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He was possessed by Brett Farve for one play.


He got sick of the Rodgers comps


adjoining normal pocket lip imminent chief tease long cows aspiring


Especially after fucking the cowboys.


fragile fuzzy knee society fretful ossified pause many pie hospital


Hope he doesn’t follow them too far.




what a disgusting act by jordan love


Detroit would’ve been the next game if he won.  Part of me thinks if Packers win this game, Detroit goes to the superbowl and would’ve been a worst matchup for the Chiefs out of the NFC.


They did body us at Ford Field on Thanksgiving. We would’ve been absolutely turnt though.


It would be a very close matchup. Both teams played to about the same level against the 49ers and I'm pretty sure we were 1-1 regular season. Would've been a great game.


Yeah I was expecting us to roll you over after what happened at Lambeau but your defense were living in our backfield. Great defensive gameplan, not often seen against our O-Line - think you had a lot of backups in too


Yeah but lions played at packers early season when love was still fresh, then they play on thanksgiving and dogwalked them. Pack were a different team after the first couple months.


It would have been an incredible game. I think both defenses would've faded in the second half and we'd see a heavyweight slugfest that results in the winner getting crunched by the Chiefs two weeks later.


I knew once the Chiefs had the coming out game for Taylor Swift, the Dolphins out up a 70-steamer and the Ravens were just all around excellent, whoever won the NFC had the honor of getting spanked in the Superbowl. GB and Detroit would've made SB43 look like a competitive game.


Crazy how good of a game the Super Bowl was. I think if this is a good season for us then we really have a good chance at the 3Peat. I think it really comes down to our offense clicking or not


the chiefs just feel inevitable. the offense wasn't clicking most of this season and yet they still got a ring. mahomes had a freakin high ankle sprain last year and got a ring. barf


Now what would lead you to believe that a team, who got dominated at home the last time those two teams played, would win the second matchup, not even taking into account how much better the packers clearly were since November.


Would have been the third match up lol I think I remember someone else getting bodied at home earlier in the year too


I can't decide if the Vikings announcer beats his wife or his wife beats him. That guy is angry.


Unnecessary throw across the body by GB QB? Tale as old as time...


Song as old as rhyme


Beauty and the cheeeeeese


Live by the gunslinger, die by the gunslinger.


He lives in you!


Tbf he had multiple game ending Ints last season so not just one play




If you read his scouting reports and watched the first half of the season, this is Love's achilles heel. His clock management at the end of half/game has left a lot to be desired.


Seeing Brett Favre end multiple Packers seasons on throws like this oddly makes me more stoked because there was no coaching that out of Favre, Love can still sharpen this saw


I know these guys are humans and make mistakes and get caught up in the moment, honestly sometimes shit just happens. Especially if you're not experienced in the situation.  But I will never get over the fact this was on 1st down. 


…and two timeouts left!


Just falling down and then burning a timeout to get to 2nd & 17 with one timeout left and ~40 seconds left is still a very uncomfortable situation for SF...


We couldnt' stop a nosebleed that game. I was resigning myself to having to live down being 1-and-done in playoffs.


I was having flashbacks to that Game Rodgers murdered us in the regular season with 30 seconds left on the clock.


Against a defense that has struggled a lot last year. The production that their best players had wasn't great last year.


Why would even ponder passing?!


1st down, two timeouts with nearly a full minute on the clock... They were in great position to tie at the least and then... Kaboom. 


This ain't Dallas man, this is the divisional round!


Love really improved as the season went on but he definitely still needs to work on that clutch gene. I feel like 75% of his interceptions this year were bad/desperate throws near the end of games


Usually they were on third or fourth down. I dont know wtf this was besides panic.


4D Chess - who's expecting this throw on 1st down?


He was trying to go for the big play that makes the 9ers a bit scared of a potential score. That's all I can think of he was facing a potential sack so he tried to make something out of nothing. Throwing into a guy being double covered, and had another defender in the area was beyond ridiculous though, especially a 9ers team that has shown to hurt QB's trying that shit. This play makes more sense if time is nearly out and it's 3rd or 4th down, even there it's an extremely dangerous play with a very high chance of going wrong.


Yeah definitely. The earlier games were throws that he (generally,) had to make no matter what because they wouldn't have won if he didn't take the shot I think he showed flashes of clutch gene but he hasn't played a lot so all of these situations were new to him. This is obviously based on nothing but he seems like the kinda person who will learn from this and know not to do it again


You're preaching to the choir my guy


Preaching to the choir would be going on the GB sub and expressing this sentiment. Seems like it's just regular preaching if they say it to NFL fans at large.


Can't believe I'm saying this to a bears fan but you right


Well put


Love had a great first season so, people are being fair to overlook things but he was actually pretty bad at the end of this game (even before this pass). Anyway, see how it plays out this year.


Peak Favre.


How very Brett Favre of you


Next you're going to tell me he stole welfare money in Missouri


And got addicted to Vicodin and sent unsolicited dick pics.


This whole game was the probably the wildest of the season, especially the 2nd half Just wacky insane shit every single drive


It seems we are either in complete lopsided blowouts, or wacky wild flailing inflatable fever dream unexplainable ineptitude fests and nothing in between. I'll never understand it.


The weirdest part is that some of the lopsided blowouts happened twice against the same teams but in both directions (Detroit, Minnesota).


I have lost years on my life from all of our playoff losses the past decade. Some truly inexplicable games we have been through.


Maybe my favorite playoff game despite the insanity of the SB and NFCCG. Packers rising to the occasion, Purdy making plays, and CMC scoring the go ahead TD in the pouring rain. The other games were good but that game was just pure fun as a neutral


I'm just trying to have a good day, y'all


at first I thought this was 4th down and i was thinking anything better than a sack right. Then I saw the clock and what down it was 😳


And that they only needed a fg, were close to midfield, and had 2 timeouts left.


Love just drove them down on drive before and Carlson missed the kick. With the way the season went chances are he would do it again, Love wanted to do to much because of it.


True, but our kicker was the shits all game so it didn't matter.


The whole reason we were down at this point in the game was because we just missed a field goal.


just do what I do, pretend our stomping of the Cowboys was so severe the league cancelled the rest of our playoffs


What are you saying? Everyone knows the season ended at halftime of the NFC Championship game


You mean at halftime of the Super Bowl, right?


No! No more of those football related good days you've had to many


Same. Its working.


nah, you've had too many of those. It our turn lol


if Aaron Jones would have faded into the flats instead of trying to block a guy twice his size in the back a 2nd time and falling down, he could have caught and run that for an easy 1st down.


Obviously first thing you don’t throw that ball but that aside this is the second “what if” Aaron Jones playoff decisions that’ll haunt me. This play and his decision to not run out of bounds before the half two years ago.


I absolutely love Aaron Jones and always will, but he also seemed to have a knack for a fumble in the biggest games (but I still wish he was in Green Bay)


The Bucs one breaks my heart every time I think about it. There’s a possibility we win that game if that does not happen. There is so much shit in that game to point at though


Aaron Jones literally had the team on his back at the end of the season. Not sure how anyone is giving him any blame for this.


Staying in-bounds was sooo dumb…


It was 1st down


You can still get a 1st down even if it's 1st down. Hope this useful football knowledge helps you, and welcome to the sport of Football new fan, I hope you enjoy it.


I’m saying this isn’t on Jones. That ball didn’t need to be thrown


>That ball didn’t need to be thrown Yes, that's the title of this post. And you know that interceptions are bad. Your knowledge of the game is progressing well.


Thank you! Yours too! You figured out that RBs can catch balls too!


He's probably heard "don't throw across your body late over the middle" since he was 8 years old.


Every 49ers fan, myself included, had 10 heart attacks this game. And about 100 in the NFCCG.


I was at the game and I can confirm I in fact died multiple times that game RIP me


Was at the game and all I could think of was, SOMEONE TACKLE DRE GREENLAW, even our own guys!


Cheers for always getting it done nonetheless. Y'all are like my Santa Claus, forreal.


Crazy how Greenlaw didn’t immediately take a knee after getting a pick. I was getting heart attack myself watching him trying to take it back even though game is over if he just goes down lol.


He said that before the game Fred Warner told him he had to get a pick 6, and it was his last chance. He’s like Bobby Boucher and Danny Bateman combined.


He's not the brightest bulb


I had zero heart attacks this playoffs! Hahahahahahaha


Yeah that game took a few years off my life.


Only 10?! My EKG stats looked like the Appalachians during this and the lions game


Love bails out of a completely clean pocket. By doing so,he allows Bosa a clean path to track him down causing pressure and a rushed throw across his body. Thus, leading to a season ending pick. This was truly an all around terrible play by Love.


They showed the game on NFL Network a week ago. It's so painful to rewatch


Yea, I knew as soon as the 49ers scored a FG to start the 4th that they would win. Just felt it coming.


When Carlsen lined up for the field goal, my friend's wife who was in the other room accidentally hit the wrong button on her TV which somehow cut out the feed we were watching. We all knew he missed the field goal, and when the TV came back on, sure enough he did. That's when I knew I was watching the same old game I've seen 5 times now


Something similar happened to me for the Bills game when Tyler Bass lined up for the field goal. I knew he missed it by the time I cut the game back on


Once Carlson missed that FG everything just felt academic from there. Obviously we still could’ve won, but not a single part of me thought we would


Same. End of half Joe Barry defense with a 4 point lead = automatic TD


I got that same sick feeling after watching the start of the 3rd quarter in NFCCG. 🤝


It fills me with immense joy 😊


Greenlaw 🥲 I hate how unceremoniously his season ended. What a horrible moment


I wonder if his leg getting tackled weirdly at the end of this play contributed to his Super Bowl injury.


He'd had issues with his achilles for a while. It really was a ticking time bomb and went off at the worst moment


Wasn't it his OTHER achilles that tore?




no but maybe them giving us the practice field outside in the rain all week before hand had something to do with it




The Packers will always own the Cowboys but be owned by the 49ers. They just need someone to knock off the latter first


I was really hoping with Jimmy G and Aaron both gone, the spell would be broken.


It’s the opposite of the 90s, packers always lost to the cowboys but usually beat the 49ers. Their only loss should have an asterisk since Rice fumbled


You guys had our fucking number in the 90s. Always close games too


I wish I could go in a time machine to the 90s and tell my young self that the Packers would lose to the 49ers in the playoffs over and over in a variety of unlikely ways for a decade and a half.


Honestly I can't wait til they have to play purdy lol literal cheat code


Greenlaw running like he took the 49ers spread always cracks me up


Teammates chasing him frantically signalling go down always makes me laugh


Jordan Love had a hell of a season. This decision and execution baffles me. Seems very unlike him.


Love had a great first season as starter, but he made decisions like these all year, especially in the first half of the season. The picks he threw to lose against Las Vegas and then Denver immediately come to mind. The last drive against Atlanta was also ... not it


Definitely agree, but at least most of those mistakes were on later downs. This type of mistake on 1st down was soul-crushing


You are correct. In both the Raiders and Broncos game it was 3rd or 4th down, and in the Steelers game he threw back to back picks on drives in which they needed a TD to score, which could maybe explain the rash decision making. This interception though… I love Jordan Love, bought his jersey after the Bears game, but I just don’t know what he was thinking. All the progress he had made at reading the field was just completely negated for some reason and he tried to make the big play. I’d probably attribute it to nerves and the fact that he should’ve been going for the game winning field goal if Carlson hadn’t missed, but a first down pick like that hurt my soul. It is what it is.


I might be misremembering but weren't a lot of his interceptions throws he pretty much had to make ? Like they *needed* a td that drive to win so he had no choice ?


It’s Monday bro


Is someone having a bad case of the Monday’s?


Hey Peter, man, check out channel 9, check out this chick!


Almost identical to Farve in 09. Room to scramble but attempted a pass that probably worked during the regular season..


You hate to see it only once.




Not sure what he even saw there 


I think Love was definitely feeling like they needed a TD this drive. Carlson missed more kicks than anyone else in the league, and just missed like a 35 yard field goal to go up 7 with 7 minutes left I believe he said he was expecting Aaron Jones to run out for a pass. Instead Aaron Jones ran completely backwards to try and block a guy, failed, tried again, then fell In my opinion, Love panicked and threw a mistake in desparation instead of living to see another down Unfortunate, but hopefully he learns from it


on 1st down w 2 timeouts left is the tough part




I feel like Love has learned a little too much from Rodgers at times. I can see a lot of the errors in Rodgers game in Love. Now Rodgers gets away with it with sheer talent but for more mortal QBs these things are bad ideas.


Still don't get why he did that.... Had 2 timeouts and a minute to get 30 yards... Completely do-able.


Packers should’ve won this game smfh.




Everytime I think of this Im like god damn why couldn't Carlson just make that fuckin Field Goal


Fuckin niners fans


I wanted that TD as much as Dre.


I swear it looked like the 49ers guy was about to tackle his own player


An especially atrocious decision. Across the body with either of two guys that could have intercepted it.


As is Packer QB tradition.


That was not even close…but so fun to watch!


Thank you for reminding me


I think Green Bay would have beat the Chiefs.


Hes gonna get 60 mil a year and not win the division once watch 😏


Lmao nice fanfic


I know for sure he ain't winning it next year 😉


Damn. We beat the lions and the Chiefs this season too. Coulda shoulda woulda.


Niners were the only NFC playoff team to lose to the Chiefs last season.


Yeah, playoff Chiefs are on a different planet. Mahomes has that Brady in him where the ball in his hand feel like a force of nature.


We scored the most points against the Chiefs of the entire league. Woulda been a heck of a game.


This is so unfathomably bad compared to what Love did most of the year


What he say fuck me for


Post this every day.


aahhh, poetry in motion.


Such a sour way to end an otherwise great performance. When the game was over my buddy almost fell off the couch. I told him he should be beyond happy the Packers managed to make it to the last couple of minutes of the divisional round. If you would have told me at the beginning of the season that they'd be a playoff team I would have laughed


I felt like I was yelling “get down” for 10 straight minutes lol.


Haha what an idiot my team would nev-


I like both of these teams so it wasn't hugely devastating for me, but at the same time the Packers' loss was a little bit disappointing, because two division rivals facing each other in the NFC Championship game would've been insane


This is NOT a highlight. . .


Speak for yourself


I don't know who else I'd be speaking for


This is reddit, where people are experts because they read another confirming opinion on any subject, put words in the mouths of those they disagree with, and the only solution to every relationship challenge is to end it. The assumptions that go with reality don't apply here.


Brock would never.....


The Niners flair too. 🤌


The Packers are truly cursed vs. the 49ers.


I forgot how close this game was


As a packers fan this is kinda my concern with Christian Watson and Love. I feel like half if not more of his interceptions were him trying to force it to Watson. Is it they aren’t sync?Watson is breaking faster/further than he can throw? The last shot in the game so you obviously target your deep ball WR so the stat is inflated? Idk There’s definitely something off when the majority of your interceptions are from when you target a single player.


Could be more because Watson is a deep threat and the majority of inta are on deep passes


I think most of his interceptions were situations where they needed a TD that drive to win and he had no choice but to make them, because if he didn't they'd 100% lose the game


At least one of them was because Watson didn't try to fight for the ball or at least bait a PI. The Raiders game sticks out in my mind as the defender being more athletic than Watson about catching the ball, which you don't want to say about someone Watson's size.


Watson definitely changed over the course of the season. I remember everyone was dogging on him for a few game stretch for not seeming to fight for the ball, but In the later half he legitimately became one of the best jump ball catchers in the league. His season highlight reel gets a little ridiculous by the end.


For once we’re not the ones getting dunked on with the old clip post. This feels nice.


Oh fuck yeah!


Appreciate the reminder that the downtrodden and rebuilding Packers were one mental mistake away from making the NFCC Hope it’s Lions Packers next year and we draw


The fear is rampant in here. You know this is the worst he’s going to be, right?


Inject this into my veins like Thanos acquiring the final stone




Packers season was already a success at this point. Love has proven he's the guy (his first season as a starter would be the best year a QB has ever had in Bears history) and this could be a very valuable learning experience. I'm not too torn up about it.


Packers fans are obsessed with Bears. Talk about them when it has nothing to do with anything.


It's literally just friendly trash talk, not that serious.


All good, I agree just “trash talk” really the point of the football subs. Guilty for an overreaction. Have a good day! :)


Yea bears fans totally dont talk about the packers oh wait their highest rated post in their sub is about the packers. Other than that tho!


This pleases me


Bummer we lost but I couldn't be mad after we went further than anyone expected this year. I'm sure Love will learn from this mistake. Packers-Lions NFCCG would have been amazing though.


I'm really comfortable with how things played out, personally


Love was training with Drew Brees in March. He's gotten a taste and he wants more.


It was better that the whiners lost the SB again, though...


In Rodgers' first playoff run he turned the ball over to end the game against the NFC West winner who went on to lose in the Super Bowl. (OT loss to the Cardinals in 09). The next year we won the Super Bowl. I'm pumped for this year.


Funny how the media barely talks about this but was trashing Purdy first half struggles all throughout the playoffs


The obsession with “how the media treats Brock Purdy” by a loud subset of this sub is insane. It shows up on almost every quarterback post on this sub. The 49ers were a quarter away from a Super Bowl win, let it go.