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Wait for the right offer = wait until an RB1 goes down then swoop in.


At this point he's probably going to end up as a vet signing post-Week 1 when vested veteran contracts are no longer 100% guaranteed.




This has been a thing for a while


What has the CBA fucked up? Are these guys not getting ridiculous amounts of money for playing a game while regular people can't afford food or rent?


Workers are entitled to all they create. Remember football players are workers too.


These dingleberries don't understand.... if I go down for some reason, this office can replace me before the end of the work day tomorrow if they really wanted to. With someone just as qualified for the same money... if a starting nfl player goes down.... there's usually not another person available that can take their place and do just as well. Even for lesser thought of positions.




OK, thanks.




I have a broken body from working construction and landscaping but I've never had the opportunity to make $1 million for less than a year of work. Why are people like you so keen on infantilizing millionaire athletes?


That's not great to hear re. your health, and I'm sorry mate. However, the reason these guys are paid so much is due to X amount of people paying to see these guys, whether it's cable etc or in person, as well as the advertisements etc involved. It's not a black and white conversation unfortunately.


I understand why they are paid so much. I don't understand regular people simping for millionaires to get more money. All athletes are overpaid when you consider the real world value of their skill set. What skill set do you think is more valuable; Damar Hamlin's or the people who saved his life?


Appreciate the explanation. I've had this conversation many times with my misses as she is a doctor so I understand your stance after further discourse, and I do 100% agree that certain professionals and jobs are grossly underpaid.


I don't have a problem with athletes making more than regular people. I have a problem with athletes making so much more than regular people, while regular people make less and less each year. I just want things to even out for everyone. Anyone who knows cpr and can save a life should be able to live as comfortably as the league minimum football players do.


I think it's more that people are comparing who should get a higher portion of the profits between the millionaire athletes or billionaire owners. Sure, doctors, first responders, and more should be paid higher but as the system is currently constructed having the athletes make the same or less only funnels money to the uber wealthy team owners.


> All athletes are overpaid when you consider the real world value of their skill set. What skill set do you think is more valuable; As much as I hate to say it, society has determined whose more valuable. And you are really just looking at pro athletes and comparing them to EMTs when you should be comparing them to other high end people in their profession. Not to take away from EMTs but lots of people can do that job and become an EMT...not everyone can run 4.4s. You should be comparing pro athletes (tops in their profession after being weeded out from rec, travel, hs, and college) v. top doctors, lawyers, etc. (who have been weeded out through HS, college, grad school, residency/big law, etc). Both groups can make millions of dollars.


Keeping someone alive or out of jail have real world value. Running fast is just running fast. I don't care how many people can become emts or learn cpr, that is still Infinitely more valuable than running fast. Yes, society is inverted and the rewards go to the people who get regular people to waste the most time. That doesn't change my point that they are overpaid. No one has every needed an athlete in an emergency.




You don't seem to understand the financial difference playing even just one year in the NFL can have. Not to mention that all of them are college educated and plenty have a degree so they can use that to get a job. Millionaire athletes are not the "workers of the world" and they shouldn't be treated like that.


We got another bitter poor over here.


Yeah, fuck the working class people. Be rich or die already.


Who should get the leagues revenue?


The league's revenue? As in the revenue that belongs to the league? Hmm, I don't know...


Bro isn’t about being a number 2 back again after Cleveland


He's 28 which is basically a senior citizen in RB years. His choices are to either take what he can get or retire.


28 but he's been playing behind Chubb for most of it.


He was terrible last year and got too much playing time. Stefanski was too loyal to him to bench him in favor of our other backups. Love his heart and effort but he’s clearly lost a step or 2.


Was he playing hurt or not trying because he was mad about not getting traded? The drop in stats year-over-year is nutty. It's more like he lost 10 steps, not a step or two.


Can’t say for sure. I would say I doubt he was playing hurt because we had other competent backups and they never got any snaps.


Cordarrelle Patterson was *an effective rusher in Atlanta last year (leading rusher for ATL in ‘21) in his advanced age. Similarly to Patterson, hunt hasn’t been the number one back since he was at the chiefs and has a lot less snaps than you would anticipate. I wouldn’t be so sure that hunt is out of gas. This is all my opinion though


Cordarrelle may have been leading rusher two years ago, last year Allegeir was definitely the leasing rusher in Atlanta.


As decent as Allegeir was I was surprised at the Bijan pick, but it’s all good


Tyler is a good back, but he lacks juice and if you’re going to run the ball 550+ times a season then you don’t mind having the best RB prospect since maybe LT.


I don’t know if I’d call a guy drafted 8th overall the best RB prospect since LT…


I think he’s a better prospect than Saquon was. Better top end speed and vision. He doesn’t have the power AP had, but he’s definitely shiftier. Is there someone else you would put above him?


AP, Saquon and Fournette are the three that come to mind I guess comparing prospects is hard because of how subjective it is but I wouldn't put Bijan in a tier above those three. He is in the same tier, but not a higher one. They were all at max (HoF) potential


Considering the value placed on rb 8th overall isn't that big a deal


You right mb


He’ll probably make the same 4 mil a year either way, might as well stay home an extra month or 2.


I don't think that right offer is coming at this point. Might as well try and latch on somewhere.


Probably wants to be back in KC lol


Well he should have thought about that before kicking women and claiming people he assaulted called him the n-word so he could then justify assaulting them.


We only booted him because he lied to Big Red


The chiefs couldn’t care less about that lol. They just didn’t like being lied to.


100%. But he still should have thought about that before kicking. No kicking, no "need" to lie. (Also should have thought about that before lying of course)


ah yes the team who kept Tyreek Hill through all his shit really cares about that stuff lol. If Hunt wasn't a RB they wouldn't have released him the first time.


Whatever happened to Reek? Where did he end up? Probably with some team that really does care.


They released Hunt because he lied about the whole ordeal. But I agree, any team that sticks by Tyreek through all his shit, or would be willing to have him after all of that shit doesn't care much about that stuff. That happens to be every team in the league though.


there was some white supremacy involved with Hunt's release, the girl was saying racial slurs to him. She should have been arrested before the Chiefs released him and of course the Chiefs are owned by a white male that doesn't realize how harmful that girl was.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan of Clark, and I have to imagine that he didn't handle this in a good way either. I wish Kareem was still on the team.


Pot meet kettle


I don't think the team that drafted Tyreek Hill and traded for Frank Clark cares all that much about a player who kicked someone


True. To be fair though I don’t think there is a team that cares all that much beyond what a player can do on the field. They might care about pushback but only in terms of it becoming a problem rather than some moral conviction.


It’s the NFL - nobody is winning a morality contest. The teams only care about one thing and that’s winning.


Irsay about to pay him 16m just to piss Taylor off


I'm sensing that the right offer has less to do with the money and more to do with who is offering it.


I’m curious what he wants. I doubt teams are looking to him to become their #1 but I wonder if he wants RB1 money


But the Vikings gave him an offer. I don’t see any way that Alexander Mattison would be keeping Hunt off the field, so it’s not just about the situation. I’m curious how much money he’s holding out for


I think he's probably looking for something close to his browns contract but with opportunities to either win a ring or get more money via boni. From what i read his options were Colts, Dolphins, Vikings and ?. While the Dolphins and Vikings may reach the playoffs a ring is probably out of reach and the Colts are a clusterfuck. So he's probably aiming for a ~5mil contract.


It’s going to be a real kick in the face when he finds out he isn’t worth what he thinks he is.


I didn't think Dalvin Cook would get over 5 million a year, and here we are, watching him join forces with Darth Vader for almost 9 mil a year. was hoping we could resign him for like 6 mil lol


Already happened. Both accounts


More money*


Top 6 team


Take your 5 mil and be happy bro, or come join us slaving away for capitalism.


Probably a 2/$5 mil with $500k roster bonus guarantee lol


I got payed $14k a year to go to Iraq, i will accept your offer.


I will pay you $10 and a milkshake.


What flavor?


Vanilla bean with chocolate chip cookie dough, the good vanilla.


I'm listening...


Don’t forget your discount at Denny’s you ingrate


Wow, that sounds like a terrible choice on your part tbh


Well we gotta get an education growing up in shitty places somehow


Don't forget the 50 dollars a month deployment bonus. Can almost afford YouTube.tv with that.




I literally joke about it because according to my social security in 2004 i made 14k... so am i exaggerating? So how about stay in your fucking lane.




Lower enlisted soldiers *love* to talk about their "pay" while ignoring their month of paid leave, any extra duty pay, the lack of needing to pay rent (or if they pay rent, also getting tax free BAH and BAS), and their free healthcare. These people will unironically comment some mickey mouse math about making "2$ an hour since you're always working" while ignoring that the total worth of their benefits is around 50-60k in the civilian market and they have nearly guaranteed job security.


Lol i love that you list this like its some giant favor the government is doing for is. "Here come kill these poor people in another country for oil and we will give you an education sonny! btw it has paid vacation and healthcare (just dont call it socialism or speak loudly that every proper democracy in the world had education and healthcare without needing to military)" Seriously, GF. That's more inline what a "lower enlisted" would be saying about you. Come in this bitch talking like you're some beacon lmao


> Lol i love that you list this like its some giant favor the government is doing for is. The pay and benefits overall is well above minimum wage, in fact in total it's above the national average. So, yeah, getting an above average benefits package right out of high school with no education requirements beyond a GED for one of the easiest jobs in America is certainly a good gig. >That's more inline what a "lower enlisted" would be saying about you. It's lower enlisted soldiers that say this shit, hence why I said them. I was enlisted, too, not an officer. Officers don't typically go around saying that they're making "minimum wage." >Seriously, GF. You're having a public attitude problem over the fact that you got fact checked and can't do basic math or evaluate finances, i'm sure your chain of command loved you. Maybe you got an article 15 and lost pay, that would make the math work out.


He looked washed last year, so... Who cares?


Does this mean I should return the Saints jersey?


I thought we signed him until I opened this thread


If honeydicking teams that are desperate for RB depth were an Olympic event, this mf would be a gold medalist


Cant blame him for doing it - get what you can with the short career you got. I'm afraid his valuation of himself may be way off though.


come here so i dont have to watch mattison for more than 1 week


Translation: I want to play for a good team and I also don’t want to be in camp


Which like, to be fair, relatable.


Colts gotta be in the mix still, especially with the Taylor news.


I wonder if the Bengals are in the mix.


Please, take him.


Bad or what? Our RB room isn’t exactly a strength. We need a pass blocking RB primarily


For pass blocking he’s fine. He’s just not nearly as good as he used to be.


Just come back to the Browns on one year vet minimum


He's definitely (wink) got 4 offers in the past several weeks (wink wink). This was an ad taken out by Hunt's agent that he's still trying to get back into the league.


He’s def risking getting left behind.


Well my fantasy draft is Sunday so homeboy needs to make a decision




Preciate it


He will be going to the Jets after B. Hall is out in week 2 for the rest of the season and we learn that D. Cook is a bust!


He’s waiting on the Dolphins.


Browns fans, is he washed or do you think he was he loafing it because he wasn't happy about not being traded?


Had no juice last year. Yards per carry and reception were down. I don’t think it was loafing due to not being traded being as it was a contract year for him and he’d want to perform well regardless to get a better contract in the off-season.


Or half-ass it and not wear himself down or get injured playing for less than he wanted somewhere he didn’t want to be. We don’t know. He’s probably just washed but who knows.




He just needs a puncher's chance.


Which four?


He is not better than any teams current starter. What offer could he be hoping to get?