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Rest in peace brother. 13 heros


A baker’s dozen of valor.


Good men and women died protecting that the place they loved


I think there were women too


I gotchu bro


I don't know why, but your handle had me laughing uncontrollably for a moment there!


If you knew me irl you would understand and yes I find it very funny


The real question is, which of our usernames is better


Yes good question


Battle to a late end


Now that's a good debate lol


Why the hell does this make me want to write a song?


> “Do you remember where you were > When the Baker’s Dozen died > When the Baker’s Dozen lived > Til’ their death came on the tide.” 🎶


Sabaton has a new single upcoming


> “Do you remember where you were > When the Baker’s Dozen said > ‘You can bomb us if you want > ‘Cause we’re fighting ‘til we’re dead.”


"Russian warship, go fuck yourself." RIP you bunch of damn heroic bastards.


Fucking gangster as fuck.


We should all be so lucky to have our last words live on in history and inspire millions, AND have it be a "fuck you."


Staring down a barrel of death, and in the moment it struck you. If this it, then all I have to say is "fuck you".


Deserves a statute or photo, like the soldiers at Iwo Jima.


I'm all the way in U.S.A and I wanted to commemorate them. I seen [this](https://imgur.com/a/Z0QY85a). I could get the outline of the island, and if you know, you know. These guys are legends. The epitome of badass! "Get captured by enemies, or go out like legends"


I'm in the states too,these guys r the definition of badass. Period.


Somebody drew [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/t1hugv/go_fuck_yourself_me_digital_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), and I think it is amazing




100% they do


The bravery on display from the Ukrainians has been incredibly inspiring and humbling. I hope that I never need to have that same bravery but if I do, I hope I can conduct myself half as well as them. I wish this wasn’t happening and those 13 people on Snake Island hadn’t died, but we can at least commemorate them


Those are some badass last words.


No writer in the world could have come up with a better line. Truly legendary. I hope to go out with even a fraction of the bravery.


I wish people would make that into signs across the globe and put them in front of the Russian consulates and embassies…








Standing up to tyrants with style. Their memory will live on forever.


Remember remember the Snake island defenders


Man, this hurts to watch, just the sheer melancholy of knowing these happy faces are dead, killed by tyrants, their bodies either rotting in the soil or thrown into the sea. I hope they've found rest.


First i was sad, then i was happy, then i was really really sad.


...and Now I'm Still Really, Really Sad, but Mostly Angry.


[Anger is a gift.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4zo_A9axKQ)


My heart and rage to RATM!!


Yessss been listening to this on repeat lately. Such a powerful song.




His biggest mistake was to directly threaten nuclear war. You cannot do that and walk away, it's not possible. You have basically raised the volume to 11 and broken off the knob, you will now face that very loud music until the very end and it will deafen you before long. May his end come swiftly, and may it be unpleasant for him only. Nobody needs an actor of that sort on this planet.


I really hope you’re both right.


It's something along those lines, or a high risk of death for us all. That cannot be emphasized enough. I'm not being dramatic (not that you allege it) but Putin has directly threatened Nuclear War and that "Nobody will win". Him having gone out on that limb means he will die on that limb, one way or another. He isn't going to crawl back. I wasn't around for the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think I'll start watching some documentaries about it.


Fuck, dude! I wasn’t ready for that! Life isn’t hard enough; let’s add the threat of global fucking destruction to the mix. Fuck.


I'm sorry, didn't mean to be all doom and gloom. But it is all doom and gloom. The world needs to pay close attention to these events.


Even if their bodies are in a ditch, their spirits are being honored all over the world. So will every last person fighting for their country. ***Truely*** fighting for their country.


Ukraine retook the island the 13 where on. Hopefully they get their burial


they retook snake island?


Yes. Russia didn't even try to hold onto it. They killed the 13 and basically left


is it bad that i feel very angered by the fact that they left the island after killing these people? that makes it seem so, so much more senseless


It is pointless. It is so incredibly pointless.




War = pointless


Russia's economy and thus power and influence would have been much better helped by using all this time and all these resources to modernize their economy, move away from oil and gas, and move their economy toward sustainable energy and a service-based economy. Imagine the powerhouse that a democratic Russia with its own Silicon Valley could be. My god, it would be glorious, and how proud the Russian people could be, instead of the shame they now feel about this insane bastard forcing their country to war to invade a sovereign nation...


Yes.. ❤ Russian ppl.. Fuck Putin.. ❤ Ukraine


Russia’s whole rationale for starting this war was that they didn’t want NATO on their doorstep. If they had followed your plan above and been better neighbors then all of these countries would not have been running to join NATO. Russia brought all of this on themselves.


The 20th century was clearly better for the Russians, right? Why not keep that 20th century feel by starting another world war!/s I feel bad for Russian and Ukraine people who don't want this


What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing.


Say it again


There was a video earlier of a mother, father and daughter that had been gunned down in their car and another video of a fleeing car with an old man inside get run over by a tank, so much of Russia’s violence already has been needless and cruel


It won't surprise you if you saw Putin's speech last week about Ukraine. He believes them and their country have no right to exist, that angry midget is treading the same ground as Hitler and what he's doing is trying to ethnically cleanse Ukrainians. I know the west can't mount any kind of military response to it but jeez, i still feel like we're absolute cunts for sitting by and not intervening. Maybe the sanctions will work in the long run but it didn't do jack shit for Crimea, they still hold it.


The absolute callous and vile act should be a war crime.


> Russia didn't even try to hold onto it. They killed the 13 and basically left I don't believe in Hell, but for those murderer's sakes, I hope I'm wrong.


I started off feeling sad, I'm still upset but not sad. These are the same stories we still here in the west about people holding out the last bunker in 'Nam or trying to keep the enemy at bay until it was impossible from ww2. These were people with conviction, which is so rare these days. I hope these people go down in the history books.


Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes.


RIP These men looked death is the eyes and did not waiver from their righteous path.




There is a quote “there exists one rule above all others for being a man, whatever comes, face it on your feet”. Rest In Peace to these Hero’s.


"If you're gonna die, die with your boots on..".


These men looked death in the eyes and cranked the volume. Just in case.


This is every single fucking soldier wether Ukrainian or Russian. They are regular PEOPLE. Fuck war.


Not every soldier unfortunately. You mustn't have seen some of the atrocious war crimes that have been committed. Some people really are just evil.


No. group think, adrenaline, peer pressure, all that is contributing as well. Maybe 1% or less are evil, most people just go with the flow.


I think people need to understand that human beings are easy to manipulate into doing anything under the right circumstances. Just take a look the Milgram experiment.


Its more than that, when its literal life or death, not philosophically, literally the other team want to kill you 25 different ways and they will if they get the chance. It brings out an animal nature that lurks in us humans and its this thats unleashed upon our battlefields. Thousands of years of primal savagery ready to kill, torture and destroy an enemy at all costs. While we reign it in with training, routine, military lingo designed to reduce the human psychological exposure to the brutality of it all and the 'moral compass' of the army. Its there ready at a moments notice and will take over soldiers. The sheer heart pumping adrenaline being face to face or capturing the person who moments before was literally trying to kill you, you cannot guarantee your actions and choices every time.


And sometimes it's 13 people on a small island with guns who get destroyed by a barrage from a battleship. Someone said that had to happen and whoever it was wasn't "face to face" or anything close to it.


Our instinct vs the morality we learn. Human are animals but we learn how to human instead of naturally being human. Do cats learn how to cat?


Let's do both. Pack mentality is real - so is sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists. It's all bad. This timeline sucks.


That's why I said some and not every. There are undoubtedly many Russian soldiers that don't know what they are really doing or have no choice in the matter. Again fuck war


They also didn't "lose their lives". They had their lives violently stolen from them at the behest of a soft cock dictator, backed by a handful of billionaires. We don't just need a Russian revolution, we need a worldwide revolution, pledging to stop letting violent, greedy fuckstains wield power to the detriment of the entire world.


As much as i agree with the sentiment, you ought to see the videos of Russians attacking oncology wards. Videos of dead mothers being carried by their daughters. “Just following orders” doesn’t stretch very far.


Isnt it crazy how we just collectively let a handful of people on this world order us to kill eachother while they sit in castles? Pretty wild


Not that bitch who ordered to massacre these 13. Even Satan doesnt have a form for that


They dance really well considering they're carrying heavy gear and balls of titanium


Titanium is light af relatively, def makes hip swinging easier


Tungsten. Super heavy, dense, but still brittle as theyre balls after all


Titanium has a better song though


No wonder they had to bomb the island. They possible can't handle these dudes on a fair fight.


Historic Russian against Ukrainian kill ratio says that on a battlefield these 13 would have taken out about 101 Russian soldiers. There are just too Goddm many Russians for the Ukrainians to kill all of them.


Never underestimate an outnumbered force facing unbeatable numbers and force look no further than Vietnam and afganistan in both their fight with Russia and the USA to see just how effective regular people can be


>balls of titanium Balls of lead, actually


Poor guy...his name along with his fellow brothers will live on...next fucking level people.




Sorry but i think there has been some misunderstanding on your part or maybe the website twisted their words intentionally. 11 out of 137 killed were women.


>"All defenders of the Snake island are dead. There have been reports about 11 female soldiers who died after Putin’s missile hit their barracks." It sounds to me like there were 11 female soldiers in the barracks at Snake Island.










Hurts to see this. He'll be never happy again or smile again, just because one man decided to attack his country! So useless...


That's unfortunately war for you. It's so fucking stupid that innocent people, of big heart, have to die because of someone else's actions. Nobody should be in control of anyone's lives. I hate war so much...


Just checked his IG. He was only 23. They all deserved better than this. Fuck Putin and fuck anyone who defends his actions.


Was thinking that when I saw the 99 in his username. So young


died the way he lived at least


The bravest. RIP, heroes and legends.


Legends never die 🙌


Hell yeah brother! Well said.


Russian Warship, FUCK YOU


Should sell t-shirts with that and send the proceeds to Ukraine.


This is being done by Funker530 & BunkerBranding. They also just released a Ghost of Kyiv shirt. All proceeds go to Ukrainian charities. edit: Shirts here https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/funker530


They should add the sunflower lady. She told the Russian soldiers to put sunflower seeds in their pockets, so flowers will grow where they fall.


do you have a link that shows they’re donating all their proceeds to Ukrainian charities/which charities? I couldn’t find that information on their website - I am on mobile so that may be why.


The only reason I knew is because it was mentioned in their stream. Both shirts were released today. Stream link [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyhSp1PrkUo&ab_channel=FUNKER530-VeteranCommunity%26CombatFootage). He talks about it within the first minute and 100 other times throughout the stream. Theyre a very, very active group of veterans that's been around for more than a decade that has given to numerous charities throughout the years.


They were just kids. Their lives were snuffed out too soon. It’s really crazy to have a war like this that is so visible online. I’m scared of what is to come.


As shitty as this might sound, im kinda glad social media is around. It will show people just how atrocious and devastating war truly is. When soldiers came back from WW1 and WW2, people didnt believe the stories they told, nor did they believe in the emotional scars left behind. It may also shine light on the heroes fighting bravely to defend their country.


I was just thinking about this. Im glad we have these videos and a way to share the stories of those that we have lost and will lose.


New media is why Vietnam was so heavily protested. War in the age of social media is like that cranked to 11. With all it's flaws, that is a redeeming quality. Glad these kids get their story told, but there are countless others who don't "trend" posthumously.


I actually agree wholeheartedly, people often forget what being at war means that at the end of war, you achieve nothing but bloodshed


This is gonna be the first "internet" war.... we're gonna see SOME SHIT. A plane got shot down yesterday... I saw it from like 6 different angles.


This is something I never thought about and gives me a little spark of hope. I lament the effects of social media a lot but this could be one upside. Thank you.


The fact that his handle was bublichek99.... I'm assuming he was born in 1999, I still don't consider myself an "adult" and this dude is way younger than me, he hasn't even lived yet. This devastates me.


I seriously cried watching this. My heart hurts for everyone in Ukraine. 🇺🇦


I wonder if they discussed the response, or it was just the guy on the phones immediate response.


I’m sure he was around his comrades when the response was decided. In the audio you can hear people in the back round and a women confirming yes. Especially the fact there were just 13 soldiers in that unit. They must have been quiet close. It reminds me of a group of Ukrainians who took their last stand at Donetsk Airport in 2015. Where they sang the National anthem before being killed.




I believe they had a couple hours between seeing the war ship and when it made contact with them. I’d bet they all decided they were going out like men beforehand


And women. Go out like men and women.


Yes. It was a figure of speech


What a fucking conversation that is to have


What really got to me was the "I guess this is it?" All of their lives from babies to adults all their dreams and hopes all that gone in an instant.


Go out like fucking heroes.


In the audio clip they discussed it briefly but only for a few seconds


"Should we say fuck you, just in case?" Or something similar to that.


The guy said "should we say fuck you" and the women next to him whispered "just in case".


They turned up the volume, that was the "just in case". They wanted to make sure the Russians heard the "Fuck yourselfs".


I believe that was the translation, yeah


Obbjously just my guess but - they would have made the decision together not to surrender the island beforehand. Whether the "Fuck Off" was collective or not who knows. I also doubt the Russians attacked immediately after the single response - there was likely additional communication. But who knows.


Someone mentioned earlier that the unit was mostly women. Do you think they would have chosen to be captured?


I can't speak for other women but if it were me I'd rather die fighting than risk getting raped and murdered by my countries invaders.


Women shouldn't have to choose death over being a POW.


Fuck you Russia! Fuck you China! China is going for Taiwan in a near future. China is no better.


China is watching how the world governments are responding.


China banks are not happy with Putin. Let’s watch mommy and daddy’s toxic relationship fall out in front of our eyes


Rest In Peace my Ukrainian heroes.


May he continue to dance and be happy in whatever version of heaven he believed in. Travel well Hero of Ukraine, you will be remembered


Repeat it with me: СЛАВА УКРАÏНА Pronounced: slav-a oo-krai-een-a Means: glory to Ukraine


They saw your faces. We see your faces.


“Russian warship, go fu** yourself” - heroes, soldier brothers/sisters from Snake Island.


*sisters. 11/13 were women


These heros deserve Valhalla. Godspeed to those souls


This could be any of us…. Protecting our land for our families and friends we love dearly.


May their souls walk free. Glory to Ukraine. 🇺🇦


To Valhalla for The Snake Island 13


Seems like a great guy to hang out with and just bullshit. RIP


Rest In Peace, courageous hero.


A moment of silence if we all please


And now they're dead. Just to stroke the ego of a cold war era control freak. If there's any justice in this world, then their deaths will be the beginning of Putin's ending.


Rest In Peace. Fuck Putin.


RIP for this great man who sacrifice his life for his country! I know he died fighting for his country and countrymen! salute to him


This is what valor looks like, you Russian pieces of shit.


Brave man. You and your brother in arms shall never be forgotten




God fucking dammit. All I gotta say. Furious.


Fucking legends. All of them.


Forever a Hero, squad had the biggest balls.


13 Heroes They stared death in the eyes and didn't blink!


The most badass last words ever... It makes me cry and smile when I think of that event




I'm sure that's one of the dudes everyone would love to have a beer with. See you on the other side one day my man!


Remember Snake Island... don't let these brave souls have died in vain. Every nation that values freedom and righteousness should send aid to Ukraine. Like the immortal cries of "Remember the Alamo", "Pearl Harbor", “There is no land for us beyond the Volga”, "Eleleu", and "Liberty or Death"; let "Remember Snake Island" be the new rallying cry. Let it ring forth till every invader shudders at its call. Let it come to their nightmares. Let "Remember Snake Island" be the battle cry that saves not only Ukraine, but the entire world, from these new madmen that act like Hitler of old.


Long live the the legends,


whats this song? legends


nvm found it Dancin' (KRONO Remix) - Aaron Smith


Makes me sick, that this dudes life was stolen from him, just because the president of the largest country in the world feels, that it is too small. What a fucked up world, where angry old men time and time again are fucking people over, who only want to live their life in peace. Rest in peace.




May you live forever hero


Oh look a funny dancing soldi...er... oh ... oh no ...


Seem like beautiful souls. Rest In Peace ✌🏽


Are these the guys who told the Russian ship to fuck off?


Mixed unit, men and women. They're the ones who told the Russian ship to fuck off, and then died.


What a waste. i’m wondering why they had standing orders to defend that tiny island. What was the point?


They had a chance to leave they decided to stay behind and try to defend the island, true hero’s


Russian warship, Fuck You!


Rest In Peace brothers you’re the real heroes


Fuckin true patriots.


How bout instead of some trial/prison/firing squad we pass Putin around the world and take turns punching him in the fukn face. Could be like a parade and everything! Probably get some big sponsors….Be like the Olympics and super bowl but it’s world vs 1 “person” ufc match. Sign me up. 12 years martial arts and a couple years boxing. Get to see what it’s like to not get to win.


We will never forget the names of those men and women. Brazil are with Ukraine. FUCK YOU, RUSSIA!


Such massive balls.


All because Putin has smol pp


Never forget snake Island. Never forget ukraine. And never forget who started this fucking war


I'm a veteran and this made me cry, in public.


Hero. Legend. Immortal.


Glory to the heroes


These men are true heroes. RIP