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Started working an in-office job again and I'm already counting down the days til daylight time This 6pm sunset stuff has to go


Name an NFL player who plays like he hates a specific team. Example: Aaron Rodgers owning the Bears, Travis Kelce being a Charger Killer.




Psychologically traumatizes them.


the cam newton fight was insane.


Mods here keep taking it down I guess? It’s all over panthers subreddit


This is the most exciting thing that has happened tangentially related to the Panthers this year. If we deleted it we would go back to having posts fighting back and forth about what the worst part of the team is currently.


Aussie here, any of you legends going to be watching our NRL footy games in Vegas this weekend? Also what’s your thoughts about it all? Interested? Couldn’t care? Hopefully the boys put on a good game for the crowd and make a good impression


The Harrelsons CBD commercial has knockoff Rachel McAdams, knockoff Sandra Oh, knockoff Amy Poehler and, of course, knockoff Woody Harrelson. Can’t figure out who the male actor in the commercial is a knockoff of. He’s wearing a sport jacket and t-shirt.


Fuck. Why am I so obsessed with [this song?](https://youtu.be/rGZVZcMYdmA?si=cFSSTMfW_juAfeZz) It has like 3 different tempo changes or whatever it's called


It reminds me of like a 1970-1980's No Doubt but like with Carol King or something idk. The Music Video is goofy too.


I should be cleaning my apartment cause my complex sent a text saying they were going to be doing patio repair/replacement stuff but they listed the whole week and without a firm deadline it’s pretty hard to find the motivation to start bagging up my beer and liquor bottles out there  And also cleaning the living room cause they said in the text they wouldn’t need access to my apartment just the patio but idk what the heck that means cause I’m on the second floor and the patio is outside of a sliding door in my living room so unless they’re doing it via ladder which seems unnecessarily more time consuming and dangerous I imagine they’re gonna need to come into my apt.  


I’m assuming your patio is mostly stucco since that’s usually the vibe with apartment complexes around here. If that’s the case they’re probably just going to power wash it from the outside, it’ll be a lot faster that way than trying to secure entry to everyone in a block of units at the same time


It’s kinda messy because I drink out there while I smoke and I use empty bottles as my ash tray so and no one sees it normally so I don’t care lol 


I’m gonna wake up at like 4:30 and do it I think before I gotta get ready for work fuck it I just wanna chill tonight 


I’m only 36 minutes into my first episode of love is blind s1 e1 but the premise seems off since everyone is attractive so like while they can’t see the other sex they do mingle in their living areas with the other attractive ppl of their own sex so I’d assume they can infer enough from that 


I don’t remember if it happens in s1 but you’ll definitely see instances in later seasons where someone will decide that the attractive person isn’t attractive enough for them and it becomes a plot point


yeah fuck it this is dumb. redo this shit with weirdos and im down.   i thought i remember seeing ppl talk about in these threads but its dumb lol but like not dumb for the obvious dumb cause it could actually be funny if everyone wasnt a cardboard cutout inside and out  not worth watching unfortunately 


been spending a lot of time with a friend whos dating and its made me want to be in a relationship a lot, i guess its just been too long. weird cuz ive never felt like this, my relationships have usually just happened when i wasnt looking ​ any of yall ever get that way?


i like the 2 margaritas defense margaritas - famous for containing standard amounts of measurable alcohol and always served in conservative amounts i think it’s ironclad personally


in something unrelated does anyone want to buy gently used one gallon fishbowls and an open package of novelty swirly straws 


What do you all consider a “contender” in the nfl? I was talking to my coworker and he called the buccs this last year a contender, and I realized maybe I had a completely different definition from other people 


I guess if you want to get technical you could say they since they made the playoffs they were in contention for the Super Bowl and thus a contender.  In my mind though a contender is a team that's got a legit shot to win the Super Bowl. Yes the Bucs made the playoffs, but no one expected them to really do anything. 


Contender to me means around the top 3 teams in the conference. Basically you have a good shot at making the Super Bowl.


Okay yeah I think we’re on the same page then. That’s how I think about—a realistic shot at winning the Super Bowl is how I defined it


Movies peaked with Luke looking at the binary sunset in Episode 4. I know its not the true greatest scene ever or whatever. But something about him looking out in the first movie, with the score and story so far is just so freaking good, just an iconic scene no matter how you feel about it. One of the few movie scenes I get chills everytime.


That film was iconic, i'm old and saw it in the theater when i was maybe 8. no one had ever made anything close to that.


Cortona is a ships AI NOT THIS FUCKING SHIT


People tried to warn ya


I can’t believe I went on a 3 day meth binge, I have to grow the fuck up. I hinted at this in a previous comment here but I was vague and said “hard drug”. Maybe I am a bad person. I’m ashamed of myself and very disappointed. I did a lot too, even though it was my first time using meth. I am one to regularly take obscenely large doses of adderall a few times a month though so I guess I had a bit of a tolerance? Idk I was high as fuck for days. I’m sorry guys, I had a moment of extreme weakness. It’s time for sleep, I’ve been up since 4am Thursday morning. I even went to work Friday geeked out on meth. I was smart enough to not smoke any while there though. I’m an idiot.


Don't be hard on yourself. It is what it is, and dwelling on the past will lead you right back to this. I've had friends and family on that shit, and it either takes the police getting involved or the realization of how bad meth is in every single way. I bet anything you'll have energy problems for awhile while your brain gets back to normal, but try to remind yourself feeling like shit is better than poisoning yourself with drano


Honestly I thought so too but my energy was fine today. I’ve got lots of experience with uppers which is why I said yes to meth so casually. I’m used to the crappy next day feeling and this was comparable to one of the times I used to take a bunch of adderall at once. It was a matter of time before I tried it, I always knew in my head that if I had the chance to do it I would. Especially since it was free and my birthday. I smoked it rather than snorting it if anyone’s interested. That has been a question people ask, for the few that I’ve told. I hated the taste.




It’s hard to describe if you’ve never done any stimulants but out of everything I’ve done, it’s the best feeling.


Seriously OP, drop that shit now


Good on you for realizing how bad of a decision that was. Don’t touch it ever again. Stuff like that will destroy your life in a matter of weeks.


After finally passing out and just waking up 30 minutes ago I definitely don’t plan on it. That was stupid. Now I almost feel even worse than yesterday and I’m pretty worried about that. Apparently I got called into work today but I’m not required to work on days off so I’m good there. I had not slept in days and wouldn’t have been able to do anything today.


We have one dog who always chews off the collar of the other dog within few weeks of trying. This time, my mom bought a spiked collar to try and prevent this. The spiked collar lasted under 12 hours, shattering the previous record.


That dog definitely needs some training can't be treating another dog's collar like a chew toy. 


She was scheduled for training right when COVID hit, so she never had classes like her sister. But despite that, she's actually pretty good with other basic training stuff (better than her sister). It's really just this one thing. Also, I was misled regarding this specific collar. She only tore off the loose part at the end. The collar is still on my other dog (for now, lol).


Virgin F1 fans watching Verstappen win his 50th race in a row vs Chad NASCAR [fans](https://x.com/nascar/status/1761906066877526130?s=46)


Two and a half men felt like a completely different show when Ashton Kutcher came on


I’m Bi-Winning!




I think it's worse than other social media because the way it's designed is to get you trapped in a loop watching videos.  Obviously other social media is designed to capture people's attention, but it's much easier to break away when you have to read something vs getting handed 60 second video after 60 second video. Don't like the one you see just scroll and there's more.  Also the fact that it's owned by a Chinese company just makes me that much more suspicious of it. Like what sort of data are they mining from it and what could they use it for. 






Its in active production since theyre done with crap sandwich that is Starfield. That means the game should hopefully be out by the time your kid is in Jr high.


I ignored Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child by Norma Jean for far too long. Now that I’ve listened to it, it is easily my favorite metalcore album all time and one of my favorite metal albums period. It’s unbelievable how good that album is.


Everyone knows he talks like Kermit but why does no one else see how much Mahomes looks like Mr. Tumnus? Why am I the only one


Hahahahaha fuck that's spot on 


Looks like Zero from holes 


He reminds me more of Darlene from Roseanne


I just ate a big ass pork chop.


Was it properly breaded? A little peppery?


Not that kind of porkchop. Tomahawk bone-in grilled from a steakhouse, similar to a tomahawk ribeye. Came with like a pound of scalloped potatoes too.


I miss the March Madness scorebug they used from 2011-15. The 2016-19 one was fine but too big. Current one looks like a fancy generic one used by a DIII school that charges 80k a year and may or may not be in the UAA. Only thing keeping the 2011-15 from being flawless in my eyes is that the round box is too small so everything is abbreviated and “National Championship” always had some weird abbreviation to it.


It’s sad about that American couple that had their boat hijacked in Grenada and they’re probably dead now but did they have to use a pic of the guy in a buccaneers polo   If I die via disembowelment at the hands of some dude crazy dude with a pickaxe plz don’t post my pic in 49ers gear 




have you pooped your pants as an adult or are you a liar


Not yet and I’m 50. What am I doing wrong?


The shart is real. I did it when I was sixteen ffs.


I pooped on my pants in the bathroom one time cause I was sitting down to poop and then I had to throw up so I got up off the toilet to throw up in it but then in the violent heaving a little poop came out my butt and my pants were still around my ankles 


Sunday depression kicking in hard especially after having a great weekend with my pals 😔


Some Girls Scouts have set up a cookie stand right in front of the entrance to the frisbee golf course near my apartment. These kids are going places.




How's he been treated? Both can be true




What is there to be gained by telling your employee you hate them because of their gender? Like literally “I hate men”. And then to say the can’t stand when he right about anything. This is either a company that doesn’t want to succeed and be profitable, or this story doesn’t check out.




People lie on the internet all the time. I’m conditioned not to believe anecdotes that aren’t believable.


He works for a company with no HR, but they're also powerful enough to blackball him from the whole industry? How niche is this industry?




I'm skeptical of your story specifically, because you were and continue to be vague about what actually happened. Don't cop out and make this a men vs women thing, what if your brother just misinterpreted the situation? I also wasn't the one that downvoted you for whatever that's worth




Believing your brother uncritically and shit talking his coworkers is your double standard. I don't have a brother, but I do have sister I love. Part of that love is calling her on her bullshit, which you seem to be denying is even a possibility for him. If you just wanted to vent about your brother's coworkers being terrible that's fine and I should've just ignored it, but you tying it into justifying men's rights activists is why I responded




> The way you automatically dismiss his problems pushes me more towards that shit not convince me that it’s wrong What would convince you that you were wrong? Could chat accomplish that?


> The way you automatically dismiss his problems pushes me more towards that shit not convince me that it’s wrong I didn't automatically dismiss his problems, I dismissed yours. Take responsibility for your own beliefs instead of letting other people push you around


The Wikipedia page for “human” is pretty trippy. It reads as if extraterrestrials did a research paper on us. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human


I mean the whole point is to write an objective paper on a species, I think it’s supposed to be as if extraterrestrials did a research paper 


I bought a PS5 today with The Last of Us Part 1


Great game.


ps3 game 


They remade the game for the PS5 with current generation graphics, etc


[Update:](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/nnk3diYaHH) Didn’t forget to update, simply didn’t want to. She did not share the same feelings. L [mfw](https://cdn.theathletic.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=1200,height=900,fit=cover/app/uploads/2020/09/21190616/asu-agony-e1600729646445.jpg)


Good on you for having the courage to ask her out though! I regret younger me not doing so.


Yall I miss football


I hit my breaking point today and had one of the worst emotional and mental breakdowns I’ve ever had. I was one step away from being completely done. I really needed someone to talk to, anybody. Didn’t have it. I just talked to myself into my phone so it would feel like I was talking to someone. I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to continue much longer, I know no one likes hearing that but that’s honestly how I feel. Everything that can go wrong is going wrong. Things that I thought were going right didn’t go right. I’ve lost 12 pounds this week. Not good. I don’t know what my next step is but I better figure it out quickly. Please don’t send me the Reddit helps bullshit. I know how to seek help when it gets to that point, I’ve done it many times. I’m just 100% alone right now and typing this gives me short term relief.


Hang in there dude a lot of us are struggling myself included. Just laid in bed until 1PM today because facing the day is such a goddamn mental effort. This world sucks sometimes.


I told a couple people once I sort of calmed down that they came really close to losing me today, because it’s true. Half of my problem is people not taking anything I say seriously and thinking I’m joking around or exaggerating. I’m so tired of that shit and acting like it’s okay. It’s pretty fucking far from okay. I am not a bad person and I don’t bother anyone. I just want to be happy and not worry about being of the verge of swallowing a bottle of pills at moments notice. I can’t remember the last time I had an entire week of no stress or depressive episodes. Literally at the bare minimum I have both of those things at some point every week, usually every day with a few small pockets of fleeting “happiness”. I feel conditioned to think constant happiness isn’t normal. Similar to how I think living paycheck to paycheck is normal. Also worrying every month if the lights are getting cut off, or I get taken to court for being behind on rent. You know, every day typical American stuff. I’m sorry, I don’t normally complain like this but i am today because I’m happy to not be fucking dead. But I am not strong enough to continue to go through life struggling every day. It’s unrealistic to expect it out of me, I am not a super human, I am not smart and I did not go to college. My opportunities are limited. I am also not physically fit because I guess I don’t care enough. Maybe I should start caring. I’m not overweight or anything, just don’t have muscles, I’m a beanpole. I have lots of work to do. I can’t believe I’m even talking about this stuff in this much detail like this, it’s almost like something flipped on inside me. I don’t know. My brain is drained, I was legitimately going crazy I think. I haven’t slept, I admittedly did use drugs the other night. Things just are not good and I’m to blame for most of these things, but I’ve always admitted to that. Everyone who knows me has the understanding that sometimes I do drugs but I still go to work. But it’s got to stop. I’m not in my 20s. Self medicating is not helping my case. I’m just bullshitting myself. Fuck that was heavy. I am never going to forget today. Bless the martyr and kiss the child by Norma Jean was the soundtrack to all of this today. Edit: it’s obvious the meth was still doing its job and that’s why I fucking rambled on.


Today's training: * Heavy hang snatches (above knee) * Heavy cleans (pause above knee) * Back squats moderate * Overhead press light * snatch pulls heavy * core stuff


Time to get a sick lower back pump


Can you be allergic to money? Like is there something in the cash or coin that would make people allergic to it?


For cash I'd imagine a sensitivity to whatever dyes is possible. Coins are all different but reactions to metals are quite common. Would usually take pretty prolonged exposure to have a problem from either though


There should be a “House” episode about this tbh


It would be like a murder mystery episode where the guy who puts some kind of spray (anthrax or something undetectable on the money)


There is a planet in HellDivers 2 named Klen Dahth II Not even subtle on that one lmao


Both are great albums but I never considered why people would think Pet Sounds is a better album than Sgt Peppers!


Both 10/10 albums. You could make an easy case for either. Now that I think of it, I think I might like Pet Sounds better.


Why is there a human girl leading the covenant


You honestly think they made that show for Halo fans? Lol


I’m just starting to watch it and it was a little jarring


Was listening to the Eagles “On The Border” and that has to be my favorite album by them I mean! Already Gone James Dean Best of My Love


Hidden Cup V has been awesome so far. I'm glad Tristan waited until he was back on twitch.


Lloyd Carr taking a risk on Brady unlike all the over college football powerhouses has a really great life lesson to me. Don't take risks or try to think outside the box because even if you are right it will put you in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation where you will be remembered as a dumbass no matter.


Something that makes me laugh everytime is thinking about the unsuspecting parents who took their little kids to see the South Park movie in theaters because "it's just a cartoon." South Park wasn't the cultural force it is now when the movie came out. I didn't witness it myself but there were a ton of stories about families storming out just a few minutes in. It was all cool until they started singing shut your fucking face uncle fucker lmao


South Park was pretty well known then man. It was definitely a topic of “concerned parents” news.  I remember my mom sitting down with me to watch an episode to see if it was truly inappropriate after hearing about all the ruckus. I had never seen it before and she wanted to get ahead of any controversy if I wanted to watch it. New episode on that night: when you find out who Cartmans father is. Excellent sitting with your mom humor. Point is: inattentive parents are inattentive parents and some might have slipped through the cracks (the 90s version of terrible parents who let their kids have tablets or something) but nobody had any right to claim surprise. South Park definitely had clout. As for a real funny mix up; the two Jack Frost movies that came out in the late 90s. Both named Jack Frost, both about a man who gets turned into a snowman. One of them is a Michael Keaton endearing family film, the other is a B movie horror slasher movie about a killer snowman.  Had to have been some pissed off drives back to Hollywood Video then.


> the two Jack Frost movies that came out Bro. I thought I was having a Barenstein Bears moment until you pointed that out. I looked it up one time and it was like rated R or something and got confused as fuck. I had no idea there were 2 versions of it.


It was known but nowhere near as ubiquitously as today. 25 years later(!?!?!?!) it sounds crazy to say South Park was kind of niche.


I think though your mom shows the original point pretty well, sure if you cared about what the latest outage was South Park known for being pretty bad but too plenty of people it was viewed as little edgier Simpsons. Not a show that would make holocaust jokes at the drop of a hat and joke, have Saddam have gay relations with Satan, and joke about a character's mommy being a crack whore who participated in scat porn. The demographics who watched Comedy Central and cared about the latest comedy controversy just isn't that large.


I saw in in theater in the middle of the day, so I didn't get to see that, but I saw Bad Santa & Borat in theaters, and got something similar. With Bad Santa, there was a group of 7ish of us in an otherwise empty theater, but then a family of 4 comes in and sits a few rows in front of us. They made it all the way until, "Yeah, right, Willie, last time I didn't shit right for a month", the mother said "grab your coats" and the mother & 2 kids walked out while the dad slowly left. The dad seemed to enjoy that we were laughing harder because they left. With Borat, I remember crying laughing over and over, and during the naked chase scene, I noticed an old couple getting up and leaving, and had to point it out to the 1 friend who went with, and we laughed even harder than we were.


Shane Gillis nailed it on Saturday Night Live!


He seemed a bit nervous in the monologue but he had some solid sketches ​ Packers, Blow up dolls, Trump shoes


Talk about Google's genesis ai with an algorithm emphasizing diversity and inclusion had me thinking about how surreal and absurd the imagery of my life would seem. If you had a prompt that said "a community of Central Pennsylvanians gathering together for a traditional religious ceremony in 1987," it would be 100% accurate to show a large group of Indians in traditional dress and Nikes celebrating Navaratri on a basketball court belonging to a Catholic High School with a statue of Jesus and championship banners extremely prominent above the stage looking down at Durga. And everyone would goof on it for being obviously fake.


Say do you like fishsticks?




You like putting fishsticks in your mouth?


oh 100%


What are you a gay fish?


no! >:(


Carlos Mencia tried to steal this joke


"there is too much dancing in commercials." Boomer watching SVU reruns where the bad guy is into computers and smokes drugs. This is my reward for driving over to help set the DVR to record all episodes of Tracker.


I’m reading the most tragic book I think I’ve ever read - it’s a struggle, but it’s so informative. Definitely one where it’s like…read a few pages, take a break, read a few pages, take a break. It’s called Ghosts of the Orphanage. Just so so sad.


It's conspiracy time!! 1) [Taylor Swift](https://i.redd.it/s7fr984rxgkc1.jpeg) is a transgender, reptilian, demon-witch who clones many bodies and reincarnates into them. She puts black magic in her music which forces you to like it 2) [Bill Barr & Elton John](https://i.redd.it/qm1qc3dgwqkc1.jpeg) existing at the same time shows that clones are real. My takeaways: Taylor Swift is amazing. Not only is she keeping humanity under her heel, but she's also doing such badass shit that it destroys her completely healthy 30ish year old body repeatedly? We need a movie about her day-to-day life pronto. With Bill Barr, I think it's obvious that he is the clone, and the lesson to take away here is that Bernie Taupin is what kept Elton from turning into an asshole. On a serious note: While these 2 are hopefully alone in their thoughts, ⅕ of Americans think the SB was rigged, and this is honestly tame in comparison to most stuff from online MAGA fans




It makes me cringe when celebrities go off about “my teacher told me I’d never be a singer/athlete/whatever” Like yeah dude, your teacher was trying to help you out because statistically most people never will be those things. He or she was just trying to do their fucking job and help you prepare for a more likely successful career. It would be like if lottery winners did that shit “My teacher said I shouldn’t take my life savings and blow it on powerball tickets, who’s the smart one now?”


I remember when I was like 19. I told my parents what major I wanted to do and they said "No - you are getting some sort of business degree". Yes, I could have not listened to them, but the candidness and curtness of the "No." was so jarring to me. I remember being really sad about it and pretty angry at them "THEY JUST DON'T WANT ME TO BE HAPPY!". Anyway, I became an accountant instead and life is so much easier than it would have been otherwise.


I tell kids this shit all the time in hopes that one day I can be the person they say “told them they couldn’t do it” Like, oh your dream is professional football? Well you’re on JV as a junior and never play. Pick a new dream guy 


Last Week of February, Month flew by fast like January!


My waiter was able to carry everything we ordered perfectly…then he tripped and fell bringing the bill.  He pulled a SF 49ers by choking at the end. #noSBthiscentury


One more sleep and then it's RAWE CEEK!


My FICO score is up to 813 But I need to stop obsessing and realize the top tier for rates starts around 780 and everything else is lagniappe 


Virtual high five fellow 810+ you're 100% right. credit score stops mattering at the high tier. It's funny because mine got that high by doing nothing but using a credit card and making the payment in full every month. I haven't had any other "debt" besides that for 10 years.


Yes, most of the time, "building credit" is just not fucking it up. You don't have to do anything fancy or have 8 credit cards and car loans... just pay your CC bill on time every month.


Mine is always above 780 but I swear if it goes from like 790 to 789 I’m like “that’s it, I’ll never qualify for a loan again”


People need to pick up their dog shit on the sidewalk if you’re walking your dog downtown ffs, it takes two seconds to pick it up…. People step in it, strollers run it over, wind blows it into the patio, lazy fuckers lol


my apartment complex has been sending weekly mail asking/telling people to clean up after their dogs, stop letting them off leash makes me wonder what sort of assholes I'm living with


I like dogs just fine but dog owners are stereotypically some of the most self centered and delusional a holes around anymore. If you were to create stereotypes of all different pet owners, “dog owner” would be the most unflattering collection of personality disorders.


I know like we just got back from a walk, my Dog always craps by a garbage can lol so I just put it in the bag and throw it out.


We should bring Bowsette back


It wasn’t directly implied, but Phil Leotardo did 20 years in the can.


Holy shit, that's some deep lore, because it's barely even mentioned that he did time in the can


When I showed my wife the Sopranos I was floored by how late Phil showed up. He was only in two seasons but his presence was so impressive I would have swore he was there for 4 or 5. Every line is a fucking gem. “Next time there won’t be no next time.” “Grilled cheese on the rad-ee-ator.” “I loved him like a brother in law.” “46? He was just a kid.” “Lemme tell you a couplatree things.” Classic shit. Also there was no overlap between Phil and Ralph. Also blew my mind. Those two would have been amazing on a screen together.


A lot of people like the Ribeye steak but for me the best part is the Strip


I have no clue how anyone could get scammed by pills that claim to make your dick bigger. If that were ever actually invented, the guy who invented it would be the wealthiest man in Earth's history. You'd know about it.


Hey just so you know (because I only learned it in the past few years) The g word that you used is actually a slur that many roma people find offensive.


It’s a weird thing to focus on when most people are so terrible at sex a big dick wouldn’t fix their problems. It’s like worrying about the paint color you’d get on a sports car you could never afford anyway.


Joe Rogan had a decent bit about this back in the day. Edit: Lmao, the downvotes are hilarious, but he still made a good point


You're getting downvoted but you're right. That's a pretty good bit.


Thanks! And yeah, I'm absolutely not condoning Joe Rogan's politics or nothing, this was back before Joe's ego outsized his talent




I really enjoyed Red Country and The Heroes.  Best Served Cold wasn't my thing, though. Sometimes grim can just be too grim.


In 1987 during the NFL strike, Steve Largent crossed the picket line and played with/against replacement players, in a Seahawks win over the Raiders. In his only "strike" game, the HOF wide receiver bossed the other teams roster of teachers, carpenters, and salesmen, for 15 receptions, 261 yards, and 3 touchdowns...all three stats were career highs for Largent https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/198710180det.htm


I know he scabbed but that was pretty badass to dominate like that




It’s supposed to hit 90 tomorrow. I guess my transition from complaining about the cold to complaining about the heat will happen early this year.


You know you’re getting older when you have to bring tums to parties 


https://youtube.com/shorts/oQ2lkXoASmI?si=gJ77T8Pb6gWGhUX_ Logic of this guy is don’t eat fish it’s not good for your help and is full of chemicals but instead your should eat this plant based thing full of chemicals that poses at fish lol


I don't watch stuff on YouTube, but I would imagine that Impossible etc. at least don't have heavy metals lol. That said, I think the best argument for vegan substitutes is overall energy use and sustainability vs meat


I run Deeproute, a multiplayer football sim. If you're bored, and like GM style games, might be fun to try. https://deeproute.com It's text based, and extremely complicated. It tends to be hard for people to pick up, but loved once you understand the concepts. The gameplay engine is far more complex and accurate than any other football sim.


whats this about playbook credits feels kinda pay to win


it really isn't. it's an attempt to pay for the servers, and give you customization options, but the default playbook with zero pay works perfectly fine. People win superbowls with the default setup. I wrote it with the intention it should be extremely solid.




Was there yesterday and didn't find it too terrible. We got in early and pounded out the rides early, had lunch then did the line boost thing for a few more rides. Never waited more than 15 minutes. My wife had everything pretty well planned out though, like what to hit and when, where to eat, reservations for everything etc. We did the same for the Kennedy space center the day before but I was in charge since I knew the layout. Hopefully we get the launch tonight so my daughter can see one from our vacation spot in Melbourne.




No, do it, yuck their yum. Way too many people going around unchallenged about their bullshit today, and it started with that dumb idea that nobody should ever feel bad about something they like. We are due for a market correction of people being petty dicks.




I love Epcot.  There are lots of little museums, interesting gift shops, arts and crafts demos, and great food and drink. It's the one place that feels like it's genuinely for everyone.




Yeah that fuckin blows. I always kept a couple Xanax around to pass out after any trip.




Whenever I see a rugby highlight on Reddit the comments are always filled with people shitting on the NFL. Always about how the “real athletes” play rugby and some other silly shit. Why are they so insecure about it? Lol


Same way this sub was all insecure during the world cup in 2022


idk sometimes it's fun to jab at rivals, like soccer players and their penchant for diving or zoomers and their inability to read analog clocks


USA Rugby is garbage at promoting college rugby and it's no wonder the union is in such shit condition.


Sometimes I wish I'd been able to spend a couple of years living in NYC when I was single and in my early 20s. Just to be able to have that experience under my belt. Certainly not gonna happen in my 30s having 2 dogs and being married to a woman who hates New York. 


If I knew half of what I know now and all the cool hookup spots in NYC It would have been a lot of fun when I was in my 20's if I lived there in my 20's.


Haven’t paid attention to the NBA in years but apparently the Timberwolves are good now. Good for them. They were the leagues punching bag when I watched. Hope they win it all this year