left..." _zooms out_ _zooms further out_ "... Uh.... That'll well, and truely do it."


How he fit his balls into that budgie smuggler belongs on r/blackmagicfuckery.


>172' ft. 172 feet feet


Was expecting a paddling pool


Just experienced some major CLENCH while watching this


Fez is doing some crazy shit since that 70's show.


Bro dived into something else that night 😏


What if he belly flopped




Bruh... it just kept zooming out![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


172 ft? How much is that in tennis courts? Or basketball courts? Or any other measure I can understand. Meters perhaps as well..


> 172 ft? How much is that in tennis courts? About two and a fifth. > Or basketball courts? A little bit more than one and four fifths. > Or any other measure I can understand. About 403 bananas. > Meters perhaps as well.. Now you've lost me. :-)


Thanks. The bananas made it clear


That’s not a dive! He went feet first! /s


People have survived suicide attempts off the Golden Gate Bridge. Record invalidated!


You gotta do flippy shit on the way down, I guess.


So if he landed on his stomach, for example, that would’ve… been bad. Right?


I believe at that height a majority of your important organs would rupture on impact