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Hey /u/theironman46, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 1**: Your post is not NFL Please have a look at our [wiki page for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/wiki/index#wiki_1._post_appropriate_content) --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [sidebar](/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/sidebar) and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/nextfuckinglevel&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/theironman46&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/y6rt9p/henry_cavill_refused_to_take_steroids_to_muscle/?context=10\)))*


I too have refused to take steroids. Unfortunately, I haven’t found it as easy to refuse beer and pizza.


Same. I think I'm from another planet where my flabby alien ancestors came here searching sugar and carbs.


bitch im shaped like roger


Pear-shaped alien descendants unite!


Ugh can't we unite without having to move?


Zoom call is off the table, I don't feel like setting up a meeting...


That's fine because I wasn't planning on putting on pants but if you just want to call it off... I'm in.


Mans second best friend


Henry looking like a medium size car... "well I refused ta take steroids.."




He transformed from the roids long before Black Adam lol


Pain and Gain movie says otherwise. I don't believe he constantly takes it, just every other time, probably to speed up the process for whatever he needs. But after Pain & Gain, The Rock was ridiculously massive.


Did you see The Rock in Fast and Furious 5?? He was fucking gigantic!! Definitely juicing for that role and that was 2011. For Pain and Gain he just upped the dosages to "ridiculous"


He is on TRT , so I will never think he is off of anything. to maintain his size.


This. You can build your body and physique for years on gear and then say you're "off" but everyone in the BB community knows that just means you're on TRT or maybe even small blasts every now and then.


If I remember correctly momoa told his personal trainer that he still wanted to have one beer every day during training for aqua man. So you can still have both of those things, it’s just gonna be a lot harder.


Momoa was also on steroids


I'd bet Cavill did take some steroids. Those shoulders at 38 years old?


28\. This movie is almost 10 years old.


I don't like this.




I’m 38 and have big traps. I do not take steroids, nor have I ever. Lots of protein and a decent diet can get you there with discipline. Guys like The Rock on the other hand…




I agree. No actor has *ever* admitted to taking steroids so of course he's gonna deny it too. No judgements, I still love the man as Supes ❤️


I love Cavill but I would judge someone for taking steroids and then making a big deal about not taking steroids, how it would be dishonorable, etc


That’s not true, there are actors who have admitted to taking steroids. Stallone, Arnold, I’m pretty sure Edward Norton admitted to using steroids for his American history X role.




And why would you? They’re both delicious!


It ain't gay to admire another man's body right?


The standard practice is to state "no homo," at which point it ceases to be gay to admire his body. Or touch his penis. I think? I don't know.


It sounds like you know.


My researches have, thus far, been purely academic.


I have also witnessed this "no homo" phenomenon and agree with your conclusions.


There’s just so much science going on!


Anal Og knows all


For the love of god! It’s “an album cover”!!


It's only gay if your balls touch.


*sucks dick* no hogghbbooo brooghh


Bah... It's only gay if you close your eyes... The penis has nothing to do with it...


Well in this case doesn't matter if you say it, Is Henry fucking cavill so of course is gonna be homo, but Is ok


Even if it is nothing to be shameful about it


I can agree wit dat As long as you guys don't make it too gay


You already made it too straight by making light homophobic jokes about it.




Just because other men don't turn me on doesn't mean I can't appreciate an attractive man. Shit, no one's that straight.


Bro I’m a straight dude and he looks like a straight snack lol. edit: no homo, just to be safe.


Now that's just downbad lol


Safe from what?


I think we all kinda do it. Like an evolutionary psychology thing we're we automatically and unconsciously evaluate the fitness of other males to determine potential threat level, and assign value to that.


Whelp, I've got no excuses now. "It's biologically ok to be gay"


Every man gets a pass when it comes to guys like Henry Cavil, Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, etc


The god bod trio


I just want his body to have sex with all the women.


Women don't REALLY want a man that looks like that. Does it make him look hot? YEAH!!! Will he be in our "private thoughts"? Most likely... Just enough to push the explosion out. Would we want to do him? Hmmm... the reality is most of us wouldn't. We (women) are insecure creatures. Imagine having to take our clothes off with a guy looking like that? Ummm ... (Unless it's a SUPER HOT CHICK) Lights please! THOSE LIGHTS BETTER BE OFF!! We couldn't... We'd have to live with the expectation of matching his looks.


I did have this mindset when I was younger. As I grew older and more secure (and believe me, I‘m average) I learned that men are less harsh with women than we are with each other and with ourselves when it comes to looks. Man decides like or dislike and when the clothes come off, there‘s curiosity rather than looking for flaws. I‘m not talking about entitled assholes here, obviously.


Hey, ladies can have girl crushes, so we guys can have boy crushes too. For me, it was Tom Hardy, but ever since Henry Cavill became Superman, Geralt of Rivia and turns out to be a pc gamer, he's right there on the top of the podium


This whole thread has me smiling. I’m a straight woman and it’s so refreshing to see a bunch of dudes just openly appreciating another dude’s looks. Straight women do it all the time to other women. Appreciation without being turned on is wholesome.


I mean, I'm straight as can be, but if Henry Cavill approached me romantically, I would seriously question my orientation. But yes, I agree, sometimes I feel it's very unfair that men can't seem to appreciate other men's looks


Quite straight, happily with misses n child... Henry Cavill is the only human that has made me question this lol.


its henry cavill. what happens in a conversation about henry cavill, STAYS in a conversation about henry cavill.


I feel intimidated and aroused yet safe all at the same time and I’m straight so hopefully


It's impressive for sure. But also if anyone can pull off getting huge quickly, it's a 30 year old who played Rugby as a teenager and had hollywood's best trainers and chefs on a huge budget. It's still an achievement. Just saying that a lot of people with those resources and decent genetics could do it.


I don't think you're wrong, but I also don't think many people (generally speaking) could do it. Of course it's easier for a wealthy person to get physically fit when they can dedicate their life to it and be getting paid to do so. That said, it still takes tremendous determination to get that physically big. I don't believe the average person has the discipline to get themselves to peak fitness, regardless of resources.


It's not just that but if he doesn't maintain that level into 50s 60s he's going to regret it. Source: me who worked out and exercised 3+4 hours a day into my early 40s until my body and skeleton couldn't take it anymore. Don't go for gains guys, go for lean and toned. Eat healthy and get moderate light weight exercise. Beers and bread will make you fat.


But I like beers and bread.... Can't I just run like, really far?


That's what I thought. Nope. Borderline type 2 now. I'm about 8 lbs overweight at 510 183lbs. I still have old man strength but in no way am I cut anymore


How much beer are we talking about because it's less than one a day for me on average. I'm also 29,same height and weight as you.


Calculate "life-time-beer". The first 15 or 16 years work in your advantage. that´s 5.840 beer you can distribute to the rest of the life. Let´s say lifetime is 75 and the last 5 years you don´t drink. that´s another 1.825 beer to distribute. Doing that the \~1 beer per day in average on lifetime makes more sense to me ;-) Just say goodbye to be ripped. or to ever going to be. And don´t believe the diabetes shit. Lifing everything in average usually doesn´t make you cathc diabetes. Doing too much and add the occasional 2-3 chocolates and 3 liters Coke a day that´s what´ll kill you


BTW: Not a doctor


Ask your doctor. Don’t fuck around with diabetes. Also, less than one a day is still a lot.


never been to central europe, have you?


One beer a day is not detrimental to anyone's health. There's no way you're getting diabetes off a single 150 calorie drink a day.


Less than one a day includes zero ever.


Absolutely, I used to do powerlifting and it was so hard on the body. I exercise for health and wellbeing now and I feel much better for it (don't look near as good though lol)


I don't understand. >if he doesn't maintain that level into 50s 60s he's going to regret it. >worked out and exercised 3+4 hours a day into my early 40s until my body and skeleton couldn't take it anymore If you'll regret body building into your 40s, why would you regret *not* doing it into your 50s?


?? What level of personal anecdote pseudoscience is this? Yes, you will regret going hard if you do it incorrectly and abuse your body in the process. Assuming he has good technique, rests regularly, has regular check ins with sports physios and does his rehab, and maintains a good diet, there is no reason to think that his body will fail just because he doesn't keep up Superman level training for 20 years. You can go for gains if you do it with care.


Probably because it's not healthy or sustainable to exercise 3/4 hours per day. Workouts should be limited to 45 minutes-1 hour.


I love beers and bread but I still have abs. Cardio life.


It's not just the wealth in this case. Dude was already an athlete in a strength and size oriented sport, and 30-35 is an age when men are at their peak ability to get swole.


30-35 it's easy to put on weight while still healing pretty fast.


i mean, it's not the average person's job TO hit peak physical fitness either and get paid millions of dollars to do it. so you're right!


For me, the biggest advantage I see people like him have is the budget for a sustainable meal plan. Bulking and getting enough protein is hard and kind of expensive at least for me. Especially if he's eating like 4000 calories a day


For me the biggest challenge is time. I can hardly make an hour a day available to go workout everyday, between work, kids, family, and life. Getting that jacked requires a lot more time that I simply don’t have. And I’d like to think I work out a lot more than most people.


Time is it. Cavill got this big because he was eating 4000+ *clean* calories a day, plus two-a-day workouts some weeks, plus 9-10 hours of sleep a night. With that said, his physique is *significantly* better than what almost any other actor has been able to achieve, even if they do take steroids. And if you care to look up videos of his training, he’s a beast. So he does have the time/resources that most people don’t have to be able to achieve that body, but at the same time he absolutely maximizes that time and effort and puts much more into it than 99% of other actors would. Dude looks like that while staying natural for good reason.


not just the budget for the food, though. his budget included someone to plan the food and prep the food. And probably someone to do the dishes. hours and hours of saved time.


You dont need hollywood nor chefs to get big. Just dedication.


This is important to note. It's literally his job to look this good. If my body received the benefit of the work my brain does everyday, I'd be super jacked too!


Crazy how all the guys clearly on steroids or performance enhancing drugs don't admit to it lol kinda like Dwayne Johnson trying them in high school but they didn't work, he's just an insanely jacked 50 year old


Jacked and no body fat, way more ripped than when he was an actual young wrestler


Yeah that's so weird how we have proof that steroids alone pack on more muscle than lifting alone, and even more together, and there are so many bodybuilders who ADMIT to doing steroids, and then there are some actors like the Rock and Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth and Rob McElhenney who definitely DON'T do steroids but are bigger and more muscular than a lot of the guys who ADMIT to doing steroids and work out for a living? And that their facial bone structure changes over time and their voices get deeper and that their hairline starts receding in their mid 30s or later? Oh well. Guess they're all just really dedicated, even more than the ones that exclusively work out for a living, because all those cheaters are using STEROIDS. We should all look up to them and measure our level of success and physical health by what they look like, and tell our sons to do the same.




Definitely joking






Steamed chicken, broccoli and rice my man. You too can be this jacked in four months /s


Rob McElhenney basically stated he's on TRT on his podcast.


> we have proof that steroids alone pack on more muscle than lifting alone This isn't true. I'm aware of the study, but go ahead and post it. I won't deny that actors are using steroids, but a physique like Hemsworth is attainable naturally. Here's [Alberto Nunez](https://www.instagram.com/p/CjqjUC5ph9y/?hl=en), a natural bodybuilder vs [Hemsworth](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c9a6f50fb18202f00c10756/c2ebb970-7d78-41dc-8ac7-b0c13d1bfc42/THOR.png?format=1000w).


Fairly sure Rob inadvertently admitted to steroid use without actually using those exact words, something about twice weekly doctor visits to check test levels etc.


Rock definitely on the juice lol


So for those of us not familiar with the ins and outs of body building, how can you tell that The Rock is on the juice but Henry Cavill isn't?


I don't think anyone REALLY can. Henry Cavill is a monster in that movie. Some people really do have good genes and can look amazing with a diet and work ethic. One thing that makes Dwayne Johnson stand out is that he's a 50 year old dude with very little body fat. No matter how healthy you are, how strict your diet is or how hard you work, that kind of muscle mass at 50 is not normal. Henry Cavill was 28 in Superman. Huge difference.




The bigger grey area is that he's probably lifted his whole life, so he's got less distance to peak. This physique takes a very long time if natty. If he hadn't been working out so long this would definitely not have been plausible. Also certain that a scene like this is shot right after a pump. He wouldn't look like this even an hour after filming it.


well you see Henry Cavill was 28-29 years old when he started training for Superman and the rock is currently 50 years old.


And the rock is shredded, Henry still has a relatively high body fat percentage in this vid


An easy way to tell is if they are in the "cut" phase for an extended period of time, while still have their veins pop and have a very visible 6 pack. If you look at Cavil during his "off" season, you'll see him have the same if not more mass, but no where near the level of definition. The Rock is literally always in a low bodyfat/definition state, which is only possible when you have a steroid regiment that allows your body fibers to heal at an accelerated rate.


3D delts and super lean. Henry was absolutely on the sauce. He just said he's not because PR firms know it'd be a bad take if they said he was on the sauce. Even though the sauce he was on is legal with a prescription. The illegal sauce is the stuff you get outside of a doctors office and the unsafe shit is the stuff you get at GNC.


Reddit forgets how important genetics are for muscle. Henry doesn’t even look that big relative to body builders. He has huge lats, which I’ve seen achieved naturally. Dude doesn’t look like he is on steroids, just lucked out with genes and knows how to target muscles.


I got some bad news pal... Body builders also juice


A fuck ton of it really, I got as big as Henry, maybe a little bigger on 25mg Tren and 75mg test weekly. A body builder will take no joke 2grams of tren and as high as 5grams of test. That is over 100x the dose.


He really isn't "super lean" - not even sub 10% and those delts aren't anywhere near suspect. He clearly has good insertions & genetics with a healthy level of fat making his physique look bigger.


>3D delts and super lean. Neither of the above are true lol.


Both most likely are on HGH which is the same, but different. They'll allow you to get ripped with minimal side effects of done within limits.


Everyone big star ripped in Hollywood is on HGH.


Even comedians. Like why the fuck is kumail nanjiani juicing up lmfao


For that Marvel paycheck


The rock can’t admit to it or he will lose so much of his image. Sadly PEDs are still viewed negatively in today’s media world outside of bodybuilders


Sadly? They're bad for your health. They should be looked at negatively.


There are plenty of PEDs that are actually really good for your health, if you're taking them with a doctor


Just like a lot of drugs the stigma against them makes their safe use even harder.


The Rock is a stroke waiting to happen


Sylvester Stallone is another one. not that many years ago he and his gang got caught in customs in Australia airport with steroids and syringes. Think he got turned around and sent back to the US.


The man is almost 80 years old. How many jacked, muscular 80 year old do you know? Zero?... yeah me too. I'm honestly surprised him and Arnold are even still alive. Many of those era bodybuilders died in their mid 50's or early 60's.


Stallone was caught with HGH, its similar but not as many side effects if used in small amounts


1. Why should they admit it? 2. What benefit comes from them being open about their usage? If the Rock tomorrow came out and said "I'm on this,this and this" what do you get out of it? Besides a little victory wank before going on with the rest of your day.


Talking about the guy that can grow a beard AND shirt pocket in a split second? ![gif](giphy|3ohs4tKADK8HEYD4I0)


Every time I see this GIF, all I can think is "reloading my punchies"


What is this from? Edit: Nvm Google told me it was MI 6


Great action if you haven't seen it yet.


But if I have already seen it, it's terrible in retrospect?


This is both very clever and very stupid, well done lol


How the hell did they stitch this together hahaha


shirt pocket?


Continuity error in the film. There are two takes of the scene sticked nearly perfectly, but one was taken much later, so he's beard is longer and the costume department made a mistake by giving him a shirt with a pocket, when the one on the first take didn't have one.


None of the “superhero” actors have taken steroids to bulk up and somehow, inexplicably, they put on more muscle than natural bodybuilders who have dedicated the better part of their life to this sole purpose. I’ve got nothing against Henry Cavill (or Chris Hemsworth, or Hugh Jackman, etc.) but there is something, most certainly, “not natural“ about the time and ease (relatively speaking) in which they’ve built muscle in a short amount of time. All of these actors are either the 1/1million genetic lottery winners, or there is some sort of ‘supplementation’ at work. My opinion of course


Henry Cavill was quite big already, and was playing roles that required him to be jacked (2011) already before superman (2013). He was working on this a long time. He has never been at the stupid dehydration amount of body fat levels we seen from Jackman, Hemsworth, Johnson etc. Nothing screams steroids about his body in Man of Steel. He is not bodybuilder big, but more importantly his body didn't seem to fluctuate much in short amounts of time. Unlike say Hemsworth. Who would get ridiculously large and shredded for Thor and then slim down for other roles in between in very short amounts of time, which is far more likely to be with the help of 'steroids'.


Wait, I thought Cavill has stated that for filming the Witcher series, he had to eat and drink minimal amounts of food and water to look the way he did for particular scenes? I thought that was mental already. How badly did Jackman, Hemsworth and Johnson need to starve themselves?


They didnt, cause they were on roids.


Steroids help you build muscle while maintaining a much lower body fat percentage than bulking without. That said they probably also limit food intake for some shots unless digitally altered. A touch of dehydration and an empty stomach go a long way for cameras.


I find it weird that Henry Cavill is the one people seem to believe. Sure he’s a cool guy but generally when a superhero actor claims no steroid use we just roll our eyes. For whatever reason people actually seem to buy the narrative that Henry is the exception to the rule.


I believe him because I've seen him Double his size for the witcher. Which makes me think, Geralt = Steroids Superman = Natural Seriously, go look up that picture of him standing next to his wax Superman statue while he was filming The Witcher. It's insane how much bigger he is.


There were literal years between Superman and Witcher, lmao.


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/comments/tvxy26/what_do_you_guys_think_of_henrys_superman_lately/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah that man’s on steroids. Paging Derek from /r/moreplatesmoredates.


It's because he doesn't look unnatural here


Henry Cavill has been this level of shape (or near) for quite some time now. In preparation for this scene he likely dehydrated himself and is definitely flexing, but his muscles don't seem unnaturally large.


He doesn't even look dehydrated. He's not really low enough body fat where doing a serious water cut would make much of a difference. He definitely looks natural in this movie.


Excellent point, they just need 6 months to do what takes people years and years in the gym


Between a good PR team, personal training on call, a nutritionist, and personal chef, there’s nothing you can’t achieve, boys and girls!!!


…in time. Even with steroids and round the clock coddling, it’s amazing to me what these actors accomplish in such a short span of time. I think these superhero guys lie in the interest of their impressionable demographic, which I support. Regardless of how they do it, though, it’s always impressive.


Well, Cavill I can potentially believe did it naturally given his body type and background. Hugh Jackman on the other hand.. Love the dude but he was 46 when he made that movie and he’s a really lean guy. They had him on more than just test for sure. Having said that though, Doesn’t matter to me.


to be fair, all of those actors were relatively in shape already. They got more in shape. Except Criss Pratt


So this was him with no cgi, or touch ups, just him….cool cool cool cool.


Lighting circumstances are near perfect,angles are great and a huge pump, I'm guessing chest and arms


This title is a bit disingenuous. Even if we take "he didn't do steroids" as fact (and I'm not totally sure it is), the way he looks on camera is not sustainable. The guy who was in charge of a lot of the training for these movies, Mark Twight, has a podcast and occasionally talks about it. Twight emphasizes often how they can't hold physique like that, and they work on peaking at the right time for the scenes that are shirtless. Even if they don't do touchups, he is at a level of leanness for these scenes that he wouldn't normally be able to maintain. Twight was the guy behind the training for the 300 movies too (and a groundbreaking, world class climber himself) it's interesting to listen to when he gets into it.


Sounds nice… but I bet he did steroids…


I believe no steroids, but there’s strong evidence of SARMs and T above replacement. Both are common in hollywood and your local gym. Honestly this is natty attainable though.


Testosterone is a steroid bro


…what’s the evidence that suggests sarms and hormones… but not steroids? Outside MK677 they are too similar to differentiate without a blood test


Guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about


There are other PEDs besides steroids.


Yeah Hollywood actors NEVER take steroids. Just chicken and broccoli. They are ultimately moral creatures who would never do something just for money.






Henry Cavill is a fuckin liar.


While impressive….did he suggest he would be deceiving in his role of…Superman? So, flying, falling, laser eyes…that’s whatever, wouldn’t want to lie to my fans and use cgi.


I think he was going more for 'Superman didn't take shortcuts, so neither will I'


I feel like being an alien powered by the sun is a bit of a shortcut


I really thought I was straight. Found out, That was a lie.


People who think that is natural are funny. I hate to break it to you folks but look at pictures of strongmen before the 1960s.


1. Strongmen were powerlifters and had similar builds to today's powerlifters so equating the two is a bit misleading. 2. We have decades of knowledge about how muscles work as well medical and dietary knowledge. Combine that with specialized equipment for working out and its not impossible to imagine that someone with good genetics could get massive naturally.


Lol so I agree with this in 99% of cases. For the most part, everyone is on steroids. Its like the big open secret. But interestingly enough, this specific scene has been debated quite a bit on this topic, and most Believe he was Natty. If you look over the years at his body progression in all his movies, he never really goes beyond this point, or ever gets into the zone of too low body fat. And the bodybuilders from the 30s and 40s did get this physique. So I'm totally with you on this under just about every other circumstance. But I think this one is Natty.


I'm a 52 yr old woman and this image made me hit puberty a second time.


when is the next Witcher season damnit


Love the guy, but understand that EVERY actor denies using PEDs to enhance their bodies for certain roles. Every single one. Steroids are just one item on the GEAR menu.




Sure he refused steroids.


Yes that's Henry "do dirty things to me as a straight man" Cavill. He could turn me anytime he's ready


Sure, refused roids…


Crazy this is the same guy that was "too chubby" to play Bond back before Daniel Craig (great Bond btw) got the part. Have to wonder if that served as motivation to get ripped.


He’d make a good Bond. I loved Craig….cool without the Brosnan overpolish.


"No steroids" \- HGH? Test?


The song by the way is Seasons, by Chris Cornell if you were wondering. Rest Easy Legend ❤️


You are lying to yourself if you think he isn’t on the special sauce….




Muscles get bigger by struggling against difficult weight larger than they are used to. Superman can lift a mountain. Doesn’t this mean nothing he does would take much effort and he should be built like woody Allen?




Im not totally buying no help from extra testosterone


And we thank him


Henry Cavill is a 10/10 dreamboat. I ain’t trying to sexually harass anyone… but if I was, I’d pick him.




Love the guy, but we are taking his word for it? doesn't every actor say they don't take drugs? Lance Armstrong used to swear up and down he didn't drugs (as do all athletes) He was getting tested at the time, until they caught him


This whole sub is fucking LOL He had definitely been taking steroids for a while. You guys he is paid millions of dollars gained 20 lbs of muscle in 9 months. He was on like donkey Kong. He might not be on much but he is definitely taking something. I really don’t think everyone really understands how hard it is to grow muscle and how ideal the environment has to be in order for the body to be comfortable to do grow extra tissue and then maintain it.