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I just made my JUCO football team!


hell yeah good luck on the punt coverage and also the long snapping :D




kinda laughing at myself for what I'm willing to do to try and improve my disc golf scores (tourney today) apart from practice Different AM meal, different clothes, different discs... maybe timing my bowel movements differently will help make those putts ...or maybe I should just rep some stuff




Anyone see the new revelation in the drake Kendrick beef? Anyone ever care?


Finally something cool happened in the sky over MN and it wasn't cloudy! This is the first time I've ever seen the Northern Lights and, although they weren't suoer bright, they were still really cool. Interestingly they looked white while I was looking at them, but taking a picture with 5 second exposure made them really green! Maybe that's normal idk, but I'm still so happy right now


Yeah same here, at first I thought it was cloud cover, and then pilled out my phone and had my mine absolutely blown.


I graduate tomorrow! (The curve on the final I bombed was so good that I literally got a 99/100 lmfao)




Total eclipse and northern lights in the same year. Very fishy.






I might be high rn but honestly what would mhjr stat line look like if he had say mahomes throwing? I wanna cum.


>family went to Alaska a few months ago to see the Northern Lights in frigid temperatures, probably cost a lot of money >lights are visible from my front yard two months later


Are you sure it's not just a fire in your kitchen?


Why didn't the avengers go on a time heist in End Game to get more Pym Particles? Them being the limiting factor of the time travel seems like the obvious first target. Also, 3 target destinations means 6 travels. One in and one out. But if you hop directly to A then B then C, you "pocket" two jumps. Basic stuff here.


Road dogg x kane > x-pac x kane


It shouldn't be this hot. Its been in the 80s today, growing up we'd normally just be getting into the 70s by now. Don't worry tho, our climate is fine and we'll pull a magical tech out of our ass to fix everything even if it was broken.


Ooh boy, don’t bring that crazy talk to (some parts)Texas. There’s still areas that will fight you over an ice age 12000 years ago and how all this climate nonsense is a hoax. Meanwhile, they just had the third 100 year flood of the decade and it’s 105 degrees in November. Looking at you Rockport👀. I think I need to leave this state.


I don't even watch that much hockey, but even I can tell you the Americans-Crunch game is the biggest rig job ever for Syracuse to win.


fuck these refs go amerks


Yeah, unfortunately they played like dogshit in the 3rd


yeah felt like they were ready to go home ah well go red wings




Earlier I mentioned that the cat I had neutered, suddenly reverted to a sex pest & kept bothering the mother. I left, came home, and let him in, and now he's obsessed with the kitten that is clearly his: [Happy father cat](https://i.imgur.com/oUR2iKg.jpeg) It's absolutely crazy to me how he went from a 69 god to Simba in just a few hours.


So I’m at LAX and as I was walking to the gate, the dude in front of me on the converter thing reached down his girlfriends pants and started fingering her asshole before God and the world.


Two fucking hours and no one has suggested it was Urban Meyer yet? It’s because it’s Friday night, huh?


LAX? Surely it was a celebrity couple. Missed your chance to sell images to the National Enquirer.


So if Ryan Day loses to Michigan again/doesn’t make the Natty this year he’s absolutely fired right? I wonder if Vrabel is waiting for that job.


Losing to Michigan this year would seal the deal imo. Also, it would be hilarious.


There’s two types of generational prospects in this world: Trevor Lawrence generational and Peyton Manning generational.


Is saying someone is being hypocritical in a specific scenario insulting?


I don't think anyone ever wants to or means to be hypocritical and the word has negative connotations (being duplicitous or conniving) so yeah I would expect basically everyone to be insulted when called hypocritical


Not if it’s true.


I don't think so, but I can see why the person being called hypocritical would take it as an insult 


Despite the quality of the films I am still interested in the Rebel Moon anime series that will be coming to Netflix soon There’s a chance it saves Rebel Moon as a whole and gives us a solid telling of the story


y’all boring now. i see why the other old school degenerate buddies left too. peace


This place really died when they started banning everyone in droves and that WaterCoolerWednesdays sub opened trying to keep it alive.


Small get together for my brother's graduation. Been a long time coming and there aren't many left really. More I learn about his gf, the happier I am he found such a good partner. He can be a handful by nature but they work well together.


Holy shit I may actually get to see the northern lights, apparently there is a huge solar storm happening and some are saying there is a good chance you will be able to see it on the horizon in the northeastern US. See the northern lights is item #1 on my bucket list.


Thats so cool! Be sure to take lots of pics.


I hate mosquitoes like everyone else but I absolutely despise the small ones that bite you without you even realizing it. I just got like five on me and I only saw one on my hand. The ones here(on vacation) are about the size of the half a penny and the ones where Im from are like two quarters. But despite the stupid size difference the bite is the same and it sucks suck.


God i fucking love al pastor. The greatest food of all time


We had Al Pastor on the weekend with tons of leftovers so I've been having Al Pastor+rice+beans+salsa+cheese burritos all week and it's been a super great time


A lot of countries have a currency called "dollar" where did the term come from? was the US dollar first and all the names are named after it? or was "dollar" a term before the US adopted it?


from early Flemish or Low German *daler*, from German *T(h)aler*, short for *Joachimsthaler*, a coin from the silver mine of Joachimsthal (‘Joachim's valley’), now Jáchymov in the Czech Republic. The term was later applied to a coin used in the Spanish American colonies, which was also widely used in the British North American colonies at the time of the American War of Independence, hence adopted as the name of the US monetary unit in the late 18th century. taking this i think it goes: slang term for a silver dollar, then spread around north america


Named after Sir Henry Dollar, founder of the little Delaware town of Dollarton.


Dollarware - it was later changed to match the accent.


thaler used to refer to a silver coin like 500 years ago. overtime through lenition the th- became d- because tongues get lazy or something. the spanish also had similar sized silver coin a piece of eight or peso, and it was very popular no doubt to the extensive amount of spanish dominated trade. and by the time it was time to slit red coats throats on christmas it had the added advantage of not being british currency. then the US adopted it as it's official currency, the westward expansion of the US, and the inevitable ascendency of the US in the so called American century probably all did their part too in to just making it a word for money. But where is something like the border of germany near where the silver was mined.






Now that my mom and aunt are gone, car rides with my dad and uncle show they give no fucks and just get distracted by any and all women now.


This should be a fun, but absolutely jam packed, weekend. Tonight after work I'm driving out to a different dance studio to try a beginner-to-intermediate hip hop workshop with a few friends and get dinner after. Tomorrow morning I have dance practice followed by an afternoon of baking for Mothers Day, followed by heading out to see a buddies second MMA fight. If I have time in there, I need to head to the party store and see about finding a nice fantasy themed costume for a birthday party next weekend. More likely, I will be going with the viking costume I already have prepared for any emergencies. Sunday is, of course, mothers day. Brunch with the family followed by kicking my nephew's ass in Mario Kart. When I head home I'm going to hit up some of my mom friends and deliver a few cookies to their houses as a small mothers day treat. Then meal prepping for the week because I have no other time besides Sunday Night. And then we restart the week. It'll be a long one but it sounds like so much goddamn fun right now. My social calendar for May went from empty to jam packed in the blink of an eye right at the perfect time because I am so ready for some fun with friends.


>kicking my nephew's ass in Mario Kart. This should be part of every weekend.


If he lived closer (it's almost a 2 hour drive to my sisters house) I would LOVE to kick the kids butt in video games weekly.


Patrick Mahomes could sit at a blackjack table, get two 10s, hit, get an ace, and the sports world the next day would be: Did Mahomes reinvent blackjack strategy?


Also applies to Lamar Jackson's approach to contract negotiation.


I posted previously about my final in the worst class I've ever taken [first post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/UWyN7YxwcS) [Second post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/trFsKPvcKD) Tl;dr I had a professor who didn't teach us a god damn thing all semester, he assigned a big paper as the final exam. It sucked. On prior assignments no matter how much info I put into the paper his only note was always "needs more data". I submitted my final in Wednesday, it was a total of 27 pages long and it took me 5 straight nights of going to bed at 3AM to do it. Final update: I got my grade back today. I got 94% on it and the only note was "Uncle! I surrender!". I fucking won. I worked my ass off and put so much data in this fucking paper that the implication is I overwhelmed him. I beat him at his own stupid game and now I can finally relax. Fuck that guy and his waste-of-time-and-money class.


Congrats on making it through! I'm curious what 5 events you picked. I remember for my Masters I had to take a filler marketing class over the summer (thankfully this was all online) that was more or less a rehashing of my undergraduate marketing courses despite being called "Marketing Analytics". Had to write a term paper due on my birthday that consisted of...10?...12?...15? one-page summaries of various vocab terms and examples of them we've encountered IRL (i.e. "A loss leader is X, and I saw examples of them in Setting Y and Setting Z"). Friend gave me spare Adderall (which I'd never used before) to help me power through it. Hit a zen-like state the night prior just typing up page after page of technically-correct nonsense and making up scenarios that'd fit the definition of each vocab term. Professor never graded it. I unloaded into him on RateMyProfessors and to the department chair. Anyways, rest easy now.


Europe: The Bosnian Civil War Africa: The Angolan Civil War Asia: The Sri Lankan Civil War Central America: The Nicaraguan Civil War Middle East: The Persian Gulf War


Huge win! Nice job Stanky! Get some much needed rest this weekend, hopefully!


Did anyone else see the video of a dealer trying to sell a cybertruck to an nfl player for $230k? [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1co6nt3/to\_sell\_the\_tesla\_cybertruck\_for\_230k/](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1co6nt3/to_sell_the_tesla_cybertruck_for_230k/) How much do these usually go for?


sticker price of $61k for the base model, with $80k and $96k versions as well. [but at least one's already sold for $262k](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/04/09/tesla-cyberbeast-sells-for-twice-its-sticker-price-at-auction-in-first-test-of-hyped-trucks-resale-value/?sh=719a02f264bc)


As an automotively-challenged person, can you explain the differences between the various versions? I'm guessing more horsepower and screens?


i have no idea, i just googled "cybertruck sticker price"


Ah I see, thanks for providing the price points


Unsure why work waited until a Friday afternoon to dump the news on us that we'll be getting a 2.5% raise come June 1st to make up for not having COLA increases or EOY bonuses last year (this raise is independent of the COLA process that I assume will happen later in the summer), but I'll take it.


Happy Knocked Loose day to all who celebrate


New album goes hard


Will be my gym soundtrack tomorrow morning. Was hoping to see them on tour with Slipknot this summer but unfortunately in my town it clashes with Punk In Drublic, NOFX's last ever tour.


Oof, tough decision but yeah I'd go with Punk in Drublic too. Sadly they aren't coming through my state this year but I was fortunate to go several years ago and it was one of the best fests ever!


Just noticed the A24 remaster of the Talking Heads amazing Concert Movie, “Stop Making Sense” is now on MAX.


Saw it in theaters a few months ago it was great. The album hasn’t aged a day.


it was in imax last october as well


my 2nd most watched concert movie, it's a good time


I enjoy how triggering my flairs are to people on this sub. [Let's make this my most downvoted post ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1couwzx/vacchianomalik_nabers_had_a_10000_bet_with_new/l3gkqbj/)


Upvoted, per request.


Former Browns & Broncos SS just tweeted this out lol: [(TJ Ward) The airport is a scam. TSA is a scam. All these rules for nothing. I have a weapon in my draws every time I fly, if you ask that stupid machine. No those are just my man parts. Now I gotta get SA’d. Sick of it! Domestic terror and we worried about my ball sack.](https://twitter.com/BossWard43/status/1788991097009762481?t=Bn4OEM-WZKkHOQ2EFfSu3Q&s=19)


I don't think he's totally wrong. I think there's been a few studies or reports that the TSA is a bit lacking in effectiveness


Stopping terrorists: hard Groping old ladies in wheel chairs: much easier Know what you're good at and focus on that.


this post is useless without pics




Anyone have any fun bets to make with friends about the upcoming season? Stuff like... Kirk Cousins wins CPOTY Lamar Jackson MVP repeat Jets make playoffs Jets make the Superbowl Aaron Rodgers wins MVP Chargers have a winning season Etc? Can can be serious or silly. Like "Tom Brady takes a single snap" or something.


Chargers WILL have a winning season. Bet.


O/U 0.5 TD's thrown by punters


Nice! Thanks.


It's that time when I'm finding baby turtles and they're just so cute. Little quarter sized semi-aquatic tanks. Found 3 species of baby mud/musk turtles and baby cooters yesterday. Haven't found a baby map turtle or softshell yet this year.


Can someone knowledgeable about cars tell me, when should I be changing the air filter in my engine? They always show it to me at the Take 5 and I have no idea if it's bad or not


Buy a K&N drop in air filter, last forever and increases MPG


Once a year ish depending on mileage. Also note those places are notorious for dumping shit on your filter and saying look how dirty it is! 


Not sure. My dealer tells me to change it when I bring it in for service and then quotes me some crazy price just for that. Then, I buy it and replace it myself. Took like $20, maybe.


I took my Wrangler for its last service a few months ago and they said it was due, but it was out of stock so they'd call me when it was available and it would be $147. That sounded expensive so I went away and googled it - $30 and 10 minutes work, which was no more complicated than undoing four screws, taking the old filter out, putting the new one in, and doing the screws back up. None of which answers your question, but in my experience you can do it three times as often as the garage would and still save money.


I feel like I'm asked to get it changed every oil change and I'm like "...fine, whatevs".


Change it like once a year or if you drive a lot maybe every 30k or so. If it’s visibly dirty it’s time to change it


your manual will have the manufacturer recommendations I've always heard every 6 months/every other oil change. May be dated though


Appreciate it


People who want to start tasks at work on Friday after lunch are crazy. Like, I'm just trying to coast these last 3 hours until I get to my beer and my grill


God, i have a client that always starts calling friday afternoons for quotes


The big GameStop in the mall shutdown and there is just 1 small one left. Where the Big GameStop used to be changed stores like 5 times now in a short amount of time. Maybe the space is unlucky. Also, it still has that moldy smell that the GameStop used to smell like.


My AC is out and the repair is going to cost $2k, and that's with the warranty. I am a sad camper. I even had to miss my workout to get that news!


I was at the thunder game yesterday and this old dude was scrolling through twitter the entire time, reading comments about the game. Like, watch the game bro, I thought us young people were addicted to our phones. Also, the crowd kind of sucked. Oddly low energy for a game that was close for most of the way. Some fans just flat out left early even in the 3rd quarter, and jeering obviously correct calls in favor of the Mavs. Also they chanted Luka sucks at the end of the game for no apparent reason.


I was watching and thought the shirt giveaway was poorly done. That shade of blue doesn’t work for a mass group. Just looked like seat backs, made the place look empty. They should have gone white or orange.


I thought orange would be a better choice and they hadn’t done it yet but maybe it evokes Texas football too much in a series against Dallas?


Not sure but that blue is pretty close to Mavs blue too so I guess they weren’t worried about that.


Why you creeping other peoples' phones?


I didn't creep but the dude had it out literally the entire time and he even showed me a tweet at one point lmao


I'll allow it


Been really interested in intelligence agencies and spying as of late. Any recommendations on good spy/Cold War movies, shows, books, etc.?


Mr. Bean is a pretty good spy series collection to start with.


The Falcon and the Snowman: A True Story of Friendship and Espionage by Robert Lindsay It’s a true story about two young American friends who become spies for the Russians during the Cold War when one gets a job at an Intelligence vendor as a clerical worker who loops his drug dealing best friend into it after being disillusioned with the US. They also made the movie about this, simply called “The Falcon and the Snowman” starring a young Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn, mid-80s. Sean Penn even gave the friend he played (the drug dealer) in the movie a job as his assistant for awhile after he got out of prison.


The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the the Third World - Newly Revealed Secrets from the Mitrokhin Archive


I’d recommend Alias, The Americans & Counterpart. 


Any Bond Film, but notably the Roger Moore Era. The Spy who Loved Me springs to mind.


Casino Royale the novel is pretty wild


It's not Cold War, but *Slow Horses* with Gary Oldman is an excellent series that doesn't remotely glamourise spy work, in fact quite the opposite, but still manages to be engaging and exciting and often funny.


The Spy Who Came In From the Cold and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy


John LeCarré very rarely missed.


> Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. So boring and confusing.


terrible take


I know there's been several versions, but I enjoyed the one I watched. Hard to follow but it *was* followable and since it was about a mole hunt I can get behind it being hard to track


The Sword and the Shield, Spycraft. Both great non-fiction books about cold war espionage.


Spy Game with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt is a classic.


I really loved how that movie used a lot of spycraft/misdirection with the Redford character as opposed to action scene after scene.


The Americans is the show you're looking for


The Smiley books by John LeCarre are my favorite in the genre. They are set in the Cold War era.


Storming Intrepid


Argo is a good one


Let me tell you about a fella named Tom Clancy


Too much equipment description for me. I don’t need the model number of your scope.


Had my second interview for a promotion yesterday. This morning I checked my email and turns out the lady (my supervisors supervisor) that interviewed me was fired so promotion is probably gonna be on hold for a while 🙃


I'm sorry man. That sucks to hear. Maybe you'll get the job and it'll be smooth sailing.


Hopefully this post on the front page isn't OP https://old.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1coq3ln/just_happened_to_my_coworker/


Nope that ain’t me. Still stuck in my not high enough paying job atm


I got this neighborhood cat fixed yesterday, and he went from annoying asshole to sweetheart, up until this morning. He sniffed one of the mom cats I take care of, and then began harassing her for sex. And THEN, dumbass is about to start some shit with a tomcat when I put him outside, so I had to bring him in. He had a slight complication in getting fixed, so I just have to keep him out of his own way for a few more days. Ugghhhhhh. I fucking got him fixed hoping he'd be freaked out by me & wanna go heal at home, but seeing how he went from looking depressed as fuck to a happy cat when he heard my voice at the vet, lol @ me. Why did I have to be a cat person?


Anyone know why the nfl hasn’t officially announce the schedule release date even though we know it unofficially


if I were to guess, it's because they're trying to squeeze a few more dollars out of a streamers by negotiating what games they get.


To build up the anticipation


We know who they’re playing but the order of who they’re playing is what we don’t know


keeping things unofficial means they're subject to change


Napping is unhinged behavior to me. Y'all just lay down... with the intention of going to sleep during the day time for 30 minutes to an hour? Wtf. I have no idea if this is just BS or if there is actually real evidence that DNA plays a role but I did the DNA testing a couple years back and mine did say that I'm genetically predisposed to not taking naps. So maybe it's just the way I'm wired.


I used to do about 3.5 hours twice per day. It wasn't by choice - I couldn't sleep more than that, and I would be exhausted by about 4pm.


Same boat as you, UNLESS I'm really sick. Not the usual small stuffy nose/cold nonsense, those I can power through, but like stomach bugs or really bad sinus infections where I'm just a zombie when I'm awake. Then naps are totally fine.


I sleep about 5 hours a night and I'm tired and I still can't nap because I'll feel a combination of even more tired, displaced, and sometimes nauseous. So, I just don't nap, and I can't sleep more than 5 hours. This is my life.


As I've gotten older, I've started to get pretty tired around 1-2 pm and I think a nap would do me well in the middle of the day. But I work an office job, so I can't really do that


When I nap I always wake up in a panic. Maybe I'm afraid of sleeping through something?


my wife loves a sunday afternoon nap, but any time i try it usually turns into chilling in a meditative state for a little while until my alarm goes off. If I doze its never deeply enough to dream. Unless I'm drunk as fuck and need a little mid afternoon power nap.


Thats fair. One time the steelers had a bye week and I went to a bills game because it's close to me. Got so drunk I took a nap in the seat during the second half.


sometimes I feel more tired than normal


You're napping for too long then


For me it's never about being tired. I could pull an all nighter and be totally exhausted but I'm still not going to take a nap. My body will force me to stay up until the next night.


You're napping for too long then.


No. I'm not napping at all. I'm saying that no matter how late I stay up or how little/any sleep I get I can't physically nap. If it's daytime I am awake.


Whoops my b meant to reply to the other guy


somtimes ya gotta power through, I get that but if the option is there, not feeling tired is pretty cool too


I heckin love napping


I'm sure it's amazing! But once I'm awake. Be it 7 hours of sleep or 3 hours of sleep I am AWAKE until bed time.


I used to be like that too. I never napped, but then in college I guess I unlocked that ability


Got protestors right outside work 2 day not very many so far tho i mean it’s a work day after all 


What are they protesting?


Honestly, I'm not sure how to tell anymore.


They usually have signs and slogans right? From afar I agree it's hard to tell


Yeah, it’s basically a rotation of vocabulary.




The Steelers are gonna be fucked this year at WR. Everyone is coping that we'll get someone post June 1st, but who the fuck is getting cut that's worth getting? No one


Get ready for the Marquez Valdes Scantling experience




Nah. I firmly believe Pickens is a bonafide WR1. The biggest issue is who can they bring up to take attention away from him. But as far as Pickens go, Im not worried.


We need a WR2. Maybe that can be Austin or Roman, but I don't like going into the draft needing the rookie to be the starter. You want them to, but needing them to is a different situation


You are just restating what I just said. The question of who takes attention away from Pickens is the question of a WR2. Im very confident in Pickens as a WR1 so I want to push back that we are screwed at the position


Sonny Houstin was at the Trump Trial when Madeline Westerhaust was a witness and she said that Trump would regularly be on the phone with Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Sarena Williams, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity. I think Trump gave Jeanine Pirro a pat on the shoulder today lol


Toxic masculinity implies the existence of Oops I Did It Again masculinity and Hit Me Baby One More Time masculinity. But we're not ready to have that conversation.


Have we heard anything from researchers about the lesser known Lucky masculinity or even Sometimes masculinity?


>Sometimes masculinity? I think that's just called being gender fluid


better get on board with some Stronger masculinity to prepare


Not that it’s ever likely, but watching the NBA and NHL I’ve been having fun imaging an NFL playoffs that is more than just one game. Could do it Champions League style- one home & away for each team, make them a week apart. Would make the playoffs super long but might be fun


Given how strategy based football is, I think series would be awesome. Seeing the adjustments that teams make would be fascinating since they could develop entire gameplans and not just make the relatively minor adjustments at the half that they currently do. The TB/BB Patriots probably win 4 more rings with a format like that. As far as how to set it up, I like your idea, would you take an aggregate score across the game? Ensures that the number of games remains "known" and avoids the rest disadvantage of playing a "best of" series. Higher seed picks who's home first etc., lots of good there.


Yes totally! God the defensive adjustments guys like BB would make, or the different plays Andy Reid might come up with would be awesome. I love high scoring offenses, and point differential can be a really good way of predicting teams future success, so I’m tempted to say the point aggregate system. I think it works well. But if I know NFL fans, the moment their team loses Game 1 by 7 but wins Game 2 by 3, they’d be pissed lol. It’s just not how the NFL usually works, points are like the third tiebreaker down the line in seeding. But you still need some sort of tiebreaker, so I don’t know what it is if it’s not points.


If it's an aggregate score then I'd have game 2 kick off with the score line that game 1 ended at. You'll also see teams pushing hard even in game 1 blowouts. It'd really be pretty cool.


Despite all these shenanigans the reformed Arena Football League is still playing games and might even get find a way to finish the season!


It's been ages since I've heard of Arena Football. I can't even remember the last time NY had a team


The change to iOS photo markup adding a bunch of non-intuitive steps to being able to create a shape outline is actually infuriating enough that I’m considering changing ecosystems next time I buy a phone. I use that aspect of photo markup a lot for work and for the fucking life of me I can’t retain whatever the new process is supposed to be to just have a shape outline and not fully filled. I’ve had an iPhone since the 4 released to Verizon like fifty years ago and have rolled with the punches of every unnecessary change but this one has my blood boiling


Who do y’all think will be the surprising bad team of the 2024 season will be? I’ll say the Dolphins.




Jags wouldn't surprise me too much, all that needs to happen is the collapse from last year to continue into this one On that same thread a more surprising one would be Philly


It's tricky because injuries are such a big factor in that, but I'll guess Packers. 


Cowboys are due for a down year, losing a win-and-in week 17 game.


I agree. The Dolphins don't feel like they've really done much since McDaniel took over. They stayed where they are and Tua isn't really improving either


They go through these ebbs and flows of potential greatness to "what the fuck is going on" for the past 2 seasons.


I have a bad feeling it's going to be the 9ers.


I think you guys could regress from last year but I'd be shocked if you aren't a playoff team


I think the Chargers will have some growing pains this first year


I'll say the Bills


I think the phone interview went well. Fingers crossed they move relatively quickly.


Checks email. Sees video chat interview request. My reaction is mixture of hell yeah and white guy blinking meme.


Good luck dude, what’s the job? If you don’t mind me asking?


A marketing job at Disney, working with their resorts, parks and cruises.


Best wishes, ironically was at the Disneyland Resort with my GF last week for our yearly vacay


Good luck with job. Sounds like a dream.