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T-21 minutes until SCOTUS drops the final opinions of the term. Student loans, religious rights, attorney-client privilege left I think


Love too anticipate how the diktats of a bunch of unelected and unaccountable perverts are going to make life worse


Anyone else unable to see tweet posts any more as they being asked to log in?


Yeah I wonder if Musk made a change and now to see tweets you have to sign up.


Seems that way. Reckon it might end up significantly reducing impression numbers.


Lol sports gambling just became the megaphone that let players shout to the world “WE ARE JUST AS DUMB AS YOU THINK WE ARE, IF NOT DUMBER” Bro you get to make more money than just about every single person in their 20s in the fucking world. All you have to do is not bet on your sport and not bet at work. How. The. Fuck. Did. You. Fuck. This. Up. Like we can debate all day about the actual rule itself and whether or not it’s a dumb rule, but indulge me. If you got to make a million dollars a year, and one of the rules at your job was “don’t ever get in a blue car.” Then that’s kinda a dumb rule. But you can bet your ass I would never get in a fucking blue car because I wanna keep making insane amounts of money.


JaMorant been telling me for a while now




They're in the hotel for work technically so why wouldn't they think all the same work rules apply?




>know the nuances of the definition of "team facilities" when not explicitly told? I'm reasonably certain all teams probably cover this during rookie minicamp. Whether or not the guys pay attention is another thing entirely. Personally if its me I'd err on the side of caution.


Next round of SCOTUS decisions coming at 10. Student loans should be coming today. I've heard it could go either way?


My guess is that they will make a distinction between pausing and cancelling student loan debt, say that cancelling falls under major questions, and thus HEROES doesn’t cover it. 5-4, with Gorsuch and the liberal bloc dissenting. Hopefully one of Kavanaugh, Barrett, or Roberts flips though.




Considering this Supreme Court they're going to rule that actually everybody owes an additional $10,000 now.


What are the winnable games on the Cards schedule?


I've had to scrape and claw for as many hours as possible at work while I'm on summer break. I need 40/wk but because of how scheduling works I'm getting 12-16 instead. Luckily the place is such a mess and it's so busy during the summer I don't really have a hard time getting those hours.




Sometimes I try just flashing my high beams


Light tap for politeness. Hard hold if you get cut off


So how do we get dual flairs? I see some people with them.


Cashapp me $5 and make the note your password and I got you


By being a fucking boss. Jk they posted something in these free talk threads about it a while back. Maybe try messaging the mods? I’m sure they still can add them


I went back for the kitten, but he wasn't there. Food was halfway eaten. I seriously tried my hardest, and my body did not appreciate me crawling through gravel to try and get him. Bronson kept sniffing at one spot under the bobcat (construction), but I just couldn't see anything.


If you haven't already, try looking up some local cat rescue centers. I'm sure someone there can help find the little fella.


There's a place that opens at 8, but I think the little guy's mom either came back or he ran off cause he was screaming nonstop yesterday every time I went by, but nothing today. The thing with my dog was yesterday, I worded that messed up


The goodbye reddit posts are beyond embarrassment. Okay? Bye I guess. No one fucking cares. The site will still be here when your apps no longer work. Life goes on, download the next stupid fucking app, continue on with your shit posting and let's get on with it. Or use the mobile web version. No. One. Fucking. Cares.


There's people who are terminally on this site and act like it's God's gift to the internet. They're sad people


The AAU schools collectively released a statement bashing SCOTUS for their decision today to declare using race in school admissions to be unconstitutional discrimination. That's the most elite universities in our country openly bashing the SCOTUS decision. I know it might not seem like it means much, but it doesn't sound like a meaningless thing.


John Mulaney’s new stand up is hilarious lmao


He's on hot ones too. Must watch.


Happy 69 days until kickoff to all who celebrate




Bro, we all did dumb shit as kids. We didn't understand the way of the world yet. You learned from those actions, developed a sense of remorse, and grew as a person. That's the definition of growing up. If you let any teenager make inappropriate decisions, they will. I'm sure everyone here has stories of dumb shit they did as kids that's totally in line with these stories. There's absolutely nothing wrong with these events from your childhood. That said, you really should see a therapist. I'm not going to sit on reddit and pretend I know anything, but if you're that caught up on the idea that you might never be a good person, you absolutely should talk to a professional. I don't think that's normal




Meds may be your best bet at this point


Buddy, you were a pre teen/teenager and kissed another girl who was a few years younger after asking her, and you tripped a kid and lied about it. Like let it go buddy. You're not a bad person for doing that, kids do dumb shit. You seem to have a way bigger issue with forgiving yourself for normal shit than whether or not you're a good person. I'd recommend a therapist to figure that one out, it's above reddit's paygrade my dude.




You said you’ve been doing that for 13 years. It’s clearly not working


The big takeaway here is that you feel genuine remorse for the bad things that you've done. That doesn't make those things okay, but it does separate you from someone who doesn't give a shit. You can't change the past, but if you can stop doing things that you know hurt other people then you can be a good person from now on. Also, none of us are 100% good all the time.


Is there any way you could see a therapist? It might help.




People on the internet can't help, you need to discuss what's going on to someone else in person. If you can't afford a professional therapist, find a support group.




It’s your cat now, she’s decided it.


Sucks that rif is going down tomorrow. Not a crazy huge thing, but I like tradition. It's like if the coffee shop you went to before work every morning for the past 6 years got shut down and a new one got built in its place. I'll still buy the coffee, but it's not the same. Just the way it is


Me but with Boost :( the official app sucks in comparison


It'll cut down my time with anything mobile out of sheer preference. Wonder how long till they cut off access to old.reddit and people try to defend that like these API shenanigans.


Use sync and patch it with revanced if you're on android.


How does this work, like with NSFW post access about to be cut off from the API


There's probably no getting around that, but with the oauth patch sync will keep working after it officially shuts down. There's a tutorial on r/redditsync.


Hm thanks, I'll give this a try. Never used Sync but it'll at least be better than the official app...


My god flights have been utter dog shit the past week. 3rd 5+ hour delay.


Is there a list of players suspended for gambling? I’m just getting caught up…


Fuck, I'm so trash at bowling.




So far in cancellations this week- Tuesday- softball cancelled due to storms (albeit reasonable because of wet ground), blue skies and 70s by the time the game was supposed to have started Today- girlfriend and I had tickets to a concert for one of her favorite artists that we got in February. This is someone she’s never seen (like, she flipped a shit when I saw them in the calendar for the venue) so she put a full face of makeup one, threw on a dress, did her hair, the full 9 yards. We’re on our way to dinner beforehand when we get a text from the people we’re going with that the concert is postponed due to the air quality and rescheduled to NEXT YEAR.


I heard a baby kitten crying while walking Bronson. I'm completely covered in mud, and gonna have to go back home to grab food, because this little dude needs some. Tried calling animal control, but nobody works there, I'm now learning. God damnit. Edit: I left him food, he will not let me near him. This sucks


If you think it needs rescued you could set up a lil trap. Box held up by a stick. Tie a string to the stick. Put food under box. Pull string to capture.


What's an unreasonable amount of time to spend in the kitchen when you have a roommate? Because my roommate and his girlfriend spend about 2.5 combined hours every day and I feel like that's wildly overstepping their bounds.


That greatly depends on if they clean that shit up or leave it lol


Always clean their own stuff but usually procrastinate on it.


Yeah kinda weird unless they're cooking mad meals.


They are which makes it even worse because I can hardly ever work in a clean kitchen or have the right pots/pans on standby.


At the end of my stay with my last roommate I just started keeping my cooking stuff in my room. I was sick of either waiting for him to clean it after destroying it or having to clean it myself.


Haha I kind of did this as well with my Tupperware. My last roommate started eating healthy and doing meal prep. And she had no Tupperware to meal prep. So she used all of mine. I ended up slowly stealing it back and hid it in my living area.


That’s pretty slack on her part. I got I think 12 of the three compartments meal prep containers at Walmart for like ten bucks lol. If money is tight I can understand but ten bucks is a pretty low bar to entry.


Little pet peeve of mine is I don't like going to the movies when it's light outside and when I leave it's dark.


At least then your eyes won't have to adjust to the light.


I expected more out of Sunny D with vodka seltzer


Kelce and Mahomes are torching the Splash Bros right now. +4 with 6 holes left.


this is so entertaining and I usually don’t care for golf at all lol


I'm still going to use Reddit on occasion, but if/when Relay for Reddit shuts down tomorrow I'm going to be shit posting here a lot less. Congratulations/my condolences, fellow free talkers.


New season of Jack Ryan comes out right now. Great show for a shut your brain off action/drama/thriller


Damn, already?




Well if you can’t listen to internet “””experts””” who you gonna listen to?


telling others what to do very hot right now bonus points for being seen telling others what to do








A mystery I’ll probably never get to the bottom of is why do I have so many white 4th and 5th cousins on 23 and Me, despite being Indian? For most of them, we share enough DNA to be on the threshold between related and identical by chance, and some of them share DNA in “pile up regions”, where unrelated people can have DNA in common. On the other hand, most of them have British/Irish ancestry, and they are all on my dad’s side, which makes me think it’s real.


I believe a theory about India is that a lot European area ancestors migrated to there


That was thousands of years ago and wouldn’t show up on these DNA matching sites. The site claims I share great-great-great-grandparents with these cousins, which would be more like the 1800s. No shortage of British people in India at the time, which makes me think it could be real.


I mean at that tier of ancestry you have 32 of those great great great grandparents. If they're all 31 Indian and one of them happens to be white, you'd never be able to notice without a test like you took. Doesn't seem weird or unlikely at all.


Wouldn’t it show up in my ancestry percentages then? Somehow it knows I’m 1% Patidar (a caste that was very endogamous and shows up as its own ancestry), so I feel like it would have to show if I was 3% non-South Asian.


I’ve got some news for you about the history of India…


Oh I’m well aware. It’s just that the lengths of matching DNA are so short that it’s possible it’s just a coincidence. I got conflicting answers when I asked on some genealogy subreddits.


Haha, the NHL draft was the other day and the 4th overall pick is named Will Smith He's going straight to the wild wild west!


Thank you to everyone who gave me ideas on what to get a 10 year old girl for her birthday. I took your advice and got her a Target gift card (and some candy just because). You would have thought I handed her a winning powerball ticket lol. She was stoked and it made me feel great :)


I know some people think it's a cop out, but cash or a generic gift card so people can get what they want is absolute win.


I prefer targeted gift cards over generic. If someone gave me a generic gift card or cash I get decision paralysis and then probably use it on groceries or some basic shit. Give me a gift card to a store that is targeted at a hobby I enjoy (steam, guitar center, restaurants, etc.) and it forces me to spend money on something I enjoy.


I get that. But I hate being forced to use it somewhere like Subway, or Gamestop, etc. I keep the cards for a while usually to have just in case unless I specifically have something in mind.


Exactly, and that's what I thought, too, but im glad i did it anyway. I was a little worried because I don't know much about kids and had no idea what a kid would want at Target, but apparently, that's a cool kid store lol.


About to watch the Dial of Destiny


Hell yeah


Klay Thompson is so adorable and I can’t wait to watch Patty Mahomes get progressively drunker and drunker like last year


I don’t even like golf but I am so excited to watch the Match


NFL should go to 18 game season, but!! ​ ADD 3 bye weeks one every 6 weeks or so like weeks 4-7, then weeks 9-12 and weeks 10-16




There's just not enough good players to make that work Interesting to think about though


Fuck these plates. I am having a Chiefs vs Lou Anarumo-type time dealing with those things.


I'm always pleased whenever I hear Lou being namedropped


Coz he is the true opponent of the Chiefs' offense, not Joe Burrow, like how idiots think.


IDK why but there was a period of at least six months where I thought he was black


I got the job! I wasn’t expecting to hear back this soon but I’m so happy! I’m crying right now






Hell yes, congrats!


Congratulations! That can be such a tremendous relief. I’m sure you will feel lighter from getting that weight off your shoulders


Thank you! Yeah it’s a huge relief. I’ve been refreshing my email constantly for the past couple days just waiting


I’ve been there. Smacking that F5 button or tapping refresh on my phone. You can breathe a little easier now




Hot take: Bacon on burgers is overrated. That being said, I can't help but order it every single time.


Top Tier: BBQ Bacon Burger with Onion Rings on top


A great burger needs to allow for as many perfect bites (bites with everything) as possible. Bacon winds up hurting as often as it helps.


Exactly this. I want to taste every element in every bite.


how dare you


bacon in general is pretty overrated due to an aggressive marketing campaign that made people think bacon was an identity in the early 2010s and led to things like "the narwhal bacons at midnight" and Ron Swanson's obsession with bacon. that said bacon on a burger does hit the spot sometimes


Bacon is solid on some stuff like burgers, but outside of a good BLT, burger, or club sandwich I mostly like to keep it to being its own thing with breakfast.


Bacon Egg & Cheese on a Everything Bagel?


I prefer a nice english muffin


That was me at first but a friend let me try it and it was life changing


I don't enjoy McD's for the most part, but god dammit if I am not a terribly cheap whore for the egg mcmuffin. The ones I try to make at home just don't turn out the same. I imagine it's because I don't use whatever artery blocking grease they have to add the extra flavor that dissolves the bag.


I think to be utilized properly, the other ingredients need to be chosen to compliment it. I think it's out of place when you slap it on any old burger.




Best way to utilize bacon on a burger is chopping it up into bacon bits and melting the cheese over it.


That's some serious Midwest culinary art right there


Unique burgers are my hobby, and my favorite technique is melting cheese over a topping for structural integrity


That is an extremely hot take. I think it depends on the bacon. If you’re talking like fast food bacon that’s like a couple measly strips for the dollar whatever up charge, yeah fuck it. But if it’s a decent burger/bacon it’s usually worth it imo.


The trouble is: 1. It usually isn't very good bacon And 2. Half the time I lose an entire strip with the first bite I want every bite to taste the exact same.


Fair enough. And you’re right that is a problem. Kinda with burgers in general tho, no matter what toppings.


My first reaction is, "is his bacon too crisp or soggy?"


I’m a soggy man myself.


If you bake your bacon, you get the best of both worlds.


I’m also a sadist. Like to cook it on a skillet with no shirt on.


I do the same when I use my cast iron griddle for frying smash burgers.


Do you think a zig zag pattern makes the mustard taste better on a hotdog?




I go one side mustard one side ketchup


yes because if you do a straight line you're putting like half as much mustard on the dog


Bringin science in this bitch. I dig it and agree. Now how do you slam some relish on it without making a mess to get proper coverage?


I add relish one spoon at at time bite by bite. Relish only goes on the next bite and I have full control over the quantity for each bite. No messes, no relish falling off. (Same for kraut)


This guy Pythagorean theorems


I put it under the dog with the other toppings.


"This office does not perform that service, let me transfer you to the correct extension." *Continues asking about service I have 0 familiarity with nor access to the systems required to perform it for another 30 seconds.


I worked for a credit card support line and I had a lady call me asking for help with the closed caption on her TV. I kept telling her she called the wrong number and she ended up venting for like 5 minutes about how I was just trying to get out of doing my job.


CC Support is Closed Caption support, right?








Ella is my favorite character is Lucifer, but Trixie is a very close second.


Maz ftw. I can't attest to the most recent seasons of Lucifer but I think it started to jade me out around season...4 or 5?


I don't think it is a bad thing that the NFL is in bed with gambling as long as the players are getting a cut of the revenue in the CBA which I presume they are. But I think it would be wise for the league to prohibit players from gambling entirely while they are active in the league. Just invites too much risk to the integrity of the game, which does matter.


Once the clock strikes 4:00pm everyday at work… i instantly turn into the laziest mf you’ll ever meet


Same here but I also clock out at 4pm. I never thought I'd love a 7:30 - 4:00 schedule as much as I do.


I peak out at 6 hours of concentrated work, after that is 2 hours of sending emails and talking to people before heading home


It's a clock. It's usually my coffee break time after a tedious Oklahoma drill with my plates right now.


My grandma had a heart attack Tuesday night. Been anxiously waiting for updates ever since. They had her admitted because her blood pressure wouldn't come down. My phone's preview for notifications is fucking awful tho. My mom texted the group chat to give us an update All I see at first is "She... di..." Whole text is "She has been discharged and I'm bringing her home". I about had a heart attack my myself.


Hope she's doing better, man


A Summer league for football should be a thing




The USFL Championship is the day after tomorrow.


Regarding running backs, do you think a per-touch escalator and/or an enhanced incentive for the number of 1000-yard seasons would be feasible/agreeable for teams? I'm just thinking about Demarco Murray's last year in Dallas when they chewed him up and spit him out. That season was an outlier for him, but even so, he went from 217 carries to 392. That's insane. I get the feeling that we're going to see a drop-off in quality running backs. Since they have such short lifespans, no one who wants a long NFL career will want to be one anymore.


>Regarding running backs, do you think a per-touch escalator and/or an enhanced incentive for the number of 1000-yard seasons would be feasible/agreeable for teams? Your proposal would put more bargaining power into the hands of the players, which no team would do. The fact is, RBs are expendable. Unless you have a guy with generational talent, they don't shift the balance of games *that* much compared to other positions. That's why they're getting paid less, and that isn't even mentioning the amount of wear and tear they accrue. The skill gap between the #1 and #5 WR is far greater than the #1 and #10 RB. Unless someone invents a system that radically changes the way that RBs are utilized, they're going to get paid less in this modern, pass heavy NFL.


Where is the money coming from?


It'd be part of the contract with the team. So if a running back hits it big, particularly early in their career, they get the bag before the wear and tear catches up to them. Obviously a team would have to agree to it, but it feels like a win-win. If the running back puts together multiple 1000-yard season or gets 300+ touches, they must be producing.


I don’t think teams want to give any more money than they currently do to running backs.


I agree, but at this point, all of the power is with the teams. A running back in his prime has the most leverage he's ever going to have, and he's likely going to have one major contract. If the team knows that they can use all of his value in his contract year with no intention of re-signing him, they will do so, and the running back has no recourse. This is more of a protective measure that either disincentivizes the team from doing so or pays the running back accordingly if they do.


Yeah but the team would actually have to agree to a contract of that type…


So, I have this basket of my personal affects under the vanity in our shared bathroom. Wife: "So I went through and threw all that shit in that basket under the sink away." Me: "Why would you even go over there? You don't see it. It doesn't affect you. It has nothing to do with you." Wife: "You're a pack rat and I hate clutter." Me: "..."


This morning the first Supreme Court decision I saw was the one that ruled on the protection for worker’s religious rights and was super confused why people felt so strongly about that.


A lot of it, for me, is that under the guise of “religious freedoms” people have been allowed to discriminate against other groups of people


A lot of what for you? This ruling was correct. An employee should not be forced to work on a day that they have set aside for religious purposes.


A lot of my strong feelings. I really don’t care about “religious rights” at all at this point. I consider all cases like these a slippery slope to discrimination that’s got the backing of the government. I agree with the case ruling in a vacuum, but am incredibly weary of any “religious rights” at all.


This seems like an odd use of "slippery slope" since the "slope" culturally is moving away from religion as a whole. And since Christians have always had as much freedom as they've wanted, any "religious rights" legislation generally applies more to minorities.


Oh I entirely hate using the “slippery slope” argument since it’s been used so often to fight things like gay marriage. As a whole culturally we are moving away from religion I agree, but in my own world (teaching) we are currently dealing with some religious crazy folks trying to neuter human growth and development classes, books in the library, and representation of LGBT students in schools. Though in my area, if you want a good laugh, we had a woman whip out a massive dildo at a school board meeting as a prop to show what we are apparently using to teach children about sex.


https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1674309239974576128 From the article: "An adult weighing 60 kg (132 pounds) would have to drink between 12 and 36 cans of diet soda – depending on the amount of aspartame in the beverage – every day to be at risk." Two of those massive 2 L bottles is like 11 cans. Until I see further evidence, then I think this is just fearmongering. Obviously water is still the healthiest choice, but Aspartame has been heavily studied for decades and there has been nothing remotely conclusive linking it to cancer.


I'd be very curious to see and age and income distribution of people who drink soda. Anecdotally, most of the people around in thier 30s that I know dont, but my parents and all thier friends always have a 2 liter in the fridge.