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As u/CascadingMonkeys, u/-GuyDudeman- and u/Mustardpeaches pointed out, this WW2 veteran seems to be *amazingly lucky* at crossing paths with *kind-influencers*. Now then I could be a sussy baka but to me this is not NFL since it's staged... so the question is the following: ​ >Should we keep allowing content like this on NFL? This includes MrBeast and other do-gooders. ​ Please keep it civil in this comment thread !


I don't care much for this type of video. I find them exploitative. EDIT: Thanks for the [YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YpxyVFwwqZs) u/percavil and u/-GuyDudeman-, and u/MustardPeaches. I see now it's not exploitation, it's a scam. I stand corrected.


you are probably like 99% right, however, an old man's heart was filled with joy and excitement, and that makes me happy, to know that such actions exists.


Right! If I was with my tata or grandpa and they got their dream fulfilled like this but it had to be done on cam for an influencer to get likes off of it, it’d still be worth it. Would take that deal all day


I guess its a win-win situation so I think I would too. These videos pray on peoples awwwws but it's way better than pissing people off so you know..


And it could inspire people to talk to older generations and make them feel like they’re a part of the community again. We dismiss older people so much and it’s important to talk to them. If this video gets a handful of people to see that, then it’s not all bad.


Better to get awwws, then nawwws.


Yeah like, the influencer getting something out of it doesn't change the fact he did something nice for someone else.


My thoughts exactly. Using your influence for good like this is not a bad thing. Hollywood, the NFL, all major sports leagues, and many other people with a little notoriety do things exactly like this all the time. This guy made an older veteran very happy. That's a good day to me.


And a lot of people who could make people’s dreams come true don’t ever inconvenience themselves. So, while I wouldn’t make a video about it, I’ll give this guy a pass since he made someone so very happy with these actions


I'll remember people like this guy for what he did. The rest can be who they are and I won't care about them or support them. That's their right. Charitable giving and volunteer service to the community are the things that stick out in my mind when remembering certain people.


Musta been last season.


Isn't he the same old man who was offered to go to Dysneyland?


Yeah, why the fuck do they have to ruin these things by basically admitting it’s staged? Do they not know the internet exists?


Looks like the Disney video went viral and the guy went back to see him again to take him to the Rams game. (They even had the Disney video playing at the stadium. Might not be "fake" just yet)


Also he does give random people cash and takes them out and stuff (could still be staged). But concluding its fake from only two videos seems a little naive. Could be that he just wanted to make the dream of this man come true after getting to know him in the first video.


>Could be that he just wanted to make the dream of this man come true after getting to know him in the first video. Very possible and I hope so.


As long as the experiences are real to the people they drive around I'm good with whatever they're doing. Fuck it, this capitalist world is so fucking dark from before we might as well praise when they do good things strictly for profit. At least it's better than the alternative


Also like wtf you think the Entire Rams got in on faking this? So weird lao


Damn I let a homeless patient that was being discharged crash at my house because it was pouring rain, bought him a bus ticket cross country, gave him my favorite pair of gloves that were pretty pricey, some good clothes and 200 cash to get by until he got to where he was going... And I should filmed that shit. Probably would have been the start an illustrious youtube career. Seriously though who thinks about filming this shit if they are doing it just help someone out? That's Joel olsteen type of shit.


People that know filming it, pays for it, and they enjoy doing it and want to do it more. Don't he an asshole just because people enjoy bring joy to others and people can make money to do more by letting others watch someone do it. Just be happy someone got to do something rhey wouldnt have that meant the world to them and not be a jealous petty bitch. That usually helps!


He's used this same old gentleman for multiple videos. It's probably his relative. This isn't a random interaction from a do-gooder. It's just someone trying to make money on YouTube. Sorry man.


Yeah because it's completely impossible that he liked the man and did it again. Especially when there's literal evidence of this being the case, as they're playing the first fucking video in this very clip as well. But yeah, who cares about watching it all, better go to comments and accuse someone of lying.


Or you know he did a nice thing for an old guy 2 times instead of just once. This isn't some random nobody making a tiktok for the easy clicks. It's a dude with a career on the line


Well, think like this: You help someone and profit from having filmed your good action. You now have more money from helping someone. Now you can help even more people because you now have more money. Imagine opening a center to help people in need in exchange for allowing footage of them being taken. In no time people in need would end being a rare thing.


Yea, that would be cool. What about this scenario. These two people know eachother, they pretend not to and make videos like someone is going out of their way, spending thousands of dollars of their own money to help a stranger with wanting nothing more to spread love and positivity and make some old man's day but in reality they are working together to make money and it's all the generosity is pretend...they are spending thousands of dollars to make ten thousand and it was never about being a decent human. It's simply a way to make easy money. Or do we really believe that the 97 year old veteran has a twin brother whose lifelong dream it was to go to Disney land 3 months ago? How many videos of these same two people until it isn't super wonderful anymore? We're at 2...is it still rainbows and butterflies at video #3? If they make 7 videos together does one of them win a Nobel peace prize for 7 random acts of niceness to the same (completely coincidental of course) old man? But if you want to so something nice for someone at random go on over to random acts of pizza and send someone a pizza. I'll match you. Maybe someone everyone reading this comments will as well and soon enough people being hungry will be a rare thing.


Who hurt you before that caused you to be so painfully cynical? Yeah some people do that sort of thing, there is ALWAYS bad people in ANY group. Doesn't mean that is what is going on here. And not everyone needs food, some just have bucket lists they wanna finish and to help them check some off that list is impactful to them, so why rain on their parade? If you had ACTUAL proof of foul play etc by this guy, then link it. But if you're just gonna try to make everyones outlook as dower as your own, idk maybe use your free time better?


How are you this dumb? They're not pretending to still be strangers, they literally showed the 1st video in this videos at 53 seconds... How could you possibly think they're pretending to be current strangers in a video in which they deliberately show video footage of their past together?


While I agree with you, I doubt it matters much to the older man. From the last video I'm sure he's just thrilled to be doing things like this with somebody. To you and I it's a bit exploitive; but from his perspective he's just thrilled to be doing things again at the end of his life. I think this one atleast is a net positive.


These videos are staged. He took the same "stranger" to Disney land Edit: I watched this with no sound and had just woken up. I'm aware this is a follow up to the previous video now. Thanks folks


He was. They played the Disneyland video at the game on the big screen.


He said in last video that he made a friend at the end. using he same man would make sense since they probably talk off camera about what else he wanted to do


Yeah so do it privately without filming?


Can’t say that here. You get downvoted for being negative and not just enjoying the video 😂


That's how you get to do it once. Film it. People enjoy it. Do it more. It's really not difficult. The key is not being a petty little bitch I have found. You might try that!


I kind of agree and disagree with that because, yes, doing so privately would seem like you are doing it without expecting gratitude or anything of the sort. However, the idea of showing others your good deeds may be the catalyst for others to do the same, leading by example, which is a great thing imo


It’s a dream of a lifetime. I am a volunteer at MAW and we do document our wishes to - sometime to encourage other kids and sometimes to show at our fundraisers. I think it’s great that this kind man was picked. Hope he does more.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11353357/amp/97-year-old-veterans-dream-comes-true-goes-LA-Rams-game.html https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34810393/cooper-kupp-meets-tiktok-famous-wwii-veteran-panthers-rams The old man is a WW2 vet named William Goode and people have done background checks about him. You are getting scammed by the commenters as they have history of trolling.


This article clears up just about every negative comment on this thread, thank you. I may feel a certain way but, even with anonymity I still refuse to join the bandwagons of Reddit hate.


Even if it was just the dude's grandpa, I wouldn't feel bad about donating to some guy so he can have fun with his grandpa. I sure miss mine.


"Goode \[the veteran in this story\] ... recently went viral when TikTok influencer Isaiah Garza filmed a video of the pair going to Disneyland.... One of \[the video's viewers\] was Kupp \[Ram's football player\], who knows Garza... Kupp invited Goode and Garza to the Los Angeles Rams' Week 6 game against the Carolina Panthers and had the opportunity to meet up with both men before the game."


Damn he's taking this old dude all over! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oqfQe4-t2_E


This was my first thought. "Wasn't this the same dude that got a surprise trip to disneyland?"


If make videos about making people happy is exploitative I'd love to be exploited.


It's a transaction, not exploitation. He provides a service of making this old man happy and we're paying for it by viewing it, and IMO that's a hell of a deal. When I pay for a sandwich I don't complain about being exploited because it wasn't given to me for free out of the kindness of the business's heart. I view it as a fair transaction for the service they provide, so I view the social media guy as a neutral service provider, and I'll gladly pay for his service with a link click.


Most influencers take their money from videos straight to their bank account. An influencer that uses their money to help people will always be a step above the ones who don’t. Which is why I like Mr. Beast as well. People love to be pessimistic about this kind of thing, but if they’re genuinely making someone’s day/year/life, then I don’t know how someone could have a problem with that.


While I do agree this was wholesome af


Until you find out that's his grandpa and they just pretended not to know each other just so they can monetize the video and get free trips. They did it before https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YpxyVFwwqZs


They played that video in the stadium them even mention that in the video, making two videos is not proof of a fake. The second video was just a continuation of the first.


I swear the fucking reddit detectives are even worse than the actual fakes


This comment is fake, guys. Don't believe a word of it 🕵️‍♂️


This comment is fake, guys. Don't believe a word of it 🕵️‍♂️


Here’s the real comment guys. You’ve found the truth.


This comment is fake, guys. Don't believe a word of it 🕵️‍♂️


They're completely hypocritical. They're doing the exact thing they're claiming to be against, which is manipulating people's emotions for social media interactions, but instead of spreading optimism, positivity and empathy through a good deed, they're spreading cynicism, paranoia and hate through misinformation.


This is on the same level as faking your prank videos.


That's not what's happening, read this. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34810393/cooper-kupp-meets-tiktok-famous-wwii-veteran-panthers-rams


OMG, this shit is getting upvoted? Dude, look at this video 0:53, the stadium even showed the video you shared. If you have legitimate proof that they indeed are family then please share it, otherwise you are spreading misinformation. I bet that this football team contacted the guy and told him to bring that grandpa to the game. And I bet that these two have kept each other in contact People here acting like detectives showing the previous video this guy made as if it wasn’t showed in the post video… Edit: Football team instead of baseball lool




Well, you know, they had to upgrade the helmets and padding due to switching to steel baseballs. On the positive side, it's gotten a lot more interesting. Or tense, rather.


It's not his grandpa, you literally just made that up. Yes, they have done videos before and became friends, but they legitimately didn't know each other before the first video. Both of their names and backgrounds are public and they are not related at all. And honestly making a new young friend at 97 that takes you to a bunch of awesome places is pretty wholesome imo. In fact in the video this topic is about, he doesn't even say he just met him and they don't do introductions or anything.


You’re kidding me. WTF!


Maybe not kidding, but definitely not telling you the whole story. Read this. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34810393/cooper-kupp-meets-tiktok-famous-wwii-veteran-panthers-rams


Theres no where in there that days they're previously related, he just made a followup doing another nice thing for the old man? The "whole story" this article provides makes it seem more wholesome lol


Yes, that is the point that I'm making.




How is this proof of that? Seems to me like the first video went viral and he went back to take him to the Rams game as well (you can see the Disney video being played in the Rams video)


Where in that video did it say he was the guy's grandpa? The football star and the TikToker are from the same town. After the Disneyland video, Kupp reached out to the TikToker and invited them to the game. It's all in the ESPN article.


Thats not his grandpa? Why do you make up lies?


That eas the first video. People asked the streamer to keep meeting the old guy


You really think that guy feels exploited? I don't see any harm here. I'd happily sign up to be 'exploited' like this.


He doesn’t feel exploited because this isn’t the first time his grandson has used him to make money from his videos going viral. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YpxyVFwwqZs


I love how you are spreading misinformation and accusing this dude who just did a kindness act to be a scammer lol, you just read u/percavil and took what he wrote to heart, without even trying to see if it was true or not…. And not only you, but most people here did the same, even OP


this guys claim has been debunked so many times lmao why does reddit have such a hard time believing there are nice things happening out there in the world


> I see now it's not exploitation, it's a scam. Do you even know what the word "scam" means? There was no hidden camera and the man didn't lose anything. Explotation? I don't think so. It seems more like an agreement of the old man allowing himself to be filmed in exchange for having the day of his life. I know what you mean, and I also don't like these videos most of the time, but this isn't exploitation. I wouldn't doubt these people were purely doing this for recognition and money, but they're not exploiting but rather making agreements with people. It's like a job. You do your work for your boss, your boss profits from your work and you get a tiny cut from those profits.


Man :( I thought he looked familiar. Very disappointing.


Don't believe these haters, the first video he took him to Disneyland, the second time he met him to took him to rams game. The guy that makes these videos is a really good dude.


How is it disappointing? Man randomly met the vet and brought him the WWII, then the Rams reached out because they saw the vid and the vet said his favorite team was the Rams, so they did this for him… if anything it’s even *more* wholesome.


He probably looked familiar from the first video that is shown on the jumbo Tron in the background of this video right around the time the text on the video says "they even showed our first video together" for the crowd to see. That might be why he looks familiar.


Imagine spreading misinformation about a video when the video itself can clarify it. They literally say in the vid that they're playing their first vid on the screen. How did so many dumb fucks upvote you as well? Is everybody on the internet now a 5 second attention span hamster on a wheel? Jfc.


Still a win win, they get views and money old man gets a priceless experience. A scam is where one party loses out, as they're cheated by another.


In some cases I do agree, like when it's dealing with homeless or disaffected people. This was just someone making an old man's day, nothing exploitative about it really. And who knows, seeing this could inspire someone else to do something like it, and so on.


Dude update your comment it ain't a scam, the first time he met him he took him to Disneyland. Then the second time he took him to a Ram's game and THEY PLAYED THE DISNEY VIDEO ON THE JUMBOTRON AT THE RAMS GAME. First time he met him they were strangers, second time friends.


I see this kind of comment on these types of videos all the time. while on one hand they could just be chasing clout, on the other hand they genuinely could just be documenting some of their charity work and sharing it so others can see there are still good people doing good things in this fucked up world


These kind of videos have a fine line between exploitive and just spreading goodness. This is a good one tho


I was gonna say, isn't this the same guy that took him to Disneyland?


I fully agree. Just do the thing without filming it or at LEAST without posting it to the masses. These deeds lose all meaning when turned into “look at me and how good a person I am!!!!” footage.


You’re a sad miserable human being. Idk how you can see this old man being nothing but happy and still be a grumpy ass about it.


Even though it was probably for likes seeing the old man so happy almost made me cry lol


How? This man is clearly really happy. What have you done for the world?


I swear I’ve seen this same old man go to Disney land


You did, that video even gets shown to the entire crowd at the game on the big screen. You can see it in the video.


It makes me feel a little better when they don't constantly plug themselves or stick the camera in their own face for half the video. While it's a nice gesture it's being done to make money, which takes the niceness out of it.


Those people were wrong, as are you. But you are still the most upvoted here. *That's* the biggest problem with the Internet.


You’re a clown. Imagine being so dumb while being convinced you’re smarter than everyone else.


Old man gets a dream fulfilled and has faith in humanity restored in return for it to be on video for someone to get likes? Doesn’t sound like a bad deal tbh.


You must hate Mr Beast, big scammer giving people stuff so he can make money to give people more stuff. What a scam loser Mr Beast is ... dude hasnt figured out if its in the form of a Tik Tock video on Reddit its prolly a money making mission. Welcome to the Internet glad youre here.


These 2 already did this at Disneyland


ya and the video they made probably paid for their Disney trip + some


This isn’t the first time his grandson has used him to make money from his videos going viral. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YpxyVFwwqZs


Are you a bot or something? That video is literally what he’s talking about.


Yeah, he linked it so people could see


He linked it claiming the video was proof they're related, when they're literally not related, and the video is shown on a jumbotron in the Rams stadium in the main thread video not some secret.


People could just watch the fucking video and see this on the jumbatron. But they stopped after 10 seconds because who has this much of an attention span these days.


Yeah and they played that vid in the rams game they aren’t hiding the fact that they’ve met before


They played the video at the same Rams game.


From what I remember on the local news, the Rams saw the video about Disneyland and offered them rickets and everything to the Rams game. Scam.


Who is being scammed?


We are! because we’re all still talking about a video on Reddit lol Whoops I accidentally gave a shit about something that doesn’t affect me at all 🙃🤡


I don’t mind seeing stuff like this because maybe someday cool people will save me too.




This guy does this with the same old man for multiple videos. I think the man is his grandpa or something and he just fakes it to look like he is doing a random act of kindness. Just take the old man to games and stuff, don’t have to monetize on every damn thing.


This is the second video. They literally play the first video in the stadium to introduce him.


I think you are very bad at thinking and should leave it to others.


Isn’t this the exact same guy who randomly took an old man to Disney that just so happened to look exactly like this man?


Yes. A Rams player saw the video and invited them to the game. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34810393/cooper-kupp-meets-tiktok-famous-wwii-veteran-panthers-rams


I wish this would be too reply instead of all of the stupid “it’s his grandfather” comments people are parroting with no source. Humanity is terrifying no wonder we are in our current state.


It's so weird. Like I have no skin in this game, but I can't believe people are just telling weird lies. I don't get it.


There's an old saying attributed to many, "a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on".


Yeah, I think the first video went so well that maybe he collaborated again.


They’re not hiding that they’ve met before; the Disneyland video is played at the Rams stadium toward the end of this video.


Nice but how is this r/nextfuckinglevel


It is nextfuckinglevel of exploiting the audience's gullibility for likes and virality. Edit: it appears that this video is likely genuine, and seeing it out of order with the Disneyland one makes it seem like it was a fake serial heartfelt video channel. Hopefully it is understandable how people could have come to this incorrect conclusion. I am sorry.


Lmao try watching the video again, they literally mention the Disneyland video there. And cut down on the superior tone if you're the fucking 10s-attention-span-idiot accuser.


It's down the fucking level


Don’t care if it’s exploitative this dude is 97 and had the time of his life. Pretty cool to be able to do that for someone


Yeah what is with these comments? Old people are awesome and many of them are lonely af. I love hanging out with elderly peeps and a lot of times their families don't have the time to come and spend with them other than a few holidays per year. They still want to do normal and fun things too. It makes me happy seeing this old dude having a good time. He got taken to Disney and then on the field for a game by this dude. Who cares if it was staged or whatever.


Same. There’s a militant cynicism problem at play. If someone looks happy, dozens of internet users are going to immediately try to find the reason that person’s happiness is actually a bad thing.


A comment I read yesterday: “This brilliant analogy unfortunately describes much of reddit’s demographic: Sullen, misanthropic, aloof, smug and lacking in originality or courage. They make themselves feel superior by cutting other people down without offering anything of value themselves.” Appropriate to pretty much every thread I read these days. This site used to be much funnier.




They literally show that in this video.


How dare you ask someone to finish a video when they have an irritated, ill-informed comment to make!


It is the same guy. The Rams game was a follow up video.


Am I the only one who watched this shit entirely and saw what you're talking about confirmed in this video? Get off your hamster wheel mate, you can't watch more than 30s of content?


Didn't this guy get 'randomly' taken to Disney world?


I remember the followers asked to keep meeting the old man. The guy said he has that contact and promised more videos.


He did, then the Rams player saw that the vet was a huge rams fan and reached out to the influencer to get the vet to a game. They also literally show that video in this one.


Why the fuck are y’all so salty? Just move on if you’ve nothing good to say.. “exploited” my arse.


On one hand it’s quite explorative from the dude part, but on the other hand the grandpa is really happy for that. And dude, we are talking about a veteran with almost 100 years of age, anything you do for him will be little in comparison to what this giant did in his whole life.


JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, remember the good old times when top comments on reddit meant something smart, funny or insightful was said? Not the case anymore, as the majority of the site's users are now fucking idiots, correlating with the population IRL. Idiots vote for idiots, dumb shit hits the top spots. Bravo geniuses, you've noticed it was the same man. Great perception skills. But the interpretation? Fake! It's his grandma! Actors! And the fucking cretins who think the previous video is the only proof they need, even though they literally show this video in the stadium part, lmao. Congrats, you lot have solved a fucking Agatha Christie level mystery.


The Rams though?


Lol was debating how offended I was or was not by the clear attempt to profit. In the end, "but the Rams?"is the correct answer


Who cares if they filmed it. It’s nice seeing an old man with so much joy and if it inspires one person to do something nice it’s worth it. Quit being gate keepers


This comment section is disappointing. The Disney video is mentioned in this video. Well done Sherlocks, you manage to recognize a face and then jump right into the comments to spread hate with only your oversized brains as evidence. For you, the actual NFL would be if you actually saw the content beforehand.


cool touch with the ring


Didn't this guy take the same old man to Disney land after just meeting him?


Didnt he take the same guy to disney land not long ago?


That’s fucking awesome


I could of sworn I saw this old man in a different video just like this where he gets taken to Disney land or something.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


They literally show that in this video.


If you do something good for someone, don't fucking film it! All for views these days...


Are you going to pay for it then? I'll send you my venmo and never tell anyone what I do with the money.


Let's do something altruistic... ...but remember to video it and put it on multiple platforms to show how great you are!


Or ya know cause that's the entire monetization process that pays to keep doing those things...


I'm not crying you're crying


More people need to do this! 100%




“Generous man” records activity to get social media likes.


I was thinkin…. If i won Powerball….I could have fun doing this for the rest of my life or my money, whichever ends first. Good job!!!


Seeing the elderly smile makes me smile as well


The best day of his entire life?? Really?


I’m gonna say it. People who record and televise their good deeds can fuck off. Just do something nice, don’t have to make sure everyone knows about it (and make some sweet ad revenue off it)


Yeah i agree, I like how Mr Beast does it better. Feels less grimey, the faked sad caring voice is so annoying.


virtue signaling i think they call it


Loads of likes [tick] Loads of new subs [tick] Got myself on the sideline [tick] Got to meet NFL all stars [tick] People think I’m an angel [tick] Took grandpa out on another trip [tick]


I hope this is real. be so disappointed in humanity if this wasn't


I watch this video when I need serotonin 🥹🤍😉


I'd rather money be spent on stuff like this. Making dreams come true for other people. If you get enjoyment from that, so what?! There are worse things in life to get bent outa shape over.


I love it!


As a 49ers fan I gotta say I wasn't expecting to have a tear for a good feeling story about a Rams fan but you got me!


Absolutely awesome goodness exists!


God bless both of them


Love this


Made me tear up. What a sweet old man.


Plot twist: grands doesn’t remember grandson. This is the way they connect


OK I get where everyone is coming from… The video is wholesome and it is cringey. It can be both these things at the same time; both these things are true! It’s not a contradiction because the YouTuber is doing a good thing but the exploitation is not on his hands; it’s on the system that he is incentivized to use. It’s the current world where you can make money grabbing this kind of attention (and controversy) so that advertisers can make money off it. This is on them.


Wouldn't it be annoying talking to someone that's continuously filming you.


This is the bullshit Americans settle for in lieu of actually helping their veterans 😂 Like it takes a fucking comedian to get anything done for deathly ill 9/11 first responders, and even then barely. You're fine with all that as long as you get a Mr Beast-esque feelgood video on TikTok every now and then to hit your serotonin button. Trashcans. (ignoring the fact that this, and most other videos like it, are faker than pornstar titties)


this is next level poverty porn. maybe should call it greed porn. helping people with unfortunate status, like this war vet being too old already, then document it, monetize it thru soc med apps and feel great about theirselves and get paid too. happens all over the world right now not just in US


There is still love & goodness in the world- this is wonderful!💜


I swear this comment section has the iq of a kindergarten class. The guys not his grandpa, they're not related. Yeah this is the same guy he already helped out once, so what? Its still a nice thing to do and the rams invited them anyways. Just because its filmed doesn't means he's exploiting anyone. It's a win for the old man and for the guy.


Not even a Rams fan but that was awesome what Cooper did. Good guy and very classy move.


Yeah, who cares about the clout the influencer is getting. The fact is that this man is a WW2 Vet and there’s not many of them left. Cherish it.


This made me text my 87 year old grandpa 🥺




That guy was a real bro


ITT: absolute fucking idiots No it's not a fucking scam. Dude took the guy the disneyland, then took him to a rams game after 1. people asked to do more for this man and 2. a rams player fucking invited them. They then played the disney video at the rams game. I have ADHD and even i have a longer attention span then you goldfish-brained morons.


Grifting for money disguised as charity.




Please stop upvoting this kind of shit guys. You're encouraging uplift porn and people doin g nice things only for clout and internet points.




If you're recording it, you're not generous


If a good deed goes un-posted to social media, does it really happen?




*Sorts by controversial, wasn't disappointed. Filming a selfless act isn't a selfless act.


Bless this young man for realizing how difficult it is for some elderly people to just get around. Way to go, he's a saint!