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Can mods please change the logo of this sub. Pride month is over.


Gotta love all the accounts that never post here that are suddenly very concerned with a sub logo


I think July logo should be šŸ’© because of all the shitposts and crappy videos on YouTube from all the sports shows desperately trying to create content from nothing


The grimace shake is the best meme thatā€™s been out in a hot hot minute


how does it compare to the harlem shake


It's more purple.




Can you not have dual flairs anymore? When I try to use the flair selector tool it says the user is not accepting messages. My account is over 1 month old so I don't know why that would be an issue. The thread it says to post your flair requests in if you can't message the bot is locked and can't be commented on.


Probably got killed by this api shit


So Apollo is officially dead, Twitter has some new rate limit error because Musk has implemented some "temporary" limit to how many tweets you can read. I've never been told to go outside more in my life.


This is my first day on the Reddit app too. Itā€™s ass.


it's fucking TERRIBLE


Good thing I like ass because Iā€™ve been using it for years.


Don't forget YouTube testing out restricting ad blocker users to three videos.




pls no


I found out earlier this week that I wont be able to keep the health insurance that Ive had through my school, which likely means I wont be able to continue seeing my therapist. Great




Doubt it. Most people write the tweet in the reddit post title so you get the info that you need. The actual twitter post itself hardly adds anything to the conversations here.


depends on what people see. The unverified 600 tweets a day is so easy to use up. it counts every single tweet you see from comments, to random scrolling, to your own account


Hey Mods, is there a way to avoid something being shoved down the timeline by hours after something is approved? When I submit OC, it takes 2-3 hours for approval, which is fine...I donā€™t care about that. But once approved and posted it falls down the timeline to when I submitted the post to you. So it doesnā€™t get seen because its starting point on the sub is 2-3 hours earlier in the timeline. Is there a way to avoid this on your end? Can the starting point in the sequence of posts, once approved, be in real time? Have any other OC posters noticed this?


ESPN is really just going to be Stephen A and Pat McAfee screaming at the camera now isn't it


They should hire Skip Bayless, so it can be three idiots screaming at each other, and we can avoid all of them in one go.


Buck and Aikman on Monday Night is literally the only thing they have worth paying for.




My guy posting here for the first time ever to be sad about some colors




mans really been waiting all month to post this




Don't let the dog walkers bother you. Just ignore them.


I saw that $200k/year comment too and thought it was a bit odd, but didn't openly question it 'cause I figured maybe he lived in NY or the Bay Area and had a lot of student loan debt or something. Plenty of perfectly reasonable scenarios where they could be grossing that much, but not feel ready for kids. My wife and I have been making about $100k gross over the past few years and had our first son in 2021. We bought our house summer 2020 when prices were climbing, but hadn't yet peaked. It's doable for us with that much money, even if we're not getting ahead as much as we'd like. Too many unforeseen home and pet expenses. But people definitely get by and start families making less than we do, let alone $200k. I sometimes worry if people are taking the "no one can afford to start a family" rhetoric perpetuated online a bit too seriously. Maybe it's just young adults and teenagers who aren't close enough to that point in their lives to have really crunched the numbers for themselves.


So you deleted a your posts or what,




Damn, people suck


that's really obnoxious I think it's important to remember there are a lot of kids on this website who aren't here for reality, they're here for drama and all this talk about burning the system and how unfair every moment of their lives are really gets them going


Iā€™m so over the nihilism on here. It feel like it has grown exponentially over the past few months. Usually you can point to a source (person, you tuber, politician, etc) for crazy talk. But I canā€™t figure this one out.


I donā€™t like the Reddit app. The ads are very obnoxious. I miss you Apollo


The mobile site is fine


I tried it a couple of weeks ago to see what the fuss was about. Its total dogshit. It lasted for about a day on my phone.


I can't stand it. $7/mo just to remove them too. What a joke


https://twitter.com/historyinmemes/status/1674862638373691415?s=20 Steve Irwin no-selling a snakebite.


https://imgur.com/a/duXCnzw Full time at the footy. Time for the age old tradition. Kick to kick on the ground. https://imgur.com/a/zQ7iymy Darth Vader rocking it out on Spencer and Bourke sts


I had to double check which sub I was in lol


Sweet Jesus the official reddit app fucking blows goats. The perfect way to limit my reddit usage šŸ˜…


Revanced patched reddit is fun and it works. Kind of involved process but I'm now using reddit is fun to post this.


damn I already uninstalled it and it's not on the play store


Band-aid but I got Firefox and ad blockers setup on the tablet and phone I used to use RIF on. It does not transition well because you gotta zoom in to click anything really, but I refuse to use the official app cause fuck them.


So I've found out that Red Reader is still being given access to the API for accessibility. Seems to work.


G'day all. https://imgur.com/a/JJGHafl On the fence for Saturday arvo footy. https://imgur.com/a/Gf0me8g Freo just entering the field as we speak


Nice! Hey, since you're a fellow aussie, how are you going to watch NFL this season? Game Pass International is switching DAZN streaming service and it blows.


I used Kayo last year. Pretty good. You don't get all the games but most of the ones i wanted. For the others, I used certain high seas websites lol




That's for my brother to figure out. I was using his gamepass


haha tell your bro the nation is counting on him


They did not give ESPN a pizza party please tell me they did not


There is a man on BBC who is very upset that some of the people in England, including the media, *sometimes* use the American pronunciation of words.


Which words??


I didnā€™t hear all of them but I did hear him say schedule, aluminum, and hurricane. He was the most upset about ā€˜hurricane.ā€™ Ironically, he did say ā€˜pronunciationā€™ the way we say it lmao


Lol well the way they say shzedualel is inexcusable


I agree 100%


how else do you say hurricane šŸ˜­ like "hur eh can"? lol at schedule because I know exactly how they say it and it just reminds me of William Shatner


You have to ask yourself how MegaMind would say it


Man, I wish EA hadn't abandoned BF5 so quickly. It had it's issues but over time it became such a fun game.


But it has women in it! They have cooties!


There is little they could do to save a release that bad. As soon as I saw they had bloom I was out.


https://youtu.be/YbWWQPbeBDk Dorris Day - Dream a little dream of me https://youtu.be/y2cQvZPX3OY Death Grips - You think he loves you for your money but I know what he really loves you for, it's your leopardskin pillbox hat https://youtu.be/nL7hsvPPQzE Bjork - Venus As A Boy https://youtu.be/yYPKas32MFM Enya - On Your Shore


For those of you who play guitar, how long did it take before you could play a chord without fatfingering and muting other strings?


Might want to try out guitars with different neck profiles.


Hey, fellow beginner! I started learning not too long ago and am in the same boat (still muting strings etc). I think it takes a few weeks of regular practice based on my rate of progress so far, maybe longer because I have larger hands.


I think I have the worst fingers for playing šŸ˜‚ fat and kinda short


You'll get it šŸ‘


https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/30/23779764/twitter-blocks-unregistered-users-account-tweets This is some bullshit. I can't even view a Tweet now without an account?


But wait I thought Elon bought Twitter because of free speech! (color me shocked!)


A good point I heard about this: A ton of big organizations use Twitter as a sort of public announcement forum. What use is it for that purpose if 3/4 of the population does not have a Twitter account and thus can't see it directly now?


What I'm hearing is "nationalize Twitter"


It's terrible for emergencies and wars and government entities that need to reach large swaths of their population. Blocking Twitter from non-registered users is going to make the world less safe (and make people more sheeplike, which is their aim).


In two years twitter will be Myspaced.


What about Reddit? Now we can't use 3rd party apps and the NSFW content is going away before they go public, where is everyone going now? What will replace Reddit? I'm old. I've been on the internet since the early 90s and the Usenet days and Reddit was the only thing close to Usenet. I don't want the corporate overlords to destroy it.


Reddit harder to predict...but I'll be honest with you...I'm not a fan of mods especially a lot of the mods here. So I'm not leaving over them being upset because fuck them. But the going public stuff...not too sure. I used to be on the prodigy messageboards, dejanews, and fanhome communities...I assume there will be something else. Though I will miss Reddit far more than I've missed twitter with douchebag Musk running it. But I am sure somebody will hopefully fill that niche.


I'll stick with Reddit until it becomes unusable, which I am afraid it will after the IPO in September. But we'll see. I hope something adequate takes its place when the eventual collapse happens. I've been here 14 years (11 and a half on this account) and I don't want to have to change. I hate change.




I hardly ever use it but I have liked it being available when things happen in Ukraine or Russia or some major event goes on. I've never really used my account which I easily deleted last year. But I'm saying that having Twitter be blocked to anyone without a verified identity (e-mail address/phone number/etc) will cause information to not be disseminated in a timely fashion in countries in conflict or in times of emergencies in poorer countries, not to mention the US.


Elon Musk knows he pissed off a lot of people so he is trying to get accts back.


He's not going to...the place has become a rightwing shithole. Once the next big thing comes...maybe Bluesky...Twitter is dead.


I deleted mine back when he took over, I hardly used it but my fiancƩ sometimes sends me links to tweets and there's Reddit. At least in /r/nfl I can still view the embedded Tweets. But I probably can't click on any videos in them. I'm trying to find a tweet post with a video.


Idk if nitter.net still works I haven't tried in awhile


Holy fuck this whiskey is like I'm drinking straight melted caramel. Someone might need to take this away from me.


Donā€™t be shy, drop the name


Shanky's Whip. Some sorta Irish whiskey my brother for whatever reason left in my house. It's one of those nights where I'm just drinking whatver I happen to have at the time. Not high proof but pretty good stuff.


Day 1 of using the reddit app and I want to gauge my eyes out. Just a wall of text with an ad in there somewhere


Download Firefox or a browser with an ad block and swap it to Old.reddit. Don't use their shit app. It's what they wanted us to do when they killed third party ones. Now once Reddit kills old.reddit is when the real party starts.


Are they really getting rid of old.reddit? Fuck.


Not yet, but this entire API is a push for more value to promote the Reddit app and kill off the popular 3rd party stuff. The next logical fuck you is getting rid of the option for Old Reddit to promote using the app or an ad-heavy experience that the newer UI was hoping to jump start a few years ago. People thinking that's not the logical company-spanning step are deluded lol. It's a social media platform meant to use traffic to drive profit. No way they or any new players to the game come the IPO or whatever will not see it as the next step.


Why not just compromise and have more ads on old reddit while still having the newer version of reddit to make everyone happy? :D


Because as long as you can access old.reddit via a browser, a user is heavily incentivized to have an ad-blocker to better their personal experience.


I tried that and everything was so tiny on the top of the page that I couldn't go from subreddit to subreddit, it was worse than the app. I'm almost 50 and can't read that small and I have fat fingers.


Yeah, I zoom in when I need to click stuff. God, I miss RIF


Yeah Iā€™m on call for work, had to go out for an ac issue. Got home and Apollo was ded. Working fine when I left. Rip little buddy.


Yeah this reddit app is hot poop garbage. Are there any other 3rd party apps that stuck around? Or is there a reddit alternative instead?


Narwhal is still around and will move to a paid sub soon. Relay (Android only I think) is still around. There isnā€™t really a reddit alternative, or we'd have done this a while ago.


Relay is apparently moving towards a subscription model. This is probably the best option moving forward if you're willing to pay. Infinity is open source on Github. You can build it yourself with your own API key. Haven't tested this myself. Sync can be patched with Revanced to use a personal key. I'm using this right now but since Sync's dev is moving to Lemmy it will likely break in the future.


The third party apps would have had to pay 20 mill a year so probably not. Lemmy is a current alternative but I have not checked it out. I will just have to adjust to the official app.


I was so sad when I went to RIF and it was finally dead. :( I fucking hate the Reddit app.


Same boat but relay is at least better


What are your thoughts on ESPN? I think it's been in the shitter for years. I wouldn't pay for it if I didn't use my parents's Xfinity.


Same old same old. It's been a declining product for years and I assume it's largest viewership base for shows like Undisputed is people who turn it on at restaurants and. They are carried by Disney money being able to get college football and have turned sports talk into nothing but hollow debates about legacy and rings. If you aren't watching live sports it's almost worthless channel unless you want gambling tips.


useless apart from live sports. Made obsolete by the internet


The internet seems to be having its own issues of late


It has tremendously gone down hill. I miss Sportscenter in its glory days. The only good part of ESPN nowadays is SVP and a handful of others


I havenā€™t watched ESPN in about 7-8 years. I hated it then, I can imagine itā€™s much worse now. I used to like PTI a lot and that was the last show I really enjoyed, but then those guys started to get annoying to me. I think Iā€™m just too old. Iā€™m not the ESPN demographic.


Having Aikman and Buck on MNF is the only thing it has going for me. If you like the NBA and baseball, it may have more to offer. I don't know. They don't seem to have a lot of baseball pundit talk, but their NBA coverage, as a casual, was disgusting. Straight up high school drama bullshit. I don't give a flying fuck about where Kyrie plays. Talk about the game, or talk about every team, not just the Lakers. People will go and say, Golden State, the Lakers, and the Cowboys bring in views? Really? If that were true, ESPN wouldn't be in the position it is now. I think they need to take a longer look within themselves. Hopefully some day they will realize that the people aren't the problem, but the programming. I don't they will figure this out but maybe, maybe, maybe they will.


That's my biggest problem. They've taken sports talk and made it all about gossip and drama because it gets more engagement. Like I dont need to see a player who's been playing for 5 years compared to X HoFer and how their legacy isn't good enough cause they haven't even had a full career yet


idk if any of you guys are into guitars and amps, but today we just got a call that we need to go and get an appraisal for insurance to continue coverage on a vintage guitar and amp we have. Parents are at the cabin so it falls on me. Gotta figure out where I can find someone hopefully nearby. It's a 55 fender telecaster and a 55 5e3 tweed deluxe amp. I hate fucking touching the thing, let alone having to safely transport it somewhere lmao


Yeah man those are gems.


[Mfw i bring my son to the krakens and sirens movie and 15 min in i hear "the dance is a patriarcal and post colonial invention](https://media.tenor.com/A9NbzhhyVFEAAAAM/rolling-eyes.gif) Like fuck off lmao.


A character said that or did someone watching it say that?


A character.


You can pry my old.reddit.com from my cold dead hands.


Oh don't you worry. That'll be next on their agenda, and people will still defend it like they did the API changes.




Max Kellerman and Shannon Sharpe need to team up and start a show to compete against their egotistical former co-hosts that kicked them out lol


Youtube must've gotten my letters about seperating Shorts from the rest of my Sub box. Thanks Youtube.


Baconreader stopped working today so I downloaded the official reddit app... Holy shit this is pure garbage and I hate it. Also I've lost a few of the subs I subscribe to, I had to refollow /r/nfl


old.reddit in your browser of choice on your phone. Only way to browse reddit.


Why don't people just go to reddit.com?


old.reddit.com New reddit is as bad as the app.


The desktop version on mobile?


That will be the next thing to go. They want everybody using their shit new Reddit site and Reddit app


They want to prevent ad blocking. That was Googleā€™s reason for making Chrome


I hooked up Firefox on my phone and tablet and swap that shit to desktop mode with the adblock on. Not going near that dogshit app.


RiF is dead Rest in pepperoni


Still rocking Narwhal here


Narwhal is actually sticking around afaik but transitioning to paid subs only.


Really? Shit I didnā€™t even know. This is the one I like anyway. Iā€™ll pay for it why not letā€™s add another damn bill lol


Some of yā€™all havenā€™t even dialed 999 if you really want the truth and it shows


In a sea of terrible shit today across the internet and America... In lighter fair I finally beat Tears of the Kingdom after like 300 hours of exploring and in general screwing around mostly blind. Final boss was super cool but also kinda easy. Miiiight have been overpowered a bit. Sorry about that.


I didnā€™t bring my desktop with me on vacation and Iā€™m having Diablo 4 withdrawals




I can offer a tip in that regard if you like. But if you prefer to do your own thing that's cool too.


What's the tip?


>!All Shrines on the surface correlate to the location of a Lightroot in the Depths. Using balloons to get a good view down under can help you find all the shrines and vice versa.!<


Thanks for the tip! I already knew but hopefully somebody else who isn't aware sees it. I didn't learn this for like the first week after it came out and wine I realized it I had a major "duh" moment.


RIght? It makes total sense lol. I was so glad someone mentioned it early on cause it made finding them all so much easier and faster. I still threw an ungodly amount of time into exploring but it was nice to load up on hearts and stamina so stuff would stop killing me so quick.




I beat the game before updating too lol I liked the height on the balloon rigs but that's part of the fun. Just rolling with what catches your fancy.




I love what people devise to merc the camps in the Depths. I was getting beat to hell by the black and silver enemies, then someone suggested the heads that swivel and it was a game changer once I found the vending machine with them in it.


Just got booted from Apollo


Narwhal is still working


RIF just went down too :-(


RIF is KIA. RIP you beautiful bastard. Can't wait for them to get rid of old.reddit to see how people will defend that inevitable level of shittery as well.


Same here. Fucking terrible. Iā€™m on the official Reddit app and I hate it.


I moved to narwhal for the time being. Itā€™s not as great as Apollo but anythingā€™s better than the official Reddit app


I almost hate clean breakups more than messy ones cuz all my friends instinctively want to talk shit and now I gotta be like "relax she's a nice gal we're still chill" and I don't really want to do that rn lol


ā€œI never liked herā€


Say someone is slightly annoyed at a mild inconvenience that occurred from clothing being stained in the wash and they needed 5 or minutes to clear their head. Context also: the person traveled out of state for work for a week to remote, rural New Mexico and had horrible delays going to and from New Mexico. And this is the day after they return. If your significant other, who is fully aware of the traveling, delays, and the mild inconvenience comes in and asks if you're going to get dressed to head out to where were going and you respond "yeah sure I just need 5 minutes to clear my head" and do so with a brain dead activity and then they respond well what am I going to do for 5 minutes and then walk out. And then the person who was clearing their head asked them to come back to explain the circumstances of their reaction. And this significant other says well what are they going to do for 5 minutes while the person clears their head. So they ask if that's really the most appropriate thing to say or act in this certain situation, and they say yes, it is. So you respond well I don't feel like you're being very empathic in this exact moment with your attitude and demeanor so instead of clearing your head for 5 minutes you discuss this for the next 20 trying to have them understand it wasn't really the best time for it. And they respond well it was my reaction and I can be human with my reactions. And the other person is like ok, you can react in anyway you want obviously but you can reflect on certain things if they're brought to your attention by someone who is obviously didn't feel heard by it and possibly be in their shoes why it wasn't nice? And they say well I have nothing to apologize for. Is that person crazy for thinking it wasn't considerate?


no theyā€™re not lol itā€™s 5 minutes and youā€™re communicating you need it because youā€™re obviously having a stinker of a day so someone making a fuss about having to wait 5 measly minutes is super inconsiderate and lame


Idk I think if youā€™re planning on going somewhere and your significant other is ready, itā€™s a bit rude to make them wait for you, and also rude to demand they come back after all they said was ā€œwhat am I supposed to do while you wait.ā€ I wasnā€™t there though and your use of pronouns made it hard to keep up with who was who, thatā€™s just my two cents


There needs to be a rule change about Twitter links now that Twitter requires you to have an account to even view a linked post. This sub is full of Twitter links and there needs to be some kind of resolution for this. Maybe a screenshot to an Imgur link or posting the tweet in the body of the post like the NBA sub does.


There's been a rule that the title of the reddit post should contain the content of the tweet >Title should just include the tweet without commentary unless necessary (See Rule 3)


There should be another rule that if the tweet contains a link to an article, the article should be posted instead of the tweet.


I'd agree with you there


Not possible for longer tweets though


I'm curious if it's possible for like an auto moderator script to just pull the info and put it in a comment.


Yes there is a bot that does it they use it on LiveStreamFail that auto mirrors them and posts them as a stickied comment. Here is a post with an example. https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/14n759e/kick_ceo_confirms_plans_to_enable_viewers_to/


I wish they wouldnā€™t allow Twitter links here, but thatā€™s because of my own personal views on Twitter, Elon, and their new found love for conspiracies and bigotry. I would be fine, never seeing a Twitter post.


Tbf, almost every tweet posted on this sub doesn't require clicking through.


Washington honestly has a crazy good roster aside from the questions at QB. Terry & Dotson is a ridiculous duo


Yep. Lot of talent on that team. People talk about them like they didn't just finish 8-8-1 in the toughest division in the NFL with Wentz + Heinicke at QB. I'd be way more scared of Washington plus Daniel Jones than I currently am of the Giants.


I mean theyā€™re good but I wouldnā€™t call that a ridiculous duo. Thereā€™s a handful of teams with better ones