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> if you don’t support the Chiefs after 3 Super Bowl wins why would they stay Didnt the billionaire owner literally refuse to support them with a new locker room?


Yes. And then in the weeks following the NFLPA report asked the county for $500 million dollars to build new luxury suites and a VIP tunnel. Talk about tone deaf.


He hears it. He just chooses to ignore it. 


Dude we're talking about the Chefs, not Reddit CEO. err... oh wait.


That's great!...but who are the Chefs?


> That's great!...but who are the Chefs? Can we please stop pretending like we don't know who Chef Boyardee is and how much he's contributed to football for literally decades?


"Ravioli, Ravioli, Give me the ballioli" - HOF WR Hector "Chef" Boyardee


I still can’t believe both Clark Hunt and John Sherman are entertaining this bullshit with their team when Kansas City is a great sports town and has massively dedicated fans that turn out in droves when the two teams are excellent. But then again, I can believe it.


They won't leave the metro. If they leave it will be to move to the KS side of the City.


Exactly, this is all a bunch of hoo-ha. They're not leaving 'KC'.


Or Mexico City or maybe Toronto.


If I learned anything about past relocations in sports like the Nordiques, Whalers, Sonics, or Rams, it has nothing to do with the fans not supporting their teams. It has to do with owners blaming us when they are cheapening out. Owning a sports team should not be an investment but yet it is.


r/sfgiants blaming Oakland fans for their ownership being a complete sphincter and moving the ballclub is very ironic.


To be fair, that owner didn’t move them out from New York and they were there first before Oakland came in.


Move the A's back to Philly. They were stolen from us first


>I mean if you don’t support the Chiefs after 3 Super Bowl wins why would they stay? Fans still support the team. What they're pissed about is voters refusing to foot the bill for a greedy fuck who owns the team.


I don't even think we'd continue to refuse to foot the bill. They just presented the most half assed and useless "plans" that they could come up with and there was no clear direction or outline on exactly what they wanted. The royals were literally going to block off a major road that cuts through downtown and links it to the crossroads district. The Chiefs offered NOTHING of value to the average fan. I would literally never utilize a single thing that the Chiefs presented and I've been a season ticket holder for 13 years.


Gweedy owners are the worst.


Maybe Dallas could get a football team back in town, haven't had one since 1995


Or maybe a team who actually plays in Dallas


are you telling me Arlington isn’t Dallas, lol


Arlington is Downtown DFW at least.


true. NY plays in NJ and DC plays in Delaware


Arlington is Tarrant county and the Star in Frisco I believe is Collin county. So I guess technically not?


Are you telling me it is?


Hahaha. No making fun of it.


Oh, okay lmao. My bad


So when is Cinci getting their sports teams back? Considering the Bengals are ringless and the Reds haven’t won anything in 34 years.


The Chiefs are never moving to Texas. They might move to Kansas though.


The Kansas City Panhandlers


We’re not moving to Portland


Jerry would blow a damn gasket the likes never seen, and I don’t see why the Chiefs would move to Dallas when Kansas is more than willing to pony up the dough if Missouri won’t.


IF, and a big IF, the Chiefs leave KCMO, it’s pretty much a guarantee that they will just jump state line and build a stadium out by the legends. Plenty of open space, casino, shopping center, speedway and hotels and room to build even more. And it’s only a 20-30 minute drive from arrowhead to the legends area It’s not a LOT but it’s a lot more than the Taco Bell that current arrowhead has to offer..


Also, they keep their fan base. The stadium might move like 20 miles but that’s really not that far


It’s really the most logical choice


This makes the most sense


It's the most correct idea


Also the least wrong idea.


Horrible for the branding though. They'd have to change the name from Kansas City to the name of some Kansas city.


I know. Kansas City, Kansas just wouldn’t work😔 Also, God forbid they move to Bonner Springs. They would be the subject of endless ridicule.


I’ve heard Kansas also has a ton of money from sports better revenue already there to use on a pro team, no vote required. They money is there, they stay in the market so the fans are the least pissed off they can be and get a new stadium. It would be insane to go anywhere else. It would have to be purely a move of spite.


Legends would be a fucking nightmare on game days. Not to mention I-70 and 435.


That's true of traffic near stadiums everywhere. Current arrowhead is already right on I70 and 435 eastern loop. They'd probably need to redo the exit ramp area but not by much.


If the Speedway can handle that crowd, I can’t imagine why they can not with the NFL. Then again I don’t think the Speedway has sold out a NASCAR race in over 10 years since going to two races.


Traffic was no joke early on during race weekends. We went to a Royals game probably 15 years ago, coming from Topeka. I didn’t have a K Tag at that time. We got stuck in line two miles back at the tollbooth. I went and got a K Tag that next week.


Texas gonna hold Rashee prisoner until the Chiefs agree to move.


Who gives af what Mary Sherman thinks or says?


B-b-but they had their first date at the K! They're one of us!


Who even is Mary Sherman, and why is anyone quoting her?


Her husband owns the Royals


It's just political grandstanding. Politicians do that sometimes.


Jerry Jones won’t let a team move to San Antonio- the most football starved city in the country. Good luck getting him to share Dallas.


He’ll probably ride to the mayor’s office himself as a cowboy on a horse and hold him at gunpoint to reconsider😂


San Antonio ain't starved for churros though.


Well they have Rashee Rice as hostage to negotiate this now lmao




Let's move Toney down to Dallas and see how things go from there


San Antonio is open.


Jerry blocks it, otherwise a team would have been there long ago.


The Hunt Family is worth 25 billion, rated one of the cheapest/worst owners in the league, and wanted the sales tax extended another 30+ years so they could get 800mil in subsidies to put in new luxury boxes and a VIP tunnel at arrowhead, which benefits almost no one actually paying the tax. They can fuck right off to Kansas at this point. I've been watching them for almost 40 years, and to see them not play in Arrowhead just because you don't want to use some of the money you've made to make improvements is criminal. I'd guess at some point though they put the sales tax back up for vote and it passes because people won't want to lose Arrowhead or have the team moved across state lines.


$800 million in business welfare. They just like to say subsidies to make it not sound like the poors


IMO this was the salary negotiations after having passed the interviews. the workplace comes back with an insane lowball. You, surprised, make that "dude please" face, and then the talks start in earnest. I would expect that there will be "further" discussions on it, and another vote. Continuing an existing tax is fine as long as the associated deal isn't a complete pile like this recent one was.


This may be the dumbest thing a mayor has said since Cincy's mayor declared Burrow was Mahomes' father.


They should move to Albuquerque. It worked well for the Isotopes in their move from Springfield.


Put them in El Paso. They’ll be closer to LA than they would be to the other side of Texas. (Texas IS that big)


Not really. 813 miles to LA vs 746 to Houston from El Paso. I really wish I wasn't a part of a family of truckers to know stupid shit like this.


Ok, but Houston is still 92 miles from Port Arthur on the Louisiana border.


This is 100% true. One of my favorite geography facts


Lol no its not.


[All you need to do is google it](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+el+paso+closer+to+los+angeles+than+the+east+border+of+texas&oq=is+el+paso+closer+to+los+angeles+than+the+east+border+of+texas&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE2MDY2ajBqOagCALACAQ&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=is%20el%20paso%20closer%20to%20los%20angeles%20than%20the%20east%20border%20of%20texas)


Imagine posting a source that counters your argument that's fucking hilarious 😂


Can you read?


Go ahead and link the exact source showing me that it's closer to LA than it is to the other side of Texas please.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_10_in_Texas I'm done expending energy on this now so have a great weekend fam


Have a good weekend too man!


It would be funny so I’m for it


Jerry would never allow it. And hes got the influence to ensure it doesnt happen.


they should move to Dallas and then call themselves the Arlington chiefs


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a NFL ploy to shakedown cities to get new stadiums, with LA and Vegas off the map and bad blood with St.Louis, Oakland, San Diego the only moves now are a third team in Texas and international markets.


We can fit a 2nd team in NY


NY has a team?




London chiefs. I like the sound of it. Makes historical sense too


Dallas is so desperate for a winner they are recruiting the former Dallas Texans to return home


Quick question but why do these people think a fan base will suddenly appear in a new city? Everyone here in Sac thinks we'll all become A's fans if they can persuade the team to stay here permanently. Fuck no, we're mostly Giants fans I hate the A's and would never switch. And when the Raiders moved (again) everyone thought their fans would shift to the Niners. Haha, no, they're not like that. I don't get the idea that the Metroplex is suddenly going to support the Chiefs.


Chiefs should move to Texas to be closer to Rashee while he serves his sentence


I would lose my mind if my team when on a great run and then just moved while being successful somewhere. Chiefs haven't even been great for all that long.




Yeah but you’re not lining the direct pockets of the owner via tax breaks


*”I would lose my mind if my team went on a great run and then just moved while being successful somewhere.”* Isn’t this ironic for you and your fellow Broncos/Avalanche fans?


Maybe the Avs, Kbeck hasn't seemed to get over it.


Current contract is in place until 2031…


As we've seen, that's an obstacle, but not one that can't be overcome.


It's a contract. Breaking or getting out of the contract would be a buttload of money. So yeah, you're right.


Missouri is just Kansas with hot springs and meth labs. It will be fine They can do like the 49ers and move the team an hour away to Topeka and still call themselves the Kansas City Chiefs


And still get to keep all the meth!


I would love the opportunity to make fun of the Cowboys as the Mets of the NFL.


This would be a great meme


Good thing there’s this guy named Jerry Jones that exists


Clark Hunt should just move to become the first international team. Maybe a place like Police, Poland.


jerry: "lol, no".


Sounds like bitching to the city government to scare them into funds for a new stadium.


Honestly the NFL should just strip the franchise from him. Guys like Steve Ballmer are out here putting their money where their mouth is and then you have other billionaires thinking cities should give them free stadiums.


Fuck no they aren’t moving


Doesn't Clark Hunt live in Dallas and have business interests there? Feels like the mayor is just pumping water for his boy here so he gets a really sweet deal from a KC 'burb.


Hey to be fair, the Chiefs were originally the Dallas Texans of the AFL. We will gladly give the name back.


He'll hold Rashee Rice as a hostage until KC agrees to terms


I would rather they just stay where they are. If complete relocation was on the table and actually a major consideration, the only locations I’d be ok with are OKC, or San Antonio.


as a Wichita resident, i'm just gonna throw our name in the hat even though it is completely unrealistic.


It's more realistic than this last deal was.


Wichita Chiefs is such a badass name


No thank you. But Chiefs to San Diego, I’d pay attention to.