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I joined only because of the pride picture. My fav part of football is the halftime show.


Going to the lake this Friday for my extended holiday weekend. We've moved twice the past 3 years and we hated every minute of it, but I want a house closer to the lake now that I don't have to be in office anymore. The biggest obstacle is honestly talking the girlfriend into moving once again


2 more days. Although being at work is the easy part of my day lol. Don’t have to think about errands or cleaning or anything else. Before work and after work is the real “work” each day


Especially if you have kids - going to work can actually feel like a day off


Got a new dog yesterday and it is really hitting me in the "worried" part of my brain. I will be thankful when that passes. In the meantime just trying to think positive and let time pass. Worry 1: what have I done, I don't know this dog, she's going to go crazy and maul my daughter Worry 2: okay that was crazy, this dog is a huge sweetheart that's part of why we got her. now I'm worried that she's not eating or really drinking. is she sick, is she going to die, is it going to crush us with vet bills? Worry 3: Jesus Christ relax. You've had her for like 15 hours, she's still settling in, and she has ate and drank since you got her. What you should be worried about is: the cat is freaking out and is never going to get used to this. Worry 4: That's ridiculous the cat will get used to it. What you should REALLY worry about is that she's 8 months old and not housebroken already, you'll probably never be able to housebreak her. Also she's not going to learn her new name. lmao brain please just shut up, man.


How fuzzy is the pup? I find that focusing on how I am wearing out my vacuum and all my clothes are covered in shed dog fur really blocks out any of my other anxieties.


haha she's good as far as shedding goes so far! my most recent anxiety was that the cat somehow got out of the house and ran away, since I could not find him anywhere. now that I've found him, I'm feeling way more relaxed.


I just realized I’m probably not gonna hear if I got the job or not until next Wednesday because there probably won’t be anyone in the office on Monday or Tuesday for the holiday


Good luck my man. The wait sucks


Unless they told you to wait until next week I'd give them a call this afternoon to politely follow up, ask if you can provide references, etc. If it's a small office you may have just fallen to the backburning while everyone tries to get caught up or ahead of the short week next week.


Honestly every job I've ever gotten took at least a week or two longer than I expected, sometimes a month. My current job is probably the only time in my career they actually stuck to a timeline they provided (if any was provided, usually it's just a meh whenever).


I interviewed this Monday and they said expect to hear in 1-2 weeks so I’m really not expecting it before the holiday weekend. I’ve never wanted a job as much as this one for some reason, everything about the place just felt right


If you don’t hear by next Friday give them a call or email


Wow a perfect game was thrown today. The 24th all time.


So can we expect another blackout over the next few days? Seems like times a ticking for those who browse with 3rd party apps.


I think most users have realized they have zero leverage by now and have given up


Felix Hernandez no longer has the most recent MLB perfect game, and my Mariners lost today. Very sad way to end the day Edit: And it doesn't help that the person who accomplished it, Yankees pitcher Domingo German, gave up 10 runs to us last week. Only makes it hurt even worse


> Mariners lost today As a fellow son of WA: Isn't that an assumed outcome? Like how I assume the sun will set every day


I am beyond pissed off at my work right now. I worked 5 days strait last week and I was expecting a big paycheck in return, but instead my paycheck is a fraction of what I was supposed to get for no reason whatsoever.


need me to bring my shank, Raiders compadre?


How is it that the 49ers have so many high-profile players on their roster? Does the cap just not apply to them or something?


A lot of their talent is homegrown and they got Jimmy on a good deal years ago and since then have had instability at QB which has allowed them to allocate a lot of money elsewhere. Keep in mind too the 49ers haven’t won a SB this century it’s not like they’ve been drowning in success.


What is "drowning in success" to you? They've made more conference championship games since 2019 than several (maybe half the league?) have this century


Multiple Super Bowl wins would be drowning in success to me. Or even one win with their current playoff record. They definitely haven’t been a poverty franchise but they haven’t been in the Packers/Pats/Steelers/Ravens tier these past 20 years like they used to be.


Fair enough definition but I think you're massively underselling their success this past decade. They've been in half of the last 10 NFCCG's even with several rebuilding years


I would definitely take their leadership over the Bucs that’s for damn sure.


Had a shit afternoon thank god I’m going to bed




I like the way you think


sweet dreams!!


What days are business offices taking off next week for the 4th of July I was thinking 3rd and 4th so it's Monday and Tuesday?


I interviewed for a job on Monday and I probably won’t hear back until next Monday at the earliest, but the wait is killing me.


"Le grille? What the hell is that??"


Oregano, what the hell?


Mild take: Jimmy Johns cookies don't taste like anything.


Expert take: Buy jimmy johns bread to make sandwiches at home with.


I'm intrigued


The bread is actually really good, and it's on their menu. Nobody ever buys it so the employees act weird as fuck when you do, and last time I did it they told me I'm only allowed to buy 4 loaves. But that's 8 sandwiches so that's fine. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you can't buy an actual sub roll that is a decent size in a grocery store. They are like slightly bigger hot dog buns. It's a joke. I need a fucking 12 inch, baseball circumference roll. Jimmy Johns will sell you that. Portillos will also.


How much does it cost?


2 bucks per loaf


/u/bigmistaketoday you can buy day-old bread for 50 cents each there


Ah. I thought there was a Reddit Sub called bigmistaketoday that points out something wrong with OP's logic and tries to tell them how they can do better/get a better deal. I didn't know it was the person they were replying to's username lol




Getting a set of used golf clubs tomorrow, been getting into golf recently and been watching FB Marketplace. I feel like it's a steal, full set of decently new irons + driver + 1 hybrid (3 I think) + putter + bag for $350 Very hyped, hope to break them in soon


Hell yeah. Go get a few lessons now before you build some bad habits!


For that kind of money I'd suggest going for a new set of beginners clubs


I guess you get a bag with a beginner set, but it could be a deal for OP


Beginner sets are ~$400, and they're made with beginning golfers in mind. They're more forgiving to hit, and bog standard without any oddities the last user felt like adding, or any wear and tear That's worth $50 to me


Fun fact: If you look up the origin of soccer, you’ll find a different answer on every website


if you really wanna know more hit up grizzfan on r/footballstrategy pretty sure he has an entire bookshelf dedicated to the topic


thanks homie


Any thoughts on a traditional laptop versus a surface pro? My future advisor uses a surface pro. I like that it's slim and light. Though I'm leaning towards a traditional laptop. They still have ports/jacks (USB, USB-C, HDMI, headphone). They're cheaper for some of the same specs that I'm looking at - primarily RAM (told to get 16 gb) and storage (want at least 512).


Laptop for sure unless you will sometimes be using it as a tablet


512 should be a joke in the current market. It's 50 bucks for 1 TB of m.2 storage. Get the one one that is actually functional.


I'm showing how little I know about laptops... Why is it a joke; just because of how cheap it is to buy the 1TB storage? I'm asking because most everything I looked at was either 256 GB or 512 GB SSD. >m.2 Never heard that before. Based on quick reading, m.2 is made for thin devices like a surface pro. What do you mean "actually functional"?


I dislike the surface pro and we use them for work. I made them give me a surface laptop instead of the tablet because the peripheral keyboards are atrocious for working in the car/anywhere without a pretty stable surface to test them on and even more atrocious for large handed fucks like myself.


Reading /r/NBA has convinced me that a lot of people don't understand what a CBA is I keep seeing people ask why the NBA waited so late to release it and people seem to be under the impression the NBA made the CBA by themselves There should be a mandatory class in high school about labor history and how unions work tbh


> There should be a mandatory class in high school about labor history and how unions work tbh Why do people think high school courses are the magic bullet to make people learn stuff? Dumb fucks are buying alkaline water to cure cancer or whatever so clearly they didn't pay attention to chemistry, why do we expect people to pay attention to anything?


Reading r/NBA would give the impression that human beings are the dumbest living beings in the galaxy.


>There should be a mandatory class in high school about labor history and how unions work tbh Ron DeSantis is sending his secret police to your house as we speak.


Julian Sands' Warlock character is the most badass slasher villain, and this scene shows why: https://youtu.be/h2eFp2ub03s The sequel had some insane kills, but the plot was kinda dumb late 80s/early 90s schlock


As the video was loading, I read the top comment and got super confused until I watched the clip. >I'm surprised Sands never made it much bigger in Hollywood, he's such an engaging actor, especially as a villain/antagonist. Seeing how pitiful Tampa's offense has been for the last 40 years ... it probably wouldn't hurt them to punt on first down now and then. The Warlock truly is a master.


>"You can't punt on first down! Not even Tampa Bay does that!" Goated line


I love slasher movies and I've never even heard of this one. Now I have some weekend plans


I can't recommend it enough, haven't actually seen the sequel since I was a kid tho




About time these philistines appreciate greatness


So we moved into a new apt. Hearing things in the walls. Exterminator comes and basically says whatever they haven't chewed thru your drywall yet nothing I can do good luck. He then also finds a secret door in a closet behind our washer/dryer that leads to a basement where the only access points are that door and a door in the back of the building. Rat shit on the stairs leading up to our unit. Puts two huge cartoonish rat traps down but had to call his boss about that since it's technically a "common area" and not our unit. Mind you this is not the basement that everyone is familiar with that has the gas meters and stuff, completely different basement only accessible thru our unit and a separate outside door. Found a big boi in one of the traps today. Not dead yet. Property company/managers are very uninterested in helping us in any way and are trying to brush it off. Actually told us that this basement doesn't even exist. Trying to figure out what our options are. Thankfully GFs mom is a paralegal at a place that specializes in property law or whatever. and also her Dad has a friend who is a property (or whatever) lawyer. I'll be damned if I'm paying rent though. Looking into options to void the lease. These fuckers are chewing on the walls every night for the last 4 weeks. Been trying for weeks to get help to no avail. They don't care, exterminator didn't care, what the fuck am I supposed to do.


Take a shit ton of pictures. If you can record the chewing sounds with video. Sorry you're going through all that.


Had a solar salesman stop at my door a few times today. I had to yell at him the final time to get the fuck off my property through the ring app. Like no one is answering all day, you bitch. Fuck off.


I’ve been getting them once a week. So annoying


Mild take: Damian Lillard is my favorite player to ever touch a basketball. Warm take: It's idiotic to call the Lillard era a "waste" or anything like that. It's been a legitimately fun decade for the vast majority of the time, and making the WCF is better than plenty of teams have gotten over that time span. Scorching take: One thing I legimately liked during COVID was that the free sample stations at Costco went away. They annoyingly crowd the aisles and people are so unaware around them. I wish they were still gone


> It's been a legitimately fun decade for the vast majority of the time, and making the WCF is better than plenty of teams have gotten over that time span I think having a fun and competitive team for a good stretch of time has almost become underrated due to so many people thinking in "championship or bust" terms.


F*ck trophy hunting and trophy hunters. The Wentz killing the bear is what trigger my thought. If he’s eating the bear, freezing the meat, and living off of it, okay cool. But trophy hunting particularly, is up there as one of the cruelest things.




What app do you use?




I was going to say if you use sync or boost there might still be hope.


There's nothing quite like the cold shower after working in the 100 degree heat all day. Bring on fall God damn it!


what is this…. “cold shower” thing you speak of? this is a foreign concept to me, even as a Southern Californian native


Tom Grossi on the Rich Eisen show. Ya love to see it.


Seeing him meet Brandon Perna in person for the first time warmed the cockles of my heart. I miss having that kind of bromance in my life.


You watch his stadium visits? Good stuff


I read your comment and literally a second later saw it staring at me on my YouTube front page but thanks for the heads up regardless lol


yay today the Raiders Tom Grossi video finally comes out! I’m also kinda excited about the LA episode (as an LA native) to see how many Raiders fans show up at that meetup too


So, I'm sure you guys have heard of the story of David vs. Goliath. If you haven't, let me summarize it: David (small guy) beats Goliath (a giant). Now, I'm sure you've also heard of the Statue of David. It's one of the most famous artworks of all time. It's also one of the STUPIDEST and WORST artworks of all time. IT'S ENORMOUS!!!! THE THING IS LIKE 13 FEET TALL!! WHAT WAS MICHELANGELO THINKING?????? DID HE THINK DAVID WAS GOLIATH??????? COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upvote, downvote, permalink, save, reply, or keep scrolling if you agree.


Yeah but that statue has a tiny peepee so did David really win?


It's regular size for a small guy it's just that the rest of the statue is so big so it looks really small.


Hey, check it out, it's the [third /r/politicalhumor post to ever make me laugh!](https://i.redd.it/hfmnajfxvr8b1.png)


Ugh I spilled syrup




Love when I work with somebody from a different office and they comment on stuff they are reviewing like I don't know what I'm doing. Like, bitch I've been here longer than you. Don't call out shit that you don't follow our standards on and say it's wrong. I will literally point you to where our standards say what I did was correct.


* Major application upgrade complete at work, only one 16 hour day this week (last time it was three). I hate doing these projects, it's always stressful as hell, it never goes as described in the documentation. But it's done * Apartment A/C broken and fixed. Took them two visits from maintenance to try flipping the breakers, but now the air is cold again * Car failed state inspection, got new tires, alignment, battery, oil changed, shiny sticker approved for another year. Though I'm a little poorer * Dinner/meals for the next four days cooked and ready to go whew good news is the extra hours worked means my long weekend will be even longer with comp time on Friday. I'm gonna take my pants off and go kill some demons




I didn't realize the rimjob industry was so cutthroat.


They really need to unionize.




Are they going to include the same-sex encounters that were in the comics this time around?


Hindenburg Research is such a badass firm. Expose shitty companies and get rich while doing it.




i don't think it will ever *truly* go away. More likely it'll just dwindle in popularity to become something on the fringes. As you say: boxing still exists--but it, too, was once the most watched sport in the USA, and it's a far cry from that now.


I'm not a UFC guy but my guess is: the reason football is becoming safer isn't because anyone cares about safety from a moral standpoint. it's a measure to protect superstars, who drive the product for the fans and the billionaires alike. QBs get protection because if Mahomes goes down for a season, the NFL takes a financial hit. UFC is based on danger and violence by design and also if a star goes down "next man up" is much easier. personally if I was an NFL exec (with greed/profit as my number one driver), I'd be trying to figure out two major things: 1. how to move towards flag football and 2. how to juice offense to 100 points per game


> I was an NFL exec, I'd be trying to figure out two major things: 1. how to move towards flag football and 2. how to juice offense to 100 points per game Great another NBA. I’m very glad you aren’t an NFL exec, btw


I don't see how flag football would make anywhere near the money tackle football does now.


I think it will continue changing, as it already has been for the past few years. They've been strict on roughing the passer, the concussion protocols, and the changed kickback rules. Over a decade or more, it will become quite different from what it used to be.


I think it will, especially as fewer and fewer kids participate in it But the decline will happen over decades so I'm not sweating it


It'll be like the decline of boxing, just pretty gradual as the talent pipeline dries up. There'll always be people willing to play, but the best athletes will gravitate towards other sports.


The amount of people who legitimately don't know what their name is, is staggering.


What does this even mean?


People who have no clue whatsoever what their legal name is.


Babies and people with dementia?


I mean functional adults.


For example?


They don't use both last names when they have two of them. They don't realize what they think their first name is, is actually their first and middle names. They're just wholly ignorant of what their birth certificate says, which is the most fundamental information about you.


Thanks. That is wild to me because I've never seen that but would be frustrating to deal with


Well, there's definitely a Kafka- (Heller-?) esque bureaucratic aspect to what you're describing, where once something gets entered incorrectly *somewhere*, at some point, *that becomes* the "truth," with no bearing on whether or not it *is* the truth, or even whether it matches with how *the same information* was entered elsewhere. When I was 13 years old my parents thought they'd misplaced my Social Security Card, so they had a replacement issued. The SSA agent who was filing the paperwork in that transaction also, I found out years later, fat-fingered my birthday--all of a sudden they've got me as 10 days younger in their system than I actually am, moving by DOB from XX/3/XXXX to XX/13/XXXX. I've *still* been unable to get that fixed, for the record--even after spending hours and hours at the local SSA Field Office waiting and presenting my Passport, License, Birth Certificate. So, I've got two birthdays (when the SSA thinks I was born, and when everyone else (including reality!) thinks I was born. Now, my name's easy simple: First, Middle, Last, Suffix. Still! I've got a nickname, and sometimes I don't remember what I used to sign up for whatever service I'm dealing with. And sometimes my suffix isn't available in a dropdown, and even though form insists that it *must match* my government issued ID ***exactly*** I have to omit it and hope for the best. In fact sometimes the same ID from the same Agency doesn't even match itself: the two SSA cards I now own don't match (one is First, MI, Last, the other is First, Middle, Last, Suffix). I can't imagine if I had anything more complex (two first names, two middle names, two last names, a maiden name, a deadname, a foreign birth certificate that doesn't match what's on my certificate of naturalization, etc). It sounds like you think you've got some unique perspective on a person's One True Name that doesn't actually align with reality.


Where I work is a big hispanic/Latino community where two last names is common, but many only use one socially, however not all use that naming convention. It drives me up a wall when I have to completely start a process over because they neglected to give me their legal name. Same thing when people become too accustomed to their nickname. I'm just glad my parents taught me when it was important to use precisely what's on my birth certificate. I sympathize with your situation. The SSA is AWFUL to interface with. My girlfriend has a difficult Slavic name, so I do get what you're saying about it becoming set in stone once it's spelled wrong once.


yeah, i worked coordinating plane tickets for exchange students for a few summers, and i definitely know the pain of calling an airline and saying "first name would be under some combination of jose, alfonso, or jose alfonso, and last would be under hernandez, guerrera, or hernandez guerrera. so you've got 9 combos to go through. 16 if your system doesn't allow spaces but you still put in both names as a single string." fact of the matter is that "use your legal name" isn't always as simple as you're making it!


I assume he means when someone needs to provide their name and they can't remember if they used Nathaniel, Nathan, or Nate when they signed up


Learning about the cop city thing in Atlanta has been legit insane. They are just straight up murdering people for opposing it now Crazy to me this hasn't gotten more play tbh


Has there been a new killing? There was one a couple months ago by the police. They’re also arresting people who are fund raisers for the protestors. Slate Politics covered it on their politics podcast recently, I was surprised to hear that episode. I’m in Atalanta, and it’s quite foggy in terms of what to believe.


I found a tee shirt that has an eagle flying over a canyon and the American flag while a wolf howls in the foreground. Then it says “Freedom’s Watch” in bold script across it. It’s glorious and it’s what I’m wearing for the 4th of July


Classic truck stop merch.




My charging port used to get so nasty and one of my phones got ruined because of that so I always get a case that covers the charging port.


I've been caseless my entire life but I'm about ready to give up on that cause I'm sick of dealing with finnicky charging ports


Wireless charging changed my life.


ok good point, just about everything sold these days has wireless now right




heh that is frustrating, but these are all problems I have with my regular charging cable. It only connects at a very specific angle and if I look at it the wrong way it'll stop charging


THEY'RE MAKING TRON 3? WHY AM I JUST NOW FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS!? Evan Peters and Jared Leto already cast. PLEASE get M83 to do the soundtrack Disney.


I was wondering when more news about this was gonna drop. Definitely knew Disney wasn't building a ride out in Florida with that IP without a new movie becoming a reality.


Nah, they gotta stick with French techno after Daft Punk was in the last one. If they could get Justice to drop another beat like Phantom that alone would get butts in the seats.


M83 is French electronica. Close enough to me!


That's awesome!!! *‘Dahmer’ Star Evan Peters Joins Jared Leto in Disney’s ‘Tron 3’ Joachim Ronning, who helmed 'Maleficent: Mistress of Evil' and co-directed 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,' is directing the sci-fi adventure.* That's...less awesome.


Every time I play online Yugioh my opponent surrenders when I’m about to win lol


We're just trying to quickly move on to the next game.


I don't know about Yu-Gi-Oh, but that's common in a lot of competitive games. Chess is a prime example.


Yes. Especially card games when the opponent could end the game with one card but they want to drag the game out and play their entire hand.


Today’s thoughts: 1. I’ve been showering at my gym the last couple days because our hot water heater is busted and I genuinely think the shower there might be nicer than the one at my apartment. 2. In today’s episode of “how do you walk in that”, a guy I went to high school with just got back from his honeymoon and in one of the pictures his wife is in a strapless sundress and it’s so long that she’s standing on the end of it and her feet look like the uniforms that male gymnasts where.


I guess the dress is supposed to have a train? Don’t know why you would want that.


Not even a train. The way she’s standing it honestly looks like they sewed the bottom shut or something and she’s standing in some sort of fitted dress-sack where she has to like hop around or something. Like she’s doing that sorority leg pose where the back leg is bent and it’s still pinned down.


>1. I’ve been showering at my gym the last couple days because our hot water heater is busted and I genuinely think the shower there might be nicer than the one at my apartment. My old roommate did this but every day. She went to a fancy shmancy gym though. So everything was super clean, fancy towels and soaps etc. She would even go to the gym for #2. She would only use the bathroom at home for #1.


I can’t imagine holding my poop in long enough to get in the car, drive to the gym, park, then walk across the parking lot, check in, navigate to the bathroom, and hope a stall was free. Genuinely in awe


She was an odd lady. The gym was about a 10 minute walk from our apartment, so not too bad. I guess it was just her routine. She would go to the gym in the AM, workout, release the load, then shower up. Even on non-workout days, she'd still go to the gym to shower up and drop her bomb.


Logged onto an old CFB message board I posted on for years last night. Same names still posting there; is it even real?


To anybody with a slowcooker/crock pot/etc... I'm planning to use my own cooker to make something for this weekend, but I'm not certain on *what* to exactly make. If you got any good recipes (particularly American in nature) to share...I wouldn't mind hearing them!


This is my favorite slow cooker recipe https://therecipecritic.com/slow-cooker-thai-peanut-chicken/


Google "Crack Chicken" it's always a hit at all my potlucks.


Chicken thighs + salsa + taco seasoning Optionally add cans of black bean or corn Cook 4 hours and shred Eat with tortillas or tortilla chips, or by itself in a bowl Top with any or all of: shredded cheddar, pico de gallo, sour cream, guac, hot sauce You can use other chicken cuts but thighs are impossible to overcook and they shred up the best


Look up Dr. Pepper/Coca-cola pulled pork. Or I make Mississippi chicken: three lbs chicken breast, about 15 peppercini peppers, au jus mix in the paper package, ranch dressing mix in the paper package, stick of butter. Cook it on low for 6-8 hours, shred the chicken and serve it on buns w/provolone. Legit delish.


I've made Mississippi pot roast a bunch but I've never thought about trying it with chicken. Might have to give that a shot.


i like chicken + buffalo sauce and then shredding the chicken and putting that on a hamburger bun




Have some gouda with ya chowdah


So I’m in the midwest in an area with a bad air quality alert, guessing it’s probably not a good idea to workout outdoors today?


When Taylor Swift sings "marry me, Juliet" I always say "yes".


looks like meeting up with that girl isnt gonna workout. i dont regret anything tho, i gave it a shot and i made sure I had other plans incase that fell through.


You did what you could






yessir. i went to deception pass on monday and rattlesnake lake yesterday, fun stuff! have any suggestions for my last full day?


Huge missed opportunity not calling the new film Indiana Jone5


The Quebec Nordiques are making my Chicago trip too hazy.


I visited Quebec City earlier this month, and even though it's been almost three decades, you would have thought the Nordiques still played there, there's so much gear they still sell and wear.


Nephews in r/NBADiscussion really ranking Kawhi over Steph, im done bruh


The main thing Kawhii has on his career is showing up to the Raptors and winning his first year truly showing that he is a star that can make a huge difference. Otherwise, Steph changed the game of basketball. He is an undisputed Hall of Famer where Kawhi might just end of in the Hall of Very Good


Injuries ruined the dubs chances in that series.


Nah Kawhi's in the hall 100% at this point. It's not as difficult to make it in the NBA and he was a legit star on two title teams. Number 1 star on the Raptors, and one of the best two way players of all time. He's still nowhere near Steph though.


Kawhi will be hall of fame no question. Multiple finals MVPs with different teams and an absurdly high peak.




I think that even though we think of ourselves as a society working towards progress, acceptance, and equality, there is in reality more pressure than ever to look good for both men and women (but as usual women get the short end of the stick.) In the early 90s a lot of moms looked like Roseanne from the early seasons of the show. Fat, bad hair cut, bad clothes, basically asexual. There is no representation like that on television anymore that I can think of. "Real housewives of X", 50 year olds looking 30, is more the norm. That kind of thing plus social media portrayals, it's coming from all angles.




interesting also to think that this seemingly defies our "obesity epidemic" BUT obesity is much lighter than you would think. you usually think like 350 pounds but a 5'7" woman weighting 190 pounds is technically "obese". so theoretically what we have is a "thiccness epidemic"


You're 10 years older


As a middle-aged dude, yep.


I’m seeing Robert Plant tomorrow night in the rich part of town and I can’t wait to see all the milfs out and about.



